Summary of aftermath of execution of 5 poltical prisoners-2

Human Rights Activists in Iran

Iran arrest mother and sister of hanged female political prisoner
Security forces arrested the mother and sister of Shirin Almahouli, a Kurd political activist who was hanged on May 9, 2010. They were arrested on the morning of May 11 in their home in the town of Maku.
According to reports, they did not know about the execution of Shirin as of yesterday evening.

خواهر و مادر شيرين علم‌هولي بازداشت شدند
صبح امروز سه شنبه 21 اردي بهشت ماه، خواهر و مادر شيرين علم هولي، از فعالين سياسي کرد اعدام شده در نوزده اردي بهشت ماه، در منزل شان در ماکو توسط ماموران امنيتي بازداشت شدند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، اين در حالي است که آنها از اعدام شيرين تا عصر ديروز اطلاعي نداشتند. (هرانا – 21/2/89)

Executed political prisoner said he was innocent in letter from prison

Letter written by Ali Heidarian, who was hanged on May 9, 2010 in Evin Prison:
I am Ali Heidarian. I was born on September 23, 1979. I lived in Sanandaj. I was arrested on the evening of August 19, 2006 by a number of plain clothes agents and was taken to an unknown location…
The interrogations started before I was actually charged with a crime. The interrogator had not finished his question when the person next to him put a shocker to the sensitive parts of my body like my face, ears and tip of my fingers and demanded that I answer without even a moment of hesitation. I was forced to answer questions, some of which I did not have time to understand, dozens of times just to prevent the electric shocks.
But this did not satisfy them and the interrogator ordered for them to bring out the whip and take my clothes off. I was stripped and laid on the ground with my hands shackled behind my back. Another person had put his foot on my shoulder and was pushing my hands upwards and I could not make the smallest move. One of them folded the whip to increase the pain and whipped me from head to toe…
Suddenly one of them pinched my nails with the tool in his hand, pressed and pulled out my nail which caused so much pain, incomparable to what I had felt before…
The next day, a medic they trusted came to examine the effects of the torture on my body. He took off my clothes and wrote down a few sentences with shaky hands, a pale complexion and terrified eyes after seeing the injuries and bruises from the flogging, electric shocks and beatings I had received…
The fact that I believed I was innocent and had not carried out any illegal act was the only thing that gave me hope among all my hardships…
After about 18 months of detention, I was summoned to the 30th branch of the Revolutionary Court and in a trial which lasted less than 10 minutes without considering the minimum judicial procedures, I was sentenced to death on charges of membership in the Kurdistan Worker's Party in Turkey. A Party that was founded in Turkey and none of its members had received the death sentence even in their own country. When I asked the judge for evidence for such a charge he answered that the sentences for political cases are issued by security institutions ‘and I just carry out orders’!
This is the story of a death row (prisoner).

رنج نامه علي حيدريان كه در 19 ارديبهشت ناجوانمردانه اعدام شد
من علي حيدريان هستم. در اول مهر ماه سال 1358 در سنندج به دنيا آمدم. ساکن سنندج بودم و در همان شهر زندگي ميکردم.
در سال 1385 در غروب بيست و هشتمين روز مرداد ماه همان سال توسط چند نفر لباس شخصي دستگير شده و به مکاني نامعلوم منتقل شدم...
بازجويي بدون تفهيم هيچ اتهامي شروع شد، هنوز سوال بازجو تمام نشده، شخص کناري با وارد کردن شوک الکتريکي به نقاط حساس بدن مثل صورت، گوش و نوک انگشتان ميخواست که بدون حتي يک ثانيه درنگ به سوالش پاسخ دهم. ده ها بار بوسيله شوک الکتريکي مجبور ميشدم به سوالاتي که حتي بعضي از آنها را متوجه نشده بودم فقط براي در امان ماندن از شوک پاسخ بدهم.
اما اين کارها نيز آنها را ارضا نکرده و بازجو دستور داد تا چوب شلاق را آورده و لباس هايم را از تن دربياورند. بدون لباس و عريان بر روي زمين خوابانده شدم، دستهايم از پشت دستبند زده شده بود. شخص ديگري پايش را روي کتفم گذاشته و دست هايم را به طرف بالا فشار ميداد به گونه اي که نميتوانستم کوچک ترين حرکتي بکنم. يکي از آنها شلاق را براي تشديد درد وارده، دولا کرد و از نوک پا تا فرق سرم را با ضربات سنگين شلاق نوازش ميداد...
ناگهان يکي از آنها با وسيله اي که در دستش بود، ناخن هاي انگشت دست را در ميان آن قرار داده و با فشار بر روي ناخن ها و کشيدن آن به سمت جلو چنان دردي ايجاد ميکرد که تمامي دردهاي قبلي ام در مقابل آن اصلا قابل اهميت نبود...
روز بعد که پزشک مورد اعتمادشان جهت انجام معاينه عمومي و بررسي تاثيرات شکنجه، لباس ها را از تنم در آورد با ديدن جراحات وارده و کبودي هاي ناشي از شلاق و ضربات شوک و مشت و لگد با رنگي پريده و دستاني مرتعش و چشماني وحشت زده، جملاتي را بر روي يک صفحه کاغذ يادداشت کرد ...
اعتقاد به بيگناهي و عدم ارتکاب عملي غير قانوني تنها موضوعي بود که در ميان تمام سختي هاي موجود موجي از مسرت و اميدواري در قلبم ايجاد کرده بود...
با گذشت حدود 18 ماه از تاريخ دستگيري به شعبه 30 دادگاه انقلاب احضار شده و در دادگاهي که کمتر از 10 دقيقه طول کشيد بدون رعايت بديهي ترين اصول آئين دادرسي به اتهام عضويت در حزب کارگران کردستان ترکيه به اعدام محکوم شدم.
حزبي که در ترکيه تاسيس شده و حتي در آن کشور هم براي هيچ يک از اعضاي آن حکم اعدام صادر نشده است، وقتي مستندات و دلايل صدور چنين حکمي را از قاضي دادگاه جويا شديم اينگونه پاسخ داد که احکام پرونده هاي سياسي توسط نهادهاي امنيتي صادر مي شود و من فقط دستور ابلاغ شده را اجرا کردم!
اين است سرگذشت يک محکوم به اعدام

