Committee in Defense of Political Prisoners

Siamak Qaderi, a journalist and former reporter for the IRNA state-run News Agency who has been detained since July 27, 2010, was sentenced to four years of prison.
Siamak Qaderi who had 18 years of experience in this news agency working as the editor, journalist and reporter, was arrested in July with the pressures of the head of this news agency after security forces stormed his home. He was immediately taken to a solitary cell.
According to reports, he was sentenced to this prison term on charges of propagating against the government, instigating public opinion and publishing lies which was issued because of his impartial reports on the post-election protests in his weblog. (Committee in Defense of Political Prisoners

خبرنگار ايرنا به چهار سال زندان و جريمه نقدي محکوم شد
سيامك قادري روزنامه نگار و خبرنگار باسابقه خبرگزاري جمهوري اسلامي ايران که از پنجم مرداد ماه سال جاري در بازداشت بسر مي برد، به چهار سال زندان و پرداخت جريمه نقدي محکوم شد.
سيامك قادري كه حدود 18 سال به عنوان دبير، خبرنگار، گزارش نويس براي ايرنا به طور رسمي كار مي كرد، مرداد ماه سال جاري و با فشار علي اکبر جوانفکر، مدير عامل اين خبرگزاري و هجوم نيروهاي امنيتي به منزلش دستگير و از همان ابتدا به زندان انفرادي منتقل شد.
به گزارش منابع خبري، اين حکم به اتهاماتي همچون اقدام تبليغي عليه نظام، تشويش اذهان عمومي و نشر اکاذيب و به علت گزارش هاي بي‌طرفانه و وقايع نگاري حركت هاي مردمي قبل و بعد از انتخابات در وبلاگ اين روزنامه نگار صادر گرديده است. (كميته دانشجويي دفاع از زندانيان سياسي – 4/11/89)

Committee for Human Rights Reporters

Behnam Irani, a Christian man was summoned today by the Karaj court because of a personal complaint against him. He was arrested and taken to an unknown location after he left the court.
This is while no one showed up in the court as a complainant.
Last week, a court in Karaj, sentenced him to one year of prison on charges of ‘preaching and propagating Christianity’.
Irani was also arrested in 2006 when he was detained for 10 days in a solitary cell and on April 14, 2010 when he was detained for 76 days in a solitary cell in Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj. He was sentenced to 5 years of prison for this case on charges of ‘propagating against the government and preaching Christianity’ by a revolutionary court branch.

بازداشت بهنام ايراني، شهروند مسيحي در کرج
بهنام ايراني، شهروند مسيحي امروز در حالي‌که با وي تماس گرفته بودند و از او خواسته بودند تا بر اساس شکايت يک شاکي خصوصي خود را به دادگاه کرج برساند، بعد از خروج از دادگاه بازداشت و به مکان نامعلومي منتقل شد.
به گزارش «خانه حقوق بشر ايران» اين اتفاق در حالي رخ داد که در دادگاه هيچ فردي با عنوان شاکي خصوصي حاضر نشد و وي بعد از خروج از دادگاه بازداشت شد.
هم‌چنين هفته‌ي گذشته نيز دادگاهي در کرج براي وي تشکيل شده بود و به وي حکم يک سال حبس تعزيري به اتهام «تبشير و تبليغ مسيحيت» را اعلام کرده بودند.
اين در حالي است که بهنام ايراني، شهروند مسيحي پيش از اين در سال ۸۵ نيز بازداشت و مدت ۱۰ روز را در سلول‌انفرادي سپري کرده بود. وي همچنين در ۲۵ فروردين ماه سال ۸۹ نيز بازداشت و مدت ۷۶ روز را در سلول‌هاي انفرادي زندان رجايي‌شهر کرج به سر برده بود. وي بابت اين پرونده به اتهام «تبليغ عليه نظام و تبليغ مسيحيت» به پنج سال زندان تعزيري از طرف يکي از شعب دادگاه انقلاب محکوم شده بود. (رهانا – 5/11/89)

Center to Defend Families of those Slain and Detained in Iran

Despite the fact that the three year prison term of student prisoner Houd Yazerlu has ended, officials refuse to release him. This is while he has not been allowed to use his right to a leave from prison during his detention. Despite his family’s measures to determine this issue, they have not received any answers from Evin Prosecutor’s Office where Houd’s case is located.
Notably, Nazila Dashti and Hamed Yazerlu, Houd’s mother and brother are still both detained in Evin Prison and Houd is in cellblock 3 in Gohardasht (Rajayi Shahr) Prison in Karaj. According to reports, he was transferred two days ago to cellblock 4 which is in the basement of this prison along with other political prisoners.

ممانعت از آزادي يك دانشجوي زنداني علي رغم پايان دوره محكوميتش
به دنبال پايان دوران محكوميت دانشجوي زنداني هود يازرلو حكومت از آزادي وي خودداري ميكند, بنا بر خبر دريافتي زنداني سياسي هود يازرلو حکم سه سال زندان داشته و ايام حکمش بر اساس قوانين مربوطه به پايان رسيده و با توجه به اينکه طي اين سه سال از حق مرخضي اش استفاده نشده است مطابق قوانين زندانها بايستي طي همين روزها آزاد ميشد,اما همچنان در حبس بسر ميبرد و عليرغم اقدام خانواده وي براي تعيين تکليف اين وضعيت هيچ پاسخي از طرف دادستاني اوين که پرونده هود يازرلو در آنجا مي باشد به خانواده وي داده نميشود.شايان ذکر است که خانم نازيلا دشتي و حامد يازرلو,مادر و برادر هود نيز هر دو در زندان اوين محبوس هستند و هود هم اکنون دوران زندانش را در بند 3 گوهردشت ميگذراند , براساس اخبار دريافتي دو روز قبل اورا همراه ديگر زندانيان سياسي به بند 4 و زيرزمين بند منتقل كرده اند. (كانون حمايت ازخانواده هاي جان باختگان و بازداشتي ها – 5/11/89)

Jaras website – Jan. 25, 2011)

The condition of Hakimeh Shokri, a member of the Mourning Mothers in Evin Prison is critical and yet she is denied a medical leave and even a visit with her family.
According to reports, in a phone call with her family, Shokri said that she was in poor physical health and that she had been taken to the prison infirmary several times because of her condition.
She also said that her cell was very cold and that this had deteriorated her health.
On the other hand, her family was told that she was banned from family visits after they went to prison on Thursday January 18 to see her…
Hakimeh Shokri went to Behesht Zahra Cemetery on December 5, 2010 along with a number of other Laleh Park Mothers (Mourning Mothers) to commemorate the birthday of slain protester Amir Arshad Tajmir who was killed in the Ashura protests, and was arrested at the end of the ceremony while leaving the cemetery…
One month after her arrest, her family said after a visit with her that torture signs were evident on her face and her hands were severely shaking.

وضعيت جسمي وخيم حکيمه شکري از مادران عزادار در زندان
وضعيت جسمي حکيمه شکري، يکي از اعضا مادران عزدار در زندان اوين وخيم عنوان شده و با اين حال امکان دريافت مرخصي و حتي ملاقات با خانواده‌اش را ندارد.
بنا به اخبار رسيده به جرس، شکري روز گذشته، در طي يک تماس تلفني با خانواده‌اش اعلام کرد که وضعيت جسمي خوبي ندارد و همچنين خبر داد که به دليل وخامت اوضاع جسمي، تاکنون چندين بار به بهداري منتقل شده است.
اين زنداني همچنين از سرماي سلول‌اش گلايه کرد و اين سرما وضع جسمي وي را بدتر کرده است.
از سوي ديگر، در پي مراجعه خانواده حکيمه شکري به زندان در روز پنج شنبه 28 دي‌ماه براي ملاقات، اعلام شد که اين زنداني در حال حاضر ممنوع‌الملاقات است...
حکيمه شکري روز 14 آذرماه به همراه چند تن ديگر از مادران پارک لاله (مادران عزادار) براي بزرگداشت سالروز تولد اميرارشد تاجمير، يکي از شهداي عاشوراي 88، به بهشت زهرا رفته و پس از پايان مراسم درحالي که قصد ترک کردن بهشت زهرا را داشت، دستگير شد...
گفتني است يک ماه پس از بازداشت و در ملاقات قبلي، خانواده وي در حالي با او ملاقات کرده بودند که آثار شکنجه بر روي صورت حکيمه مشخص بوده و دستهاي‌اش به شدت مي‌لرزيده است. (جرس – 5/11/89)

Human Rights Activists in Iran

After the judicial- security apparatus executed two political prisoners identified as Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad-Ali Haj Aqayi, officials refuse to hand over their bodies to their families (for burial).
According to reports, Jafar Kazemi’s family went to Evin Prison and relevant bodies but officials refused to hand over his body.
Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad-Ali Haj Aqayi were hanged on Monday January 24, 2011 in Evin Prison without the knowledge of their families or lawyers.
These prisoners were reportedly under severe pressures by intelligence agents to make televised confessions.

کارشکني مسئولان در تحويل اجساد اعدام شدگان
پس از اينکه دستگاه قضايي- امنيتي دو زنداني سياسي به نام جعفر کاظمي و محمدعلي حاج آقايي را در زندان اوين اعدام کرد، اکنون از تحويل اجساد ايشان ممانعت به عمل مي آورد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران "هرانا"، خانواده جعفر کاظمي که براي تحويل جسد وي به زندان اوين و ارگان هاي مربوطه مراجعه کرده اند، با کارشکني مسئولان در اين زمينه مواجه شده اند.
جعفر کاظمي و محمدعلي حاج آقايي، بامداد دوشنبه چهارم بهمن ماه، بدون اطلاع وکيل و خانواده در زندان اوين به دار آويخته شدند.
گفته مي شود اين دو زنداني سياسي در روزهاي آخر حياتشان به شدت تحت فشار بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات جهت اخذ اعترافات تلوزيوني قرار داشتند. (هرانا – 5/11/89)
The information in the following Statement is testament to the very harsh challenge the Iranians are facing in keeping hold to their desire for FREEDOM.
Aghaii was nearly free, till the US and Iraqi forces forced him back to Iran !!! to face arrest .


This morning, Monday, January 24, two political prisoners; Jaafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Haj-Aqai were executed in Tehran’s Evin prison upon the order of the clerical regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

The regime’s prosecutor and the official news agency announced their charges as: Visiting Camp Ashraf, encouraging their children and families to go to Ashraf, propaganda and activities in streets and mosques during the uprising, taking films and photos from demonstrations, conducting interviews with families of PMOI members in Ashraf and collecting funds for PMOI members in Ashraf.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described the barbaric executions as the clerical dictatorship’s vengeance against the families of PMOI members residing in Ashraf following worldwide support for the solution offered by the Iranian Resistance after the regime’s failed maneuver in the nuclear issue in Istanbul, and an act in fear of public uprisings in Iran. Simultaneously, the regime is becoming increasingly isolated in the international arena and the world community has acknowledged that the regime is not a party to engage in negotiations and it is facing a dead lock in dealing with the regime.

