The German-based International Committee Against Stoning said Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is to be executed today.

"The authorities in Tehran have given the go-ahead to Tabriz prison for the execution of Iran stoning case," the group says on its website.

"It has been reported that she is to be executed this Wednesday, November 3."

Foreign Office minister Alistair Burt called Iran's charge d'affaires in London to ask if the report was accurate.

But the Tehran diplomat was unable to confirm or deny the claim, the Foreign Office said.

Mr Burt said in a statement: "I took the opportunity to remind him the UK Government would regard the execution of Ms Ashtiani as utterly unacceptable."

Ms Ashtiani's case has provoked a worldwide outcry with leading political and religious figures condemning her original sentence as medieval and barbaric.

Brazil, a close ally of Iran, has offered to give the 43-year-old mother of two asylum.

In September, officials said Ms Ashtiani's adultery conviction was under review, but she still faced a charge of being complicit in her husband's murder.

Iranian television had previously aired an interview with a woman it said was Ms Ashtiani admitting to a relationship with a man who then killed her husband.

The International Committee Against Stoning called the TV show "toxic propaganda".

The case has worsened relations between Iran and the West, already strained by a dispute over Tehran's nuclear programme.

According to Amnesty International, Iran is second only to China in the number of executions it carries out. It put to death at least 346 people in 2008

Young driver in coma after being hit on head by security agent


On Friday at about 6 pm one of the personnel of the State Security Forces in the Gashki Base in Kamyaran threw a large stone at a young Kurd man which led to a brain concussion.
According to reports, Parviz Qorbani from the village of Bezush in Kamyaran was a driver who carried tomatoes from the fields in this area. When he was passing by the Gashki Base, a security agent threw a large stone at his head under the pretext that he did not stop his car.
This young Kurd man is currently in a coma in a hospital ICU.

پرتاب سنگ از سوي نيروي انتظامي يک جوان کرد را به کما فرو برد
روز جمعه حوالي ساعت 6 بعدازظهر يکي از پرسنل نيروي انتظامي در پاسگاه گشکي از توابع کامياران با پرتاب يک سنگ بزرگ به سوي يک جوان کرد، موجب ضربه مغزي وي شد.
بنابه اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، پرويز قرباني اهل روستاي بزوش از توابع کامياران، راننده يک ماشين باري از نوع سايپا که مخصوص حمل گوجه فرنگي مزارع اين مناطق بوده در هنگام عبور از مقابل پاسگاه انتظامي کشگي، يکي از پرسنل اين پاسگاه به بهانه عدم توقف ماشين به سوي اين راننده در حال حرکت سنگ بزرگي پرتاب مي کند، که بر اثر برخورد اين سنگ با سر راننده وي دچار خونريزي مغزي شده است.
اين جوان کرد در طي دو روز گذشته در بخش مراقبتهاي ويژه بيمارستان در حال کما بسر مي برد. (هرانا – 9/8/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran

A prisoner in the Central Orumieh Prison was sentenced to the inhumane sentence of amputation by branch 102 of the Public Orumieh Court.
According to reports, the sentence for the amputation of four right hand fingers of Seifoddin Salehi from Baneh on charges of armed robbery was issued.
This 60 year old prison has been detained in the Orumieh Central Prison for three years now.

صدور حکم قطع يد براي يکي از زندانيان محبوس در زندان مرکزي اروميه
يکي از زندانيان محبوس در زندان مرکزي اروميه از سوي شعبه 102 دادگاه عمومي اروميه با حکم غيرانساني قطع دست مواجه شده است.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، مسئولان حکم قطع 4 انگشت دست راست صيف الدين صالحي، زنداني اهل بانه را به اتهام "سرقت مسلحانه" صادر کرده اند.
اين زنداني که شصت سال سن دارد، بيش از 3 سال است که در زندان مرکزي اروميه محبوس مي باشد. (هرانا – 9/8/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran, ILNA state-run News Agency

The Iran Medical Sciences University was shut down not upon the suggestion of medical science universities, students or the Ministry of Hygiene and Sanitation but with the announcement of the Human Advisor of the Presidential Office which was a great shock to students in this university.
Students of the nursing and obstetrician schools gathered in protest in the campus of this university after hearing that their university had been disbanded. Riot police have surrounded the central university building located in the Hemat Highway in Tehran.

پليس ضدشورش ساختمان دانشگاه منحل شده‌ي علوم پزشکي ايران را محاصره کرد
دانشگاه علوم پزشكي ايران نه با پيشنهاد دانشگاه‌هاي علوم پزشكي، دانشجويان و وزارت بهداشت بلكه با ابلاغيه معاونت انساني رياست‌جمهوري منحل شد كه اين اتفاق شوک بزرگي را به دانشجويان اين دانشگاه وارد كرده است.
دانشجويان دانشكده پرستاري و مامايي دانشگاه علوم پزشكي ايران صبح امروز يکشنبه با شنيدن انحلال دانشكده‌اي كه در آن تحصيل مي‌كنند، در محوطه اين دانشگاه تحصن كرده‌اند. به گزارش فرارو، نيروهاي پليس ضد شورش نيز اطراف ساختمان مرکزي دانشگاه منحل شده‌ي علوم پزشکي ايران، واقع در بزرگراه همت، را به محاصره در آورده‌اند. (هرانا – 9/8/89)
Committee of Human Rights Reporters

Twenty three prisoners convicted of possessing narcotics were hanged in secret without the knowledge or presence of their lawyers and families and without their own prior knowledge.
In the ongoing process of the execution of hundreds of narcotics convicts in Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad, 23 people were hanged in two rounds of executions on October 5 and October 12.
According to this report, on October 5, 13 prisoners and on October 12, 10 prisoners were hanged in a mass execution without prior announcement. These executions are carried out without following the official rules of the Islamic Republic of Iran and due process. A number of former prisoners in this prison have said that these hanged convicts were forced to confess under pressure and torture.
The executed prisoners were gathered from their cellblocks only a few hours before their execution and were taken to the execution hallway which is on the entrance of the visiting hall and were hanged in one row.

