Los Angeles Times

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad told Iranians this month that 'frugal' families have nothing to fear from impending economic pressures.
But just in case, his government is cracking down on labor activists who may disagree.
Three workers from the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Co. Union are facing jail time on charges of insulting the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, according to an Iranian human rights organization. The union, formed following a massive strike in 2008 over withheld wages, has complained of continual harassment by authorities.
‘It has gotten more intense, the crackdown, in the last two years, but the last two months have been worse because [the government] is getting rid of subsidies,' said Mehdi Kouhestaninejad of the Canadian Labor Congress.
The planned subsidy cuts will target everything from fuel to basic foodstuffs and are expected to have a deep impact on the lower and middle classes in Iran.
Kouhestaninejad, who worked as a union in Iran until he moved to Canada, said authorities have been cracking down in anticipation of organized protests against the cuts.
‘They know the labor movement cannot accept [subsidy cuts] because prices will go through the roof but their wages are the same,' he said. 'They attack people before they can get organized around this’.
Behrouz Nikoufard, Alireza Saeidi and Behrouz Molazadeh are the latest to be charged as the government steps up its crackdown on organized labor.
The head of the sugar cane union, Reza Derakhshan, is rumored to be facing jail time for an article he wrote commemorating the syndicate's second anniversary…
The sugar cane workers are among the most active unions, along with the Tehran bus drivers union led by Mansour Osanloo, who has been imprisoned on anti-government charges since 2007. Osanloo was key in organizing protests for higher wages, childcare stipends and better conditions for bus drivers.

ايران: با وجود تشديد سرکوب کارگران، هرگزتوافقي با اين دولت تندرو صورت نخواهد گرفت
به گفته يک سازمان حقوقبشري در ايران، سه تن از کارگران سنديکاي نيشکر هفتتپه به اتهام توهين به آيت‌الله خامنهاي، رهبر عالي، به حبس محکوم شده‌اند. اين سنديکا که بهخاطر عدم پرداخت دستمزدها، در 2008 يک اعتصاب بزرگي را راه‌انداخته بود، از ارعاب مداوم مقامات ايران شکايت داشتند.
مهدي کوهستاني‌نژاد از کنگره کارگري کانادا گفت، “طي 2سال اخير سرکوب در ايران شديدتر و در دو ماه اخير بهخاطر حذف يارانه‌ها، سرکوب وخيم‌تر شده است“. …
کوهستاني‌نژاد، تا قبل از رفتن به کانادا در اتحاديه قصابان (meatpacker) در ايران کار ميکرده گفت که مقامات در پيشبيني از اعتصابها سازمانيافته بهخاطر قطع سوبسيدها، شروع به سرکوب آنها نموده‌اند.
وي گفت، “آنها [مقامات دولت] ميدانند که جنبش کارگري [قطع سوبسيدها] را نخواهد پذيرفت زيرا با افزايش شديد قيمت‌ها، دستمزدهاي آنها ثابت خواهد ماند. “ وي گفت، “قبل از اين که مردم پيرامون اين موضوع، سازمان‌يافته شوند، مقامات آنها را سرکوب ميکنند“.
بهروز نيکوفرد، عليرضا سعيدي و بهروز ملازاده، آخرين کساني هستند که در آخرين اقدامات سرکوبگرانه دولت عليه اتحاديه کارگري متهم شناخته شده‌اند.
شايع شده است که رضا درخشان رئيس اتحاديه نيشکر، بهخاطر نوشتن مقاله‌يي در گراميداشت دومين سالگرد اتحاديه، با احتمال زنداني شدن روبهروست...
کارگران کارخانه نيشکر هفتتپه در ميان فعال‌ترين اتحاديه‌ها، همراه با اتحاديه رانندگان اتوبوس تهران به رهبري منصور اسانلو ميباشند. وي از سال 2007، متهم به ضديت با دولت در زندان محبوس است. اسانلو يک عنصر اصلي سازماندهنده اعتصابها براي دستمزد بالاتر، و پرداخت هزينه نگهداري کودکان هنگامي که والدين مشغول کار هستند، و شرايط بهتر براي رانندگان ميباشد. (لسآنجلس تايمز- 1/8/89)
France Radio Website

The heads of the sport institution in the Islamic Republic of Iran did not live up to their promise regarding Khadijeh Azadpour, the first woman in the history of Iranian sports to have received a gold medal. She became a gold medalist in the Asian Games in China.
Before the Iranian team left for the Asian Games, Ali Saied Lou, the Iranian vice president and the head of the Sports Organization of the Islamic Republic promised the athletes that ‘whoever got a gold medal in the Asian Games, will receive a house if (he/she) does not have one and the house key and ownership documents will be presented to them in the airport upon their arrival in Iran”.
Azadpour, the gold medalist girl of Iran, said that she has not received her prize and that officials have not lived up to their promise. When she looked into this issue, the relevant officials told her that she had to get married for the prize to be granted to her…
Discrimination in granting prizes to Iranian athletes in the Islamic Republic has taken place before. For example, the Physical Education Organization in this year’s Asian Games in China gave female athletes a bonus of 900,000 tomans (about 900 dollars) but gave male athletes more than 10 times this amount, meaning 10 million tomans (about 10,000 dollars).

ايران: بد قولي مسئولان در مورد اعطاي پاداش به اولين بانوي ورزش ايران
مسئولان ورزش جمهوري اسلامي به وعده خود درباره خديجه آزادپور نخستين بانوي تاريخ ورزش ايران که در بازيهاي آسيائي در گوانگجو به مدال طلاي رقابتهاي انفرادي اين بازيها دست يافت، عمل نکردند.
پيش از اعزام کاروان ورزش ايران به اين بازيهاي آسيائي، علي سعيد لو معاون رئيسجمهور و رئيس سازمان ورزش جمهوري اسلامي به ورزشکاران اعزامي براي شرکت در اين بازيها وعده داد بود که ”به هر ورزشکاري که در بازيهاي آسيائي گوانگجو به مدال طلا دست يابد، در صورتيکه صاحب خانه نباشد، کليد و سند منزل مسکوني او را در هنگام بازگشت، در همان فرودگاه به او تحويل خواهيم داد“ .
دختر طلائي کاروان ورزش ايران، خديجه آزادپور گفته است که پاداشي دريافت نکرده و مسئولين به وعده خودشان عمل نکردهاند. هنگاميکه خديجه آزادپور پيگير موضوع شده است، مسئولان مربوط به او گفتهاند که براي کسب پاداش دولتي بايد ازدواج کند تا اين پاداش به وي تعلق پذيرد...
تبعيض در اعطاي پاداش به ورزشکاران ايراني در جمهوري اسلامي سابقه دارد، بهعنوان مثال سازمان تربيت بدني در همين بازيهاي آسيائي در گوانگجو در حاليکه به بانوان ورزشکار مبلغ نهصد هزارتومان پاداش پرداخت نموده، به ورزشکاران مرد بيش از ده برابر اين مبلغ، يعني ده ميليون تومان پاداش داده است. (سايت راديو فرانسه - 3/9/89)
Center in Defense of those Slain and Detained

According to reports, Akram Neqabi (Mother Zinali) and Jila Mahdavian (Mother Tarmasi) are jailed in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison and there is no news on the state of their legal cases and their charges. Their families have not been allowed to visit them in prison as yet. They were both arrested with their daughters on October 9. Their daughters were released after some time. They have been charged with acting against national security and having contacts with dissident groups. They are only allowed to call their families once every week and inform them of their health so that their families do not worry. But they are not allowed to talk about their charges. Relevant judicial officials have not allowed these mothers to see their families in prison.

بي خبري از وضعيت مادران دستگير شده
بر اساس گزارشات دريافتي,خانمها اكرم نقابي ( مادر زينالي) و ژيلا مهدويان( مادر ترمسي) در سلولهاي انفرادي 209 اوين محبوس ميباشند و هيچ اطلاعي از وضعيت پرونده و اتهامات آنان در دست نيست.تا كنون خانواده هاي اين مادران اجازه ملاقات با انان را پيدا نكرده اند و وضعيت حقوقي هيچكدام تعيين تكليف نيست.هر دو مادر در تاريخ 17 مهرماه به همراه دخترانشان دستگير گرديده بودند كه بعد از مدتي دختران آنان آزاد و هم اكنون مادران در وضعيت نامشخصي به سر ميبرند,گفته ميشود كه به اين مادران اتهامات كليشه اي اقدام عليه امنيت ملي و ارتباط با گروههاي معاند زده شده.آنان فقط با خانواده هاي خودشان در هفته يكبار تماس تلفني دارند و فقط از وضعيت سلامتي خودشان خانواده را مطلع ميكنند,تا خانواده نگران نباشند.اما اجازه صحبت در رابطه با وضعيت و اتهامات مربوط به خودشان را ندارند.دست اندركاران قضاييه نيز اجازه ملاقات به خانواده هاي اين دو مادر زنداني را تا كنون نداده اند. (كانون حمايت ازخانواده هاي جان باختگان و بازداشتي ها – 3/9/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran, Nesfe Jahan state-run daily

A 24 year old prisoner was hanged in Kashan Prison on charges of carrying and possessing narcotics.
This 24 year old man was Mahmoud M. and was hanged in the yard of the Kashan Central Prison.

يک مرد در زندان کاشان اعدام شد
يک زنداني 24 ساله که به اتهام حمل و نگهداري مواد مخدر به اعدام محکوم شده بود در زندان کاشان به دار آويخته شد.
اين گزارش در ادامه نوشت : فرد ۲۴ ‌ساله كه “محمود-ن” نام داشت در محوطه زندان مركزي اين شهرستان از چوبه دار آويخته شد. (هرانا, روزنامه "نصف جهان" – 3/9/89)
Saham News Website

Jailed journalist Hengameh Shahidi was hospitalized in the Evin Prison infirmary after going on a hunger strike.
A source close to this political prisoner said she was hospitalized in the infirmary because of her poor physical health. Shahidi went on a medical leave from prison on October 28 to receive medical attention. She was returned to Evin Prison on November 15, because officials refused to extend her medical leave and went on a hunger strike on arrival in prison in protest to the fact that she was not informed why she was returned to prison and her leave was not extended.

