Human Rights Activists in Iran
After Farhad Vakili, a Kurd political prisoner was taken from cellblock 350 to an unknown location last Saturday and hanged along with four other political prisoners on Sunday, political prisoners in cellblock 350 who had lost their cellmate, mourned their loss which led to reaction from the head of this cellblock, Bozorgnia.
According to reports, after this reaction, these 180 political prisoners protested and refused to get food, announcing a hunger strike.
Because of this protest and on orders of the head of Evin Prison, Sedaqat, the process for the disbanding of cellblock 350 has started and political prisoners will once again be transferred to cellblock 7 and 8 in Evin Prison and Gohardasht Prison in Karaj to be put among ordinary criminals.
A prisoner arrested after the presidential elections who was taken to cellblock 8 said in phone call that at least 50 others from 350 were transferred since this morning to cellblock 7 and 8 and Gohardasht Prison in Karaj
After Farhad Vakili, a Kurd political prisoner was taken from cellblock 350 to an unknown location last Saturday and hanged along with four other political prisoners on Sunday, political prisoners in cellblock 350 who had lost their cellmate, mourned their loss which led to reaction from the head of this cellblock, Bozorgnia.
According to reports, after this reaction, these 180 political prisoners protested and refused to get food, announcing a hunger strike.
Because of this protest and on orders of the head of Evin Prison, Sedaqat, the process for the disbanding of cellblock 350 has started and political prisoners will once again be transferred to cellblock 7 and 8 in Evin Prison and Gohardasht Prison in Karaj to be put among ordinary criminals.
A prisoner arrested after the presidential elections who was taken to cellblock 8 said in phone call that at least 50 others from 350 were transferred since this morning to cellblock 7 and 8 and Gohardasht Prison in Karaj
بند 350 زندان اوين منحل شد
پس از آنکه روز شنبه ي گذشته فرهاد وکيلي زنداني سياسي کرد از سالن سياسي بند 350 (زير زمين) به مقصدي نامعلوم انتقال يافته و سپس روز يکشنبه به همراه 4 زنداني سياسي ديگر اعدام گرديد، روز گذشته زندانيان سياسي 350 که هم بند خود را از دست داده بودند اقدام به سوگواري نمودند که اين عمل با واکنش بزرگ نيا، رئيس بند وابسته به وزارت اطلاعات بند 350 مواجه مي شود.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، در پي اين واکنش جمعيت 180 نفري زندانيان سياسي اقدام به اعتراض و تحويل نگرفتن غذا نموده، اعلام اعتصاب غذا مي نمايند.
بر اساس اين اعتراضات و به دستور صداقت رئيس زندان اوين روند انحلال بند سياسي 350 آغاز شده و زندانيان سياسي مجددا به صورت پراکنده در ميان مجرمان عادي، به اندرزگاههاي 7 و 8 زندان اوين و نيز زندان رجايي شهر کرج انتقال مي يابند.
يکي از زندانيان حوادث پس از انتخابات رياست جمهوري دهم که به اندرز گاه 8 انتقال يافته طي تماسي از اين اندرزگاه از انتقال حداقل 50 نفر از بند 350 به اندرز گاههاي 7 و 8 و زندان رجايي شهر از صبح امروز خبر داد. (خبرگزاري هرانا - 21/2/89)
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