Kurd political prisoner to be hanged on May 1

Campaign in Defense of Political and Civil Rights Prisoners

The Saqez Islamic Revolutionary Court has confirmed the death sentence of Kurd political prisoner Shir Kouh Moarefi and the sentence is to be carried out on May 1. Bahman (Shir Kouh) Moarefi who is a Kurd political activist was convicted of being a Mohareb (at war with God) by the judicial system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This 31 year old man from Baneh was charged with acting against national security. He was arrested on October 31, 2008 and has been detained ever since in the Saqez Intelligence Agency Detention Center and Saqez Prison.
Experts of his family’s letter to the international community and human rights organizations:
Shir Kouh Moarefi is in danger of execution. He was sentenced to enmity with the Islamic Republic only on the charge of supporting a party that ceased its armed struggle years ago and only engages in cultural and political activities. His death sentence was issued in a court that only lasted for a few minutes. Shir Kouh’s death sentence was confirmed on the New Year celebrations and his death sentence will be carried out on May 1.

زنداني سياسي کرد، شيرکو معارفي در يک قدمي اعدام
همزمان با جشن نوروز دادگاه اسلامي سقز حکم اعدام شيرکو را تأييد کرد و قرار بر اين است که در 11 ارديبهشت حکم اجرا شود. بهمن معارفي (شيرکو معارفي) فعال کرد از سوي دستگاه قضايي جمهوري اسلامي، محارب شناخته‌شده است. شيرکوه معارفي، 31ساله، اهل بانه به اتهام اقدام عليه امنيت ملي و محاربه با خدا به اعدام محکوم شده وي در تاريخ ده آبانماه سال ۱۳۸۷ دستگير شده و از آن زمان تا‌کنون در بازداشت اداره‌ي اطلاعات و زندان شهر سقز است.
نامه سرگشاده خانواده زنداني سياسي، شيرکوه معارفي خطاب به مجامع بين‌المللي و سازمانهاي حقوق‌بشري:
شيرکوه معارفي، در خطر اعدام قرار دارد. شيرکوه تنها به اتهام هواداري از حزبي که که سالهاست از مبارزه مسلحانه عليه حکومت جمهوري اسلامي دست کشيده و وارد فاز تبليغاتي و فرهنگي شده، محکوم به محاربه با جمهوري اسلامي‌شده و حکم اعدام وي نيز در يک دادگاه چند دقيقه‌اي صادر شده است. همزمان با جشن نوروز دادگاه اسلامي سقز حکم اعدام شيرکو را تأييد کرد و در 11 ارديبهشت حکم اجرا شود (کمپين دفاع از زندانيان سياسي و مدني - 4/1/1390)
Human Right and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, political prisoner Zahra Jabari was taken to a hospital in Tehran in very critical condition.
On Monday, March 21, this political prisoner’s health became very critical and she went into a coma. According to eyewitnesses, when being transferred to the hospital, it seemed that her brain was not functioning and only her heart was beating. There are unconfirmed reports that this political prisoner might have suffered a brain death.
Jabari has been suffering from serious heart problems and severe rheumatism for months but has been denied medical treatment on the orders of agents of the Intelligence Agency and Tehran Prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolat Abadi. She was taken to the hospital some time before this after her health deteriorated but intelligence agents and the Tehran Prosecutor prevented her treatment and brought her back to prison.
One of the inhumane methods carried out on political prisoners on orders of Sadeq Larijani, the head of the Judiciary and the Ministry of Intelligence is denying them treatment and eventually torturing them to death in this way.

انتقال زنداني سياسي زهرا جباري با شرايط وخيم جسمي به يکي از بيمارستانها تهران
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" وخامت شديد حال زنداني سياسي زهرا جباري و انتقال او به يکي از بيمارستانهاي تهران.
دوشنبه شب اول فروردين ماه وضعيت جسمي زنداني سياسي زهرا جباري به وخامت گراييد و به کما فرورفته است.بنابه گفتۀ شاهدان هنگام انتقال به يکي از بيمارستانهاي تهران به نظر مي رسيد که مغز او از کار افتاده بود و فقط قلبش ميزد.بعضي از گزارشات تاييد نشده حاکي از مرگ مغزي اين زنداني سياسي است.
زنداني سياسي زهرا جباري ماه ها است که از ناراحتي حاد قلبي و رماتيسم شديد رنج مي برد ولي به دستور بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات و عباس جعفري دولت آبادي مانع درمان وي هستند. مدتي پيش وضعيت وي به حدي وخيم گرديد که به بيمارستان منتقل شد ولي بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات و عباس جعفري دولت آبادي از ادامۀ درمان او در بيمارستان ممانعت کردند و او را به زندان بازگرداندند.
يکي از شيوه هاي ضد بشري که به دستور صادق لاريجاني رئيس قوۀ قضاييه ولي فقيه و وزارت اطلاعات عليه زندانيان سياسي بکار برده مي شود عدم درمان زندانيان سياسي و زجر کش کردن تدريجي آنها است. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 3/1/1390)

UN approves investigator for Iran: Who was behind the scene?