Jaafar Kazemi, 47, a political prisoner for 11 years, was in prison from 1982 to 1991 and he was again arrested in August 2009 and held in solitary confinement of Ward 209 of Evin prison. He was subjected to variety of tortures and pressures for a year and a half. The regime’s henchmen put him under pressure to take part in revolting stage managed shows and kangaroo trials to give force confessions, but they failed. Finally they sentenced him to death with an empty file. Kazemi’s main “crime”, as described by the regime’s prosecutor, was to visit Ashraf and meet with his son, Behrouz, who is currently in Ashraf.

Mohammad Ali Haj-Aqai, 52, spent 7 years in prisons of the regime. He was in jail from 1983 to 1988 and in December 2009, during Ashura uprising, he was rearrested and sentenced to death as ‘mohareb’ (enemy of God) for visiting Ashraf and participating in demonstrations.

Both dissidents were witness to the massacre of Iranian political prisoners carried out at Khomeini’s orders in the summer of 1988. They were suffering physical ailments due to tortures endured during their imprisonment in Evin Prison but they were denied all medical treatment.
Amnesty International issued an Urgent Action Appeal on their behalf on January 5, 2011. Amnesty announced that Jaafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Haj-Aqai and five other political prisoners are under threat of execution on charges of having contacts with the PMOI.

Jaafar Kazemi was not cowed by the Iranian regime’s unjust trial judge and courageously declared in the sham trial: I don’t know who you mean by Monafeghin (regime’s derogatory term for the PMOI). I only know the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI)…

On Tuesday, January 18, 2011, a head interrogator in Evin Prison tried in one last vain attempt to break the two PMOI members and pressured them again to repent and seek Khamenei’s pardon in a television interview. They were taken to a fake execution scene and a noose was placed around their necks. But both of them heroically stood by their goals and were returned to their cells only to be martyred early dawn today at Khamenei’s orders.
The executions were performed without any prior notice to the political prisoners’ families or to their defense lawyer.

Mohammad Ali Haj-Aqai who was being sought for arrest by the Iranian regime sought refuge at Camp Ashraf in Iraq in January 2009 . At the same time US forces transferred control of Ashraf to Iraqi forces and the Iraqi committee in charge of suppressing Ashraf at Iraq’s prime ministry forced Haj-Aqai to return to Iran. This issue was brought up many times by representatives of Ashraf in meetings with Iraqi and US force commanders in a period of 3 months leading up to Haj-Aqai’s return. Ashraf representatives informed Colonel Jones, then commander of US forces and Lt-Colonel Amir Abdul-Latif, then Iraqi commander, that Haj-Aqai and three other persons that had come to Ashraf recently from Iran would be arrested and executed if forced to return.

Despite all the warnings, Iraqi forces, on orders from the Iraqi committee in charge of suppressing Ashraf at Iraq’s prime ministry, in clear violation of international covenants on refugees and humanitarian law, forced Haj-Aqai and three other persons to leave Ashraf and return to Iran on April 25, 2009 on grounds that they do not have any past record of presence in Ashraf. Iraqi claims that they cannot accept any new person at Ashraf after transfer of security responsibility from the US forces signified the Iraqi government’s eagerness to serve the mullahs in Iran.

Both heroes, Jaafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Haj-Aqai, spent almost one year in solitary confinement under threat of execution.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 24, 2011
Some press coverages over the killing of Kazemi and Aghai : Iranian regime at its weakest


Iran hangs two activists held in 2009 poll unrest - Lead

01/24/2011 07:24 - IRAN-POLITICS-EXECUTION - World News (EAA) - AFP

TEHRAN, January 24, 2011 (AFP) - Iran hanged on Monday two political activists held during the 2009 presidential election unrest, state media reported, despite a plea by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for their release.

State television's website, quoting the Tehran prosecutor's office, named the pair as Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Hajaghaei. It did not say where the two men were hanged.

'Two elements of the Monafeghin (hypocrites) cell named Jafar Kazemi... and Mohammad Ali Hajaghaei... were executed early today,' the prosecutor's office said, referring to the Iranian exiled opposition group, People's Mujahedeen of Iran (PMOI).

On August 10, Clinton had urged the Iranian authorities to release the two activists


Report: Iran hangs 2 men who made videos of post-election turmoil

Tehran, Iran (CNN) -- Iran hanged two men Monday for their actions during post-election unrest in 2009, state media reported, months after the United States' secretary of state called for Iran to drop the "imminent" executions.

Iran's Press TV described the men as terrorists and members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO).

Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Haj Aqaei were hanged on Monday "for distributing placards and photos of the terrorist group, making videos and images during the post-election unrest in Iran in 2009 and chanting slogans in favor of the MKO," the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency reported.

In an August 2010 statement, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged the Iranian government to halt the executions of the men who were "exercising their right to free expression."

"The United States is deeply concerned that Iran continues to deny its citizens their civil rights and intimidate and detain those Iranians who seek to hold their government accountable and stand up for the rights of their fellow citizens," the statement read.

"... We are also concerned about the fate of Iranians who are in danger of imminent execution for exercising their right to free expression after the June 2009 elections, including Jafar Kazemi, Mohammad Haj Aghaei, and Javad Lari. The United States urges the Iranian Government to halt these executions in accordance with its obligations to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and calls for the immediate release of all political prisoners and imprisoned human rights defenders."

Canadian Press

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran has hanged two members of the opposition People's Mujahedeen convicted over the 2009 post-election turmoil.

The official IRNA news agency says Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Hajaghaei were executed Monday after an appeals court upheld their death sentences.


Two Political Activists Hanged in Iran

January 24, 2011

Local media say two Iranian political activists have been hanged in Tehran.

The Tehran prosecutor's office is reported to have said in a statement that the two men, Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Hajaghaei, were hanged January 24 for having ties with an exiled Iranian opposition group, the People's Mujahedeen of Iran (PMOI), and for "rioting" during protests in 2009 against the disputed reelection of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad.

Last January, another member of the PMOI along with a monarchist dissident were executed for their involvement in the post-election protests.


Iran hangs election protesters

Iran has executed two activists who took part in street protests in the wake of the 2009 presidential election result.

Jafar Kazemi and Mohammed Ali Hajaghaei were members of the exiled opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI).

The PMOI has recently been taken off the EU’s list of terrorist organisations although it remains on the United States’ terrorism list. Despite this Washington had called for the prisoners’ release.

The two men were involved in street protests that followed the disputed election victory of President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad.

Iran’s prosecutor’s office said “these two hypocrites were members of an active network of the said group and were involved in the (post election) riots under the guidance of their ringleader in England.

“The convicts had resorted to distributing pictures and banners related to the Monafeghins (hypocrites), taking photos and films of the clashes as well as chanting slogans in favour of the group.”

They are thought to be the first of the election protesters to be executed. Around a dozen people have been sentenced to death for involvement in the unrest.

Iranian authorities are said to be increasing the number of judicial killings. Citing official sources, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran
claims that 97 people have been executed in the past 30 days, most of them for drugs offences.

Iran hangs 2 convicted opposition members

The Associated Press

TEHRAN, Iran -- Iran has hanged two members of the opposition People's Mujahedeen convicted over the 2009 post-election turmoil.

The official IRNA news agency says Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Hajaghaei were executed Monday after an appeals court upheld their death sentences.

It says they filmed and distributed footage of massive anti-government protests that swept Iran after the disputed presidential election in June 2009. The opposition contends Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won through ballot fraud.

The two men were also accused of visiting the group's base in neighboring Iraq for training.

The opposition says more than 80 demonstrators were killed in the post-election unrest. The government puts the deaths at 30, accusing the opposition of seeking to topple the ruling system.

Iran: 64 people executed in 24 days

Six people executed in Islamic Republic on Monday alone, including two opposition activists, three rapists, one serial killer

Dudi Cohen
Unprecedented wave of executions in the Islamic Republic. Iran executed six people on Monday bringing the number of executions since the beginning of 2011 to 64, an average of one person every nine hours.

It was reported that among those executed were two activists who were members of an exiled group that joined post-election protests. The Tehran prosecutor's office named the two as Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Hajaghaei. In addition, those executed included three men accused of sexual assault and a serial killer who was sentenced to a public flogging.

Besides drug charges, the Iranian constitution gives out a death sentence for murder, rape, adultery, armed robbery and espionage. Most of the citizens executed since the beginning of the year were convicted of drug offences. Just last week, ten drug smugglers were executed. National media outlets reported that the ten were flogged and fined before they were killed.

The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran accused the regime's security forces of participating in an "execution celebration" though Tehran claims that they stiffened drug offence sentences in a bid to cope with the phenomenon.

The regime's critics claim that the fact that drug use and trafficking - especially among the younger sectors in the population - is expanding proves that the death sentence policy has failed. They called on the Republic to end its cruel execution policy

Iran is considered the country with the highest rate of executions in the world, relative to the population, and ranked second after China, in the number of annual executions. Last year, at least 180 people were executed in Iran

Tehran/London, Jan. 24 - Iran hanged two political prisoners on Monday for taking part in anti-government protests in 2009 and supporting the main Iranian opposition group, according to a statement by the Tehran prosecutor's office.

Jafar Kazemi, 47, and Mohammad Ali Haj-Aghaie, 62, were hanged at dawn, though the statement did not state where they were hanged. Both were affiliated to the People's Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI).

"The convicts had resorted to distributing pictures and banners related to the Monafeghin (PMOI), taking photos and films of the clashes as well as chanting slogans in favour of the group", the statement said.

The executions were condemned by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the main opposition coalition which includes the PMOI.

NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi in a statement called on the world community, the UN Security Council and the European Union to "condemn these barbaric executions and to suspend economic and diplomatic ties with the ruling medieval regime until an improvement in the situation of human rights and a halt in torture and execution".

Both men had visited their relatives in Camp Ashraf, Iraq. The camp houses some 3,400 members of the PMOI.

UK Foreign Office minister Alistair Burt MP earlier this month urged Tehran not to carry out the sentences.

"I am also deeply concerned by reports that Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Haj-Aghaie may be imminently executed for 'enmity against God'. The United Kingdom condemns the use of the death penalty, and appeals for these sentences to be commuted", Burt said in a 10 January statement.

Amnesty International has said that Jafar Kazemi was arrested on 18 September 2009, after mass anti-government protests and interrogated and possibly tortured for months in Evin prison in Tehran, possibly to pressure him to make a televised "confession", which he refused to do. He was accused of participating in protests which followed the disputed outcome of Iran's presidential election in June 2009, but was not accused of committing any violent acts, it said, adding that one of his sons is a PMOI member in Camp Ashraf.

Amnesty's 5 January statement also said Mohammad Ali Haj-Aghaei was arrested and tried alongside Kazemi for visiting relatives in Camp Ashraf. The Supreme Court upheld his death sentence in September 2010.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last August urged Iran to release the two men.

In December, Ali Saremi, a political prisoner of 24 years, was hanged on charges of visiting his son in Camp Ashraf. Earlier this month, a young Kurdish dissident, Hossein Khezri, met the same fate.

