Iran sentences human rights lawyer to 1.5 years of prison

Mukerian News Agency

Attorney-at-law Khalil Bahramian was sentenced to one and a half years of prison by the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran on charges of spreading propaganda against the government, and insulting the head of the Judiciary. Bahramian, who is a member of the Global Committee Against Killing and Execution in Paris and Scandinavia represented a large number of political and social activists including Akbar Mohammadi (killed under torture), Heshmatollah Tabarzadi, Khaled Hardani, Ahmad Batebi and a large number of Kurd political prisoners including (executed political prisoners) Farzad Kamangar and Shirin Alam Houli.

صدورحکم زندان براي خليل بهراميان وکيل دادگستري
خليل بهراميان وکيل پايه يک دادگستري از سوي قاضي مقيسه رئيس شعبه 28دادگاه انقلاب تهران به اتهام تبليغ عليه نظام و توهين به رئيس قوه قضائيه به تحمل يک سال و نيم حبس تعزيري محکوم شد. گفتني است خليل بهراميان که عضو کميته جهاني مقابله با آدم کشي و اعدام در پاريس و کشورهاي اسکانديناوي هستند وکالت شمار زيادي از فعالان سياسي و اجتماعي از جمله اکبر محمدي، حشمت ا... طبرزدي، خالد هرداني، احمد باطبي و همچنين تعداد زيادي از متهمين کرد مانند فرزاد کمانگر و شيرين علم هولي و ... را به عهده داشته است. (آژانس خبري موکريان – 13/11/89)

Daneshju News

With the increased pressure on student prisoners to reject their statements issued from prison, on Saturday morning, jailed student activists Bahareh Hedayat, Majid Tavakoli and Mahdieh Golro, were once again summoned to the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Moqiseh.
Moqiseh who is known for cooperating with security forces attacked the students demanding that they reject their statements issued from prison and to press charges against the websites and elements behind the publications of the statements. He has said that if they accept these demands all charges against them will be dropped and their case will be closed in this court session.
Notably, their lawyers were not present in the court session.
These students once again refused to give in to the Judge’s demands and announced in court that they would defend themselves in court only with the presence of their lawyers. These three activists also protested the court procedures and Moqiseh’s statements in court. The judge then expelled Majid Tavakoli from court using insulting language…
Baharah Hedayat, a member of the Central Council of the Office for Consolidating Unity was arrested on December 31, 2009 and was sentenced to nine and a half years of prison in the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Moqiseh. Majid Tavakoli, a former member of Amir Kabir University’s Student Association was sentenced to 8 years of prison to be spent in Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj…
Mahdieh Golro, the Assistant Secretary of Alameh Tabatayi University’s Student Association who is also a member of the Council in Defense of the Right to Education was arrested on December 2, 2009. She was sentenced to two years and four months of prison on April 2010 on charges of ‘spreading propaganda and assembling and conspiring to disrupt national security’.

احضار و محاکمه مجدد مجيد توکلي، بهاره هدايت و مهديه گلرو در دادگاه انقلاب
بهاره هدايت، مجيد توکلي و مهديه گلرو، ۳ فعال دانشجويي، صبح امروز مجددا از زندان به دادگاه انقلاب احضار و محاکمه شدند.
به گزارش دانشجونيوز، با افزايش فشارها بر دانشجويان زنداني براي تکذيب نوشته ها و بيانيه هاي منتشر شده از سوي ايشان، صبح امروز سه شنبه ١٢ بهمن ماه مجيد توکلي، بهاره هدايت و مهديه گلرو بار ديگر به شعبه ٢٨ دادگاه انقلاب اسلامي به رياست قاضي مقيسه فراخوانده شدند.
قاضي مقيسه که به همکاري با نيروهاي امنيتي و عدم رعايت استقلال قضائي شهرت دارد، با حمله به دانشجويان از آنان خواسته است که با تکذيب بيانيه هاي منتشر شده و نوشته هايي که به بيرون از زندان درج شده است، از سايت ها و عاملان انتشار اين مطالب نيز اعلام شکايت کنند. وي اعلام کرده است که در صورت پذيرش خواست مسئولان امنيتي تمامي اتهامات جاري اين دانشجويان پايان يافته و پرونده در همين جلسه دادگاه مختومه خواهد شد.

لازم به ذکر است اين جلسه دادگاه بدون طي کردن مراحل قانوني و بدون حضور وکيل دانشجويان برگزار شد.
در جلسه امروز دادگاه، دانشجويان بار ديگر ضمن رد خواسته قاضي مقيسه اعلام کردند که در دادگاهي که تنها با حضور وکيل برگزار شود از اتهامات خود دفاع خواهند کرد. اين ٣ فعال دانشجويي همچنين به روند برگزاري اين دادگاه و اظهارات قاضي مقيسه به شدت اعتراض کرده اند. در پي اين اعتراض ها، قاضي مقيسه با کار بردن الفاظي توهين آميز مجيد توکلي را از دادگاه اخراج کرده است...
بهاره هدايت عضو شوراي مرکزي دفتر تحکيم وحدت از تاريخ ۱۰ دي ماه ۱۳۸۸ بازداشت و توسط شعبه ۲۸ دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي مقيسه به حکم سنگين ۹ سال و نيم زندان محکوم شده است. مجيد توکلي عضو سابق انجمن اسلامي دانشگاه اميرکبير نيز به ۸ سال زندان و تبعيد به زندان رجايي شهر کرج محکوم شده است...
مهديه گلرو، نايب دبير انجمن اسلامي دانشگاه علامه و عضو شوراي دفاع از حق تحصيل، نيز در تاريخ ١١ آذر ٨٨ بازداشت شد. وي در فروردين سال ٨٩ به اتهام "تبليغ عليه نظام و تجمع و تباني به قصد بر هم زدن امنيت ملي"به دو سال و چهار ماه حبس تعزيري محکوم شد. (دانشجو نيوز – 12/11/89)

