A prisoner in the Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj who was suffering from aids died as a result of the lack of medical attention.
Daryoush Arjmand who had been kept in a solitary cell for 2 years died on June 20, 2010 in a solitary cell in cellblock 1 of Rajayi Shahr Prison after tolerating horrid physical conditions.
Arjmand never enjoyed medical attention and was only separated form other prisoners because he had aids.
Rajayi Shahr Prison in general and cellblock one in particular are in very poor condition on the grounds of sanitary facilities and medical attention for prisoners.

Background info (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – April 14, 2010)

According to reports, Daryoush Arjmand, has been kept in a solitary cell in cellblock 1 in Gohardasht Prison known as the 'Doghouse' for months.
Daryoush Arjmand, 40, who has been sentenced to 19 years of prison, has been kept in this cell for close to 25 months. He was taken to solitary for clashing with the prison deputy officer, Mansouri, who died a few months ago outside of prison over a financial issue, and is kept in medieval conditions in this cell.
He is deprived of a natural source of light and even a lamp to light his cell. He is forced to go to the bathroom and bathe in his cell even while his cell is very small and does not have a toilet or showering facilities. Mr. Arjmand also has many cuts and bruises on his body but is not taken to the infirmary for treatment and is not even given the necessary items to bandage his wounds. He is also deprived of proper clothing and his current clothes are ripped and worn out. The foul odor that comes from his cell bothers other prisoners detained in solitary cells in this block. He is also only given enough food to live on.
Mr. Arjmand has attempted suicide several times and in the last instance, was left in that state for a few hours before other prisoners protested which saved his life.
A political prisoner informed a prison inspector about the condition of this prisoner and asked him to go see this prisoner to witness his horrid and unimaginable condition for himself but the inspector argued that this prisoner had aids and was dangerous and did not visit his cell.

در پي عدم رسيدگي پزشکي/ مرگ يک زنداني در زندان رجايي شهر کرج
يکي از زندانيان عادي محبوس در زندان رجايي شهر کرج که به بيماري "ايدز" مبتلا بوده به دليل عدم رسيدگي پزشکي مسئولان زندان، جان خود را از دست داده است.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، داريوش ارجمند که به مدت 2 سال در سلول انفرادي نگهداري مي شد، پس از تحمل شرايط ناگوار جسمي، نهايتا مورخ 30 خردادماه سال جاري در يکي از سلول هاي انفرادي بند يک زندان رجايي شهر کرج، جانش را از دست مي دهد.
داريوش ارجمند هيچ گاه از خدمات درماني بهره مند نشد و تنها وي را به دليل ابتلا به بيماري خاص "ايدز" جداسازي کرده بودند.
شايان ذکر است که زندان رجايي شهر عموما و بند يک خصوصا از لحاظ نبود بهداشت محيط و عدم رسيدگي پزشکي وضع بسيار وخيمي دارد. (هرانا - 24/4/89)
جزئيات بيشتر (فعالين حقوق بشر و دموكراسي در ايران – 25/1/89)
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" زنداني داريوش ارجمند ماه ها است که در سلولهاي انفرادي بند 1 زندان گوهردشت کرج معروف به سگدوني زنداني است.
داريوش ارجمند 40 ساله که محکوم به 19 سال زندان مي باشد نزديک به 25 ماه است که در سلولهاي انفرادي بند1 معروف به سگدوني بسر مي برد.آقاي ارجمند بدليل درگيري با افسر جانشين زندان بنام منصوري که چند ماه پيش در خارج از زندان به خاطر مسائل مالي در درگيري به قتل رسيد به سلول انفرادي منتقل شد و همچنان در شرايط وحشتناک و قرون وسطائي بسر مي برد.
زنداني داريوش ارجمند در سلول انفرادي نگهداري مي شود که از داشتن نور طبيعي و حتي لامپ در سلولش محروم است. او ناچار است که از سلولش بعنوان سرويس بهداشتي استفاده کند و همچنين مي بايست در همان سلول استحمام نمايد در حالي که اين سلول بسيار کوچک و فاقد چنين امکاناتي است.زخمهاي زيادي بر روي بدن اين زنداني وجود دارد ولي از انتقال او به بهداري خوداري مي کنند و حتي داروهاي لازم به اين زنداني داده نمي شود که زخم هايش را پانسمان کند.اين زنداني از داشتن لباس کافي محروم است و لباسهايش مندرس و پاره مي باشند.بوي تعفن که از سلول انفرادي اين زنداني بر مي خيزد باعث اذيت و ازار ساير زندانيان که در سلولهاي انفرادي اين سالن زنداني هستند مي شود غذاي اين زنداني در حد زنده ماندن است.
او تا به حال چند بار اقدام به خودکشي کرده است در آخرين باري که اقدام به خودکشي نمود چندين ساعت به حال خود رها شد که با اعتراض ساير زندانيان نجات يافت .يکي از زندانيان سياسي وضعيت اين زنداني را به کساني که تحت عنوان بازرس مراجعه مي کنند تشريح کرد و از او خواست که به سلول اين زنداني مراجعه کند و خود شاهد شرايط وحشتناک و غير قابل تصور اين زنداني باشد ولي اين فرد با اين استدلال که اين زنداني مبتلا به ويروس ايدز است و خطرناک مي باشد از بازديد سلول اين زنداني خوداري نمود.


An outbreak of hepatitis in in Evin Prison’s female cellblock 1, the prevalence of rodents especially lice, and the lack of sanitary facilities and cooling appliances on one hand and the daily clashes of ordinary prisoners with political prisoners has made conditions even harder for political prisoners in this prison.
This cellblock is in a critical state but no measures are taken by the authorities to control this situation.
The prevalence of lice has led many women to shave off all their hair.
In addition to this, the lack of coolers and cold water in the high temperatures has aggravated conditions for these prisoners

شيوع هپاتيت در بند يک زنان زندان اوين
شيوع هپاتيت در بند يک زنان زندان اوين، وجود حشرات موذي به خصوص شپش و نبود وسايل بهداشتي و سرمايشي از يک سو و درگيري هر روزه زندانيان عادي با زندانيان سياسي شرايط زندانيان زن سياسي را روز به روز در اوين سخت تر مي کند.
به گزارش جرس، وضعيت اين بند درشرايط بحراني قرار دارد ولي هيچ اقدامي براي کنترل اين وضعيت از سوي مسئولان صورت نمي گيرد.
وجود حشرات موذي از جمله شپش موجب شده تعداد از زنان مجبور به تراشيدن موهاي خود را از ته شوند.
علاوه بر اين نبود کولر و آب خنک در گرماي بسيار بالاي هوا، زندانيان را با سختي بسيار مواجه کرده است. (جرس- 24/4/89)

Kurdistan Human Rights Organization

Mohammad-Sediq Kaboudvand, the head of the Kurdistan Human Rights Organization was taken to the Evin Prison infirmary after he passed out in cellblock 350.
His family became notified of his condition through one of Kaboudvand’s cellmates.
Kaboudvand has had two heart attacks in the past four years and his pale complexion and excessive weight loss were obvious in his recent visits with his family from behind glass partitions but the news of his new condition came as a shock to his family and they are very concerned for his well being

کبودوند با بيهوشي کامل به درمانگاه زندان اوين منتقل شد

محمدصديق کبودوند رئيس سازمان دفاع از حقوق بشر کردستان، پس از بيهوشي در بند 350 زندان اوين به درمانگاه اين بند انتقال داده شد.
خانواده آقاي کبودوند از طريق تماس تلفني يکي از هم بندي هاي وي، از بيهوشي کبودوند و انتقال به درمانگاه جهت معاينه وي مطلع شده اند.
به گزارش سازمان حقوق بشر کردستان، با توجه به دوبار سکته قلبي ناقص ايشان در طي چهار سال گذشته، لاغري و رنگ پريدگي چهره کبودوند که در ملاقات هاي کابيني اخير بيش از پيش نمايان شده بود، اين خبر خانواده کبودوند را دچار شوک و نگراني شديدي نموده است. (سازمان حقوق بشر کردستان – 24/4/89)
Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

The sewage route in Hall 18, cellblock 6 has become clogged up from Saturday July 12, and the sewage water is running in the hallways of this hall. Close to 10 cm of sewage water is in the hallways. In the past few days, sewage water from halls 16 and 17 started flowing into hall 18. Days after this incident, the condition is so horrible that prisoners constantly protest but no action has been taken to solve the problem as yet.
Eight hundred prisoners are kept in this cellblock which is close to 3 times more than its normal capacity. The sewage water has even started seeping into the cells despite the obstacles placed in its path by prisoners. This issue seriously threatens the health of prisoners. The putrid stench and the high temperatures have made the already bad conditions in prison intolerable and have deprived prisoners from the little rest they had. In this time, prisoners have also been deprived of using the restrooms and showers.
They face dangers of being inflicted with illnesses as a result of the sewage water and the high concentration of prisoners in one area can lay the groundwork for a catastrophe.
The head of cellblock 6 is Shokri who has not been present in the cellblock for the last few days and is usually on leave doing his personal business. He is in the carpet business in addition to his prison occupation and is usually out selling carpets. Shokri played a direct part in the recent attack and torture of political prisoner and teacher Rasoul Badaqi.
The Praying Hall of this cellblock is also packed with prisoners who are forced to sleep on their sides next to each other on the ground. Currently 210 prisoners are detained in this hall. Lice and other skin diseases are prevalent. Because of the lack of space for each prisoner, they are forced to sleep in the hallways of cellblock 6. Close to 50 prisoners sleep in the hallways every night.
Prisoners are also denied of cooling facilities and cold clean water. They are forced to drink from the tap water in temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).
Prisoners are denied minimum facilities and the sanitary conditions, food and medical treatment is horrid. The conditions in this prisoner are similar to conditions in Hitler’s death camps.

ايجاد شرايط طافت فرسا همانند اردوگاه هاي هيتلري براي زندانيان در زندان گوهردشت کرج
از روز شنبه 21 تيرماه مسير فاضلاب سالن 18 (طبقه همکف) بند 6 مسدود شده است و آب فاضلاب بند در کريدور اين سالن جاري است و نزديگ به 10 سانت آب فضلاب تمامي کريدور را فرا گرفته است.در طي اين چند روز آب فاضلاب سالن هاي 16 (طبقه دوم) و 17 (طبقه اول) به درون سالن 18 يا طبقه همکف جريان مي يابد.عليرغم گذشت چند روز از بوجود آمدن چنين شرايط غير انساني که با اعتراضات مستمر زندانيان مواجه بوده است ولي تا به حال براي حل اين مشکل هيچ اقدامي صورت نگرفته است.
در اين بند نزديگ به 3 برابر ظرفيتش زنداني جاي داده اند و در حدود 800 زنداني در آن بسر مي برد.جاري شدن آب فاضلاب و پوشاندن تمامي کريدورها و حتي جاري شدن به درون سلولها عليرغم ايجاد موانع توسط خود زندانيان مسئلي سلامتي زندانيان را در معرض خطر جدي قرار داده است.بوي تعفن و گرماي زياد شرايط را براي زندانيان اسير و بي دفاع طاقت فرسا کرده است و امکان آرامش نسبي زندان را از آنها گرفته است. زندانيان در طي اين مدت امکان استفاده از سرويسهاي بهداشتي ، استحمام و غيره از آنها سلب شده است.
آنها با خطر جدي بروز بيماري مختلف ناشي از آب فاضلاب مواجه هستند و تمرکز تعداد زيادي از زندانيان در يک محل مي تواند يک فاجعه را در اين زندان رقم بزند.
رئيس بند 6 فردي بنام شکري است که چند روزي است در اين بند حاضر نشده است و اکثرا در مرخصي و مشغول معاملات شخصي خود مي باشد. او علاوه بر اين شغل فرش فروش مي باشد و اکثر مواقع به فرش فروشي اشتغال دارد.اين فرد همان کسي است که در يورش اخير و شکنجه معلم زنداني رسول بداقي مستقيما نقش داشت.
از طرفي ديگر حسنيه اين بند مملو از زنداني است و زندانيان بصورت کتابي شبها در کنار هم استراحت مي کنند.در حال حاضر نزديک به 210 زنداني در اين حسنيه زنداني هستند.شپش و بيماريهاي پوستي و ساير بيماريها در آنجا بيداد مي کند. بدليل نبود فضاي کافي زندانيان ناچار هستند که در کريدورهاي بند 6 زندان گوهردشت استراحت کنند و در هر کريدور نزديک به 50 نفر شبانه در آن استراحت مي کنند.
زندانيان بي دفاع و اسير از داشتن امکانات خنک کننده محروم هستند. آنها همچنين از آب سرد و سالم محروم مي باشند و بايد آب گرم شير را مصرف کنند آن هم در گرماي بيش از 40 درجه حرارت است.
زندانيان از امکانات اوليه محروم هستند وشرايط بهداشتي ، غذايي،درماني آنها فاجعه بار است.شرايط حاکم بر اين زندان يادآور اردوگاههاي مرگ هيتلري است. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 24/4/89)

International Committee against Execution

According to reports, in the prison where Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani (mother of two who was sentenced to death by stoning on adultery charges) is detained, two other women await stoning. One of them is Maryam Qorbanzadeh. This 25-year-old woman was sentenced to death by stoning for having a sexual relationship outside of marriage. Maryam is pregnant and expects the world to help her.
The misogynist Iranian government has in the past few years been forced to halt the stoning sentences for at least 13 women because of international pressure and in some cases, released them after lashing them 100 times. Kobra Babayi was one of these women. After her stoning sentence was stayed, she was lashed 100 times and then released. According to reports, her spinal cord has been damaged as result and she has trouble walking. Her children say that she has severe pain from the flogging which has made their mother’s life very difficult.