Deplorable condition in Evin Prison’s female cellblock; 3 female prisoners in danger of execution
There have been reports from Evin Prison about the unsuitable condition of prisoners in the cold winter temperatures and the possibility of the execution of three female prisoners.
Female political prisoners are kept in unsuitable conditions in prison. A number of them are in cellblock 209, some are in the public cellblock in the Methadone Section while three political prisoners are detained in the Public Female Section in the room where executed prisoner Shahla Jahed was detained…
There is no warm water in the Public Female Section and the quality of food is unsuitable. In cellblock 2 in this section, there are about 300 prisoners who only have access to 4 phones. Considering the fact that they are allowed to use the phone between 8am to 10 pm, each prisoner only has about 3 minutes to make a phone call.
There are also reports from the Public Female Section that the death sentence for Kobra Rahmanpour, Lida Tavakoli and Sogand Jahani, who is under 20 years old and is jailed for killing her husband, will be carried out sooner than scheduled.
There are other reports that a woman named Ladan Mostofi, 45, is in a solitary cell and has been charged with ‘enmity with God’. She has been kept in solitary for a long time. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Jan. 16, 2011)

Female minor offender on verge of execution
During a speedy trial, a 16 year old student was convicted of murder and sentenced to death. Her death sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court.
Fatemeh Salbehi, born in 1992 was charged and convicted of killing her husband.
Fatemeh was engaged to Hamed Sadeqi in 2007 when she was 16 years old and when Hamed was about 30 years old.
In June 2008, Hamed Sadeqi’s body was found in his residence. On that day, Fatemeh was at high school to study for an exam. Since Hamed’s body was found in his home, his wife was arrested and jailed for his murder.
In the initial interrogation, which is carried out without the presence of a lawyer as is usual in Iran, Fatemeh made contradictory statements. She confessed to murder, simultaneously saying that two people entered her home and murdered her husband.
In light of the pressures she was subjected to during the interrogations and in light of the fact that Fatemeh was a 16 year old school student, it is not clear how much her statements on committing the murder are actually true and if she only made those statements to relieve the pressures in the interrogations.
Fatemeh did not confess to murder in court. Nevertheless, the 5th branch of the Fars Penal Court sentenced her to death. Her death sentence has also been upheld by the Supreme Court and can be carried out at any moment.
The Shiraz Justice Department did not consider the fact that the guilty party is a minor and that it is sentencing her to death in violation of human rights international standards and Iran’s obligations to these standards. From a legal standpoint, Iran is a member of the International Civil and Political Rights Convention and the Children’s Rights Convention and therefore has to abide by the law which forbids executing children…
If this young girl murdered her husband while 16 year old like a cold blooded murderer, left his corpse in the house and then went to school like every other day, she has to be psychologically checked to make sure that she is mentally healthy. If it is determined that she has psychological problems, the murderer will not be executed due to her mental state.
It is very questionable that a one hour court session has sentenced to death a 16 year old girl. Why was there no attempt to go into the details of case? Why did the court not ask Fatemeh about the motives behind the murder of her husband? (Human Rights Activists in Iran, Weblog of Mohammad Mostafayi (Iranian lawyer) – Jan. 17, 2011)

Female university student commits suicide because of social pressures and limitations
According to the Kurdistan Organization in Defense of Human Rights, a Kurd university student in the University of Kurdistan committed suicide.
At 11 pm on January 14, a Kurd student from Kermanshah identified as Maryam Habib Nia hanged herself in the Fereshteh Girls Dormitory in Kurdistan University.
She committed suicide because of psychological problems and the limitations (for girls) in the society. The 23 year old had attempted suicide a number of times in the past and her family and university heads were informed of this issue.
Her body was given to her family one day later.
Notably, in the past two years, the numbers of suicide attempts by students in Iran has been a cause for concern. (Daneshju News – Jan. 18, 2011)

Death row female prisoner and political prisoner transferred to cellblock with drug addicts
Dutch-Iranian death row political prisoner, Zahra Bahrami and political prisoner Fatemeh Khoramjou who were in Evin’s Public Female Cellblock were transferred to the Methadone Cellblock in this prison.
This cellblock is used to detain dangerous criminals and drug addicts. It is a closed off 30 to 35 meter hall where prisoners are only allowed to go out in the fresh air for less than an hour. These prisoners are also banned from books, the library and have limitations in using telephones. Prisoners detained in this cellblock are only allowed to visit their family from behind glass partitions and are banned from in person visits.
According to this report, political prisoners Mahdieh Golro and Bahareh Hedayat are still in the Methadone Cellblock and are banned from in person visits with their families. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Jan. 19, 2011)

Women banned from watching soccer games in movie theaters
Movie theaters have been banned from admitting female soccer fans. According to reports, the featuring of soccer games which started in Tehran’s movie theaters with the 2010 World Cup Games including in the Melat and Azadi theaters has continued with featuring the Asian Cup games.
The Public places Department made changes in the plan to show soccer games in theaters and banned women from entering the theaters to watch the Asian Cup games. As a result, the ban which prevented women from entering stadiums to watch live games has now been imposed on theaters as well. (Khabar Online state-run daily – Jan. 20, 2011)

Male tennis instructors banned from teaching women
The head of the Tennis Federation, Majid Shayesteh, announced that from now on, male (tennis) instructors have no right to teach women under any circumstances.
The federation’s inspectors will make surprise visits to various provinces to monitor and examine (this issue) and wrongdoers will receive the maximum punishment. (ISNA state-run News Agency – Jan. 21, 2011)

Suppression of religious and ethnic minorities

Iran arrests 4 Christians in Isfahan
Four Christians identified as Basiroddin Amini, Houman, Rafi and his wife Mrs. Yasi were arrested in separate organized measures on Thursday December 29 in Isfahan.
According to reports, in a pre-planned measure, security agents raided their homes and arrested them.
Security agents also conducted searches in their homes and seized some of their personal belongings including their computers, books, CD’s and Christian publications.
These four Christian converts were most likely transferred to Tehran and are in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison along with other Christians who were arrested in other towns. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 17, 2011)

Iran continues persecution of Iranian Christian community
According to reports, Ibrahim Firouzi, a converted Christian living in Robat Karim was arrested by security forces. With the persistence of the widespread suppression of Christian converts, especially in Tehran, on Saturday January 8, 2011, four plainclothes agents entered the home of Ibrahim Firouzi in the Keikavar Township in Robat Karim (located 20 kilometers southwest of Tehran), and conducted a complete search of his home after arresting him. These security forces seized some of his personal belonging including his bible and cellphone and took him to an unknown location.
According to this report, Firouzi, 26, was taken for initial interrogations after his arrest and was temporarily released on that day after giving a pledge.
He was summoned on January 9 by the Intelligence Agency and was released after answering a few questions. Firouzi was arrested on January 11 in his father’s home when a number of plainclothes agents unexpectedly entered the home and was taken away without any explanations. There is no information on his whereabouts.
Despite his family’s constant appeals to judicial and security officials, no explanations regarding his arrest has been given to them. Unofficial sources have said that the court has asked his family to post a 40 million toman (about 40,000 dollar) bail for their son’s temporary release. (Mohabat News Website, Iran Press News website – Jan. 18, 2011)

احتمال اجراي حکم اعدام سه زنداني
خبرهاي پراکنده و نگران کننده‌اي از اوين مي‌رسد که از وضعيت نامناسب زندانيان در سرماي زمستان و امکان اجراي حکم اعدام سه زنداني زن خبر مي‌دهد.
زنان زنداني دروضعيت مناسبي قرار ندارند. برخي از آنها در بند ۲۰۹، برخي در بند عمومي بخش متادون و سه تن هم در بند عمومي نسوان، اتاقي که شهلا جاهد در آن بود نگه داري مي شوند...
در بند عمومي نسوان نيز آب گرم وجود ندارد و کيفيت غذا نامناسب است. در بند دو عمومي حدود ۳۰۰ زنداني زندگي مي‌کنند که تنها چهار تلفن براي استفاده در دسترس آن‌ها است؛ با احتساب زمان تلفن که بايد بين هشت صبح تا ۱۰ شب باشد، هر زنداني تنها حدود سه دقيقه وقت براي تماس خواهد داشت.
در راهروهاي بند عمومي زنان زندان، اين روزها خبر اجرايي شدن زودهنگام حکم اعدام کبري رحمان پور، ليدا توکلي و سوگند جهاني که کمتر از ۲۰ سال سن دارد و به اتهام قتل همسرش در زندان است، بين زندانيان پيچيده است و همه را نگران کرده است .
از سوي ديگر خبر مي رسد که در يکي از سلول هاي انفرادي اوين، زني با نام و مشخصات لادن مستوفي، ۴۵ ساله، فرزند منوچهر زنداني است که گويا اتهام محاربه دارد و مدت زيادي است که در انفرادي به سر مي برد. (رهانا – 26/10/89)

فاطمه سالبِهي، دختر شانزده ساله در آستانه اعدام
در طول يک جلسه دادگاه شتابزده يک دختردانش آموز دبيرستاني ۱۶ ساله متهم به قتل شناخته شده و حکم اعدام وي صادر شده و سپس به تاييد ديوان عالي کشور نيز مي رسد.
فاطمه سالبهي - متولد آبان ماه ۱٣۷۰ - متهم به قتل حامد صادقي، همسر خود و مجرم شناخته شده است.
محمد مصطفايي، در وبلاگ شخصي خود در اين زمينه مي نويسد: فاطمه در سال ۱٣٨۶، يعني در سن شانزده سالگي، به عقد حامد صادقي در مي آيد. حامد حدود سي سال سن داشته، يعني سن او تقريبا دو برابر سن فاطمه بوده است.
در يکي از روزهاي خرداد ۱٣٨۷، جسد حامد صادقي در محل سکونت او پيدا مي شود. آن روز فاطمه مثل هر روز به دبيرستان رفته بوده تا درس بخواند و امتحان بدهد. از آنجايي که جسد در محل سکونت مقتول يافت شده، همسر او به اتهام قتل دستگير و زنداني مي شود.
فاطمه در بازجويي هاي اوليه – که مثل همه بازجويي هاي رايج در ايران بدون حضور وکيل انجام مي گيرد – حرف هاي ضد و نقيضي مي زند، از يک سو به ارتکاب قتل اعتراف مي کند و از سوي ديگر از دو نفر صحبت مي کند که وارد منزل او شده و شوهرش را به قتل رسانده اند.
با توجه به فشارهايي که در طول دوران بازجويي روي فرد متهم وارد مي آيد، و با توجه به اينکه فاطمه يک دختر مدرسه اي شانزده ساله بوده است، روشن نيست که آن بخش از حرف هاي او که اشاره به ارتکاب قتل دارد تا چه حد به واقعيت نزديک است و تا چه حد به خاطر رهايي از فشار بازجويي بوده است.
فاطمه در دادگاه به قتل اعتراف نمي کند. به هر حال شعبه ۵ دادگاه کيفري استان فارس او را محکوم به اعدام مي کند. حکم فاطمه در ديوانعالي کشور نيز تاييد شده و هر آن ممکن است که اجرا شود.
دادگستري شيراز اين حقيقت را که متهم به قتل يک نوجوان زير۱٨ سال بوده در نظر نمي گيرد و برخلاف استانداردهاي بين المللي حقوق بشر و تعهدات دولت ايران بدانها وي را محکوم به اعدام مي نمايد. ايران از نظر قانوني عضو ميثاق بين المللي حقوق مدني و سياسي و کنوانسيون حقوق کودک است و از اين رو موظف است که قانون منع اعدام کودکان مجرم را رعايت نمايد...
اگر اين دختر نوجوان در سن شانزده سالگي مانند يک قاتل خونسرد شوهر خود را به قتل رسانده و جسد او را در خانه رها کرده و مثل هر روز به مدرسه مي رود، بايد مورد معاينه وضعيت رواني قرار گيرد و ابتدا از نظر سلامت رواني ارزيابي شود. در صورتي که روشن شود که مشکل رواني وجود داشته، قاتل به خاطر وضعيت رواني اعدام نمي گردد.
بسيار پرسش برانگيز است که دادگاه در يک جلسه دو ساعته دختر شانزده ساله اي را محکوم به اعدام نموده است. چرا تلاشي براي شکافتن جزئيات پرونده انجام نگرفته است؟ چرا در دادگاه کسي از فاطمه دليل کشتن شوهرش را نپرسيده است؟ (هرانا, وبلاگ محمد مصطفايي – 27/10/89)