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

The condition of jailed Bazaar merchant Mohsen Dokmeh Chi, who is suffering from advanced pancreas cancer and has been denied treatment on orders of the Ministry of Intelligence, deteriorated on Monday morning in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. Prison guards refused to transfer him to the infirmary which was met with protests by political prisoners in hall 12 Cellblock 4 and he was finally taken to an unknown condition after a few hours at 2 pm.
This political prisoner has been suffering from severe pain for more than 5 months but intelligence agents and Tehran Prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolat Abadi have prevented his treatment. A few weeks ago, his condition deteriorated to the extent that he was near death and prison officials were forced to transfer him to the hospital. Mr. Dokmeh Chi received surgery but because he was not taken for surgery on time and because his pancreas cancer had advanced, the operation was unsuccessful. Doctors had decided to give him chemotherapy but his treatment was suddenly stopped on orders of intelligence interrogations and the Tehran Prosecutor and he was returned to Evin Prison. He was then transferred to cellblock 4 in Gohardasht Prison where political prisoners are kept in an isolated condition. His condition has severely deteriorated since this transfer and he in on verge of death.
This Bazaar merchant was arrested for giving financial aid to the families of political prisoners and because his daughter is in Camp Ashraf in Iraq and was sentenced to 10 years of prison to be spent in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj.

به وخامت گراييدن وضعيت جسمي بازاري زنداني و انتقال او به نقطۀ نامعلومي
روز دوشنبه 11 بهمن ماه بازاري زنداني محسن دکمه چي که از سرطان پيشرفته لوز المعده رنج مي برد و در شرايط بسيار وخيم جسمي در بند رها شده است و بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات مانع درمان وي مي شدند. صبح روز گذشته وضعيت جسمي اش بشدت به وخامت گراييد اما پاسداربندها از انتقال او به بهداري زندان خوداري مي کردند که با اعتراضات گسترده زندانيان سياسي سالن 12 بند 4 مواجه شدند و پس از چند ساعت تاخير حوالي ساعت 14:00 او را به نقطۀ نامعلومي منتقل کردند.
بازاري زنداني محسن دکمه چي از 5 ماه پيش از دردهاي شديد در دستگاه گورشي خود رنج مي برد اما بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات و دادستان تهران عباس جعفري دولت آبادي مانع درمان وي مي شدند. تا اينکه چند هفته پيش وضعيت جسمي او به حدي به وخامت گراييد که در آستانۀ مرگ قرار گرفت و ناچار به انتقال او به بيمارستان شدند.آقاي دکمه چي تحت عمل جراحي قرار گرفت ولي بدليل عدم انتقال به موقع و مبتلا شدن به سرطان لوزالمعده پيشرفته عمل جراحي ناموفق بود . پزشکان تصميم به شيمي درماني وي گرفتند که ناگهان معالجات وي به دستور بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات و عباس جعفري دولت آبادي متوقف و او را به زندان اوين بازگرداندند و سپس از آنجا به بند کاملا ايزولۀ زندانيان سياسي بند 4 منتقل کردند. از زمان انتقال به زندان گوهردشت کرج وضعيت جسمي اش شديدا به وخامت گراييد و او در آستانۀ مرگ قرار گرفت.
بازاري زندان بدليل کمک به خانواده هاي زندانيان سياسي و حضور فرزندش در قرارگاه اشرف دستگير و به 10 سال زندان و تبعيد به زندان قرون وسطايي گوهردشت کرج محکوم شده است. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 13/11/89)

Iranians have found their access to major news websites even more restricted than usual as more foreign sites were blocked by a government filter, Reuters witnesses observed on Monday.
Yahoo News and, both usually accessible in Iran, were unavailable, joining other long-blocked news sites such as the BBC and social networks Facebook and Twitter as beyond the reach of Iranians using a standard Internet connection.
There was no official confirmation of new Internet restrictions. One Iranian government official contacted by Reuters said authorities were 'looking into the source of the problem' to remove it.
The move comes as many Iranian politicians, including President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, are portraying anti-government protests in Egypt as being inspired by Iran`s Islamic Revolution which overthrew the U.S. backed Shah in 1979.
Many analysts outside Iran have compared the events in Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab Middle East to the huge protests which followed the re-election of Ahamdinejad which were eventually stamped out by a government that condemned them as 'sedition' inspired by hostile foreign powers.
Google News was still accessible on Monday, but links from there to many foreign news websites were blocked and a list of government-approved sites offered instead. No reason was given for why certain sites are filtered.
Yahoo’s home page could be accessed and softer news items, including a CNBC item on American football cheerleaders, were not blocked. Links to harder new stories and the home page of Yahoo News, however, failed to load

