A prisoner in the Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj who was suffering from aids died as a result of the lack of medical attention.
Daryoush Arjmand who had been kept in a solitary cell for 2 years died on June 20, 2010 in a solitary cell in cellblock 1 of Rajayi Shahr Prison after tolerating horrid physical conditions.
Arjmand never enjoyed medical attention and was only separated form other prisoners because he had aids.
Rajayi Shahr Prison in general and cellblock one in particular are in very poor condition on the grounds of sanitary facilities and medical attention for prisoners.
Background info (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – April 14, 2010)
According to reports, Daryoush Arjmand, has been kept in a solitary cell in cellblock 1 in Gohardasht Prison known as the 'Doghouse' for months.
Daryoush Arjmand, 40, who has been sentenced to 19 years of prison, has been kept in this cell for close to 25 months. He was taken to solitary for clashing with the prison deputy officer, Mansouri, who died a few months ago outside of prison over a financial issue, and is kept in medieval conditions in this cell.
He is deprived of a natural source of light and even a lamp to light his cell. He is forced to go to the bathroom and bathe in his cell even while his cell is very small and does not have a toilet or showering facilities. Mr. Arjmand also has many cuts and bruises on his body but is not taken to the infirmary for treatment and is not even given the necessary items to bandage his wounds. He is also deprived of proper clothing and his current clothes are ripped and worn out. The foul odor that comes from his cell bothers other prisoners detained in solitary cells in this block. He is also only given enough food to live on.
Mr. Arjmand has attempted suicide several times and in the last instance, was left in that state for a few hours before other prisoners protested which saved his life.
A political prisoner informed a prison inspector about the condition of this prisoner and asked him to go see this prisoner to witness his horrid and unimaginable condition for himself but the inspector argued that this prisoner had aids and was dangerous and did not visit his cell.
A prisoner in the Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj who was suffering from aids died as a result of the lack of medical attention.
Daryoush Arjmand who had been kept in a solitary cell for 2 years died on June 20, 2010 in a solitary cell in cellblock 1 of Rajayi Shahr Prison after tolerating horrid physical conditions.
Arjmand never enjoyed medical attention and was only separated form other prisoners because he had aids.
Rajayi Shahr Prison in general and cellblock one in particular are in very poor condition on the grounds of sanitary facilities and medical attention for prisoners.
Background info (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – April 14, 2010)
According to reports, Daryoush Arjmand, has been kept in a solitary cell in cellblock 1 in Gohardasht Prison known as the 'Doghouse' for months.
Daryoush Arjmand, 40, who has been sentenced to 19 years of prison, has been kept in this cell for close to 25 months. He was taken to solitary for clashing with the prison deputy officer, Mansouri, who died a few months ago outside of prison over a financial issue, and is kept in medieval conditions in this cell.
He is deprived of a natural source of light and even a lamp to light his cell. He is forced to go to the bathroom and bathe in his cell even while his cell is very small and does not have a toilet or showering facilities. Mr. Arjmand also has many cuts and bruises on his body but is not taken to the infirmary for treatment and is not even given the necessary items to bandage his wounds. He is also deprived of proper clothing and his current clothes are ripped and worn out. The foul odor that comes from his cell bothers other prisoners detained in solitary cells in this block. He is also only given enough food to live on.
Mr. Arjmand has attempted suicide several times and in the last instance, was left in that state for a few hours before other prisoners protested which saved his life.
A political prisoner informed a prison inspector about the condition of this prisoner and asked him to go see this prisoner to witness his horrid and unimaginable condition for himself but the inspector argued that this prisoner had aids and was dangerous and did not visit his cell.
در پي عدم رسيدگي پزشکي/ مرگ يک زنداني در زندان رجايي شهر کرج
يکي از زندانيان عادي محبوس در زندان رجايي شهر کرج که به بيماري "ايدز" مبتلا بوده به دليل عدم رسيدگي پزشکي مسئولان زندان، جان خود را از دست داده است.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، داريوش ارجمند که به مدت 2 سال در سلول انفرادي نگهداري مي شد، پس از تحمل شرايط ناگوار جسمي، نهايتا مورخ 30 خردادماه سال جاري در يکي از سلول هاي انفرادي بند يک زندان رجايي شهر کرج، جانش را از دست مي دهد.
داريوش ارجمند هيچ گاه از خدمات درماني بهره مند نشد و تنها وي را به دليل ابتلا به بيماري خاص "ايدز" جداسازي کرده بودند.
شايان ذکر است که زندان رجايي شهر عموما و بند يک خصوصا از لحاظ نبود بهداشت محيط و عدم رسيدگي پزشکي وضع بسيار وخيمي دارد. (هرانا - 24/4/89)
جزئيات بيشتر (فعالين حقوق بشر و دموكراسي در ايران – 25/1/89)
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" زنداني داريوش ارجمند ماه ها است که در سلولهاي انفرادي بند 1 زندان گوهردشت کرج معروف به سگدوني زنداني است.
داريوش ارجمند 40 ساله که محکوم به 19 سال زندان مي باشد نزديک به 25 ماه است که در سلولهاي انفرادي بند1 معروف به سگدوني بسر مي برد.آقاي ارجمند بدليل درگيري با افسر جانشين زندان بنام منصوري که چند ماه پيش در خارج از زندان به خاطر مسائل مالي در درگيري به قتل رسيد به سلول انفرادي منتقل شد و همچنان در شرايط وحشتناک و قرون وسطائي بسر مي برد.
زنداني داريوش ارجمند در سلول انفرادي نگهداري مي شود که از داشتن نور طبيعي و حتي لامپ در سلولش محروم است. او ناچار است که از سلولش بعنوان سرويس بهداشتي استفاده کند و همچنين مي بايست در همان سلول استحمام نمايد در حالي که اين سلول بسيار کوچک و فاقد چنين امکاناتي است.زخمهاي زيادي بر روي بدن اين زنداني وجود دارد ولي از انتقال او به بهداري خوداري مي کنند و حتي داروهاي لازم به اين زنداني داده نمي شود که زخم هايش را پانسمان کند.اين زنداني از داشتن لباس کافي محروم است و لباسهايش مندرس و پاره مي باشند.بوي تعفن که از سلول انفرادي اين زنداني بر مي خيزد باعث اذيت و ازار ساير زندانيان که در سلولهاي انفرادي اين سالن زنداني هستند مي شود غذاي اين زنداني در حد زنده ماندن است.
او تا به حال چند بار اقدام به خودکشي کرده است در آخرين باري که اقدام به خودکشي نمود چندين ساعت به حال خود رها شد که با اعتراض ساير زندانيان نجات يافت .يکي از زندانيان سياسي وضعيت اين زنداني را به کساني که تحت عنوان بازرس مراجعه مي کنند تشريح کرد و از او خواست که به سلول اين زنداني مراجعه کند و خود شاهد شرايط وحشتناک و غير قابل تصور اين زنداني باشد ولي اين فرد با اين استدلال که اين زنداني مبتلا به ويروس ايدز است و خطرناک مي باشد از بازديد سلول اين زنداني خوداري نمود.