خودكشي يک دانشجوي دختر به دليل مشكلات اجتماعي در دانشگاه كردستان
به گزارش سازمان دفاع از حقوق بشر کردستان يک دانشجوي کرد دانشگاه کردستان اقدام به خودکشي کرد.
ساعت ۲۳ جمعه شب ۲۴ دي ماه، در خوابگاه دختران فرشته دانشگاه کردستان يک دختر دانشجو کرد و اهل کرمانشاه به نام مريم حبيب نيا خودش را به دار آويخت.
خودکشي اين دانشجو به دليل مشکلات روان پريشي ناشي از محدود ساختن فضاي حاکم بر جامعه صورت گرفته است. اين دختر جوان ۲۳ ساله قبلا نيز چند بار اقدام به خودکشي کرده بود که خانواده و مسئولين دانشگاه نيز از اين اقدام وي در جريان بودند. خانواده وي امروز صبح روز بعد (شنبه) جنازه وي را تحويل گرفتند.
گفتني است که در دو سال اخير آمار خودکشي دانشجويان در ايران نگران کننده شده است. (دانشجو نيوز – 28/10/89)

انتقال زهرا بهرامي و فاطمه خرم‌جو به بند متادون زندان اوين
زهرا بهرامي، شهروند ايراني – هلندي محکوم به اعدام و فاطمه خرم‌جو، فعال سياسي که در بند عمومي زنان زندان اوين حضور داشتند، طي روزهاي گذشته به بند متادون زندان اوين منتقل شدند.
به گزارش خبرنگار رهانا، اين بند که محل نگهداري مجرمان خطرناک از جمله معتادين به مواد مخدر است سالني در بسته در حدود ۳۰ الي ۳۵ متر است که زندانيان در آن از هواي آزاد در طول روز کم‌تر از يک ساعت مي‌توانند استفاده کنند. همچنين استفاده از کتاب و کتاب‌خانه و حق استفاده از تلفن مانند ديگر زندانيان براي زندانيان محبوس در اين بند ميسر نيست و زندانيان محبوس در اين بند تنها به صورت کابيني مي‌توانند خانواده خود را ملاقات کرده و از ملاقات حضوري ممنوع‌ هستند.
بر اساس اين گزارش مهديه گلرو و بهاره هدايت هم‌چنان در بند متادون اين زندان حضور دارند و امکان ملاقات حضوري با خانواده از آن‌ها سلب شده است. (رهانا – 29/10/89)

ورود زنان به سينما ممنوع شد/ تماشاي فوتبال فقط براي آقايان
پرديس هاي سينمايي از پذيرش خانم‌هاي تماشاگر مسابقات فوتبال منع شدند.
به گزارش خبرآنلاين، پخش مسابقات فوتبال که با نمايش مسابقات جام جهاني 2010 در پرديس هاي سينمايي تهران از جمله ملت و آزادي آغاز شده بود اين روزها با نمايش مسابقات جام ملت هاي آسيا ادامه پيدا کرده است.
طرح نمايش مسابقات فوتبال در سالن سينما که به استبقال گسترده مخاطبان سينما و فوتبال روبرو شده بود، به دستور اداره اماکن با تغييراتي روبرو شده است.
اداره اماکن در تازه ترين دستور براي پخش مسابقات فوتبال جام ملتهاي آسيا ورورد زنان را به سالن سينما ممنوع کرده تا به اين ترتيب ممنوعيت تماشاي فوتبال که براي زنان در ورزشگاه‌هااعمال ميشد،به سالنهاي سينماهم راه يابد. (خبر آنلاين – 30/10/89)

ممنوعيت آموزش زنان تنيس باز توسط مربيان مرد و باج خواهي از مربيان
مجيد شايسته، رييس فدراسيون تنيس، اعلام کرد که از اين پس به هيچ عنوان هيچ مربي مردي حق آموزش بانوان را ندارد. بازرسان فدراسيون سرزده به استان‌ها رفته و به بررسي و نظارت مي ‌پردازند و متخلف ها با حداكثر مجازات رو به ‌رو خواهند شد.
(ايسنا – 1/11/89)

نقض حقوق اقليتهاي مذهبي و قومي

بازداشت چهار تن از نوکيشان مسيحي در اصفهان
چهار شهروند مسيحي به نام‌هاي "بصير الدين اميني"، "هومن"، "رفيع" و همسرش خانم "ياسي" به طور جداگانه طي يک اقدام سازماندهي شده در روز پنج شنبه ۹ دي ماه در اصفهان بازداشت شدند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري حقوق بشر ايران (هرانا)، ماموران امنيتي با طرحي از پيش تعيين شده به منازل اين افراد يورش برده و ايشان را بازداشت نمودند.
ماموران امنيتي ضمن بازداشت، به تفتيش منازل پرداخته و لوازم شخصي اين افراد از قبيل کامپيوتر‌ها، کتب، سي دي و نشريات مسيحي متعلق به آن‌ها را ضبط کرده‌اند.
احتمال داده مي‌شود که اين۴ نوکيش مسيحي به تهران منتقل شده باشند و همراه ساير بازداشت شدگان کريسمس در تهران و برخي شهرستان‌ها اکنون در بند ۲۰۹ زندان اوين نگهداري شوند. (هرانا – 27/10/89)

بازداشت يکي ديگر ار نوکيشان مسيحي در رباط کريم
به‌نقل از گزارشگران آژانس خبري مسيحيان ايران ”محبت نيوز“ ابراهيم فيروزي از نوکيشان مسيحي ساکن شهرستان رباط کريم توسط مأموران امنيتي بازداشت گرديد. همزمان با تداوم برخورد گسترده با نوکيشان مسيحي به‌خصوص در استان تهرات، روز شنبه مورخ ۱۸ دي ماه ۱۳۸۹ (هشتم ژانويه ۲۰۱۱) چهار تن از ماموران امنيتي لباس‌شخصي با ورود به خانه پدري ”ابراهيم فيروزي“ در شهرک کيکاور واقع در شهرستان رباط کريم (در بيست کيلومتري جنوب غربي تهران) ضمن بازداشت نامبرده و بازرسي کامل خانه برخي لوازم شخصي ايشان و تعدادي کتاب مقدس بهمراه گوش موبايل ايشان را ضبط و با خود به مکان نامعلومي انتقال دادند. بر پايه اين گزارش ”ابراهيم فيروزي“ ۲۶ ساله پس از بازداشت توسط ماموران امنيتي تحت بازجويي‌هاي اوليه قرار گرفت که پس از آن با دادن تعهد به‌طور موقت در همان روز آزاد گرديد. اين شهروند نوکيش مسيحي در تاريخ ۱۹ دي ماه ۱۳۸۹ (۹ ژانويه ۲۰۱۱) با تلفني از سوي ستاد خبري اطلاعات شهرستان رباط کريم احضار گرديد که پس از طي سؤال و جوابهايي دوباره به ايشان اجازه خروج دادند. نامبرده سپس در تاريخ ۲۱ دي ماه (۱۱ ژانويه ۲۰۱۱) در حالي که در خانه پدري خود بود پس از ورود نابهنگام توسط چند تن از ماموران امنيتي لباس‌شخصي بدون هيچ توضيحي بازداشت شد که تاکنون از وضعيت و محل نگهداري ايشان اطلاعي در دست نمي‌باشد. عليرغم تلاش و پيگيريهاي خانواده، از سوي مقامات قضايي و يا مسئولين امنيتي در خصوص علت و دلايل بازداشت مجدد ايشان توضيحي به آنان داده نشده است. هم‌چنين از سوي منابع غيررسمي به ”محبت نيوز“ گزارش داده‌اند که از خانواده اين شهروند مسيحي مبلغ ۴۰ ميليون تومان وثيقه براي آزادي موقت فرزندشان از سوي دادگاه درخواست شده است. (محبت نيوز , سايت ايران پرس نيوز- 28/10/89)

Paralyzed political prisoner taken to court on fabricated charges
According to reports, political prisoner Homayoun Abedi Bakhoda was trialed again for the fabricated charge of not turning himself in to the prison on time after he was given a medical leave.
On Wednesday January 12, this paralyzed political prisoner was taken to the 4th branch of the Revolutionary Court from Rasht Prison. His hands were tied to his wheelchair and he was taken to the second floor of the court via the stairs…
He was trialed for not turning himself in on time to the prison and a new case was filed against him. This is while he received a medical leave with the consent of the prison medic, legal doctor and the court and was hospitalized with the expenses of his family. His treatment was stopped and he was returned to prison despite the doctors’ insistence and recommendations that his treatment had to continue.
Doctors have also stressed that his urinary sack has to be changed every 4 hours but after 15 days, the sack has still not been changed and this can have dangerous consequences for this political prisoner
This 50 year old political prisoner is suffering from spastic paralysis and a neurogenic bladder. He was in a critical condition because of his paralysis and several other problems and was kept in inhumane conditions in the infirmary along with newly arrested drug addicts. In addition, the appalling sanitary, and food conditions and lack of medical treatment made his condition more critical.
Abedi was sentenced to two years of prison in a separate case in the second branch of the Revolutionary Court. He was also under severe torture in the 80’s in Evin and Qezelhesar prisons on charges of supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). He was shot in the back upon his arrest in the 80’s and became paralyzed.
His brother Hormoz Abed Bakhoda was executed in the 80’s for supporting the PMOI. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Jan. 19, 2011)

Evin Prison officials monitor families of political prisoners before visits with their loved ones
Evin Prison officials have increased the numbers of security cameras in the Evin Prison visiting halls to monitor and control the families of political prisoners who come to visit their family members.
The small visiting hall where families of political prisoner wait a few hours to meet their loved ones has been equipped with security cameras to control their behavior and their communications with other families.
This is while before this, prison officials had installed a large number of security cameras in cellblock 350 (where political prisoners are kept) to control political prisoners at all times.
These cameras have been installed in all the rooms, hallways and halls of this cellblock and prison officials monitor prisoners who gather in groups in the hall or even in their rooms. A number of prisoners have been thrown in solitary over this issue. (Kalameh Website – Jan. 20, 2011)

