Female death row political prisoner-Farah Vazehan- taken to hospital

Committee of Human Rights Reporters

Death row political prisoner Farah Vazehan was taken to a hospital outside of Evin Prison after she suffered severe heart problems.
Vazehan, who was arrested two days after Ashura Protests (Dec. 27, 2009) in her home, was taken to the prison infirmary after she suffered severe pain from her heart condition. She was mistreated by the personnel in the infirmary was mocked and asked why she chose this day to become sick.
After being checked, the prison medic transferred her to the Modares Hospital in Tehran to receive more treatment.

انتقال فرح واضحان، زنداني محکوم به اعدام به بيمارستاني خارج از زندان
فرح واضحان، زنداني محکوم به اعدام در پي ناراحتي شديد قلبي به بيمارستاني خارج از زندان اوين منتقل شده است.
فرح واضحان، شهروندي که دو روز بعد از حوادث روز عاشوراي سال گذشته در منزل خود بازداشت شده است، روز جاري در پي ناراحتي قلبي ابتدا به بهداري زندان اوين و سپس به بيمارستان مدرس منتقل شد.
به گزارش خبرنگار رهانا، واضحان که در پي دردهاي ناشي از بيماري قلبي به بهداري زندان اوين منتقل شده بود، با برخورد بد پرسنل بهداري زندان اوين مواجه شده به طوري‌که پرسنل بهداري از او مي‌پرسيدند که براي چه امروز مريض شده‌اي؟
در اين ميان پزشک بهداري پس از معاينه‌، وي را به بيمارستان مدرس تهران منتقل مي‌کند تا معاينات و مداواي بيش‌تري بر وي صورت بگيرد. (رهانا – 18/6/89)

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, on September 8, Ayatollah Borujerdi was once again verbally attacked and abused by prison officials in Evin Prison for protesting the lack of the minimum human needs and the violation of prisoners’ rights.
Prison officials said, “Why do you report prison news to the outside and do not stop propagating against the government even here?”
“Instead of animosity with this victimized government, you have to condemn the US on TV so that we could provide the conditions for your hospitalization”.
Mr. Borujerdi said, “I am not political and I only request that religion be separated from state and that is why I have been under torture in jail for years. In Iran the clerics and officials are the ones committing the crimes and not the US. You intend to kill prisoners of conscience and if the news does not get out of prison, you will kill everyone. It is your inhumane measures that have had an international reaction”.
The latest reports from prison are that the heated exchange of words deteriorated Borujerdi’s heart condition to the extent that he fell unconscious to the ground for a few moments.

افزايش فشارها بر آقاي بروجردي براي انجام مصاحبه تلويزيوني
بنابر گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" ، روز چهارشنبه 17 شهريور ماه، آقاي بروجردي در پي اعتراض به فقدان امکانات اوليه انساني و پايمال شدن حقوق زندانيان، براي چندمين بار مورد هتاکي و فحاشي مسئولين زندان اوين قرار گرفت.
آنها بارها به اين دگر انديش زنداني گفتند:
"چرا اخبار داخل زندان را به بيرون ارسال مي کني و حتي در اينجا دست از تبليغ عليه جمهوري اسلامي بر نمي داري؟ به جاي دشمني با اين نظام مظلوم، بايد در يک برنامه تلويزيوني، امريکا را محکوم کني تا ما نيز شرايط بستري شدن شما در بيمارستان را مهيا کنيم! و...."
آقاي بروجردي در پاسخ، موارد ذيل را بازگو نمود:
"من سياسي نيستم، صرفا خواستار جدائي دين از حکومت مي باشم و به همين علت نيز سالهاست که تحت بازداشت و شکنجه قرار دارم. در ايران آخوندها و مسئولين نظام جنايت مي کنند نه امريکا. شما قصد کشتن همه زندانيان عقيدتي سياسي را داريد، اگر اطلاع رساني نشود، همگي ما را خواهيد کشت. عملکرد ضد انساني نظام باعث واکنش جهاني شده است و ....."
آخرين گزارش ها حاکي است که اين مشاجره لفظي باعث تشديد بيماري قلبي ايشان شده به گونه اي که لحظاتي را به حالت اغما بر روي زمين افتادند.(فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 18/6/89)

Human Rights Campaign in Iran

Abdollah Momeni, the spokesperson of the student Office for Consolidating Unity who was arrested in the post election events and is currently in prison detailed severe torture, false confessions, a show trial and also the complete absence of judicial independence in his trial in a letter to the leader of the Islamic Republic Khamenei and requested that a truth seeking committee be established to see to these issues.
This student activist is currently serving his 4 years and 11 months of prison in cellblock 350 in Evin Prison in Tehran…
In this letter, Abdollah Momeni said he was severely beaten and was choked until he passed out. His interrogator also put his head in a toilet bowl and he was kept in a solitary cell for 86 days (in a 1.6 by 2.2 meter cell). He was constantly threatened that he would be executed, and sexually harassed. Momeni was also forced to practice his false confessions before his trial. He said that the judge on his case, Abolqasem Salavati, and other judiciary officials who were involved in his trial did not have judicial independence and that interrogators of the Ministry of Intelligence had too much influence in the court process which all show the political nature of his trial.

روايت تکان دهنده عبدالله مومني از شکنجه ها و اعتراف گيري در زندان
عبدالله مومني، سخنگوي سازمان دانشجويي ادوار تحکيم وحدت که در جريان حوادث بعد از انتخابات بازداشت و اکنون در زندان به سر مي برد، طي نامه اي از زندان اوين خطاب به رهبر جمهوري اسلامي، مطالبي را در خصوص شکنجه شديد، اعترافات ساختگي و محاکمه نمايشي خود، و همچنين فقدان کامل استقلال قضايي در محاکمه اش شرح داده و خواستار تشکيل يک کميته حقيقت ياب پيرامون رخدادهاي صورت گرفته شد.
اين فعال دانشجويي هم اکنون در حال گذراندن محکوميت ۴ سال و ۱۱ ماه خويش در بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوين تهران است...
در اين نامه، عبدالله مومني ازضرب و جرح شديد، اقدام به خفه کردن تا حد بيهوشي، و نگهداشتن سر وي در کاسهء توالت توسط بازجويانش، حبس در سلول انفرادي براي ۸۶ روز (در يک سلول ۱٫۶ متر در ۲٫۲ متري)، تهديد مکرر به اعدام ، تهديد به آزار واذيت جنسي، وادار شدن توسط بازجويانش براي تمرين اعترافات ساختگي قبل از جلسهء دادگاه، و فقدان کامل استقلال توسط قاضي پرونده اش، ابوالقاسم صلواتي، و ساير مقامات قوهء قضاييه که دست اندرکار محاکمهء وي بوده اند و همچنين نفوذ بي حد بازجويان و ماموران اطلاعاتي در روند محاکمهء وي که همگي بيانگر ماهيت سياسي اين محاکمه است سخن مي گويد. (کمپين بين المللي حقوق بشر در – 18/6/89)
Committee of Human Rights Reporters
9 September

After reports of secret executions in Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad were published, a political prisoner in Mashhad Prison has also disclosed these executions in a letter:

“The tragedy going on in Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad is too atrocious to describe. Section 5 in Vakil Abad Prison is the most mysterious and secret section in this prison and when international inspectors come for inspection, blankets are lined in front of the door and it is introduced as a blanket storage room and only a few people are aware of what actually goes on in there. Section 5 has four cellblocks including:

Cellblock 101: more than 500 death row prisoners who have been convicted of dealing narcotics
Cellblock 102: about 300 prisoners sentenced to retribution and 250 prisoners with other crimes
Cellblock 103: about 600 prisoners between 18 to 25 year of age with charges such as robbery, adultery, and selling narcotics
Cellblock 104: about 600 prisoners over 25 year with charges such as robbery, narcotics and adultery
In cellblocks 102, 103 and 104 there are about 200 death row prisoners who have been transferred from cellblock 101 with the approval of the Prison Protection Unit.

Cellblock 101 is the most sensitive in Vakil Abad Prison. Severe security measures have been carried out in this cellblock. Unlike other cellblocks, 101 has a two layered iron door and it is impossible to see inside of the cellblock from outside.

People rarely use this door and all movements are approved by the Protection Unit. Prisoners in this cellblock are only allowed to call the phone numbers that have been pre-approved by the Protection Unit and are only allowed calls every other day for five minutes.

Their death sentences are not announced to them, their lawyers or their family in a written form and they are only verbally informed in the Revolutionary Court or by an agent in prison that they have been given the death sentence.

None of them know when they will be executed and until their death sentence is carried out they all have to count themselves dead. This means that before their execution, they are executed in their minds many times.

In the time between July 2009 and April 2010 close to 250 people were executed in Vakil Abad prison.

Sixty eight prisoners were hanged in august 2009, 40 in November 2009, 30 in January 2010, about 20 in February 2010 and in April 2010 more than 50 prisoners were hanged. This number excludes women who have been hanged in each incident from the women’s cellblock. There are no exact numbers on how many female prisoners and those who have been brought for execution from towns near Mashhad especially Torbate Heidarieh and Fariman were executed.

In August 2010, in four counts of group hangings about 70 people were hanged in each incident. In August 4, 2010, 70 prisoners and on August 18, 67 people were hanged. On the two days of July 28 and August 10, 60 to 70 prisoners were hanged but the exact numbers are still unknown”.