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran
Intelligence agency threatens mother of hanged political prisoner

According to reports, interrogators of the Ministry of Intelligence have subjected the family of Mehdi Islamian (hanged on May 9, 2010 along with four other political prisoners in Evin Prison) to pressure and threats to prevent them from disclosing their plight.
A Ministry of Intelligence interrogator called Mehdi Islamian’s mother on the evening of Sunday May 9, only a few hours after the execution of her son while she was mourning the loss of her loved one at home. He threatened her and said that she was not to answer her telephone and was not to talk to the media and human rights organizations. The interrogator told this mourning mother that she should not call any organization and should not cry over the phone. If someone from Iran or outside of the country calls her, she should not talk and no one else should talk either.
According to this report, Islamian’s mother has still not been able to get the body of her son for burial and has only received empty promises.
Mehdi Islamian was hanged even while his case was still being reviewed and his death sentence has not been confirmed by the court of review. His lawyer, Mr. Bahramian, never received a court order confirming his death sentence from this court. They even denied him a last visit with his mother.
Mehdi Islamian is the second son of this family to be executed. His brother Mohsen Islamian, 21, was hanged in Shiraz in May 2009. Their mother was banned from holding a mourning ceremony for him and she was not even allowed to engrave his real name on his grave.

تهديدات بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات عليه خانواده هاي اعدام شدگان 19 ارديبهشت
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" فشارها و تهديدات بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات عليه خانواده زنده ياد مهدي اسلاميان براي جلوگيري از افشاي جنايتي که بر عليه اين خانواده روا داشته شده است ادامه دارد. .
غروب روز يکشنبه 19 ارديبهشت ماه در حالي که چند ساعتي از اعدام فرزندش نمي گذشت و در سوگ جانکاه دومين جگر گوشه اش نشسته بود و بر عليه اين همه جنايت فرياد بر مي آورد .يکي از بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات در آن شرايط سخت و جانکاه با مادر داغدار مهدي اسلاميان تماس مي گيرد و شروع به تهديد کردن او مي کنند که نبايد به تلفنها پاسخ دهد،نبايد به رسانه و سازمانهاي حقوق بشري از جنايتي که برآنها روا داشته اند حرفي بزند. بازجوي مربوطه به مادر داغدار مهدي اسلاميان گفت:با هيچ ارگاني تماس نداشته باشيد و پشت تلفن گريه نکنيد،اگر کسي از ايران و خارج کشور تماس گرفت نکنه حرف بزنيد،هيچ کس حرف نزند،افکارش ضد نظام بود،حواستون باشه،اصلا با هيچ کس حرف نزنيد،همه چيز تمام شده و همچنين تهديدات مختلف ديگر بر عليه اين خانواده داغدار روا داشته شد.
از طرفي ديگر پيگيري اين مادر داغدار براي گرفتن پيکر فرزندش تا به حال بي نتيجه بوده است و با وعده و وعيد ها مواجه است.
زنده ياد مهدي اسلاميان در حالي اعدام شد که پرونده او هنوز در دادگاه تجديد نظر تحت بررسي بود و حکم اعدام او در دادگاه تجديد نظر تاييد نشده بود. وکيل او آقاي بهراميان که پرونده وي را پيگيري مي کرد هيچ حکمي دال بر تاييد حکم اعدام او در دادگاه تجديد نظر دريافت نکرده بود.همچنين خانواده و زنده ياد مهدي اسلاميان هيچ اطلاعي مبني بر تاييد حکم اعدام در دادگاه تجديد نظر نداشتند.آنها حتي آخرين ديدار را از مادر دردمندش سلب کردند.
لازم به يادآوري است مهدي اسلاميان دومين فرزند اين خانواده است که اعدام مي شود محسن اسلاميان 21 ساله در ارديبهشت ماه 1388 در شيراز اعدام شد. مادرآنها از برگزاري مراسم عزاداري منع شد و حتي به او اجازه داده نشد که نام واقعي فرزندش محسن بر آرامگاهش نوشته شود و ناچار بود نام ديگري بر آرامگاه او بنويسد. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 21/2/89)