No news on condition of political prisoner one month after arrest
More than one month after the arrest of Vahid Talayi, who is a member of the Legal Pursuit Committee in Mir Hossein Moussavi’s Staff, there is still no news on his condition and his family has no information about him.
Vahid Talayi was arrested in his home and was detained for about two weeks in May 2010, and was arrested in his home again this time and was transferred to Evin Prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 20, 2011)

Right to education

Journalist and student banned from education for 11 semesters
Soleiman Mohammadi, a journalist and the former head of Student Affairs Council in the School of Social Sciences and Communications of Alameh Tabatabayi University was suspended for another 4 semesters from university.
This Kurd student activist has been banned from education and from entering the university since 2007 while only six units are left for him to get his master’s degree.
According to the new sentence issued for him by the Ministry of Science (Higher Education), this student has been sentenced to 11 consecutive semesters of suspension and has been banned from entering the university. This kind of sentence is unprecedented in Iran. (Kalameh Website – Jan. 17, 2011)

محاکمۀ مجدد زنداني سياسي قطع نخاع در دادگاه انقلاب رشت
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به ”فعالين حقوق‌بشر و دمکراسي در ايران“ محاکمۀ مجدد زنداني سياسيهادي (همايون) عابدي باخدا در دادگاه انقلاب رشت به دلايل واهي عدم معرفي به موقعه خود به زندان رشت مي‌باشد.
روز چهارشنبه 22 دي ماه زنداني سياسيهادي (همايون) عابدي باخدا که قطع نخاع مي‌باشد و قادر به حرکت نيست از زندان رشت به شعبۀ 4 دادياري دادگاه انقلاب منتقل شد. او بر روي صندلي چرخدار قرار داشت و دستانش با دست‌بند به صندلي چرخ دار بسته شده بود و از طبقۀ همکف از طريق پله‌ها به طبقۀ دوم برده شد...
زنداني سياسي عابدي باخدا به اتهام واهي دير معرفي کردن خود به زندان مورد بازپرسي قرار گرفت و پرونده جديدي عليه وي گشوده شد. در حالي اين پرونده جديد با اتهام واهي عليه وي گشوده مي‌شود که او به دستور پزشک قانوني و پزشک زندان و موافقت دادگاه در بيمارستان با هزينۀ خانواده‌اش بستري شده بود. زنداني سياسيهادي عابدي باخدا توسط آنها به بيمارستان منتقل و عليرغم تاکيدات و توصيه‌هاي پزشک قانوني و پزشکان بيمارستان مبني بر ادامه يافتن معالجات وي، معالجات او را متوقف و به زندان بازگرداندند...
از طرفي ديگر پزشکان معالج وي تاکيد کرده‌اند که سونداژ او مي‌بايست هر4ساعت يکبار تعويض شود اما بيش از 15روز مي‌گذرد ولي هنوز سونداژ او تعويض نشده است و اين مسأله مي‌تواند باعث ايجاد خطر جدي جاني براي اين زنداني سياسي شود.
لازم به یادآوری است که زندانی سیاسیهادی (همایون) عابدی با خدا در شعبۀ 2 دادگاه انقلاب به 2سال زندان محکوم شد و در تاریخ 17آبان ماه دستگیر و به زندان مرکزی رشت منتقل شد. او هم‌چنین در دهۀ 1360 به‌دلیل هواداری از سازمان مجاهدین خلق چند سال در زندانهای اوین و قزل الحصار تحت شدیدترین شکنجه‌های جسمی و روحی به‌سر برد. پاسداران هنگامی که قصد دستگیری او را داشتند، بسوی وی شلیک کردند که در اثر اصابت گلوله، باعث قطع نخاع وی شد. قطع نخاع او باعث شده که تعدادی از اندامهایش به‌طور طبیعی عمل خود را نتوانند انجام دهند که از جملۀ آنها راه رفتن، مثانه (با سونداژ) و کلیه و دستگاه گوارشی او به‌شدت آسیب دیده است. برادر او هرمز عابد باخدا در دهۀ 1360 در زندان اعدام شد.
(فعالين حقوق‌بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 29/10/89)

افزايش دوربين هاي مدار بسته در سالن ملاقات زندان اوين
مسوولان زندان اوين با افزايش تعداد دوربين هاي مدار بسته در سالن ملاقات زندان اوين رفتار خانواده هاي زندانيان سياسي را که براي ملاقات زنداني هايشان به زندان مي آيند، بيش از پيش کنترل مي کنند .
به گزارش خبرنگار کلمه، به تازگي طبقه همکف ساختمان ملاقاتهاي زندان اوين، سالن کوچکي که خانواده زندانيان پيش از ملاقات با زنداني شان ساعتي را در آنجا مي گذرانند تا نوبت ملاقات فرا برسد به چند دوربين پيشرفته مداربسته مجهز شده است تا رفتار خانواده زندانيان سياسي و ارتباط شان با ديگر خانواده ها کنترل شود .
اين اتفاق در حالي رخ مي دهد که پيش از اين مسوولان زندان اوين با نصب تعداد زيادي دوربين مدار بسته در بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوين نيز رفتار زندانيان را همواره کنترل مي کنند .
اين دوربين‌ها در تمام اتاق‌ها، راهروها و سالن‌هاي بند ۳۵۰ نصب شده‌اند و مسوولان زندان با استفاده از اين دوربين‌ها از جمع شدن زندانيان در گروه‌هاي چندنفره در سالن و حتي اتاق‌ها ي بند جلوگيري کرده و حتي چندبار تعدادي از زندانيان را به همين خاطر به سلول انفرادي فرستاده‌اند. (كلمه – 30/10/89)

بي خبري از وحيد طلايي، فعال سياسي
بيش از يک ماه و نيم از بازداشت دوباره وحيد طلايي، عضو کميته پيگيري حقوقي ستاد مير حسين موسوي مي گذرد اما همچنان از او خبري در دست نيست و خانواده وي کاملا از او بي خبرند .
وحيد طلايي در ارديبهشت ماه امسال هم براي حدود دو هفته بازداشت شده بود، اين باز نيز همچون دوره قبل ماموران با مراجعه به منزلش وي را بازداشت و به زندان اوين منتقل کرده اند. (هرانا – 30/10/89)

حق تحصيل

11ترم محروميت از تحصيل براي يک روزنامه نگار دانشجو
سليمان محمدي، روزنامه نگار و دبير سابق شوراي صنفي دانشکده علوم اجتماعي و ارتباطات دانشگاه علامه طباطبايي، از سوي وزارت علوم ايران به چهار ترم ديگر محروميت از تحصيل محکوم شد.
اين فعال دانشجويي کرد، در حالي از سال ۸۶ تا کنون از تحصيل محروم و به دانشگاه ممنوع الورود است که تنها شش واحد از دوره کارشناسي اش باقي مانده است.
به گزارش نداي سبز آزادي، بر اساس حکم جديد وزارت علوم، اين دانشجو مجموعا به مدت ۱۱ ترم متوالي از تحصيل محروم و به دانشگاه ممنوع الورود مي شود که صدور چنين حکمي در تاريخ دانشگاهي ايران بي سابقه است... (كلمه – 27/10/89)
Political arrests

Iran arrests outspoken husband of jailed human rights lawyer
Reza Khandan, the husband of a jailed lawyer was arrested today after going to the Evin Prison Court to answer a summons he received one week ago.
His charges are not known and according to his family, a 50 million toman (about 50,000 dollar) bail order has been issued for him, but the bail money his sister in law posted was not accepted by the court.
Mr. Khandan was summoned after a court issued a prison sentence for his wife. The recent pressures on him are probably because he had given interviews to the media and because of his efforts to free his wife.
Nasrin Sutodeh, his wife who is a lawyer and human rights activist, is still in a solitary cell in Evin Prison despite several hunger strikes in protest to the illegal charges made against her and despite international pressure.
She was arrested on September 4, 2010 and was sentenced to 11 years of prison and a 20 year ban on leaving the country and practicing law. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 16, 2011)

Prison Condition

Iran sentences post-election protester to six years of prison
Behzad Arab Gol who was arrested in protests after the disputed presidential elections was sentenced to six years of prison by the 15th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Abolqasem Salavati.
According to reports, Arab Gol who was wounded in the (Iran-Iraq) war was sentenced to five years of prison for assembling and conspiring with the intention of committing crimes against the national security of the country and one year of prison for participating in illegal gatherings on June 15, 2009 and Quds Day.
Arab Gol was only 17 years old when he was wounded in the war. He now has two children and was construction worker before his arrest. After Ashura (protests), security forces raided his home at night under the excuse that someone in the Ashura protests looked like him. He was out of town and security forces were unable to arrest him.
Security forces raided his home a number of times and put pressure on his family until he was forced to turn himself in to the Intelligence agency in March 2010. He was under severe pressure in a solitary cell for two months. Interrogators insisted that he accept the charge of attacking and beating security forces. Despite all the pressure, he did not accept any of the charges. (Student Committee in Defense of Political Prisoner – Jan. 18, 2011)

دستگيريهاي سياسي

رضا خندان، همسر نسرين ستوده بازداشت شد
رضا خندان، همسر نسرين ستوده، صبح امروز بر طبق احضاريه اي که هفته پيش دريافت کرده بود، به دادسراي زندان اوين مراجعه کرده و بازداشت شد.
اتهام خندان مشخص نيست و به گفته اعضاي خانواده وي قرار 50 ميليون کفالت براي آزادي ايشان صادر شده، اما کفالت خواهر خانم ستوده براي آزادي آقاي خندان پذيرفته نشده است.
به گزارش تغيير براي برابري، احضار آقاي خندان بعد از اعلام حکم همسرش صورت گرفته است. احتمال مي رود فشارهاي اخير به آقاي خندان به دليل مصاحبه ها و تلاش هاي ايشان براي آزادي همسرش باشد.
نسرين ستوده وکيل و فعال حقوق بشر با وجود چندين اعتصاب غذا در اعتراض به اتهامات غيرقانوني خود و فشارهاي بين المللي هم چنان در زندان اوين و در سلول انفرادي به سر مي برد.
وي روز 13 شهريورماه سال جاري بازداشت شد و طي حکمي به 11 سال حبس، 20 سال ممنوعيت خروج از کشور و وکالت محکوم شده است. (هرانا – 26/10/89)