يک زنداني سياسي زندان مشهد:
بيشتر از ۵۰۰ متهم مواد مخدر در يکسال گذشته به صورت مخفيانه اعدام شده اند
در پي انتشار اخبار اعدام هاي مخفيانه در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد يکي از زندانيان سياسي اين زندان، در نامه اي افشاگرانه که نسخه اي از آن در اختيار کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر قرار گرفته است روايت ديگري از اين اعدام ها را بازگو کرده است: در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد فجايعي به وقوع مي پيوندد که سبعيت آن توصيف ناپذير است. اندرزگاه 5 زندان وکيل آباد مشهد رمزآلودترين و مخفي ترين بند زندان وکيل آباد مشهد بوده که با چيدن پتو در ورودي اندرزگاه در هنگام بازرسيهاي بين المللي به عنوان انبار پتو معرفي مي گردد و کمتر کسي اطلاعاتي دقيق از وضعيت آن دارد. اندرزگاه 5 زندان وکيل آباد مشهد شامل 4 بند به ترتيب:
بند 101: محکومين به اعدام به جرم فروش مواد مخدر بيش از 500 نفر
بند 102: اکثرا محکومين به قصاص، 300 نفر و ديگر جرائم حدود 250 نفر
بند 103: بند جوانان 18 تا 25 سال با جرائم سرقت،زنا، فروش مواد مخدر، حدودا 600 نفر
بند 104: جرائم سرقت، مواد مخدر، زنا، 25 ساله ها به بالا حدودا 600 نفر
در هر يک از بندهاي 102، 103 و 104 حدودا 200 نفر محکومين به اعدام هستند که با تاييد حفاظت زندان از بند 101 به آنجا منتقل شده اند.
بند 101 زندان وکيل آباد مشهد حساس ترين بند زندان است. تدابير شديد امنيتي بر آنجا حکمفرماست. برخلاف ديگر بندهاي زندان بند 101 با درب دوجداره ي آهني که قابل رويت از بيرون به داخل بند نيست مسدود گشته و تردد افراد به ندرت و با هماهنگي حفاظت زندان صورت مي گيرد. افراد حاضر در اين بند براي تماس تلفني تنها با شماره هايي مي توانند تماس بگيرند که حفاظت زندان آن را قبلا تاييد کند...آنهم هر يک روز در ميان 5 دقيقه. حکم اعدام به هيچ کدام از آنان حتي وکلا و خانواده هايشان ابلاغ کتبي نمي گردد و فقط شفاها به آنان در دادگاه انقلاب و يا توسط يکي از مامورين زندان به آنان ابلاغ مي گردد.اين در حاليست که هيچ کدام از آنان از زمان اجراي احکام خويش مطلع نيستند و در هر تاريخ نامشخص اجراي احکام اعدام، همه بايد خود را مرده حساب کنند. يعني افراد قبل از اعدام در ذهنشان بارها اعدام مي شوند. در فاصله ي بين تيرماه 88 الي فروردين 89 نزديک به 250 نفر در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد اعدام گشته اند. مرداد ماه سال هشتاد وهشت 68 نفر ،آبان ماه سال هشتاد وهشت 40 نفر، دي ماه سال هشتاد وهشت 30 نفر، اواخر بهمن ماه سال هشتاد وهشت 88 تقريبا 20 نفر و فروردين 89 بيشتر از 50 نفر.
اين ارقام جداي زناني است که در هر سري از بند نسوان اعدام مي شوند ،که از رقم حقيقي آن اطلاعي در دست نيست و همچنين جداي از تعداد زندانياني است که از شهرستان هاي اطراف مشهد خصوصا تربت حيدريه و فريمان که جهت اجراي حکم اعدام به زندان وکيل آباد مشهد در اين مدت منتقل شده اند.
همچنين در مرداد سال 89 هر هفته و در 4 نوبت اعدام گروهي و دسته جمعي در رقمي حدود 70 نفر در هر سري اعدام شده اند:در تاريخ چهارشنبه 13 مرداد هشتاد و نه 70 نفر و تاريخ چهرشنبه 27 مرداد 67 نفر اعدام شده اند. در دو تاريخ 6 و 19 مرداد نيز رقمي بين 60 تا 70 نفر اعدام شده اند که البته آمار دقيق همچنان نامشخص است. (کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 18/6/89)

Iran 'building additional secret underground nuclear plant'

Polijam Times

by :Jay Solomon - Wall St. JournalPublished

Thursday, September 09 2010 23:45

WASHINGTON—Iran is developing an underground military installation in the mountains west of Tehran, according to U.S. officials and Iranian dissidents, but the facility's exact purpose is in dispute.

An Iranian opposition group, the Mujahedin-e-Khalq, on Thursday told a Washington news conference that the site, which it called Javad-nia 2, is a nearly completed uranium-enrichment facility aimed at fast-tracking Iran's nuclear program.

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Exile group claims Iran is building hidden nuclear sites

David Sanger, Washington
September 11, 2010

A DISSIDENT group that had previously revealed the existence of several hidden nuclear sites in Iran claims it has evidence that the country is building another secret uranium enrichment plant.

The group, the People's Mujahideen of Iran, showed satellite photographs of extensive tunnelling near a military garrison north-west of Tehran. But the group had no pictures of the interior and no evidence that the site was intended to hold several thousand centrifuges, the machines used to enrich nuclear fuel.
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Iranian Dissidents Report on Nations Nuclear Ambitions
Pattaya Daily News - ‎12 hours ago‎
The MEK has been the key exposing source of Iran's covert nuclear activities over recent years. In 2002, it disclosed the existence of Iran's nuclear ...

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Iran denies 'secret atomic plant'

BBC News
Iran has rejected allegations by a dissident group that it is building a secret uranium enrichment site. The People's Mujahideen of Iran (PMOI) says it has ...
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Iran Denies Underground Site is Nuclear Facility

Voice of America
Iran is denying an opposition group's claim that it is building a clandestine underground nuclear enrichment facility west of Tehran. ...

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Avoiding a lose-lose situation with Iran

Rules must be binding. Violations must be punished. Words must mean something. The world must stand together to prevent the spread of [nuclear] weapons.

-President Obama, Prague, April 5, 2009

Iran has not provided the necessary cooperation to permit the Agency to confirm that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities. Iran is not implementing the requirements contained in the relevant resolutions of the Board of Governors and the Security Council, including implementation of the Additional Protocol, which are essential to building confidence in the exclusively peaceful purpose of its nuclear program.

-International Atomic Energy Agency, September 6, 2010

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The case for sanctions on Iran

San Fransisco Chronicle
Ruvim Braude

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will speak in the coming days at the U.N. General Assembly in New York where he will preach his hatred of the United States, the West and Israel. The backdrop of his speech is the looming likelihood of Iran becoming a nuclear power. The Obama administration, in concert with U.S. allies, must intensify its efforts at the United Nations to bring further sanctions against the theocratic rulers of Tehran to maximize the prospect of a peaceful resolution and to prevent the regional and global destabilization that would come with an Iranian nuclear arsenal.

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Washington Post

Photo:Satellite image of site alleged to be a previously undisclosed nuclear facility in Iran provided in the press conference by the group. (Courtesy DigitalGlobe and Globalsecurity.org).

An Iranian dissident group said on Thursday that it has identified a previously undisclosed nuclear facility under construction northwest of Tehran, claiming to have evidence that shows the Islamic nation is deceiving inspectors and moving forward in its pursuit of a bomb.

Details about the facility were scant, and experts said the allegation that construction at the site is nuclear-related could not be confirmed.

The information was presented by the People's Mujaheddin Organization of Iran, a group that has been on the mark in the past in exposing Iranian nuclear activities, including the identification in 2002 of a large centrifuge installation at Natanz.

But U.S. officials have greeted some of the organization's other claims with skepticism, and note that it has for years been on a State Department list of designated terrorist organizations.

"This facility has been under construction for years, and we've known about it for years. While there's still some ambiguity about its ultimate purpose - not unusual for something that's still taking shape - there's no reason at this point to think it's nuclear," a U.S. official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. "The Iranians put military stuff in tunnels, too. People should be cautious about reaching conclusions here."

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vowed late last year that Tehran would build 10 new sites to enrich uranium. No evidence has surfaced yet to indicated that any of those facilities have been built.

The People's Mujaheddin Organization said the new site is located just north of a major highway connecting Tehran with the Iranian city of Qazvin. Satellite images presented by the organization showed significant excavation amid otherwise mountainous and barren terrain.

The group said that Iran has been engaged in major excavation work at the site for at least five years, building a network of underground tunnels designed to hold centrifuges that could be used to enrich uranium to weapons-grade purification levels.

A spokeswoman for the Iranian group, Soona Samsami, said the new compound was 85 percent complete and could prove to be "far more important than the Qom site," a facility that Iran worked on in secret for years before it was exposed by the Obama administration in 2009.

The dissident group's information came from an "internal network of sources" inside the country, Samsami said, adding that details had been shared with U.S. government agencies, as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency, which carries out United Nations-mandated inspections of Iran's nuclear sites.

The facility is referred to within Iran as site "3-1-1," and has been portrayed internally as an annex to an existing military garrison nearby, an explanation that the group said is inconsistent with the scale of the tunneling work underway.

Noting that Iran had told the IAEA last year that there were no other nuclear facilities under construction, another group spokesman, Alireza Jafarzadeh, said, "Iranian officials were lying through their teeth."

