ALERT against execution of other political prisoners

This is a Statement reached at offices of the DL . We vehemently condemn ANY further execution or plot to execute political prisoners under any pretexts what may be and ask all our readers to be alert on any possible signs or news on this issue. It is a Humanitarian responsibility in our point of view to disregard any polsitcal tendency or affiliation , be united on this issue.


Mrs. Maryam Rajavi -president elect of the NCRI, raised alarm against further executions of political prisoners in Iran in letters to the UN Secretary General, the President of the United State and leaders of the European Union. She wrote that the mullahs’ regime, angered and disappointed of widespread domestic and international support for the rights of Ashraf residents and fearful of deep economic and social crises and internal factional feuding, plans to execute a number of other political prisoners, particularly the family members of Ashraf residents.

In her letter Mrs. Rajavi wrote: The world community is confronted with a crucial test. Silence and failure to take appropriate actions have emboldened this regime in committing torture, execution and murder. She added: The international community, especially the UN Security Council, the United States and the European Union should condemn gross violations of human rights, arbitrary executions and atrocities in Iran decisively and take effective and urgent measures against the clerical regime.

A large number of Ashraf residents family members have already been arrested and some sentenced to death that includes Ms. Almira Vazehan, 48; Mr. Jaafar Kazemi, 47; Mohsen Daneshpour Moqadam, 67, and his son Ahmad; Javad Lari, 55; and Mohammad Haj-Aghai, 62.

The agents of the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence have repeatedly threatened members of his family that they should not hold any memorial ceremony. The guards have surrounded their house preventing people from going there or stage gathering outside the house.

In the meantime, several groups of prisoners in Gohardasht and Evin prisons have held ceremonies to pay tribute to Ali Sarami. In Ward 3 of Gohardasht prison, the prisoners were prevented from going out to open air for fresh air after they held a ceremony. The guards summoned Mansour Ossanlou, head of Tehran Bus drivers' syndicate, to the intelligence office of the prison and threatened him that new charges would be pressed against him.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

Center to Defend Families of those Slain and Detained in Iran

Agents of the Intelligence Agency have ripped off the address plate of executed political prisoner Ali Saremi’s home and ripped off his pictures from the house door after threatening his family.
According to reports from Iran, the Iranian government asked Ali Saremi’s wife to pledge not to hold a gathering for her husband and to keep her silent, forced her to sign a 10 year prison sentence issued by Judge Salavati. In addition to this, intelligence agents ripped off the address plate from the home of the Saremi family which made it hard for family friends and relatives to find their home which they had recently moved into. These agents also ripped off pictures of this executed political prisoner from the house door. This family was threatened over the phone that they had no right to say anything to anyone about this issue or else they will lock their door and ban people from entering.

ماموران اطلاعات علاوه بر تهديد خانواده علي صارمي پلاك منزلشان را کندند
ماموران اطلاعات علاوه بر تهديد خانواده علي صارمي پلاك خانه علي صارمي را كنده و عكس هاي او كه به درب منزلشان زده بودند راپاره كردند
مطابق گزارشات رسيده از ايران حكومت از تردد مردم به منزل زنداني سياسي اعدام شده علي صارمي بسيار وحشت دارد. همان روز اول از همسر او تعهد گرفته بودند كه هيچ سرو صدا وتجمعي نبايد برگزار شود و براي ساكت كردن او يك حكم غيرواقعي 10 سال زندان با تبعيد از طرف قاضي صلواتي جلوي او گذاشته و اورا مجبور به امضاء كرده بودند علاوه بر اين ماموران اطلاعات پلاك خانه علي صارمي را كنده بودند و اين امر افراد فاميل و ديگر دوستان و آشنايان را به دليل جديد بودن خانه براي يافتن منزل آنها دچار مشكل كرده بود ,همچنين عكس هاي زنداني سياسي اعدام شده علي صارمي را كه جلوي درب منزل زده بودند كنده و پاره كرده بودند. علاوه بر اين با تلفن آنها را تهديد ميكنند كه حق نداريد صدايتان به بيرون درز كند . وگرنه درب خانه را مي (كانون حمايت ازخاتواده هاي جان باختگان و بازداشتي ها – 9/10/89)

An Iranian court has ruled that a man must lose an eye and an ear after he blinded and burnt an ear of another man in an acid attack, newspapers reported Wednesday.
Judge Aziz Mohammadi gave the order against the man, who was only identified as Hamid, after convicting him of throwing acid on the victim, named as Davoud, said the hardline Kayhan newspaper.
The judge also ordered Hamid to pay blood-money for the burn injuries suffered by Davoud, in a ruling issued under the Islamic republic’s eye-for-an-eye justice code…
In November, the Supreme Court upheld a sentence of blinding with acid against a man only named as Mojtaba, who blinded his lover’s husband in the holy city of Qom.
In February 2009, Majid Movahedi was sentenced to be blinded in both eyes for having hurled acid in the face of a university classmate, Ameneh Bahrami, who refused his marriage proposal.

دادگاه ايران دستور مي‌دهد، مهاجمي که اسيدپاشي کرده است چشم و گوشش را از دست بدهد
روزنامه‌هاي ايران روز چهارشنبه گزارش دادند، يک دادگاه ايران حکم کرده است تا مردي که در حمله‌يي با پاشيدن اسيد، چشم نفر ديگري را نابينا کرده و گوشش را سوزانده است بايستي يک چشم و يک گوشش را از دست بدهد.
روزنامه تندروي کيهان گفت، قاضي عزيز محمدي بر عليه مردي که به اسم حميد معرفي شده بعد از مجرم شناختن وي در اسيدپاشي بر روي قرباني که به نام داوود معرفي شده اين حکم را صادر کرده است.
در حکمي که تحت قانون قضايي چشم در مقابل چشم جمهوري اسلامي صادر شده، اين قاضي هم‌چنين به حميد دستور داده است تا خونبهاي جراحاتي که داوود متحمل شده را به وي بپردازد.
روزنامه شرق گفته است، حميد به دادگاه گفته است او داوود را بجاي يک همکلاسي که در دبيرستان در برابرش قلدري مي‌کرده اشتباهي گرفته است.
اين گزارشات نمي‌گويند که آيا مقامات اين مجازات را با استفاده از اسيد اجرا مي‌کنند يا خير.
در چند سال گذشته چندين حمله با اسيد در ايران گزارش شده است.
در ماه نوامبر دادگاه عالي حکم نابينا کردن با اسيد را در رابطه با مردي که فقط او را مجتبي معرفي کرده بود تأييد کرد. .. (خبرگزاري فرانسه – 8/10/89)
Committee of Human Rights Reporters

In the past few days, most of the detained family members of death row political prisoner Habibollah Latifi and a large number of civil rights activists who opposed the probability of the implementation of Latifi’s sentence were arrested. Most of members of the Latifi family have been released but they still cannot be contacted.
On the other hand, most of the detained civil rights activists were taken from the Intelligence Agency to the quarantine section of the Central Sanandaj and there are no reports on their condition.

انتقال بازداشت شدگان به قرنطينه زندان عمومي سنندج
طي روزهاي گذشته، اکثريت اعضاي خانواده‌ي حبيب‌الله لطيفي و تعداد زيادي از فعالان مدني که نسبت به احتمال اجراي اين حکم معترض بودند، بازداشت شده اند. پي‌گيري‌هاي کمپين حاکي از آن است که، بيشتر اعضاي خانواده‌ي آقاي لطيفي آزاد شده‌اند، اما هم‌چنان امکان برقراري تماس با آن‌ها وجود ندارد.
از سوي ديگر اکثر فعالان مدني که طي روزهاي گذشته بازداشت شده اند از اداره اطلاعات به قرنطينه زندان مرکزي سنندج منتقل شده اند و قرار اوليه تعدادي از بازداشت شدگان تغيير يافته و از قرار صادره جديد و از سرنوشت آنها اطلاعي در دست نيست. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 9/10/89)

Pars Daily News

The parents of jailed laborer Assad Ibrahim Zadeh (Behnam) asked all freedom lovers and labor organizations in the world in a letter to support their jailed son.
The parents of this political prisoner thanked freedom lovers and labor activists because of their support and asked for more support in saving their son. They also said that their son’s life is in danger and that the Iranian regime’s judiciary has charged him to enmity with God for cooperating with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran. Assad Ibrahim Zadeh was arrested on June 12, 2010 and has been detained in Evin Prison for the last seven months.