وبسايتهاي خبري بيشتري در ايران بسته شدند
شاهدان عيني رويتر روز دوشنبه گزارش دادند که ايرانيها در دسترسي به وبسايتهاي اصلي خبري، بيش از پيش دچار محدوديت شده‌اند. اين درحاليست که سايتهاي خارجي بيشتري توسط يک فيلتر دولتي بسته شده‌اند. ياهو نيوز و رويتر دات کام که هر دو به‌طور معمول در دسترس بوده‌اند، در حال حاضر بسته شده‌ و در رديف ساير سايتها هم‌چون بي.بي.سي و شبکه اجتماعي فيس بوک و توئيتر قرار گرفته‌اند و ايرانيان که از ارتباط استاندارد اينترنتي برخوردارند نمي‌توانند از اين رسانه‌ها استفاده کنند.
اين محدوديتهاي اينترنتي به‌طور رسمي اعلام نشده است. يک مقام رسمي دولت ايران که رويتر با او تماس گرفت گفت مقامات به‌دنبال پيدا کردن منبع اصلي مشکل هستند تا آن را حل‌وفصل کنند.
اين حرکت ايران در حاليست که؛ سياستمداران ايران از جمله پرزيدنت محمود احمدي‌نژاد گزارش مي‌دهند که اعتراضات در مصر با الهام از انقلاب اسلامي ايران برگزار شده‌اند که شاه تحت حمايت آمريکا را در 1979 سرنگون کرد. …
سايت گوگلز نيوز تا روز دوشنبه هنوز در دسترس بود اما لينکها [لولاي وصل به ساير سايتها] از آن به ساير رسانه‌ها بسته شده و در عوض آدرس سايتهاي ‌ ديگر دولتي ارائه مي‌شوند. (خبرگزاري رويتر- 11/11/89)

Iran, which set off a diplomatic storm by hanging a Dutch-Iranian woman, is on target to execute a record number of over 1,000 people this year, rights groups said Sunday.
And the execution of Zahra Bahrami is just the latest case of a 'serious lack of transparency' in Iran's growing use of capital punishment, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said.
The Netherlands froze contacts with Iran following Saturday's execution.
Many groups say Iran has the highest per capita execution rate in the world.
In 2009, the last year for which complete statistics are available, Iran executed at least 388 people and was second only to China in how many people it put to death, according to Amnesty International.
Rights groups believe there was a sharp rise in 2010 and with Bahrami's death, HRW now estimates that at least 74 prisoners have been executed since January 1…
‘At the current rate, authorities will easily have executed more than 1,000 prisoners before 2011 draws to a close,' HRW's Middle East director Sarah Leah Whitson said.
HRW's Middle East researcher Faraz Sanei denounced 'the Iranian judiciary's serious lack of transparency surrounding the execution of individuals convicted of crimes carrying the death penalty’.
The group said her execution and others highlight 'a deepening of the human rights crisis that gripped the country following the disputed June 2009 presidential election' that secured a second term for hawkish President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad.
Bahrami, a Dutch-naturalized Iranian, was detained after anti-government protests in Tehran in December 2009. She was later charged and found guilty of narcotics offences.
The woman said she was tortured into confessing and denied the charges, according to her family and rights groups...
A growing number of people are being charged and executed for what HRW calls the 'vague' charge of 'moharebeh,' or enmity against God -- the original charge against Bahrami.

گروههاي حقوق‌بشري گفتند ايران در 2011 بالاترين رقم اعدامها را خواهد داشت
روز يکشنبه گروههاي حقوق‌بشري گفتند، ايران که با حلق‌آويز کردن يک خانم هلندي ايراني تبار يک توفان ديپلوماتيک برپا کرد، در نظر دارد با اعدام بيش از 1000 (هزار) نفر، بالاترين رکورد را در ايران از خود بر جاي بگذارد.
ديدبان حقوق‌بشر گفت اعدام زهرا بهرامي که آخرين مورد “از فقدان جدي شفافيت“ در ايران به‌شمار مي‌رود، در حالي است که اين مجازات هر چه بيشتر انجام مي‌شود.
هلند بعد از اعدامي که روز شنبه‌ صورت گرفت تماسهاي خود با ايران را قطع کرد.
بسياري از گروهها مي‌گويند ايران نسبت به جمعيت خود بالاترين رقم اعدام را در جهان دارد.
به گفته سازمان عفو بين‌الملل، در 2009، سالي که آمار تکميلي آن در دسترس است، ايران حداقل 388نفر را اعدام کرد، که بعد از چين رتبه دوم را دارد.
گروههاي حقوق‌بشري بر اين باورند که اعدام در 2010 که با اعدام بهرامي همراه بود صعود شديدي داشته است. ديدبان حقوق‌بشر تخمين مي‌زند که از اول ژانويه حداقل 74 زنداني اعدام شده‌اند...
سارا ليح ويتسون (sarah leah whitson) مدير ديدبان حقوق‌بشر در خاورميانه گفت، “ با توجه به سرعت کنوني اعدام‌ها، مقامات ايراني قبل از اين‌که سال 2011 به پايان برسد به سادگي بيش از هزار زنداني را اعدام خواهند کرد.
فراز صانعي (faraz sanei )، پژوهشگر ديدبان حقوق‌بشر در خاورميانه، “عدم شفافيتي که به‌طور جدي در سيستم قضايي ايران پيرامون مجازات اعدام عليه مجرمين وجود دارد را مردود شمرد. …
بهرامي که يک هلندي ايراني تبار است بعد از تظاهرات ضددولتي در تهران در دسامبر 2009 بازداشت شد. وي بعداً به اتهام تخلفات مربوط به مواد مخدر گناهکار شناخته شد.
به گفته اقوام وي و گروههاي حقوق‌بشري، اين خانم گفته است که جهت گرفتن اعتراف، وي را تحت شکنجه قرار داده‌اند و او اين اتهامات را رد کرده بود. (خبرگزاري فرانسه- 10/11/89)
State-run Shomal News website, Human Rights Activists in Iran

The Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor in Qaemshahr said that three people were flogged in the Taleqani Square in this city.
Hossein Eshqi said that these people were sentenced to 99 lashes each in public on charges of what he called ‘illicit relationships’.