Still, experts expressed skepticism about the new allegations.

"We saw nothing in the images that suggests a centrifuge plant," said David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security. "There are many underground facilities in Iran."

The Mujaheddin group aims to overthrow of the government in Tehran, and has lobbied to have the State Department terrorist label removed.

Iran insists that its nuclear program is strictly for peaceful purposes, including energy and medical research. An IAEA report released this week said that Iran has notified the agency that it is planning to build new nuclear facilities, but has rebuffed agency requests for details

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, Abbas Tavakoli Berazjani who is jailed in cellblock 6 in Gohardasht Prion in Karaj on charges of clashing with security forces was attacked by a prison gang which struck him in the left eye and left hand with a knife severely wounding him.
On September 7 at about 2 pm a number of gang members who work as informers of prison officials in cellblock 6 attacked Abbas Tavakoli Berazjani intending to kill him.
One of the assailants was Sayid Yazdani who says he is a relative of the head of this prison Ali Haj Kazem.
Despite his severe injuries and being wounded in the eye, Abbas Tavakoli has been denied treatment under the excuse that there are no specialists in the prison. His eye can get infected.
After this attack, Abbas Tavakoli was summoned to the Prison Inspection Unit this morning and was interrogated and threatened that they would make new charges against him.
His assailants who were also in the Inspection Unit office threatened and insulted him in front of the head of the Inspection Unit, Reza Torabi. But Torabi backed the assailants and told Tavakoli that he would be transferred to the notorious cellblock 1 known as the ‘end of the line’.
Tavakoli had defended and supported jailed teacher Rasoul Badaqi when he was attacked by prison guards. He had also defended jailed Baha’i leaders who were brought to this cellblock against the insults of the prison gang and stood up to the gang.
Because of defending political prisoners who were attacked by prison guards and the prison gangs, he had been threatened a number of times by Ali Haj Kazem that if he continues defending them or if he even talks to political prisoners, he would have to face the dire consequences.
Abbas Tavakoli Berazjani was arrested in a raid to his home in 2008 by agents of the Intelligence Agency. His aunt, 50 year old Soudabeh Shadpour was shot in the neck in this attack and was severely wounded. All of his family members present in his home were arrested and were severely tortured for a long time in the Shahpour Detention Center. His brother, Amir-Hossein Tavakoli Berezjani, 33, died under the brutal torture. Agents of the Shahpour Detention Center forced his mother, Mahin Shadpour to sign a paper which said that her son had died from a lung illness and that she has no complaints.
Abbas Tavakoli was suddenly taken to court on August 17 without his chosen lawyer and was sentenced to death by branch 71 of the Penal Court headed by Norollah Aziz Mohammadi on charges of clashing with security forces.

يورش باند مافياي علي حاج کاظم به يکي از مدافعين زندانيان سياسي در زندان گوهردشت کرج
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" زنداني عباس توکلي برازجاني که به جرم درگيري با نيروي انتظامي در بند 6 زندان گوهردشت کرج زنداني است مورد يورش باند مافيايي زندان قرار گرفت و از ناحيۀ قرنيه چشم چپ و دست چپ مورد اصابت چاقوي مهاجمين قرار گرفت و بشدت زخمي شد.
روز گذشته 16 شهريورماه حوالي ساعت 14:00 بعد از ظهر چند تن از باند مافياي و از خبرچينهاي علي حاج کاظم در بند 6 زندان گوهردشت کرج به زنداني عباس توکلي برازجاني يورش بردند و قصد قتل او را داشتند.مهاجمين با چاقو به وي حمله ور شدند. يکي از مهاجميني که آقاي توکلي را مورد تهاجم قرار داد فردي بنام سعيد يزداني است که بنابه گفته خودش از بستگان علي حاج کاظم رئيس زندان گوهردشت کرج مي باشد.
عليرغم جراحت عميق دست او در اثر ضربه چاقوي مهاجمين و زخمي شدن قرنيه چشم چپش اما از درمان وي به بهانه نبود متخصص خوداري کردند. خطر جدي وجود دارد که چشم او دچار عفونت شود.
در پي حمله ديروز به زنداني عباس توکلي ،صبح امروز 17 شهريور ماه او را به بازرسي زندان فراخواندند و مدت طولاني وي را مورد بازجويي و تهيدد به تشکيل پرونده جديد نمودند. مهاجمين که در دفتر بازرسي زندان حاضر شده بودند در مقابل چشمان رئيس بازرسي زندان( رضا ترابي) آقاي توکلي را مورد تهديد و توهين قرار دادند. ولي رضا ترابي به حمايت از مهاجمين برخواست و از آنها دفاع کرد و به آقاي توکلي اعلام کرد که او را به بند1 معروف به بند آخر خطيها منتقل خواهد کرد.
آقاي توکلي در جريان يورش پاسدار بندها و بخصوص افسر کشيک پاسدار اکبري سليم معروف به شيخ به معلم زنداني رسول بداقي به دفاع از او برخواست و از وي حمايت نمود. او همچنين هنگامي که رهبران بهايي را به اين بند منتقل کرده بودند و باند مافياي قصد توهين به آنها را داشت به دفاع از آنها بر خواست و قطعانه در مقابل توهينهاي باند مافياي زندان از رهبران بهايي دفاع نمود.
به دليل دفاع از زندانيان سياسي که مورد تهاجم پاسداربندها و باندهاي مافياي قرار گرفته بودند او چند بار توسط اطلاعات زندان و بازرسي و حتي توسط علي حاج کاظم مورد بازخواست قرار گرفته بود و وي را تهديد کرده بودند که در صورت دفاع و يا هم صحبتي با زندانيان سياسي عواقب وخيمي متوجهش خواهد شد.
لازم به يادآوري است که زنداني عباس توکلي برازجاني در سال 1387 در پي يورش مامورين نيروي انتظامي به منزلشان و شليک گلول به گردن خاله اش ،خانم سودابه شادپور 50 ساله که بشدت زخمي شده بود.همراه با تمامي اعضاي خانواده اش دستگير و براي مدت طولاني در آگاهي شاهپور تحت شکنجه هاي وحشيانه قرار گرفتند. برادرش امير حسين توکلي برازجاني 33 ساله در زير شکنجه هاي وحشيانه به قتل رسيد.مامورين آگاهي شاهپور، خانم مهين شادپور 62 ساله( مادر عباس و حسين توکلي) را وادار کردند که برگه اي امضاء کند که در آن ذکر شده است که فرزندش در اثر نارحتي ريه فوت کرده است و از کسي شکايتي ندارد واز او رضايت گرفتند. زنداني عباس توکلي 26 مرداد ماه بطور ناگهاني بدون داشتن وکيل انتخابي به شعبه 71 کيفري برده شد و توسط فردي بنام نورالله عزيزمحمدي به اتهام درگيري با نيروي انتظامي محاکمه و به مرگ محکوم شد. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 17/6/89)

Human Rights Activists in Iran

On Sunday September 4, a prisoner in cellblock 4 in Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison attacked political prisoner Saleh Kohandel and tried to choke him by wrapping a shirt around his neck. Kohandel was saved by other prisoners. There are many prisoners in Rajayi Shahr Prison who are mentally unstable and jailing them in hard prison conditions deteriorated their mental illnesses and not separating mentally ill prisoners from other prisoners has led them to hurt both themselves and other prisoners.
The person who tried to choke Saleh Kohandel has been recently released from an asylum and instead of being kept in a center for the mentally ill, he was sent to Public Cellblock 2 in this prison.
Prisoners have to be checked in terms of their mental health before being accepted in prison but unfortunately there are many prisoners who are suffering from mental illnesses who sometimes inflict severe injuries to other prisoners by attacking them without reason. They sit without clothes for hours in other prisoner’s rooms or sleeping places and even kill other prisoners. There have been many forgotten mysterious deaths in this prison.
These incidents are very common in Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj because usually ordinary prisoners are attacked and reports of these attacks never find their way to the media.

حمله يک زنداني رواني به صالح کهن دل در زندان رجايي شهر

روز يک‌شنبه 14 شهريور ماه يکي از زندانيان محبوس در بند 4 زندان رجايي شهر با حمله و هجوم به آقاي صالح کهندل و با انداختن پيراهن بر گردن اين زنداني، قصد خفه کردن و کشتن او را داشت که با سر رسيدن چند زنداني از وقوع يک فاجعه جلوگيري شد و اين زنداني از خطر مرگ نجات يافت. به گزارش کمپين صالح کهن دل، در ميان زندانيان رجايي شهر آنهايي که علايم اختلال مشاعر را بروز مي‌دهند به وفور ديده مي‌شوند و محبوس بودن آنها و شرايط سخت زندان موجب تشِِّديد ناهنجاري‌هاي رواني دراين زندانيان بيمار مي‌گردد و عدم جداسازي زندانيان مبتلا به بيماري‌هاي رواني، آسيب رساندن به خود و ديگران را در اين زندان تشّديد مي‌دهد.
فردي که صالح کهندل را در معرض خطر مرگ قرار داد به تازگي از بيمارستان رواني مرخص شده بود و به جاي نگهداري در مراکز حفاظت شده ويژه بيماران رواني به بند عمومي 4 اين زندان فرستاده شده بود.
بررسي سلامتي زندانيان قبل از ورود آن‌ها به بند بايد توسط پزشکان تائيد شود ولي متأسفانه شرايط و وضعيت در زندان جور ديگري است، زندانيان زيادي از اختلالات رواني رنج مي‌برند و گاهي با حمله و هجوم بي‌دليل به هم‌بندان خود باعث بروز صدمات جّدي مي‌شوند و زندانيان را به راحتي دچار نقض عضو مي‌کنند، ساعت‌ها و روز‌ها برهنه در اتاق يا در محل خواب ديگران مي‌نشينند و گاهي هم اقدام به کُشتن ديگران مي‌کنند . مرگ‌هاي مرموز در اين زندان فراموش شده حقوق بشر کم نبودند.
لازم به ذکر است، اين اتفاقات در رجايي شهر کرج بسيار عادي و معمولي است و چون غالباً براي زندانيان عادي اين مسائل پيش مي‌آيد هيچ‌گاه رسانه‌اي نمي‌شود و انعکاس نمي‌يابد. (هرانا – 17/6/89)