مريم قربان زاده يک زن حامله محکوم به سنگسار
به گزارش کميته بين المللي عليه اعدام، در زنداني که سکينه محمدي آشتياني بسر مي برد٬ دو زن ديگر محکوم به سنگسار هستند. يکي از آنها مريم قربان زاده است. مريم ۲۵ سال دارد و به اتهام رابطه جنسي خارج از ازدواج به سنگسار محکوم شده است. مريم حامله است و از مردم دنيا انتظار دارد به او کمک کنند.
حکومت زن ستيز اسلامي٬ در سالهاي اخير در نتيجه اعتراضات بين المللي مجبور به لغو احکام سنگسار بر عليه حداقل ۱۳ زن شد و در مواردي آنها را با زدن صد ضربه شلاق آزاد کرده است. يکي از اين زنان کبرا بابايي بود که بعد از لغو حکم سنگسار٬ صد ضربه شلاق به او زدند و سپس او را آزاد کردند و طبق خبري که به کميته بين المللي عليه اعدام رسيده٬ نخاع کبرا بعد از اين ضربات شلاق آسيب ديده و او نميتواند راحت راه برود. فرزندان او ميگويند٬ دردهاي شديد و آثار اين شلاق زدن٬ زندگي مادر آنها را بسيار سخت کرده است. (کميته بين المللي عليه اعدام – 24/4/89)

Iran puts pressure on dissident singer and wife

Roshangari Website

According to reports from Babol, the Judiciary in this town has banned Adeleh Ziayi, the wife of singer and musician Aria Aramnejad, from leaving the country after she wrote a post in a weblog titled, ‘I am sorry’. This source said that this measure was taken to put more pressure on Aramnejad.
Ziayi is a writer and poet who lost her publishing permit a long time before this. She wrote a post in Aram Arianejad’s weblog in protest to her husband’s arrest in April. This post reads in part:
‘I am sorry that I have to say that dear Aria was wrong in thinking that law, freedom, dignity and justice are more than just words in his dear country; He was wrong because of not knowing that this is Iran, a place where anything can happen and whoever has the power can do anything he wants!
This source also said that a some time before this, after a song by Aria Aramnejad entitled ‘Ali Stand Up’ was published, Adeleh Ziayi’s bank account was closed by the Saderat Band in Babol. The Bank’s officials have not taken responsibility for this measure but the Babol Saderat Bank Protection Department has said that it was done on orders of security officials.
Aria Aramnejad was arrested on February 14, 2010 on charges of acting against national security for publishing the song ‘Ali Stand Up’ and spent his 50 day detention in a solitary cell in the Sari Intelligence Detention Center and the Mati Kalay Prison in Babol. His trial was held on July 6, 2010. He was not able to present his defense because was not allowed access to his files from before.

ايران خواننده مخالف و همسرش را تحت فشار قرار مي دهد
بر اساس اخبار رسيده از منابع آگاه در بابل دادستاني اين شهرستان در اقدامي، عادله ضيائي همسر آريا آرام نژاد را به دليل انتشار مطلبي تحت عنوان " متاسفم " ممنوع الخروج کرد. اين منابع گزارش مي دهند که اين اقدام دادستاني در جهت افزايش فشارها به آريا آرام نزاد فعال هنري و خواننده وآهنگ ساز در بابل است. روشنگري : عادله ضيائي شاعر و نويسنده که مدت هاست مجوز انتشار مطالبش از سوي وزارت ارشاد لغو شده است، در اعتراض به بازداشت همسرش اقدام به نگارش رنج نامه اي در فروردين ماه 89، تحت عنوان " متاسفم" در وبلاگ شخصي آريا آرام نژاد کرده بود که در قسمتي از اين يادداشت آمده است:
"متاسفم كه بايد بگم آرياى عزيز اشتباه كرد، كه فكر مى كرد توى كشور عزيزش ،قانون، آزادي، آه! آزادى! كرامت وعدالت ، كاربردى بيشتر از يك كلمه دلفريب دارن ؛ اشتباه كرد كه نمى دونست اينجا ايرانه ، جائى كه هر اتفاقى ميشه بيفته و هر کس که قدرتشو داره مي تونه هر کاري بکنه! "
همچنين منابع آگاه گزارش مي دهند که مدتي پس از انتشار آهنگ "علي برخيز" ساخته آريا آرام نژاد، در اقدامي غير قانوني حساب جاري عادله ضيائي از سوي بانک صادرات بابل مسدود شده است. تاکنون مسئولين بانک هيچ گونه دليل موجه اي براي اين اقدام خود ارائه ندادند و تنها حراست بانک صادرات بابل اين اقدام را دستور مقامات امنيتي ذکر کرده است.
آريا آرام نزاد فعال هنري، خواننده و آهنگ ساز است که در تاريخ 26/11/88 به اتهام اقدام عليه امنيت ملي به دليل انتشار آهنگ " علي برخيز" بازداشت شده و مدت 50 روزه بازداشت خود را در بند انفرادي زندان اداره اطلاعات ساري و زندان متي کلاي بابل گذراند. دادگاه آريا آرام نژاد در تاريخ 15 تير ماه سال جاري برگزار شد. وي به دليل عدم اجازه دسترسي به پرونده اتهاميش، موفق به ارائه دفاعيات در روز دادگاه نگرديد. (روشنگري – 23/4/89)


Borujerdi, a jailed dissident cleric, has been denied in person visits for four months. Because he has lost a great deal of his eyesight as a result of torture, he has also been banned from visits with his family from behind a glass partition.
A thirty minute a week in person visit for this political prisoner who has been jailed for four consecutive years without a leave from prison under various mental and physical torture is very essential but the Iranian regime denies even these minimum rights to its dissidents to abuse and harass them even more.
The authorities have not given any official explanation on why his visits have been halted. According to credible reports from the Special Court for Clergy, after the widespread distribution of Mr. Borujerdi’s ‘resaleh’ (dissertation) in rejection of the ‘Velayate Faqih’ (Islamic leadership system), his stances in condemnation of the crimes committed by regime officials and the disclosure of human rights violations in Iranian jails, his limitations have increased in prison.

قطع طولاني مدت ملاقاتهاي آقاي بروجردي

از 23 اسفند 1388 تا کنون 4 ماه تمام است که آقاي بروجردي، از حق ملاقات حضوري محروم مي باشد و از آنجا که ايشان بر اثر شکنجه ها و عدم درمان، بخش عظيمي از بينائي خود را از دست داده، لذا ملاقات کابيني را نيز نمي پذيرد.
بديهي است هفته اي نيم ساعت ملاقات حضوري با خانواده براي يک زنداني که 4 سال پياپي بدون حتي يک روز مرخصي، تحت انواع شکنجه هاي روحي و جسمي قرار داشته، بسيار لازم و ضروريست، ولي مستبدين حاكم بر ايران براي آزار بيشتر مخالفين خود، آنها را از اين حداقل حقوق اوليه نيز محروم مي كنند.
مسئولين تا کنون توضيح رسمي درباره قطع ملاقاتهاي اين دگرانديش زنداني نداده اند.
ولي بنابر گزارشات موثق از دادگاه ويژه روحانيت، بعد از انتشار گسترده رساله آقاي بروجردي در رد ولايت فقيه و بيانيه هاي اعتراضي در محكوم كردن جنايات سردمداران نظام و افشاي نقض حقوق بشر در زندانهاي ايران، محدوديتها بر وي افزايش يافت.
هواداران آقاي بروجردي (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 23/4/89)

After increased security measures in Kurdistan and the arrest of a large number of Kurd activists by security forces, four Kurd activists named Neimat Eshaqi, Poshtivan Asm, Loqman Monfaredi and Sabah Khayat were each sentenced to long prison sentences.
Neimat Eshaqi was arrested on December 4, 2009 in Kamyaran by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence in this city and was transferred to the Sanandaj Intelligence Detention Center. He was sentenced to 12 years of prion in a Sanandaj Court on charges of cooperation with a Kurd dissident party.
Poshtivan Asm from the Haniman Village in Kamyaran was arrested on December 1, 2009 in Saqez by security forces. There was no information on his whereabouts for two months in the Sanandaj Intelligence Agency Detention Center where he was under severe torture. Asm was sentenced to 15 years of prison by the Revolutionary Court in this city on charges of cooperation with a dissident Kurd party.
Loqman Mofaredi was arrested by security forces in Kamyaran and after three moths of severe torture in the Sanandaj Intelligence Detention Center, the same court sentenced him to 11 years of prison on charges of cooperation with a dissident Kurd party. Sabah Khayat from Kamyaran was arrested on December 4 in Kermanshah by security forces in this city and was taken to the Sanandaj Intelligence Detention Center and after three months of torture, was sentenced to 11 years of prison on charges of cooperation with a dissident Kurd party. (Campaign in Defense of Political and Civil Rights Prisoners

حکم زندان براي چهار شهروند کرد
در پي تشديد فضاي امنيتي در کردستان و دستگيري شمار زيادي از فعالان کرد توسط نيروهاي امنيتي رژيم جمهوري اسلامي ،4 شهروند کرد به نامهاي نعمت اسحاقي ، پشتيوان آسم ، لقمان منفردي و صباح خيات هر يک به تحمل گذارندن سالهاي طولاني در زندان شدند.
نعمت اسحاقي که در تاريخ 13/9/1388 در شهر کاميارن توسط اداره اطلاعات اين شهر دستگير و به بازداشتگاه اطلاعات شهر سنندج انتقال داده شد که در دادگاه شهر سنندج به اتهام همکاري با يکي از احزاب کرد مخالف رژيم به 12 سال زندان محکوم شد.
پشتيوان آسم اهل روستاي هنيمن از توابع شهرستان کامياران در تاريخ 10/ 9/1388 در شهر سقز توسط نيروهاي امنيتي اين شهر دستگير و بعد از 2 ماه بي خبري نامبرده در بازداشتگاه اطلاعات شهر سنندج زير شديدترين شکنجه هاي ممکن بوده و در دادگاه انقلاب شهر سنندج به اتهام همکاري با يکي از احزاب کرد مخالف رژيم به 15 سال زندان محکوم شد.
لقمان منفردي در شهر کاميارن توسط نيروهاي امنيتي اين شهر دستگير و بعد از 3 ماه شکنجه شديد در بازداشتگاه اطلاعات شهر سنندج ، در دادگاه اين شهر به اتهام همکاري با يکي از احزاب کرد مخالف رژيم به 11 سال زندان محکوم شد.
صباح خيات اهل شهرستان کاميارن در تاريخ 14/9/1388 در شهر کرمانشاه توسط نيروهاي امنيتي اين شهر بازداشت و به اداره اطلاعات شهر سنندج منتقل و بعد از تحمل 3 ماه شکنجه در دادگاه انقلاب شهر سنندج به اتهام همکاري با يکي از احزاب کرد مخالف رژيم به 11 سال زندان محکوم شد. (کمپين دفاع از زندانيان سياسي و مدني – 23/4/89)
In the past few weeks, the Iranian regime has destructed a number of the graves n the Tazeh Abad Cemetery in Rasht which belong to political prisoners who were killed in the 80’s, especially those killed in the 1988 massacre, to cover the evidence of its crimes. The destructed graves have been divided into new sections and are being sold. Also, new graves have been placed on top of some of these graves and the graves below, which belong to slain political prisoners, are hidden from view.
The operation for leveling, sectionalizing and selling the graves is being carried out by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence. They intend to cover up their crimes in this way.
Intelligence agents have threatened families that they have to stay silent in the face of the leveling and reselling of the graves of their loved ones else they will be arrested. The families of massacred political prisoners have protested this inhumane act and demanded that these measures be halted.

