Political arrests
Iran arrests outspoken husband of jailed human rights lawyer
Reza Khandan, the husband of a jailed lawyer was arrested today after going to the Evin Prison Court to answer a summons he received one week ago.
His charges are not known and according to his family, a 50 million toman (about 50,000 dollar) bail order has been issued for him, but the bail money his sister in law posted was not accepted by the court.
Mr. Khandan was summoned after a court issued a prison sentence for his wife. The recent pressures on him are probably because he had given interviews to the media and because of his efforts to free his wife.
Nasrin Sutodeh, his wife who is a lawyer and human rights activist, is still in a solitary cell in Evin Prison despite several hunger strikes in protest to the illegal charges made against her and despite international pressure.
She was arrested on September 4, 2010 and was sentenced to 11 years of prison and a 20 year ban on leaving the country and practicing law. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 16, 2011)
Prison Condition
Iran sentences post-election protester to six years of prison
Behzad Arab Gol who was arrested in protests after the disputed presidential elections was sentenced to six years of prison by the 15th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Abolqasem Salavati.
According to reports, Arab Gol who was wounded in the (Iran-Iraq) war was sentenced to five years of prison for assembling and conspiring with the intention of committing crimes against the national security of the country and one year of prison for participating in illegal gatherings on June 15, 2009 and Quds Day.
Arab Gol was only 17 years old when he was wounded in the war. He now has two children and was construction worker before his arrest. After Ashura (protests), security forces raided his home at night under the excuse that someone in the Ashura protests looked like him. He was out of town and security forces were unable to arrest him.
Security forces raided his home a number of times and put pressure on his family until he was forced to turn himself in to the Intelligence agency in March 2010. He was under severe pressure in a solitary cell for two months. Interrogators insisted that he accept the charge of attacking and beating security forces. Despite all the pressure, he did not accept any of the charges. (Student Committee in Defense of Political Prisoner – Jan. 18, 2011)
Iran arrests outspoken husband of jailed human rights lawyer
Reza Khandan, the husband of a jailed lawyer was arrested today after going to the Evin Prison Court to answer a summons he received one week ago.
His charges are not known and according to his family, a 50 million toman (about 50,000 dollar) bail order has been issued for him, but the bail money his sister in law posted was not accepted by the court.
Mr. Khandan was summoned after a court issued a prison sentence for his wife. The recent pressures on him are probably because he had given interviews to the media and because of his efforts to free his wife.
Nasrin Sutodeh, his wife who is a lawyer and human rights activist, is still in a solitary cell in Evin Prison despite several hunger strikes in protest to the illegal charges made against her and despite international pressure.
She was arrested on September 4, 2010 and was sentenced to 11 years of prison and a 20 year ban on leaving the country and practicing law. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 16, 2011)
Prison Condition
Iran sentences post-election protester to six years of prison
Behzad Arab Gol who was arrested in protests after the disputed presidential elections was sentenced to six years of prison by the 15th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Abolqasem Salavati.
According to reports, Arab Gol who was wounded in the (Iran-Iraq) war was sentenced to five years of prison for assembling and conspiring with the intention of committing crimes against the national security of the country and one year of prison for participating in illegal gatherings on June 15, 2009 and Quds Day.
Arab Gol was only 17 years old when he was wounded in the war. He now has two children and was construction worker before his arrest. After Ashura (protests), security forces raided his home at night under the excuse that someone in the Ashura protests looked like him. He was out of town and security forces were unable to arrest him.
Security forces raided his home a number of times and put pressure on his family until he was forced to turn himself in to the Intelligence agency in March 2010. He was under severe pressure in a solitary cell for two months. Interrogators insisted that he accept the charge of attacking and beating security forces. Despite all the pressure, he did not accept any of the charges. (Student Committee in Defense of Political Prisoner – Jan. 18, 2011)
دستگيريهاي سياسي
رضا خندان، همسر نسرين ستوده بازداشت شد
رضا خندان، همسر نسرين ستوده، صبح امروز بر طبق احضاريه اي که هفته پيش دريافت کرده بود، به دادسراي زندان اوين مراجعه کرده و بازداشت شد.
اتهام خندان مشخص نيست و به گفته اعضاي خانواده وي قرار 50 ميليون کفالت براي آزادي ايشان صادر شده، اما کفالت خواهر خانم ستوده براي آزادي آقاي خندان پذيرفته نشده است.
به گزارش تغيير براي برابري، احضار آقاي خندان بعد از اعلام حکم همسرش صورت گرفته است. احتمال مي رود فشارهاي اخير به آقاي خندان به دليل مصاحبه ها و تلاش هاي ايشان براي آزادي همسرش باشد.
نسرين ستوده وکيل و فعال حقوق بشر با وجود چندين اعتصاب غذا در اعتراض به اتهامات غيرقانوني خود و فشارهاي بين المللي هم چنان در زندان اوين و در سلول انفرادي به سر مي برد.
وي روز 13 شهريورماه سال جاري بازداشت شد و طي حکمي به 11 سال حبس، 20 سال ممنوعيت خروج از کشور و وکالت محکوم شده است. (هرانا – 26/10/89)
حكم زندان
6سال زندان براي يکي از بازداشت شدگان حوادث پس از انتخابات
بهزاد عرب گل از بازداشت شدگان حوادث پس از انتخابات بحث برانگيز سال گذشته رياست جمهوري، توسط شعبه پانزده دادگاه انقلاب اسلامي تهران به رياست ابوالقاسم صلواتي به 6 سال زندان محکوم گرديد.
به گزارش هم ميهن، بهزاد عرب گل جانباز جنگ تحميلي در شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي صلواتي به اتهام اجتماع و تباني به قصد ارتکاب جرائم عليه امنيت کشور به 5 سال و به اتهام شرکت در تجمعات غير قانوني 25 خرداد و روز قدس به 1 سال حبس محکوم شد..
بهزاد عرب گل تنها 17 سال داشت که براي دفاع از وطنش به جبهه رفت و مجروح شد، او اکنون 2 فرزند دارد و تا قبل از بازداشت براي تامين زندگي به کار ساختماني مشغول بود. پس از وقايع روز عاشورا به بهانه اينکه او شبيه کسي بوده که در تظاهرات روز عاشورا حضور داشته شبانه به منزل او يورش بردند اما عرب گل آنروز براي انجام کاري در شهرستان به سر مي برد. حمله هاي چندين و چند باره به منزل او و تحت فشار قرار دادن خانواده او باعث مي شود او در اسفند ماه خود را به اداره اطلاعات معرفي کند. او مدت دوماه در سلول انفرادي تحت فشار هاي شديد بازجو ها بود، بازجو ها اصرار داشته اند او اتهام حمله به گارد و ضرب و شتم را بپذيرد. اما علي رغم تمامي فشار ها او هيچ يک از اين اتهامات را نپذيرفت. (كميته دانشجويي دفاع از زندانيان سياسي – 28/10/89)
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