جان کارگر زنداني اسد ابراهيم زاده در خطر است
والدين کارگر زنداني "اسد ابراهيم زاده" (بهنام) در نامه اي خطاب به همه انسان هاى آزاديخواه و سازمان هاى کارگرى در سراسر جهان، خواستار حمايت آنها از فرزند زنداني خود شدند.
در بخشي از اين نامه والدين اين کارگر زنداني ضمن تشکر از افراد آزاديخواه و سازمان هاي کارگري به خاطر حمايت آنها از فرزند زنداني خود و همه کارگران زنداني، خواستار تلاش بيشتر آنها براي نجات جان اسد ابراهيم زاده شده اند. در اين نامه همچنين با اشاره به اين که جان کارگر زنداني اسد ابراهيم زاده در خطر است، اشاره شده که دستگاه قضايي رژيم وي را به جرم همکاري با سازمان مجاهدين به محاربه متهم کرده است. اسد ابراهيم زاده که در تاريخ ٢٢ خردادماه سال جاري دستگير شد مدت ٧ ماه است که در زندان اوين بسر مي برد. (پارس ديلي نيوز – 9/10/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran

In the siege on a border village in Iran’s Baluchestan, security forces killed a Baluch citizen and arrested another person.
On the morning of December 26, security forces once again laid siege on Kahnouk Village in in the Kohoun region in Baluchestan and conducted a search of the village and insulted villagers. Security forces opened fire on a number of the villagers after they protested and a villager identified as Shahibak was killed with three bullets while his younger brother identified as Moulavi was arrested by security forces and taken to an unknown location.
The killing of Baluch citizens under the excuse of controlling security or countering narcotics smuggling has turned into a common event in the past few months.

قتل يک شهروند بلوچ و بازداشت يک تن ديگر
در محاصره يک روستاي مرزي در بلوچستان ايران نيروهاي امنيتي يک شهروند بلوچ را کشته و يکي ديگر را بازداشت کردند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، صبح روز يک شنبه پنجم دي ماه باري ديگر نيروهاي امنيتي منطقه با محاصره روستاي کهنوک گنيجان دپ در منطقه کوهون اقدام به تفتيش و توهين به روستائيان مي کنند که در اعتراض برخي از ايشان نيروهاي امنيتي به سوي آنان تير اندازي مي کنند در نتيجه اين حمله يکي از روستائيان به نام شهبيک با اصابت سه گلوله جانباخت و برادر کوچکتر وي به نام مولوي خالد توسط اين نيروها بازداشت و به مکان نامعلومي منتقل شد.
کشتار شهروندان بلوچ به بهانه کنترل امنيت منطقه يا مبارز با کالاي قاچاق در منطقه بلوچستان ايران در طي ماه هاي اخير به امري عادي مبدل شده است. (هرانا – 9/10/89)

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, after political prisoners in cellblock 3 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj held a memorial ceremony for political prisoner Ali Saremi (who was executed a few days ago), Faraji, the deputy of the Intelligence Unit came to their cellblock and threatened the prisoners. Political prisoners were also banned from fresh air time.
On Thursday December 30, after the memorial service, Mansour Osalu, the head of the Union of Workers of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company was summoned to the Intelligence Unit where he was interrogated for a long time and threatened that a new case would be filed against him.

تهديد به پرونده سازي جديد عليه منصور اسالو بدليل گراميداشت همبند شهيدش
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" در پي برگزاري مراسم گراميداشت شهيد راه آزادي مردم ايران علي صارمي توسط زندانيان سياسي بند 3 زندان گوهردشت کرج فرجي جانشين اطلاعات زندان با حضور در بند شروع به تهديد کردند زندانيان سياسي نمود و هواخوري آنها را قطع کرد.
روز پنجشنبه 09 دي ماه در پي گراميداشت زندان ياد علي صارمي در بند 3 منصور اسالو رئيس هيئت مديره سنديکاي شرکت واحد به اطلاعات زندان احضار شد و پس از بازجويي طولاني او را تهديد به پرونده سازي جديد نمودند. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 9/10/89)
Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, political prisoners in cellblock 1 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj countered an attack by prison guards and after a long clash, the guards forces fled the scene.
On Thursday December 30, at about 9:30 am, more than 60 prison guards raided cellblock 1 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj and beat the defenseless prisoners. The prisoners, fought back…
Prison guards periodically raid prison cells and beat them. The guards also break and destroy the very minimum facilities that these prisoners have. These guards even seize the food that prisoners buy with their own money at high prices from the prison shop. A number of prisoners were injured in the raid.
The prison guards get its orders from Ali Haj Kazem and Ali Mohammadi, the head and assistant head of the prison and under the supervision of Faraji, the head of the prison Intelligence Unit.

مقابلۀ زندانيان بند1 زندان گوهردشت کرج با يورشها وحشيانه گارد زندان و فراري دادن آنها
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" زندانيان سياسي بند 1 زندان گوهردشت کرج با يورش وحشيانه گارد زندان به مقابله برخواستند و بعد از مدتي درگيري گارد زندان را مجبور به فرار کردند.
روز پنجشنبه 9 دي ماه حوالي ساعت 09:30 بيش از 60 نفر از نيروهاي گارد زندان به بند 1 زندان گوهردشت يورش بردند و با باتون زندانيان بي دفاع را مورد ضرب وشتم قرار دادند. زندانيان جان به لب شده بصورت جمعي به مقابله با آنها برخواستند...
گارد زندان بصورت متناوب به سلولهاي زندانيان بي دفاع و اسير يورش مي برد آنها را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار مي دهد و حداقل امکانات آنها را تخريب و يا ضبط مي کند. گارديها حتي از غذاي زندانيان که از فروشگاه زندان با چندين برابر قيمت معمول خريداري مي کنند نمي گذرند و آن را هم با خود مي برند. در اين درگيري تعدادي از زندانيان مصدوم شدند.
گارد زندان بدستور علي حاج کاظم وعلي محمدي رئيس و معاون زندان و تحت نظارت فرجي رئيس اطلاعات زندان به بند 1 يورش بردند. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 9/10/89)

Iranian sentenced to lose eye and ear over acid attack .

Man convicted after mistaking victim for former classmate who had bullied him at school

Saeed Kamali Dehghan

In a literal application of the law of an eye for an eye, an Iranian man convicted of blinding another man in an acid attack has been sentenced to lose an eye and an ear.

The man, identified only as Hamid, was also ordered to pay blood money after he was found guilty of the 2005 attack, according to Iran's semi-official Fars news agency. Hamid told police he had mistaken his victim – identified only as Davoud – for a former classmate who had bullied him at school.

"In high school, some of the classmates bullied me so much that we had to move from the city I was living in to another one. This was carved in my mind and I couldn't get over it," he said, according to Fars.

"I bought acid and went back to my former high school and waited for some of the classmates to come out. When he [Davoud] came out, I followed him and threw acid on him and I also injured my own legs by doing so."

Davoud, who was 22 at the time of the attack, denied ever meeting Hamid, and said the two-year age difference between them meant they could never have been in the same class.

In a similar case in November 2008, Majid Movahedi was sentenced to lose both eyes after being found guilty of throwing acid at Ameneh Bahramia woman who refused to marry him. It has not been confirmed whether the sentence has been carried out.

However, in October Iran amputated the hand of a convicted thief at a prison in the central city of Yazd.

Recently Iran has come under fire for sentencing Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, 43, to be stoned to death for adultery. She has so far escaped the sentence because of an international outcry.

Iran has executed at least 200 people in the past 10 months, according the human rights website

While the Camp has been forcibly attacked by forces that are supposed to keep residents intact of any intrusion of Iranian regime elements in Iraq, there have been numerous TV and press coverage of the violent harassment of the residents by Iraqi forces loyal to Khamenei under the Maleki orders.
It is ironic that these attacks coincide with the hanging of political prisoners who are supposedly charged with affiliating with the PMOI or having relatives in the same Camp.
Analysts have highlighted the importance of regime reaction on the Camp saying that it is overdue reaction of the regime to successful advances of the group in International and legal challenges it has fought against regime efforts to arrest, maimed or claim them illegal in international arenas.

Hospital at Camp Ashraf attacked by Iraqi forces:Report by Iraqi TV .

On 27 Dec a number of Ashraf residents have been subjected to new restrictions and pressures by Iraqi forces in charge of ‘protecting’ the camp, al-Sharqyia TV has reported.

The Iranian Resistance released a statement with several pictures showing an armed contingent beating and injuring a number of residents in Camp Ashraf. Some of the residents were forcefully expelled from their place of residence, according to the TV.

Iraq’s Azzaman daily also reported that Iraqi forces attacked a clinic at Camp Ashraf and beat some of the residents. The report stated that a statement released by the Iranian Resistance in Paris said a number of the residents were forcibly expelled from the location and others were injured.

At the same time, Iraqi forces prevented two specialist doctors from entering the camp.

Reactions in IRAQ

A number of Iraqi members of Parliament have condemned the violent incursion into Camp Ashraf on Sunday by Iraqi forces loyal to prime minister Nouri al-Maliki, it was reported on Monday.

One of them, Ahmad al-Alvani, a member of the Iraqiya list, told al-Malaf news agency that, “The attack is a clear violation of all international conventions and has no justification whatsoever.”