به دنبال اعتصاب غذا هنگامه شهيدي به بهداري زندان اوين منتقل شد
هنگامه شهيدي روزنامهنگار و زنداني عقيدتي بهدليل صدمات ناشي از اعتصاب‌غذا در بهداري زندان اوين بستري شد.
يک منبع نزديک به هنگامه شهيدي روز نامه نگار وزنداني عقيدتي به کمپين بينالمللي حقوقبشر در ايران گفت که وي بهدليل نامساعد بودن وضعيت جسمياش در بهداري اوين بستري شد. هنگامه شهيدي که در روز ۶ آبانماه براي مرخصي استعلاجي موقتاً از زندان اوين آزاد شده بود، روز ۲۴ آبانماه در پي عدم موافقت با تمديد مجدد مرخصي استعلاجي به زندان بازگشت و به علت ناتمام ماندن مرخصي استعلاجي و عدم اطلاع از علت بازگشت و تمديد نشدن مجدد مرخصي در بدو ورود به زندان دست به اعتصاب‌غذا زد. (سحام نيوز- 3/9/89 )
Note from DL :

Parallel to an International appeal to prevent sick and cancer patients in the Camp Ashraf from dyeing away because of being prevented necessary medical needs, the following news has been only one example of may, which only points to the fact that obviously the regime in Tehran does worry about the threat these residents pose to it, even though they are literally unarmed and in a siege by Iraqi Army on bequest of the Iranian Supreme Leader.
Links to the present situation of patients and those who are being killed gradually by the siege are at the bottom of this news

Petition released to ask for medical relief for the residents by the The International Committee of In Search of Justice (ISJ)

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

On Monday, November 15, at about 11 am, agents of the Ministry of Intelligence raided the store of Hamid Miboudi, 37, and arrested him in his store. These security forces introduced themselves tax department agents and told the crowds that had gathered on the scene that Miboudi was being arrested because he had not paid his taxes. These agents then took Miboudi to his home to conduct a search. They searched his home so violently that his 3 year old child developed a stutter from shock. His wife, who was also home, is 9 month pregnant and will give birth in a few more days.
When Miboudi’s wife told the agents that she was in her last days of pregnancy and demanded to know why they were arresting her husband, these agents said that ‘several pregnant women were dying in Iraq every day and you are no different from them’.
These agents then seized some of this family’s personal items such as family videos, computer, and laptop, identification documents including their passports, phone books and their satellite receiver.
On the same day at about 5 pm, agents raided the home of Allah Verdi Rouhi, 62, who is Miboudi’s father in law and arrested him. These agents then violently conducted a search. This family’s phonebook, computer, cellphone, identification documents, framed pictures of his children and his satellite receiver were seized by these agents. They then destroyed and broke his satellite dish.
Rouhi is suffering from critical physical ailments such as prostate and heart problems and was receiving treatment. He also nursed his sick wife who is confined to bed.
The families of these two men have not been informed of the charges of their loved ones. They were reportedly only arrested because Mr. Rouhi’s children are in Camp Ashraf in Iraq.
There has been no information on their whereabouts and condition since their arrest.
The Rouhi family has gone to the Karaj Prosecutor, Revolutionary Court and Intelligence Agency several times but they have not been given any specific answers regarding their loved ones. This family is extremely concerned for the condition of its loved ones.
Four intelligence agents were involved in these raids.

در آستانه 16 آذر و برداشتن يارانه ها ربودن مردم توسط مامورين وزارت اطلاعات شدت يافته است

روز دوشنبه 24 آبان ماه حوالي ساعت 11:00 مامورين وزارت اطلاعات به محل کسب آقاي حميد ميبودي 37 ساله يورش بردند آنها بخاطر نفرت عميق مردم خود را مامورين اداره ماليات معرفي کردند و به جمعيتي که تجمع کرده بودند به دروغ مي گفتند بخاطر پرداخت ننمودن ماايات وي را دستگير کرده اند. مامورين اطلاعاتي آقاي ميبودي را براي بازرسي و ضبط وسايل شخصي اش به منزلشان منتقل کردند. برخورد مامورين وزارت اطلاعات هنگام يورش به منزل وحشيانه و غير انساني بود اين يورش در حالي صورت مي گيرد که همسر آقاي ميبدي روزهاي آخر بارداريش را طي مي کند و همچنين فرزند 3 ساله آقاي ميبدي که شاهد يورش وحشيانه بود دچار لکنت زبان شده است.
وقتي که همسر آقاي ميبودي به آنها گفت: من روزهاي آخربارداريم را مي گذارانم چرا همسرم را بازداشت مي کنيد مامورين وزارت اطلاعات به او پاسخ دادند: روزانه در عراق چندين زن باردار کشته مي شوند شما هم مثل آنها.
مامورين وزارت اطلاعات پس از مدتي بازرسي وسايل شخصي خانواده از جمله؛ فيلمهاي خانوادگي،کامپيوتر،لپ تاپ مدارک شناسايي (کارت شناسايي،پاسپورت و..)،دفترچه تلفن و ريسور ماهواره را با خود بردند.
همان روز حوالي ساعت 17:00 به منزل آقاي الله وردي روحي 62 ساله پدر همسر آقاي ميبدي يورش بردند و او را دستگير کردند. مامورين وزارت اطلاعات اقدام به بازرسي وحشيانه منزل وي نمودند و اين بازرسي تا مدتي طولاني ادامه داشت.آنها پس از بازرسي اقدام به جمع آوري بعضي از وسايل شخصي آنها نمودند که از جملۀ آن؛ دفترچه تلفن،کيس کامپيوتر،تلفن همراه،مدارک شناسايي (کارت شناسايي،شناسنامه و پاسپورت)،قابهاي عکس فرزندانش و ريسور ماهواره را با خود بردند . آنها سپس اقدام به تخريب بشقاب گيرنده ماهواره نمودند.
آقاي روحي از ناراحتيهاي حاد جسمي مانند؛ پروستات وناراحتي قلبي رنج مي برد و تحت درمان قرار داشت.همچنين همسر ايشان بر بستر بيماري قرار دارد و تنها پرستار او بود.
علت دستگير آنها را به خانواده هايشان اعلام نکرده اند و گفته مي شود به صرف اينکه فرزندان آقاي روحي در قرارگاه اشرف در عراق هستند او را دستگير کرده اند.
از زمان دستگيري تاکنون هيچ خبري از وضعيت و شرايط و محل بازداشت او در دست نيست.
خانواده روحي تا به حال چنيدن بار به دادستاني کرج،دادگاه انقلاب و اداره اطلاعات مراجعه کرده اند ولي تاکنون به آنها پاسخي مشخصي داد نشده است. اين خانواده در ناراحتي فزاينده اي بسر مي برند.
دراين دو يورش 4 نفر از مامورين وزارت اطلاعات مستقيما شرکت داشتند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 3/9/89)

Updates on Iranian economy:


Unemployment rate in Iran worst among oil-rich countries

The unemployment rate in Iran under the ruler of the clerical regime is twice the average among the top 10 oil-rich countries in the world, according to a state-run news agency.

Khabar Online, which is affiliated with Ali Larijani, the regime’s Majlis (Parliament) Speaker, wrote, “The average unemployment rate in the world’s top 10 oil-producing nations is about seven percent, due to oil revenues, which is about half of the rate in Iran.”

Khabar Online wrote that while the three figures of the rate of unemployment, GDP, and economic growth are high in the 10 largest oil-producing countries, Iran scores among the worst among these nations when it comes to these criteria.

Iran is tenth, ninth and sixth when it comes to the rate of unemployment, GDP and rate of economic growth, respectively.

Iranian regime’s foreign debt climbs to $44 billion

The Iranian regime’s Central Bank revealed on Friday that the regime has accumulated a foreign debt of up to 44.4 billion dollars up until March 2010, according to the state-run Jahan News.

The report added that the debt increased by 24 million dollars since 2009.

About 8.8 billion dollars of the debt is short-term while 12.7 is long-term foreign debt.

Construction workers protest in Tehran
Hundreds of construction workers in Iran staged a protest this week in front of the Iranian regime’s Majlis (Parliament) building in Tehran against the adoption of a bill annulling social insurance for the workers, according to the state-run ILNA on Monday.

The protest took place as the regime’s Majlis intended to adopt a bill calling for the annulment of compulsive insurance of construction workers.

The Iranian regime has set up a new police force to control internet use. The new organ, known with its acronyms AFTA, is charged with controlling information exchange in cyberspace, according to the state-run Tabnak website on Sunday.

The commander of the regime’s State Security Forces (SSF), Ahmadi Moqaddam, announced on Saturday that AFTA will begin its operations early next year.

The new organ will be the headquarters for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) cyberspace unit and other institutions set up by the regime to filter internet websites.

Ahmadi Moqaddam also suggested that the clerical regime considers its security threatened as more and more people in Iran connect to the World Wide Web. He added, “Scientific progress has facilitated security breaches and this has set up the stage for the commission of increased crimes.”

Ahmadi Moqaddam also said the regime is planning to quadruple the budget of operations to control the internet.

The number of suppressive organs created by the regime thus far, including a variety of police forces, has now reached 60.


An official of the Iranian regime has pointed to the inability of the clerical rulers to confront popular uprisings and protests, saying, “We still have not comprehended the sedition movement, and it will come to the fore once again.”

Mullah Ebrahimi, who acts as the deputy chairman of the regime’s security and foreign policy committee in Majlis (Parliament), described the 2009 uprisings by the Iranian people against the clerical dictatorship as a “movement of sedition” and hinted that more protests will take place in reaction to the regime’s plans to lift subsidies.

He was quoted by the state-run Fars news agency on Thursday as saying, “As long as the movement of sedition has not been completely understood, its culprits will use any opportunity, including the targeted subsidies plan, to come to the fore. The establishment must act in a way to prevent the forces of sedition from exploiting such opportunities.”

He added, “Identifying such a movement requires a lot of work, which the intelligence, security and political organs must carry out.”

Students at the engineering department of the Science and Technology University in Tehran are protesting conditions at the university.

According to Herana news agency, the students have refused to attend classes since Saturday in protest to educational challenges.

Students at other departments have also joined in and protested against regime-appointed university officials who are refusing to resolve challenges faced by the students.

On Sunday, protestors issued a statement saying that they will not end their strike until the fulfillment of their demands.

Students at Shahroud Industrial University have also staged a sit-in in protest to insulting a female student on campus. Eight criminals had kidnapped the young woman in front of the university’s main building.

Students condemned the regime for giving a free hand to such criminals on campus.

The Iranian regime has intensified suppressive and security measures in Tehran’s central locations. The measures are carried out on the brink of Student Day on December 7 and the anniversary of the massive anti-regime protests on Ashura day in 2009.

On December 27, 2009, the religious day of Ashura, protestors managed to surround and neutralize many of the Iranian regime’s special anti-riot units.

According to reports, the IRGC’s paramilitary Bassij battalions and the suppressive State Security Forces (SSF) have increased the number of their patrols in Tehran, focusing in particular around University of Tehran’s surrounding neighbourhoods.

The escalation of security controls by the Iranian regime is also meant to confront popular protests against a plan to lift subsidies.

One report indicates that Ashura battalions of the IRGC, the SSF, and even the transportation system in Tehran, including the bus and metro, are on high alert.

Daneshju News

According to reports, on Sunday November 21, a trial for Zeinab Kazem Khah was held in the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran presided over by Pir Abbasi.
According to the court verdict, this cultural journalist was sentenced to four months of prison and five years of suspended prison. In light of the fact that she was cleared of all charges before this by the Tehran Prosecutor, Pir Abbasi’s verdict was unexpected.
Kazem Khah was arrested in February after 9 agents of the Intelligence Agency raided her home and took her to an unknown location.
She was charged with participating in protest demonstrations against election result in June 12, 2009.
Despite being released after one month, when she went to her place of work in the ISNA (state-run) News Agency, the head of this news agency, Saied Pour-Ali called her a ‘traitor to the country’ and fired her.

محکوميت زينب کاظم‌خواه

به گزارش بخش فرهنگ و ادبيات راديو زمانه، سرانجام، روز يکشنبه، ۳۰ آبان ماه دادگاه زينب کاظم‌خواه در شعبه ۲۶ دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي پيرعباسي برگزار شد.
بر اساس حکم اين دادگاه، روزنامه‌نگار فرهنگي، زينب کاظم‌خواه به چهار ماه حبس تعزيري و پنج سال حبس تعليقي محکوم شد. با توجه به اين‌که پيش از اين دادستاني تهران زينب کاظم‌خواه را بي‌گناه تشخيص داده بود، حکم قاضي پيرعباسي غيرمنتظره به‌نظر مي‌رسد.
زينب کاظم‌خواه هجدهم بهمن ماه سال گذشته با يورش ۹ تن از مأموران وزارت اطلاعات به محل سکونت‌اش بازداشت و به مکان نامعلومي منتقل شد.
اتهام زينب کاظم‌خواه شرکت در تظاهرات اعتراضي در مخالفت با نتايج انتخابات بحث‌برانگيز رياست جمهوري در ۲۲ خردادماه سال گذشته اعلام شده بود.
با وجود آن‌که زينب کاظم‌خواه پس از تحمل يک ماه حبس از زندان آزاد شد، هنگامي که به محل کارش در خبرگزاري ايسنا مراجعه کرد، سعيد پورعلي، مدير عامل وقت ايسنا او را «خائن به وطن» خواند و از خبرگزاري ايسنا اخراج‌اش کرد. (دانشجو نيوز- 1/9/89)

Committee of Human Rights Reporters

Ali Ojaqi, a senior student of economics in Isfahan University who was suspended for three semesters, was expelled from this university.
According to reports, Ojaqi realized that his student file was ‘closed’ after going to university and after pursuing this issue, an order banning him from entering the university was initially issued and he was subsequently expelled from this university under another order.
It seems that the expulsion of this student is related to Student’s Day December 7 in Iran.