حكم زندان

6سال زندان براي يکي از بازداشت شدگان حوادث پس از انتخابات
بهزاد عرب گل از بازداشت شدگان حوادث پس از انتخابات بحث برانگيز سال گذشته رياست جمهوري، توسط شعبه پانزده دادگاه انقلاب اسلامي تهران به رياست ابوالقاسم صلواتي به 6 سال زندان محکوم گرديد.
به گزارش هم ميهن، بهزاد عرب گل جانباز جنگ تحميلي در شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي صلواتي به اتهام اجتماع و تباني به قصد ارتکاب جرائم عليه امنيت کشور به 5 سال و به اتهام شرکت در تجمعات غير قانوني 25 خرداد و روز قدس به 1 سال حبس محکوم شد..
بهزاد عرب گل تنها 17 سال داشت که براي دفاع از وطنش به جبهه رفت و مجروح شد، او اکنون 2 فرزند دارد و تا قبل از بازداشت براي تامين زندگي به کار ساختماني مشغول بود. پس از وقايع روز عاشورا به بهانه اينکه او شبيه کسي بوده که در تظاهرات روز عاشورا حضور داشته شبانه به منزل او يورش بردند اما عرب گل آنروز براي انجام کاري در شهرستان به سر مي برد. حمله هاي چندين و چند باره به منزل او و تحت فشار قرار دادن خانواده او باعث مي شود او در اسفند ماه خود را به اداره اطلاعات معرفي کند. او مدت دوماه در سلول انفرادي تحت فشار هاي شديد بازجو ها بود، بازجو ها اصرار داشته اند او اتهام حمله به گارد و ضرب و شتم را بپذيرد. اما علي رغم تمامي فشار ها او هيچ يک از اين اتهامات را نپذيرفت. (كميته دانشجويي دفاع از زندانيان سياسي – 28/10/89)
Officials return political prisoner cancer patient to prison after heavy surgery
According to reports, jailed Bazaar merchant Mohsen Dokmeh Chi (who is also the father of an Ashraf resident) was returned to prison despite being in critical condition after a heavy surgery for his pancreas cancer. He has been prevented from receiving chemotherapy.
This political prisoner was taken to the hospital on December 18, 2010 four months after he developed cancer and because of his severe pain and severe weight loss and received a 5 hour surgery on December 25. However, his doctors announced that his operation was unsuccessful and said that he had to receive chemotherapy as the second phase in his treatment. Because of the delay in treatment, his chances of being treated by chemotherapy are also very low.
His doctors announced to the Tehran Prosecutor that he still had to been hospitalized for his treatment to continue and that being taken back to prison could have life threatening consequences. Nevertheless, intelligence interrogators and Prosecutor Abbas Dolat Abadi paid no heed to the medical recommendation and stopped his treatment, returning him to cellblock 350 in Evin Prison.
This jailed Bazaar merchant is suffering from severe pain which prevents him from resting. He is currently in cellblock 350 in critical condition and is denied treatment. Mr. Dokmeh Chi can barely move and cannot eat the prison food.
His family has gone to the Tehran Prosecutor a number of times but Abbas Dolat Abadi refuses to see them. His secretary has told the Dokmeh Chi family that the medical report has been sent to the Intelligence Agency, but they have still not answered. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Jan. 15, 2011)

Death row Kurd political prisoner details torture and forced confessions in letter from prison
Letter of death row Kurd political prisoner Zaniar Moradi

My name is Zaniar Moradi, son of Eqbal Moradi, resident of Marivan, and born in
On August 2, 2009, I was arrested by the Marivan Intelligence Agency
and after 24 hours of detention, I was transferred to the Sanandaj Intelligence
Agency without even being interrogated. My one of friends (Loqman Moradi) who is
a close relative was also taken to the Sanandaj Intelligence Agency without my
I was alone in a cell in the Sanandaj Intelligence Agency. After
one day, I was taken to the basement, where the interrogations started, with
shackles and blindfolds. At first, they talked about my father and I told them
that my father had nothing to do with me. They told me that I was no different
than my father (who is a political activist). My father was the subject of the
interrogations on that first day. They tied me to a bed and flogged my body and
used very profane language to insult my family. After severe torture, I was
taken back to my cell and I had become very weak. I did not know if it was day
or night and after a short time, I was once again taken to the basement. Four or
six interrogators interrogated and tortured me while I had blindfolds and they
said that I had murdered some people. But I did not accept the charges and they
tortured me even more and said that I had to accept the charges else my family
would have problems and I would die under torture. However, I still did not
accept the charges…
(In the end) because I could not tolerate these kinds of
torture, I accepted the charges. They did not bring any doctors to treat me and
my friend and I are still suffering from the torture signs. After 18 months of
prison, I was forced into accepting the charges…
They wanted me to talk
against my father and say that he was involved (in the killing of the son of the
Marivan head of Friday Prayers). However, I did not talk against him. They
started torturing me again and forced my legs open and kicked me in my
reproductive organs. After they charged us with everything they wanted to under
threats and torture, they said that they would only keep us in prison for a
short time and would then satisfy the families of the victims and release us.
We were kept in solitary cells in the Sanandaj Intelligence Agency for 9
months but in the first two months that I was in solitary, I could not do
anything on my own because of the pain from the tortures. After about 9 months
during which my friend and I were kept in different cells without any phone
calls or visits, we were taken to the Sanandaj Central Prison… They took us to
the Intelligence Agency again after 6 months and demanded that we say we worked
for Britain. But we refused. They asked us to talk about a person named Jalil
Fatahi in front of the cameras… The interrogators said that they wanted to cause
problems for the British government. We were kept in solitary cells in the
Sanandaj Intelligence Agency for another month and they told us we would be
released in a matter of months.
One day they came after us and put us in a
car with shackles and blindfolds and told us on the way that we were going to
Tehran for a trial. They told us not to say anything in the court session and to
accept all the charges.
They took us directly to solitary cells in Evin
Prison’s Cellblock 209 and kept us there for a month and a half without any
visits or phone calls. In all this time, my family knew nothing of my
whereabouts and we did not see any of the interrogators. We were taken to the
15th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran with shackles on December 22,
2009. My friend and I could not say anything in court because they had poisoned
us. Judge Salavati did not even know if I was Zaniar or (my friend) Loqman.
Loqman’s sentence was different from mine because of a political case he had
before this. Judge Salavati announced Loqman’s sentence to me…
convicting us with whatever they pleased in court, we were taken back to
cellblock 209. The tortures and pain we were subjected to in the Sanandaj
Intelligence Agency started again and I was denied medical treatment. After one
week, we were transferred to Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj. When I
saw the newspapers in prison, I realized the injustice we were subjected to and
that they wanted to execute us to cover up their own crimes but no one in
Marivan believes that we did such a thing and even the family of the victim told
people that they still do not believe and will not believe that we did such a
My only crime is that my family is political. In this way, they want
to attack all political families. They forced us into giving confessions under
threats and brutal torture and I strongly deny all the charges. Political

Zaniar Moradi

(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Jan. 16, 2011)

Security forces attack young prisoners in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj
On Thursday, January 20, young prisoners from Hall 12, Cellblock 4 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj who were recently transferred to Hall 7, Cellblock 3, protested being kept in the hallways of this cell in the cold temperatures and under inhumane conditions and were violently attacked by prison guards.
These prisoners fought back and a violent clash ensued. Special Guards forces in the prison aided prison guards in the attack and brutally beat the young prisoners.
Fourteen prisoners were thrown in solitary in the clash including Farshid Qahremani and Hoseein Ranjbar. Gerami, the Internal Manager of the prison violently beat these two prisoners with a baton. These prisoners are in danger of being physically, sexually and mentally tortured.
Notably, a large number of young prisoners from Hall 12, Cellblock 4 who were recently transferred to Hall 7, Cellblock 3, were kept in freezing temperatures in the hallway in inhuman conditions and this led to their protests. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Jan. 20, 2011)

قطع درمان بازاري زنداني و انتقال وي در شرايط بسيار حاد جسمي به زندان
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران،بازاري زنداني محسن دکمه چي عليرغم شرايط وخيم وحاد جسمي بدليل عمل جراحيسنگين و ابتلا به سرطان لوزالمعده از بيمارستان به بند بازگردانده شد و مانع شيمي درماني وي شدند .
بازاري زنداني محسن دکمه چي پس از 4 ماه بيماري و تحمل دردهاي شديد ،کاهش وزن و زردي 27 آذر ماه به بيمارستان منتقل شد و در 4 دي ماه تحت عمل جراحي سنگين 5 ساعته قرار گرفت.اما پزشکان معالج بدليل ابتلاي آقاي دکمه چي به سرطان لوزالمعده عمل جراحي وي را ناموفق اعلام کردند و دومين مرحلۀ درمان را شيمي درماني قرار دادند که به علت تاخير در درمان وي امکان بهبودي با اين شيوۀ معالجه بسيار پايين است.
پزشکان معالج وي طي گزارشهاي پزشکي به دادستاني تهران اعلام کردند که او بايد همچنان در بيمارستان بستري بماند تا درمان ادامه يابد و انتقال او به زندان خطر جدي جاني دارد. اما بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات و عباس جعفري دولت آبادي يکي از سرکوبگران زندانيان سياسي به توصيه هاي پزشکي توجه نکردند درمان وي را متوقف و به بند 350 زندان اوين بازگرداندند.
بازاري زنداني به دليل پيشرفت سرطان لوزالمعده از دردهاي فوق العاده شديد رنج مي برد و از شدت درد قادر به استراحت نيست. او در حال حاضر در بند350 با شرايط وخيم جسمي بسر مي برد و از امکانات درماني محروم مي باشد.آقاي دکمه چي به سختي قادر به حرکت است و قادر به مصرف کردن غذاي زندان نيست.
خانواده بازاري زنداني بارها به دادستاني مراجعه کرده اند اما عباس جعفري دولت آبادي از روبرو شدن با اين خانواده و پاسخگويي خوداري مي کند و دفتردار وي مي گويد که گزارشات پزشکي به وزارت اطلاعات ارسال شده اما هنوز پاسخي به آنها داده نشده است. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 25/10/89)