اجراي حکم شلاق سه شهروند قائمشهري در ملاء عام
دادستان عمومي و انقلاب قائمشهر از اجراي حکم شلاق ۳ شهروند، در ميدان طالقاني اين شهر خبر داد.
حسين عشقي گفته است که اين افراد بر اساس آنچه "ارتباط نامشروع" خوانده مي شود به تحمل ۹۹ ضربه شلاق تعزيري در ملاء عام محکوم شده بودند. (شمال نيوز , هرانا – 11/11/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran

The life of three political prisoners who have been charged with supporting and having links to a political organization is in serious danger.
According to reports, Mr. Mohsen Dokmeh Chi who is suffering from cancer, Shir-Mohammad Rezayi, who is suffering from a severe digestive condition and Mashallah Haeri who is suffering from a heart condition are the three political prisoners in cellblock 4 in Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj whose lives are in danger.
Mr. Mohsen Dokmeh Chi is a Bazaar merchant who was jailed on charges of giving financial aid to the families of political prisoners linked to the PMOI and has to be treated in an equipped hospital for his pancreas cancer.
He was a former political prisoner in the 80’s and reportedly got cancer because of prolonged hunger strikes while jailed in the 80’s. He has been sentenced to 10 years of prison by the Revolutionary Court.
Shir-Mohammad Rezayi who was also a political prisoner in the 70’s and 80’s is suffering from a digestive problem and is unable to tolerate prison condition. He is in need of an urgent operation. Rezayi has had two surgeries so far for his condition before his detention but his treatment was ceased after his arrest.
Mashallah Haeri, another prisoner jailed in this cellblock, is suffering from a serious heart problem and has to receive an open heart surgery which has been prevented by prison officials and the Ministry of Intelligence.
Intelligence agents broke his leg upon his arrest and he now uses crutches to walk.
Political prisoners in Rajayi Shahr Prison are held in quarantine like conditions in cellblock 4.

جان سه زنداني سياسي در خطر جدي قرار دارد
جان سه زنداني سياسي که به اتهام هواداري و يا ارتباط با يک سازمان سياسي در زندان بسر مي‌برند در خطر جدي قرار دارد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران "هرانا"، آقاي محسن دکمه چي به دليل ابتلا به سرطان، شير محمد رضايي به دليل چسبندگي روده و ماشالله حائري به دليل بيماري قلبي، سه زنداني سياسي محبوس در بند ۴ زندان رجايي شهر کرج‌اند که به دليل عدم رسيدگي پزشکي جانشان در خطر است.
آقاي محسن دکمه چي بازاري که به اتهام کمک مالي به خانواده‌هاي زندانيان سياسي مرتبط با سازمان مجاهدين خلق بازداشت شده، به دليل ابتلا به بيماري سرطان روده مي‌بايست در بيمارستان مجهز، مورد درمان قرار گيرد.
وي از زندانيان سياسي دهه ۶۰ است که گفته مي‌شود به دليل اعتصاب غذاهاي طولاني مدت در آن زمان، دچار اين بيماري شده است. نامبرده از سوي دادگاه انقلاب به تحمل ۱۰ سال حبس تعزيري محکوم است.
شير محمد رضايي از زندانيان سياسي دهه ۵۰ و ۶۰ نيز به دليل بيماري دستگاه گوارشي (چسبندگي روده) قادر به تحمل شرايط زندان نيست و مي‌بايست فورا مورد عمل جراحي قرار گيرد. وي تا کنون جهت درمان اين بيماري دوبار عمل جراحي انجام داده که پس از بازداشت ادامه درمان اين زنداني متوقف شده است.
هم چنين ماشالله حائري ديگر زنداني سياسي محبوس در اين بند به دليل مشکلات حاد قلبي مي‌بايست مورد عمل «قلب باز» قرار گيرد که تا کنون با مخالفت مسئولين زندان و وزارت اطلاعات از درمان وي جلوگيري شده است.
ماموران وزارت اطلاعات در حين بازداشت ايشان موجب شکستگي پاي وي شده‌اند که هم اکنون در زندان تنها به کمک عصا قادر به حرکت است.
زندانيان سياسي محبوس در زندان رجايي شهر به حالت قرنطينه در بند ۴ اين زندان نگهداري مي‌شوند. (هرانا – 11/11/89)

Human Rights Activists in Iran

Hossein Ronaqi Maleki, a political prisoner in cellblock 350 in Evin Prison who is suffering from kidney infection and is in critical condition has been denied medical attention and is in danger of death.
According to reports, the Intelligence Agency has refused to grant him a medical leave and has instead ordered that one of his kidneys be removed…
This is while prison doctors believe that he will be treated with laser surgery and does not need to remove his kidney…
Blogger and human rights activists Hossein Ronaqi Maleki is the head of the Iran Proxy Committee and was arrested on December 13, 2009 by the Revolutionary Guards Forces in Malekan and was immediately transferred to cellblock 2A in Evin Prison which is run by the Revolutionary Guards Forces.
After one year of solitary where he was mentally and physically tortured to make televised confessions, he was finally sentenced to 15 years of prison on December 19, 2010 in an illegal court headed by Judge Pir Abbasi the head of the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court.