Al-Alvani added, “We do not know what organ has authorized this incursion, but the Iraqi government must observe human rights.”

He called on the Iraqi government and the United Nations to prevent such unacceptable rights violations.

Another member of Parliament, Younadim Kana, a Christian, described the attack as inhumane and said, “Attacking unarmed innocent people and those who are protected by international laws in Iraq is unacceptable. International laws absolutely do not allow for such actions to take place.”

Mr. Mehdi al-Atiat-chairman of the Arab delegation in defense of Ashraf said in an interview with al-Babeliya TV that, “The commander of forces stationed at Ashraf receives his orders directly from channels tied to the Iranian regime and has a direct connection to the terrorist Qods Force. We have informed international parties about this issue.”

He added, “Currently, the Arabic delegation in defense of Ashraf is calling for UNAMI to be stationed in Camp Ashraf, for Iraqi forces to be expelled, for the dismantling of a fence built separating the clinic from the camp, and also for the disbanding of a committee which is mandated with suppressing the camp.”

“The restrictions, just like the loudspeakers set up at the gate, are imposed daily against Ashraf on the orders of the Iranian regime’s embassy in Iraq.”

“We have called on all international sides to take action and we have apprised them of the situation. Today, we specifically informed prosecutors at the International Criminal Court about the daily aggressions against Ashraf.”

The former chair of Diyala province’s council in Iraq has called for lifting restrictions on the residents of Camp Ashraf while urging the parliament to form a fact-finding commission to visit Ashraf and investigate the effects of the siege.

In an interview with the Iraqi news agency, Ebrahim Bajelan said, “I have and will always stress that combating human beings like this is not part of the ethics and tradition of Iraqis. I ask for the creation of a committee formed by all parliamentary groups to support and investigate the situation of Ashraf residents, to visit the camp, and to help immediately to lift the siege.”

Bajelan added, “We must respect Ashraf residents, observe their rights and ensure that drugs and food are allowed in their camp. While at the Diyala provincial council, we respected the UN’s decision not to displace PMOI members in Ashraf and we formed a committee (comprised of the Islamic party, the Shiite coalition and the Kurdish list), and visited the camp and met with the officials there. We inspected the entire camp and did not find even a single bullet there.”

He stressed that denying the residents medical treatment and pharmaceutical drugs is unbecoming of humanitarian values and violates the UN charter which Iraq is a signatory of.

Mohabat News

Security and intelligence forces in Iran arrested a group of Christian converts in Tehran on Christmas in an organized measure.
According to reports from Tehran, on Sunday December 26, security forces arrested a group of Christian converts separately in their homes in a pre-planned measure.
According to this report, agents entered their homes and conducted a search after arresting them. Some of their personal items including their computers were also confiscated.
According to unofficial sources, some of the detainees were with their families at the time of the arrest and 10 people have been arrested so far…
Some sources in Tehran also report that security forces have told the families of the deatined Christians that they have been charged with apostasy, promoting Christianity and having links to Christian organizations outside of Iran.
These people have been taken to unknown locations. A number of them have been able to make very short phone calls to their families to inform them of their arrest and they were apparently not able to give more explanations regarding their conditions.

بازداشت شماري از هموطنان مسيحي در تهران
در روزهاي مصادف با جشن هاي كريسمس تولد عيسي مسيح و سال نو ميلادي ماموران امنيتي اطلاعات در اقدامي سازمان يافته اقدام به بازداشت جمعي از نوكيشان مسيحي ساكن تهران نمودند."
به نقل از گزارشگران آژانس خبري مسيحيان ايران " محبت نيوز " از تهران ، روز يكشنبه ۵ دي ماه ۱۳۸۹ ( ۲۶ دسامبر ۲۰۱۰) ماموران امنيتي در اقدامي هماهنگ و از پيش تعيين شده جمعي از نوكيشان مسيحي ساكن تهران را بطور جداگانه در منازل شان بازداشت نمودند.
بر پايه اين گزارش ماموران پس از ورود به منازل اين افراد ضمن بازداشت آنان اقدام به بازرسي و تفتيش كامل خانه هاي آنان نموده اند كه در اين راستا برخي از وسايل شخصي از قبيل كامپيوترهاي اين افراد را نيز ضبط و با خود برده اند.
از سوي منابع غير رسمي به "محبت نيوز" در خصوص تعداد بازداشت شدگان گزارش شده كه برخي از اين افراد بهمراه اعضاي خانواده خود بوده اند كه تاكنون تعداد بازداشت شدگان را تا ۱۰ نفر گزارش كرده اند...
همچنين برخي منابع خبري در تهران گزارش دادند كه ماموران امنيتي پس از بازداشت اين شهروندان مسيحي اتهام اين افراد را به خانواده هاي آنان ، تغيير دين (ارتداد) ، ترويج مسيحيت و ارتباط با سازمانهاي مسيحي خارج از كشور اعلام نمودند!
گزارش گرديده افراد بازداشت شده پس از دستگيري به مكانهاي نامعلومي انتقال داده شدند كه برخي از اين افراد تا كنون توانستند در تماسي بسيار كوتاه از سلامت خود خانواده هايشان را با خبر سازند و ظاهرن قادر نبودند تا توضيح بيشتري در مورد وضعيت خود به خانواده هايشان بدهند. (محبت نيوز – 7/10/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran

The heads of Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj have prevented political prisoners detained in cellblock 2 from holding a memorial service for Ali Saremi (who was executed on December 28 in Evin Prison).
According to reports, despite this ban by the heads of cellblock 2, many non-political prisoners came to the cells of political prisoners to express their condolences.

ممانعت مسئولين زندان از برگذاري مراسم براي علي صارمي
مسئولين زندان از برگذاري مراسم ياد بود براي علي صارمي که توسط زندانيان سياسي محبوس در بند 2 زندان رجايي شهر کرج ممانعت به عمل آوردند.
بنا به گزارش ارگان خبري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران "هرانا" علي رغم ممانعت مسئولين بند 2 از برگذاري مراسم بسياري از زندانيان عادي با مراجعه به اتاق زندانيان سياسي به ايشان تسليت گفتند. (هرانا – 7/10/89)

Ali Saremi’s Daughter Speaks on Her Father’s Execution


Ali Saremi’s daughter: The news of execution was given to us by my father’s cell mates, not by authorities/My mother was detained

Zeynab Saremi, the daughter of Ali Saremi, the prisoner who was executed Tuesday morning on the charge of Moharabeh [enmity with God] was in front of Evin prison when she told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran (ICHRI) that the authorities refrained from giving the news of her father’s execution, and the family was informed through Mr. Saremi’s cell mate that the death sentence was possibly carried out. That is why [the family] headed immediately to Evin prison. According to Zeynab Saremi, even the lawyer was not aware of the time of execution. [Translator note: According to the Islamic Republic of Iran's own rules, 48 hours notice is required to be given to the lawyer of the defendant prior to the execution. This rule is repeatedly ignored by Iranian authorities to pave way for secret political executions].

She added that the security forces have arrested her mother, sister, and some of the friends that were accompanying them in front of Evin prison. She was told [by prison authorities] to either get in the police van or leave the prison premises. She told ICHRI that she is waiting to receive her father’s body.

“Last night (around sunset), my father’s cell mates called our home from Karaj’s Gohardasht ‘Rajai Shahr’ prison and said that Ali Saremi has been ‘abducted’ in a suspicious way. The cell mates realized that he was not around. The cell mates told us to be very fearful [of his fate]“, Zeynab Saremi told ICHRI. “We had absolutely no indication that the execution was going to take place. They had not even informed his lawyer. We were, as usual, following up with the case by visiting and writing letters to the Supreme Court and any other authority who we thought could help save our father’s life. Even last night when our family, relatives, and friends gathered outside Evin prison and inquired about my father’s fate, they [prison officials] told us that ‘nothing is going on here. Everybody is asleep. Just leave!”

Saremi’s daughter added, “Around morning prayer call, two ambulances arrived. One of the ambulances was labelled “inspection”, and the other was unmarked. The whole scenario did not even last 30 minutes. After a short while, three chants of ‘Ya Hussein’ were echoed. The reverberation was so strong that it shook our body. After the police forces began to leave one by one, we realized everything was over. My mother was walking back and forth in front of the prison since late night until dawn…”

As for the charges against her father, she said, “The charge of Moharebeh [enmity with God] which they levelled against him is not true at all. The only tie my father had to the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI) and Camp Ashraf [in Iraq, where most of the PMOI militants are stationed] was that my brother lives in Camp Ashraf. My father had told his interrogators that he was not a member of the Mujahedin and the only reason he had gone to Ashraf was to visit my brother.”

She added, “I ask all human rights organizations not to let the family end up so bereaved. I hope human rights organization prevent them [the Iranian regime] from doing the same to other families.”