اخراج علي اجاقي، دانشجوي دانشگاه اصفهان
علي اجاقي دانشجوي سال آخر رشته‌ي اقتصاد دانشگاه اصفهان که پيشتر با حکم کميته انظباطي با سه ترم تعليق مواجه شده بود از اين دانشگاه اخراج شد.
به گزارش کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر، اجاقي هنگام مراجعه به دانشگاه متوجه شد فايل آموزشي وي «بسته شده» و با پيگيري‌هاي به عمل آمده ابتدا نامه‌ي ممنوع الورودي وي به دانشگاه و سپس حکم اخراج وي صادر شده است.
به نظر مي‌رسد اخراج اين دانشجو با نزديک‌شدن به ۱۶ آذر و مراسم روز دانشجو بي‌ارتباط نباشد. (کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 1/9/89)
Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, a female prisoner in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj committed suicide to escape the medieval conditions in this prison.
On Monday, November 22, a prisoner identified as Leila in the female cellblock in this prison committed suicide to escape the abuse and medieval conditions in this prison which is much worse than conditions in the men’s cellblock. She reportedly died because she was not taken to the infirmary on time and did not receive medical attention.
Murder and suicide has turned into a common issue in Iranian prisons especially in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj and almost every week there are reports of suicides or murders in this prison.

شرايط قرون وسطايي و قوانين زن ستيز باعث خودکشي يک زن زنداني گرديد
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" يک زن زنداني در زندان گوهردشت کرج براي رهايي يافتن از شرايط قرون وسطايي اقدام به خودکشي نمود.
روز دوشنبه اول آذر ماه يک زن زنداني بنام ليلا در بند زنان زندان گوهردشت کرج براي رهايي يافتن از اذيت وآزارها و شرايط قرون وسطايي حاکم بر بند زندان که چند برابر بند مردان مي باشد اقدام به خودکشي نمود . تعلل و عدم انتقال به موقع و همچنين عدم رسيدگي پزشکي گفته مي شود که منجر به مرگ وي شده است.
قتل و خودکشي در زندانهاي ولي فقيه و بخصوص زندان گوهردشت کرج تبديل به امري معمول شده است و تقريبا هر هفته از بندهاي مختلف گزارشهايي از قتل و يا خودکشي زندانيان مي رسد. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 1/9/89)

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, political prisoner Arjang Davoudi was transferred to the Sepah Cellblock in Gohardasht (Rajayi Shahr) Prison and was interrogated and threatened for several hours by agents of the Intelligence Agency.
On Monday, November 22 political prisoner Arjang Davoudi was interrogated from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm in the Sepah Cellblock where he was threatened by intelligence interrogators. This political prisoner was abused and mistreated.
Davoudi has been jailed for years under inhumane conditions. Some time ago, his house which was his family’s only shelter was sealed off under the orders of Khamenei’s office in a letter which is in the Revolutionary Court and his family does not have a home.

بازجويي و تهديد زنداني سياسي ارژنگ داودي توسط بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" زنداني سياسي ارژنگ داودي به بند سپاه زندان گوهردشت کرج برده شد و چند ساعت مورد بازجويي و تهديد بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات قرار گرفت.
روز دوشنبه اول آذر ماه زنداني سياسي ارژنگ داودي به بند سپاه شکنجه گاه بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات در زندان گوهردشت کرج منتقل گرديد و از 10:30 تا ساعت 14:30 مورد بازجويي و تهديد بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات قرار گرفت.برخورد بازجويان با اين زنداني سياسي و حشيانه و غير انساني بود.
زنداني سياسي ارژنگ داودي در حالي مورد بازجويي مامورين وزارت اطلاعات قرار مي گيرد که سالها است در زندان بسر مي برد و تحت شرايط غير انساني قرار دارد و همچنين تنها سر پناه اين خانواده که منزل آنها بوده است طي نامه اي که در دادگاه انقلاب موجود است بدستور دفتر ولي فقيه علي خامنه اي خانۀ پلمپ شده اين خانواده را به خانمي فروخته اند و خانواده او را آواره نموده اند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 1/9/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran

Special Guards Forces in Nosrat Abad road in Baluchistan opened fire on three Baluch motorcycle riders who had gone out of town for recreation.
According to reports, one of these young Baluch men was killed while two others were severely wounded. Security forces announced that these bikers were carrying narcotics.
Notably, in the past few months, security forces in Baluchistan have started a killing spree in Baluchistan under the pretext of countering the smuggling of goods, fuel, and drugs.

در تيراندازي ماموران در بلوچستان يک جوان کشته و دو تن مجروح شدند
نيروهاي يگان ويژه در جاده نصرت آباد (بلوچستان)، به طرف سه دستگاه موتور سيکلت حامل سه جوان بلوچ که براي تفريح به بيرون از شهر رفته بودند آتش گشود.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري حقوق بشر ايران "هرانا" در اين تير اندازي يکي از اين سه جوان کشته و 2 نفر ديگر به شدت مجروح شدند. نيروهاي امنيتي اتهام اين سه جوان را حمل موادمخدر اعلام کرده اند.
لازم به ذکر است در طي ماه هاي اخير نيروي انتظامي در بلوچستان تحت نام مبارزه با قاچاق کالا، سوخت و مواد مخدر دست به کشتار هموطنان بلوچ مي زنند. (هرانا – 2/9/89)

Committee of Human Rights Reporters

Seven months since the detention of jailed lawyer Mohammad Oliayi Fard, judicial officials still refuse to grant him a medical leave.
According to reports from Evin Prison, his condition has deteriorated to the point that it has been two months that he regularly goes from cellblock 350 to the infirmary. According to doctors he is probably suffering from ganglion cancer. From about two weeks ago, the heads of the infirmary in Evin Prison told Oliayi Fard that because of raised medical expenses, they cannot treat him in prison and he has to continue his treatment in a well equipped hospital outside of prison, but the Tehran Prosecutor still refuses to grant him a leave…
Mohammad Oliayi Fard was the lawyer for many political and civil rights activists including Heshmatollah Tabarzadi, Behrouz Javid Tehrani, Mahdieh Golro, Shabnam Madadzadeh, Peiman Aref, Majid Dori, Abolfazl Abedini, Koroush Zaiem and many death row minor offenders. He was arrested in May in the hallway of the Tehran Revolutionary Court after meeting with the head of this court under the excuse that he had to serve his one year prison term on charges of propagating against the government.

وخامت حال محمد اوليايي فرد و عدم رسيدگي به وضعيت او
با وجود گذشت بيش از هفت ماه از بازداشت محمد اوليايي فرد، حقوقدان و وکيل پايه يک دادگستري، مسئولين قضايي از اعطاي مرخصي به اين وکيل فعال حقوق بشر امتناع مي ورزند.
بنا به گزارشات رسيده از زندان اوين، وخامت حال محمد اوليايي فرد به حدي است که بيش از دو ماه است به طور مرتب بين بند 350 زندان اوين وبهداري اين زندان در رفت و آمد است. بنا به گفته پزشکان به احتمال زياد وي به سرطان غدد لنفاوي مبتلا گشته است. از حدود دو هفته گذشته مسئولين بهداري زندان اوين به اوليايي فرد اطلاع داده اند که به خاطر بالا رفتن هزينه هاي درماني وي امکان تداوم رسيدگي به وضعيتش وجود ندارد و وي بايد ادامه ي درمانش را در بيمارستاني مجهز و خارج از زندان پيگيري کند اما دادستان تهران کماکان از موافقت با مرخصي اين وکيل زنداني سر باز مي زند...
محمد اوليايي فرد که وکالت بسياري از فعالان سياسي و مدني از جمله، حشمت الله طبرزدي، بهروز جاويد تهراني، مهديه گلرو، شبنم مددزاده، پيمان عارف، مجيد دري، ابوالفضل عابديني، کوروش زعيم و همچنين بسياري از کودکان محکوم به اعدام را بر عهده داشت از ارديبهشت ماه گذشته پس از جلسه اي که با رياست دادگاه انقلاب تهران در دفتر وي داشت، در راهروي دادگاه انقلاب تهران، به بهانه ي گذراندن محکوميت يک ساله اش به اتهام تبليغ عليه نظام بازداشت شد. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 2/9/89)

Vatan Emrouz state-run daily

Shahla Jahed’s lawyer said on the verge of his client’s execution that he has visited her in prison.
“Shahla is still saying that she is not a murderer and will go to the gallows as an innocent person”, Abdolsamad Khoramshahi said.
“According to the law, the time of the execution has to be announced to me but it has still not been announced to me and I do not know when the sentence will be carried out”.
“I read in some websites that Shahla will be hanged on December 1 but no such date has been officially announced to me”, he added.

زن زنداني در آستانه اعدام: من بي ‌گناهم
وکيل مدافع «شهلا جاهد» در آستانه قصاص موکلش به ملاقات وي در زندان اوين رفت. عبدالصمد خرمشاهي با اعلام اين خبر گفت: روز دوشنبه با شهلا ملاقات داشتم . شهلا هم‌چنان محور حرفهايش اين است که قاتل نيست و بي‌گناه پاي چوبهدار خواهد رفت.
وکيل مدافع شهلا جاهد خاطرنشان کرد: طبق قانون، زمان اجراي حکم بايد به من ابلاغ شود اما هنوز ابلاغ صورت نگرفته است و از زمان اجرا بي‌اطلاعم. خرمشاهي در عين حال اظهار کرد: از برخي رسانه‌ها و اخبار منتشر شده شنيده‌ام که شهلا 10آذرماه قصاص مي‌شود اما بهصورت رسمي چنين تاريخي ابلاغ نشده است. (روزنامه وطن امروز - 2/9/89)

Mehdi Saharkhiz, the son of jailed journalist Esa Saharkhiz expressed concern over his son’s health and said, “My father’s physical health is not good. He has become very weak. A cardiac specialist has even officially stressed in a letter that my father cannot tolerate prison conditions but they still do not release him and do not grant him a leave and they do not take him to hospital”.
“My father is in good spirits and does not tell us many of his problems and issues but we are really concerned. My father passed away last week while praying and fell down. They gave him intravenous fluids and then returned him to his cell. We are very worried and wonder that if my father falls again like this and God forbid something happens to him who will be held accountable?”
Mehdi cited constant pleas by his family and father’s lawyer to get a leave for his jailed father and said, “My father’s lawyer and mother are following up this issue but it has been exactly one year and seven months that my father has been jailed and they have not even granted him a one day leave from prison”.
Esa Saharkhiz is a well known Iranian journalist who was arrested July 16, 2009. He is currently jailed in Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj and was sentenced to 3 years of prison and a 5 year ban on all media and political activities by the Revolutionary Court.