دستور وزارت اطلاعات براي خارج کردن کليه عفوني حسين رونقي
حسين رونقي ملکي زنداني سياسي محبوس در بند امنيتي ۳۵۰ زندان اوين در حالي که از وضعيت جسمي وخيم خود رنج مي‌برد با کارشکني و عدم رسيدگي مسئولان مواجه است و جان وي به شدت در معرض خطر قرار گرفته است.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران ارگان خبري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران «هرانا»، وزارت اطلاعات با مرخصي استعلاجي اين زنداني سياسي موافقت نکرده و دستور به برداشتن يکي از کليه‌هاي اين زنداني سياسي داده است...
وزارت اطلاعات در حالي دستور عمل جراحي جهت خارج کردن کليه از بدن اين زنداني را داده است که پزشکان مستقر در بهداري معتقدند، کليه اين زنداني با عمل ليزري قابل برگشت است و نيازي به خارج کردن کليه نيست...
حسين رونقي ملکي مسئول کميته ايران پرکسي، وبلاگ نويس و فعال حقوق بشر در ۲۲ آذر ماه ۱۳۸۸ توسط اطلاعات سپاه درملکان بازداشت و بلافاصله به بند ۲ - الف سپاه پاسداران در زندان اوين منتقل شد.
نامبرده پس از تحمل ۱ سال سلول انفرادي و شکنجه‌هاي روحي و جسمي فراوان جهت اخذ مصاحبه تلويزيوني سرانجام در تاريخ ۲۸ آذر ماه سالجاري در يک دادگاه غيرقانوني از سوي قاضي پيرعباسي رئيس شعبه ۲۶ دادگاه انقلاب تهران به ۱۵ سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد. (هرانا – 12/11/89)
Student Committee in Defense of Political Prisoners

The spokesperson of the Islamic Republic’s Judiciary said yesterday evening that the death sentence of a person in Ilam was carried out in the past few weeks on charges of what he called ‘severe troublemaking’.
Gholam-Hossein Ejeyi did not elaborate on this execution.

اجراي حکم اعدام يکي از متهمان به شرارت در استان ايلام
سخنگوي قوه قضائيه جمهوري اسلامي، عصر ديروز، دوشنبه 12 بهمن از اجراي حکم قطعي اعدام يک تن در استان ايلام طي هفته هاي اخير به اتهام آنچه که وي «شرارت هاي زياد» ناميد خبر داد.
به گزارش کميته دانشجويي دفاع از زندانيان سياسي، غلامحسين محسني اژه اي سخنگوي قوه قضائيه جمهوري اسلامي روز گذشته و در هشتمين نشست خود با رسانه هاي خبري از اجراي حکم قطعي اعدام يکي از به زعم وي اشرار استان ايلام به اتهام شرارت خبر داد اما به جزئيات اين پرونده اشاره اي نکرد. (كميته دانشجويي دفاع از زندانيان سياسي – 12/11/89)

Jailed blogger in need of surgery denied medical attention

Human Rights Activists in Iran

Jailed blogger and human rights activist Hossein Ronaqi Maleki, was transferred to the Evin Prison Infirmary because of his critical condition.
According to reports, the heads of the infirmary believe that he has to be taken to an equipped hospital outside of the prison for treatment.
This is while the Intelligence Agency has prevented him from going on a medical leave on bail despite the approval of the Revolutionary Court.
Hossein Ronaqi is unable to tolerate prison conditions because of a kidney infection and has to be taken to a hospital outside of prison as soon as possible for a kidney surgery.
Prison officials intended to take him to the hospital this morning because of his critical condition with shackles and handcuffs but Ronaqi and his family refused this measure. Ronaqi refused to go to the hospital because he is banned from using his right to a medical leave and because he does not trust the doctors who work for the Intelligence Agency as they have violated his rights in the past.
Maleki who is the head of the Iran Proxy Committee was arrested on December 13, 2009 by the Revolutionary Guards Forces in Malekan and was transferred to cellblock 2A which is run by the RGC in Evin Prison.
After one year of solitary where he was mentally and physically tortured to make televised confessions, he was finally sentenced to 15 years of prison on December 19, 2010 b Judge Pir Abbassi, the head of the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court.
He was charged with being a member of the Iran Proxy network, and insulting the leader and president. His sentence was confirmed by the 54th branch of the court of review in Tehran.

نياز فوري حسين رونقي به عمل جراحي
حسين رونقي ملکي، وبلاگ نويس و فعال حقوق بشر به دليل وخامت حال جسمي‌اش به بهداري زندان اوين منتقل شد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران «هرانا» مسئولين بهداري معتقد‌اند وي بايد در بيمارستاني مجهز در خارج از زندان مورد درمان قرار گيرد.
اين در حالي است که وزارت اطلاعات از توديع وثيقه جهت مرخصي استعلاجي اين زنداني علي رغم موافقت دادگاه انقلاب؛ ممانعت به عمل مي‌آورد.
حسين رونقي به دليل عفونت کليه قادر به تحمل شرايط زندان نيست و مي‌بايست هر چه سريع‌تر به خارج از زندان جهت عمل کليه منتقل شود.
مسئولين زندان با هشدار مسئولين بهداري در خصوص وضعيت وخيم جسمي اين زنداني صبح امروز قصد داشتند وي را با دست بند و پابند به بيمارستاني در خارج از زندان منتقل کنند که با مخالفت حسين رونقي و خانواده وي روبرو شده است.
علت مخالفت حسين رونقي با انتقال به بيمارستان استفاده از حق مرخصي جهت درمان بيماري و عدم اعتماد به پزشکان تحت امر وزارت اطلاعات است که تاکنون با کارشکني اين نهاد اين امر ميسر نشده است.