A note from DL : Who was behinde the resoltuion on Iran?

Our Groups along side with WAFE and NCRI were present at the UN Human Right council throughout the session. We followed with the developments on the resolution to allocate a special rapporteur on Iran. One member of WAFE, who has been an active member of the opposition in the UN for the past 23 years, was also present.The NCRI , Human Right division which was responsible for maintainig a flow of documents of HR violations through out the years was also there. The ordeal of having this resolution was a mixture of pain and joy. The balance of power in the UN at Geneva has been considerably outweighed by the change in procedure put into action a couple of years back, when the Human Right Commission was replaced by the Human Right Council. This change is viewed in a cloud of controversy. Some say that with the change of procedure, “smaller third world countries” are not “bullied” by “bigger industrial” ones any more since major group decisions when voting is concerned comprise the majority of the vote and therefore it would be extremely difficult for any European Country or the US to bring a unilateral resolution with political motivation against a smaller country. Others say the group divisions give the third world countries more authority in words and deeds and therefore those very much involved in Human Right violations would not back any resolution on smaller countries since it would later effect their own conduct.
For this reason, from the start of this resolution for Iran, it was a big challenge to earn legitimacy of your intentions. Despite unprecedented human right violations by the mullahs in Iran, the Iranian regime had managed to establish an “Anti-Imperialist” , “anti-bullying” face among third world countries and brought much sympathy with it . Some would even go further than that and vote in favor of the mullahs with respect to the balance of investment the Iranian regime had put into their countries.
One Mission actually told us that the weight of trade with Iran did not permit any other choice other than vote against the resolution!
We shall not go into details of this but, as to inform our readers of the “behind the scene” developments we will publish an interview with those who were actually on the spot for the past 3 weeks covering the resolution.


U.N. human rights body approves investigator on Iran
By Stephanie Nebehay

GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. Human Rights Council agreed on Thursday to a U.S.-backed proposal to establish a U.N. human rights investigator for Iran, the first in a decade.

The 47-member Geneva forum approved the resolution by 22 votes in favor, 7 against and 14 abstentions, its president, Thai Ambassador Sihasak Phuangketkeow, announced.

The council voiced concern at Iran's crackdown on opposition figures and increased use of the death penalty, and called on the Islamic Republic to cooperate with the U.N. envoy to be named to the independent post.

"The United States and other partners are gravely concerned at the situation in Iran where respect for human rights has deteriorated dramatically in recent years," U.S. human rights ambassador Eileen Donahoe said in a speech before the vote.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said earlier this month that Iran had intensified its crackdown on opponents and executions of drug traffickers, political prisoners and juvenile criminals.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in a speech to the Council last month -- a few days after Washington slapped new sanctions on Iran for its nuclear activities -- called for the creation of the U.N. rights post.

The Council's predecessor body, the Human Rights Commission, had special rapporteurs on Iran from 1984 to 2002. But Iran has failed to cooperate with the U.N. human rights office in a meaningful way since then, U.N. officials and diplomats say.

(Reporting by Stephanie Nebehay; Editing by Andrew Callus and Mark Heinrich)


United Nations A/HRC/16/L.25

Distr.: Limited 21 March 2011
Original: English

General Assembly
Human Rights Council Sixteenth session
Agenda item 4

Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention
Albania*, Australia*, Austria*, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina*, Bulgaria*, Canada* , Chile, Colombia*, Costa Rica*, Croatia*, Cyprus*, Czech Republic*, Denmark* , Estonia*, Finland*, France, Georgia*, Germany*, Greece*, Honduras*, Hungary, Iceland*, Ireland*, Italy*, Latvia*, Liberia*, Liechtenstein*, Lithuania*, Luxembourg* , Maldives, Malta*, Monaco*, Montenegro*, Netherlands*, New Zealand*, Norway, Panama*, Peru*, Poland, Portugal*, Republic of Moldova, Slovakia, Slovenia*, Spain, Sweden*, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia*, United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland, United States of America, Zambia: draft resolution
16/… Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

The Human Rights Council,
Guided by the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights and other relevant international
human rights instruments,

Recalling General Assembly resolution 65/226 of 21 December 2010, and regretting
the lack of cooperation on the part of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the requests of the
Assembly made in that resolution,

Welcoming the interim report of the Secretary-General on the situation of human
rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran1 submitted to the Human Rights Council, and
expressing serious concern at the developments noted in that report,

Recalling its resolutions 5/1, on the institution-building of the Council, and 5/2, on the code of conduct for special procedures mandate holders of the Council, of 18 June 2007, and stressing that mandate holders are to discharge their duties in accordance with those resolutions and the

annexes thereto,

1. Decides to appoint a special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, to report to the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly, to present an interim report to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session and to submit a report to the Council for its consideration at its nineteenth session;
* Non-Member State of the Human Rights Council. 1 A/HRC/16/75.


