Iranian regime opens new Kahrizak death camp

Mehdi Khazali, the son of Ayatollah Khazali claimed in an open letter to Larijani, the head of Iran's Judiciary, that a new Kahrizak detention center had been opened and is active under the name of 'Surosh 111'.
In this letter which was also posted in Mehdi Khazali's personal website, he requested that this issue be looked into. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 2, 2010)
(Note: The Kahrizak Detention Center which was originally used for so-called troublemakers arrested by the Iranian regime was used as a detention center for protesters after the elections. There were many reports on the inhumane treatment of detainees and horrid conditions in Kahrizak which resembled Nazi death camps. After a number of people were killed under torture, namely the son of a former Iranian official, the detention center was reportedly closed.)

بازداشتگاه کهريزک با نام جديد فعال شد! مهدي خزعلي فرزند آيت الله خزعلي با ارسال نامه اي سرگشاده به آيت الله آملي لاريجاني رييس قوه قضاييه مدعي شد که بازداشتگاه کهريزک با نام "سروش ۱۱۱" مجددا راه اندازي شده و به فعاليت خود ادامه مي دهد.
وي در اين نامه که در وبسايت شخصي اش هم منتشر شد خواستار پيگيري ماجرا و صحت و سقم موضوع شد. (هرانا – 12/2/89)


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