Human Rights Activists in Iran

The deterioration of Mahdieh Golro’s illness has made her extremely ill and her condition is critical.
This jailed student who was banned from continuing her education is suffering from intestine infection and her illness is deteriorating every day because of lack of treatment, unsuitable prison food and lack of sanitary facilities.
Golro is also suffering from severe weight loss and gets nauseous even by drinking water.
Despite this, prison officials have refused to send her to the infirmary from last Wednesday under various pretexts such as religious ceremonies and the absence of a medic.
Attempts by her family to send her the medicine prescribed by a doctor were also without result.
Her family has requested that she be granted a leave twice in the past 15 days from the Prosecutor but despite her urgent need for medical treatment and care, the Prosecutor has still not answered.
Mahdieh Golro is a member of the Council in Defense of Education and was arrested last November. Her two year prison term was upheld by a court of review. Before this, her one year suspended prison term was also added to her sentence.

تشديد بيماري مهديه گلرو در زندان
تشديد بيماري مهديه گلرو، دانشجوي محروم از تحصيل زنداني، موجب ضغف جسماني شديد و وخامت حال وي در زندان شده است.
به گزارش جرس، اين عضو شوراي دفاع از حق تحصيل، در زندان به بيماري عفونت روده‌ دچار شد و اين بيماري به دليل عدم توجه مسئولان زندان در درمان و تغذيه نامناسب و نبود امکانات بهداشتي روز به روز تشديد شد.
گلرو در هفته اخير به علت تشديد دوباره بيماري، دچار کاهش وزن شديد شده است، حتي با خوردن آب هم دچار تهوع مي‌شود و وضعيت جسمي بسيار نامناسبي دارد.
با اين وجود، مسئولان زندان از فرستادن وي به بهداري از روز چهارشنبه گذشته تاکنون، به دلايل گوناگوني چون شب‌هاي احيا و نبود پزشک خودداري کرده‌اند.
پيش از اين نيز تلاش خانواده اين فعال دانشجويي براي رساندن داروهاي تجويز شده توسط پزشک به او بي‌نتيجه ماند.
خانواده گلرو در پانزده روز گذشته دوبار به دادستاني تقاضاي مرخصي داده‌اند اما به رغم نياز فوري وي به مراقب‌هاي پزشکي و درمان اصولي، تاکنون پاسخي از دادستاني دريافت نشده است.
مهديه گلرو، دانشجوي محروم از تحصيل و عضو شوراي دفاع از حق تحصيل، آبان ماه سال گذشته بازداشت شد و حکم دو سال حبس وي در دادگاه تجديد نظر تاييد شد. پيش از اين نيز وي به يک سال حبس تعليقي محکوم شده بود که با احتساب آن، وي جمعا به تحمل سه سال حبس محکوم شده است. (هرانا – 16/6/89)

Reuters: Iran woman's stoning suspended: foreign ministry

By Robin Pomeroy

TEHRAN | Wed Sep 8, 2010 8:47am EDT

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian authorities have suspended the sentence of death by stoning for a woman convicted of adultery, the foreign ministry said on Wednesday, after weeks of condemnation from around the world.

"The verdict regarding the extramarital affairs has stopped and it's being reviewed," Foreign Ministry Ramin Mehmanparast told Iran's state-run English-language Press TV.

The statement came a day after European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso called the sentence "barbaric beyond words," the latest in a string of criticisms by foreign powers.

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was convicted of adultery -- a capital crime in the Islamic Republic -- in 2006. She also has been charged with involvement in her husband's murder.

In a live telephone interview, Mehmanparast said the murder charge was "being investigated for the final verdict to be issued."

Iranian media have suggested that the stoning sentence -- imposed for certain crimes under sharia law which Iran adopted after the 1979 Islamic revolution -- would not be carried out, but that Ashtiani might still be executed by hanging.

"We think that this is a very normal case," Mehmanparast said. "This dossier looks likes many other dossiers that exist in other countries."

At no point in the interview, which was in the Farsi language but was dubbed over by a simultaneous translation into English, did he mention "stoning," referring merely to Ashtiani's "death sentence."

Mehmanparast blamed the United States for stirring the furor to hurt Iran's international image as it faces sanctions aimed at curbing its nuclear program.

"It looks like they are playing a political game," he said.

According to Amnesty International, Iran is second only to China in the number of people it executes. It put to death at least 346 people in 2008.

Murder, adultery, rape, armed robbery, apostasy and drug trafficking are all punishable by death in Iran.

(Reporting by Robin Pomeroy, Editing by Michael Roddy)

MEPs condemn stoning sentence on Iranian Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani

The death sentence on Iranian Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani was strongly condemned in a resolution adopted on Wednesday with the support of all the European Parliament's political groups. MEPs say that, regardless of the facts, a sentence of death by stoning can never be justified or accepted. They urge the Iranian authorities to set aside the sentences imposed on Mrs Mohammadi-Ashtiani and review her case.

Parliament also urges the Iranian Government to reconsider the case of Zahra Bahrami, an Iranian-Dutch national, and immediately grant her access to a lawyer and consular assistance or release her or grant her due process. MEPs also want a stay of execution for the 18-year old Ebrahim Hamidi.

Ban stoning and decriminalise adultery and homosexuality

The resolution calls on Iran to outlaw the cruel and inhumane practice of stoning. Iran continues to find itself in the group of very few countries together with Afghanistan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Nigeria, which still practise stoning. Iran should also introduce a moratorium on executions pending the abolition of the death penalty as well as decriminalising ‘adultery’ and consensual sexual relations between adults, say MEPs.

Release all human rights defenders in Iran

The Iranian authorities should immediately release all those detained solely because of their involvement in peaceful protests and for using their basic human right to freedom of expression, urges the resolution. It also repeats the EP's call for the acquittal of the seven Baha´i leaders.

Turning to measures the EU could take, MEPs suggest providing more financial support to Iranian human rights defenders through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). They also believe the EU travel ban and asset freeze should be extended to those responsible for human rights violations, repression and curtailment of freedom in the country.

The resolution was adopted by an overwhelming majority of MEPs: 658 votes in favour, 1 against and 22 abstentions.

Iranian Activist amongst MEPS speaks of the Gross violations of Woman's Rights while MEPs gather before going into the session for voting against the Resolution in the House : Farideh Karimi of NCR woman's commission
Izaskun Bilbao Barandica MEP (ALDE ADLE) speaking in faith for the end of horrific situation of Human Rights in Iran saying that she hopes that this action along with more would bring to end these violations.

Today at 12h 30 EP voted with a majority against the gross violation of Human Rights in Iran .

Some members including the vicepresidents of the Woman's Commission of the EP , had T shirts depicting a picture of Sakineh Ashtiani , while condemning Stoning.

Members such as MEP Angellili wearing T shirst supporting Sakineh Ashtiani , object to the stonin sentence and the creul treatment by Iranian government . They have before this objected to the mis use of MOHAREB to convict innocent political activists to death sentences

LINK : http://www.europarl.europa.eu/wps-europarl-internet/frd/live/live-video?language=en


A member of the Iranian regime’s Majlis (Parliament) has said that the clerical regime has not been able to dominate universities during the past 32 years after the 1979 revolution, the state-run Tabnak reported on Monday.

In reaction to the regime’s Minister of Science who had said that universities opposed to the regime would have to be destroyed, the Majlis deputy, Abdoljabar Karami, said regime officials should avoid making such statements, adding, “Instead of demolishing universities, we have to look back to our own wrong doings and see why in the past 32 years we have not been able to influence students.”

In statements targeting Kamran Daneshjou, the mullahs’ Science Minister, Karami said that measures that could “incite chaos in universities” and “harm the regime” must be avoided.


The mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, called on New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg to take a stance against a visit to the American city by the Iranian regime’s president later this month, “in a sign of solidarity with the Iranian people and their chants for democracy and human rights.”

In his letter to mayor Bloomberg, Mr. Alemanno urged the New York mayor to “take a stance against Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York City in the strongest terms in a sign of solidarity with the Iranian people and their chants for democracy and human rights.”

“Please enact measures to deprive Ahmadinejad and his delegation in New York of city resources,” the Mayor of Rome added, while calling for Ahmadinejad’s trial by an international tribunal.