حسين رونقي ملکي مسئول کميته ايران پرکسي، وبلاگ نويس و فعال حقوق بشر در ۲۲ آذر ماه ۱۳۸۸ توسط اطلاعات سپاه درملکان بازداشت و به بند ۲ – الف سپاه پاسداران در زندان اوين منتقل شد.
نامبرده پس از تحمل ۱ سال سلول انفرادي و شکنجه‌هاي روحي و جسمي جهت اخذ مصاحبه تلويزيوني سرانجام در تاريخ ۲۸ آذر ماه سالجاري از سوي قاضي پيرعباسي رئيس شعبه ۲۶ دادگاه انقلاب تهران به ۱۵ سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد.
اتهامات اين زنداني از سوي دادگاه انقلاب عضويت در شبکه ايران پروکسي، توهين به رهبري و رياست جمهوري اعلام شده است، حکم مذکور از سوي شعبه ۵۴ دادگاه تجديد نظر استان تهران عينا تائيد شد. (هرانا – 6/11/89)
Coordination Committee to Create Labor Unions

According to reports, there have been clashes between the laborers of the Iran Khodro Company and the Protection Department in this company from 12 am to 5 am this morning.
This incident took place after one of the workers who worked the night shift in the transportation unit in the factory was forced to work despite being ill. At about 11:30 pm last night, he crashed into workers who had gathered to punch their cards after working several rounds while ill. This led to the death of 8 workers and 13 others were injured.

کشتار کارگران و درگيري در ايران خودرو
کشتار کارگران و درگيري در ايران خودرو بر اساس خبري که صبح امروز (۶/۱۰/۸۹) به دست ما رسيده است، از ساعت 12 ديشب تا 5 صبح امروز بين کارگران ايران خودرو و حراست کارخانه درگيري بوده است .
واقعه به اين صورت روي داده است که يکي از کارگران شرکتي شيفت شب را، که در قسمت حمل‌ونقل داخل کارخانه کار مي‌کند، با وجود بيماري مجبور به کار مي‌کنند. اين کارگر پس از اين‌که با حال ناخوش خود چند سرويس کار مي‌کند حدود ساعت 11 و نيم ديشب با خودرو خود به کارگراني، که براي زدن کارت ساعت در محل کارت ساعت جمع شده بودند، مي‌زند و 8نفر از آنان را مي‌کشد و 13نفر را زخمي مي‌کند. (کميته هماهنگي براي ايجاد تشکل کارگري - 6/11/89)
Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

Political prisoners in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj were suddenly all transferred to Hall 12, Cellblock 4 in this prison without any previous warning. Sixty political prisoners are currently detained in this hall. Before this, minors and young prisoners were kept in this section. This hall is a closed off area and does not have any communications with other halls. It has a corridor with cells on both sides and both doors of the corridors are locked. Most of the cells lack light bulbs and prisoners are left in the dark. The restrooms and bathrooms are out of order and very unhygienic. The smell of the sewage is also intolerable. There is no warm water in the bathroom and prisoners are forced to bathe with cold water. The sanitary conditions in the hall are deplorable. There are no warming appliances in the hall and prisoners are kept in very cold temperatures. Political prisoners are also banned from making phone calls to their families and have not had any visits with their families since their transfer…
They have also been banned from going to the infirmary to get medicine since their transfer.

ايجاد شرايط طاقت فرسا و قرون وسطايي عليه زندانيان سياسي اسير در زندان گوهردشت کرج
از روز يکشنبه 3 بهمن ماه بطور ناگهاني و بدون اطلاع قبلي تمامي زندانيان سياسي بند هاي مختلف زندان گوهردشت کرج به سالن 12 بند 4 اين زندان منتقل شدند. تعداد زندانيان که در حال حاضر در اين سالن نگهداري مي شوند 60 نفر مي باشند.
سالن 12 درطبقۀ همکف بند 4 زندان گوهردشت کرج قرار دارد که پيش از اين زندانيان نوجوان و جوان در آن نگهداري مي شدند. اين سالن داراي محيطي بسته است و هيچگونه ارتباطي با ساير سالنها (طبقات ديگر)ندارد.اين سالن تشکيل شده از يک کريدور که در دو طرف آن سلولها قرار دارند.دربهاي هر دو سوي کريدور بسته است. اکثر سلولهاي آن فاقد لامپ روشنايي است و زندانيان در تاريکي بسر مي برند،سرويسهاي بهداشتي و حمام هاي آن خراب و به لحاظ بهداشتي غير قابل استفاده مي باشد ، بوي فاضلاب آن باعث اذيت وآزار زندانيان سياسي است ، آب گرم حمام هاي آن قطع است و زندانيان ناچارند که با آب سرد استحمام نمايند.وضعيت بهداشتي سالن وحشتناک مي باشد. وسايل گرمايي سالن قطع ماست و زندانيان در سرماي شديد بسر مي برند.ارتباط تلفني زندانيان سياسي با خانواده هايشان قطع مي باشد و از روز انتقال آنها خانواده ها هيچگونه ملاقاتي با عزيزانشان نداشتند...
از زمان انتقال آنها به اين سالن مراجعه به بهداري زندان براي گرفتن دارو ممنوع شده است. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 6/11/89).
Sunni News website

According to reports from Qeshm Island, a 22 year old man identified as Ismail who was known as Tommy and lived in the Ramchah Village was shot in the neck by the commander of the Suza Base in this island and was wounded. He passed away after a few days in the hospital. According to this report, the agent thought that Ismail was carrying smuggled goods in his car even as he was not carrying anything and was only going by in the Suza Road when this incident took place.