ادامه اعدام هاي دسته‌جمعي و مخفيانه درمشهد:
اعدام مخفيانه ۲۳ متهم ديگر زندان وکيل‌آباد مشهد در مهرماه ۸۹
۲۳ تن ديگر از متهمين به حمل و نگهداري مواد مخدر بدون اطلاع و حضور وکلا و خانواده‌هاي‌شان و حتي بدون اطلاع قبلي خود متهمين، به‌صورت مخفيانه در وکيل‌آباد مشهد اعدام شده‌اند.
به گزارش کمپين بين المللي حقوق بشر در ايران، درادامه اعدام‌هاي‌ گسترده، دسته‌جمعي و مخفيانه صدها متهم به حمل و نگهداري مواد مخدر در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد، در دو نوبت اعدام در تاريخ هاي ۱۳ و ۲۰ مهر ۱۳۸۹ در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد اجرا شده است که در اين دو نوبت جمعا ۲۳ زنداني، اعدام شده‌اند.
بر اساس اين گزارش، در روز سيزدهم مهر ۱۳ نفر و بيستم مهر ۱۰ نفر در اين زندان به صورت گروهي و بدون اعلام قبلي اعدام شده‌اند. اين اعدام‌ها نيز بدون رعايت قوانين رسمي جمهوري اسلامي و بدون رعايت آيين دادرسي عادلانه اجرا شده است. هم‌چنين تعدادي از زندانيان سابق اين زندان از اخذ اعتراف از اين متهمان تحت شکنجه وفشار خبر داده‌اند.
افراد اعدامي تنها چند ساعت قبل از اعدام از بندهاي مختلف زندان وکيل آباد مشهد جمع‌آوري شده و به راهرو اعدام در ورودي سالن ملاقات هاي اين زندان منتقل و در يک رديف اعدام شده‌اند. ( رهانا – 8/8/89)
Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, Tehran Prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolat Abadi and his deputy Reshteh Ahmadi have been putting pressure on and threatening normal female prisoners for having contacts with political prisoners.

In the past few days, 27 year old Raheleh Zakayi, who is detained in Evin Prison was taken to Evin Court for having contacts with political female prisoners in this prison and was interrogated and threatened for several hours. She was threatened that fresh criminal records would be made against her. A person by the name of Reshteh Ahmadi who introduced himself as the Tehran Prosecutor Deputy accused her of having contacts with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran and propagating against the government. The Tehran Prosecutor also told Zakayi that she was a monafeqh (meaning hypocrite used by the regime to address PMOI members and supporters).

Zakayi has been interrogated three times, each time for several hours.
She was arrested in 2002 by agents of the Intelligence Agency while she was a 19 year old mother of a one year old child along with her father and her maternal uncles. She was detained for six months in a solitary cell in the State Security Forces Intelligence Center in Mashhad where she was under mental and physical pressure and torture.
Father was tortured in front of daughter and daughter in front of father so that they would confess to participating in an armed robbery. She was banned from seeing her child and family in this time.

She was trialed after 6 months of solitary cell by Judge Qarouni in the 19th branch of the Mashhad Court and was sentenced to 4 years of prison. She was then transferred to Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad and was detained in the drug addicts’ cellblock, which is one of the most dangerous cellblocks in prison, instead of being sent to a cellblock for younger prisoners.

Raheleh was treated violently in that cellblock and became an addict herself. She was near the end of her prison term when she was tried again and sentenced to 8 years of prison. She was sent to the Sabzevar Prison after serving her four years of prison and was jailed there for one year. This young prisoner was then transferred to Evin Prison where she made contacts with political prisoners and quit narcotics with their help.
After her relationship with political prisoners increased she was sent to Khorin Prison in Varamin which resembles Kahrizak Detention Center because of its inhumane conditions and was transferred back to Evin after a year.

Raheleh Zakayi continued her relationship with political prisoners in Evin Prison after she came back. She was separated from them and was isolated and sent to cellblock 3 in this prison.

Her child who was one years old when his/her mother was arrested is now 9 but is deprived of a birth certificate and identification documents and lives without a legal identity. He/she has problems in going to school but the judiciary prevents his/her legal problems from being solved.

پرونده سازي عليه زنان زنداني که با زندانيان سياسي زن در ارتباط هستند
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" تهديد به پرونده سازي وتحت فشار قرار دادن زندانيان عادي زن به دليل داشتن ارتباط با زندانيان سياسي توسط عباس جعفري دولت آبادي و معاون وي رشته احمدي صورت مي گيرد.
در طي چند روز گذشته خانم راحله زکايي 27 ساله يکي از زندانيان بند زنان زندان اوين به دليل داشتن ارتباط با زنداني سياسي زن زندان اوين به دادسراي اوين برده شد و چندين ساعت مورد بازجويي و تهديد به پرونده سازي قرار شد. او توسط فردي بنام رشته احمدي که خود را معاون دادستان معرفي مي کرد با اتهام داشتن ارتباط با سازمان مجاهدين و به دليل تبليغ عليه نظام عليه وي پرونده سازي نمودد.عباس جعفري دولت آبادي دادستان تهران خطاب به خانم زکايي گفت : تو همان منافقي هستي که مي گويند.خانم زکايي تا به حال 3 بار مورد بازجويي قرار گرفته است و هر بار اين بازجويي ها چندين ساعت ادامه داشته است.
زنداني راحله زکايي در سال 1381 در حالي که 19 سال سن داشت و فرزند او 1 ساله بود توسط مامورين اطلاعات نيروي انتظامي مشهد همراه با پدر و دائيهايش دستگير شد. او 6 ماه در سلولهاي انفرادي اطلاعات نيروي انتظامي مشهد در بازداشت بسرد و تحت شکنجه هاي جسمي و روحي آنها قرار گرفت براي گرفتن اعتراف از آنها پدرش را مقابل وي و وي را مقابل پدرش مورد شکنجه قرار مي دادند تا آنها را وادار به اعتراف شرکت در سرقت مسلحانه نمايند.. خانم زکايي در طي مدت بازداشت از ملاقات با فرزند يک ساله اش و خانواده محروم بود.
خانم راحله زکايي پس از 6 ماه انفرادي در اطلاعات نيروي انتظامي توسط قاضي قاروني رئيس شعبه 19 دادگاه مشهد مورد محاکمه قرار گرفت و به 4 سال زندان محکوم شد . سپس او را از زندان اطلاعات نيروي انتظامي به زندان وکيل آباد مشهد منتقل کردند و بجاي اينکه او را به بند جوانان منتقل نمايند وي را به بند معتادين منتقل کردند که يکي از بدترين بندها مي باشد. او در آنجا مورد خشونتهاي زيادي قرار گرفت و در آن شرايط به اعتياد رو آورد.خانم زکايي در آستانه پايان يافتن محکوميت خود بود که دوباره مورد محاکمه قرار گرفت و به 8 سال زندان محکوم شد.او پس از سپري کردن 4 سال مدت محکوميتش در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد به زندان سبزوار تبعيد شد و به مدت يک سال درآنجا زنداني بود . پس از آن او را به زندان اوين تبعيد نمودند.
خانم زکايي در بند زنان زندان اوين با زندانيان سياسي در ارتباط قرار گرفت و با کمک آنها اقدام به ترک اعتياد نمود.پس از ترک اعتياد و گسترش يافتن ارتباط او با زندانيان سياسي او را از زندان اوين به زندان خورين ورامين منتقل کردند که شرايطي همانند زندان کهريزک را دارا است. او به مدت 1 سال در آنجا در بازداشت بسر برد و بعد از يک سال او را مجددا به زندان اوين منتقل کردند.
زنداني راحله زکايي پس از بازگشت از زندان مخوف خورين ورامين به زندان اوين ارتباط خود را با زندانيان سياسي بيشتر نمود.زندانبانان اين بار او را ازکنار زندانيان سياسي جدا کرده و به بند 3 زنان که يک بند ايزوله است منتقل نمودند.
فرزند خانم زکايي که هنگام بازداشت مادرش يک ساله بود در حال حاضر 9 ساله است ولي از داشتن شناسنامه محروم است و هنوز فرزند وي بدون هويت قانوني زندگي مي کند و براي رفتن به مدرسه با مشکلات جدي مواجه است. اما قوه قضاييه مانع حل مشکل فرزند خانم زکايي مي شود. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 8/8/89)

