On the morning of Wednesday February 10, agents of the Ministry of Intelligence in Semnan stormed the home of Seyed Zuhor Nabavi, 51, while he was asleep and arrested him. This attack was carried out under the command of Erfani, the head interrogator of the Intelligence Agency and two other agents. Seyed Nabavi was taken to the central Semnan prison and thrown in a solitary cell.
These agents also searched his home and confiscated his computer and other personal belongings. These agents used abusive treatment against Nabavi and his family and threatened his wife with arrest. Seyed Zuhor Nabavi was a former political prisoner in the 80's. He was sentenced to four years of prison for writing a series of articles in the Sarzamin-e Ariayi Magazine and was released after two years and 8 months in November 11, 2009 because of international pressure.
Agents of this agency also stormed the home of Ali Nabavi on February 9 in Qom and arrested his wife Mehri Nabavi who is a housewife and mother. She was detained in the Intelligence Detention Center. Ali Nabavi was detained before this in this detention center.
Intelligence agents summoned at least three other members of this family in Semnan to the Intelligence Agency and interrogated and threatened them for more than 12 hours. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Feb. 13, 2010)


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