شکنجه هاي وحشيانه و غير انساني بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات براي گرفتن اعترافات تلويزيوني از يک زنداني سياسي
اينجانب زانيار مرادي فرزند اقبال مرادي ساکن شهر مريوان متولد سال 1367 و داراي يک سابقۀ سياسي هستم...
در تاريخ 11مرداد 1388 اداره اطلاعات مريوان من را گرفت و بعد از 24 ساعت بازداشت در سلولهاي انفرادي اطلاعات بدون هيچ بازجويي من را به اطلاعات سنندج منتقل کردند و در حالي که يکي از دوستانم را که با هم رابطۀ خانوادگي خيلي نزديک داشتيم بدون اينکه من خبر داشته باشم به اطلاعات سنندج آورده بودند.
درسلول اطلاعات سنندج که تنها بودم و توالت و حمام هم در خود سلول بود و در وضعيت خيلي بدي بودم بعد از يک روز با چشم بند و دست بند و پابند من را به زير زمين که خيلي تاريک بود بردند و بازجويي ها را شروع کردند در اوايل بازجوييها از وضعيت پدرم حرف مي زدند به آنها جواب دادم که پدرم به من هيچ ربطي ندارد و آنها گفتند که تو با پدرت براي ما هيچ فرقي نداري در همان روز اول که موضوع بازجويي در مورد پدرم بود من را به يک تخت بسته بودند و با شلاق به بدنم مي زدند و فحش خواهر مادري مي دادند و بعد از شکنجه هاي زيادي که دادند و من هم بي حال شدم به داخل سلول بردند و اصلا از وضعيت شب و روز خبر نداشتم و بعد از مدتي دوباره به زير زمين بردند و موضوع اتهام هاي که به من زدند و تعداد بازجوهاي که 4 الي 6 نفر بودند و با چشم بند بازجويي و شکنجه مي کردند گفتند اين افراد را تو به قتل رسانده اي اما من قبول نکردم و شکنجه را بيشتر کردند و گفتند که بايد حتما قبول کني و گرنه خانواده ات را دچار مشکل مي کني و خودت هم زير شکنجه مي ميري اما باز هم قبول نکردم...
من هم به ناچار قبول کردم چون نمي توانستم اين نوع شکنجه ها را تحمل کنم و بشدت ….., داشتم وديگر در برابر شکنجه هاي بي رحمانه دوام نداشتم. حتي هيچ دکتري براي معالجۀ من نياوردند و هنوز هم هر دوي ما مشکل داريم بعد از 18 ماه زندان و به ناچار قبول کردن اتهام ها...
مي خواستند در مورد پدرم حرف بزنم و بگويم که پدرم در اين ماجرا است. اما من اين را نگفتم و دوباره به زير شکنجه بردند پاهايم را باز مي کردند و با لگد به بيضه هايم مي زدند و بعد از اينکه تمام خواسته هاي خودشان را برآورده کردند و هر اتهامي که خواستند با زور شکنجه و تهديد به ما بستند و گفتند بيش از يک مدت کمي شما را در زندان نگه نمي داريم و زود بدون اينکه کسي بفهمد رضايت خانواده ها را مي گيريم و آزادتون مي کنيم .
ما را در سلول انفرادي اطلاعات سنندج به مدت 9 ماه نگه داشتند اما در 2 ماه اول که در سلول بودم از درد شکنجه ها نمي توانستم کارهاي شخصي خود را انجام بدهم تا اينکه به مرور زمان کمي خوب شدم و هيچ اقدامي براي معالجه ام نکردند و بعد از 9 ماه که من ودوستم جدا از هم در سلول بوديم بدون تلفن و ملاقات به زندان مرکزي سنندج منتقل کردند.. بعد از 6 ماه ما را خواستند و باز به اطلاعات بردند و خواستند که ما بگوييم که اين کار را براي انگليس کرديم ولي ما نگفتيم و خواستند در بارۀ شخصي بنام جليل فتاحي که رابط اصلي ماجرا قرار داده بودند دوباره حرف بزنيم و آنها فيلم برداري کنند. چون جليل فهميده بود برايش توطئه چيده اند و جانش در خطر است به کشور انگليس رفته و حالا در آنجا پناهنده شده و مي گفتند مي خواهيم براي دولت انگليس دردسر درست بکنيم و به مدت يک ماه ديگر در سلول انفرادي اطلاعات سنندج مانديم و گفتند چند ماه ديگر آزاد مي شويد.
ما منتظر بوديم تا اينکه يک روز آمدند دنبال ما ،ما را با چشم بند و دست بند و پابند سوار ماشين کردند و در راه گفتند که به تهران مي رويم براي دادگاهي و در جلسۀ دادگاه هيچ حرفي نزنيد و کليۀ اتهام ها را قبول کنيد.
ما را مستقيم به سلولهاي انفرادي اطلاعات اوين بند 209 بردند به مدت يک ماه و نيم بدون اينکه ملاقات و تلفن داشته باشيم خانواده ام در اين مدت هيچ خبري از ما نداشتند ، ما هيچکدام از بازجوها را نديديم. ما را در تاريخ 1 دي 89 با پابند و دست بند به دادگاه انقلاب تهران شعبۀ 15 بردند و در جلسۀ دادگاه من و دوستم به هيچ عنوان نتوانستيم حرف بزنيم چون ما را بشدت مسموم کرده بودند و قاضي که صلواتي بود اصلا نمي دانست که من زانيار هستم يا لقمان چون لقمان حکم ديگري داشت به مدت 1 سال به خاطر پرونده سياسي که قبلا داشت. قاضي صلواتي حکم را به من ابلاغ مي کرد...
بعد از دادگاه که هر اتهامي خواستند به ما زدند ما را به اطلاعات اوين بند 209 برگرداندند و اصلا بازجوها را نديديم و در اوين هم درد شکنجه هايي که در اطلاعات سنندج کرده بودند دوباره شروع شد و اصلا هيچ اقدامي براي معالجۀ من نکردند.بعد از يک هفته ما را به زندان رجايي شهر منتقل کردند تا اينکه در زندان رجايي شهر روزنامه ها را ديديم و دانستيم که چه نامرديهايي در حق ما کرده اند و مي خواهند ما را اعدام کنند تا جنايتهاي خود را بپوشانند ولي هيچ کس در شهر خودمان مريوان باور نمي کند که ما اين کار را کرده ايم حتي خانوادۀ خود مقتولين که پيش مردم گفته اند که ما هنوز باور نداريم و نخواهيم کرد که اين کار را اين افراد کرده اند...
و تنها گناه من اين است که خانواده من سياسي است ،از اين طريق مي خواهند به تمام خانواده هاي سياسي ضربه بزنند و ما را زير تهديدها و شکنجه هاي وحشيانه وزارت اطلاعات سنندج مجبور به اين اعتراف کردند و به شدت اين اتهامات را تکذيب مي کنيم زنداني سياسي زانيار مرادي (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 26/10/89)

درگيري و اعتراضات گسترده جوانان زنداني با نيروهاي گارد و پاسداربندها در زندان گوهردشت کرج
روز پنجشنبه 30 دي ماه در سالن 7 بند 3 زندان گوهردشت که اخيرا تعداد زيادي از جوانان سالن 12 بند4 را به اين بند منتقل کرده بودند و آنها را در راهرو بند در سرماي شديد و شرايط غير انساني قرار داده بودند بصورت دست جمعي اقدام به اعتراض نمودند که با يورش وحشيانۀ پاسداربندها مواجه شدند.
جوانان زنداني معترض به مقابله با پاسداربندها برخواستند و درگيري شديدي بين آنها روي داد. در پي اين درگيريها گارد زندان به کمک پاسداربندها شتافت و به جوانان زنداني يورش بردند و آنها را وحشيانه مورد ضرب و جرح قرار دادند..
در اين درگيري بيش از 14 نفر از جوانان زنداني توسط پاسداربندها و گارديهاي زندان به سلولها انفرادي منتقل شدند که اسامي 2 نفر از آنها زندنانيان فرشيد قهرماني و حسين رنجبر مي باشد.گرامي مدير داخلي زندان اين 2 زنداني را وحشيانه با باتون مورد ضرب و شتم قرار مي داد.خطر جدي قتل شکنجه وحشيانۀ جسمي،جنسي و روحي اين زندانيان را تهديد مي کند
لازم به يادآوري است که تعداد زيادي از جوانان زنداني روز گذشته از سالن 4 زندان گوهردشت به سالن 7 بند 3 منتقل شده اند و آنها را در شرايط سخت و غير انساني و سرماي شديد در راهروها نگهداري مي کنند و اين مسئله باعث اعتراض آنها گرديد.
(فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 30/10/89)

Iran executes Kurd political prisoner
Hossein Khezri was hanged in the morning in the Orumieh Central Prison.
Hossein Khezri who was born in 1982 was sentenced to death on charges of acting against national security by the first branch of the Orumieh Islamic Revolutionary Court. His sentence was upheld by the 10th branch of the court of review in the Western Azarbaijan Province and the 31st branch of the Supreme Court…
He was hanged without the knowledge of his lawyer or family and the sentence was carried out in secret in Orumieh Prison.
State-run Iranian TV said that Hossein Khezri’s was charged with ‘participating in an armed operation and killing a security agent in the Gol Sheikhan Base in the border region of Orumieh in 2004”.
Hossein Khezri had denied all the charges and had said in a visit with his family that intelligence agents were trying to force him to give false confession in front of cameras. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 15, 2011)

Iran hangs 10 people in Tehran
Ten people convicted of drug related charges whose sentences were issued by Islamic Revolutionary Courts in Tehran were hanged today in Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj…
According to this report, the courts for these people were held with the presence of the representatives of the prosecutor and their lawyers in various branches of Tehran’s Revolutionary Courts and the issued sentences were upheld by the Attorney General. Their requests for amnesty were turned down before this by the Amnesty Commission in the Judiciary. (IRNA state-run News Agency – Jan. 19, 2010)

Iran hangs prisoners: report
Iran has hanged a drug smuggler in the southern city of Zarand in Kerman province, ISNA news agency reported on Tuesday, quoting a judiciary official.
Zarand prosecutor Mehdi Bakhshi said the convict, who was only identified as Ali K., was hanged in the city's prison, ISNA reported. It did not say when the execution was carried out.
(AFP - January 18, 2011)

Iran hangs man: report
Iran has hanged a drug trafficker in a prison in the northeastern town of Bojnurd, ISNA news agency reported on Friday.
The man only identified as M.Gh., convicted of smuggling opium while serving a life sentence, was executed on Thursday, the report said. (AFP - January 21, 2011)

Feared execution of Iranian Kurdish man: Hossein Khezri
Hossein Khezri, a member of Iran’s Kurdish minority, is feared to have been executed on 15 January 2011 in north-western Iran after being convicted of “enmity against God” on account of his membership of the Party for Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK). The authorities have announced that a PJAK member was executed on 15 January 2011 but without naming the individual.
Members of Hossein Khezri’s family visited him in Oromieh Central Prison on 5 January 2011. He told him that the authorities had pressured him to “confess” on camera to participating in armed opposition to the government and to killing several people but that he had refused to do so, stating that he had not killed anyone.
On 13 January 2011, officials of the Oromieh Revolutionary Court informed his brother that the order for Hossein Khezri’s execution had been received from the Prosecutor’s Office. When the family sought to visit him, they were not able to do so and were told to return on 15 January. When they did so that day, they were again unable to see him and later heard that a judicial body of West Azerbaijan Province had announced the execution of an unnamed member of PJAK. They fear that this may have been Hossein Khezri but, if so, they have not been told officially, nor given his body or personal effects.
Hossein Khezri was arrested in Kermanshah in 2008. He acknowledged undertaking political activities but denied any involvement in violence. His death sentence, passed by the Revolutionary Court in Oromieh, was upheld in August 2009. In March 2010, his request for an investigation into his allegations of torture was turned down.
Zeynab Jalalian, 28, another member of Iran’s Kurdish minority, remains at risk of execution after conviction of similar charges. She continues to be in poor health, possibly as a result of torture or other ill-treatment in prison…
The UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions said in a 2006 report on Transparency and the Imposition of the Death Penalty that “a lack of transparency both undermines due process rights and constitutes inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. Persons sentenced to death, their families, and their lawyers should be provided with timely and reliable information on the procedures and timing of appeals, clemency petitions, and executions.”
After the family’s visit on 5 January, Hossein Khezri’s whereabouts were unknown. Following reports that he may have been transferred to Tehran for execution, his lawyer told the Committee of Human Rights Reporters, that under Iranian law, a death sentence can be implemented in the same city in which the sentence was handed down, and there is no need for transfer to another city, and he hoped that his client’s transfer was for further review of his case rather than for execution. He also said that he was waiting to hear if the Supreme Court would accept his request for a final review of Hossein Khezri’s conviction and sentence, but until he was notified of their decision, there would be nothing to stop the local judiciary carrying out the execution.
In a letter, written from Section 12 of Oromieh Prison in October 2010, Hossein Khezri said that he was tortured for 49 days in detention centres belonging to the Revolutionary Guards in Kermanshah and Oromieh, north-west Iran, and also at a Ministry of Intelligence detention facility, by methods including beatings; threats against himself and his family; kicks to the genitals and legs; and harsh baton blows to the entire body, causing bruising and inflammation. He said that he complained about his treatment and was then moved for three days to an Intelligence Ministry facility in February 2010 where he was interrogated about his complaint. His father died from a heart attack after hearing that his son had been moved from prison, apparently because he feared that Hossein Khezri had been executed. Hossein Khezri also said he was told if he “confessed” on TV, his death sentence would be commuted to imprisonment, but that he had refused to do so. He added: “The time of my execution has not been told to me, I do not know if it will be tomorrow, or the day after, or tonight, and I am not allowed visitors and cannot even let any one know that I am still alive”.
Zeynab Jalalian was sentenced to death around January 2009 by Kermanshah Revolutionary Court. Before that, she had spent eight months in a Ministry of Intelligence detention facility, where she says she was tortured. During that time her family had no information concerning her conditions, treatment or fate. She was not granted access to a lawyer during her trial, which she says lasted only a few minutes. Zeynab Jalalian’s death sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court on 26 November 2009. In December 2010, a witness who was imprisoned with Zeynab Jalalian reported that Zeynab Jalalian had been flogged on the soles of her feet and subsequently was struck on the head with a broken bottle, causing her scalp to bleed profusely. She is in poor health, apparently due to her reported torture and other ill-treatment in prison. (Amnesty International – Jan. 20, 2011)