Committee of Human Right Reporters

Payam Heidar Qazvini was expelled from university and was banned from continuing his education in all universities for three years.
Qazvini, who was in his last semester in the International Khomeini University in Qazvin, is the former head of a reformist student association in this university. His expulsion sentence, which was recently issued by the University Review Committee, is the heaviest sentence that has been issued in this university after the events of the 2009 presidential elections.
This is while this student activist was banned from entering this university since last semester and had not even gone to university for the last 9 months.
Payam Heidar Qazvini had been arrested twice in post-election events by security forces in Qazvin and is currently waiting for his court sentence.

اخراج يک فعال دانشجويي دانشگاه قزوين
پيام حيدر قزويني با حکم قطعي «اخراج و سه سال محروميت از تحصيل در کليه دانشگاه ها » اخراج شد
پيام حيدر قزويني،دانشجوي ترم آخر دانشگاه بين المللي امام خميني قزوين ودبير سابق تشکل اصلاح طلب اين دانشگاه،با حکم قطعي «اخراج و سه سال محروميت از تحصيل در کليه دانشگاه ها » از ادامه تحصيل محروم شد.اين حکم که به تازگي و توسط کميته تجديد نظر دانشگاه صادر گشته است،سنگين ترين حکمي است که تا به حال در دانشگاه بين المللي قزوين ودر پي حوادث پس از انتخابات خرداد۸۸ صادر گشته است.
اين در حاليست که اين فعال دانشجويي از ترم گذشته ممنوع الورود گشته بود و بيش از ۹ ماه است که در دانشگاه حضوري نداشته است.
اين فعال دانشجويي در جريان حوادث پس از انتخابات دو بار توسط نيروهاي امنيتي استان قزوين بازداشت شده بود که هم اينک در انتظار صدور حکم دادگاه خويش مي باشد. (رهانا – 6/8/89)

Human rights activist Parisa Kakayi was sentenced to six years of prison by the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Pir Abbasi.
She was sentenced to five years of prison for ‘assembling and conspiring with the intention of disrupting national security’ and one year of prison for ‘propagating against the government’.
According to reports, her trial was held on October 18.
Kakayi was arrested on January 1, 2010 after being summoned to the Intelligence Agency and was released from Evin Prion on February 17

پريسا کاکايي به شش سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد
پريسا کاکايي، فعال حقوق بشر از سوي شعبه ۲۶ دادگاه انقلاب به رياست پيرعباسي به شش سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد.
پريسا کاکايي، به اتهام «اجتماع و تباني به قصد برهم زدن امنيت ملي» به پنج سال و به اتهام «تبليغ عليه نظام» به يک سال حبس محکوم شده است.
به گزارش کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر، دادگاه اين فعال زنان و کودکان ۲۶ مهرماه برگزار شد.
پريسا کاکايي، ۱۱ دي‌‌ماه سال گذشته پس از احضار به دفتر پيگيري وزارت اطلاعات بازداشت و ۲۸ بهمن‌ماه از زندان اوين آزاد شد. (رهانا – 6/8/89)
Fars state-run News Agency

The head of the Azarbaijan security police said that 3,829 people were arrested this year for various charges including ‘participating in mixed gender camping trips’.
The head of the Public Security Police in Western Azarbaijan said that this year 3,829 people were arrested for having what he called ‘public manifestations of corruption’.
“These people who were arrested for the reason I mentioned mostly committed crimes such as participating in mixed camping trips, being active in gangs smuggling narcotics and satellite equipment, and bothering women on the streets”, he said.
“These criminals were arrested so that criminal cases could be made for them and so that could get to the roots of this issue”.

دستگيري بيش از سه‌هزار نفر به اتهام اخلال در نظم عمومي در آذربايجان

رئيس پليس امنيت عمومي آذربايجان از دستگيري ۳ هزار و ۸۲۹ نفر تحت عنوان جرائم مختلفي اعم از «شرکت در اردوهاي مختلط» در سال جاري خبر داد.
رئيس پليس امنيت عمومي آذربايجان غربي گفت: در سال جاري ۳ هزار و ۸۲۹ نفر به خاطر آنچه که داشتن «مصداق مظاهر علني فساد» خواند، در آذربايجان غربي دستگير شدند.
وي تصريح کرد: اين افراد که در سال جاري با عنوان مذکور دستگير شدند اغلب جرايمي از قبيل «شرکت در اردو‌هاي مختلط»، «فعاليت در باند قاچاق‌ مواد مخدر و ماهواره»، «ايجاد مزاحمت براي نواميس در معابر به عبارتي ارتکاب مزاحمت خياباني» مرتکب شدند از اين رو متخلفان مذکور براي تشکيل پرونده همچنين ريشه‌يابي موضوع دستگيرشدند. (فارس, رهانا – 5/8/89)


In an attack against prisoners in cellblock 4 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, political prisoner Mohammad Ali Mansouri was thrown in a solitary cell.
According to reports in line with the plan to deal with the letters and statements written by prisoners, the prison guards raided cellblock 4 in Gohardasht Prison and conducted a search of all the prisoners’ personal belongings. In this search, Mansouri’s diary was seized and he was transferred to a solitary cell in the Sepah Cellblock.
Ali Mansouri was arrested on September 2, 2009 and was sentenced to 17 years of prison for having contacts to a dissident group.

