Systematic violations of the right to life
Executions, arbitrary killings, deaths in custody, and death sentences
Iran hangs man in public in Shahre Kord
According to reports, an infamous drug dealer in Rasht was executed at 8:30 am on Tuesday in public after years of selling narcotics. The Social Assistant of the Gilan State Security Forces Commander announced that ‘Mohammad-Reza Tal, known as Reza Tal, was arrested... in April 2010’. (ISNA state-run News Agency – Dec. 13, 2011)
According to reports, a person [Kianoush Sh.K.G] was hanged in public with the presence of the Shahre Kord Prosecutor, a group of judicial and security officials and a large number of the people of Shahre Kord on charges of carrying out a kidnapping and rape.
The Shahre Kord Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor, Ahmad-Reza Bahrami, stressed that the Judiciary will deal seriously with criminals and law breakers.
“The issued sentence in the province’s Penal Court was upheld in the 31st branch of the Supreme Court after the convict filed for an appeal and the sentence was carried out with the approval of the head of the Judiciary after due process. (ISNA state-run News Agency – Dec. 11, 2011)
Man hanged in public despite being in critical condition
The public execution for a prisoner was carried out on the dawn of Saturday December 11 in the Danesh Square in Shahre Kord even while the prisoner needed urgent medical attention.
According to state-run media, a prisoner identified as Kianoush Sh. who had cut his wrists a few minutes before his execution was hanged in public despite heavily bleeding.
He reportedly cut his vein with the sharp edge of his handcuffs.
Notably, in a handful of cases, the Iranian security system gives sedatives to prisoners before carrying out the death sentence to prevent such incidents. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 16, 2011)
Iran publicly hangs two men in Fars Province
The death sentence for two people convicted of kidnapping and rape was carried out in public on Tuesday morning in the town of Rostam in the Fars Province.
According to reports, the convicts who were identified as Samer R. and Hossein M. carried out a kidnapping and rape in May of this year and after their arrest, they were sentenced to death in the 6th branch of the Penal Court in the town of Kazroun in the fastest possible time...
After their death sentences were upheld in the 9th branch of the Supreme Court, the agreement of the head of the Judiciary and after their requests for amnesty were turned down by the Judiciary Amnesty Commission, these two [men] were hanged in public with the presence of judiciary and security officials and a large number of people from the town of Rostam.
Rostam is located in the west of Fars Province, 160 kilometers from Shiraz. (ISNA state-run News Agency – Dec. 13, 2011)
Iran publicly hangs man in Rasht
According to reports, an infamous drug dealer in Rasht was executed at 8:30 am on Tuesday in public after years of selling narcotics. The Social Assistant of the Gilan State Security Forces Commander announced that ‘Mohammad-Reza Tal, known as Reza Tal, was arrested... in April 2010’. (ISNA state-run News Agency – Dec. 13, 2011)
Iran hangs prisoner in Aran va Bidgol on drug related charges
A prisoner in the town of Aran va Bidgol was hanged on charges of possessing crack (the term used in Iran for a kind of heroin and not for crack cocaine) and marijuana. The Aram va Bigdel website quoted the State Security Force Commander in this town as saying that ‘this narcotics trafficker who was named Morteza Kh. was arrested by the anti-narcotics police in 2008 on charges of possessing 639 grams of crack and 12 grams of marijuana’.
“Finally, this trafficker was hanged in the courtyard of prison based on a verdict by the Sentence Implementation Unit of this town’s Revolutionary and Penal Court”, Colonel Ali Babayi said. (Aram va Bigdel Town state-run website, Committee of Human Rights Reporters in Iran – Dec. 15, 2011)
Iran: Surge of secret executions for drug offences must end
This year has seen a dramatic rise in the number of people - many impoverished - who are executed for drug offences in Iran, Amnesty International said today in a new report.
In the 44-page Addicted to Death: Executions for Drug Offences in Iran the organization finds that at least 488 people have been executed for alleged drug offences so far in 2011, a nearly threefold increase on the 2009 figures, when Amnesty International recorded at least 166 executions for similar offences.
In total Amnesty International has recorded some 600 executions reported by both official and unofficial sources this year, with drug offences accounting for about 81% of the total. The organization called on the Iranian authorities to end the use of the death penalty against those accused of drug offences.
‘To try to contain their immense drug problem, the Iranian authorities have carried out a killing spree of staggering proportions, when there is no evidence that execution prevents drug smuggling any more effectively than imprisonment' said Amnesty International's Interim Middle East and North Africa Deputy Director Ann Harrison.