نگراني نسبت به وضعيت عيسي سحرخيز
مهدي سحرخيز، فرزند عيسي سحرخيز در مصاحبه با "روز" نسبت به وضعيت جسماني پدرش ابراز نگراني مي کند و مي گويد: وضعيت جسمي پدرم اصلا خوب نيست؛ خيلي ضعيف شده؛ حتي دکتر متخصص قلب رسما نامه نوشته که پدرم در شرايط عدم تحمل کيفر است، يعني تحمل کيفر را ندارد اما با اين حال او را آزاد نميکنند، مرخصي هم نميدهند و او را به بيمارستان نيز منتقل نمي کنند.
وي مي افزايد: روحيه پدرم خوب است و خيلي از مسائل و مشکلات را به ما نمي گويد ولي ما واقعا نگران هستيم. پدرم هفته پيش در حال نماز خواندن در زندان غش کرده و افتاده؛ او را برده و سرم و آمپول زده اند و بعد برگردانده اند. ما واقعا نگرانيم و سئوالمان اين است که اگر بار ديگر پدرم اين چنين بيفتد و خداي نکرده اتفاق ديگري برايش بيفتد چه کسي پاسخگو خواهد بود؟
مهدي سحرخيز سپس از درخواست هاي مکرر خانواده و وکيل پدرش براي مرخصي مي گويد: وکيل پدرم پي گير است و مادرم نيز پي گيري ميکند اما اکنون دقيقا يکسال و هفت ماه است که پدرم در زندان به سر مي برد و حتي يک روز هم به او مرخصي نداده اند.
عيسي سحرخيز از روزنامه نگاران سرشناس ايراني است که از 25 تير ماه سال گذشته در بازداشت به سر مي برد. اوکه اکنون در زندان رجايي شهر به سر مي برد از سوي دادگاه انقلاب به 3 سال حبس تعزيري و پنج سال محروميت از فعاليت مطبوعاتي و سياسي محکوم شده است. (هرانا – 2/9/89)

A hand of a convicted thief was cut off in the northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad, Fars news agency reported Tuesday. The amputation took place Monday inside Mashhad prison in front of other convicted thieves, the report said. The unidentified thief had been convicted several times and his amputation was done as a deterrent, local prison officials told Fars. According to Islamic law, amputation is the punishment for those convicted of repeated thefts. Iran's judiciary said that amputations would continue in order to protect lives and property and serve as a lesson for other thieves. Last month, a man's hand was cut off for repeated thefts, including stealing chocolate from a shop in the capital Tehran.

حکم قطع يد متهم به سرقت ديگري در مشهد اجرا شد
روز سهشنبه خبرگزاري فارس گزارش داد، يک دست فردي که محکوم به دزدي شده بود در شهر شمالي مشهد قطع گرديد. در اين گزارش مطرح ميشود که اين قطع عضو روز دوشنبه در داخل زندان مشهد در مقابل دزدان ديگر صورت گرفت. (سايت مانگالورين, هرانا - 2/9/89)

Human Rights Activists in Iran

Photo from HRA:Kamal Na’ami with injured back as result of hot lead poured on his body in factory accident

Workers of the Ahwaz Pipe Factory have held protests several times in the past years to the point that not holding protest gatherings has turned into an unusual issue for these workers.
Not receiving their wages and being injured with hot lead poured on their bodies in accidents has also turned into a regular phenomenon for them. Kamal Na’ami is one of the workers in this factory. His friends pull up his shirt to show how the hot lead burned his body.
He has large blisters all over his back, hands, stomach and feet but what you do not see in the picture is the fact that not only has he not received his wages for seven months, they have also not paid for his medical expenses and his birth certificate has been confiscated by the hospital he was treated in because he is not able to pay his 400,000 toman (about 400 dollars) hospital bill. He is the father of six children and has very hard financial conditions.

سرب داغ بر بدن کارگران بي حقوق لوله سازي/ همراه با عکس
کارگران لوله سازي اهواز در طي سالهاي اخير بارها دست به تجمعات اعتراضي زده اند بطوري که عدم تجمع اين کارگران يک امر غير عادي است و مردم اهواز همواره شاهد تجمعات مختلف کارگران اين کارخانه بوده اند. اما در اين بين براي کارگران بي حقوقي و ريختن سرب داغ بر بدن همکارانشان نيز يک موضوع عادي است، کمال نعامي از کارگران اين کارخانه است که دوستانش پيراهن او را بالا زده بودند و نشان مي دادند که چگونه سرب داغ تنش را سوزانده است.
سرتاسر کمر ، دست ، شکم و پاهايش تاول هاي بزرگ و زخم هاي عفوني گرفته اند و نکته پنهان در اين تصوير اين است که نه تنها 7 ماه حقوقش را ندادند بلکه هزينه درمانش را نيز نمي دهند و شناسنامه اش در بيمارستان تهران بدليل عدم پرداخت 400 هزار تومان گرو مانده است. او شش فرزند دارد و شرايط سختي را مي گذراند. (هرانا – 2/9/89)

Iran sentences another student activist to prison and lashes

Human Rights Activists in Iran

Amir Ahmad Monazami a student activist in the South Tehran Unit of the Free University was sentenced to one year of prison and 74 lashes. According to reports, he was arrested on December 20, 2009 in a mourning ceremony for the late Ayatollah Montazeri and after a month in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison, was released on bail. He was tried on September 2, 2010 by Judge Pir Abbasi and was sentenced to one year of prison and 74 lashes on charges of assembling and conspiring against the government and disrupting public order.

يک فعال دانشجويي به حبس و شلاق محکوم شد
امير احمد منظمي از فعالين دانشجويي دانشگاه آزاد تهران جنوب به يک سال حبس تعزيري و 74 ضربه شلاق محکوم شد. بنابه اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، وي در تاريخ 29آذر ماه هنگام شرکت در مراسم شام غريبان آيتالله منتظري بازداشت و پس از يک ماه بازداشت در بند 209 زندان اوين با قرار وثيقه آزاد شد. دادگاه اين دانشجو در 11آبان ماه به رياست قاضي پير عباسي برگزار و به اتهام اجتماع و تباني عليه نظام و اخلال در نظم عمومي به يک سال حبس و 74 ضربه شلاق محکوم شد. (خبرگزاري هرانا – 30/8/89)
Fars state-run News Agency

The Minister of Higher Education said, “The heads of universities have always been told that anyone who does not implement the regulations of the Ministry of Science (Higher Education) has to go”.
“I believe that not implementing the regulations of the Ministry of Science is an excuse for universities to leave the (controlling) area of the government but it has to be noted that we believe that universities are independent but are not separate islands from the government”, Kamran Daneshju said.

وزير علوم روساي دانشگاهها را به اخراج تهديد کرد
وزير علوم گفت: همواره به روساي دانشگاه‌ها اعلام شده است كه هر كس مصوباتي را كه از وزارت علوم ابلاغ مي‌شود اجرا نكند، بايد برود.
كامران دانشجو افزود: اجرايي نشدن مصوبات وزارت علوم به اعتقاد من ترفندي است كه دانشگاه‌ها از حيطه حاكميت خارج شوند اما بايد توجه داشت كه ما قبول داريم كه دانشگاه‌ها مستقل هستند اما جزيره‌اي جدا از حاكميت نيستند. (خبرگزاري حکومتي فارس – 30/8/89)

Daneshju News

Arezu Samimi, a Baha’i student at the Science and Industrial University in Behshahr was expelled from this university for ‘following the Baha’i faith’.
This student’s religion has been registered as Islam in the official website of this university but after she followed up and protested this issue to correct her student information form, heads of the university expelled her.
The expulsion of Baha’i students from university is ongoing while the heads of the Ministry of Higher Education have denied the existence of ‘students who have been expelled because of their religious beliefs’ and those ‘who have been banned from education’.

اخراج آرزو صميمي، دانشجوي بهايي دانشگاه علم و صنعت بهشهر

آرزو صميمي، دانشجوي بهايي دانشگاه علم و صنعت بهشهر به علت «اعتقاد به ديانت بهايي» از اين دانشگاه اخراج شد.
در فرم دانشجويي اين دانشجو در سايت رسمي دانشگاه، مذهب وي «اسلام» درج شده که با «پيگيري» اين دانشجو براي «اصلاح» اين فرم و «اعتراض» وي، مسئولين دانشگاه وي را از دانشگاه اخراج کرده اند.
اخراج دانشجويان بهايي از دانشگاه هاي کشور در حالي ادامه دارد که مسئولين وزارت علوم در دولت دهم، وجود هرگونه «دانشجوي محروم از تحصيل به علت اعتقادات مذهبي» و «محرومين از تحصيل» را تکذيب مي کنند. (دانشجو نيوز – 29/8/89)
Daneshju News

Despite the fact that cash subsidies that have been transferred to the bank accounts of the heads of families are still not usable which has led to population to question this issue, the government has prevented this money from being transferred to the accounts of the families of political prisoners.
Those who were arrested before the Smart Subsidy Plan have been prevented from registering to receive the cash subsidies.
Prisoners whose families had registered for them noticed when they went to the bank that the cash subsidies have not been transferred to their accounts.
With this illegal measure, the government thinks that it can put pressure on political prisoners and their families.

جلوگيري از واريز يارانه ها به حساب زندانيان سياسي و خانواه هايشان
در حالي که مبلغ يارانه هاي نقدي که به حساب سرپرست خانواده ها ريخته شده، هنوز قابل برداشت نيست و اين موضوع براي مردم در هاله ابهام قرار دارد، دولت از واريز همين وجه نيز به حساب خانواده زندانيان سياسي جلوگيري کرده است.
به گزارش خبرنگار تحول سبز، دولت براي جلوگيري از واريز يارانه هاي نقدي به حساب زندانيان سياسي، از ثبت نام کساني که پيش از اين به عنوان زنداني سياسي بازداشت بوده اند در طرح هدفمندي يارانه ها براي دريافت يارانه نقدي جلوگيري کرده و از طرفي، زندانياني که خانواده هايشان از طرف آنها ثبت نام کرده اند نيز پس مراجعه به بانک متوجه شده اند که مبلغي به حسابشان واريز نشده است.
به اين ترتيب دولت در اقدامي غيرقانوني با تصور ايجاد فشار به زندانيان سياسي و خانواده هايشان از واريزمبلغ يارانه هاي نقدي به حساب خانواده آنها جلوگيري کرده است. (دانشجو نيوز – 29/8/89)
ILNA state-run news agency

The president said, “In my opinion the proper age of marriage for girls is 16, 17 and 18 when a girl has just bloomed and has reached her peak of affection, feelings and delicateness and the proper age for marriage for boys is 19, 20 and 21”.

احمدي‌نژاد: سن مناسب ازدواج دخترها 16 تا 18 سال و پسرها 19 تا 21 سال است
ايلنا: رئيس جمهور گفت: به نظر من سن ازدواج مناسب براي دخترها 16، 17 و 18 سال است يعني زمانيكه دخترها تازه شكوفا شده‌اند و اوج عاطفه و احساس و لطافت هستند و سن مناسب براي ازدواج پسرها نيز 19، 20 و 21 سال است. (ايلنا – 29/8/89)

Human Rights Activists in Iran

The eldest brother of Mohammad Saber Malek Reiesi, a 15 year old Baluch boy who was taken hostage 14 months ago by the Ministry of Intelligence asked human rights activists in a letter to do their best to save his brother’s life.
Mohammad Saber was arrested along with two of his other brothers because his eldest bother Abdolrahman was not willing to cooperate with the Ministry of Intelligence. Intelligence agents went to their parent’s house and told them that if they did not hand in their eldest son, they would execute their three sons in prison.
This letter reads in part:
I am the eldest brother of Mohammad Saber Malek who was arrested on September 24 while he was with his smaller brother in the Ali Ebn Abi Taleb Hospital in Chabahar. He has been kept in a state of limbo for 14 months in the detention centers of the Intelligence Agency in Zahedan.
Ministry of Intelligence agents have constantly called my family and demanded that they turn me in as the condition for releasing my smaller brother and my family in under psychological pressure. Because of these threatening phone calls by the Ministry of Intelligence, my elderly father is in a dangerous physical condition.
All these threats and mental pressure on my family is because I was not willing to cooperate with the Ministry of Intelligence who wanted me to be spy for them in sessions of the Sunni clerics and the people of Baluchistan. I left the country for security reasons…
After my family and the headmen (in their region) pursued this issue, my two brothers were released after four months on a 70 million toman (about 70,000 dollar) bail but my smaller brother was not released. The Ministry of Intelligence is harassing my family to put me under pressure to turn myself in.