انتقال محمد علي منصوري به سلول انفرادي
در يورش روز گذشته گارد زندان به بند 4 زندان گوهردشت محمدي علي منصوري زنداني سياسي به سلول انفرادي منتقل شد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، در راستاي برخورد با نامه ها و بيانيه هاي زندانيان روز گذشته گارد زندان بصورت غير منتظره به بند 4 زندان گوهردشت کرج يورش برده و کليه لوازم زندانيان را مورد تفتيش قرار داده و ضمن ضبط دفتر خاطرات محمد علي منصوري وي را به سلول هاي انفرادي بند سپاه منتقل نمودند.
محمد علي منصوري که در 11 شهريور ماه سال گذشته بازداشت شده است به اتهام ارتباط با گروه هاي معاند نظام به 17 سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شده است. (هرانا – 5/8/89)

In an attack against prisoners in cellblock 4 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, political prisoner Mohammad Ali Mansouri was thrown in a solitary cell.
According to reports in line with the plan to deal with the letters and statements written by prisoners, the prison guards raided cellblock 4 in Gohardasht Prison and conducted a search of all the prisoners’ personal belongings. In this search, Mansouri’s diary was seized and he was transferred to a solitary cell in the Sepah Cellblock.
Ali Mansouri was arrested on September 2, 2009 and was sentenced to 17 years of prison for having contacts to a dissident group

انتقال محمد علي منصوري به سلول انفرادي
در يورش روز گذشته گارد زندان به بند 4 زندان گوهردشت محمدي علي منصوري زنداني سياسي به سلول انفرادي منتقل شد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، در راستاي برخورد با نامه ها و بيانيه هاي زندانيان روز گذشته گارد زندان بصورت غير منتظره به بند 4 زندان گوهردشت کرج يورش برده و کليه لوازم زندانيان را مورد تفتيش قرار داده و ضمن ضبط دفتر خاطرات محمد علي منصوري وي را به سلول هاي انفرادي بند سپاه منتقل نمودند.
محمد علي منصوري که در 11 شهريور ماه سال گذشته بازداشت شده است به اتهام ارتباط با گروه هاي معاند نظام به 17 سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شده است. (هرانا – 5/8/89)

Ms. Baniyaghoub was detained a week after the elections along with her husband Bahman Ahmadi Amouyee and was released on bail 2 months later.

According to RadioFarda, she was charged with anti-regime propaganda similar to many other post-election detainees.

She has received several international prizes such as Courage in Journalism Award, Freedom of Speech Award and the Best Blogger Prize of the Reporters without Borders.


The 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court presided by Judge Moghiseh has sentenced Mahsa Amrabadi to the maximum sentence for anti-regime propaganda through reports and interviews.

According to Aftab, Amrabadi was detained in June of last year after the presidential elections and was later released on a $200,000 bail. She was charged with anti-regime propaganda and insulting the president. She was acquitted from the latter charge.

Masoud Bastani, her husband, has been in detention for the past year and the court has sentenced him to 6 years in prison and fined him $36,000.

Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki was told that he has been sentenced to 15 years in jail. This announcement was made to him without the presence of his lawyers or the presiding judge Pir Abbasi, by Mr. Sattari, the court clerk in charge of the Revolutionary Court’s Branch number 26, who forced Ronaghi-Maleki to sign and accept the rendered sentence.

Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki (a.k.a Babak Khorramdin) was arrested along with his brother Hassan Ronaghi-Maleki on the December 13th, 2009 in the city of Malekan near Tabriz and transferred to Evin prison. According to RAHANA, during his 10 months in prison, Ronaghi- Maleki, a web blogger and human rights activist was exposed to both physical and psychological torture at Evin’s ward 2A, with the hope to obtain a forced confession and television interview.

As a result of Ronaghi-Maleki’s refusal to confess to the crimes published in Keyhan newspaper this past March, interrogators and the judges in charge of his case file increased pressure on this web blogger keeping him in solitary confinement under the supervision of the IRGC forces. His brother Hassan Ronaghi-Maleki was released on 75,000 USD bail, after one month incarceration and enduring extreme torture. During his time in jail he was repeatedly taken to interrogation rooms together with his brother. Hassan was repeatedly beaten and mistreated in order to force his brother Hossein into cooperation.

The following is an account of the illegal and arbitrary actions of the judicial authorities in the Islamic Revolutionary Court with regards to Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki and his case file in the past month that culminated in a heavy 15 year prison sentence. On October 2010, Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki was taken to Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court and without the presence of his lawyers sentence to 15 years in prison.

On Monday Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki contacted his home and informed his family that
he had been taken to court with out the presence of his lawyers or judge Pir
Abbasi, the judge presiding over his case. Hossein stated that Mr. Sattari, the
court clerk was present and informed Hossein that he should have been sentenced
to death and that indeed he had initially been given the death sentence, but the
judiciary officials decided to change the verdict to a prison sentence instead.
In his telephone conversation with his family Ronaghi-Maleki added: “Mr.
Sattari, did not allow for my lawyer to be present and said that I need to
dismiss my lawyer if I don’t want to be punished even further. After rendering
the sentence, he beat me, pressured me and forced me to sign the court document.
He didn’t even allow me to read the sentence and forced me to sign it without
reading out the verdict to me. Things are so bad nowadays that the court clerk
has the power to act independently. It is truly regretful.” Ronaghi- Maleki’s
sentence was handed down without presenting any evidence of the supposed crimes
he was accused of. It looks as though mere accusations and false information
presented by the IRGC were sufficient to sentence this innocent web blogger.
Moreover, Mr. Sattari the court clerk incharge of branch 26 of the Revolutionary
Court stated: “Since Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki has not accepted the charges he has
been accused of and has refused to give an interview and confess to his crimes,
we decided to give him an even harsher sentence. Had he confessed to his crimes,
his sentence would have been reduced.” Sattari had previously told
Ronaghi-Maleki’s mother that “Hossein should have been executed but we gave him
a break!”

After spending 10 months in solitary confinement and enduring
extensive pressure and torture by prison guards, Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki was
initially taken to branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court on August 15th, presided
by Judge Pir Abbasi. On that day a 28,000 USD bail was set for his release.
Though Ronaghi-Maleki’s family provided the court with the bail amount and the
bail was recorded by the court, Ronaghi-Maleki was nevertheless still not
released from prison. When his family approached branch 26 of the Revolutionary
Court, they were informed by Mr. Sattari that the bail had been denied and that
his prison sentence had been extended until September 18th, 2010. When Hossein’s
family inquired as to the reason behind this decision, Mr. Sattari responded
that the IRGC had sent them a letter requesting that bail be denied and that a
prison sentence be reinstated instead. Mr. Sattari had added that a report from
the city of Malekan’s Intelligence office had also been received, calling for
the cancellation of Ronaghi-Maleki’s bail and the reinstatement of the prison
sentence. In addition, Sattari stated that the Malekan city council had also
filed a report against Ronaghi-Maleki and his father and as such he would have
to remain in custody. After bail was canceled and a prison sentence reinstated,
Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki was once again taken to Branch 26 of the Revolutionary
Court on August 21st presided by Judge Pir Abbasi. His lawyer, Mr. Dadkhah was
present on that day and presented an official complaint to the court about the
illegal nature in which bail had been denied and a jail sentence reinstated.
Even though, his lawyer Mr. Dadkhah presented this legal complaint to branch 26,
unfortunately on September 15th, it became evident that the written complaint
filed by Ronaghi-Maleki and his lawyer had been removed from his case file. On
this same date, Ronaghi-Maleki told Judge Pir Abbasi: “I endured extreme
physical pain and torture at the hands of my interrogators. They pressured me
and tortured me in order to force me to accept the false accusations.”