Below is the text of the letter translated into English:

Mr. Michael Bloomberg,
Honorable Mayor of New York City

August 27, 2010

Dear Mr. Mayor,

News about the scheduled visit of the president of the
religious dictatorship in Iran to New York City to attend the UN General
Assembly meeting in September has saddened democratic and freedom-loving forces

Over the past year, Iranian cities have witnessed millions
of Iranians declaring to the world that they reject the religious dictatorship
in its entirety and seek democracy and freedom instead. The regime responded to
these demonstrations with widespread arrests, torture, rape and execution of
dissidents and political prisoners as “mohareb” (enemies of God). Daily
executions, hanging of juveniles, and medieval sentences like stoning have been
a source of anguish for the world public opinion. Last year, the UN General
Assembly vehemently condemned systematic human rights violations in Iran. This
was the 56th such condemnation by a UN body thus far.

At the same time,
the clerical regime has intensified its plots against 3,400 Iranian dissidents
residing in Camp Ashraf, Iraq, all of whom are “protected persons” under the
Fourth Geneva Convention. At the behest of the regime, in July 2009, Iraqi
forces perpetrated a series of fatal attacks against the unarmed camp residents,
killing 11 of them and injuring 500 more. A number of the families of these
dissidents have been detained and sentenced to death inside Iran. Among them are
Jafar Kazemi, Mohammad Ali Aqai, and Javad Lari. In a recent statement,
Secretary Hillary Clinton called for the annulment of their execution sentences.

Meanwhile, the clerical is pressing ahead with its nuclear weapons
program and is defying UN Security Council resolutions in this regard. As the
Iranian people reject the clerical regime in its entirety, Tehran’s insistence
on obtaining nuclear weapons and exporting terrorism and fundamentalism to other
countries in the region have triggered a serious regional and international
crisis. Accepting the president of such a regime at the UN General Assembly is
unacceptable. He must be put on trial at an international tribunal instead for
committing many of the gruesome crimes against the Iranian people.

Perhaps you remember that when Ahmadinejad visited Rome in June 2008 on
the occasion of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization summit, in a courageous
decision, Rome’s city hall turned off the lights at its square for 15 minutes in
protest to the visit. This act of protest was warmly received by the residents
of the city.

Dear Colleague,

We are certain that the
overwhelming majority of the people of New York and yourself personally are
highly dismayed by the presence of a brutal dictator in New York City and the UN
headquarters, which was erected as the symbol of world freedom and solidarity.
This is especially true since this visit and others like it are exploited by the
Iranian regime in order to intensity its suppression of the Iranian people and
export of terrorism and fundamentalism abroad.

Therefore, please allow
us to urge you to take a stance against Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York City in
the strongest terms in a sign of solidarity with the Iranian people and their
chants for democracy and human rights. Please enact measures to deprive
Ahmadinejad and his delegation in New York of city resources.

Mayor of
Gianni Alemanno
HRDAI | August 31, 2010
Translation by Hamid Yazdanpanah for P2E

According to reports by Human Rights and Democracy in Iran, political prisoner Ali Saremi, who is detained in Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj, was summoned, interrogated, and threatened for a prolonged period of time by an individual named Faraji, a member of the Iranian Intelligence service.

On August 29th at approximately 10:00am, Ali Saremi, who is sentenced to death, was moved to the interrogation center of Rajai Shahr prison. He was interrogated for disclosing intolerable prison conditions [to the public] and protesting against the lack of due process in regards to his death sentence.

Mr. Faraji, the Deputy Intelligence officer of the prison, interrogated and threatened Ali Saremi for several hours. He reportedly told Ali Saremi, “You claim that your calls for an appeal have gone unanswered and you have made insults against the authorities.” Faraji appeared to be under the command of another person sitting in a room next door. According to reports, the other person is a member of the Ministry of Intelligence from ward 209 in Evin prison and he goes by the alias “Alavi.”

Reports indicate that it appears interrogators from the Ministry of Intelligence are planning a new case against Ali Saremi. The recent actions against Ali Saremi are typical of Intelligence interrogators when dealing with political prisoners. They do this to create additional charges and unlawful judgments against prisoners. This illegal and inhuman practice has been used against numerous political prisoners including Mansour Radpour who was sentenced to five years in prison and Mansour Osanloo who was sentenced to one year in prison.

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran condemn the creation of illegal cases by Intelligence officers who then send the information to the Revolutionary Court which then issues illegal and unjust sentences. HRDAI calls on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and and other international bodies to act against the oppression and persecution of political prisoners in Iran.

Human Rights and Democracy in Iran

August 31, 2010

The above report was sent to the following organizations:

High Commissioner for Human Rights

Human Rights Commission, Europe Union

Amnesty International





Tel.: 0031620720193


According to reports, Shahin Rajabi Mourkani was murdered by security forces in the SSF Karoun Operation Center in Ahwaz.
Mourkani, 28, was arrested in 2002 for clashing with security forces in Ahwaz and was transferred to the Karoun Prison. He was tried on charges of armed robbery in court and was serving his time in this prison.
About eight months ago, he was suddenly transferred to cellblock 6 in Gohardasht Prison from Karoun Prison where he was detained for eight months. About 3 months ago he was once again transferred back to Karoun Prison. His family was not aware of this transfer.
In the beginning of last week, his family was called from the Karoun Operation Center which is run by the State Security Forces and was told that they have to go to this center to collect his body. When the Mourkani family went to this center, they were told that they have to sign a paper saying that he was killed in an accident, else the body will not be given to them for burial. His family was forced to sign.
His body was given to his uncle on September 1 in the Ahwaz Cemetery and state security forces were present in the burial. They also banned the family from investigating his death and his uncle was the only one allowed in the burial ceremony. The body of Shahin Rajabi Mourkani was bruised from torture and his hands and feet were broken. There were also deep wounds on his head

قتل يک زنداني بي دفاع در زير شکنجه پس از 8 سال زندان
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران"زنداني شاهين رجبي مورکاني در زير شکنجه هاي وحشيانه نيروي انتظامي در مرکز عمليات کارون اهواز به قتل رسيد.
شاهين رجبي مورکاني 28 ساله، در سال 1381 بدليل درگيري با نيروي انتظامي در اهواز دستگير و به زندان کارون منتقل شد. در دادگاه به اتهام سرقت مسلحانه محاکمه شد.او در زندان کارون در حال طي کردن محکوميت خود بسر مي برد.
زنداني رجبي مورکاني حدود 8 ماه پيش بطور ناگهاني از زندان کارون به بند 6 زندان گوهردشت کرج منتقل شد و در آنجا به مدت 8 ماه زنداني بود.حدود 3 هفته پيش او را مجددا از زندان گوهردشت کرج به زندان کارون اهواز منتقل کردند.از سه هفته پيش که او را به زندان کارون منتقل کرده بودند،خانواده اش از انتقال مجددعزيزشان به اين زندان هيچ اطلاعي نداشتند.
اوايل هفته گذشته از مرکز مخوفي بنام عمليات کارون که در دست نيروي انتظامي است با خانواده رجبي تماس گرفته شدو به آنها اعلام گرديد که براي تحويل جسد عزيزشان بايد به آنجا مراجعه کنند. هنگام مراجعه اين خانواده به اين مرکز به آنها گفته شد که بايد برگه اي را امضاء کنند که او در اثر تصادف به قتل رسيده است در غير اينصورت جسد به آنها تحويل داده نخواهد شد.اين خانواده براي تحويل گرفتن جسد ناچار به امضاء اين برگه مي شوند.
جسد زنداني شاهين رجبي مورکاني روز چهارشنبه 10 شهريور ماه به عمويش در قبرستان اهواز تحويل داده شد وهنگام دفن مامورين نيروي انتظامي حضور داشتند آنها همچنين به اين خانواده اجازه تحقيق در مورد علت مرگ را ندادند و فقط عموي او حق حضور در مراسم دفن را داشت.جسد او در اثر شکنجه کبود و دستها و پاهاي او شکسته شده بود و زخمهاي عميقي در سر او مشهود بود. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 14/6/89)


According to reports, a court which was to be held for Zahra Bahrami was cancelled and postponed for an unknown amount of time.
This 45 year old political prisoner was arrested on Ashura and was to be tried on Saturday September 4 in the 15th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court by Judge Salavati. Bahrami has been held in an undetermined state in the notorious cellblock 209 in Evin Prison for more than 9 months.
Salavati has also told one of her lawyers that she will be sentenced to death for carrying narcotics. This is while Salavati had said before this that she would be sentenced to death or life in prison for participating in Ashura protests on charges of waging war with God.
But after protests from the Dutch Foreign Affairs Ministry and a number of political parities and also widespread reports on the likelihood of her death sentence in Dutch media, agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Salavati intend to try her on charges of carrying narcotics in addition to the previous charges to legitimize the death sentence.
Before this, her lawyer Nasrin Sutodeh said in an interview with a Dutch reporter that the drug charge was fabricated and intelligence agents subsequently ransacked her home and office and confiscated some of her personal belongings and files. She was then summoned to the Revolutionary Court in Evin Prison and arrested.
Bahrami has a dual Dutch-Iranian nationality. This 45 year old mother of two came to Iran to see her child and was arrested in the Ashura protests. She was then mentally and physically tortured while detained. Intelligence interrogators in the Sepah Cellblock in Gohardasht Prison and in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison have put her under severe pressure and torture and forced her into giving televised confessions against herself which was broadcasted from state-run TV. These interrogators have used these confessions against her in court.