تخريب آرامگاه جانباختگان راه آزادي دهۀ 60 براي محوکردن اسناد و آثار جنايت

در چند هفتۀ اخير تعدادي از آرامگاه زندانيان سياسي دهۀ 60 و بخصوص زندانيان سياسي قتل عام شده در سال 67 در گورستان تازه آباد رشت براي از بين بردن اسناد جنايت قصد محو کردن آنها را دارند. آرامگاه هاي تخريب شده را قطع بندي کرده اند و در حال فروش آنها هستند.همچنين بعضي از آرامگاه ها که شهداي راه آزادي در آن خفته اند بصورت دو طبقه در آورده اند و آرامگاه پاييني که مربوط به شهداي راه آزادي بطور کامل از ديد مخفي کرده اند.
عمليات تخريب ،قطعه بندي جديد و فروش آرامگاه شهداي راه آزادي توسط مامورين وزارت اطلاعات صورت مي گيرد. آنها از اين طريق قصد دارند که اسناد و آثار جرم و جنايت اين رژيم را از بين ببرند.
مامورين وزارت اطلاعات همچنين خانواده ها را مورد تهديد و تحت فشار قرار داده اند که در مقابل تخريب و فروش آرامگاه عزيزانشان بايد سکوت پيشه کنند در غير اي صورت آنها هم دستگير خواهند شد.
خانواده هاي زندانيان سياسي قتل عام شده در مقابل اين عمل غير انساني که به آرامگاه ها عزيزانشان هم رحم نمي کنند دست به اعتراض زده اند و خواستار متوقف شدن اين عمل جنايتکاران هستند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 23/4/89)

Iran tries to clear itself for murder of Neda

Radio Free Europe

Abbas Javid Kargar, a member of Iran's Basij force accused of having shot dead Neda Agha Soltan at a peaceful protest in Tehran on June 20 of last year, claims he wasn't armed on that day and that he played no role in her death.
Kargar makes the claim in a new documentary on Iranian state television. The film 'investigates' Neda's killing without explaining the context or mentioning last year's protests. It appears to be another attempt by Iranian authorities to place the blame on elements outside Iran.
A graphic video showing Neda's last moments of life was quickly posted on YouTube and viewed by millions of people around the world, turning her into one of the main icons of Iran' Green Movement.
Neda Agha Soltan
Arash Hejazi, a doctor who attempted to save Neda's life, has said that some witnesses to Neda's death briefly detained Kargar on that day. A video was later posted on YouTube that appears to show Kargar being detained by protesters, who undress him and confiscate his Basij identity card.
Witnesses reportedly said they had heard Kargar shouting, 'I didn't want to kill her’.
In the documentary, Kargar denies ever saying that and says instead that he had shouted that he wasn't armed.
‘If I had a gun, what happened to it?' he asks.
The new documentary, titled 'Crossroads,' suggests that the OPPOSITION Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) was behind Neda's murder. Iranian authorities have described Neda's death as 'suspicious' and called her murder a pre-planned scenario aimed at defaming Iran.
Kargar first appears in the new documentary wearing a green surgical mask (similar to those protesters in Tehran and other cities used to wear to protect their identity from security forces), but later removes it. He says he had to move out of his house after his ID card and personal information were posted on the Internet . He says he is forced to appear in public with a mask to protect himself.
Also interviewed in the documentary are Neda's music teacher, Hamid Panahi, who was with her at the time of her death; Setareh, a woman who says she was Neda's best friend; and the driver of the car who took Neda to the hospital. No one from Neda's family appears in the documentary.
In one scene, the reporter asks Setareh to call Neda's sister, Hoda, and tell her that Kargar is with them and that she can ask him whatever she wants. Hoda says she doesn't have any questions. She simply thanks Kargar in a sarcastic and angry tone for sending her sister to heaven. She also tells him he has to deal with 'your God and your conscience’.
Arash Hejazi
Amnesty International calls the Iranian government's response to Neda's death 'a cynical face-saving exercise’.
‘Neda's unlawful killing is emblematic of not only the numerous human rights violations committed against Iranians over the past year -- which are still continuing today -- but also of the government's steadfast refusal to bring to justice those responsible for torturing and killing its critics’.
The rights organization renews its call on the Iranian government to allow an independent inquiry into the deaths and abuses that took place during and after the demonstrations, including an investigation into Neda's killing.
Many Iranians and other people around the world have said they will honor her memory and the memory of other protesters who were killed in Iran's postelection crackdown by holding candlelight vigils. According to the OPPOSITION, more than 70 people were killed in Iran following the disputed reelection of President Mahmud Ahamdinejad.
In January, a documentary was aired > on Iran's English-language Press TV claiming Neda was a foreign agent who staged her own death.
The hard-line and pro-Ahamdinejad Fars News Agency said last week that 'political experts' believe a meeting that took place more than two months ago between Israeli President Shimon Peres and Neda's fiance, Caspian Makan, who was visiting Israel, is further evidence that foreign countries were involved in Neda's death.
In his blogHejazi says the new documentary is a 'step forward' that proves his version of Neda's death.
‘On one side there is the account of Arash Hejazi and on the other side are the accounts of the Iranian government. The accounts of the Iranian government have been changed several times already. But the account of Arash Hejazi remains the same, and as each day goes by the truth about his comments is becoming more obvious’.
For telling the truth about Neda's death, Hejazi says he has lost his publishing house and his security and that he cannot see his family in Iran anymore. After Neda's death, he left Iran to study in Britain.
Despite all the difficulties he's been facing, he says he has stood by his testimony.

ايران تلاش مي كند خود را در قتل ندا مبراء كند
عباس جواد كارگر يك عضو نيروى بسيج كه متهم به شليك و كشتن ندا آقا سلطان در يك تظاهرات مسالمتآميز در تهران در 20ژوئن سال گذشته بود، ادعا مىكند كه وى در آنروز مسلح نبود و نقشى در مرگ وى نداشته است… .
در اين سند جديد با عنوان، ” چهارراهها ”مطرح مىكند كه سازمان اپوزيسيون مجاهدين خلق (ام. كا. او) در پشت قتل ندا بوده است. مقامات ايرانى مرگ ندا را ”مضنون ”خوانده و قتل وى را سناريوى از پيش برنامهريزى شده به هدف بدنام كردن ايران مىدانند… .
در ژانويه يك فيلم مسنتد در تلويزيون انگليسى زبان ايران به نام پرس.تى.وى منتشر شد كه ادعا
مىكرد كه ندا يك مأمور خارجى بود كه خود صحنه مرگش را صحنهسازى كرده بود…
سازمان هاي حقوقبشرى از دولت ايران خواستار اجازه تحقيقات مستقل در مرگ ها و سوء رفتارها كه درمدت بعد از تظاهراتها از جمله تحقيقات در قتل ندا شدند… (راديو آزاد اروپا- 30/3/89)

Davar Nabil Zadeh, a Baha’i resident of Mashhad was summoned to the Sentence Implementation Department of the Mashhad Revolutionary Court and was arrested on arrival to serve his 5 year prison term in the Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad.
According to reports, he was tried last year with eight other Baha’is in this city in a case that was closed in 2005 and was sentenced to 5 years of prison in a sentence issued by a court of first instance and confirmed by the court of review.
He was detained for one year in 1983 for being a member of a Baha’i organization and his 22-year-old son, Nura Nabil Zadeh has been detained in the Mashhad Intelligence Detention Center for two weeks.

بازداشت وانتقال يك بهايي به زندان براي گذراندن محكوميت 5 سال

داور نبيل زاده شهروند بهايي ساكن مشهد صبح روز سه شنبه 22 تير ماه طبق احضاريه اي خود را به دايره اجراي احكام دادگاه انقلاب مشهد ، معرفي و در همان محل بازداشت و براي گذراندن محكوميت 5 ساله به زندان وكيل آباد مشهد منتقل گرديد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، نامبرده به همراه هشت شهروند بهايي ديگر اهل مشهد با تشديد فشارهاي يك ساله گذشته بر بهاييان ايران بر اساس پرونده مختومه اي مربوط به سال 84 در پائيز سال پيش محاكمه و طبق راي دادگاه بدوي و تجديد نظر به 5 سال حبس تعزيري محكوم شد.
قابل ذكر است نامبرده در سال 1362 نيز يك سال به دليل عضويت در تشكيلات بهايي دوره حبس را گذرانده است و در ضمن فرزند 22 ساله وي به نام " نوراء نبيل زاده " هم بيش از دو هفته است در بازداشت اداره اطلاعات مشهد مي باشد. (هرانا – 22/4/89)

Azad Khancheh-Zar, a political and civil rights activist who was sentenced to six months of prison and years of probation was summoned and subsequently arrested on Sunday, July 11.
This is while last May he was released on a 20 million toman (about 20,000 dollar) bail after being jailed for two months in intelligence detention centers in Marivan and Sanandaj.
According to reports, this political activist and other activists who were detained in these detention centers were under severe physical and mental pressure.
Also Karevan Darsid, Mozafar Rokhandeh and Najibeh Sobhani, other political and civil rights activists in Marivan were also sentenced to prison terms by the Revolutionary Court in this city.
Mozafar Rokhandeh and Karevan Darsid were each sentenced to two years of suspended prison. The sentence for Najibeh Sobhani has still not been announced to her. There are reports that she is suffering from severe depression as a result of pressure on her while in prison. These men and woman are all well known children’s, women’s and labors rights activists in Marivan and Sanandaj

بازداشت آزاد خوانچه‌زر و صدور احکام حبس براي فعالان مدني مريوان

آزاد خوانچه‌زر، از فعالان سياسي - مدني، که از سوي دادگاه انقلاب شهر مريوان به تحمل 6 ماه حبس تعزيري و 2 سال تعليقي محکوم شده بود، جهت اجراي حکم، در روز يک‌شنبه 20 تير‌ماه احضار و بازداشت شد.
اين در حالي است که وي در اردي بهشت‌ماه سال گذشته بازداشت شده و پس از تحمل دوماه حبس در بازداشتگاه‌هاي اطلاعات شهرهاي مريوان و سنندج با توديع وثيقه 20 ميليون توماني آزاد شده بود.
به گزارش کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر، وي و ديگر فعالان مدني بازداشت شده در بازداشتگاه‌هاي مريوان و سنندج تحت فشارهاي جسمي و روحي شديد قرار دارند.
هم چنين کاروان درسيد، مظفر روخنده و نجيبه سبحاني از ديگر فعالان مدني و سياسي شهر مريوان نيز از سوي دادگاه انقلاب اين شهر با احکام حبس روبرو شده‌اند.
مظفر روخنده و کاروان درسيد، هريک به دوسال حبس تعليقي محکوم شده‌اند. حکم دادگاه نجيبه سبحاني هنوز به وي ابلاغ نشده اما گزارش‌ها حاکي از ا"فسردگي شديد وي" در پي فشارهاي ناشي از دوران زندان است.
نامبردگان، همگي از فعالان شناخته‌شده شهرهاي مريوان و سنندج، در زمينه دفاع از حقوق کودکان، زنان و کارگران هستند. (رهانا – 22/4/89)


On Saturday July 11, a Kurd citizen was killed after being directly targeted by security forces in the western border area of Iran.
According to reports, security forces in the Paye Vah border region in Marivan opened fire on a number of people in this region under the excuse of countering smugglers which led to one death.
There is no information on the identity of this person.
Security Forces systematically kill people residing in the western border region of Iran every year under the pretext of preventing the entrance of smuggled goods

تداوم كشتار شهروندان مرزنشين كرد

روز يك شنبه بيستم تيرماه، يکي از شهروندان کرد مناطق مرزي غرب کشور، بر اثر تيراندازي مستقيم نيروهاي انتظامي از پاي درآمده و جان خود را از دست داد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، نيروهاي انتظامي در منطقه مرزي "بايه وه" شهر مريوان تعدادي از شهروندان مرزنشين اين منطقه را به بهانه حمل كالاي قاچاق به رگبار مي بندند كه بر اثر آن يکي از اين شهروندان کشته مي شود.
گفتني است از هويت فرد کشته شده اطلاعي در دست نيست.
نيروهاي انتظامي به بهانه ي جلوگيري از ورود کالاي قاچاق سالانه دست به کشتار سيستماتيک بسياري از شهروندان مناطق مرزي غرب کشور مي زنند. (هرانا – 22/4/89)


According to reports, Mohammad Banazadeh Amirkhizi, a jailed Tehran Bazaar merchant, has been in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison under inhumane conditions and an undetermined state for several months.