رنجنامه برادر محمد صابر ملک رئيسي نوجوان بلوچ در بند
برادر ارشد محمد صابر ملک رئيسي نوجوان 15 ساله بلوچ که از 14 ماه پيش گروگان وزارت اطلاعات است در رنجنامه اي از فعالان حقوق بشري خواست براي نجات جان برادرش از هيچ کوششي فروگذاري نکنند.
محمد صابر ملک رئيسي در پي عدم همکاري برادرش عبدالرحمن با وزارت اطلاعات جمهوري اسلامي به همراه دو برادر ديگرش بازداشت شد، ماموران وزارت اطلاعات در مراجعه به منزل آنها به پدر و مادرشان اعلام کردند در صورت عدم تحويل فرزندشان ، سه فرزندش را در زندان اعدام خواهند کرد.
متن نامه عبدالرحمن ملک رئيسي که در اختيار خبرگزاري هرانا قرار گرفته است به شرح زير است:
من عبيدالرحمن ملک ريسي برادر بزرگ محمد صابر ملک ريسي که در تاريخ بيست وچهارم سپتامبر سال قبل در"بيمارستان علي ابن ابي طالب چابهار" هنگاميکه بالا سري برادر کوچکترش بوده به گروگان گرفته شد، هستم که تا به امروز 14 ماه هست که در شکنجه گاه هاي وزارت اطلاعات زاهدان و در بلا تکليفي قرار دارد.
نيروهاي وزارت اطلاعات در تماس هاي مکرر با خانواده ام در قبال ازادي برادر کوچکترم به انها شرط تحويل دادن من را به انها پيشنهاد ميدهند و خانواده ام را از نظر روحي رواني تحت فشار قرار داده اند و در پي اين تلفن هاي تهديد اميز از طرف وزارت اطلاعات، پدرم به دليل کهولت سن و فشارهاي روحي در وضعيت جسماني خطرناکي قرار دارد.
تنها علت اين تهديدات و فشارهاي روحي رواني بر خانواده ام به خاطر عدم همکاري ام با وزارت اطلاعات است که از من با تهديد خواسته بودند جاسوس آنها در مجالس علماء اهل سنت و در ميان ملت بلوچ باشم و من نيز به خاطر حفظ امنيت جانيم از کشور خارج شدم.
بعد از پيگيري بستگان و ريش سفيدان محل, دو برادردستگيرشده پس از گذشت چهار ماه با قيد وثيقه هفتاد ميليوني توماني ازاد ميشوند، اما برادر کوچک ترم به هدف تحويل من به اداره اطلاعات آزاد نميشود و با اذيت و ازار خانواده ام ميخواهند من را تحت فشار قرار دهند تا خودم را معرفي کنم... عبيدالرحمن ملک ريسي (هرانا – 29/8/89)
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Political Prisoners 2010 (4)
Copy right to NCRI
List of Martyrs 2010 (3)
Copy right to : NCRI

List of Secret Executions 2010(2)
Copy Right to NCRI

List of Announced Executions 2010(1)
Copy Right : NCRI

Iran Oct Hr Report 2010 Ncri

This document is collected and sent to us by our NCRI readers. Copy right to NCRI
This document has charts and figures attached to it which we have brought to our readers in separate updates.


NCRI s Monthly Human Rights Report on IRAN– October 2010

The present report aims to show a picture – although inadequate -- of the pervasive crimes committed against the oppressed people of Iran in the month of October and seek help to restitute their trampled rights.

According to public reports, the Iranian regime executed 39 people in the month of October including two political prisoners. Most of these executions were announced through state run media without names. In the ongoing secret executions in Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad, 23 prisoners were hanged in this prison in two separate days and like in prior hangings in this prison, they were only informed of their dire fate hours before their execution. Their lawyers and families were only informed of their execution after they were hanged and were forced by the Iranian regime to pay a fee for the noose that choked their loved ones to death.

Ten people were arbitrarily killed by the Iranian regime this month. Of course this figure was compiled only from reports that were made public and the real figures are much higher. One of those arbitrarily killed by regime forces was Gholam-Hossein Naseri who was tortured to death in prison for following up his brother’s case who was arrested before him. According to the forensics doctor, Gholam-Hossein died because of torture and electric shocks in the Intelligence Agency Detention Center.
A 26 year old man identified as Abdolrahim Kanbarzehi (Qanbarzehi) was killed in the Gharib Abad region in Iranshahr by the State Security Forces ‘Relief Unit’. After being shot in the back by security forces, he was left bleeding for 6 hours and died on the ground where he was shot. Security forces refused to take him to the hospital and banned eyewitnesses from giving him medical aid.

The Iranian regime has stepped up its use of inhumane punishment in an unprecedented manner. In the month of October, two prisoners were flogged in public and four other prisoners were each whipped 74 times in public in Gonbad Kavous.
The numbers of hand amputations in this month were also significantly high and the hands of three people in the cities of Qazvin, Mashhad and Yazd were chopped off while the amputation sentences for a 21 year old man was issued in Tehran for stealing sweets and chocolate and a 60 year old prisoner was sentenced to have his hand chopped off in Orumieh. Of course these are only instances that are made public by the Iranian regime and there are numerous reports of hand amputations being carried out in prisons and police stations all over Iran. Because of the horrible economical state in Iran, the majority of the Iranian population lives under the poverty line and has to cope with hunger, unemployment and other problems. The Iranian regime steals the wealth of the Iranian people and as political prisoner Behrouz Javid Tehrani put it in a statement from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj regarding the implementation of hand amputation sentences, ‘eradicates the poor instead of poverty’.

Like every month in Iran, there have been numerous reports of torture and mistreatment in prisons all over the country. This is while the Manager of Tehran Prisons said in a press conference this month that ‘Iranian prisons are hotels and the treatment of prisoners by prison guards is the best in the world’! This ridiculous claim is made while political prisoners in Evin Prison are under pressure and torture to deny political statements they have issued from prison. Also this month, the son of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a mother of two who has been sentenced to death by stoning on adultery charges was arrested for disclosing his mother’s case to the international community and was violently beaten by his interrogators to retract his prior remarks and ‘confess’. This is while this prison manager claimed that ‘the issue of violence and cruelty towards prisoners has been eliminated in prisons in the country and physically harming and putting pressure on prisoners is a red line in the current Prison Organization’.

The facts above were some of the instances of human rights violations in the month of October. Of course only a small percent of the thousands of human rights violations going on every day in Iran were mentioned in this report

NCRI HR Commission

IRAN weekly HR report: Violence against women

Iran persecutes wife of political prisoner for having satellite equipment and computer in home

Some time ago, agents of the Intelligence Agency in Rasht raided the home of political prisoner Hadi Abedi Bakhoda and violently searched this home. These agents seized some of this family’s personal belongings including their computer, telephone book, satellite receiver, CD’s and other things.
These forces also intended to arrest Mehri Javan Doust, Bakhoda’s wife but were met with her resistance against this arbitrary arrest. They summoned Javan Doust that same day to the Intelligence Agency and interrogated and threatened her for three hours and then released her. But last week, she was once again summoned to the Rasht Intelligence Agency and interrogated again for a prolonged amount of time. Because intelligence interrogators did not have any evidence to charge her, they used her children’s computer and the fact that she had a satellite receiver in her home as an excuse to file a criminal record against her.
These interrogators have also informed her that she will be put on trial on November 15 on these charges.
Hadi Abedi Bakhoda was shot in the spinal cord in the 80’s when regime forces were trying to arrest him and is now paralyzed and on a wheelchair. He was a political prisoner in the 80’s and was recently sentenced to 2 years of prison under fabricated charges. Because of his physical condition, he is receiving treatment under the care of his wife. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 14, 2010)

Female prisoners still under pressure in Evin Prison’s methadone cellblock for giving out political statement from prison

According to reports, female political prisoners who were transferred to the methadone cellblock in Evin Prison on November 7 after phone lines in their previous cellblock were cut off are still kept under inhumane conditions. They are confined to a small space and since their transfer have been banned from going out for fresh air in the prison yard or using the cultural hall.
Female political prisoners were told that the reason behind their transfer to methadone cellblock (used for addicted prisoners) was a statement which was issued by a number of female prisoners when political prisoner Hengameh Shahidi was granted a leave from prison.
Currently, there are only 18 female prisoners in the female section in Evin Prison. Some of these prisoners are Nazila Dashti, Atefeh Nabavi, Mahdieh Golro, Farah Vazehan, Alieh Eqdam Doust, Bahareh Hedayat, Parvin Javadzadeh, Reihaneh Haj Ibrahimi and Zahra Bahrami. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 16, 2010)

Iran arrests former female political prisoner
According to reports, Mehri Javan Mahjoub, who was a former political prisoner in the 80’s and is the wife of political prisoner Abedi Ba Khoda was arrested yesterday and taken to the Lakan Prison in Rasht.
Mahjoub Doust, 52, was summoned to the 4th branch of the Revolutionary Court on Tuesday November 16 and was interrogated for a prolonged amount of time for having a computer and satellite receiver in her home and for describing her husband’s condition to the international media and human rights organizations. A 50 million toman (50,000 dollar) bail order was then issued for her. She was only given 2 hours to provide the bail money and she said that she could not afford to pay this amount stressing that she had not committed any crime for which she would have to pay bail for.
Mahjoub Doust was kept in Police Station number 5 in Rasht until 7 pm and was subsequently transferred to the Lakan Prison in Rasht without being officially convicted.
Before this, agents of the Ministry of Intelligence had raided her home and seized some of their personal belongings.
Mahjoub Doust is suffering from numerous physical ailments such as heart problems, arthritis and migraines.
She was the caretaker of her husband, Abedi Bakhoda who was on a medical leave from prison to receive surgery and was hospitalized at home. She was responsible for most of his nursing including giving him injections. Abedi Bakhoda was shot in the spinal cord in the 80’s when security forces were trying to arrest him and has become crippled. He is confined to a wheelchair and cannot move. Security forces have arbitrary and illegally arrested Mahjoub Doust to put more pressure on this family, especially her husband. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 17, 2010)

Jailed female journalist banned from visits
An informed source said that the family of jailed journalist Nazanin Khosrovani, who had gone to prison to visit her, was told that she is banned from visits. Agents refused to give further explanations about why this prisoner of conscience was banned from visits.
Khosrovani was arrested on November 2, 2010 in her home by security forces and has only called her family once since her arrest. Officials have not said why she was arrested and what she has been charged with. Nazanin Khosravani was not involved in any media activities after the elections and according to her friends she did not have any media or political activities. Her arrest and lack of knowledge about her condition after her arrest has surprised her former colleagues. (International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran – Nov. 18, 2010)