قصد بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات و صلواتي براي صدور حکم اعدام عليه خانم بهرامي بر مبني داشتن مواد مخدر
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران"دادگاه زهرا بهرامي شهروند ايراني –هلندي تبار که قرار بود روز شنبه برگزار شود براي زمان نامشخصي به تعويق افتاد.
زنداني سياسي زهرا بهرامي 45 ساله که از دستگير شدگان اعتراضات گسترده روز عاشورا بود و قرار بود که روز شنبه 13 شهريور ماه در شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب توسط صلواتي قاضي فرمايشي مورد محاکمه قرار گيرد براي زمان نامشخصي به تعويق افتاد. خانم بهرامي بيش از 9 ماه است که در بند مخوف 209 در حالت بلاتکليفي بسر مي برد.
از طرفي ديگر صلواتي به يکي از وکلاي خانم بهرامي گفته است که او به دليل داشتن مواد مخدر به اعدام محکوم خواهد شد اين در حالي است که صلواتي پيش از اين گفته بود به دليل شرکت در اعتراضات عاشورا بر مبني اتهام محاربه و ساير اتهامات اورا به اعدام و يا حبس ابد محکوم خواهد کرد.
اما پس از اعتراض وزارت امورخارجه هلند وتعدادي از احزاب سياسي و همچنين انعکاس گسترده و چند روزه اين خبر در تمامي رسانه هاي کشور هلند نسبت به احتمال صدور حکم اعدام عليه خانم بهرامي ،بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات وصلواتي قصد دارند براي مشروعيت بخشيدن به صدور ضد بشري حکم اعدام او راعلاوه بر اتهامات قبلي به اتهام داشتن مواد مخدر مورد محاکمه قرار دهند.
پيش از اين خانم ستوده در واکنش به نسبت دادن اتهام داشتن مواد مخدر به موکلش (زهرا بهرامي) به خبرنگار تلويزيون هلند گفته بود که اين يک اتهام واهي و ساختگي است و گفته مي شود پس از رد اتهام مواد مخدر توسط خانم ستوده به خبرنگار تلويزيون هلند، مامورين وزارت اطلاعات به منزل مسکوني و محل کارش يورش بردند و بعضي از وسايل شخصي و کاري ايشان را با خود بردند و متعاقب آن او را به دادسراي انقلاب مستقر در زندان اوين که نيات پليد بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات را بر آورده مي کند احظار و دستگير کردند.
زنداني سياسي زهرا بهرامي 45 ساله و داراي 2 فرزند است. او داراي مليت ايراني- هلندي است و به قصد ديدن فرزندش به ايران مسافرت کرده بود که در اعتراضات روز عاشورا دستگير و تحت شکنجه هاي وحشيانه جسمي و روحي قرار مي گيرد . بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات در بند سپاه زندان گوهردشت کرج و در بند 209 زندان اوين او را تحت شکنجه ها و فشارهاي قرون وسطائي قرار دادند و وي را وادار به اعترافات تلويزيوني عليه خود نمودند.اين اعترافات دورغين از تلويزيونهاي دولتي پخش گرديده است.بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات اعترافات دروغين تلويزيوني را به عنوان اتهام عليه او بکار برده اند وقصد دارند که او را بر مبني محاربه محاکمه کنند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران– 14/6/89)


Azad Kamangar, a student of the Technical and Engineering College of Sanandaj was arrested and taken to an unknown location two days ago after going to college.
According to reports, Azad Kamangar is the nephew of Farzad Kamangar, a Kurd teacher who was executed. He was wanted by the police after a memorial ceremony was held for those executed on May 9, 2010 and attempts for his arrest were futile because he was not in his home at the time.
The family of this student activist was not able to get any news on his whereabouts after going to the Sanandaj Intelligence Agency and Revolutionary Court.

آزاد کمانگر، خواهر زاده فرزاد کمانگر بازداشت شد

آزاد کمانگر دانشجوي دانشکده فني و مهندسي يزدان پناه سنندج دو روز پيش در پي مراجعه به دانشگاه بازداشت و به مکان نامعلومي منتقل شد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، آزاد کمانگر که خواهر زاده فرزاد کمانگر معلم اعدامي است پيشتر در پي برگزاري مراسم يادبودي براي اعدام شدگان 19 اردي بهشت در خرداد ماه سالجاري تحت تعقيب نيروهاي امنيتي قرار گرفته بود که به دليل عدم حضور وي در منزل، تلاش براي بازداشت وي ناموفق بوده است.
خانواده اين فعال دانشجويي در مراجعه به اداره اطلاعات سنندج و دادگاه انقلاب موفق به کسب خبر از وي نشدند. (هرانا – 14/6/89)

Human Rights Activists in Iran
Despite the critical condition of the eyesight of Ayatollah Hossein Kazemi Borujerdi, officials prevent him from being taken to a hospital outside of prison.
According to reports, in the past four years of his detention he has been suffering from severe problems in his right eye because of mistreatment and being kept in a polluted environment.
Last week a medic in Evin Prison’s infirmary stressed after checking him that he has lost 80 percent of his vision because of a tear in the retina.
The medic also warned that such a tear will not be treated with medicine and the only effective way to treat it is by surgery therefore his condition is considered urgent and he has to be hospitalized in a well- equipped hospital.
The head of the Special Court for Clergy have deprived Borujerdi of treatment and will not even give his medical file to his family. They have recently told those close to Borujerdi that until he stops ‘propagating against the government’ he will be kept in these conditions.

عدم رسيدگي پزشکي به آيت الله بروجردي در زندان اوين
علي رغم اينکه وضعيت بينايي آيت الله حسين کاظميني بروجردي در معرض خطر جدي قرار گرفته است، مسئولان از انتقال وي به بيمارستان ممانعت به عمل مي آوردند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، آيت الله بروجردي طي چهار سال بازداشت بر اثر بدرفتاري و نگهداري در محيط آلوده از ناحيه چشم راست به شدت احساس ناراحتي ميکند.
هفته گذشته يکي از پزشکان بهداري اوين، پس از معاينه بروجردي تاييد کرد که 80 درصد بينائي ايشان بر اثر پارگي شبکيه چشم از بين رفته است.
وي هشدار داد که پارگي شبکيه به هيچ وجه خود به خود و يا با مصرف دارو بهبود نمي يابد و تنها درمان مؤثر آن، جراحي است، لذا اين وضعيت از لحاظ چشم پزشکي، اورژانسي تلقي مي شود و بايد هرچه سريعتر ايشان در بيمارستاني مجهز بستري شود.
مسئولين دادگاه ويژه روحانيت، بروجردي را از حق درمان محروم نگه داشته اند و حتي پرونده پزشکي اين زنداني را در اختيار خانواده اش قرار نمي دهند. آن ها اخيرا به نزديکان آقاي بروجردي اعلام کرده اند تا زماني که وي دست از "تبليغ عليه نظام" برندارد، وضعيت ايشان به همين صورت باقي خواهد ماند. (هرانا – 14/6/89)

Mukarian News Agency
The death sentence for Kurd political prisoner Habibollah Golparipour was upheld by the Supreme Court.
According to reports, this sentence was announced to Golparipour in the past few days in court. This resident of Sanandaj is currently in Mahabad Prison.
He had been detained for a long time in the Sanandaj and Mahabad Detention Centers and was sentenced to death by the Mahabad Revolutionary Court on charges of waging war with God by membership in a dissident party.

تاييد حکم اعدام حبيب الله گلپري پور توسط ديوان عالي کشور

حکم اعدام حبيب الله گلپري پور زنداني کرد محکوم به اعدام، توسط ديوان عالي کشور تأييد شد.
به گزارش آژانس خبري موکريان، اين حکم طي چند روز گذشته در دادگاه به حبيب الله گلپري پور شهروند سنندجي که هم اکنون در زندان مهاباد محبوس مي باشد، ابلاغ شده است.
گفتني است نامبرده که مدتي طولاني را در بازداشتگاه هاي سنندج و مهاباد سپري نموده است، پيشتر به اتهام محاربه از طريق عضويت در يک حزب مخالف نظام به استناد مواد 186 و 190 قانون مجازات اسلامي توسط دادگاه انقلاب مهاباد به اعدام محکوم شده بود که اين حکم در ديوان عالي کشور تأييد گرديد. (آژانس خبري موکريان - 14/6/89)

Azad Kamangar- Martyred Farzad Kamangar's sister arrested


Azad Kamangar was arrested as she approached YazdanPanah technical and Engineering University of Sanandaj- where she studied on Friday last. She has been transferred to an unknown location.
Security forces have previously tried to arrest Azad for organizing a memorial ceremony for the 5 political prisoners (including his brother) hanged in Iran. She was not at home at the time while six other students were arrested.
Her family has approached Prison officials to locate her, in vain

آزاد کمانگر، خواهر زاده فرزاد کمانگر بازداشت شد
خبرگزاری هرانا – آزاد کمانگر دانشجوی دانشکده فنی و مهندسی یزدان پناه سنندج دو روز پیش در پی مراجعه به دانشگاه بازداشت و به مکان نامعلومی منتقل شد.

بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، آزاد کمانگر که خواهر زاده فرزاد کمانگر معلم اعدامی است پیشتر در پی برگزاری مراسم یادبودی برای اعدام شدگان 19 اردی بهشت در خرداد ماه سالجاری تحت تعقیب نیروهای امنیتی قرار گرفته بود که به دلیل عدم حضور وی در منزل، تلاش برای بازداشت وی ناموفق بوده است.

خانواده این فعال دانشجویی در مراجعه به اداره اطلاعات سنندج و دادگاه انقلاب موفق به کسب خبر از وی نشدند.