Judge Pir Abbasi’s response to Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki was as
follows: “The interrogators did as they were told. We gave them the orders to
torture you. You deserved it and we will continue to tell them to torture you.”
It was around the same time that Hossein’s mother contacted Mr. Sattari the
legal clerk at Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court and complained about the
torture both his son Hassan and Hossein had endured at the hands of the
interrogators. In response to her complaint, Mr. Sattari had said: “We can
torture or kill anyone we want to and no one has the right to complain, or say
anything to us!”

The individuals who have put extreme pressure on
Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki and his family in the past 10 months, seeking to inflict
an heavier sentence that 15 years prison for Ronaghi-Maleki are as follows:
Judge Pir Abbasi, the judge presiding over branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court,
Mr. Sattari, the court clerk and head of branch 26, his brother who was one of
Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki’s interrogators, a person by the name of “Eslami” in
charge of the Revolutionary Court’s archives, Parviz Sohrabi, Intelligence
Officer, Parviz Alipour, commander of the Maragheh Information and resident of
Malekan. The unjust acts committed by these individuals include the arrest of
Hassan Ronaghi-Maleki, Hossein’s brother, who was beaten so severely that there
were injuries to his neck and spine, threats to arrest his other family members
including his father, demanding a multi million Touman bribe in order to release
Ronaghi-Maleki, to name a few. It is also worth mentioning that the 15 year
sentence handed down to Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki has not yet been officially
communicated to his lawyers.


On Tuesday, the security forces raided the Gohardasht Prison and transferred Mohamamd Ali Manosuri to an unknown location after searching the prisoners.

According to the reports received by RAHANA, there is a possibility that he has been transferred to the solitary confinement unit of Ward 1 of the Gohardasht Prison and there are concerns that he may be under pressure and torture.

He was detained on September 2, 2009. For the first 3 months of his detention, he was held under psychological and physical pressure in solitary confinement and was banned from telephone calls or prison visits with his family.

His trial was held after 10 months and he was tried for Moharebeh (waging war against God). After one year of imprisonment, he was sentenced to 17 years in prison and exile to the Rajaei Shahr Prison


The Appeals Court had upheld the 33 month imprisonment sentence and the 75 lashes for Ashura detainee Seyyed Navid Kamran last week.

According to JARS, Judge Pirabbas, the presiding judge of the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court, had issued the verdict. Kamran was informed of the court’s decision after being summoned to the Shahid Moghaddas Prosecutor’s Office a few days ago.

He was charged with conspiracy and participating in gatherings in order to commit crimes against national security, and disturbing the public order. During last year’s presidential elections, Kamran was an activist for the website of “Association of Mousavi Supporters.” The group’s name was later changed to the “Association of Green Movement Supporters.”


Hadi Hakim-Shafaei, a post- election detainee, has been sentenced to 3 years in prison for insulting the Supreme Leader and acting against national security by the 2nd branch of the Revolutionary Court.

According to JARS, the 4th branch of the Northern Khorasan Appeals Court presided by Judge Pirzargari acquitted him from acting against national security and reduced the sentence to one year in prison.

According to the summons order, he will be transferred to the Bojnourd Prison in 3 days.


Baha’i citizen Farid Rohani who was detained following the Ashura protests, has been summoned to the Revolutionary Court on December 11th.

According to the Committee of Human Rights Reporters, Rohani was detained on December 3rd along with a number of other Baha’i citizens and was temporary released on bail on February 28th. He had been confined in Evin Prison for the first 10 days of his detention and was subsequently transferred to the Rajaei Shahr Prison.

His charges include acting against national security, blasphemy, disturbing public order and supplying propaganda material for foreigners.

His workplace has been confiscated since his release. It seems that the Intelligence Ministry has ordered the action.
Farsi text from kalameh website

The dissolution of Iran's University of Medical Sciences was a great shock to all the students attending this university. Upon hearing the news students from the Nursing & Midwifery School gathered this morning in order to protest the dissolution of their university.
Considering the implosion state of the Iranian regime specially after International sanctions imposed on the hierarchy of the regime (Iranian revolutionary guards and top officials) and the fear spreading amongst suppressive ranks of the near future of the regime, such acts are under way and are considered as a gesture of resistance under different pretexts.

دانشجویان علوم پزشکی ایران در اعتراض به انحلال دانشگاه تحصن کردند
یکشنبه, ۹ آبان, ۱۳۸۹

چکیده : دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران نه با پیشنهاد دانشگاه‌های علوم پزشکی، دانشجویان و وزارت بهداشت بلکه با ابلاغیه معاونت انسانی ریاست جمهوری منحل شد که این اتفاق شوک بزرگی را به دانشجویان این دانشگاه وارد کرده است. / دانشجویان دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران صبح امروز با شنیدن انحلال دانشکده‌ای که در آن تحصیل می‌کنند، در محوطه این دانشگاه تحصن کرده و اعتراض خود را نسبت به این اتفاق ابراز می‌کنند.

دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران نه با پیشنهاد دانشگاه‌های علوم پزشکی، دانشجویان و وزارت بهداشت بلکه با ابلاغیه معاونت انسانی ریاست جمهوری منحل شد که این اتفاق شوک بزرگی را به دانشجویان این دانشگاه وارد کرده است.

به گزارش ایلنا، دانشجویان دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران صبح امروز با شنیدن انحلال دانشکده‌ای که در آن تحصیل می‌کنند، در محوطه این دانشگاه تحصن کرده و اعتراض خود را نسبت به این اتفاق ابراز می‌کنند.

این در حالی است که دانشکده علوم پزشکی تهران که قرار است طبق گفته وزیر بهداشت و درمان بخشی از واحدهای آموزشی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران را در خود ادغام کند نیز نتوانسته به راحتی با این ادغام کنار بیاید، چرا که دانشکده پرستاری دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران در حال حاضر این گروه از دانشجویان دانشگاه ادغام شده را برای پذیرش قبول نکرده است.

به نظر می‌رسد این ادغام در صورتی اتفاق افتاده که هماهنگی‌های لازم برای آن از قبل انجام نشده است و دانشجویان و اساتید این دانشگاه‌ها را سر در گم کرده است تا جایی که دانشجویان این دانشگاه‌ها را مجبور به تحصن و اعتراض کرده است.