1. Calls upon the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to cooperate fully with the Special Rapporteur and to permit access to visit the country as well as all necessary information to enable the fulfilment of the mandate;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to provide the Special Rapporteur with the resources necessary to fulfil the mandate, within existi

شوراي حقوق بشر, اجلاس شانزدهم
21 مارس 2011

اوضاع حقوق بشر كه نيازمند توجه شورا ميباشد:
نام كشورهاي آورنده به ترتيب حروف الفبا: آلباني, استراليا, اتريش, بلژيك, بوسني و هرزه گوين, بلغارستان, كانادا, شيلي, كلمبيا, كستاريكا, كرواسي, قبرس, جمهوري چك, دانمارك, استوني, فنلاند, فرانسه, گرجستان, آلمان, يونان, هندوراس, مجارستان, ايسلند, ايرلند, ايتاليا, لاتويا, ليبريا, ليختن اشتاين, ليتواني, لوكزامبورگ, مالديو, مالت, موناكو, مونته نگرو, هلند, نيوزلند, نروژ, پاناما, پرو, لهستان, پرتغال, جمهوري مولداوي, اسلواكي, اسلواني, اسپانيا, سوئد, جمهوري سابق يوگسلاوي و مقدونيه, بريتانيا و ايرلند شمالي, ايالات متحده آمريكا, زامبيا

وضعيت حقوق بشر در جمهوري اسلامي ايران

شوراي حقوق بشر
براساس هدايت منشور سازمان ملل، اعلاميه جهاني حقوق بشر, ميثاق بين المللي حقوق بشر و ديگر ابزار مربوطه جهاني حقوق بشر,

با يادآوري قطعنامه مجمع عمومي شماره 65/226 بتاريخ 21 دسامبر 2010 و با ابراز تاسف از بابت فقدان همكاري از سوي جمهوري اسلامي ايران با درخواستهاي اين مجمع كه در قطعنامه ذكر شده است,

با استقبال از گزارش دوره اي دبيركل در مورد وضعيت حقوق بشر در جمهوري اسلامي ايران كه به شوراي حقوق بشر ارائه گرديده است و با ابراز نگراني جدي در مورد تحولاتي كه در آن گزارش به آنها اشاره شده است,

با فراخواندن قطعنامه 5/1 حول پايه ريزي نهادهاي شورا و قطعنامه 5/2 پيرامون ضوابط اجراي عمل براي دارندگان منديت طبق پروسدورهاي ويژه در شورا مورخ 18 ژوئن 2007 و با تاكيد بر اينكه دارندگان منديت مقررند وظايف خود را بر اساس اين قطعنامه ها و ضمايم آنها به پايان برند:

1 – تصميم به انتخاب يك گزارشگر ويژه براي وضعيت حقوق بشر در جمهوري اسلامي ايران ميگيرد كه گزارش خود را به شوراي حقوق بشر و مجمع عمومي بدهد, يك گزارش دوره اي به مجمع عمومي در شصت و ششمين اجلاس خود و يك گزارش به شوراي حقوق بشر براي بررسي در نوزدهمين اجلاس خود ارائه كند.

2 – از دولت جمهوري اسلامي ايران ميخواهد كه با اين گزارشگر ويژه همكاري كامل كند و به او اجازه ديدار از كشور و همچنين امكان دسترسي به اطلاعات لازم براي قادر سازي وي به انجام ماموريت اش را بدهد.

3 – از دبيركل درخواست ميكند تا منابع مورد نياز را براي گزارشگر ويژه فراهم سازد تا وي ماموريتش را براساس منابع موجود برآورد كند.
Kalameh Website

A large number of political prisoners in cellblock 350 in Evin Prison and Rajayi Shahr Prison started the New Year without being given the right to visits or calls their families. Most political prisoners in other towns were also deprived from seeing or talking to their families…
Female political prisoners in Evin were also denied the right to visit or talk to their families.