پرونده سازي بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات بدليل داشتن کامپيوتر و رسيور ماهواره در منزل
مامورين اداره اطلاعات چندي پيش به منزل آقاي عابدي با خدا در رشت يورش بردند و منزل آنها را به صورت وحشيانه اي مورد بازرسي قرار دادند .مامورين اداره اطلاعات رشت پس از بازرسي، بعضي از وسايل شخصي اين خانواده را با خود بردند که از جملۀ آنها؛کامپيوتر،دفترچه تلفن خانواده،ريسيور ماهواره،سي دي و غيره مي باشد.
مامورين وزارت اطلاعات همچنين قصد دستگيري خانم مهري جوان محجوب دوست همسر آقاي عابدي با خدا را داشتند که با مقاومت وي از دستگيري خودسرانه او منصرف شدند.آنها همان روز خانم محجوب دوست را به اداره اطلاعات فراخواندند و به مدت 3 ساعت مورد بازجويي و تهيديد قرار داند و سپس او را آزاد کردند. ولي مجددا هفته گذشته او را به اداره اطلاعات رشت احضار کردند و براي مدتي طولاني وي را مورد بازجويي قرار دادند.بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات بدليل اينکه هيچ مدرکي عليه او نيافته بودند اين بار کامپيوتر فرزندانش و داشتن رسيور ماهواره در منزل را بهانۀ پرونده سازي عليه او نمودند.
بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات همچنين به او اطلاع داده اند که قصد دارند وي را به اين خاطر در روز 24 آبان ماه مورد محاکمه قرار دهند.
لازم به يادآوري است آقاي هادي عابدي باخدا که در اثر شليک گلول پاسداران در دهۀ 60 دچار قطع نخاع شده است و بر روي ويلچر قرار دارد. او همچنين از زندانيان سياسي دهۀ 60 مي باشد که سال گذشته با بهانه هاي واهي به 2 سال زندان محکوم شده است اما بخاطر شرايط حاد جسمي در حال حاضر تحت درمان قرار دارد و تنها پرستار وي همسرش خانم محجوب دوست مي باشد. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 23/8/89)

زنان زنداني سياسي زندان اوين همچنان تحت شرايط و محدوديتهاي غير انساني در بند متادون
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" زندانيان سياسي بند زنان زندان اوين که از 16 آبان ماه پس از قطع تلفن آنها به بند متادون که محل نگهداري زندانيان عادي و معتاد مي باشد منتقل شدند وهمچنان در شرايط غير انساني نگهداري مي شوند.آنها در محيطي کوچک و محصور زنداني هستند و از زمان انتقال به اين بند امکان رفتن به حياط و استفاده از سالن فرهنگي محروم شده اند.
به زنان زنداني سياسي گفته شده است که علت انتقال آنها به بند متادون بيانيه اي است که توسط تعدادي از زنان زنداني سياسي به مناسبت مرخصي رفتن خانم هنگامه شهيدي داده شد مي باشد.
در حال حاضر فقط در بند زنان زندان اوين 18 زن زنداني سياسي در بازداشت بسر مي برند که اسامي تعدادي از آنها به قرار زير مي باشد:
زندانيان سياسي نازيلا دشتي، عاطفه نبوي ،مهديه گلرو ،فرح واضحان ، عاليه اقدام دوست ، بهاره هدايت ،پروين جواد زاده ،ريحانه حاج ابراهيمي،زهرا بهرامي و غيره مي باشند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 25/8/89)

يکي از زنان زنداني سياسي دهه 60 دستگير و به زندان لاکان رشت منتقل شد
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" خانم مهري جوان محجوب دوست از زندانيان سياسي دهه 60 و همسر زنداني سياسي عابدي با خدا روز گذشته دستگير و به زندان لاکان رشت منتقل گرديد.
خانم مهري جوان محجوب دوست 52 ساله که از زندانيان سياسي دهه 60 مي باشد روز سه شنبه 25 آبان ماه به شعبه 4 بازپرسي دادگاه انقلاب رشت فراخوانده شد و پس از بازجويي طولاني بخاطر داشتن کامپيوتر ، رسيور ماهواره در منزل و تشريح وضعيت و شرايط همسرش با رسانه هاي بين المللي و سازمانهاي حقوق بشري براي او قرار وثيقه 50 ميليون توماني صادر گرديد . به او فقط 2 ساعت براي تهيۀ وثيقه فوق وقت داده شد.خانم محجوب دوست به آنها اعلام کرد که قادر به تهيه مبلغ فوق نيستند و او هم مرتکب هيچ جرمي نشده است و دليلي براي قرار دادن چنين وثيقه اي را نمي بيند.
خانم محجوب دوست تا ساعت 19:00 در کلانتري 5 رشت در بازداشت بود و سپس به بند زنان زندان لاکان رشت بدون داشتن هيچ محکوميتي منتقل گرديد.
پيش از اين مامورين وزارت اطلاعات به منزل آنها يورش برده بودند و بخشي از وسايل شخصي اين خانواده را جمع آوري و با خود برده بودند.
خانم محجوب دوست از ناراحتيهاي متعددي جسمي مانند ناراحتي قلبي،آرتروز و ميگرن رنج مي برد.
خانم محجوب دوست از همسرش، زنداني سياسي عابدي باخدا که در مرخصي استعلاجي جهت عمل جراحي در منزل بسر مي برد پرستاري مي نمود و اکثر کارهاي تزريقي دارو و ساير موارد را براي او انجام ميداد. آقاي عابدي باخدا در اثر شليک گلولۀ پاسداران به نخاعش دچار قطع نخاع است و بر روي صندلي چرخدار مي باشد و قادر به حرکت نيست.هدف از دستگيري و بازداشت خودسرانه و غير قانوني خانم محجوب دوست ايجاد فشار بر روي اين خانواده بخصوص همسرش مي باشد. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 26/8/89)

نازنين خسرواني ممنوع الملاقات است
يک منبع مطلع به کمپين بين المللي حقوق بشر در ايران گفت که به خانواده نازنين خسرواني روزنامه نگاري که براي ملاقات وي به زندان اوين مراجعه کرده بودند گفته شده است که وي ممنوع الملاقات است. مامورين از ارائه هرگونه توضيحي در مورد اينکه به چه دليل اين زنداني عقيدتي ممنوع الملاقات است خودداري کرده اند.
خانم خسرواني روز چهارشنبه ۱۱ آبان در منزلش توسط نيروهاي امنيتي دستگير شد و تا کنون تنها يک بار با خانواده اش تماس تلفني داشته است. تا کنون دليل دستگيري و اتهاماتي که موجب دستگيري وي شده از سوي مقامات مسوول ارائه نشده است.نازني خسرواني پس از انتخابات از فعاليت هاي مطبوعاتي به دور بود و به گفته دوستانش هيچ گونه فعاليت مطبوعاتي و سياسي نداشت. دستگيري وي و نيز بي خبري از وضعيت وي پس از دستگيري موجب شگفتي همکاران سابق وي شده است. (کمپين بين المللي حقوق بشر در ايران – 27/8/89)
Iran forces Ashtiani, son and lawyer to make false confession on state TV

Iranian state television has broadcast a purported statement by an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery in which she calls herself a 'sinner’.
The stoning sentence against the 43-year-old Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani has been put on hold and is now being reviewed by Iran's supreme court, but she still faces a possible death sentence by other means.
The outcry over the case is one of the latest thorns in Iran's relationship with the international community, as the U.S., EU and international human rights groups have urged Tehran to stay the execution.
A woman identified as Ashtiani said in the state TV report shown Monday: 'I am a sinner.' Her face was blurred and her words were voiced over in what the TV report said was a translation into Farsi from Azeri Turkish, which is spoken in parts of Iran.
The report also broadcast purported statements by two men whose faces were blurred that state TV identified as Ashtiani's son, Sajjad Qaderzadeh, and her lawyer, Houtan Kian, both of whom were arrested last month. It also aired comments from two Germans who were detained allegedly while trying to interview Ashtiani's family in October…
The broadcast of the purported statements appeared to be an attempt by Tehran to deflect international criticism of the case and focus attention instead on the West by accusing it of stirring up controversy over the case to damage the reputation of Iran's Islamic leadership. (AP – Nov. 15, 2010)

Still no news on student activist after 60 days
Sixty days after the arrest of Foad Farimian, an Amir Kabir University student, those close to him still have no news on his whereabouts.
This master’s degree student in Amir Kabir University was arrested two months ago by the intelligence unit of the Revolutionary Guards Corps. This student was active in Mir Hossein Moussavi’s election staff in this university.
His family and friends are extremely worried because officials refuse to answer their concerns about his condition and whereabouts. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 18, 2010)

Right to education

Iran expels student activist from medical university
Yaser Rahmani, a medical student at the Shiraz Medical Science University and the political secretary of the Islamic Association in this university was finally expelled from university after being kept in a state of limbo for one and a half years. He was expelled in a sentence by the Central Disciplinary Committee of the Ministry of Health and Hygiene…
Notably, in this time, the Protection Department of his university and security officials in the province of Fars tried to ruin the image of this student activist and member of the Office for Consolidating Unity by saying that he had given interviews and had made confessions under pressure whish he has strongly denies. (Daneshju News – Nov. 15, 2010)

Suppression of religious and ethnic minorities

Religious freedom deteriorates in Iran: US
The US government said Wednesday that respect for religious freedom deteriorated in Afghanistan and Iran while China and Indonesia earned mixed scorecards.
In its report on international religious freedom for the last year, the US State Department also raised sharp complaints about Myanmar and North Korea as well as US allies Egypt and Saudi Arabia…
The report said 'government respect for religious freedom continued to deteriorate in Iran, with which the US government is locked in a showdown over its nuclear ambitions and human rights.
‘The government severely restricted freedom of religion and reports of government imprisonment, harassment, intimidation, and discrimination based on religious beliefs continued during the reporting period,' the report said.
Iranian Muslims who were not from the majority Shiite group faced 'substantial societal discrimination,' it said.
‘And government rhetoric and actions created a threatening atmosphere for nearly all non-Shia religious groups, most notably Bahais, as well as Sufi Muslims, evangelical Christians, members of the Jewish community,' it said. (AFP - Nov 17, 2010)

ايران آشتياني, پسر و وكيل وي را مجبور به اعترافات ساختگي در تلويزيون دولتي مي كند
تلويزيون دولتي ايران اظهارات يک زن ايراني که محکوم به مرگ از طريق سنگسار شده است را پخش کرد، که در آن، او مدعي شد گناهکار است.
حکم سنگسار سکينه محمدي آشتياني 43ساله، فعلاً متوقف شده است و دادگاه عالي ايران در حال باز بيني آن ميباشد. اما او بهخاطر اتهامات ديگر، هنوز با حکم اعدام روبهرو است.
اعتراضات بينالمللي بر سر اين موضوع، تازهترين خار در روابط ايران با جامعه بينالمللي ميباشد. آمريکا، اتحاديه اروپا، و گروهاي بينالمللي حقوقبشري، از تهران خواستهاند تا از اين اعدام کوتاه بيآيد.
در برنامه دوشنبه تلويزيون دولتي، زني که بهعنوان سکينه محمدي آشتياني معرفي شد گفت: ”من گناهکار هستم“. صورت او تيره شده بود و کلمات او از ترکي آذري به فارسي ترجمه شده بود.
اين برنامه هم‌چنين اظهارات دو مرد که صورت آنها هم تيره شده بود را منتشر کرد. تلويزيون، يکي از آنها را سجاد قادرزاده، پسر آشتياني و ديگري را هوتن خان وکيل وي معرفي کرده است. اين دو نفر ماه گذشته بازداشت شدند. اين تلويزيون هم‌چنين اظهارات دو آلماني که در ماه اکتبر در حال تلاش براي مصاحبه با خانواده آشتياني بازداشت شده بودند را پخش کرد. … (آسوشيتدپرس- 24/8/89)

پس از ۶۰ روز، کماکان بي خبري از فواد فريماني دانشجوي زنداني در بند سپاه پاسداران
شصت روز است که از بازداشت فواد فريماني دانشجوي دانشگاه اميرکبير مي گذرد و نزديکان وي کماکان از وضعيت وي بي خبرند.
به گزارش دانشجو نيوز، فواد فريماني دانشجوي کارشناسي ارشد دانشگاه اميرکبير است که از دو ماه پيش در بازداشت نيروهاي اطلاعات سپاه پاسداران به سر مي برد. اين فعال دانشجويي از فعالين ستاد انتخاباتي ميرحسين موسوي در دانشگاه...
عدم پاسخگويي مسئولين نسبت به وضعيت سلامت و وضعيت بازداشت اين دانشجو، باعث نگراني شديد خانواده وي و دوستان اين دانشجو شده است. (هرانا – 27/8/89)