Human Rights Activists in Iran, Mohabat News

After summoning a Christian convert who is active in a home church to the Shahriar Intelligence Agency, security forces severely tortured and beat him while interrogating him.
According to reports, Alireza Najafi Zadeh, 23, is married and is the father of a new born baby.
This 23 year old man is a resident of Shahriar and a member of the Karaj home church. He was arrested because of his faith and his Christian activities and was subjected to brutal mental and physical torture for three days…
“On that day, when I introduced myself to reception (of the Intelligence Agency) he asked me to wait. A few minutes later, another person came and put a bag over my head and led me to another room. I could not see anything. They took me to a place where a person interrogated me. It seemed that he had a lot of information about Christianity and Christians in Iran. He asked me to tell him the name of the home church I went to and the names of the church leaders and its members and the Christian satellite networks and enunciation organizations I worked with”, he said.
“When my answers did not satisfy him, he told me that they would keep me until I talked and gave them all the information they wanted. They then took me to another location with the bag still over my head. It felt like a very small solitary cell because I could not lie down and there was only enough room to sit. I was kept there for a while. In this time, a number of people whom I did not see threw water on me and wet me all over. I lost track of time.
A few hours later, I was taken for interrogations with the same person. This time, when my answers did not satisfy him, he started kicking me very hard in my body. Sometimes he would call someone else and ask him to beat me so that I would give him the answers he wanted. That person would severely beat me and use profane language. My hands were tied from behind to the chair and I could not defend myself”.
Alireza was interrogated several times. He was taken to a special room and was hanged from the ceiling with his handcuffs. Security forces then beat him with cables and hoses using profane language to insult Christians, Christianity and his family. When Alireza said that he would talk because of the torture, he was brought down and the interrogator once again asked questions about the home church and his communications with the Christian satellite TV channels.
“This time, when my answers did not satisfy them, they hung me from my feet and started lashing me with greater force than before with an object that I think was a water hose or electrical cable. They would lash various parts of my body 10 to 15 times every time and continued until I passed out. They would then throw water on me and would kick and punch me again and repeat their questions. The force of their strikes and beating would increase every time and their language would become more profane until I totally passed out and do not know what happened after that”.
Finally, on Friday August 31, 2010 after three days of torture and interrogation his family were able to give a pledge for his release from the Shahriar Intelligence Agency. Because of the signs of torture on his body, security forces banned him from going to a doctor or hospital for treatment as a condition for his release and told him to wait for his trial in the Revolutionary Court.

شكنجه و ضرب وشتم يك نوكيش مسيحي در بازداشتگاه اطلاعات شهريار
ماموران امنيتي پس از احضار يكي از نوكيشان مسيحي فعال در كليساي خانگي به اداره اطلاعات شهرستان شهريار، ضمن بازداشت و بازجويي از ايشان، وي را به شدت مورد شكنجه و ضرب و شتم قرار دادند .
به گزارش خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران"هرانا" آقاي "عليرضا نجفي زاده " ۲۳ ساله متاهل و داراي يك فرزند نوزاد است .
وي ساكن شهرستان شهريار و عضو كليساهاي خانگي كرج مي باشد كه در مهرماه سالجاري پس از اين كه بخاطر ايمان و فعاليت هاي مسيحي خود توسط ماموران امنيتي مورد شناسائي قرار گرفت، بمدت ۳ روز تحت بدترين نوع شكنجه هاي روحي و جسمي به سر برد ...
اين شهروند مسيحي درباره وقايع پس از بازداشت خود به گزارشگر "محبت نيوز" گفت :
" در همان روز پس از اينكه خود را به شخصي كه در پشت يك ميز كامپيوتر حضور داشت معرفي كردم وي از من خواست تا منتظر بمانم . دقايقي بعد شخص ديگري آمد و يك گوني بر روي سرم كشيد و مرا به اطاقي ديگر هدايت كرد. ديگر چشمانم جائي را نمي ديد . من را به مكاني بردند كه يك نفر در آنجا از من بازجوئي ميكرد . به نظر مي رسيد كه وي اطلاعات زيادي درباره مسيحيت و مسيحيان ايران دارد . او از من خواست كه بگويم با كدام كليساهاي خانگي فعاليت ميكنم . اسامي رهبران و اعضاي آنها را بگويم و اينكه با كدام شبكه هاي ماهواره اي مسيحي و سازمان هاي بشارتي خارج كشور كار ميكنم ! .
وقتي جواب هاي من بازجويم را قانع نكرد او به من گفت كه ما تو را نگه ميداريم تا حرف بزني و همه اطلاعات مورد نياز ما را بدهي . آنگاه دوباره من را با همان چشمان بسته به محل ديگري بردند كه احساس كردم سلول انفرادي بسيار كوچكي است چون نمي توانستم در آنجا دراز بكشم و فقط جا براي نشستن بود . مدتي در آنجا بودم ؛ در طي اين مدت چند بار افرادي كه من آنها را نميديدم بر روي من آب ريختند و سر تا پايم را خيس كردند . زمان را گم كرده بودم و نميدانستم چه مدت گذشته است .
ساعاتي بعد دوباره مرا براي بازجوئي نزد همان شخص بردند . اين بار وقتي پاسخ هايم او را قانع نميكرد با پاي خودش لگدهاي محكمي به بدن من ميزد . گاهي اوقات نيز اسمي را صدا ميزد و از شخص ديگري ميخواست كه من را به باد كتك بگيرد تا جواب هاي مورد نظر او را بدهم . آن شخص نيز در حاليكه فحش هاي ركيك ميداد من را به شدت زير مشت و لگد ميگرفت .دستهاي من از پشت به صندلي بسته شده بود و توان هيچ دفاعي از خود را نداشتم .
"عليرضا" بدفعات مورد بازجويي قرار ميگيرد سپس براي اينكه ماموران به پاسخ هاي مورد نظرشان برسند آنها وي را به اطاق ويژه اي ميبرند و با دستبند وي را آويزان ميكنند و ضمن فحاشي به مسيحيان و مسيحيت و همچنين اداي كلمات ركيك درباره او و خانواده اش با شلنگ و كابل به جان او ميافتند . وقتي "عليرضا "زير فشار شكنجه ميگويد كه حرف خواهد زد او را پائين مي آورند و دوباره بازجو همان سوالات درباره كليساهاي خانگي و شبكه هاي ماهواره اي مسيحي و ارتباط او با آنها را تكرار ميكند .
"عليرضا" كه هنوز پس از گذشت بيش از ۲ ماه از آن ماجرا آثار شكنجه و ضرب و شتم بر روي بدنش به وضوح مشاهده ميشود درباره ادامه ماجرا به گزارشگر "محبت نيوز" گفت :
وقتي باز هم جواب هاي من آنها را قانع نكرد اين بار از پا من را آويزان كردند و با شدت بيش از پيش با اجسامي كه فكر ميكنم شلنگ آب يا كابل برق بود هر بار ۱۰ تا ۱۵ ضربه بسيار محكم به نقاط مختلف بدنم ميزند و اينقدر اين كار را ادامه دادند تا من از حال ميرفتم و بعد روي من آب ميريختند و با مشت و لگد دوباره ميزدند و سوالهايشان را تكرار ميكردند . هربار حملات و ضربه هاي آنها شديدتر ميشد و حرفهايشان ركيك تر تا اينكه من به كلي بيهوش شدم و ديگر چيزي نفهميدم .
سرانجام در روز جمعه ۹ شهريور۱۳۸۹ پس از ۳ روز بازجوئي و شكنجه سخت خانواده عليرضا توانستند ضامن معتبري پيدا كنند و با سپردن تعهد وي را از دفتر اطلاعات شهريار بيرون بياورند . بخاطر وجود آثار شكنجه و تنبيه بدني شديد ماموران اطلاعات با اين شرط اجازه مرخص شدن او از بازداشتگاه را دادند كه براي درمان تن مجروح خود به هيچ پزشك يا بيمارستاني مراجعه نكند و منتظر باشد تا نوبت رسيدگي به پرونده او در دادگاه انقلاب برسد. (هرانا – 6/10/89)
Committee of Human Rights Reporters

Kurd death row political prisoner Reza Sharifi Bukani was taken to an unknown location in the morning.
In light of the threats by security forces against him in the past few days regarding his death sentence, concerns regarding his transfer today have been increased.
According to reports from Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj, Bukani was transferred to an unknown location from Cellblock 4 in this prison at about 10 am under the pretext of being taken to court and there is no news on his condition and whereabouts.
He has been sentenced to death on charges of having communications with and cooperating with Kurd parties.