This 63 year old political prisoner was arrested after agents of the Ministry of Intelligence raided his office. He was transferred to cellblock 209 in Evin Prison. Amirkhizi was detained in solitary for a few months and was physically and mentally tortured in this time to make false confessions in front of cameras.

He has now been detained in this cellblock for more than seven months. He has lost 17 kilos (37 pounds) because of the pressure and abuse and is still in an undetermined state after months of detainment.

This political prisoner is kept in a cell without cooling facilities. Prison authorities use natural elements to put pressure on prisoners in addition to subjecting them to medieval conditions.

Two head interrogators of the Ministry of Intelligence nicknamed Alavi and Saied Sheikhan are responsible for his torture and interrogations. These two criminals have been acting as torturers for years in cellblock 209. Alavi is also active in raiding the homes of political prisoners to arrest them. This agent also threatens families of political prisoners over the phone and in person and sometimes temporarily arrests them to conduct long interrogations.

His family has pursued his case since his arrest but officials refuse to give them a clear answer.
Mohammad Banazadeh Amirkhizi was arrested on November 30 after intelligence agents stormed his home. He was taken to cellblock 209. His brother, Ali Banazadeh Amirkhizi was executed in the 80’s for supporting the PMOI. His wife, Shahla Zarin Far was sentenced to one year of prison for visiting her child in Camp Ashraf in Iraq. She was released after serving her prison term. Currently political prisoner Kobra Bananzadeh Amirkhizi, his sister, is in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj for intending to visit her children in Camp Ashraf. Before this, his brothers Asghar and Hamid were sentenced to two years of prison for visiting their children in Ashraf and were released after serving their time.

Currently in addition to Amirkhizi, a number of other Tehran Bazaar merchants are detained in cellblock 350 in Evin prison including Mohsen Dokmehchi and Javad Lari who are also kept in a state of limbo despite months of incarceration.

بيش از 7 ماه بلاتکليفي بازاري زنداني در بند مخوف 209 زندان اوين
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" بازاري زنداني محمد بنازاده اميرخيزي ماه ها است که در بند 209 زندان اوين تحت شرايط غير انساني و در بلاتکليفي بسر مي برد.
بازاري زنداني محمد بنازاده اميرخيزي 63 ساله از بازاريان تهران که با يورش مامورين وزارت اطلاعات به محل کارش دستگير و به سلولهاي انفرادي بند 209 زندان اوين منتقل شد .او چند ماه در سلولهاي انفرادي قرار داده شد و در طي اين مدت تحت شکنجه هاي جسمي و روحي براي وادار کردن وي به اعترافات دروغين ومصاحبه تلويزيوني قرار داشت.
بازاري زنداني بيش از 7 ماه است که در بند مخوف 209 زندان اوين در بازداشت بسر مي برد . شدت فشارها و اذيت و آزارها به حدي شديد است که آقاي بنازاده نزديک به 17 کيلو دچار کاهش وزن شده است.عليرغم گذشت چند ماه از بازداشتش هنوز در بلاتکليفي بسر مي برد.
او در سلولي قرار داده شده است که فاقد وسائل خنک کننده است و علاوه بر شرايط قرون وسطائي از عوامل طبيعي براي تحت فشار قرار دادن زندانيان سياسي بهره مي گيرند.
بازجويي و شکنجه اين بازاري توسط سربازجويان وزارت اطلاعات که با نامهاي مستعار علوي و سعيد شيخان است صورت مي گيرد.اين دو جنايتکار عليه بشريت سال ها است که در شکنجه و جنايت عليه مردم ايران در بند 209 زندان اوين مشغول به جنايت هستند.علوي همچنين در هجوم به منازل و دستگيري زندانيان سياسي شرکت مي کند.اين فرد خانواده هاي زندانيان سياسي را مورد تهديدات تلفني و حضوري ، بازداشتهاي موقت و بازجويي هاي طولاني مدت قرار مي دهد.
خانواده بنازاده اميرخيزي مستمرا به دادستاني تهران،زندان اوين و دادگاه انقلاب براي روشن کردن وضعيت و شرايط عزيزشان مراجعه مي کنند اما هيچ کدام از ارگانهاي سرکوبگر پاسخ مشخصي به اين خانواده نمي دهند.
لازم به ياداوري است که آقاي محمد بنازاده اميرخيزي ۶۳ ساله در ۹ آذرماه با يورش مامورين وزارت اطلاعات به محل کارش دستگير و به بند ۲۰۹ زندان اوين منتقل شد. برادر او جانباخته راه آزادي علي بنازاده امير خيزي در دهۀ ۱۳۶۰ بخاطر هواداري از سازمان مجاهدين اعدام شد. همسر وي خانم شهلا زرين فر بدليل ديدار با فرزندش در قرار گاه اشرف به يک سال زندان محکوم شد که با سپري کردن محکوميت غير قانوني و غير انساني آزاد شد. در حال حاضر خواهر آقاي بنازاده زنداني سياسي کبري بنازاده امير خيزي بدليل قصد ديدار با فرزندان خود در قرارگاه اشرف در زندان گوهردشت کرج زنداني است . پيش از اين برادران او آقايان اصغر و حميد بنازاده بدليل ديدار با فرزندان خود در قرارگاه اشرف به ۲ سال زندان محکوم شده بودند که مدتي پيش پس از پايان يافتن محکوميتشان آزاد شدند.
در حال حاضر علاوه بر آقاي امير خيزي،تعداد ديگري از بازاريان تهران در بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوين زنداني هستند، که از جمله آنها آقايان محسن دکمه چي وجواد لاري که عليرغم گذشت ماه ها ولي هنوز در بلاتکليفي بسر مي برند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 22/4/89)

Iran, facing international sanctions over its nuclear energy plans, is likely to reduce gasoline imports by 75 percent by 2015 as it expands refining capacity and tackles subsidies, the International Energy Agency said.
Iran’s gasoline imports will shrink to 100,000 barrels a day in five years from 400,000 in 2009, the IEA said today in its latest monthly report.
Refinery expansion, and upgrading as well as building of new reprocessing units are likely to increase gasoline output, the IEA said. Iran will add 818,000 barrels a day of upgrading and desulfurization capacity, it said. Crude distillation output will gain by 101,000 barrels a day from 1.76 million barrels, according to the report.
“Attempts to tackle fuel subsidies and ultimately lower demand do appear to be moving forward with the intention to fully eliminate subsidies by 2011,” the Paris-based adviser said. “This situation has led the government to ration gasoline and to develop alternatives, such as natural gas vehicles.”
Iran, the second largest oil producer in the Middle East, relies on imports for up to 40 percent of its gasoline needs as it lacks the refining capacity to meet domestic consumption.
“The limited number of traders willing to supply Iran with gasoline and jet fuel is driving up the cost of fuel, casting doubt on the republic’s ability to source the full volumes required,” the IEA said.
Chinese traders Unipec and Chinaoil, the international trading unit of PetroChina Co Ltd, and Turkish refiner, Tupras Turkiye Petrol Rafine have increased sales to Iran to fill the “void,” as many international companies withdrew, the IEA said. Total SA, BP Plc, Reliance Industries Ltd. and Glencore International AG are among sellers to have suspended shipments of refined products to Iran, it said.

Editors: Raj Rajendran, Randall Hackley.
To contact the reporter on this story: Brian Murphy in London at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephen Voss at
(Reuters) - BP (BP.L) confirmed on Tuesday it stopped supplying jet fuel to Iran Air at Germany's Hamburg airport.

BP declined to give a reason for ending the contract, but the halt in supply followed reports Iranian aircraft have been denied fuel because of the latest set of U.S. sanctions designed to put pressure on the Islamic Republic over its nuclear programme.
Two Iran Air aircraft were unable to refuel at the airport earlier this month and had to be diverted.
A growing number of oil companies, trading houses and other international firms have stopped doing business with Iran this year as the U.S. has led international efforts to isolate Tehran.
* BP (BP.L) confirmed on July 13 it had stopped supplying jet fuel to Iran Air at Hamburg airport.
* Lloyds of London said on July 9 it would not insure or reinsure petroleum shipments going into Iran. [ID:nLDE6680Z5]
* South Korea's GS Engineering & Construction (006360.KS) on July 1 cancelled a $1.2 billion gas project in Iran following the imposition of U.S. sanctions.
* Spain's Repsol (REP.MC) said on June 28 it had pulled out of a contract it won with Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L) to develop part of the South Pars gas field in Iran. [ID:nLDE65R1O2]
* French oil group Total (TOTF.PA) on June 28 joined the growing list of oil firms that have stopped supplying gasoline to Iran because of U.S. sanctions. [ID:nLDE65R1OR]
* Italy's oil and gas major Eni (ENI.MI) told U.S. authorities on April 29 it was handing the operation of Darkhovin oilfield in Iran to local partners to avoid U.S. sanctions. [ID:nLDE63S0XT]
* Russian oil firm LUKOIL (LKOH.MM) would cease gasoline sales to Iran, industry sources said on April 7, following a similar decision by Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L) in March. LUKOIL had supplied some 250,000 to 500,000 barrels of gasoline to Iran every other month, traders said. [ID:nLDE63606I]
* Malaysia's Petronas has stopped supplying gasoline to Iran, a company spokesman said on April 15. [ID:nSGE63E09V]
* Luxury carmaker Daimler (DAIGn.DE) announced plans on April 14 to sell its 30 percent stake in an Iranian engine maker and freeze the planned export to Iran of cars and trucks. The announcement followed similar action by German insurers Munich Re (MUVGn.DE) and Allianz (ALVG.DE). [ID:nLDE63C0TG]
* India's largest private refiner, Reliance Industries (RELI.BO), would not renew a contract to import crude oil from Iran for financial year 2010, two sources familiar with the supply deal said on April 1. [ID:nSGE630033] Sanctions have not targeted crude purchases, but sources said Reliance may have been trying to distance itself from dependence on the Islamic Republic.
* Oil trading firms Trafigura and Vitol stopped gasoline sales to Iran, industry sources said on March 8. [ID:nLDE627129]
* Ingersoll-Rand Plc (IR.N), a maker of air compressors and cooling systems for buildings and transport, said it will no longer allow subsidiaries to sell parts or products to Tehran. [ID:nN09245639]
* Oilfield services company Smith International (SII.N) said on March 1 it was actively pursuing the termination of all its activities in Iran. [ID:nN01116545]
* Caterpillar (CAT.N), the world's largest maker of construction and mining equipment, said on March 1 it had tightened its policy on not doing business with Iran to prevent foreign subsidiaries from selling equipment to independent dealers who resell it to Tehran. [ID:nN01245727]
* German engineering conglomerate Siemens (SIEGn.DE) said in January it would not accept further orders from Iran. [ID:nLDE60P1LJ]
* Glencore GLEN.UL ceased supplying gasoline to Iran in November 2009, according to traders. [ID:nSGE60A0CF]
* Chemical manufacturer Huntsman Corp (HUN.N) announced in January that its indirect foreign subsidiaries would stop selling products to third parties in Iran.
* Accounting giants KPMG KPMG.UL, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Ernst & Young have declared themselves free of any business ties to Iran.
* The website of New York-based lobby group United Against Nuclear Iran lists scores of companies it says still do, or have done, business with Iran (here). The list includes companies that have severed links with Iran.
* The U.S. Government Accountability Office reported in April that 41 foreign companies were involved in Iran's oil, natural gas and petrochemical sectors from 2005 to 2009. In a report in May, the GAO said seven of those companies received U.S. government contracts worth nearly $880 million.
These were: Daelim Industrial Company of South Korea; Eni; PTT Exploration and Production of Thailand; Hyundai Heavy Industries of South Korea; and GS Engineering and Construction of South Korea.
* Russia's Gazprom (GAZP.MM) confirmed in March it was in talks with Iran on developing the Azar oil field.
* Pakistan's foreign ministry said on June 10 that a $7.6 billion project for export of Iranian natural gas to Pakistan would be unaffected by the imposition of fresh U.N. sanctions [ID:nSGE6590G7]
(Compiled by David Cutler, London Editorial Reference Unit, Ross Colvin in Washington and Simon Webb in Dubai; Editing by Alison Birrane)
Mr. Stephan, a Christian resident of Mazandaran was arrested after being summoned to the Ministry of Intelligence.
Some time ago, security forces in this province went to the home of Mr. Stephan and confiscated some of his personal belongings. They also summoned him to the Intelligence Agency for the next day.
He went to the Intelligence Agency as asked and after long interrogations, returned home. He was told to come to the intelligence agency whenever ordered.
On Saturday, July 3, he was once again summoned and was arrested. According to this report, on that day, 10 other Christians were also summoned in Rasht but were released after a few hours of interrogations