حق تحصيل

اخراج ياسر رحماني، فعال دانشجويي دانشگاه پزشکي شيراز
ياسر رحماني دانشجوي رشته پزشکي دانشگاه علوم پزشکي شيراز و دبير سياسي سابق انجمن اسلامي اين دانشگاه، پس از يک سال ونيم بلاتکليفي، بالاخره در حکمي توسط کميته انضباطي مرکزي وزارت بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشکي از دانشگاه اخراج شد...
خاطر نشان مي شود در طول اين مدت حراست دانشگاه و مسئولين امنيتي استان فارس براي خدشه وارد کردن به فعاليت هاي اين فعال دانشجويي و دفتر تحکيم وحدت دروغ هاي بسياري مثل مصاحبه و اعترافات ساختگي را به اين فعال دانشجويي باسابقه و خوشنام نسبت دادند که قويا از سوي وي تکذيب شد. (دانشجو نيوز – 24/8/89)

آمريکا: آزاديهاي مذهبي در ايران و افغانستان بدتر شده‌اند
خبرگزاري فرانسه، 17نوامبر، 2010 - واشنگتن - دولت آمريکا روز چهارشنبه گفت محترم شمردن [عدم رعايت] آزاديهاي مذهبي در افغانستان و ايران بدتر شده است و دراينحال چين و اندونزي کارتهاي متفاوتي به‌دست آوردند. …
مسلمانان ايران که از گروه شيعي اصلي ايران نيستند با تبعيض اجتماعي اساسي مواجه هستند. … (خبرگزاري فرانسه- 26/8/89)

Prison Condition

Political prisoner banned from mourning father’s death in prison
According to reports, prison guards in Gohardasht (Rajayi Shahr) Prison in Karaj prevented a memorial ceremony for the late father of political prisoner Karim Poursamadi in cellblock 2 in this prison.
Close to a week after the death of this political prisoner’s father, political prisoners intended to hold a memorial ceremony to give condolences to their fellow inmate Karim Poursamadi which was unfortunately met with the refusal of prison agents and they were told that they did not have the right to hold any kind of ceremony in prison.
About four weeks ago, the Intelligence Agency called Poursamadi’s father and told him that his son would be hanged in the morning. His father subsequently had a brain stroke and suddenly passed away.
Notably, because there is no evidence against Poursamadi, his detention order had been changed to a 50 million toman (about 50,000 dollar) bail by the Revolutionary Court but he has not been released from prison. He was under severe pressure because he was not allowed to say his last farewell to his father when he was ill and because he was banned from participating in his funeral. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 14, 2010)

Another prison murdered in fight instigated by Gohardasht Prison officials
According reports, in a deadly clash in cellblock 5 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, prisoner Mohammad Baba Alian was murdered.
On the morning of November 14, at about 3 pm, 22 year old Mohammad Baba Alian was wounded after being stabbed in three parts of his body in a clash. His fellow inmates cried for help for about thirty minutes from behind the closed doors of cellblock 5’s hall before he was finally transferred to the infirmary. He was not immediately treated in the infirmary and no one did anything to stop his bleeding. Prison officials also refused to take him to a hospital outside of the prison and he passed away in front of other inmates without being given first aid.
Before this clash and in the past few days, Alian and his cellmate were reportedly summoned by the assistant head of prison Ali Mohammadi and Faraji, the head of the Intelligence Unit, to the Intelligence Unit and were instigated to fight with one another. They were separately told that if they murder the other prisoner, their sentences would be commuted. Despite the fact that these two prisoners had a friendly relationship with each other, threats and promises by the assistant head of prison and the head of the Intelligence Unit led to this horrific crime. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 15, 2010)

Post-election protester in poor mental and physical condition in prison
Ayub Qanbarpourian, who was arrested after the elections, is in very poor mental and physical condition in prison but the Tehran Prosecutor and prison officials have refused to grant him a leave from prison.
He has been detained for more than a year and has been only able to see his family a few times because they live in another town and cannot easily come to Tehran.
He was sentenced to five years of prison after months of being kept in a state of limbo in cellblocks 350 and 209 in Evin Prison.
This 20 year old political prisoner is from Koh Dasht Village in Lorestan and worked as a construction worker in Tehran. He was arrested for participating in the peaceful demonstrations in protest to election results.
Qanbarpourian supported his family after he lost his father and his family has been facing financial hardships in the past few months.
He is currently detained in cellblock 350 in Evin along with many other political prisoners. His family and fellow prisoners are severely concerned for his mental and physical condition to the point that everyday, a number of political prisoners in this cellblock take the responsibility of looking out for him in prison. (Saham News – Nov. 17, 2010)

No news on condition of political prisoner after he was thrown in solitary
There has been no news on the condition of political prisoner Mohammad-Ali Mansouri, three weeks after he was thrown in a solitary cell in cellblock 1 in Gohardasht Prison known as the ‘doghouse’.
Mansouri was summoned along with a number of political prisoners to the Intelligence Unit in prison after singing the banned national anthem when a prisoner was being released from prison. After long interrogations, he was transferred by the head of the Intelligence Unit, Faraji, to a solitary cell in the doghouse.
His family has gone to the Revolutionary Court, Prison Organizations and Gohardasht Prison several times but has not been given any answers on the condition of their loved one. This has led to serious concerns for his family. Prisoners who are transferred to cellblock 1 are subjected to severe physical torture including being beaten with electric batons while handcuffed, being subjected to electric shocks and being tortured with other tools for a prolonged amount of time which usually leads to broken legs and hands. Cells in this section lack minimum facilities and prisoners have to sleep on the ground. Guards wet the ground day and night to prevent the prisoner from sleeping on the ground and to subject the prisoner to extreme cold. Prisoners are allowed to bathe only once every few weeks and to use the bathroom three times a day. The amount of food given to prisoners is only enough to live on and the sanitary conditions are appalling. Ailing prisoners are banned from taking their medicine and are denied minimum medical treatment.
Political prisoner Mohammad-Ali Mansouri was arrested in September 2007 after participating in the 19th anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988 and was sentenced to 17 years of prison by Judge Salavati. He was sentenced to spend his prison time in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. He was also a political prisoner in the 80’s. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 18, 2010)

Does Ahmadinejad want to manage the world like this? Letter of political prisoner on notorious Karaj prison conditions
Parts of a letter by political prisoner Ali Saremi from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj about prison conditions:
It is not difficult to evaluate the state of non political prisoners. When a prisoner comes into prison, he has nothing more than some money in his pocket and the clothes on his back. In the quarantine section of prison, where a prisoner is usually kept for up to 3 days, they receive one pair of underwear and a disposable plate and cup. But when they are admitted into the cellblock, they neither receive clothes, plates, cups nor toothbrushes or toothpaste and they have to provide all these themselves.
This is while many prisoners do not have homes, have been shunned by their families or cannot afford to provide these things. A number of them are mentally disturbed or have problems in controlling their urine.
The life of these needy prisoners is appallingly miserable. They eat their food in a piece of plastic or cuttings from a carton of milk that others have drunk or they use a piece of tin from a the container of a disinfectant used to clean the restroom.
In addition to this problem is the problem of the daily increase of prisoners which is a result of the mismanagement of prisons by the government.
In 2009 when I was transferred to Gohardasht Prison, there were about 500 prisoners in our cellblock (cellblock 4). This year, in November there are about 1,300 prisoners in our cellblock which means that in the course of a year it has increased fivefold and every month, more than 60 people are jailed.
Gohardasht Prison has eight cellblocks which means that in the past year more than 450 people have been jailed in each of the eight cellblocks. In light of the fact that there are more than 10 prisons in Tehran, more than 4,500 prisoners are jailed every month in Tehran and because there are more than 10 large cities in the country, more than 45,000 people are imprisoned every month in the country.
One wonders what the people will do if this government continues its rule for a few more year, god forbid. All of the (above mentioned) issues are in addition to the problems of addiction, and the lack of warm water among other things in prison. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 19, 2010)

Prison sentence

Iran sentences student activist to 5 years of prison
Arash Sadeqi, an Alameh Tabatabayi University student who was banned from continuing his education was sentenced to five years of prison by a court of review. Sadeqi was a member of the Central Council of this university’s Islamic Association.
He was arrested on December 27, 2009 and spent more than a year in detention in cellblocks 2-A which is run by the Revolutionary Guards Corps and cellblock 209, run by the Intelligence Agency.
He is now free on a 500 million toman (about 500,000 dollar) bail. This is while despite being temporarily released from prison, security forces raided his home in the past few days to arrest him. His mother had a shock and heart attack as a result of the raid and passed away. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 13, 2010)

15 protesters sentenced to prison for post-election protests
According to reports from Mashhad, 15 people were tried on charges of acting against national security and propagating against the government. Some of these people were arrested in 2009 and spent time in prison. They were sentenced to 3-16 years of prison. Their charges were having email communications with a number of people outside of the country. Three of them identified as Ali Ebadi, Mohammad Mirzayi and Mehdi Jalili are currently in prison and the rest are free on bail.
Notably, Ali Ebadi is a former political prisoner and has been detained in a solitary cell for more than a year.
Some of those sentenced are as follows:
Ali Ebadi, six years of prison
Mehdi Jalili, 16 years of prison
Hassan Oganji, 6 years of prison
Zohre Ebadi, wife of Hassan Oganji, three and a half years of prison
Javad Ebadi, 3 years of prison
Ahmad Mirzayi, six years of prison
Mohammad Ghobrayi, six years of prison
Salmas Parsi, three years of prison (Peik-e Iran – Nov. 15, 2010)

شرايط زندان

ممانعت زندانبانان از برگزاري مراسم ختم براي پدر زنداني سياسي کريم پور صمدي
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران"زندانبانان ولي فقيه از برگزاري مراسم ختم پدر زنداني سياسي کريم پور صمدي در بند 2 زندان گوهردشت کرج ممانعت به عمل آوردند.
با توجه به اينکه نزديگ به يک هفته از فوت پدر زنداني سياسي کريم پور صمدي مي گذرد. زندانيان سياسي قصد داشتند براي تسلي خاطر همبند خود زنداني سياسي کريم پور صمدي به همراه ايشان مراسم يادبود و ختمي را در زندان گوهردشت بند 2 بر پا نمايند که متاسفانه با مخالفت ماموران روبرو شد و به ايشان تذکر دادن که حق برگزاري هيچ مراسمي را در داخل زندن نداري.
شايان ذکر است حدود 4 ماه پيش از طرف وزارت اطلاعات با منزل پدر زنداني سياسي کريم پور صمدي تماس تلفني گرفته شد و به وي گفتند : «پسرتان را سحرگاه امروز اعدام خواهيم کرد» و همين امر باعث آن حملۀ مغزي و لخته شدن خون در مغز ايشان گرديد و مرگ ناگهاني وي را در بر داشت.
شايان ذکر است قرار بازداشت وي در پرونده با توجه به نبود هيچ مدرکي توسط دادگاه انقلاب تبديل به قرار وثيقه مالي 50 ميليون توماني شده است اما تا به امروز ايشون را آزاد نکردند. بدليل عدم اجازه آخرين وداع و حضور در مراسم خاکسپاري پدرش باعث ايجاد فشارهاي روحي و عاطفي عليه اين زنداني سياسي شده اند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 23/8/89)