قتل يک جوان در قشم توسط رئيس پاسگاه
بنا بر گزارشات محلي از جزيره قشم، جواني به نام اسماعيل مشهور به تومي از روستاي رمچاه حدودا 22 ساله توسط رئيس پاسگاه سوزا در جزيره قشم از ناحيه اي گردن مورد اصابت گلوله قرار گرفته و زخمي مي شود، و بعد ازچند روز بر روي تخت بيمارستان وفات مينمايد. گفته مي شود علت تيراندازي اين بوده که ماموران تصور کرده اند او کالاي قاچاق در ماشين خود حمل مي کند، در حالي که ماشين خالي از کالاي قاچاق بوده، و در جاده سوزا قشم مقابل جزاير ناز در حال حرکت بوده که اين حادثه تلخ واقع ميشود. (سني نيوز – 5/11/89)


Iran hangs Dutch-Iranian woman for drug smuggling, report says
By the CNN Wire Staff
Tehran, Iran (CNN) -- Iran hanged a Dutch-Iranian woman it said was a drug smuggler, the semi-official Fars news agency reported, although the Dutch government expressed "great concern" about her case three weeks ago.

Fars said Zahra Bahrami smuggled cocaine into Iran with the help of a Dutch partner. She was executed Saturday, the report said.

But the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran suggested the drug charges were only a pretext to execute her.

The campaign said she was originally charged with security offenses in the wake of widespread protests against the government over a controversial presidential election in June 2009.

Her lawyer was "shocked" to find she had been hanged, the group said.

"I was absolutely not informed about this. They should have informed her lawyer of the execution, but I had no idea. I don't know what to say. Just that I am shocked," Jinoos Sharif Razi told the group.

The campaign said it learned of the hanging from Bahrami's daughter.

Bahrami was accused of bringing cocaine into the country twice and selling it. Cocaine and opium were found during a search of her house, Fars reported.

Her sentence also included 70 lashes and a $1,400 fine, Fars reported.

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Iran hangs Iranian-Dutch woman for drug smuggling
Reuters) - An Iranian-Dutch woman, arrested after taking part in anti-government protests in Iran in 2009, has been hanged for drug smuggling, the semi-official Mehr news agency said on Saturday.

"A woman smuggler named Zahra Bahrami, daughter of Ali, has been hanged today for the possession and selling of narcotics," Mehr reported, quoting the court.

The 45-year-old woman's daughter was quoted by the New York-based rights group International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran as saying the drug charges were fabricated.

Mehr reported that she had been found guilty of smuggling cocaine into Iran from the Netherlands and was found with 450 grams of the drug in her possession. Iran does not recognise dual citizenship.

Bahrami, who according to the International Campaign for Human Rights, lived in London but visited her family in Iran, took part in opposition demonstrations marking the Shi'ite Muslim festival of Ashura in December 2009.

That was six months after the disputed re-election of hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad which was followed by the biggest street protests since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

The government stamped out the protests which it says were the work of foreign-backed seditionists. Thousands of people were detained after the election. Most of them have since been freed, but more than 80 people have been jailed for up to 15 years and at least five have been sentenced to death.

As in the case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, an Iranian woman whose sentence to death by stoning was suspended after an international outcry, Iranian authorities accused foreign governments of trying to interfere in judicial proceedings.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said last week: "It is expected from the Western countries to appreciate Iran's efforts to combat drug trafficking and even cooperate accordingly. Unfortunately, however, we are witnessing their support for Zahra Bahrami and they have even called for her release."

Dutch freeze contacts with Iran over hanging
The Dutch government has frozen all contacts with Iran in protest over the hanging of a Dutch-Iranian woman.

The Dutch foreign ministry said it was "shocked, shattered by this act by a barbaric regime".

Sahra Bahrami, aged 46, was hanged for drug smuggling early on Saturday, Iranian officials said.

Her family accuses Tehran of fabricating the case against her after she was detained for taking part in anti-government protests in 2009.

Dutch freeze contacts with Iran after hanging

Dutch freeze contacts with Iran after hanging
(AP) – 1 day ago

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The Dutch government froze official contacts with Iran on Saturday to protest the hanging of a Dutch-Iranian woman, the Foreign Ministry said.

Iranian Ambassador Gharib Abadi was informed of the sanctions after he confirmed reports that Zahra Bahrami, 45, was executed in Tehran Saturday.

His embassy later said the hanging was "an internal issue" that should have no impact on diplomatic relations.

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Dutch News

The Netherlands freezes contacts with Iran after execution
The Netherlands has formally frozen all contacts with Iran following the execution of a Dutch Iranian woman on drugs charges.

In a statement, the ministry said the move is to show the Netherlands disgust at the hanging of ahra Bahrami on drugs charges. Other Iranian Dutch nationals are being advised not to travel to Iran.

‘The Netherlands is very shocked by this execution, this scandalous deed,’ foreign minister Uri Rosenthal said. ‘We had done all we could to prevent this barbarous act.’

On Friday, Iran’s ambassador to the Netherlands had told Rosenthal that not all avenues had been closed off, the minister said. ‘I really regret that Iran did not keep its word and we have to find out via the media.’

European level

Any meetings or contacts with Iranian diplomats and other officials must now have prior written approval.

As well as freezing contact, the Netherlands will press for action against Iran at a European level, the minister said.

Sahra Bahrami, 46, was hanged for drug smuggling early on Saturday. She was arrested at the end of 2009 while on a family visit for taking part in anti-government protests.


The foreign minister has told other Dutch Iranians to avoid the country, warning them that they will have no access to consular help if they get into trouble.

Iran refused to recognise Bahrami’s Dutch nationality, making it difficult for the Dutch authorities to give legal assistance.

MPs from the two government parties CDA and VVD said Rosenthal was right not to recall the Dutch ambassador to Iran in protest at the killing.

‘There are other Dutch nationals in Iran and it is important to support her family,’ VVD foreign affairs spokesman Atzo Nicolai said told the Telegraaf.