Committee of Human Rights Reporters
Amnesty condemns Iran hanging of militants
Amnesty International on Tuesday condemned Iran's execution of five militants, saying they had not received fair trials and that some of them had been tortured.
‘We condemn these executions which were carried out without any prior warning. Despite the serious accusations against them, the five were denied fair trials. Three of the defendants were tortured and two forced to confess' under duress,' Malcolm Smart, director for the Middle East and North Africa, said in a statement.
‘They were then executed in violation of Iranian law, which requires the authorities to notify prisoners' lawyers in advance before carrying out executions,' Smart added.
On Sunday, Iran executed the five after convicting them of bombing government offices and a gas pipeline to Turkey.
The five included a Kurdish woman, Shirin Alamhouli, and four others identified as Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heidarian, Farhad Vakili and Mehdi Eslamian…
Smart said 'these latest executions appear to be a blatant attempt to intimidate members of the Kurdish minority and other critics and opponents of the government in the runup' to the June 12 anniversary of last year's disputed presidential election,' Smart said. (AFP May 11, 2010)

Death row teacher confessed under duress
Abdolreza Qanbari was arrested in his home in Pakdasht on January 4, 2010 and was taken to Evin Prison’s notorious cellblock 209.
He was forced to sign a confession in ‘constant’ interrogations while under ‘pressure’. He was only allowed to answer yes or no to his interrogator’s questions. This is while according to those close to this political prisoner he was in Pakdasht on Ashura (December 27, 2009) and a number of his neighbors have born witness to this…
Hamid Babayi, his lawyer, has not been able to examine his case after going to the court in Evin Prison two times and this is while according to previous arrangements, a trial was held for him in the 36th branch of the review court headed by Zargar on April 27.
Abdolreza Qanbari was a university professor, an employer of the Education Ministry and the author of five books…
He is currently in cellblock 350 along with Rasoul Bodaghi, Omid-Ali Mehrnia and Mohammad Davari, three other teachers.
After promises given to Qanbari regarding his release from prison, he was summoned before his initial court session was to be held (Jan. 29, 2010) and was encouraged to give an interview in the presence of Prosecutor Dolat Abadi, Judge Salavati and his interrogator. This political prisoner was told that ‘reading this text is in your favor and will lead to your release’.
The next day (Jan. 30, 2010), after the interview in front of the camera, the initial trial was held and he was sentenced to death.

عفو بين الملل اعدام 5 فعال مبارز را محكوم كرد
عفو بين الملل روز سهشنبه اعدام 5 فعال مبارز را محكوم كرد و گفت آنها از دادگاه منصفانهاي برخوردار نبوده و بعضي از آنها شكنجه شده بودند.
مالكوم اسمارت Malcolm Smart مدير قسمت خاورميانه و آفريقاي شمالي سازمان عفو بينالملل طي بيانيهاي گفت ” ما اين اعدامها را كه بدون اطلاع قبلي صورت گرفته, محكوم ميكنيم. به رغم اتهامات جدي عليه آنها, اين 5 نفر از محاكمه عادلانهاي برخوردار نبودند. 3 نفر از آنها شكنجه شده و از دو نفر ديگر نيز تحت فشار اعتراف گرفته شده بود ”....
پنج نفر اعدام شده شامل يك زن كرد به نام شيرين علم هولي و چهار نفر ديگر به نامهاي فرزاد كمانگير, علي حيدريان, فرهاد وكيلي و مهدي اسلاميان معرفي شدهاند....
مالكوم اسمارت مدير قسمت خاورميانه عفو بين الملل گفت ” اعدام هاي اخير بنظر ميرسد تلاش پر سر وصدائي براي مرعوب ساختن اعضاي اقليت كردي و منتقدين و مخالفان اين دولت در روزهاي باقيمانده ” براي سالگرد انتخابات بحث برانگيز رياست جمهوري سال قبل باشد.... (خبرگزاري فرانسه- 21/2/89)


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