Deaths in custody

Kurd political prisoner probably killed under torture – report
There has been no news for the past seven months that a death row political prisoner is still alive in prison despite his family’s appeals (to relevant security officials and institutions). According to a credible source, Kurd political prisoner Aziz Mohammadzadeh who was sentenced to death in a Saqez court on charges of being a member of a Kurd opposition party and acting against national security went on a hunger strike in protest to his sentence and was transferred to an unknown location by security forces. Months after his transfer and despite his family’s constant appeals to officials, there is still no news on his condition and whereabouts.
This 26 year old political prisoner from Baneh was arrested on October 13, 2009 by security forces in this town and was taken to the Baneh Detention Center. After three months of abuse and severe torture, he was taken to the Saqez Prison.
According to informed sources, Aziz Mohammadzadeh has been killed under the severe torture by intelligence agents while on a hunger strike. All government institutions (and prisons) have said no such death row Kurd political prisoner exists in their prison. This has increased the concerns of his family and friends. (Campaign in Defense of Civil Rights and Political Prisoners – Jan. 19, 2011)

حسين خضري اعدام شد
حسين خضري، صبح امروز در زندان مرکزي اروميه اعدام شد.
حسين خضري متولد 1361 به اتهام اقدام عليه امنيت ملي از سوي شعبه اول دادگاه انقلاب اسلامي اروميه و همچنين تاييد شعبه 10 دادگاه تجديد نظر استان اذرباييجان غربي و تاييد اين حکم از سوي شعبه 31 ديوان عالي کشور به اعدام محکوم شده است...
حسين خضري در حالي بامداد امروز در زندان اروميه اعدام شد که وکيل و خانواده ي اين زنداني از اجراي حکم اعدام وي اطلاع نداشتند و اين حکم به صورت مخفيانه در زندان اروميه به اجرا در آمده است.
صدا و سيماي جمهوري اسلامي در خبري اتهامات حسين خضري را "شرکت در عمليات مسلحانه و کشتن يکي از ماموران نيروي انتظامي در پاسگاه مرزي گل شيخان شهرستان اروميه در سال 1383" عنوان کرده است.
حسين خضري پيش تر تمامي اين اتهامات را رد کرده بود و در ملاقات با خانواده اش از تلاش ماموران وزارت اطلاعات براي اخذ اعترافات تلوزيوني دروغين از وي خبر داده بود. (هرانا – 25/10/89)

10 نفر از محكومان جرايم مواد مخدر اعدام شدند
ده نفر از محكومان جرايم مواد مخدر كه پيشتر احكام محكوميت آنان از سوي دادگاه هاي انقلاب اسلامي تهران صادر شده بود، سحرگاه امروز (چهارشنبه) در زندان رجايي شهر به دار مجازات آويخته شدند...
اين گزارش حاكيست جلسات رسيدگي به اتهامات محكومان ياد شده با حضور نمايندگان دادستان و وكلاي آنان در شعب مختلف دادگاه‌هاي انقلاب اسلامي تهران برگزار و آراي صادره از سوي دادستاني كل كشور تنفيذ و تقاضاي عفو محكومان مذكور نيز پيشتر از سوي كميسيون عفو و بخشودگي قوه قضاييه رد شده بود. (ايرنا – 29/10/89)

ايران يک قاچاقجي مواد مخدر را اعدام مي‌کند
خبرگزاري ايسنا روز سه‌شنبه به‌نقل از مقامات قوه‌قضائيه گزارش کرد، ايران يک قاچاقچي مواد مخدر ر ا در شهر زرند در استان کرمان حلق آويز کرد.
ايسنا گزارش کرد، مهدي بخشي دادستان زرند گفت مجرم فقط به اسم علي ک. معرفي شده و در زندان شهر حلق‌آويز شد. در اين گزارش به زمان انجام اعدام اشاره اي نشده است. (خبرگزاري فرانسه- 28/10/89)

گزارش: ايران يک نفر را به‌دار آويخت
خبرگزاري ايسنا روز جمعه گزارش داد که ايران يک قاچاقچي مواد مخدر را در زنداني در بجنورد واقع در شمال شرق ايران به‌دار آويخت. بنا‌به اين گزارش مردي که تنها با نام م. ق معرفي شد به قاچاق ترياک محکوم بود و روز پنجشنبه اعدام شده است. (خبرگزاري فرانسه -1/11/89)

اقدام فوري عفو بين‌الملل درباره حسين خضري و زينب جلاليان
حسين خضري، يکي از اعضاي اقليت کرد ايران، بيم آن مي‌رود که او را در روز 15ژانويه 2011 در شمال غربي ايران به جرم محاربه با خدا و عضويت در حزب آزاد کردستان، پژاک، اعدام کرده باشند. دولتمردان گفته‌اند که يکي از اعضاي پژاک در تاريخ 15ژانويه اعدام شده است.
اعضاي خانواده خضري او را در زندان مرکزي اروميه در تاريخ 5ژانويه ملاقات کردند. او به آنها گفته است که مقامات وي را براي اعتراف و رفتن در مقابل دوربين تحت فشار قرار داده‌اند که اعتراف کند در فعاليتهاي مسلحانه عليه دولت شرکت داشته و چندين نفر را نيز کشته است اما وي از اين کار سر باز زده و تأکيد کرده است که کسي را نکشته است.
روز 13ژانويه، مقامات سپاه پاسداران اروميه به برادر حسين اطلاع دادند که حکم اعدام حسين توسط دادستاني ابلاغ شده است. وقتي خانواده خواهان ملاقات با وي شدند ديگر موفق نشدند و به آنها گفته شد که روز 15ژانويه برگردند. وقتي در همين روز اين خانواده به زندان مراجعه کردند به آنها گفته شد که امکان ملاقات با حسين را ندارند و بعداً نيز از طرف دادگاه به اطلاع رسانده شد که يکي از اعضاي پژاک اعدام شده است. بيم آن مي‌رود که اين نفر حسين خضري باشد، اگر چنين باشد، اعدام او نه رسماًًًًًًًًًًًًً اعلام شده است و نه جسد او تحويل داده شده است.
حسين خضري در سال 2008 در کرمانشاه، به جرم فعاليتهاي سياسي دستگير شد ولي او بارها تأکيد کرده بود که در هيچ عمل خشونت‌آميزي شرکت نداشته است. حکم اعدام او توسط دادگاه اروميه صادر شده و در اوت 2009 به او ابلاغ شد. در مارس 2010 درخواست او براي کيفر خواست و تحقيق رد شد و تحت شکنجه قرار گرفت.
زينب جلاليان، 28ساله يکي ديگر از اقليتهاي کرد ايران است که تهديد اعدام او وجود دارد، اتهامات او مانند حسين خضري مي‌باشد. در اثر شکنجه‌ها وضعيت جسماني او خوب نيست و دچار بيماريهاي جسمي متعدد شده است. (سايت عفو بين‌الملل- 30/11/89)

مرگهاي مشكوك در بازداشت

احتمال كشته شدن عزيز محمد زاده، زنداني سياسي کرد در زير شكنجه
با گذشت 7 ماه بي خبري مطلق و مراجعه مکرر خانواده ي زنداني سياسي کرد محکوم به اعدام ، تاکنون هيچ گونه خبري مبني بر زنده بودن وي براي نزديکان نامبرده وجود ندارد و بنا به خبر ...كاملا موثقي كه به كمپين دفاع از زندانيان سياسي و مدني رسيده ، زنداني سياسي كرد محكوم به اعدام ، عزيز محمد زاده كه در دادگاه شهر سقز به اتهام عضويت در يكي از احزاب كرد مخالف رژيم و اقدام عليه امنيت ملي به اعدام محكوم شده بود و به اعتراض به حكم خود دست به اعتصاب غذا زده بود كه نامبرده از طرف ماموران امنيتي اين شهر به مكان نامعلومي انتقال داده شد كه بعد از گذشت چند ماه بي خبري از وي و پيگري مكرر خانواده اين فعال كرد محكوم به اعدام ، تاكنون هيچ گونه خبري مبني بر سلامتي و مكان نامبرده وجود ندارد.
شايان ذكر است عزيز محمد زاده به اتهام ا قدام عليه امنيت ملي و محاربه با خدا در دادگاه شهر سقز به اعدام محکوم شد. نامبرده فرزند علي و 26 سال سن دارد .و اهل شهر بانه که در تاريخ 21/7/ 1388 توسط نيروهاي امنيتي اين شهر دستگير و به بازداشت گاه شهر بانه منتقل ميشود که بعد از 3 ماه آزار و شکنجه هاي شديد به زندان شهر سقز انتقال داده شد.
گفتني است و بنا به منبع موثقي كه خبر را براي كمپين فرستاده كه ، عزيز محمد زاده در زير شنكجه هاي وحشيانه اطلاعات و در عين اعتصاب غذا جان خود را از دست داده است كه در پي اين خبر ستاد مركزي كمپين در پي پيگري اين خبربوده و از طرفي ديگر تاكنون همه ارگانهاي حكومتي و مربوط به اين پرونده از وجود چنين پرونده و زنداني سياسي محكوم به اعدام در زندانهاي خود اعلام بي خبري و سرباز ميزند كه اين امر موجب نگراني شديد خانواده و اطرافيان وي گرديده خانواده. (کمپين دفاع از زندانيان سياسي و مدني – 29/10/89)