گفتنی است پیشتر در پی برگزاری این مراسم شش تن از دانشجویان این دانشگاه توسط نیروهای امنیتی بازداشت شدند و منزل خواهر فرزاد کمانگر جهت بازداشت فرزندش نیز یورش شده و کلیه لوازم شخصی وی ضبط شد

Human rights activist Parvaneh Vahidmanesh writes an open letter to imprisoned human rights activist Shiva Nazar Ahari titled, “The Clearest Ideal.”

The Clearest Ideal
By Parvaneh Vahidmanesh
Translation by Siavosh Jalili for P2E

It has not been long since the first time I saw you. It is as though in these short few years great events have taken place.

Dear Shiva, that day in Siah o Sepid café, when we sat across from one another for the first time, and you were, in your words, interviewing me for a job in the Committee of Human Rights Reporters, no reformist had yet heard your name, nor were they ready to work with you. I remember those days when I suggested we enter talks with members of Tahkim Vahdat (one of the major student unions in Iran), and explore the possibility of cooperation with them, you said that they will not let us into their circle, and that we are strangers in their eyes.

The simple blog of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters with the same address in Blogfa was a place where you practiced human rights. When the number of blog viewers would go up, or when the news first published by the blog was cited elsewhere, you would be overcome with joy. There was you, the blog, and the meetings where the absence of each of us would make you angry. You used to say, “The cause [we work for] is serious, don’t take it as a joke.”

The page turned after the death of Akbar Mohammadi. It was you who recounted the minute-to-minute story of his hunger strike. It was you who did not let his name die in the midst of the month of Mordad (July-August) and its *ruckus. When we headed to his hometown to attend his funeral, we were in one bus, and the activists of Tahkim Vahdat were in another. This was where the first steps of cooperation were taken. Later, and because of the new people who joined the Committee, this tie became stronger, and bore a lot of fruit. You were a women’s rights activist, and Zahra Rahnavard, then president of al-Zahra, an all-women university, had never heard of your name. She never knew that you were sent to solitary confinement for lighting a few candles. Karroubi, the speaker of the parliament with whom you were trying to meet for saving the lives of the prisoners, didn’t know your name.

Akbar Ganji had not heard your name; he who sees you now in the stature of his own daughter, Rezvaneh. He had not heard that there are women who transcend ideology and creed to spend their days defending the rights of prisoners whom they may never greet after release, because they fear of being accused of ties with hostile opposition groups.

Now, Rahnavard cries out your name, she who built the sculpture of “Mother” that sits in the centre of Mohseni Square in Tehran. Many times when you were around the statue, you talked of the mothers who were breastfeeding their children in the prison and were crying blood and cleansing the wounds of the torture they had born. I do not know whether Zahra Rahnavard was thinking of the mothers of those executed in the summer of 1988 when she was making this sculpture, but I do know that every time you saw this statue, you had a lump in your throat. Now, the creator of that sculpture sees herself as a Shiva Nazar Ahari and is ready to be tried in your place. Can you believe it Shiva?

Can you believe that the very same people who had a position within the ruling establishment and were ignoring you and your ideals are now crying your name? Do you see it Shiva? This change has not come easily. You should be proud of yourself, girl!

Fakhrolsadat Mohtashamipour whose “Turquoise Girls” was her creative approach to non-violent and reformist resistance did not know you. Ms. Mohtashamipour now writes for you. Her Turquoise girls carve your name. Shiva is not a strange name to them anymore. Now, the students at Iranian universities call your name.

Remain strong, Shiva! Many have new-found strength through observing your resistance, girl…

Shiva, can you believe that your name is now everywhere: From Senator McCain who was beating on the drums of war with Iran to myriads of private organizations devoted to defending the rights of women and children. When I read McCain’s letter, I thought to myself of the stir you caused by lighting candles and by walking along the highways of southern Tehran where you were coming back from the classes for the children in labour. When I see an American woman who has a hard time pronouncing your name and cannot believe that you are spending days and nights behind bars for defending and supporting women and children, when I see a man on this corner of the world who never knew you [but still] hung your picture on his wall after reading your biography, I realize how much work can be done…how great one can be, how one can become eternal without making common commotions…how one can become the voice of the voiceless and take the hand of the one in need…how one can ridicule interrogators such as Alavi and Mortazavi, and how can one guard and protect the humane virtues and purities in the face of their obscene and nasty looks and stares.

I do not intend to sanctify you, to throne on the highest. I just want to set a reminder for many, for those imprisoned yesterday and today, for the exiled of the past and the present, for the 30-year long memory of this land, for your mother who gave you to the world as a gift on a morning in June, that I will not leave you, that we shall not forget that you are called the mother of human rights in Iran.

Long live, girl. Keep it up. A world is looking up to you!

*Mordad (July21-augst21) is the fifth month in the Iranian calendar. Historically, this month is known for its political and social upheavals.

شیوا ترین آرمان

پروانه وحید منش

از آن روزها که اولین بار دیدمت خیلی نمی گذرد اما انگار در همین چند سال کوتاه اتفاق های بزرگی افتاده است شیوا جان. آن روز که در کافه سپید و سیاه اولین بار رودرروی هم نشستیم و تو به قول معروف از من مصاحبه گرفتی برای کار در کمیته دانشجویی گزارشگران حقوق بشر هیچ اصلاح طلبی اسمت را نشنیده بود و حاضر نبود با تو کار کند. یادم هست همان روزها وقتی گفتم که بد نیست با بچه های تحکیم وحدت وارد گفتگو شویم و بتوانیم با آنها کار کنیم گفتی آنها ما را بازی نمی دهند، از دید آنها ما یک مشت غریبه ایم
وبلاگ ساده کمیته ، با همان آدرسش در بلاگفا ، جایی بود که تو مشق حقوق بشر می نوشتی. بازدید وبلاگ وقتی بالا می رفت و اخبار وبلاگ وقتی جایی مطرح می شد در پوست خودت نمی گنجیدی. وبلاگ بود و تو بودی و جلساتی که بخاطر غیبت های هر کدام از ما اعضا عصبانی می شدی و می گفتی ” هدف جدی است شوخی نگیرید کار را “
با مرگ اکبر محمدی در زندان اوین ورق برگشت. این تو بودی که دقیقه به دقیقه راوی اعتصاب غذای اکبر بودی و این تو بودی که نگذاشتی نامش در میان هیاهوهای مرداد ماه بمیرد. وقتی برای خاک سپاری اش راهی شدیم یک اتوبوس ما بودیم یک اتوبوس بچه های تحکیم وحدت و اینجا بود که اولین قدم های همکاری برداشته شد. بعد ها بخاطر اعضای جدیدی که به کمیته پیوستند این ارتباط تو با بچه های تحکیم وحدت ، بیشتر شد و ثمره های زیادی به همراه آورد. تو یک فعال حقوق زنان بودی و زهرا رهنورد ، رئیس دانشگاه زنانه الزهرا نامت را هرگز نشنیده بود. او هرگز نشینده بود که تو بخاطر چهار تا شمع انفرادی کشیده ای. نامت را کروبی نشینده بود، رئیس مجلسی که تو بارها برای نجات جان زندانی ها دنبال راهی برای ملاقات با اومی گشتی.
نامت را اکبر گنجی نشنیده بود؛ همو که اینک تو را در قامت دخترش رضوانه می بیند. نشنیده بود که زنانی هستند که فراتر از مرام و باور و ایده به دفاع از حقوق زندانیانی روز را شب می کنند که هرگز شاید بعد از آزادی جواب سلامشان را هم ندهند و بترسند که متهم به ارتباط با گروه های وابسته شده اند!!
نامت را رهنورد اینک فریاد می زند، همو که دور مجسمه مادر ساخت او در میدان محسنی بارها از مادرانی گفتی که کنج زندان طفل شیر می دادند و خون می گریستند و زخم های شکنجه های خود را پاک میکردند .نمی دانم وقتی زهرا رهنورد این مجسمه را می ساخت به مادران اعدامی 67 فکر می کرد یا نه اما تو همیشه وقتی به این مجسمه می رسیدی بغضت می گرفت. حالا سازنده همان مجسمه خودش را یک شیوا نظر آهاری می بیند و حاضر است به جای تو محاکمه شود. باور می کنی شیوا؟
باور می کنی آنها که تا دیروز دستی در دست حکومت داشتند و تو را و آرمان تو را نادیده می گرفتند حالا چنین نامت را فریاد کنند؟ شیوا می بینی؟ این تغییر آسان به دست نیامده دختر به خودت ببال.
فخر السادات محتشمی پور که دختران فیروزه ای ، بدعت او در مبارزه مسالمت آمیزو اصلاح طلبانه بود هرگز تو را پیش از نمیشناخت شیوا. خانم محتشمی پور اینک برای تو می نویسد ، دختران فیروزه ایش نامت را حک می کنند و شیوا دیگر نام غریبی برایشان نیست. حالا دیگر بچه های دانشگاه های ایران ، تو را صدا می کنند.شیوا قوی بمان. خیلی ها با تو دوباره جان گرفته اند دختر…
باورت می شود شیوا نامت اینک همه جا پیچیده ! از سناتور مک کین که روزی بر طبل جنگ با ایران می کوبید گرفته تا هزار و یک سازمان خصوصی مدافع حقوق زنان و کودکان. وقتی نامه مک کین را خواندم با خودم فکر کردم که شمع هایی که تو روشن کردی در 17 سالگی ات تا قدم زدن هایت کنار بزرگراه های جنوب شهر وقتی از کلاس های درس کودکان کار باز می گشتی چه بلوایی به پا کرده دختر. وقتی می بینم که زنی امریکایی به سختی نام خانوادگی ات را تلفظ می کند و باور نمی کند که تو بخاطر حمایت از زندانیان و کودکان و زنان باید چنین روز و شب در زندان بگذرانی ، وقتی می بینم که مردی این سوی آبها بدون اینکه تو را بشناسد با خواندن زندگینامه ات عکس تو را به دیوار اتاقش زده فکر میکنم چقدر می شود کار کرد…چقدر می شود وسیع بود ، چقدر می شود بی هوار زدن های مرسوم جاودانه شد …چقدر می شود دستی گرفت ، فریادی شد….چقدر می شود بازجو علوی ها و مرتضوی ها را به سخره گرفت و در قبال نگاه کریه شان عصمت انسان را پاسداشت
تقدیس ات نمی کنم . تو را به اوج نمی نشانم. فقط می خواهم یادآوری کنم برای خیلی ها. برای زندانیان دیروز و زندانیان امروز. برای تبعیدیان دیروز و تبعیدیان امروز. برای خاطرات سی ساله این کشور. برای مادرت که در صبحی خردادماهی تو را به این جهان هدیه داد. می خواهم یادآوری کنم که تنهایت نمی گذاریم . که یادمان نمی رود زمانی که مادر حقوق بشر ایران خطابت کردند
پایدار بمان دختر جان چشم جهانی به توست