In the last month, 39 individuals have been detained with political charges, amongst them are four women who were arrested during the raid by the Security Forces on the house of one of the Grieving Mothers.
According to RAHANA, there are also nine leaders of the Freedom Movement (Nehzat Azadi) who were arrested in a funeral in Esfehan.
Two German citizens, reporters of a popular weekly German news magazine, Bild Am Sonntag, who were trying to hold an interview with the Son of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the prisoner sentenced to stoning, were also detained.
To download a pdf list of the detainees go to :
October 27, 2010 – Mahin Saremi, wife of death row prisoner Mohammad Ali Saremi, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that she is asking for help from international human rights organizations to save her husband’s life, as he has committed no crime other than being a Mojahedin-e Khalgh (MEK) sympathizer. She emphasized that though her husband has been told about his death sentence several times, the ruling has not been served in writing yet.

Mohammad Ali Saremi is a political prisoner sentenced to death following post-election protests in 2009 due to his relationship with the MEK. Though his sentence has been announced by government sources, it has not been officially presented to his lawyer. Among all those sentenced to death for having relations with the MEK, Saremi is the only prisoner who accepted his charge. Mahin Saremi spoke with the Campaign about her husband’s relationship with the MEK, “How can a person be executed for his beliefs? Yes, my husband had sympathy for the MEK, but can a person be hung because he likes a political group? His activities were limited to going to grave sites of people who shared his way of thinking and reading prayers for them.

“Once we also went to see our son at Camp Ashraf [in Iraq] in 2005. A short time after our return we were arrested and my husband spent a year in prison. A few months later he was arrested on charges of participating in ceremonies commemorating the 19th anniversary of the mass executions of political prisoners in 1988. But I don’t know why he suddenly received the death sentence last year after the elections,” said Saremi.

“Three days after Ashura [27 December 2009], an officer went to my husband’s prison ward and told him that he has been sentenced to death, but my husband refused to receive the ruling, asking them to serve it to his lawyer. But his lawyer has not yet been served. Several times during public appearances, authorities have announced my husband’s death sentence, and have even announced that the Appeals Court upheld the sentence, but when we went to request a reconsideration of the sentencing, they asked us for a photocopy of the original ruling before they would take action on our request. We didn’t have the ruling, so we wrote letters, requesting a reduction in sentence, but whenever we go to follow up on it, they say our response has not yet arrived,” said Mahin Saremi.

“I expect [human rights organizations] to help us. My husband must be released because he has not done anything. Seeing my son cannot be a crime, but he served a whole year in prison for it. People shouldn’t die for their beliefs. I would like to ask the organizations to try so that my husband does not get convicted at all. He really does not deserve to be in prison or be executed,” said Saremi about what she expects of human rights organizations.

“I see him every 15 days. Thank God he is not in bad shape, but he is in prison after all and his conditions can’t be good,” said Saremi about her husband’s physical and psychological condition.

Mahin Saremi, herself, is also awaiting her sentence, since she was arrested with her husband twice before. “I was also interrogated for having gone to Ashraf. I was also arrested at the grave site with my husband and was released on bail,” she said.

همسر محمد علی صارمی: مگر می توان کسی را به جرم اینکه گروهی را دوست دارد اعدام کرد

همسر محمدعلی صارمی از زندانیان عقیدتی محکوم به اعدام به کمپین بین المللی حقوق بشر در ایران گفت که از سازمان های بین المللی حقوق بشر درخواست کمک می کند چرا که همسرش گناهی مرتکب نشده و تنها علاقه مندی به سازمان مجاهدین خلق باعث صدور حکم اعدام شده است. او تصریح کرد علیرغم اینکه چندین بار این حکم را به همسرش گفته اند اما تا کنون حکم کتبی را به انها نشان نداده اند.

محمد علی صارمی ، یکی از زندانیان سیاسی و عقیدتی است که پس از جریان انتخابات ۸۸ به جرم ارتباط با سازمان مجاهدین خلق حکم اعدام گرفت. اگرچه حکم او از طریق منابع دولتی عنوان شد اما هنوز پس از چند ماه حکم به وکیل این متهم ابلاغ نشده است . از بین کسانی که به جرم ارتباط با سازمان مجاهدین خلق پس از انتخابات به اعدام محکوم شدند تنها علی صارمی اتهامش را پذیرفت. همسر این زندانی عقید تی درباره اینکه آیا همسرش با سازمان مذکور ارتباط داشته است به کمپین بین المللی حقوق بشر در ایران گفت: « مگر می توان برای اعتقادات کسی را اعدام کرد، بله همسرم سازمان مجاهدین خلق را قبول داشت اما مگر می توان به علت اینکه آدم گروهی را دوست دارد اعدامش کنند، فعالیت او در حد رفتن سر قبر دوستان همفکرش و فاتحه فرستادن بود. »

مهین صارمی گفت : « یکبار هم سال ۸۴ برای دیدن پسرمان به اشرف رفتیم . مدت کوتاهی پس از برگشتن دستگیرشدیم و همسرم یکسال در زندان بود اما چند ماه بعد به جرم شرکت در مراسم نوزدهمین سالگرد قتل عام زندانیان سیاسی سال ۶۷ زندانی شد اما پارسال بعد انتخابات نمی دانم چه شد که یکهو حکم اعدام گرفت.»

همسر این زندانی عقیدتی با اظهار اینکه هنوز حکم اعدام به وکیل ابلاغ نشده است، گفت :« سه روز بعد از عاشورا ماموری به بند می رود و به همسرم می گوید که حکمت اعدام است اما همسرم حکم را نمی گیرد و می خواهد که به وکیلش بدهند. اما هنوز به وکیل چیزی ابلاغ نشده است. خودشان چندین بار در گفتگوها حکم همسرم را اعدام اعلام کردند و گفتند که دادگاه تجدید نظر هم آن را تایید کرده است بعد وقتی ما به دنبال تغییر حکم می رفتیم ، می گفتند که باید فتوکپی از حکم داشته باشید تا ما برای درخواستتان اقدام کنیم. به ما هم که چیزی از حکم ندادند بنابراین خودمان نامه برای تخفیف حکم نوشتیم اما هر وقت می رویم می گویند هنوز جواب نامه نیامده است . »

مهین صارمی درباره انتظارش از سازمان های فعال حقوق بشری گفت:« من توقع دارم که کمکمان کنند . آزادش کنند چون همسرم هیچ کاری نکرده است دیدار پسرم که نباید جرم باشد که یکسال هم حبسش را کشید. بعد هم برای کسی برای اعتقاداتش که نباید بمیرد . من می خواهم از سازمان ها که تلاش کنند همسرم اصلا حکمی نگیرد، نه زندان و نه اعدام. واقعا حقش نیست.»

همسر علی صارمی درباره سلامتی جسمی و روحی او گفت: « من هر ۱۵ روز یکبار او را می بینم که خدا را شکر حالش بد نیست اما بالاخره زندان است و ضعیت نمی تواند خوب باشد. »

اما خود مهین صارمی نیز در انتظار حکم است، او که دو بار به همراه همسرش دستگیر شده است گفت : « من هم برای رفتن به اشرف بازجویی شدم و برای رفتن سرخاک مردگان هم به همراه همسرم دستگیر شدم و با قید ضمانت آزاد .