‘Drug offences go much of the way to accounting for the steep rise in executions we have seen in the last 18 months. Ultimately Iran must abolish the death penalty for all crimes, but stopping the practice of executing drug offenders, which violates international law, would as a first step cut the overall number significantly’.
Amnesty International said that during the middle of 2010, it began to receive credible reports that a new wave of executions for drug offences was taking place. These included reports of secret mass executions at Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad, with one - on 4 August 2010 - involving over 89 individuals.
The Iranian authorities officially acknowledged 253 executions in 2010, of which 172 were for drug offences - almost 68% of the total - but Amnesty International received credible reports of a further 300 executions, the vast majority believed to be for drug-related offences.
In almost all cases executions have followed grossly unfair trials and the families and lawyers of those accused have often received little or no warning that executions were due to take place. Members of marginalized groups - including impoverished communities, ethnic minorities that suffer discrimination, and foreign nationals, particularly Afghans - are most at risk of execution for drugs offences.
Mohammad Jangali, a 38 year old trainee truck driver from the Kouresunni minority - a small community of Sunnis from the mainly Shi'a Azerbaijani minority - was executed on 10 October 2011 after the truck he was driving was found with drugs in it near Oroumieh in 2008. He is believed to have signed a coerced 'confession' prepared by the Ministry of Intelligence after he was tortured.
His family were given no information about the case by the authorities until they were contacted by the prison to say that he would be executed in eight hours and they should come now if they wanted to see him. He maintained until his death that he had not known that the truck contained drugs.
Amnesty International said there may be as many as 4000 Afghan nationals on death row for drugs offences. They appear to be particularly poorly treated by the justice system.
The organization said it had received reports of some Afghans who have been executed without being brought to trial at all, and only learnt of their impending executions from prison authorities.
Amnesty International continues to hear of executions of juvenile offenders for alleged drug-related offences, despite Iranian officials claiming that these are no long taking place.
Iran has the fourth highest rate of drug-related deaths in the world, at 91 per 1 million people aged 15-64, and is a major international transit route for drug smuggling. In recent years Iran has received international assistance, including from several European countries and the United Nations, to help stem the flow of drugs across its borders...
‘All countries and international organizations helping the Iranian authorities arrest more people for alleged drugs offences need to take a long hard look at the potential impact of that assistance and what they could do to stop this surge of executions,' said Ann Harrison.
‘They cannot simply look the other way while hundreds of impoverished people are killed each year without fair trials, many only learning their fates a few hours before their deaths’. (Amnesty International – Dec. 15, 2011)
نقض سيستماتيك بر امر حق زيستن
اعدام و محكوم به اعدام
به گزارش ايسنا،
صبح امروز حکم اعدام فردي (کيانوش ش.ک.گ) که اقدام به آدم ربايي و تجاوز به عنف
کرده بود با حضور دادستان شهرکرد، جمعي از مسوولان قضايي و انتظامي و عدهي کثيري
از مردم شهرکرد در ملاء عام به اجرا درآمد.
احمدرضا بهرامي،
دادستان دادسراي عمومي و انقلاب شهرکرد در جريان اجراي اين حکم با تاکيد بر اين
نکته که قوه قضاييه با جديت با مجرمين و افراد قانون شکن برخورد ميکند، افزود:
راي صادره در دادگاه کيفري استان پس از اعتراض متهم، در شعبه 31 ديوان عالي کشور
تائيد و با موافقت رييس قوه قضاييه و رعايت تشريفات قانوني در ملاء عام به اجرا
درآمد. (خبرگزاري ايسنا (رژيم)- 20/9/1390)
اجراي حکم اعدام يک
زنداني عليرغم شرايط وخيم جسمي
خبرگزاري هرانا - حکم
اعدام يک زنداني در سحرگاه روز شنبه بيستم آذرماه سال جاري، در ميدان دانش شهرکرد
در حالي به اجرا در آمده است، که وي احتياج مبرم به مداواي پزشکي داشت.
بر اساس گزارش رسانههاي
دولتي، يک زنداني با هويت "کيانوش.ش" که دقايقي قبل از اعدام اقدام به خودزني
کرده بوده، عليرغم خونريزي شديد از راه حل آويز در ملاءعام اعدام شد.
گفته ميشود وي به
وسيلهي لبهي تيز دستبدش، اقدام به پاره کردن رگ دستش نموده بود.