انتقال رضا شريفي بوکاني زنداني سياسي محکوم به اعدام به مکاني نامعلوم
رضا شريفي بوکاني زنداني سياسي کرد محکوم به اعدام، صبح امروز به مکاني نامعلوم منتقل گرديد.
با توجه به تهديدهايي که توسط مقامات امنيتي طي روزهاي اخير مبني بر اجراي حکم اعدام وي صورت گرفته نگراني ها در مورد انتقال امروز اين زنداني شدت يافته است.
به گزارش کميته دانشجويي دفاع از زندانيان سياسي، بنا به اخبار واصله از تبعيدگاه رجايي شهر کرج (گوهردشت) رضا شريفي بوکاني زنداني سياسي زندان رجايي شهر کرج، حوالي ساعت 10 صبح امروز و به بهانه اعزام به مراجع قضايي از بند 4 زندان رجايي شهر کرج به مکان نامعلومي انتقال داده شد و تا غروب امروز و لحظه تنظيم اين خبر اطلاعي از وضعيت وي در دست نمي باشد.
رضا شريفي بوکاني به اتهام ارتباط و همکاري با يکي از احزاب کرد به اعدام محکوم گرديده. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 6/10/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran

After security and intelligence agents raided the home of the father of death row political prisoner Habibollah Latifi, 20 people were arrested and taken to an unknown detention center.
According to reports, at 10 pm last night, 12 guests and 8 members Habibollah’s family were arrested in a widespread raid to his father’s home.
On the other hand, the phones of Sanandaj Prion have been cut off and there are no reports on the fate of Habibollah Latifi.
Notably, last night, about 30 Special Guards Forces along with intelligence agents participated in the raid. The identity of the 12 detained guests is still unknown.
Eye witnesses said that security forces used violence including beatings to arrest these people. (Habibollah Latifi was scheduled to be hanged on Sunday but after widespread protests, his death sentence was halted.)

بيست تن در منزل پدر حبيب الله لطيفي بازداشت شدند
در پي يورش ماموران امنيتي و اطلاعاتي به منزل پدري حبيب الله لطيفي زنداني محکوم به اعدام بيست تن بازداشت و روانه بازداشتگاه نامعلومي شدند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، در ساعت 22 شب گذشته دوازده تن از مهمانان به همراه هشت عضو خانواده حبيب الله لطيفي در يک يورش گسترده به منزل پدري اين زنداني سياسي بازداشت شدند.
از سوي ديگر کليه تماس هاي زندانيان محبوس در زندان سنندج قطع شده و هيچگونه اطلاعي از سرنوشت حبيب الله لطيفي به دست نيامده است.
لازم به ذکر است، شب گذشته دست کم 30 تن از نيروهاي گارد ضد شورش به همراه نيروهاي اطلاعاتي به منزل پدري وي يورش برده و در نتيجه آن بيست نفر بازداشت شدند که هويت 12 بازداشتي که ميهمان خانواده حبيبي بوده اند نامشخص است.
شاهدان عيني به گزارشگر هرانا گفتند نيروهاي امنيتي در بازداشت اين افراد دست به اقدامات خشونت آميزي از جمله ضرب و شتم ميهمان زده اند. (هرانا – 6/10/89)
ISNA state-run news agency
The Kermanshah Public Prosecutor said that those who disrupt the comfort and security of the people will be seriously and decisively dealt with.
“The issue of psychological insecurity is mostly a result of robberies therefore, the judicial system has decided to deal decisively and in a special manner with the negative phenomenon of robbery”, Allahyari Maleshahi said.
“In the past 20 days, a large number of sentences including the hand amputation of an experienced robber were carried out in the Kermanshah Central Prison with the presence of the families of the victims and other prisoners who were arrested on robbery charges and convicts should know that the process of amputation will continue in a decisive manner”.

دادگستري رژيم از افزايش مجازات وحشيانه قطع عضو خبر داد
رييس کل دادگستري استان کرمانشاه در جلسه شوراي قضايي استان از برخورد جدي و قاطع با اخلالگران آسايش و امنيت مردم خبر داد.
الهيار ملکشاهي گفت: بحث ناامني رواني که بيشتر از سرقت ناشي شده...، لذا در دستگاه قضايي تصميم گرفته شد که با پديده منفي سرقت به صورت ويژه و قاطع برخورد شود.
رييس کل دادگستري استان کرمانشاه، گفت: در اين راستا در طول 20 روز گذشته احکام بسياري هم چون قطع يد يکي از سارقين سابقه دار با حضور خانواده مالباختگان و ديگر زندانيان جرايم سرقت در محل زندان مرکزي کرمانشاه اجرا شد و مجرمين بدانند که اين روند قطع يد با قاطعيت ادامه خواهد يافت. (ايسنا – 6/10/89)

Political prisoner banned from seeing lawyer

Human Rights Activists in Iran

The heads of Evin Prison have prevented political prisoner Hossein Ronaghi Maleki from sending his letters to the Tehran Prosecutor and from seeing his lawyer.
According to reports, this political prisoner was illegally sentenced to 15 years of prison by the 26th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court. This sentence was upheld by the 54th branch of the court of review and has only been able to see his lawyer, Mohammad-Ali Dadkhah, once on July 13, 2010. Prison officials even refuse to give his letters to the Tehran Prosecutor and his lawyer. In previous visits with the Tehran Prosecutor, his family denied the charges brought against him and said that the things published in the hardline Kayhan Daily against him were sheer lies. In this visit, the Tehran Prosecutor denied that anything was published about him in the Kayhan Daily.
Hossein Ronaqi was under severe mental and physical torture in a solitary cell in Evin Prison’s cellblock 2A for one year.

کارشکني در پرونده حسين رونقي ملکي، زنداني سياسي
مسئولين زندان اوين از ارسال نامه توسط زنداني سياسي، حسين رونقي ملکي به دادستان تهران و ملاقات با وکيل خود جلوگيري ميکنند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران (هرانا)، اين زنداني سياسي که در حکمي غير قانوني توسط شعبه 26 دادگاه انقلاب تهران به 15 سال زندان محکوم و اين حکم توسط شعبه 54 دادگاه تجديد نظر تاييد شده بود تا به امروز تنها يک بار در تاريخ 22 تير ماه با وکيل خود "محمد علي دادخواه" ملاقات داشته است. مسئولين زندان حتي از دادن نامه هاي اين زنداني سياسي به دادستان تهران و وکيل خود جلوگيري ميکنند. خانواده اين زنداني در ديدار قبلي با دادستان تهران اتهامات اين زنداني سياسي را رد و مطالب درج شده در روزنامه کيهان را کذب محض خواندند. در اين ديدار دادستان تهران هرگونه چاپ مقاله يا خبر در مورد حسين رونقي ملکي را در روزنامه کيهان تکذيب کرد.
لازم به ذکر است که خانواده اين زنداني سياسي وضعيت روحي وي را مناسب ذکر کردند.
حسين رونقي ملکي به مدت 1 سال در سلول انفرادي بند 2 الف سپاه پاسداران زندان اوين تحت شکنجه هاي جسمي و روحي قرار داشته است. (هرانا – 5/10/89)

Human Right and Democracy Activists in Iran
According to reports, on Sunday, December 26 at about 9:30 am, political prisoner Reza Sharifi Bukani was transferred to the first branch of the Shahriar Revolutionary Court in Karaj and new charges were brought against him. He was tried by the head of this branch, Mir Ghafari. His trial lasted from 11 am to 2 pm. He was charged with giving consultation to and being a member of the Iran Kurdistan Democratic Party and acting against national security. He was also verbally charged with another false accusation that he ordered the bombing in the Amir Mosque. Mirghafari also threatened him with execution.
“You will pay the price for giving out statements with Mojahed prisoners’, he told him.
This trial was carried out without previous announcement and without the presence of his lawyer.

پرونده سازي جديد و محاکمۀ زنداني سياسي رضا شريفي بوکاني
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران، روز يکشنبه 5 دي ماه حوالي ساعت 09:30 زنداني سياسي رضا شريفي بوکاني به شعبۀ 1 دادگاه انقلاب شهريار کرج منتقل شد و پرونده جديدي عليه او گشود شد. او توسط فردي بنام مير غفاري رئيس اين شعبه مورد محاکمه قرار گرفت. دادگاه اين زنداني سياسي از ساعت 11:00 تا ساعت 14:00 ادامه داشت.
اتهاماتي که به زنداني سياسي رضا شريفي نسبت داده شده بود عبارت بودند از؛ مشاوره کردن و عضويت در حزب دمکرات کردستان ايران و اقدام عليه امنيت نظام.همچنين بصورت شفاهي اتهام دروغين ديگري تحت عنوان دستور بمب گذاري در مسجد امير . ميرغفاري او را تهديد کرد و گفت: مي زنيمت زمين (منظور اعدام اوست). ميرغفاري در ادامه تهديداتش خطاب به آقاي شريفي گفت:اين همه بيانيه مي دهي همراه با زندانيان مجاهد برايت گران تمام خواهد شد.
محاکمه زنداني سياسي رضا شريفي بوکاني بصورت ناگهاني و بدون اطلاع قبلي صورت گرفت و از داشتن وکيل مدافع محروم بود. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 5/10/89)
Population of Combat against Educational Discrimination, Pars Daily News

Faraneh Mansouri, a medical engineering student at the Sahand University in Tabriz was expelled from university after three semesters on December 15, 2010. She was verbally expelled for unknown reasons.
According to reports, student cards were not issued for this expelled student and another expelled Baha’i student who were studying in the Sahand University and they were told that ‘the student cards for these two students have not been issued as yet’.
In the end of the second semester, the head of the university told Faraneh Mansouri that he was “unable to do anything for her”.
“I do not know if they will finally expel you or not. They might call me one day and say that a certain student has been banned from education and I will inform that student. I only give their message to you and cannot do anything else”…
Baha’i students who were expelled from the Sahand University in Tabriz are Sama Nourani, Sina Dana and Faraz Vazirzadeh.