بازداشت يک شهروند مسيحي در مازندران
آقاي استيفان، شهروندي مسيحي اهل استان مازندران پس از احضار به اداره‌ي اطلاعات، بازداشت شد.
چندي پيش نيروهاي امنيتي استان مازندران پس از مراجعه به منزل آقاي استيفان، تعدادي از لوازم شخصي وي را با خود بردند و از او خواستند تا صبح روز بعد، خودش را به اداره‌ي اطلاعات معرفي کند.
به گزارش خبرنگار رهانا، وي طبق خواسته‌ي ماموران امنيتي به اداره‌ي اطلاعات مراجعه کرد و پس از بازجوهاي فراوان به منزل بازگشت اما به وي گفته بودند که هر وقت به شما اطلاع داديم بايد خودتان را به اداره‌ي اطلاعات معرفي کنيد.
در روز شنبه، ۱۲ تير ماه، مجددا آقاي استيفان را فرا خواندند و پس از آن او را بازداشت کردند.
بر اساس اين گزارش در همان روز ۱۰ شهروند مسيحي ديگر را نيز در رشت احضار کردند ولي آنها را پس از چند ساعت باجويي آزاد کردند. (رهانا – 20/4/89)
Vesal Momtazi, a student of the Qazvin International University was expelled from university for following the Baha’i faith.
He was expelled from this university in June 2010 during the finals exams after studying for seven semesters and passing 124 units on the subject of agricultural engineering. He has gone to various centers including to the Qazvin MP and Ministry of Science (department of higher education) but has not received any answers

اخراج يك دانشجوي بهايي از دانشگاه بين المللي قزوين

وصال ممتازي از دانشجويان بهايي دانشگاه بين المللي قزوين، به دليل اعتقاد به آيين بهائيت، از دانشگاه محل تحصيل خود اخراج شد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، وي پس از هفت ترم تحصيل و گذراندان 124 واحد درسي در رشته مهندسي كشاورزي – آب در اواسط خرداد ماه سال جاري هنگام امتحانات پايان ترم از دانشگاه بين المللي قزوين اخراج شد.
نامبرده طي اين مدت به مراكز مختلف از جمله نماينده مجلس در شهر قزوين و وزارت علوم مراجعه نموده ولي تا كنون پاسخي دريافت نكرده است. (هرانا – 19/4/89)
Political prisoner Zahra Bahrami, was arrested on Ashura (Dec. 27, 2010) and has been detained in various cellblocks controlled by the intelligence agency since then. She is currently in cell 13 in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison with two other political prisoners. She is still kept in cellblock 209 after 6 months in an undetermined state.
In the past few weeks, her physical state has become critical. Her face has swelled up and her face is infected with acne and scars are evident on her face. She is also suffering from severe lung problems and in the past few days, her condition has deteriorated because of lack of medical attention. She is also suffering from severe depression.
Interrogators of the Intelligence Agency have charged her with being an enemy of God by cooperating with the Monarchist Association and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran and intend to try her based on these charges. Bahrami has had a visit with Tehran Prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolat Abadi. He told her that she first has be trialed and will be released after she receives a sentence. She does not have a lawyer. Political prisoner Zahra Bahrami, 45, has two children. She has a dual Dutch-Iranian nationality and came to Iran to see her children. She was arrested on Ashura and was subjected to severe physical and mental torture. She was forced to give a televised confession against herself. These false confessions were broadcasted from state-run TV. Intelligence interrogators have used her confession as charges against her and intent to try her for ‘enmity with God’.

به وخامت گراييدن وضعت جسمي زهرا بهرامي از دستگير شدگان روز عاشورا در بند 209

زنداني سياسي زهرا بهرامي از دستگير شدگان اعتراضات گسترده روز عاشورا است که از زمان دستگيري تاکنون در بندهاي مختلف وزارت اطلاعات در بازداشت بسر مي برد و در حال حاضر همراه با 2 زنداني سياسي ديگر در سلول 13 بند مخوف 209 زندان اوين در زندان است. عليرغم گذشت بيش از 6 ماه هنوز در بند مخوف 209 زنداني است و در حالت بلاتکليفي بسر مي برد.
در طي هفته هاي اخير وضعيت جسمي او حاد شده است .چهرۀ او متورم و دچار جوشهاي عفوني و زخمهاي زيادي بر چهره اش عيان است . او هم همچنين از ناراحتي حاد ريه رنج مي برد و در روزهاي اخير به دليل عدم درمان وضعيت جسمي اش به وخامت گراييده است. خانم بهرامي همچنين دچار افسردگي شديدي است .
بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات به او اتهامات محاربه و همکاري با انجمن پادشاهي و سازمان مجاهدين خلق نسبت داده اند و قصد دارند بر اين مبنا او را محاکمه کنند. خانم بهرامي در زندان اوين با عباس جعفري دولت آبادي دادستان تهران ملاقات داشته است. جعفري دولت آبادي به او گفته است اول بايد دادگاهي شوي و بعد از محکوميت تو را آزاد خواهيم کرد.خانم بهرامي از داشتن وکيل محروم است
زنداني سياسي زهرا بهرامي 45 ساله و داراي 2 فرزند است. او داراي مليت ايراني- هلندي است و براي ديدن فرزندش به ايران مسافرت کرده بود که در اعتراضات روز عاشورا دستگير و تحت شکنجه هاي وحشيانه جسمي و روحي قرار مي گيرد . بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات در بند سپاه زندان گوهردشت کرج و در بند 209 زندان اوين او را تحت شکنجه ها و فشارهاي قرون وسطائي قرار دادند و وي را وادار به اعترافات تلويزيوني عليه خود کردند.اين اعترافات دورغين از تلويزيونهاي دولتي پخش گرديده است.بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات اعترافات دروغين تلويزيوني را به عنوان اتهام عليه او بکار برده اند وقصد دارند که او را بر مبني محاربه محاکمه کنند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 20/4/89)
A Baluch teenager who was abducted seven months ago by security forces is in danger of execution.
According to reports, 15-year-old Mohammad Saber Malek Risi, son of Molavi Dad Rahman Sarbazi who is from the town of Sarbaz was arrested on charges of cooperation with a dissident group.
Security forces have put pressure on Mohammad Saber Malek to confess to links to the Jondolalh Group. These forces have also told his family that if they do not hand over his elder brother, who is a member of the Jondollah, they will execute Mohammad. Judicial officials have still not issued any sentences, including a temporary detention order or court sentence, for this political prisoner after 7 months of incarceration

خطر اعدام براي يک نوجوان بلوچ

يک نوجوان بلوچ که هفت ماه قبل توسط نيروهاي امنيني ربوده شد، در خطر اعدام قرار دارد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، محمد صابر ملك ريسي فرزند مولوي داد رحمان سربازي، 15 ساله و اهل شهرستان سرباز، به اتهام همکاري با يک گروه معاند نظام بازداشت شده است.
ماموران امنيتي محمد صابر ملک را تحت فشار قرار داده اند تا به ارتباط با يک گروه معاند نظام به نام جندالله اعتراف نمايد، آن ها هم چنين در تماس با خانواده وي از ايشان خواسته اند در صورت عدم معرفي برادر بزرگ وي که در گروه جندالله عضويت دارد وي را اعدام خواهند کرد.
شايان ذکر است، مسئولان قضايي علي رغم گذشت هفت ماه از بازداشت اين زنداني، تاکنون هيچ حکمي ائم از قرار بازداشت موقت يا حکم دادگاه، براي وي صادر نکرده اند. (هرانا – 19/4/89)
Tabnak state-run website
The Secretary of the Human Rights Staff in the Judiciary pointed to the widespread attack by western media regarding the sentence issued for a convicted criminal in the Judiciary and said, “Our judicial system cannot change course because of western attacks and media pressure”.
“Western media attack the Islamic Republic under various excuses at any given time and in the past years, sacred Islamic decrees were the subject of these propagandist attacks”, Mohammad Javad Larijani said. “The attack that the west has carried out on this issue has no affect on the opinion of the judges. The execution of sacred Islamic decrees such as ‘rajm’ (stoning) veiling and inheritance has always been met with their flagrant animosity and basically any issue that smells of (Islamic) decrees is met with their opposition”

لاريجاني از سنگسار دفاع مي كند
دبير ستاد حقوقبشر قوه قضاييه با اشاره به هجمه گسترده روزهاى اخير رسانههاى غربى در مورد حکم صادره عليه يک مجرم محکوم شده در دستگاه قضايى گفت: نظام قضايى ما نمىتواند بدليل اين تهاجمات غرب و فشارهاى رسانهاى مسير خود را تغيير دهد.
به گزارش جهان محمد جواد لاريجانى در گفتگو با ايرنا با بيان اين مطلب تاکيد کرد: هجمه رسانهاى غرب عليه جمهورى اسلامى ايران در هر زمان به بهانهاى انجام مىشود و در سالهاى اخير نيز احکام شرع مقدس اسلام، سوژه اين تهاجمات تبليغى بوده است...
محمد جواد لاريجانى در پاسخ به اين سؤال که چرا هجمه رسانههاى غربى در اين رابطه بسيار زياد بوده است، گفت: هجمهاى که غرب در اين رابطه به راه انداخته، هيچ تاثيرى در نظر قضات ما ندارد. اجراى احکام شرع مقدس اسلام مثل رجم، حجاب و ارث همواره با تخاصم وقيحانه آنها روبه رو بوده و اساسا هر مسالهاى که بوى احکام شرعى داشته باشد با مخالفت آنها روبه رو مىشود.
(سايت تابناك (رژيم) - 19/4/89)

This report is compiled by the HR Committee of NCR, and sent to relevant UN reporters and bodies. They have been providing documents and testimonies on various HR violations which have been later sufficed to UN annual report.
Photos: From Arhive


3 men and 11 women await stoning in Iran

Since stoning is very inappropriate, is incompatible with the culture of the Iranian people and global and Iranian public opinion seriously oppose it, the judiciary is very confidential on this matter and stonings are carried out in cemeteries or desolate locations in secret. Sometimes the body of the stoned person is not returned to his/her family. The word ‘stoning’ is even banned in Iranian media.
The government’s solution for stoning in Iran is to carry it out in secret and quietly. The new orders are that if we face pressure from public opinion for stoning, hang them instead!...
There are fears that those who are sentenced to stoning will either be hastily stoned in secret or will be hanged due to the current international pressure so the cases can be closed and the fuss would die down. Because until the time that a person sentenced to stoning is alive and in prison, there will be rigorous widespread efforts for saving that person. Therefore there are fears that the Islamic Republic would eliminate all those sentenced to stoning by either stoning or hanging to close their cases and show that it is independent and does not care about the west’s reaction…

A complete list those who are currently in prison on charges of adultery – which means people who have had a sexual relationship with someone other than their spouse - is as follows:

- Kobra Babayi – mother of a 13 year old daughter. Lawyer: Mohammad Mostafayi
Her husband, Rahim Mohammadi, was executed on charges of adultery in 2009
- Sakineh Mohammad Ashtiani – 43, mother of 19 year old Farideh and 22 year old Sajad. Lawyer: Mohammad Mostafayi
She was sentenced to 99 lashes which was carried out. She was once again sentenced for the same crime to death by stoning. Her children wrote a letter addressing the people of the world and asked for help in saving their mother.
- Azar Baqeri – 19 years old. Has a lawyer
She was jailed when she was 15 because her husband filed a complaint against her and has been sentenced to stoning.
- Maryam Qorbanzadeh – 25 years old – has a lawyer

- Sarimeh Ebadi (or Sarimeh Sajadi) – 31 years old, mother of two children. Lawyer: unknown
- Bu-Ali Janfeshani – 33 years old. Has one child. Lawyer: unknown
This man and woman (Ebadi and Janfeshani) have been sentenced to stoning by the Orumieh Public Court in a mutual case. Their stoning sentence was upheld by the 12th branch of the Western Azarbaijan Court of Review on January 6, 2010 and they are currently in the Central Orumieh Prison.

