Systematic violations of the right to life
Executions, arbitrary killings, deaths in custody, and death sentences
Iran secretly hangs RGC opponent along with 12 people in Shiraz
A dissident pilot in the Revolutionary Guards Corps was secretly hanged on January 16. This was sent to us by one of the personnel of the RGC Air Base in Shiraz. This report reads in part:
“Simultaneous with the execution of a number of robbers and troublemakers in Shiraz on January 16, 2012, we were surprised to be informed that one of the religious and very respectable pilots of the Shiraz RGC Airbase [Rahmatollah Heidari son of Hossein] was secretly hanged in Shiraz Prison along with these people”. (Azarbaijan News Agency – Jan. 22, 2012)
Death sentence
Iran upholds death sentence for two Kurd political prisoners
According to human rights sources, two Kurd prisoners identified as Loqman and Zaniar Moradi were previously sentenced to public hanging on charges of enmity with God and killing the son of the head of the Marivan Friday Prayers by the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Salavati. Rajayi Prison officials verbally announced to them in the past few days that their sentence had been upheld by the Supreme Court.
“Last week, officials of the Rajayi Shahr Prison told these two Kurd prisoners that their sentences were upheld in the Supreme Court”, this source said.
“Loqman Moradi confirmed this report in a short phone call to his family and said that he was shocked from the news and in light of the fact that he had not received a written confirmation, hoped that [this was only a measure] to intimidate him”, the source added.
This source said that the lawyer of these two political prisoners had expressed surprise over the news and had told their families that the sentence had not been officially announced to him and that he would go to Tehran to pursue the case next week. (Student Committee in Defense of Political Prisoners, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran – Jan. 25, 2012)
Iran to hang two young men in public in Bushehr
The head of the Bushehr Judiciary said that in the near future, the perpetrators of the incident in the town of Abpakhsh will be publicly hanged.
According to the Public Relations Office of the Bushehr Judiciary, Heidar Bohrani said, “The case of the perpetrators of the Abpakhsh incident was pursued in a special way in the Bushehr courts and currently, with the verdict of the penal court, both criminals were sentenced to public hanging in the place of the incident and after the appeals process which led to the confirmations of the Supreme Court, the sentence will be carried out”...
“In the past two months, five public hangings were carried out in the Province of Bushehr in the towns of Jam, Dashtestan and Gonaveh to teach others a lesson”, Bohrani added. (ISNA – Jan. 25, 2012)
نقض سيستماتيك بر امر حق زيستن
اعدام و محكوم به اعدام
جمهوري اسلامي يک خلبان
ناراضي سپاه را مخفيانه اعدام کرد
خبرگزاري آذربايجان
: خلبان سپاهي ناراضي مخفيانه در ۲۶ ديماه به شهادت رسيد،اين مطلبي است که دقايقي قبل
توسط يکي از پرسنل ميهن دوست پايگاه هوايي سپاه در شيراز به دستمان رسيد.متن ارسالي
بدين شرح است :
همزمان با اعدام چندين
نفر از سارقان و اشرار در روز ۲۶ ديماه ۱۳۹۰ در شيراز، با خبر شديم که در کمال تعجب
و ناباوري يکي از خلبانان مذهبي، متدين ، صديق، فهميده و بسيار محترم پايگاه هوايي
سپاه در شيراز (رحمت الله حيدري فرزند حسين) نيز همزمان با اين افراد با استفاده از شرايط خبري
و در خفا (در زندان شيراز) به دار آويخته شده است. (خبرگزاري آذربايجان – 2/11/90)
حكم اعدام
تائيد حکم اعدام دو
زنداني سياسي کُرد: لقمان و زانيار مرادي
منبع ياد شده به کمپين
بين المللي حقوق بشر در ايران گفت: « هفته گذشته مسئولين زنداني رجايي شهر کرج به صورت
شفاهي به اين دو زنداني سياسي کُرد اعلام کردهاند که حکم آنان در ديوان عالي کشور
تائيد شده است. لقمان مرادي در طي چند روز گذشته طي تماس کوتاه با خانواده ضمن تائيد
اين خبر اعلام کرده است که از شنيدن اين خبر شوکه شده است و با توجه به اينکه به صورت
کتبي ابلاغ حکم صورت نپذيرفته است اميدوار است که تنها جنبه رعب و وحشت داشته باشد.»
وي افزود که وکيل اين
دو زنداني سياسي نيز از اعلام چنين خبري ابراز تعجب کرده و به خانواده اين زندانيان
اعلام کرده که به صورت رسمي موضوع تائيد حکم به وي ابلاغ نشده است و وي طي روزهاي هفته
آينده براي پيگيري وضعيت رسيدگي به پروند در ديوان عالي کشور به تهران سفر خواهد کرد.
(كميته دانشجويي دفاع از زندانيان سياسي – 5/11/90)
عاملان حادثه «آبپخش»
بوشهر در ملاء عام اعدام ميشوند
رييس کل دادگستري استان
بوشهر از اعدام در ملاء عام عاملان حادثه دلخراش و تاسف انگيز شهرستان آبپخش استان
بوشهر در آيندهاي نزديك خبر داد.
به گزارش ايسنا و به
نقل از روابط عمومي دادگستري استان بوشهر، حيدر بحراني افزود: پروندهي عاملان حادثه
آبپخش به طور ويژه در محاکم قضايي استان بوشهر پيگيري و هم اکنون با راي دادگاه کيفري
استان هردو متهم، محکوم به قصاص درملاء عام درمحل وقوع حادثه شده که پس ازسير مراحل
تجديد نظر و تاييد ديوانعالي کشور به زودي اين حكم اجراء خواهد شد...
بحراني همچنين گفت: در دو ماه اخير پنج قصاص در ملاء
عام در استان بوشهر در شهرستان هاي جم، دشتستان و گناوه براي عبرت آموزي انجام شده
است. (ايسنا – 5/11/90)
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