اخراج دانشجوي بهايي از دانشگاه سهند تبريز
فرانه منصوري، دانشجوي رشته مهندسي پزشکي دانشگاه سهند تبريز پس از 3 ترم تحصيل در تاريخ 22 آذر 1389 به علت نامشخص و به شکل شفاهي از دانشگاه سهند تبريز اخراج گرديد.
براساس اين گزارش، براي اين دانشجوي اخراجي و يکي ديگر از دانشجويان بهايي در حال تحصيل در دانشگاه سهند تبريز از ترم 2 به بعد کارت دانشجويي صادر نمي گردد، و در ادامه پيگيري هاي اين دانشجويان مسئولين دانشگاه ابراز مي دارند «کارت دانشجويي اين دو نفر فعلا صادر نشده است.»
در پايان ترم 2 رئيس دانشگاه سهند تبريز به فرانه منصوري اعلام مي دارد :« کاري از دست من بر نمي آيد، من هيچ اطلاعي ندارم که آيا نهايتا شما را اخراج مي کنند يا خير، ممکن است يک روز با من تماس بگيرند و بگويند فلان دانشجو از حق تحصيل محروم است، من هم به آن دانشجو ابلاغ ميکنم. من فقط پيام آنها را به شما مي رسانم و کار بيشتري از من بر نمي آيد.»...
از دانشجويان بهايي که در سال هاي اخير از دانشگاه سهند تبريز اخراج گرديده اند مي توان به «سما نوراني، سينا دانا، فراز وزيرزاده» اشاره کرد. (جمعيت مبارزه با تبعيض تحصيلي, پارس ديلي نيوز – 5/10/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran
Four prisoners who were arrested on charges of carrying and possessing narcotics and immoral conduct were executed yesterday in the Karoun Prison in Ahwaz.
According to this report, A.A, H.M and J.J were sentenced to death by the Khuzestan Penal Court which was upheld by the Supreme Court.
In another case, the sentence for another person identified as Gh.F was carried out on charges of immoral conduct.

چهار نفر در اهواز اعدام شدند
چهار زنداني که به اتهام حمل و نگهداري مواد مخدر و عمل منافي عفت بازداشت شده بودند، روز گذشته در زندان کارون اهواز اعدام شدند.
براساس اين گزارش «الف. ع»، «ح. م»، «ج. ج» از سوي دادگاه کيفري استان به اعدام محکوم شدند و راي صادره در خصوص آنان، از سوي ديوانعالي کشور تأييد شد.
هم‌چنين حکم اعدام «غ. ف» به جرم ارتکاب به‌عمل منافي عفت در محل زندان کارون اهواز به اجرا درآمد.
در طي روز گذشته مجموعا هفت نفر در زندانهاي ساري، اهواز و ساوه اعدام شدند. (سايت هرانا - 5/10/89)

Following the execution of Ali Sarami this morning, his family and number of other families of political prisoners gathered outside Tehran’s Evin prison to collect his corpse. The authorities refuse to respond to their enquiries and refer them to Kahrizak death camp in Karaj, west of Tehran. The suppressive forces brutally beat the families and arrested a number of them.

Some of those arrested include: Mahin, his wife; Pouya, his daughter; Mohtaram, his sister; Akram Sanjari, mother of political prisoner Misaq Yazdan-Nejad; and Mahboubeh and Hadi Mansouri, members of political prisoner Mohammad Ali Mansouri.

Ali Sarami, 63, was hanged at dawn on Tuesday, December 28, 2010 in Evin prison, after 24 years of incarceration and torture under the clerical and Shah’s rule. His son, Akbar Sarami, member of PMOI resides in Camp Ashraf, Iraq.

The regime’s prosecutor enumerated his charges as visiting Ashraf, distributing pictures of the leaders of the Resistance in Iran, recruiting and dispatching people to Ashraf, holding organizational meetings and sending films from those meetings to the Iranian National TV (Satellite TV network reflecting views of opposition among others).

Ali Sarami was very popular among Iranians due to his firmness and resistance against the clerical regime. An extensive campaign was launched to save his life by his son, Akbar, a PMOI member residing in Ashraf, after he was sentenced to death.

NCRI - Ali Sarami, 63, member of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), was hanged at dawn on Tuesday, December 28, 2010, after 24 years of incarceration under the clerical and Shah’s rule.

Since the beginning of the clerical rule, Sarami was arrested four times. The last time he was arrested was in August 2007 during a ceremony marking the anniversary of massacre of political prisoners. After the Ashura uprising in December 2009, he was sentenced to death.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, offered her condolences to his family, especially to his son, Akbar, in Camp Ashraf. She said that Ali’s execution highlighted the Iranian regime’s fear of the PMOI and the Iranian Resistance and it was the regime’s way of taking revenge following its repeated failures to plot against Ashraf, which is standing firm and steadfast. She added that this great crime only reflects the regime’s inability and frustration in face of the resolute Iranian youths and members of PMOI who are determined to overthrow the clerical rule and establish freedom and the rule of people in Iran.

The regime’s so called Revolutionary Prosecutor described Sarami’s charge as “publicity activities against the sacred rule of Islamic Republic.” He wrote: “He visited Ashraf and during that he received necessary trainings and returned to the country… and eventually he was arrested in August 2007 for his repeated activities and participation in counter revolutionary ceremonies and gatherings in support of PMOI and dispatching reports to this grouplet (PMOI). During a search in his house some CDs, films, pictures from PMOI and hand written organizational documents linked to the grouplet were found and confiscated.”

The henchmen of the regime subjected Sarami to the most brutal torture and pressures until his last days in a bid to break his resistance, but despite all his ailments and intolerable prison conditions, he stood firm on the ideal of freedom and liberation for the people of Iran and did not yield.

When receiving his death sentence he said: "They cannot frighten me and my freedom-loving compatriots by execution and hanging... The only reason for such sentences is their fear of their own unstable state".

Following Ali Sarami's execution, his daughter was arrested by the regime's henchmen this morning outside Evin Prison in Tehran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 28, 2010

Photos: NCRI
Saremi visiting his son in the refugee camp called Ashraf - 70 kilometeres from the Iraqi front to Iran near Iraqi Capital Baghdad, in his last visit of his son, before he was arrested when in Iran.
International Campaign for Human Rights

Zeinab Saremi, daughter of Ali Saremi, who was executed in Tehran’s Evin Prison on Tuesday morning on the charge of moharebeh, enmity with God, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that Iranian authorities had not informed the family of her father’s impending execution, and that the family had been alerted about the possibility of the execution through Saremi’s cellmates at Rajaee Shahr Prison, whereupon the family had rushed to Evin Prison. According to Saremi’s daughter, who was still outside Evin Prison Complex at the time of interview, even his attorney was not aware of his time of execution.

We have heard from sources that early this morning Ali Saremi, distinguished political prisoner who served a sentence during the time of the Shah as well as the present tyranny, was hanged today.

Saremi has spent a total of 23 years in prisons operated by either the Shah monarchy or the current Iranian regime. He was last arrested in the summer of 2007 for attending a ceremony that marked the 19th anniversary of the 1988 massacre of about 30,000 Iranian political prisoners. Saremi was sentenced to death on December 29, 2009.

He was known to be one of the eldest political prisoners well esteemed amongst others for his perseverance and courage to stand for FREEDOM under all circumstances.
He was supposedly charged to have participated in the Ashura protests , while he was serving prison during the protests of 2009 and was arrested long before the protests because he had been active in participating in Khavaran gatherings , reminding all of us the languish of families of those massacred by the same regime during the 1980s.

His second charge was that he had visited a relative in Camp Ashraf, home to 3400 PMPOI residents. His charges where never proved against International Law and reasoning and where only political excuses used by the weak regime to exert pressure on its opposition and their families.