- Iran Eskandari – 31 years old. Has a 13 year old son. Lawyer: Unknown
Iran is from the Bakhtiari Tribe who was forcefully married to her cousin. Her husband only came home about once a month. She became friends with her next door neighbor’s son and wrote letters and talked on the phone with him. One day while they were talking, her husband came in the backyard from the wall of the yard and attacked her, severely beating her. The neighbor’s son came to her aid and killed her husband with a knife. She was sentenced to five years of prison on April 7, 2005 in a court of first instance in Khuzestan for complicity to murder and to stoning for adultery. Her sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court on April 8, 2006. In light of the culture in the region, if Iran is released from prison, there is a high chance that she would be murdered by the men in her family.
- Kheirieh Valania, 42 years old. Has several children. Lawyer: unknown
She was sentenced because she confessed to adultery four times. She says that she is the victim of domestic violence and had a relationship with a man who murdered her husband but was not involved in his murder. She was charged with complicity to murder. The third branch of the Behbahan Public Court sentenced Kheirieh to stoning on charges of adultery on May 9, 2002. “I am willing to be hanged but not stoned. They suffocate you and then you die. But it is very hard to be constantly hit on the head with stones”, she says. She is sure that if she is released, she would have no place to go and her brothers would kill her.

- Ashraf Kalhori- 41 years old. Lawyer: unknown
Her stoning sentence was halted on orders of Shahroudi, the previous head of the Judiciary and she is still in Evin Prison. He lawyer used to be Shadi Sadr who is currently not in Iran.
- Fatemeh, age: unknown. Lawyer: unknown
Fatemeh was tried in the 71st branch of the Tehran Penal Court and was sentenced to retribution (execution) and stoning for complicity in murder and an illicit relationship. Her husband Fatemeh had a fight with Mahmoud, a man who was after Fatemeh and had entered their home, and killed him with his wife’s help.
Asghar, her husband was sentenced to 16 years of prison on charges of assisting in intentional murder.


- A woman identified as M.Kh. age: unknown. Lawyer: unknown
- A woman whose last name is Hashemi Nasab. Age: unknown. Lawyer: unknown
These two women are in the Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad

- Mohammad Ali Navid Khamami – Father’s name: Safar. Lawyer: unknown
He was sentenced to stoning on June 2008.

- Seyed Naqi Ahmadi. Age: unknown. Lawyer: Ibrahim Mohammadzadeh
On June 10, 2008, three of the five judges in the second branch of the Mazandaran Penal Court sentenced Seyed Naqi Ahmadi to stoning. Ahmadi was charged with adultery with Pouran Q. It has been stated in court that Ahmadi who lived next to Pouran entered her home at night while her husband was away on business in Semnan and had a sexual relationship with her. Some of the reasons that they were charged was: 1. A report from the ‘Prohibiting Vice and Promoting Virtue Departmnet’ 2. Pouran’s confession 3. Seyed Naqi Ahmadi’s confession.
In other words, the only proof of the adultery charge was their confession and in the end, the court sentenced Seyed Naqi Ahmadi to stoning in light of the ‘knowledge of the judge’ and Pouran was cleared of this charge because her husband was not home and she did not have access to him. Two of the judges in this branch believed that both suspects should be acquitted. This sentence was upheld by the 33rd branch of the Supreme Court.

Reason behind Convictions: Knowledge of the Judge
It is worth mentioning that in the case of all these people, there is no evidence to prove the so-called ‘adultery’ charge and the reason most of them were convicted was because of the ‘knowledge of the judge’. This means that despite the fact that there is no evidence or witness to prove the crime (there has to be at least four witnesses to prove adultery) the judge decides based on his ‘knowledge’ that the person has committed adultery. The interesting point is that in Iranian courts, a judge cannot decide based on his knowledge if someone has overdrawn from his bank account and jail him/her but can decide that he/she has committed adultery and sentence him/her to stoning.
In some cases, the person has been forced to confess under duress and has only to confess four times to adultery instead of four witnesses and say that he/she has committed adultery to be sentenced to stoning. This means that security forces and judicial authorities force the person to confess to adultery using various methods.

In light of the fact that mostly all of those sentenced to stoning are from deprived social classes, most of them have been deprived of lawyers in the initial stages of their case and therefore accept the charge of adultery without knowledge of the consequences of their confession to be relieved of the pressure on them by authorities without knowing that the final consequence is stoning. Since, according to Iranian law, people who are sentenced to death or stoning have to have lawyers, those who are sentenced to stoning are given appointed lawyers and unfortunately most of them are not able to suitably defend their clients because of their inexperience or because the case is not important for them.

List of people who have been stoned in the past years
The judicial system of the Islamic Republic does not recognize monitoring rights on its actions by its citizens. Therefore, the number and names of those who were sentenced to stoning after their sentences were upheld by the Supreme is unknown.
But the names of those who we are aware were stoned from 2006 up to now is as follows:

- Mahboubeh Mohammadi. According to reports she had confessed to adultery after threats and torture and was stoned to death along with Abbas Haji Zadeh on May 2006.
- Abbas Haji Zadeh was stoned to death on May 2006 in Mashhad.
- Three men were stoned to death in December 21, 2008 in the Behesht Reza Cemetery in Mashhad. One of them, identified as Mahmoud who was an Afghan national, was able to escape from the ditch he was buried in while severely wounded. Houshang Khadadeh and another unknown person were stoned.


- Jafar Kiani whose stoning was halted by the head of the judiciary because of a campaign against stoning was stoned in the Akhcheh Village near Takestan in Qazvin on June 2007 on orders of a local judge.

- Vali Azad, from Pars Abad in Maghan was stoned in secret in Rasht on March 5, 2009 on charges of adultery. His body was not handed over to his family. His stoning sentence was issued and carried out by Judge Hojatelislam Kashani in the 11th branch of the Penal Court and Judge Javid Nia, the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor. But the woman who was also charged with him was granted amnesty. The stoning of Vali Azad was officially confirmed by the former spokesman of the Judiciary, Alireza Jamshidi.

List of those who were hanged instead of being stoned
It has to be reminded that the names and numbers of those who were hanged in the place of being stoned to death are not known and the following list shows that our knowledge is only limited to the below mentioned names:

- Abdollah Farivar, 53 years old. This music teacher was executed on February 19, 2008

- Afsaneh Rahmani- Adel Abad Prison in Shiraz. Was hanged in 2009

- Rahim Mohammadi- husband of Kobra Babayi. Was hanged on September 2009

- According to unconfirmed reports, a woman was hanged in 2008 in a closed off room in Evin Prison on charges of adultery. (Rooz website – July 11, 2010)