لازم به ذکر است که
دستگاه امنيتي در پارهاي از مواقع براي جلوگيري از رويدادهاي مشابه، به افراد متهم
به مجازات مرگ قبل از اجراي حکم داروهاي آرام بخش ميدهد. (هرانا – 25/9/90)
درپي اجراي حکم متجاوزان
به عنف در شهرستان رستم، /رييس دادگستري شهرستان رستم: اين پرونده سريعترين رسيدگي
را داشت
حکم اعدام دو نفر از
متهمان به آدمربايي و تجاوز به عنف صبح روز سهشنبه (22آذر) در شهرستان رستم استان
فارس در ملأعام به اجرا درآمد.
به گزارش ايسنا ،
متهمان اين پرونده «سامر. ر» و «حسين. م» ارديبهشت امسال با اقدام به آدمربايي و آسيب
حيثيتي و تجاوز به عنف تحت تعقيب قرار گرفته که پس از دستگيري در سريعترين زمان ممکن
در شعبه ششم دادگاه کيفري استان واقع در شهرستان کازرون رسيدگي و احکام اعدام اين دو
متهم صادر شد...
اين گزارش حاکي است،
پس از تأييد حکم اعدام اين متهمان در شعبه نهم ديوانعالي کشور و استيذان رئيس قوه
قضاييه و رد شدن تقاضاي عفو اين افراد در کميسيون عفو و بخشودگي قوه قضاييه اين دو
متهم صبح امروز با حضور مسئولان قضايي و انتظامي و جمع کثيري از مردم شهرستان رستم
در ملأعام بدار مجازات آويخته شدند...
شهرستان رستم غرب استان
فارس و در فاصله 160 کيلومتري شيراز واقع است. (خبرگزاري ايسنا (رژيم)- 22/9/1390)
«رضا تال» اعدام شد
معاونت اجتماعي فرمانده
انتظامي استان گيلان در اين باره اعلام كرد: محمدرضا تال معروف به «رضا تال» در فروردين
ماه سال 89 .. دستگير شد. (ايسنا – 22/9/90)
اعدام يک زنداني در
زندان آران و بيدگل
يک زنداني در آران
و بيدگل به جرم حمل و نگهداري کراک و حشيش با حکم قضايي به دار مجازات آويخته شد.
پورتال شهرستان آران
و بيدگل به نقل از فرمانده انتظامي شهرستان گزارش داده سات که «اين قاچاقچي که «مرتضي-خ»
نام دارد در سال ۱۳۸۷ به جرم حمل و نگهداري ۶۳۹ گرم کراک و ۱۲ گرم حشيش توسط پليس مبارزه
با مواد مخدر اين فرماندهي دستگير شده بود.
سرهنگ علي بابايي افزود:
سرانجام اين قاچاقچي براساس حکم دايره اجراي احکام کيفري دادسراي عمومي انقلاب شهرستان
در محوطه زندان به دار مجازات آويخته شد (رهانا, پورتال شهر آران و بيدگل –
ايران: افزايش اعدامهاي
مخفيانه مجرمين مواد مخدر بايد متوقف شود
امسال يک افزايش چشمگير
در تعداد نفرات اعدام شده بهخاطر جرايم مواد مخدر در ايران وجود داشته است...
اين نهاد متوجه شده
که تاکنون در سال 2011، حداقل 488نفر به ادعاي
جرايم مواد مخدر اعدام شدهاند، که نزديک به سه برابر نسبت به آمار سال 2009 افزايش
يافته است.. ،
عفو بينالملل
از منابع رسمي و غيررسمي براي امسال در مجموع 600 اعدام را ثبت کرده است که
جرايم مواد مخدر 81 درصد کل آمار اعدامها ميباشد. عفو بينالملل از مقامات ايران خواست
تا به استفاده به مجازات مرگ عليهآنهايي که متهم به جرايم مواد مخدر هستند خاتمه دهد...
بهرغم اداي مقامات
ايراني مبني بر اينکه ديگر اعدام نوجوانان صورت نميگيرد، ولي عفو بينالملل هنوز
خبر اعدام مجرمين نوجوان بهخاطر آنچه گفته ميشود جرايم مربوط به مواد مخدر است،
را ميشنود.
ايران مسير ترانزيت
اصلي بينالمللي براي قاچاق مواد مخدر است
و در رابطه با آمار مرگ مربوط به مواد مخدر در جهان در رتبه چهارم قرار دارد و از هر يک ميليون نفر بين سنين
15 تا 64سال تعداد 91نفر در رابطه با مواد مخدر جان خود را از دست ميدهند. (سايت عفو
بينالملل- 24/9/1390)
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