He was an enchained hostage in the dampened dungeons of fundamentalist regime in power.
Despite this he was never silenced and was full of life and blooming in his fight against injustice.
His letters depict a resistant and resolved spirit that was engine to many other political prisoners.
Some letters were revelations of Prison conditions some only to say “NO” to torture and pressure , while he was under pressure and torture

Previous letters of revelation from Prison by Ali Saremi

In the name of God,

Since his [Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei] majesty’s accession to the throne, I have been in prison and I am unaware what is happening outside. However, in the same year when he was crowned, the price of 700 grams of dates were 1,250 tomans [approximately $1.25] but right now, the same amount of dates is sold for 3,700 tomans [approximately $3.70]. Similarly, to rent a house, we then paid a deposit of two million tomans [approximately two thousand USD] and the monthly rent was 70,000 tomans [approximately 70 USD), but nowadays, the required deposit has increased to 10 million tomans [approximately 10 thousand USD], and the monthly rent is 200 thousand tomans [approximately 200

At the same time when I was arrested, an interrogator claimed that
there were only a total of 80 political prisoners in the entire country. Right
now, there are more than 400 political prisoners only in Evin and Gohardasht
prisons. I don’t know about the rest of the country. Besides, in those years, a
few party insiders were politically active. Right now, even that does not exist.

It isn’t very difficult to determine under what conditions non-political
prisoners live. Once a prisoner arrives here, he has nothing but a little money
in his pocket and the clothing on his back. New prisoners spend one to three
days in an isolated ward where they receive a set of undergarments and a
disposable bowl and cup. However, when prisoners enter the general population in
the prison, they are given no clothing, dishes, cups, toothbrushes or
toothpaste. Prisoners must provide all these items for themselves.

All this is happening while the majority of the prisoners have no home, have been
estranged from their families, or their loved ones can’t financially support
them. Some of the prisoners suffer from mental problems or have illnesses that
render them incapacitated. The lives of these prisoners in need are
unfortunately pitiful. These prisoners eat their food out of plastic containers
cut from used milk jugs or cleaning agents.

Additionally, the number of prisoners is increasing every day due to the inability and incompetency of those managing the country. In year 2009, when I was transferred to Gohardasht prison in the city of Karaj, there were 500 prisoners in ward 4 where I am held. This year, the number of prisoners in the same ward has increased to 1,300 individuals, an increase of 2.5 times since a year ago by adding 60 prisoners to
the population of captives every month.

Gohardasht prison has eight wards to which 450 prisoners have been added in the last year. Since there are ten prisons in Tehran, it can be concluded that 4,500 additional citizens are incarcerated every month. Consequently, the prison population in Iran’s ten biggest cities is increasing by 45,000 individuals every month.

The question that all of us must ask is this: If this regime manages to survive a
few more years, what will happen to the Iranian people? In addition to narcotics
addiction, no hot water or other amenities are found in prisons.


November 17, 2010

A letter Saremi Wrote after he learnt of his sentence:

In the name of God,

I have read once more in newspapers that the [regime’s] prosecutor has said that the death sentences of six PMOI supporters were confirmed and will soon be implemented.

The prosecutor must be asked: Have you really given this nation anything other than death, poverty, terror and batons over the past thirty one years that you have been in power?

Looking back at the events of the past 31 years, one would realize that
the execution of us six is not a novel and astonishing tale. This is the only
thing that you are capable of doing. Have you dreadful reactionaries brought
anything for the Iranian people other than death?

While you continue to subject this nation to humiliation, death, gloom and illusions, beware that the day of the people’s retribution is near. You are showered each night and day with the people’s hatred and abhorrence. Don’t think for a moment that people are ignorant and would forget the batons, chains, and knives, Kahrizak [notorious prison], the persistent murders, or plainclothes agents and thugs who rain down on people with batons.

On Judgment Day you will be standing beside the pharaohs, Nero, Genghis Khan, and others who have betrayed nations throughout history. It will not be long. Where will you so-called prosecutors who justify baseless sentences handed down by your so-called courts find a place among humans and Muslims?

This nation will not join hands with tyrants.
You have made life intolerable for people by creating plenty of empty dinner
tables, abandoned children, drug addiction, and jealousy. How dare you continue
to rule, talk and make promises? Are you not mortified? Shame on all of you.

Political prisoner Ali Saremi

بنام خدا
از زمانی که ایشون بر تخت جلوس فرموده اند بنده در زندان بسر می برم و از اوضاع بیرون از زندان بی خبرم ولی سال جلوس ایشان ما یک پاکت خرما 700 گرمی را می خریدیم 1250 تومان ولی اکنون آخرین خرید ما 3700 تومان بوده است. اجاره منزل ما 2 میلیون پول پیش قسط بوده و 70 هزار تومان اجاره ولی اکنون 10 میلیون پول پیش قسط و 200 هزار تومان اجاره ماهیانه است .
همان زمان که مرا دستگیر کردند به گفتۀ بازجو کل زندانیان سیاسی سراسر کشور 80 نفر بودند در حالی که اکنون فقط در زندان گوهردشت و اوین بیش از 400 نفر زندانی سیاسی می باشد در بقیه کشور هم خبری ندارم. در آن زمان تعدادی حزب خودی که فعالیت داشتند اکنون همانها هم وجود ندارند.
برآورد وضعیت زندانیهای غیر سیاسی زیاد دشوار نیست یک زندانی هنگامی که به زندان وارد می شود جزء مقداری پول در جیب و لباس تنش چیز دیگری ندارد. در قرنطینه زندان که معمولا از یک تا 3 روز طول می کشد یک دست لباس زیر و ظرف غذا و لیوان یک بار مصرف به هر نفر می دهند. ولی هنگامی که وارد بند می شوند نه از لباس خبری هست و نه از ظرف غذا و لیوان و مسواک و خمیر دندان و همۀ اینها را خود زندانی باید تهیه نماید.
این در حالی است که بسیاری از زندانیها خانه ندارند و یا از خانواده طرد شده اند و یا خانوادۀ آنها توان تامین مالی آنها را ندارند شماری از اینها دچار اختلالت روانی هستند و یا دچار بیماریهای هستند که نمی توانند خودشون را کنترل نمایند.
زندگی این نیازمندان بطور تاسفباری رقت انگیز است. غذای خود را داخل تکه ای پلاستیک و یا بریده ظرف شیری که دیگران خورده اند و یا بخشی از بریده یک دبۀ 4 لیتری مایع دستشویی پلاستیکی می گیرند و می خورند مظاف بر اینها افزایش روز افزون زندانیان می باشد. که در اثر ناتوانی مدیریت کلان کشور در ادارۀ آن است .آمار سال 88 که من به زندان گوهردشت منتقل شدم . آن زمان آمار زندانیهای بند ما (بند4 ) در حدود 500 نفر بودند امسال همان آبان ماه آمار زندانیهای بند ما 1300 نفرند یعنی ظرف یک سال بیش از 2.5 برابر شده اند ماهیانه بیش از 60 نفر به تعداد زندانیها افزوده می شود.
زندان گوهردشت 8 بند دارد که به همین نسبت به زندانیهای آنها نیز افزوده شده اند یعنی افزایش زندانی ظرف 1 سال در زندان گوهردشت بیش از 450 نفر بوده است با توجه به اینکه که در تهران بیش از 10 زندان وجود دارد پس افزایش زندان در تهران ماهیانه بیش از 4500 نفر می باشد و چون بیش از 10 شهر بزرگ در کشور وجود دارد افزایش زندانیها در ماه بیش از 45 هزار نفر می باشد .
حال باید پرسید اگر این حکومت خدای نکرده چند سال دیگر ادامه پیدا کند تکلیف مردم ایران چه خواهد بود؟ همۀ اینها جدای از مسئلۀ اعتیاد نبود آب گرم و غیره در زندان می باشد.
علی صارمی
26 آبان ماه 1389

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

Letter of jailed blogger Mohammad-Reza Pour:

Intelligence agents raided my home on September 12, 2010 and after arresting me,
confiscated some of my personal belongings… They transferred me to cellblock 8
in Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison known as the Sepah Cellblock.
The next
day I cut my wrists in an attempt to commit suicide because of the intolerable
pressure I was put under. My suicide was unsuccessful and I was taken to the
hospital for treatment.
In the first days of my interrogations when the
pressure started, they took dozens of pages of interrogations from me. On
Tuesday August 25, after severe beatings, my interrogators requested I write my
will and they subsequently carried out a mock execution.
Since the first day
of my arrest, I have been threatened with execution by my interrogators and
I am currently detained in the prayer hall of Hall 2 in Section 1
known as the ‘end of the world’ and have the minimum facilities. I am banned
from receiving visits, making telephone calls or contacting my lawyer. I am kept
with dangerous criminals and convicted murderers and have no security.
I am
suffering from kidney stones, a slipped disk disorder and sinusitis and the most
treatment I receive is two painkillers. I am taken to the court without the
knowledge of my family and my rights as a political prisoner are violated as I
am taken to court with shackles. In court, my lawyer, jury and the press are
banned from participating and the judge actually sits in the place of my

