State-run daily charges death row Christian pastor with rape and extortion in the face of international outrage

Fars state-run News Agency: Yusef Narderkhani’s charges are ‘multiple counts of rape and extortion’.
Western media have used the case of a rapist and extortionist in the province of Gilan as a pretext to claim that the Iranian Judiciary has sentenced to death a person who has left Islam and has become a ‘priest’.
This is while according to information from informed sources, this person named Yusef Narderkhani has been sentenced to this punishment [death] on charges of carrying out violent crimes such multiple counts of rape and extortion and this has no links to the issue of him leaving his religion. (Fars state-run News Agency – Oct. 1, 2011)

Lawyer for Iran pastor expects verdict within days
The lawyer for Yusef Nadarkhani, an Iranian pastor facing possible capital punishment for apostasy, said a verdict was expected from Saturday and denied rumours that his client had been handed a death sentence.
‘I am waiting for a verdict from Saturday,' Mohammad Ali Dadkhah told AFP on Thursday.
The judiciary chief of northern Gilan province, where Nadarkhani lives, also denied that a death penalty verdict had been issued against the pastor, Iran's English-language Press TV reported on its website.
‘There has been no execution order ... It is up to the court to finally decide the verdict after studying his case,' Mohammad Javad Heshmati was quoted as saying.
‘Yusef Nadarkhani has been charged with a crime and is in a prison based on an arrest warrant issued against him,' Heshmati said, without elaborating.
Nadarkhani, now 32, converted from Islam to Christianity at the age of 19 and became pastor of a small evangelical community called the Church of Iran.
He was arrested in October 2009 and condemned to death for apostasy under Islamic sharia law, which allows for such verdicts to be overturned if the convicted person 'repents' and renounces his conversion.
After his conviction was upheld by an appeals court in Gilan province in September 2010, Nadarkhani turned to the supreme court.
In July, the supreme court overturned the death sentence and sent the case back to the court in his hometown of Rasht, in Gilan province...
On September 30, Gilan's deputy governor general said Nadarkhani should not face the death penalty for apostasy, but also referred for the first time to 'security crimes' allegedly committed by the pastor whom he labelled as 'Zionist’.
However, Nadarkhani's lawyer has stressed that the trial of the pastor in the Rasht court focused only on the charge of apostasy, and no other Iranian officials have so far spoken publicly about the case.
The deputy governor general's remarks came one day after the pastor's lawyer told AFP he was optimistic that his client had 'convinced' the court and would be freed despite refusing to repent. (AFP – Oct. 6, 2011)

نقض حقوق اقليتهاي مذهبي و قومي

اتهام "يوسف نادرخاني" تجاوزهاي مکرر و اخاذي‌ است

خبرگزاري فارس: اتهام "يوسف نادرخاني" تجاوزهاي مکرر و اخاذي‌ است

رسانه‌هاي غربي با دستاويز قرار دادن پرونده يک متجاوز و اخاذ در استان گيلان مدعي شدند که دستگاه قضايي ايران يک فرد را که از دين اسلام خارج شده و به اصطلاح خودشان کشيش شده، به اعدام محکوم کرده‌ است.

اين در حالي است که اطلاعات به دست آمده توسط منابع آگاه نشان مي‌دهد اين فرد به نام يوسف نادرخاني به اتهام انجام جرايم خشن مانند تجاوز و اخاذي‌هاي متعدد به اين مجازات محکوم شده است و اساسا اين موضوع هيچ ارتباطي با مسئله خروج وي از دين ندارد. (فارس- 9/7/90)

وکيل کشيش ايراني ظرف چند روزآينده منتظر اعلام حکم وي مي‌باشد

وکيل يوسف ندرخاني، کشيش ايراني که با مجازات احتمالي اعدام به‌خاطر ارتداد مواجه است، گفت از روز شنبه درانتظار حکم بوده است و شايعاتي را که به موکل وي حکم اعدام داده شده است را انکار کرد.

روزپنجشنبه محمدعلي دادخواه به خبرگزاري فرانسه گفت، ”من از روز شنبه در انتظار حکم مي‌باشم ”.

تلويزيون انگليسي زبان ايران، پرس.تي.وي بر روي وب سايت خود گفت، رئيس قوه قضاييه استان شمالي. جايي که ندرخاني زندگي مي‌کند نيز انکار کرد که حکم اعدام عليه اين کشيش صادر شده باشد.

از محمد جواد حشمتي نقل‌قول شد که، ”هيچ فرمان اعدامي صادر نشده است، اين امر در نهايت به دادگاه بستگي دارد که بعد از مطالعه اين پرونده در مورد اين حکم تصميم بگيرد “. (خبرگزاري فرانسه- 14/7/1390)


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