درگيري خونين در بند 5 زندان گوهردشت کرج منجر به قتل يک زنداني گرديد
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به " فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" در طي يک درگيري خونين در بند 5 زندان گوهردشت کرج زنداني محمد بابا عليان به قتل رسيد.
صبحگاه روز شنبه 22 آبان ماه حوالي ساعت 03:00 طي يک درگيري خونين زنداني محمد بابا عليان 22 ساله بر اثر اصابت تيزي به 3 نقطه از بدنش دچار خونريزي گرديد.همبنديان او در حدود نيم ساعت پشت دربهاي بسته سالن بند5 فرياد کمک سر مي دادند تا اينکه درب سالن باز شد و او را به بهداري زندان منتقل کردند. هنگام انتقال به بهداري مدتي طولاني از رسيدگي پزشکي و جلوگيري از خونريزي وي اقدامي انجام نشد و همچنين از انتقال او به بيمارستانهاي خارج از زندان خوداري کردند تا اينکه در بهداري زندان بدون رسيدگي اوليه پزشکي در مقابل چشمان همبنديانش که او را به بهداري منتقل کرده بودند جان باخت.
گفته مي شود که درروزهاي قبل از اين درگيري محمد بابا عليان و هم سلولي او بارها توسط علي محمدي و فرجي به اطلاعات و معاونت زندان احضار شده بودند و آنها را بر عليه يکديگر تحريک کردند و به هر کدام از آنها بطور جداگانه گفته شده بود در صورت به قتل رساندن ديگري از محکوميت آنها کاسته خواهد شد.عليرغم اينکه اين دو فرد هم خرج بودند و رابطۀ دوستانه اي بين آنها وجود داشت ولي تهديدات و تطميع علي محمدي معاون زندان و فرجي رئيس اطلاعات زندان باعث بوجود آوردن چنين جنايتي هولناکي شد . (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 24/8/89)

وخامت حال جسمي و روحي ايوب قنبر پوريان
ايوب قنبرپوريان يکي از زندانيان حوادث پس از انتخابات ،وضعيت جسماني و روحي بسيار نامناسبي دارد اما با اين حال دادستان تهران و مسوولان زندان با مرخصي او مخالفت مي کنند .
به گزارش کلمه، او که بيش از يک سال در زندان است تنها چند بار توانسته با خانواده و بستگان خود ملاقات کند، چرا که خانواده اش در شهرستان زندگي مي کنند و به سختي امکان سفر به تهران را پيدا مي کنند.
او پس از ماه ها بلاتکليفي و زنداني بودن در بند ۳۵۰ و ۲۰۹ به پنج سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد .
ايوب قنبرپوريان ، ۲۰ ساله و اهل يکي از روستاهاي کوه دشت لرستان است که در تهران به عنوان کارگر ساختمان مشغول به کار بوده است . او در تظاهرات هاي مسالمت آميز مردم در اعتراض به نتيجه انتخابات ۲۲ خرداد ۱۳۸۸ شرکت داشته و به همين دليل بازداشت و روانه زندان شده است .
قنبرپوريان به دليل از دست دادن پدرش، سرپرست خانواده بوده و در تمام ماههاي گذشته ،خانواده او با مشکلات مالي فراوان دست به گريبان بوده اند.
وي هم اکنون در بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوين به همراه بسياري ديگر زندانيان سياسي به سر مي برد. خانواده قنبر پوريان و هم بندي هاي او نسبت به وضعيت جسمي و روحي او به شدت اظهار نگراني مي کنند تا جايي که هر روز چند نفر از زندانيان سياسي اين بند مسئوليت مراقبت از او را در زندان به عهده مي گيرند. (سحام نيوز – 26/8/89)

بي خبري مطلق از وضعيت و شرايط زنداني سياسي محمدعلي منصوري در سلولهاي انفرادي
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" بيش از سه هفته از انتقال زنداني سياسي محمد علي منصوري به سلولهاي انفرادي بند 1 معروف به سگ دوني زندان گوهردشت کرج مي گذرد ولي از شرايط و وضعيت اين زنداني سياسي هيچ خبري در دست نيست.
زنداني سياسي محمدعلي منصوري 4 آبان ماه هنگام آزادي يک زنداني همراه با ساير زندانيان اين بند براي بدرقۀ وي اقدام به خواندن دست جمعي سرود :« اي ايران اي مرز پرگهر» نمودند.متعاقب اين مسئله اطلاعات زندان وحشت زده اقدام به احضار تعدادي از زندانيان سياسي نمود که از جملۀ آنها آقاي منصوري بود پس از بازجوييهاي طولاني مدت توسط فرجي رئيس فعلي اطلاعات زندان او را به سلولهاي انفرادي بند 1 معروف به سگدوني منتقل کردند.
خانواده زنداني سياسي منصوري در طي اين مدت به دادگاه انقلاب، سازمان زندانها و زندان گوهردشت کرج بارها مراجعه کردند ولي تا به حال هيچ پاسخي به آنها داده نشده است. اين مسئله باعث شده است که اين خانواده در نگراني فزاينده اي بسر برد.
زندانيان که به سلولهاي انفرادي بند 1 معروف به (سگدوني) منتقل مي شوند مورد شکنجه هاي وحشيانه جسمي قرار مي گيرندکه از جملۀ آنها ؛ دست بند و پابند و چشم بند زدن به زنداني و بردن او به اتاق شکنجه و شکنجۀ وي با باتونهاي برقي،شوک الکتريکي و ساير ابزارهاي شکنجه براي مدتي طولاني که در اکثر موارد منجر به شکستن دست و پاي زنداني مي شود،سلولها فاقد امکانات اوليه است و زنداني بايد بر کف بتوني سلول استراحت نمايد پاسداربندها در طي شبانه روز چند بار کف سلول را با آب سرد خيس مي کنند تا زنداني نتواند استراحت کند و در معرض سرماي شديد قرار گيرد،زنداني هر چند هفته يکبار امکان استفاده از حمام را دارد، زنداني 3 بار در روز حق استفاده از سرويسهاي بهداشتي را دارد،غذاي زنداني در حد زنده ماندن است و شرايط بهداشتي فاجعه بار است. زندانيان بيماري حق استفاده از داروهاي خود را ندارند و از امکانات اوليه پزشکي محروم هستند و همچنين محدوديتهاي متعدد ضد بشري ديگري را متحمل مي شوند.
زنداني سياسي محمد علي منصوري پس از شرکت در مراسم نوزدهمين سالگرد قتل عام زندانيان سياسي سال 1367 در شهريور ماه 1386 دستگير شد و توسط قاضي فرمايشي صلواتي به 17 سال زندان و تبعيد به زندان گوهردشت کرج محکوم شد. او همچنين از زندانيان سياسي دهۀ 60 مي باشد. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 27/8/89)

احمدي نژاد مي خواهد جهان را هم با چنين مديريتي مديريت کند؟!
قسمتهايي از نامه علي صارمي از زندان گوهردشت كرج در مورد وضعيت زندانهاي ايران:
برآورد وضعيت زندانيهاي غيرسياسي زياد دشوار نيست يک زنداني هنگامي که به زندان وارد ميشود جزء مقداري پول در جيب و لباس تنش چيز ديگري ندارد. در قرنطينه زندان که معمولاً از يک تا 3روز طول ميکشد يک دست لباس زير و ظرف غذا و ليوان يک بار مصرف به هر نفر ميدهند. ولي هنگامي که وارد بند ميشوند نه از لباس خبري هست و نه از ظرف غذا و ليوان و مسواک و خمير دندان و همۀ اينها را خود زنداني بايد تهيه نمايد.
اين در حالي است که بسياري از زندانيها خانه ندارند و يا از خانواده طرد شدهاند و يا خانوادۀ آنها توان تامين مالي آنها را ندارند شماري از اينها دچار اختلالت رواني هستند و يا دچار بيماريهاي هستند که نميتوانند خودشون را کنترل نمايند.
زندگي اين نيازمندان به‌طور تاسفباري رقت انگيز است. غذاي خود را داخل تکهاي پلاستيک و يا بريده ظرف شيري که ديگران خوردهاند و يا بخشي از بريده يک دبۀ 4 ليتري مايع دستشويي پلاستيکي ميگيرند و ميخورند مظاف بر اينها افزايش روزافزون زندانيان ميباشد. که در اثر ناتواني مديريت کلان کشور در ادارۀ آن است.
آمار سال 88 که من به زندان گوهردشت منتقل شدم. آن زمان آمار زندانيهاي بند ما (بند4) در حدود 500نفر بودند امسال همان آبان ماه آمار زندانيهاي بند ما 1300نفرند يعني ظرف يک سال بيش از 2. 5 برابر شدهاند ماهيانه بيش از 60نفر به تعداد زندانيها افزوده ميشود.
زندان گوهردشت 8 بند دارد که به همين نسبت به زندانيهاي آنها نيز افزوده شدهاند يعني افزايش زنداني ظرف 1سال در زندان گوهردشت بيش از 450نفر بوده است با توجه به اينکه که در تهران بيش از 10 زندان وجود دارد پس افزايش زندان در تهران ماهيانه بيش از 4500نفر ميباشد و چون بيش از 10 شهر بزرگ در کشور وجود دارد افزايش زندانيها در ماه بيش از 45هزار نفر ميباشد.
حال بايد پرسيد اگر اين حکومت خداي نکرده چند سال ديگر ادامه پيدا کند تکليف مردم ايران چه خواهد بود؟ همۀ اينها جداي از مسئلۀ اعتياد نبود آب گرم و غيره در زندان ميباشد. (سايت فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي – 28/8/89)

حكم زندان

محکوميت آرش صادقي به پنج سال حبس تعزيري در دادگاه تجديد نظر
آرش صادقي دانشجوي محروم از تحصيل کارشناسي ارشد فلسفه و عضو شوراي مرکزي انجمن اسلامي دانشگاه علامه طباطبايي در دادگاه تجديد نظر به پنج‌ سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد.
وي در تاريخ ۶ دي‌ماه ۱۳۸۸ بازداشت شده و دوره‌ي بازداشت خود را در بندهاي ۲-الف سپاه و ۲۰۹ وزارت اطلاعات به مدت بيش از يک سال گذرانده است.
وي هم‌ اکنون به قيد وثيقه‌ي ۵۰۰ ميليون توماني به طور موقت آزاد است. اين در حالي است که با وجود آزادي موقت، مامورين امنيتي در روزهاي گذشته به منظور بازداشت وي به منزل پدري او يورش بردند. اين يورش باعث شوک، حمله‌ي قلبي و نهايتا فوت مادر آرش صادقي شد. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 24/8/89)

محاکمه 15 نفر به اتهام اقدام عليه امنيت کشور در مشهد
بنا بر گزارش دريافتي دادگاهي در مشهد 15 نفر را به اتهام اقدام عليه امنيت کشور و تبليغ عليه نظام محاکمه کرد. اين افراد که بعضا در سال 88 دستگير و مدتي زنداني بودند به حکم هايي از 16 تا 3 سال محکوم شده اند. اتهام آنها ارتباط ايميلي با بعضي افراد در خارج از کشور مي باشد. سه تن از اين متهامان به نام هاي علي عبادي و محمد ميرزايي و مهدي جليلي هم اکنون در زندان بوده و بقيه به قيد ضمانت آزاد هستند.
لازم به ذکر است که آقاي علي عبادي از زندانيان سياسي سابق است و بيش از يک سال در سلول انفرادي بوده است.
اسامي به شرح زير مي باشد:
علي عبادي 6 سال
مهدي جليلي 16 سال
حسن اوگنجي 6 سال
زهره عبادي همسر حسن اوگنجي سه سال و نيم
جواد عبادي 3 سال
احمد ميرزايي 6 سال
محمدغبرايي 6 سال
سلمان پارسي 3 سال (پيك ايران – 24/8/89)