رنجنامۀ وبلاگ نويس زنداني سيامک مهر (محمدرضا پورشجري)
رنجنامه وبلاگ نويس زنداني محمدرضا پورشجري (سيامک مهر) که مطالب و نوشتها ي خود را در وبلاگ شخصي اش به نام « گزارش به خاک ايران» جهت انتشار در اختيار "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" قرار گرفته است. متن رنجنامه به قرار زير مي باشد:
طرح مسائل سيامک مهر؛
در تاريخ 21 شهريور 89 ماموران اطلاعات کرج با حمله به منزل شخصي ام پس از بازداشت
من هر آنچه از وسايلم نياز داشته توقيف کردند... ماموران اطلاعات من را به بند 8
اطلاعات زندان رجايي شهر که معروف به بند سپاه منتقل کردند .
در رابطه با تهديد
و فشارهاي سخت و بي امان تمامي وبلاگها و ايميل هاي من را گرفتند و روز بعد در سلول
انفرادي بر اثر فشارهاي تحمل ناپذير با بريدن رگهاي دست خود اقدام به خودکشي نمودم
که موفق نشدم من را به بيمارستان زندان جهت درمان منتقل کردند.
در روز نخست
بازجوييها که با فشار شديد شروع شد چند ده صفحه بازجويي گرفتند . روز سه شنبه 3
شهريور بازجويان پس از ضرب وشتم بسيار از من خواستند تا وصيت نامه ام را بنويسم سپس
با بردن من بر چهار پايه اعدام نمايشي را اجرا کردند.
از روز نخست بازداشت
تاکنون از بازجو و شکنجه گر و بازپرس و غيره جملگي من را به اعدام تهديد کردند...
اکنون من در حسينيه سالن 2 اندرزگاه 1 معروف به آخر دنيا محبوس هستم و از
کمترين امکانات يک زنداني نيز برخوردار نيستم ،ممنوع ملاقات،ممنوع تلفن و حق تماس
با وکيل را ندارم در ميان مجرمين خطرناک متهمين به قتل ،جنايت محبوسم و هيچگونه
امنيت جاني ندارم.
از سنگ کليه،ديسک کمر دردها ... بيماري سينوزيت در رنج هستم
حداکثر درمان بهداري زندان که ارائۀ يکي دو عدد قرص مسکن محدود است که بدون اطلاع
من و بستگانم من را به بازپرسي دادگاه مي برند. از دست بند و پابند استفاده مي کنند
حقوق يک متهم سياسي و عقيدتي و زنداني سياسي را رعايت نمي کنند در دادگاه نيز اجازۀ
حضور وکيل ،هيئت منصفه ،نمايندگان رسانه ها داده نمي شود و قاضي در واقع همان شاکي
(فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 2/10/89)
Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, student prison Ahmad Shah Rezayi is under inhumane and hard conditions in Evin Prison.
This 28 year old student activist is a constructional engineering student at the Sadouqi University in Yazd and was arrested in the protests on June 12, 2010 outside Tehran University after he was violently beaten by plainclothes agents and Bassij forces. He was then transferred to cellblock 209 in Evin Prison and was mentally and physically tortured in a solitary cell by interrogators from the Ministry of Intelligence.
Shah Rezayi was sentenced to 2.5 years of prison by the Revolutionary Court on charges of spreading propaganda against the government. His sentence was reduced to 1.5 years of prison recently by a court of review.

محکوميت سنگين و غير انساني دانشجوي زنداني احمد شاه رضايي
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران، دانشجويي زنداني احمد شاه رضايي در شرايطي سخت وغير انساني در زندان اوين نگهداري مي شود.
فعال دانشجويي احمد شاه رضايي 28 ساله از دانشجويان رشتۀ معماري دانشگاه صدوقي يزد مي باشد که در جريان اعتراضات روز 22 خرداد 89 مقابل دانشگاه تهران با يورش لباس شخصيها و بسيجيها و با ضرب و شتم وحشيانه دستگير و به بند 209 زندان اوين منتقل گرديد.او براي مدت طولاني در سلولهاي انفرادي تحت شکنجه هاي جسمي و روحي بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات قرار داشت.
فعال دانشجويي احمد شاه رضايي در دادگاه انقلاب به اتهام تبليغ عليه نظام و ساير اتهامات محاکمه و به 2.5 سال زندان محکوم شد و مدتي پيش در دادگاه تجديد نظر حکم قطعي وي به 1.5 سال تقيليل يافت. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 2/10/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran

Vali Janfeshani, a prisoner who was sentenced to death by stoning on adultery charges recently and for the second time by the judicial system along with Sarieh Ebadi has pleaded for help in a letter to human rights activists.
(His appeal reads in part):
“I want to ask all human rights activists or at least those who think that humans deserve rights to convey my voice to the world and I am asking for your help. Vali Janfeshani- sentenced to death by stoning- detained in Orumieh Prison” – Dec. 22, 2010

استمداد يک زنداني محکوم به سنگسار از فعالان حقوق بشر
ولي جانفشاني زنداني محکوم به سنگسار که اخيرا و براي بار دوم از سوي دستگاه قضايي به اتهام ............ به همراه ساريه عبادي به اعدام از طريق سنگسار (رجم) محکوم شده است در نامه‌اي به فعالان حقوق بشر استمداد طلبيد.
بدين وسيله از تمامي فعالان حقوق بشر و از تمام بشر دوستان و يا حداقل کساني که حق و حقوقي براي انسان قائل هستند مي‌خواهيم صداي ما را به گوش جهانيان برسانند و از شما تقاضاي کمک داريم.
ولي جانفشاني زنداني محکوم به سنگسار زندان اروميه- ۱ دي ماه ۸۹ (هرانا – 2/10/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran

The condition of political prisoner Mashahllah Haeri who is detained in Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj has deteriorated due to the lack of medical attention.
According to reports, Haeri needs an open heart surgery because of his critical condition but prison officials have not carried out any measures to treat this political prisoner.
He has constant nose bleeds and nausea and needs to see a medical specialist urgently.
Notably, security officials beat him upon his arrest and broke his leg and he uses crutches to walk.
He was sentenced to 15 years of prison on charges of being a member of a dissident group by the Revolutionary Court.

وضعيت بد جسماني ماشالله حائري، زنداني سياسي
وضعيت جسمي ماشاالله حائري يکي از زندانيان محبوس در زندان رجايي شهر کرج به علت عدم رسيدگي مسئولين زندان رو به وخامت گرائيده است.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران (هرانا)، ماشاالله حائري بدليل مشکل حاد جسمي نياز به عمل جراحي "قلب باز" دارد ولي مسئولين زندان تا کنون اقدامي براي اين زنداني سياسي نکرده اند.
وي به طور دائم به خونريزي بيني و حالت تهوع دچار است و به طور جدي به پزشک متخصص نياز دارد.
لازم به ذکر است که نيروهاي امنيتي هنگام بازداشت اين زنداني با خودرو با وي برخورد کرده و اين زنداني از ناحيه پا دچار شکستگي شده و در حال حاضر از عصا استفاده ميکند.
ماشالله حائري به جرم عضويت در يک گروه معاند نظام بازداشت و توسط دادگاه انقلاب به 15 سال زندان محکوم شد. (هرانا – 2/10/89)
Daneshju News
The date of the execution of Kurd political prisoner Habibollah Latifipour was announced to his lawyer.
According to reports, judicial sources informed his lawyer Saleh Nikbakht that his sentence will definitely be carried out on Sunday, December 26, 2010.
Habibollah Latifi was arrested on October 23, 2007. He was under severe torture by interrogators of the Ministry of Intelligence for four months while in solitary. He was sentenced to death on charges of enmity with God in a trial that lasted only a few minutes without the presence of his family on June 30, 2008 in the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Hassan Bababi on charges of acting against national security and the government.

زمان اجراي اعدام حبيب الله لطيفي به وکيل وي اعلام شد
زمان اجراي حکم اعدام حبيب الله لطيفي پور، زنداني سياسي کرد به وکيل مدافع وي اعلام شد.
به گزارش روانيوز، مقامات قضايي عصر روز پنج شنبه 1 ديماه به صالح نيکبخت وکيل مدافع حبيب الله لطيفي‌پور گفته‌اند که حکم وي روز يکشنبه 5/10/89 به‌صورت قطعي به اجرا در خواهد آمد.
حبيب‏الله لطيفي در تاريخ يکم آبان ماه ۱۳۸۶ بازداشت شد. وي ۴ ماه در زندان انفرادي تحت شکنجه‌ي شديد بازجويان اطلاعات مورد بازجويي قرار گرفت. لطيفي در تاريخ ۱۰ تيرماه ۱۳۸۷ طي دادگاهي چند دقيقه‌اي و بدون حضور خانواده، در شعبه‌ي اول دادگاه انقلاب اسلامي سنندج از سوي قاضي حسن بابايي به جرم اقدام عليه امنيت ملي و نظام.. محارب اعلام شده و به اعدام محکوم شد. (سايت دانشجو نيوز- 3/10/89)