Court hearing held for Shiva Nazar Ahari journalist and human rights activist

Saturday 4 September 2010

"According to eye witness, Shiva was brought to the court in handcuffs. The member of Committee of Human Rights Reporters after the court hearing was transferred to women's ward of Evin Prison."

The court hearing of Shiva Nazar Ahari, journalist and human rights activist was held today on saturday 4th Sep in branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court and was presided by Judge Pir Abbasi. According Kalameh, the 26 year old human rights activist who had been detained for a year in Evin prison was tried on charges of Moharebeh (waging against god), complotting and assembling against national security and disturbing public order and propaganda against the system.

The court was attended by Mohamad Sharif the lawyer of the prisoner and the Nazar Ahari family. During trial charges were presented and Shiva and her lawyers defense was heard. Shiva Nazar Ahari, charged with Moharebeh (waging against god) through connection with "monafeghins" organization (MKO), while expressing her disgust towards this organization said that she'd never had any connections with this organization and has always condemned the actions of this terrorist organization.

At the same time of the hearing of Shiva Nazar Ahari, the court hearing of another member of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters, Saeed Haeri was held.

According to eye witness, Shiva was brought to the court in handcuffs. The member of Committee of Human Rights Reporters after the court hearing was transferred to the womens ward of Evin Prison.

Shiva Nazar Ahari, journalist and member of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters who was held in solitary confinement for over 100 days during her detention, is now waiting for her verdict.

She was arrested a day after the disputed elections in 2009 and was sent to Evin prison. She was then released on a 200 mln tooman (USD 200,000) bail after three months. Soon after she was once again arrested in December 2009 for participated to the funeral of Ayatollah Montazeri on her way to the city of Qom.

The family of Shiva Nazar Ahari have asked the prosecutor and also judge Pir Abbasi to release Shiva on bail until her verdict is issued.

THE Vatican revealed tonight it was in touch with Tehran "through diplomatic channels" over the controversy surrounding the Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery.
The statement also reiterated the Roman Catholic Church's opposition to the death penalty.

"The Holy See is following this affair with attention and commitment," Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said in a statement issued in answer to journalists' questions on the matter.

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43-year-old mother of two, was given the death penalty for an extramarital relationship, sparking a global campaign to spare her.

"The position of the Church, opposed to the death penalty, is known and stoning is a particularly brutal form," Lombardi said.

Intervention by the Holy See on humanitarian questions takes place through diplomatic channels, and this sort of action occurred a number of times in the past, the statement said.

Pope Benedict XVI did not make any mention of the case at the Angelus yesterday


Iranian woman facing death for adultery to be whipped despite Times apologising for using picture of another person

Saeed Kamali Dehghan and Peter Beaumont
PHOTO:vists hold a solidarity rally for Sakineh Mohamadi Ashtiani who was convicted of committing adultery and sentenced to being stoned to death. Photograph: Fabio Campana/EPA

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani to be lashed over newspaper photographIranian woman facing death for adultery to be whipped despite Times apologising for using picture of another person
(283)Tweet this (253)Saeed Kamali Dehghan and Peter Beaumont guardian.co.uk, Saturday 4 September 2010 18.11 BST Article history
Activists hold a solidarity rally for Sakineh Mohamadi Ashtiani who was convicted of committing adultery and sentenced to being stoned to death. Photograph: Fabio Campana/EPA

Iran has reportedly sentenced Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani – the 43-year-old Iranian woman who faces execution after being convicted of adultery – to 99 lashes in prison for "spreading corruption and indecency" after allowing an unveiled picture of herself to be published in a British newspaper.

The claim, which could not be confirmed, comes from her family and a lawyer representing Mohammadi Ashtiani, based on reports from those who have recently left the prison in Tabriz where she has been held for the last four years.

The latest charges against Mohammadi Ashtiani – if confirmed – would appear to suggest that the Iranian authorities have been stung by the international outcry her case has attracted through the campaign of her family and supporters in the media, and could be read as a warning that it is Sakineh who could suffer from the protests.

What has made the latest charges against her even more extraordinary is the fact that the unveiled photograph in question, published by the Times newspaper on 28 August, was not actually of Sakineh but of another woman, for which the paper has since apologised.

In reality, the woman pictured was Susan Hejrat, an Iranian political activist living in Sweden whose photograph had been published on a website along with an article she had written about Sakineh's case, perhaps causing the confusion. In its apology, published on Friday, the Times said that the photograph had been obtained from Mohammad Mostafaei, one of Sakineh's lawyers, who had claimed that he received the picture from her son, Sajad – which he has denied.

Instead, in an open letter today, Sajad Ghaderzadeh accused the Iranian authorities of using the mistaken picture as "an excuse to increase their harassment of our mother".

He added: "My mother has been called in to see the judge in charge of prison misdemeanours, and he has sentenced our helpless mother to 99 lashes on false charges of spreading corruption and indecency by disseminating this picture of a woman presumed to be her [Sakineh] without hijab."

Speaking to the Observer today, Sajad said: "This news reached us through some prisoners who were released from Tabriz prison recently and have informed my mother's lawyer, Houtan Kian, that she has been given a sentence of 99 lashes for the alleged unveiled photo of her published in western media.

"As far as we know, the sentence of 99 lashes has not been administered yet. Once I got the Times apology for the misidentified photo, I instantly informed the lawyer and we are going to ask for an appeal. My mother has been denied visits for the past two weeks, no one has been allowed to visit her, including her family and even her lawyer. She has also been denied access to a phone and we have been completely cut off from her."

News of the latest punishment came amid reports from the family that they had learned her case has been referred for a judicial review to Branch 9 of Iran's supreme court which has requested police documents relating to her case, some of which appear to have gone missing. The reports have also emerged amid an increasingly bitter war of words between Iran and Sakineh's most high-profile supporter, Carla Bruni, the wife of France's president, Nicolas Sarkozy, who was described as a "prostitute" in one Iranian newspaper unhappy with her intervention.

Mohammadi Ashtiani was first convicted in 2006 of having an "illicit relationship" with two men after the death of her husband and was sentenced by a court to 99 lashes. Later that year she was also convicted of adultery and sentenced to be stoned to death, even though she retracted a confession that she claims was made under duress. Iran lifted that sentence last month, but now says that she has been convicted of involvement in her husband's killing.

According to the Iranian courts, her husband, Ebrahim Qaderzadeh, 44, was found dead on his bathroom floor in Meshkinshahr, in north-west Iran. Mohammadi Ashtiani is said by Iranian officials to have confessed to having had an extramarital affair with the killer, Eisa Taheri, and to have said that she had seduced him. The judiciary has also claimed that she confessed to having planned the murder in collaboration with Taheri, claims that are vigorously denied by her family.

Last month she was presented on Iranian state television where she "confessed" to involvement in the murder of her husband in a television interview recorded in Tabriz prison, where she is being held. It was suggested at that time that the 43-year-old had been tortured for two days before the recording of the confession.

Sajad also appealed to Mohammad Mostafaei not to make any more comments either on his mother's case or on his father's death.

Since her case has captured world attention, Iranian officials have claimed she was an accomplice to the murder of her husband, although her government-appointed lawyer, Houtan Kian, has accused the government of inventing charges against her.

Sajad has said the only reason his mother is still alive is because of the international campaign for her release


2006 Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani lashed 99 times for "adultery" in

Iran, charges she denies

November 2008 she is sentenced to death by stoning for the same offense due to process called "judicial wisdom"

July 2010 Protests begin about her fate

July 12th Iran says the stoning sentence is not for adultery but for the murder of her husband

August in a confession on state TV - which many believe to be forced - she confesses to complicity in her husband's murder

September 3rd News emerges she has been sentenced to 99 additional lashes for allowing the dissemination of a picture purportedly of her (although of another woman) not wearing the hijab