Radio Netherlands
Iranian-Dutch woman Zahra Bahrami has been hanged for selling and possessing drugs, Iran's ambassador to the Netherlands has confirmed. Her lawyer says she was executed before the trial's file on her political activities was completed.

Ms Bahrami, a 46-year-old Iranian-born naturalised Dutch citizen, was reportedly arrested in December 2009 after joining a protest against the government while visiting relatives in the Islamic republic. The prosecutor's office confirmed on Saturday that she had been arrested for "security crimes."

Ms Bahrami's lawyer, Jinoos Sharif Razi, says the file on her political activities had not even been completed. He is therefore shocked that the execution has been carried out. According to Amnesty International, Iran had promised to postpone the execution until the file had been completed as part of her trial.

Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal has condemned the hanging as "an outrage committed by a barbarian regime". The foreign minister has summoned the Iranian ambassador to demand an explanation. The Hague has suspended all official contacts with Iran.

Mr Rosenthal will raise the issue on Monday at the council of EU foreign ministers to see if the bloc is willing to take measures against Iran.

International Camp.
Distraught, Bahrami’s Daughter Demands: “How is it possible that she was executed?!”

A shocked and emotional Banafsheh Nayebpour, daughter of Iranian-Dutch citizen, Zahra Bahrami, who, according to a Fars News Agency report, was executed in the early morning hours of Saturday, 29 January 2010, talked to the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran today. She said people have been calling her for the past hour to verify the news of her mother’s death. “How is such a thing possible? We had requested clemency, and we have not yet received a reply. They have not reviewed my mother’s other case, either. How is it possible that she was executed?” she said in disbelief.

Zahra Bahrami’s daughter was informed of her mother’s execution through phone calls from her friends and relatives on Saturday at around 4:00 p.m. “I called her lawyer. She had not been informed, either. I don’t know where to go now, of whom to seek information. Nobody is answering me now, because it’s past business hours. This means that my mother died this morning, when I was sleeping,” she said.

“Shouldn’t they have informed her family and lawyer before executing her? We should have gone to see her before her execution. Is it so easy–that my mother is no longer in this world? Did I not have any right to see her before her execution?” said a distraught Banafesheh Nayebpour.

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Iran: Zahra Bahrami hanged by the religious misogynist regime .
Maryam Rajavi: Do not fuel mullahs’ machine of execution and suppression by continuing economic deals and diplomatic ties

NCRI - In yet another criminal act, the inhuman and misogynist regime of mullahs executed Saturday, January 29, Zahra Bahrami, 46, mother of two children, who was arrested in January 2009 following Ashura uprising. She was the ninetieth prisoner executed by the clerical regime since the beginning of 2011.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described the regime’s goal of this savage execution as creating fear and terror among the nation, especially the enraged women who seek the overthrow of the religious fascism ruling Iran. She urged the international community to condemn the execution of Zahra Bahrami and the growing trend of executions in Iran and to impose comprehensive sanctions on this regime which is the disgrace of modern world for systematic and continuous violation of human rights.

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Fars state-run News Agency

Two convicts identified as Kamran Khakhi and Mehran Khaki were hanged today on charges of murder, enmity with God and corruption on earth in Bojnourd Prison…
The two convicts had requested amnesty several times as their last attempts but their amnesty was refused.

اجراي حكم اعدام 2 مفسد في‌الارض در بجنورد
خبرگزاري فارس: 2 متهم به نام‌هاي كامران خاكي و مهران خاكي به اتهام قتل عمد‌، محاربه و افساد في‌الارض سحرگاه امروز در زندان بجنورد به دار مجازات آويخته شدند...
دو متهم در آخرين تلاش‌هاي خود نيز چند بار تقاضاي عفو و بخشودگي مي‌كنند كه مورد قبول قرار نمي‌گيرد‌. (خبر گزاري فارس – 5/11/89)

European Union is deeply concerned about the use of the death penalty in Iran.

Executions are taking place at an alarming rate. In addition, abhorrent practices such as public executions and suspension hanging continue to be used, in contravention of Iran’s international obligations.

The European Union calls upon the Iranian authorities to halt all pending executions immediately and to declare a moratorium on death penalty as soon as possible.
The European Union is opposed to capital punishment under all circumstances in all countries, and therefore aims at its universal abolition, seeking a global moratorium as a first step.
The Candidate Countries Turkey, Croatia*, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia*, Montenegro* and Iceland+, the Countries of the Stabilisation and Association Process and potential candidates Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and the EFTA countries Liechtenstein and Norway, members of the European Economic Area align themselves with this declaration.

* Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.
+ Iceland continues to be a member of the EFTA and of the European Economic Area.

اتحاديه اروپا 27 ژانويه 2011
بيانيه كاترين اشتون نماينده عالي از طرف اتحاديه اروپا در رابطه با موج اعدامها در ايران

اتحاديه اروپا عميقاً نگران به كارگيري مجازات اعدام در ايران است.

اعدامها ابعاد نگران كننده اي يافته اند. علاوه بر اين روشهاي نفرت انگيز، به رغم تعهدات بين المللي ايران، مانند اعدام در ملاءعام، حلق آويز مستمراً به اجرا در مي آيد.
اتحاديه اروپا، از مقامات ايران مي خواهد اعدام كساني را كه محكوم شده اند، متوقف نمايد و در اسرع وقت به مجازات اعدام پايان دهد.
اتحاديه اروپا مخالف مجازات اعدام، در تمام شرايط و در تمام كشورهاست. و به همين دليل براي لغو جهاني مجازات اعدام، بدنبال توقف اعدامها به عنوان اولين گام است.