مهین صارمی نیز که دو بار به همراه همسرش دستگیر می شود و اکنون با قرار وثیقه آزاد است درباره وضعیت پرونده اش گفت: « من خودمم زیر حکم هستم . یکبار به دلیل دیدن پسرم در اشرف دستگیر شدم و بار دوم برای رفتن به سرقبرهمراه همسرم دستگیر و مدتی هم در زندان بودم که با قرار وثیقه آزاد شدم . دوم شهریور نیز برای ابلاغ حکمم به دادگاه انقلاب احضار شدم اما آنجا گفتند که برو ، به وکیلت ابلاغ می کنیم. دو هفته بعد اما کسی زنگ زد و گفت باید بیایی امروز دادگاه برای ابلاغ حکم ،گفتم امروز نمی توانم بعد ظهر با وکیلم مشورت کردم گفت شما نمی روید . باید قانونی ابلاغ شود ، باید به من کتبی اعلام کنند، ما از کجا بدانیم که کسی که زنگ زده واقعا از دادگاه بود ه است . حالا دیگر نمی دانم چه می شود. »
October 28, 2010 - A group of political prisoners in Evin wrote a statement addressing the judiciary and prison authorities about Hengameh Shahidi’s freedom.

According to Daneshjoo News the statement addresses the callous and inhumane methods used against political prisoners to pressure and humiliate them. The following is the joint statement written by Mahdieh Golroo, Bahareh Hedayat, Atefeh Nabavi, and other political prisoners:

We said grief is sitting in our bellies
Secrets are shared with inmates in metaphors
We can see that, except for the mirror, no friends remain.

These days it seems like unfair and heavy sentences, imprisonment, lashes, exile for political, civil, and human rights activists are not enough for this hateful vengeance.

They diligently continue to harass the prisoners who are serving unfair sentences. Unfortunately they take every immoral and offensive action to pursue their goals.

It looks like depriving political prisoners of their basic human rights such as health, nutrition, visitation, and segregation is not enough. They take advantage of the lack of experience of some prisoners by inflicting mental and psychological pressures on them to cause divisions. They have coerced a few prisoners to act against their will and have turned them into informers who have created files against their fellow inmates.

We, a group of prisoners in the female ward of Evin, not only declare our disapproval and condemnation of these ugly and inhumane acts, but we also announce that the continuation of these malicious acts will not affect the resilient spirit of political prisoners.

While expressing our happiness regarding the freedom of Ms. Hengameh Shahidi, along with our congratulations to her and her honorable family, we ask that the act of taking advantage of political prisoners ends. The legal rights of prisoners, including temporary leave, should not come with any conditions or pressures directing them to succumb to the cruel and immoral demands of prison officials. We regard such acts as added inhumane duress that is placed on political prisoners.

Along with our empathy for Ms. Hengameh Shahidi, who has for months endured horrible and harsh prison conditions with us, we understand some of her reasons for giving in to the demands of prison officials to build files against other prisoners. Mindful of the immoral system that is used, we hold the prison officials mainly responsible for her behavior, and we hope that at least they stay committed to their promise of not returning her to prison.

بیانیه جمعی از زنان زندانی سیاسی به مناسبت آزادی هنگامه شهیدی

پنجشنبه, ۰۶ آبان ۱۳۸۹

جمعی از زنان زندانی سیاسی زندان اوین به مناسبت آزادی هنگامه شهیدی بیانیه ای خطاب به مسئولین قوه قضاییه و زندان اوین منتشر کردند.

به گزارش دانشجونیوز، در این بیانیه نسبت به شیوه های رذیلانه و غیرانسانی و سوء استفاده از زندانیان و تحقیر آنان انتقاد شده است. متن این بیانیه که توسط مهدیه گلرو، بهاره هدایت، عاطفه نبوی و جمعی دیگر از زندانیان سیاسی صادر شده، به شرح زیر است:

گفتیم اندوه نشسته بر دل را

با استعاره هایی با اهل راز گوییم،

دیدیم دیگر به غیر از آینه یاری نمانده است

این روزها گویا تحمیل احکام ناعادلانه و سنگین حبس و شلاق و تبعید برای فعالان مدنی و سیاسی کفاف کینه، کینه توزان را نمی دهد که همچنان مجدانه و وپیوسته کمر به آزار و ایذاء زندانیانی که به گذران احکام ناعادلانه خود نشسته اند، بسته اند و متاسفانه در این راه از هیچگونه عمل غیراخلاقی و کریهی فرو گذار نمی کنند.

ظاهرا محرومیت های زندانیان سیاسی از حقوق اولیه و قانونی خویش چون بهداشت، تغذیه، ملاقات، عدم تفکیک زندانیان و… کافی نیست که این بار با فشار روحی و روانی بر زندانیان آسیب دیده وکم تجربه و سوء استفاده از نقاط ضعف افراد، کمر بر ایجاد تفرقه و تحقیر زندانیان و وادار کردن معدودی از افراد به کارهای مذمومی از قبیل خبرچینی و پرونده سازی بر علیه هم بندان خود پرداخته اند. ما جمعی از زنان زندانی بند نسوان اوین ضمن تقبیح و محکوم کردن این اعمال زشت و غیر انسانی اعلام می داریم که ادامه این رویه نامیمون خللی در روحیه مقاوم زندانیان سیاسی وارد نخواهد کرد.

ما همچنین ضمن ابراز خوشحالی از آزادی خانم هنگامه شهیدی و تبریک به ایشان و خانواده محترمشان، خواستار توقف ادامه سوء استفاده از برخی زندانیان بوده اعلام می داریم که حقوق قانونی زندانیان همچون مرخصی و آزادی مشروط و… نباید دستاویزی جهت اعمال فشار بر زندانیان برای تن دادن به خواسته های حقیر و غیراخلاقی مسئولین زندان قرار گیرد. چرا که این قبیل اعمال را فشار مضاعف و رفتاری غیرانسانی با زندانیان سیاسی می دانیم.

ما ضمن همدلی با خانم هنگامه شهیدی که چندین ماه شرایط ناگوار و سخت زندان را در کنار ما متحمل شده است، علل برخی از رفتارهای ایشان در تن دادن به خواسته های مسئولین زندان برای پرونده سازی و فشار بر سایر زندانیان را را درک نموده و مسئولیت اصلی رفتار های سر زده از ایشان را متوجه سیستم غیراخلاقی حاکم بر بخشی از مسئولین امنیتی زندان میدانیم و امیدواریم که حداقل بر عهد خود برای عدم باز گرداندن ایشان به زندان پایبند بمانند.