سه مرد و يازده زن در آستانه سنگسار

از آنجايي که سنگسار وصله بشدت ناجوري است که با فرهنگ مردم ايران ناسازگار است و افکار عمومي مردم ايران و جهان بشدت به مخالفت با آن مي پردازد، قوه قضائي بشدت به پنهان کاري در اين مورد پرداخته و سنگسار در گورستانها و يا محل هاي دورافتاده به صورت مخفي انجام مي گيرد. گاه جنازه فرد سنگسار شده به خانواده داده نمي شود.
حتي واژه «سنگسار» در مطبوعات و رسانه هاي ايراني ممنوع شده است.
راهکار حکومت در مورد سنگسار اين است که پنهاني و بدون سر و صدا سنگسار کنيد! و دستور جديد اين است که اگر در اجراي سنگسار با مشکل فشار افکار عمومي مواجه شديد، اعدام کنيد!...
اکنون بيم آن مي رود که افراد محکوم به سنگسار هرچه سريعتر يا در خفا سنگسار شوند، و يا به خاطر فشارهاي موجود بين المللي مجازات جايگزين اعدام بگيرند و حلق آويز شوند که پرونده ها بسته شود و سروصداها بخوابد. زيرا تا هنگامي که افراد محکوم به سنگسار زنده هستند و در زندان بسر مي برند، تلاش هاي شديد و گسترده براي نجات جان آنان ادامه دارد. از اين رو بيم آن مي رود که حکومت جمهوري اسلامي براي اينکه نشان دهد که استقلال عمل کامل داشته و به واکنش غربي ها بهايي نمي دهد، به سرعت همه محکومين به سنگسار را به شيوه سنگسار و يا حلق آويز نابود کند و پرونده هاي آنان را ببندد و همگان را در مقابل عمل انجام شده قرار دهد...
ليست کامل کساني که در حال حاضر به اتهام "زناي محصنه" – يعني داشتن همسر و برقراري رابطه جنسي با فردي غير از همسر - در زندان به سر مي برند، در زير آمده است.
• کبري بابائي - مادر يک دختر ۱٣ ساله است. وکيل: محمد مصطفايي
توضيح: همسر وي، رحيم محمدي در سال ۱٣٨٨ به جرم زنا اعدام شد.
• سکينه محمدي آشتياني – ۴٣ ساله، مادر دو فرزند، فريده ۱۹ ساله و سجاد ۲۲ ساله. وکيل: محمد مصطفايي
توضيح: يک بار محکوم به ۹۹ ضربه شلاق شده و حکم در مورد وي اجرا شده است. دوباره به خاطر همان جرم محکوم به سنگسار شده است. فرزندان وي نامه اي خطاب به مردم جهان نوشته و خواستار نجات جان مادرشان شدند.
• آذر باقري - ۱۹ ساله، وکيل: دارد
توضيح: در ۱۵ سالگي با شکايت همسرش زنداني و در دادگاه محکوم به سنگسار شده است.
• مريم قربان زاده - ۲۵ ساله . وکيل: دارد
• سريمه عبادي (يا سريمه سجادي) - ٣۱ ساله ، مادر دو فرزند. وکيل: نامعلوم
• بوعلي جانفشاني - ٣٣ ساله، داراي يک فرزند. وکيل: نامعلوم
توضيح: اين زن و مرد از سوي دادسراي عمومي شهر اروميه در يک پرونده متهم به اتهام زناي محصنه به سنگسار محکوم شده بودند که حکم سنگسار هر دوي آنان در ۱۶ دي ماه ۱٣٨٨ در شعبه ۱۲ دادگاه تجديد نظر استان آذربايجان غربي تاييد شد و اکنون در زندان مرکزي اروميه به سر مي برند.
• ايران اسکندري - ٣۱ ساله، مادر يک پسر ۱٣ ساله. وکيل: نامعلوم
توضيح: ايران زني است از طايفه هاي بختياري که در ازدواج اجباري به عقد پسرعمويش درآمده. شوهرش ماه به ماه به خانه نمي آمده است. با پسر همسايه رابطه نامه نگاري و گپ تلفني داشته و روزي که با هم مشغول گفتگو بودند، شوهرش از ديوار وارد حياط مي شود و به او حمله مي کند و او را بشدت کتک مي زند. پسر همسايه به کمک او آمده و شوهر را با چاقو به قتل مي رساند. وي در تاريخ ۱۸ فروردين ۱۳۸۴ در دادگاه بدوي در خوزستان به پنج سال حبس تعزيري به دليل معاونت در قتل و اجراي حد شرعي رجم به خاطر زنا محکوم مي شود. اين حکم در ديوان عالي کشور در تاريخ ۱۹ فروردين ۸۵ عينا مورد تاييد قرار گرفت. با توجه به شرايط فرهنگي منطقه، ايران اگر از زندان هم آزاد شود، احتمال اينکه از سوي مردان خانواده اش به قتل برسد، بسيار زياد است.
• خيريه والانيا - ۴۲ ساله، مادر چند فرزند. وکيل: نامعلوم
توضيح: دليل محکوميت خيريه اين است که ۴ بار به زنا اعتراف کرده است. وي مي گويد که قرباني خشونت خانگي بوده و با مردي که شوهرش را کشته رابطه داشته است، اما در قتل شوهرش دخالتي نداشته، اما به اتهام معاونت در قتل محکوم شده است. شعبه سوم دادگاه عمومي بهبهان در ارديبهشت ۱۳۸۱ خيريه را به اجراي حد رجم (سنگسار) بابت زناي محصنه صادر کرده است. خيريه مي گويد: «حاضرم اعدام شوم، ولي سنگسارم نکنند. خفه ات مي کنند و مي ميري؛ ولي خيلي سخت است که هي با سنگ بزنند توي سر آدم!» او مطمئن است که اگر آزاد شود، هيچ جايي ندارد برود و برادرانش او را خواهند کشت.
• اشرف کلهري - ۴۱ ساله. وکيل: نامعلوم
توضيح: اجراي حکم سنگسار اشرف به دستور رئيس قوه قضائيه وقت، آقاي شاهرودي، متوقف شد و ايشان هنوز در زندان اوين است. وکيل ايشان در گذشته شادي صدر بود که اکنون در خارج کشور بسر مي برد.
• فاطمه – سن: نامعلوم. وکيل: نامعلوم.
توضيح: فاطمه در ۲۶ ارديبهشت ۱٣٨۴ در شعبه ۷۱ دادگاه کيفري استان تهران محاکمه و به اتهام مباشرت در قتل عمدي و رابطه نامشروع به قصاص و رجم محکوم شد. شوهر فاطمه با مردي به نام محمود که خاطرخواه فاطمه بوده و وارد خانه آنها شده بوده، درگير مي شود و به کمک فاطمه او را به قتل مي رساند. "اصغر" شوهر اين زن به اتهام معاونت در قتل عمدي و جنايت بر ميت به تحمل ۱۶ سال زندان محکوم شده است.
• زني به نام م. خ. – سن: نامعلوم. وکيل: نامعلوم
• زني با نام فاميلي هاشمي نسب – سن: نامعلوم. وکيل: نامعلوم
توضيح: اين دو زن در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد بسر مي برند.
• محمد علي نويد خمامي- نام پدر: صفر. وکيل: نامعلوم
توضيح: در خردادماه ۱٣٨۷ محکوم به سنگسار شد.
• سيد نقي احمدي – سن: نامعلوم. نام وکيل: ابراهيم محمدزاده
توضيح: در تاريخ ۲۱/٣/۱٣٨۷ سه نفر از پنج نفر قضات شعبه دوم دادگاه کيفري استان مازندران حکم به محکوميت آقاي سيد نقي احمدي به سنگسار مي دهند. در اين پرونده آقاي احمدي متهم به زناي محصن با خانم پوران.ق بوده است. در دادنامه صادره آمده است که آقاي احمدي متهم رديف اول که در مجاورت منزل پوران سکونت داشته در غياب شوهر پوران که محل کارش در سمنان بوده است شبانه وارد منزل وي شده و با پوران زنا کرده است. از جمله دلايل انتساب اتهام:۱- گزارش اداره امر به معروف و نهي از منکر ۲- اقرار پوران ٣- اقرار سيد نقي احمدي بوده است به عبارت ديگر تنها دليل اثبات ادعاي زناي به عنف اقرار متهمين مي باشد که در نهايت دادگاه سيد نقي را به اتهام زناي محصن با توجه به علم قاضي به تحمل رجم( سنگسار) و پوران را نظر به اينکه به شوهرش به علت عدم حضوروي دسترسي نداشته و به دليل عدم تجمع ارکان زنا، از اين اتهام تبرئه مي نمايد. دو نفر از مستشارن شعبه صادرکننده راي براين عقيده بوده اند که هر دو متهم بايد تبرئه شوند. پس از اعتراض به حکم صادره، اين حکم در شعبه ٣٣ ديوانعالي کشور ارسال مي گردد و حکم تاييد مي شود.
دليل محکوميت: علم قاضي
يک نکته قابل توجه اين است که در مورد همه ي اين افراد، هيچ دليل موجه و سندي براي ثابت کردن باصطلاح "جرم زنا" وجود ندارد، و دليل محکوميت بيشتر آنان "علم قاضي" است. يعني با وجود اينکه هيچ سند و مدرک و شاهدي در اثبات جرم وجود ندارد (دست کم چهار شاهد براي اثبات زنا ضروري است) قاضي با "علم" خودش تشخيص مي دهد که اين فرد زناکار است. جالب اينکه در دادگاه هاي ايران قاضي نمي تواند با علم خودش تشخيص دهد که مثلا فردي چک بي محل صادر کرده و او را زنداني کند، اما مي تواند با علم خود تشخيص دهد که او زنا کرده و او را به سنگسار محکوم کند.
در برخي موارد، فرد با تهديد و شکنجه مجبور به اعتراف مي شود و به جاي وجود چهار شاهد، کافي است که چهار بار اعتراف کند و بگويد که زنا کرده است تا محکوم به سنگسار شود. اين هم بدين معناست که ماموران انتظامي و مسئولان قضايي به گونه اي فرد را وادار مي کنند که به زنا اعتراف کند.
وکيل مدافع؟
با توجه به اينکه بيشتر افراد محکوم به سنگسار از قشرهاي محروم اجتماعي هستند، بيشتر آنها از دسترسي به وکيل مدافع از ابتداي پرونده محروم بوده و از همين رو بدون آگاهي به پيامد هاي اعتراف، اتهام زنا را مي پذيرند تا از فشار مسئولين راحت شوند بدون آنکه بدانند پايان کار، سنگسار است. از آنجايي که بنا به قوانين ايران، در پرونده هايي که مجازات سنگسار يا اعدام در انتظار متهم است داشتن وکيل ضروري است، براي محکومين به سنگسار وکيل تسخيري در نظر گرفته مي شود که متاسفانه بسياري از آنان به دليل بي تجربگي يا اهميت ندادن به پرونده قادر به دفاع شايسته از موکل خود نيستند.
کساني که در چند سال گذشته سنگسار شدند
دستگاه قضائي حکومت جمهوري اسلامي حق نظارت بر عملکرد خويش را براي شهروندان قائل نيست. از اين رو، تعداد کامل و اسامي کساني که پرونده ي آنها به ديوانعالي کشور رفته و حکم سنگسار آنها تاييد و اجرا شده است، نامعلوم است. اما کساني را که دست کم ما از سنگسار آنها از سال ۱٣٨۵ به اين سو آگاهي داريم، به شرح زير هستند.
• محبوبه محمدي که گفته مي شود با تهديد و شکنجه اعتراف به زنا کرده بود، در ارديبهشت ٨۵ به همراه عباس حاجي زاده سنگسار شد.
• عباس حاجي زاده در ارديبهشت ٨۵ در مشهد سنگسار شدند.
• سه مرد در هفته اول ديماه ۱٣٨۷ در گورستان بهشت رضا در مشهد سنگسار شدند. يکي از آنها به نام محمود که تبعه افعانستان بود توانست از گودال در حاليکه بشدت مجروح بود فرار کند. دو نفر ديگر يکي به نام هوشنگ خداده و ديگري نامعلوم، سنگسار شدند.
• جعفر کياني که بخاطر کمپين ، رئيس قوه قضائيه دستور داده بود سنگسارش متقوف شود، با دستور قاضي محلي در روستاي آخچه کند نزديک تاکستان قزوين در تير ٨۶ سنگسار شد.
• ولي آزاد، اهل پارس آباد مغان، به جرم زناي محصنه در تاريخ ۱۵ اسفند٨۷، ۵ مارس ۲۰۰۹، در رشت به صورتي مخفي سنگسار شد. جنازه محکوم نيز تحويل خانواده او نشد. حکم سنگسار توسط قاضي حجت الاسلام کاشاني در شعبه ۱۱ دادگاه کيفري استان و قاضي جاويدنيا دادستان عمومي و انقلاب صادر و اجرا شد. اما زني که با وي در اين اتهام شريک بود مورد عفو قرار گرفت. سنگسار ولي آزاد توسط سخنگوي وقت قوه قضائيه، عليرضا جمشيدي، بطور رسمي مورد تاييد قرار گرفت.
کساني که به جاي سنگسار، اعدام شدند
بايد يادآوري شود که تعداد و اسامي کامل افرادي که در رابطه با حکم سنگسار حلق آويز شده اند، مشخص نيست و آنچه در پي مي آيد، بيانگر اين است که آگاهي ما تنها محدود به اين موارد زير است.
• عبدالله فريور- ۵٣ ساله، زندان ساري – اين معلم موسيقي در تاريخ ۱ اسفند ۱٣٨۷ اعدام شد.
• افسانه رحماني - زندان عادل آباد، شيراز - در سال ۱٣٨٨ اعدام شد.
• رحيم محمدي - شوهر کبري بابايي – در مهرماه ۱٣٨٨ اعدام شد.
• بنا به گزارش هاي تاييد نشده، زني به جرم زنا در سال ۱٣٨۷ در يک اتاق دربسته در زندان اوين اعدام شد... (اخبار روز – 20/4/89)

y the

On Tuesday July 13 around 18:00, on the eighth day of Bazaar strike, in an attempt to force Bazaar merchants to break their strike, State Security Forces attacked two shopkeepers in Shoemakers Bazaar and wounded them.
The people on the scene and other merchants who were on strike in their shops rushed to the aid of the victims.Chanting ‘Death to dictator', the people and merchants clashed with the SSF agents and expelled them from Bazaar.
On Tuesday, the merchants of Tabriz and Gonbade-Kavoos (northeast) Bazaars joined the strike.During the Tehran Bazaar strike, a number of merchants and young people who have rushed to their support, including the representative of the textile guild were arrested by the suppressive forces. No information on their fate is available.

Jaras Website

Hashem Khastar, a retired teacher and member of the Center of Teachers and Academics in Khorasan published a letter to the head of the Iranian Judiciary detailing the rights of prisoners and the reason behind their constant illnesses.
Hashem Khastar was arrested on June 15, 2009 and was released on a 35 million toman (about 35,000 dollar) bail after a month and a half. He was once again arrested on September 16, 2009 in the Meli Park in Mashhad while taking a walk and was transferred to the Vakil Abad Prison in this city. He was sentenced to six year of prison in a court of first instance. His sentenced was lowered to 2 years of prison in a court of review.
Hashem Khastar’s letter to the head of the Iranian Judiciary:
Respected head of the Judiciary and its subordinates … to the respected head of cellblock 1/6 of Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad in which I am detained.
I am Seyed Hashem Khastar, a retired teacher and representative of teachers in the Center for Teachers in Khorasan and I wanted to let you know that I am now spending my life in a prison that does not observe the minimum rights of prisoner.
A. Prison Food
1. A human being has to consume 5 to 6 fruits in the course of 24 hours while the prison only gives one serving of fruit every two months at best which means that prisoners do not have a standard consumption of fruits in the course of 24 hours (in reality we only taste the fruit).
2. According to the standards set by the F.A.O, a human being has to consume one gram of protein for every kilogram of body weight and half of that should be animal protein (there are sufficient Amino Acids in animal protein) but prison food has less than 2 grams of animal fat put together. On the other hand I saw in the quarantine section of prison that not only did we not have any left over food, but rather prisoners would borrow bread from each other at the end of the night and a large quantity of bread would be bought by the prisoners from the prison shop which shows that the quantity of energy that each prisoner gets is less than the 2,500 calories specified by the F.A.O.
3. Minerals and vitamins are usually provided by fruits and vegetables and as mentioned before, prison food lacks both fruits and vegetables.
4. In conclusion, prisoners constantly suffer from illnesses and the Prison Origination is forced pay high expenses for their treatment. Healthy people who are jailed go home with various physical and psychological ailments and handicaps or they die. If this food ration is given to laboratory mice for a month, they will surely die from mal-nutrition, just as prisoners have died from mal-nutrition.
B. Stress
1. According to prisoners, there are more than 13,000 prisoners (in this prison) and in many sections of prison, every person has less than one cubic meters of space and this space is fit for a sheep in a stable. In the Quarantine section and cellblock 4 and 5, we would sleep on our sides packed next to each other because of lack of space. Twelve of us would sleep in 3.5 meters of space which means that each one of us had a 30 centimeter tile to ourselves.
2. The execution of prisoners is carried out regularly and in groups. This is not shown and broadcasted in any newspaper, radio, television and even the closed circuit TV in prison. This issue has had bad influence on not only prisoners but on prison employees and will lead to psychological problems and cancer.
3. The severe beatings of prisoners which are carried out by prison guards for various reasons will lead to psychological problems for all prisoners, prison employees and soldiers (who are on duty in prison). This issue has a serious influence in the creation of an unhealthy society and the continuity of an unhealthy society.
4. The use of tear gas and pepper spray on so-called troublemaking prisoners while other prisoners are also affected by the attacks. This has led to severe mental problems for prisoners and prison employees and the effects on their family and the society is very serious.
5. Seeing and hearing prisoners who constantly hit themselves, attempt suicide or even shut their lips with safety pins or sow their lips together because of mental pressure has a negative effect on the prison society and the society outside of prison.
6. Seeing physically and mentally ill prisoners who are supposed to be hospitalized in hospitals, the welfare organization or their homes. Some of these prisoners have been in prison for close to 20 years of more.
7. Prisoners are banned from using the telephone and banned from visits on Fridays and other weekends. In this way, prisoners are punished twice as much and the prison turns into a place of mourning for them on holidays and festivals.
8. There are people infected with HIV and hepatitis among prisoners. This is while prisoners are not given the necessary education for the prevention of the spread of these diseases. Fleas run rampant in prison.
9. Obviously a large number of prisoners, especially political prisoners, are suffering from various illnesses, including high blood pressure because of stress and psychological pressure. Are prison employees not affected (by these pressures)?
10. I read an article that a French prisoner in a Nazi prison gave his ring to a guard for a few drops of lemon juice every day which saved his life. Does this prison (in Iran) not remind a person of Hitler’s prisons in Nazi Germany, even as 70 years has passed since then and the world has immensely advanced?
11. The democratic world has presented a wide array of solutions. Is it not possible to allocate one thousand hectares of land and 10 deep wells and other installations and facilities 10 kilometers from Mashhad to provide the meat, fruit, wheat and milk products etc. for prisoners so that healthy people go back to their families?
12. Is this prison Islamic? Is this prison humane? Does this mean that 32 years after the Islamic Revolution the method with which prisons are run is fit for the Islamic Republic?
13. Political prisoners usually keep diaries. How would you feel if your children or grandchildren read these diaries and told you that “father or grandfather, what part did you play in these prisons?” Is it enough to say that I just carried out orders?
14. In a classroom, a teacher is punished or praised for the number of good grades or fails in his/her class. Who should be punished for being first place in the number of prisoners, executions and the poor management of prisons as mentioned above? When airplanes crash, dead pilots are blamed. In the (case of prison mismanagement), prisoners are probably to blame.
Vakil Abad Prison in Shiraz – Retired teacher Seyed Hashem Khastar

گزارشي از فاجعه انساني در زندانهاي جمهوري اسلامي
نامه‌ هاشم خواستار به رئيس قوه قضاييه جرس: هاشم خواستار، معلم و بازنشسته و عضو کانون صنفي فرهنگيان خراسان، با انتشار نامه‌اي خطاب رئيس قوه قضائيه و تمام افراد زير مجموعهاين نهاد به با برشمردن حقوق اوليه زندانيان که در زندان رعايت نمي‌شود، دلايل بيماري مداوم آنان را نيز عنوان کرده است.
گفتني است هاشم خواستار ۲۵ خرداد ۱۳۸۸ دستگير و بعد از يک ماه و نيم با وثيقه‏ ۳۵ ميليون توماني آزاد شد. وي در تاريخ ۲۵ شهريور ۸۸ در پارک ملي مشهد، در حال پياده روي دستگير و به زندان وکيل آباد مشهد، منتقل و در دادگاه بدوي به شش سال حبس، محکوم شد. حکم او در دادگاه تجديد نظر به دوسال زندان تعزيري کاهش يافت.
متن کامل نامه‌هاشم خواستار به شرح زير است:
رياست محترم قوه قضائيه و زير مجموعه آن… . تا رياست محترم بند 1 / 6 زندان وکيل آباد مشهد که من در آن زنداني هستم
احترما اينجانب سيد هاشم خواستار معلم بازنشسته و نماينده معلمان در کانون صنفي فرهنگيان خراسان به استحضار ميرساند که هم اکنون در زنداني عمر سپري ميکنم که مسائل ابتدايي حقوق زنداني رعايت نمي‌شود.
الف - تغذيه زندانيان
1- انسان در شبانه روز بايد پنج تا 6 مرتبه ميوه بخورد که در حالت خوش‌بينانه زندان هر دو ماه يک نوبت ميوه مي‌دهد يعني ما زنداني‌ها غيراستاندارد در شبانه روز ميوه مي‌خوريم (عملا ميوه را مزه ميکنيم)
2- هر انساني برابر استاندارد F. A. O در شبانه روز به ازاي هر کيلو گرم يک گرم پروتئين بايد مصرف کند که نصف آن پروتئين حيواني باشد (اسيد آمينههاي لازم در پروتئين حيواني وجود دارد) ولي غذاي زندان جمعا کمتر از دو گرم پروتئين حيواني دارد، يعني پروتئين حيواني لازم براي هر فرد و از طرفي اين جانب در قرنطينه زندان ديدم که نه تنها هيچگونه ماده غذايي اضافه نمي‌آمد بلکه زندانيان آخر شب نان از همديگر قرض مي‌کردند و مقدار زيادي نان از فروشگاه زندان توسط زندانيان خريداري مي‌شد و اين نشان مي‌دهد که مقدار انرژي که به هر زنداني ميرسد کمتر از 2500 کالري سازمان F. A. O ميباشد.
3- مواد معدني و ويتامين ها عمدتا از ميوهها و سبزيها تامين ميشود که غذاي زندان همانطور که گفته شد فاقد سبزي و ميوه ميباشد.
4- نتيجتا مرتب زندانيان مريض شده و هزينههاي درماني زيادي به سازمان زندان تحميل شده و انسانها سالم به زندان آمده و با امراض جسمي و رواني گوناگون و معلول به خانه بر ميگردند و يا مي ميرند. چنانچه اين جيره غذايي به مدت يک ماه به موش هاي آزمايشگاهي داده شود مطمئنا در اثر سوء تغذيه خواهند مرد. همانطور که زندانيان تا کنون در اثر سوء تغذيه مرده اند.
ب - استرس
1- آنطور که زندانيان ابراز مي دارند آمار زندانيان بيش از 13هزار است که در خيلي از قسمت‌هاي زندان هر انسان کمتر از يک متر مربع مساحت دارد که اين مساحت براي يک راس گوسفند در طويله است در بند قرنطينه و بند 4 و بند 5 بهخاطر کمبود جا بهصورت کتابي بسيار فشرده ميخوابيديم در 5/3 متر طول 12نفر ميخوابيديم يعني هر نفر يک موزاييک 30 سانتي متري داشتيم.
2- اعدام زندانيها بهصورت مرتب و دسته جمعي صورت ميگيرد و در هيچ نشريه و راديو و تلويزيون وحتي تلوزيون مداربسته زندان منعکس نميشود اثرات بسيار سويي نه تنها براي زندانيان که براي کارمندان زندان داشته و در آينده باعث مشکلات روحي و رواني و سرطان براي آنها خواهد شد.
4- کتک کاري و ضرب و شتم شديد زندانيان که به هر دليل به وسيله نيروهاي گارد ويژه صورت ميگيرد باعث فشارهاي روحي و رواني بر تمام زندانيان و کارمندان زندان و سربازان شده که در ايجاد جامعه نا سالم و تداوم اين جامعه نا سالم بسيار موثر است.
5- استفاده از گاز اشکآور و فلفل براي زندانيان به اصطلاح شرور که ساير زندانيان نيز بي نصيب نمي مانند. و تالمات روحي شديدي براي زندانيان و کارمندان زندان ايجاد کرده که اثرات سوء آن بر روي خانواده و جامعه بسيار شديد است.
5- ديدن و شنيدن زندانياني که مرتب بر اثر فشارهاي دروني و روحي خود زني و خودکشي و حتي لب هايشان را سنجاق و يا ميدوزند که اثرات سويي بر جامعه زندان و جامعه بيرون از زندان ميگذارد.
6- ديدن زندانيان مريض جسمي و روحي که بايد در بيمارستان و يا در بهزيستي و يا در خانهشان پرستاري و نگهداري شوند و ديدن زندانياني که نزديک 20سال و يا بيشتر است در زندان ميباشند.
7- علاوه بر جمعه، ساير روزهاي تعطيل، زندانيان نه تلفن و نه ملاقات دارند و عملا زنداني دوبله تنبيه شده و زندان برايش در روزهاي جشن تبديل به ماتم سرا ميشود.
8- صادرات چين به مقدار قابل توجه حاصل توليدات زندانيان ميباشد و زندانيان ما فقط عمر به بيهوده‌گي ميگذرانند.
9- هپاتيت و ايدز در بين زندانيان وجود دارد بدون اينکه آموزشهاي لازم جهت عدم گسترش به ديگران داده شود. شپش که بيداد ميکند.
10- مسلما تعداد زيادي از زندانيان بهخصوص زندانيان سياسي به علت استرسها و تالمات روحي به انواع بيماريها از جمله فشار خون دچار ميشوند آيا بر روي کارمندان زندان بيتاثير است؟! (خوشا آنان که هر از بر ندانند)
11- مقالهاي خواندهام که يکي از اسراي فرانسوي در زندان آلمان نازي با دادن انگشترش به نگهبان در ازاي روزي چند قطره آب ليمو جانش را نجات داده بود ايا اين زندان انسان را به ياد زندان‌هاي آلمان هيتلري نمي‌اندازد در حالي که از آن زمان نزديک 70سال گذشته و دنيا خيلي پيشرفت کرده است.
12- دنياي دموکراسي راهحلهاي بسيار گستردهاي ارائه داده است آيا نميشود با اختصاص هزار هکتار زمين و 10 حلقه چاه عميق و ساير تاسيسات در 10 کيلومتري مشهد گوشت و ميوه و گندم و لبنيات و… زندانيان راتامين و انسانهاي سالمي به خانوادهها تحويل داد؟! (من نگويم که مرا از قفس آزاد کنيد قفسم برده به باغي و دلم شاد کنيد)
13- آيا اين زندان اسلامي است؟! آيا اين زندان انساني است؟! يعني بعد از 32سال که از انقلاب اسلامي ميگذرد تعداد و نحوه اداره زندان برازنده جمهوري اسلامي است؟! (خوابتان آشفته مباد)
14- زندانيان سياسي معمولا خاطراتشان را مينويسند شما چه احساسي خواهيد داشت که اين خاطرات را فرزند و يا نوه شما خوانده و به شما بگويد که بابا يا پدر بزرگ تو در زندان چه نقشي داشته اي؟! آيا گفتن اينکه من مأمور و معذور بودهام کفايت ميکند؟!
15- در يک کلاس معلم در صورت قبولي بالا يا مردودي زياد تشويق يا تنبيه ميشود. با رتبه اول تعداد زندانيان و اعدامها و نحوه اداره زندانها که ذکر خيرش رفت چه کساني بايد تنبيه شوند حتماًً مانند سقوط هواپيماها که مقصر اصلي خلبان مرده است اکنون هم مقصر اصلي زنداني است؟!
16- از طلا گشتن پشيمان گشته ايم/ مرحمت فرما ما را مس کنيد
زندان وکيل آباد مشهد معلم بازنشسته سيد هاشم خواستار (جرس – 17/4/89)