Translation by Azadeh Sabz

If you burn my body and sew it to a pole, Can you steal love for the motherland from my soul?
- Ali Saremi, political prisoner

The families of political prisoners Ali Saremi and Reza Sharifi Boukani who have referred to the Revolutionary Court in Tehran several times inquiring on the status of their loved ones’ case files have not [to date] received a convincing response; instead, they were faced with rude reactions from the authorities. Court officials responded to the families by asking, “Why are they still alive? Their sentences should have been implemented by now.” The families were escorted out of the court.

Saremi and Boukani are both held in ward 4 of Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj, Iran. During the last few days, Intelligence agents attacked prisoners in ward 4 and confiscated some personal items belonging to the political prisoners, including the personal writings of Saremi and Boukani. These two political prisoners were then limited from accessing the public area of the prison, which consequently has caused their families to become more concerned.

63 year old Mohammad Ali Saremi was arrested in September 2007 for speaking at the memorial event in Khavaran cemetery for victims of the 1988 prison massacres. After enduring 26 months of solitary confinement, interrogations, and torture in Evin prison, a death sentence was delivered to him in prison on December 29, 2009 by branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court.

Saremi was transferred to Rajai Shahr prison on August 29, 2010. He was interrogated for disclosing intolerable prison conditions [to the public] and protesting against the lack of due process in regards to his death sentence.

Mahin Saremi, Ali Saremi’s wife, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, “Once we also went to see our son at Camp Ashraf [in Iraq] in 2005. A short time after our return we were arrested and my husband spent a year in prison. A few months later he was arrested on charges of participating in ceremonies commemorating the 19th anniversary of the mass executions of political prisoners in 1988. But I don’t know why he suddenly received the death sentence last year after the elections.”

Reza Sharifi Boukani is charged with “espionage” and “Moharebeh” (waging war against God). He was arrested by Intelligence agents on May 5, 2010 in Tehran. He remains detained in Rajai Shahr prison. He has been interrogated and tortured to make a false televised confession. Boukani is a Kurdish political prisoner.

قضات دادگاه انقلاب در پاسخ به خانواده دو متهم سیاسی: «چطور آنها هنوز زنده هستند»

کمیته دانشجویی دفاع از زندانیان سیاسی: خانواده دو تن از زندانیان سیاسی که چندی پیش و برای چندمین بار به جهت پیگیری وضعیت این دو زندانی سیاسی به دادگاه انقلاب تهران مراجعه کرده بودند، ضمن عدم دریافت پاسخی قانع کننده از سوی مسئولان دادگاه انقلاب تهران با بی اعتنایی و برخورد زننده ایشان روبرو گردیده و به بیرون از دادگاه هدایت شدند.

به گزارش ، خانواده های علی صارمی و رضا بوکانی شریفی دو تن از زندانیان سیاسی بند چهار زندان رجایی شهر کرج که برای پیگیری وضعیت ایشان به دادگاه انقلاب تهران مراجعه کرده بودند، ضمن عدم دریافت پاسخی قانع کننده از سوی مسئولان دادگاه انقلاب تهران با بی اعتنایی و برخورد زننده ایشان روبرو گردیده و به بیرون از دادگاه هدایت شدند.

مسئولان این دادگاه در پاسخ به سوالات این خانواده ها در مورد وضعیت این زندانیان ضمن اظهار تعجب از اینکه ایشان هنوز زنده هستند! اظهار کرده اند که: «آنها چطور هنوز زنده هستند. حکم ایشان تا به الان می بایستی اجرا شده باشد.»

طی روزهای گذشته و با یورش ماموران اطلاعاتی زندان رجایی شهر کرج به بند چهار این زندان، برخی از لوازم شخصی زندانیان سیاسی این بند از جمله محمدعلی صارمی و رضا بوکانی شریفی مانند دفترچه خاطرات و دستنوشته های ایشان ضبط گشته و تردد ایشان در زندان محدود گردید که این موضوع موجب نگرانی بیشتر خانواده این دو زندانی سیاسی شده است.

محمد علی صارمی زندانی سیاسی 63 ساله، در سال 1386 و به دلیل سخنرانی در مراسم یادبود قربانیان 67 در خاوران، دستگیر و دی ماه سال گذشته پس از ۲۶ ماه بازداشت در زندان اوین که چندین ماه آن در انفرادی و تحت شدیدترین شکنجه های جسمی سپری گردید، در شعبه ۱۵ دادگاه انقلاب از طرف قاضی ابوالقاسم صلواتی به اعدام محکوم گردید. وی هم اکنون در زندان رجایی شهر کرج و در انتظار اجرای حکم اعدام می باشد.

همچنین رضا بوکانی شریفی نیز از دیگر زندانیان سیاسی محبوس در زندان رجایی شهر کرج می باشد که به اتهام «جاسوسی» و «محاربه» در پانزدهم اردیبهشت ماه سال جاری توسط ماموران وزارت اطلاعات در تهران دستگیر و همچنان زندان رجایی شهر کرج در بازداشت بسر می برد. وی برای اخذ اعترافات تلویزیونی تحت فشار و شکنجه بازجویان قرار داشته است.
Treasury Designates IRISL Front Companies and Directors

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury today announced the ‎designation of 37 front companies based in Germany, Malta, and Cyprus and five ‎Iranian individuals for being owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, ‎the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) and its affiliates. Today's ‎action, taken pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13382, targets IRISL's complex ‎network of shipping and holding companies and executives and further exposes ‎Iran's use of its national maritime carrier to advance its illicit weapons of mass ‎destruction (WMD) program and to carry military cargoes. ‎

‎"We will continue to expose the elaborate structures and tactics Iran uses to shield ‎its shipping line from international scrutiny so that it can continue to facilitate illicit ‎commerce," said Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Stuart ‎Levey. "This pattern of obfuscation is leading the private sector around the world ‎to refuse business with Iran rather than risk becoming involved in its nuclear and ‎missile programs."

Following its September 2008 designation by Treasury under E.O. 13382 for its ‎provision of logistical services to Iran's Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces ‎Logistics, the arm of the Iranian military that oversees its ballistic missile program, ‎IRISL has increasingly created and relied upon a series of front companies and ‎has engaged in deceptive behavior to assist efforts to evade the impact of ‎sanctions and increased scrutiny of its activities. Including today's action, ‎Treasury has designated nearly 70 IRISL front companies and affiliates and has ‎identified more than 100 ships as being the property of IRISL or its fronts. ‎

Pursuant to E.O. 13382 – which is aimed at freezing the assets of proliferators of ‎WMD and their supporters, thereby isolating them from the U.S. financial and ‎commercial systems – Treasury today designated:

Fifteen shipping companies, each the registered owner of a vessel already on ‎Treasury's List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN ‎List), as blocked property of IRISL, and 11 holding companies that own the ‎shipping companies. All of the holding companies and shipping companies are ‎based at the same address in Hamburg, Germany.