محروميت بسياري از زندانيان سياسي از حق ملاقات و تماس تلفني در سال نو
بسياري زندانيان سياسي بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوين و رجايي شهر سال نو را بدون ملاقات و حتي تماس تلفني با خانواده هايشان آغاز کردند. براي زندانيان سياسي و خانواده هايشان که از مرخصي نوروزي هم محروم شده اند روز اول سال ۱۳۹۰ روز دلتنگي بود و بي خبري. اغلب زندانيان سياسي در ديگر شهرهاي ايران نيز از امکان ملاقات محروم بودند...
.زندانيان سياسي زن نيز امروز در اوين از هرگونه حق ملاقات و تماس تلفني محروم بودند. (كلمه – 1/1/90)

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, a number of young people were arrested in Borujerd on the Fire Festival (March 15) and are still under torture by agents of the Intelligence Agency in this city.
On the evening of March 15, during the traditional Fire Festival in this city, a large number of young people were arrested and taken to the Intelligence Agency. Hamed Saemi and Hamid Saremi were also arrested during the festival. They are close relatives of executed political prisoner Ali Saremi. After three days of arrest and torture, Hamed Saremi was released but his 22 year old brother Hamid Saremi is still in detention. He is under severe pressure and torture to confess to writing slogans in public places. This young man was hung from the ceiling and severely beaten with batons in the sensitive parts of his body.
On the other hand, when his mother and sister went to the Intelligence Agency to follow up the condition of their loved one, intelligence agents intended to arrest his sister but were met with protests from his mother.
Hamid Saremi is still in dentition and intelligence agents intend to press charges against him. A large number of Feast of Fire detainees are still in detention.

دستگيري و شکنجۀ بستگان شهيد راه آزادي علي صارمي به جرم شرکت در جشن ملي چهارشنبه سوري
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به"فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" در جريان برگزاري جشن ملي چهارشنبه سوري تعداد زيادي از جوانان بروجردي دستگير و همچنان تحت شکنجه و در بازداشت مامورين وزارت اطلاعات اين شهر بسر مي برند.
غروب روز سه شنبه 24 اسفند ماه در جريان برگزاري جشن ملي چهارشنبه سوري تعداد زيادي از جوانان بروجردي دستگير و به بازداشتگاه ادارۀ اطلاعات اين شهر منتقل شدند از جمله دستگير شدگان اين مراسم حامد و حميد صارمي از بستگان نزديگ شهيد راه آزادي علي صارمي مي باشند.حامد صارمي پس از 3 روز بازداشت و شکنجه هاي وحشيانۀ جسمي آزاد شد ولي برادر او حميد صارمي 22 ساله همچنان در بازداشت بسر مي برد.مامورين وزارت اطلاعات او را تحت شکنجه هاي وحشيانه جسمي قرار داده اند که به شعار نويسي اعتراف کند. از جمله شکنجه هاي که به اين جوان وارد شده است آويزان کردن ،زدن با باتون به نقاط حساس بدن و جوجه کباب کردن وي مي باشد.
از طرفي ديگر وقتي که مادر و خواهر او براي پيگيري وضعيت عزيزشان به ادراه اطلاعات مراجعه مي کردند. مامورين اداره اطلاعات بروجرد قصد دستگيري خواهر حميد صارمي را داشتند که با اعتراض مادر اين عمل غير انساني متوقف گرديد.
حميد صارمي همچنان در بازداشت بسر مي برد و مامورين وزارت اطلاعات قصد پرونده سازي عليه او را دارند.علاوه بر حميد صارمي تعداد زيادي از جوانان بروجردي همچنان در زندان بسر مي برند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 2/1/90)

The density in Iran prisons in the past few years is one of the main problems of prisoners and in some cases, officials have mentioned these problems.
According to reports from the Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj which has recently been placed under the supervision of the Alborz Prison Organization is one of the dangerous prisons in Iran and there are daily reports of rape, murder and the free distribution of narcotics by prisoners.
The density in this prison has forced prisoners to sleep on the floor outside the restrooms waiting for a prisoner to be released to fill his place in the cell.
Cellblock 6 in Hall 16 and 18 is one of the cellblocks in which prisoners have suffered respiratory problems because of the overcrowded conditions. The free distribution of narcotics is another problem in the cellblock and according to reports, two kilograms of crack (the term used in Iran for a kind of heroin and not for crack cocaine) are used in this cellblock every day.
The capacity of this cellblock is 100 prisoners even as at least 350 prisoners are kept there.

تراکم جمعيت در بند هاي زندان رجايي شهر سه و نيم برابر ظرفيت اصلي
تراکم جمعيت در زندانهاي کشور در طي سالهاي اخير يکي از معظلات مهم زندانيان بوده است که در برخي موارد مسئولين زندان‌ها نيز بدان پرداخته‌اند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا «ارگان خبري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران» زندان رجايي شهر کرج که اخيرا تحت نظر سازمان زندانهاي استان البرز به رياست علي حاج کاظم در آمده است يکي از زندان‌هاي پر خطر کشور است که روزانه گزارشات مختلفي از تجاوز، قتل و پخش آزاد مواد مخدر توسط زندانيان به گروه‌هاي حقوق بشري منتقل مي‌شود.
تراکم جمعيت در بند‌هاي اين زندان موجب شده است که عده‌اي از زندانيان در مقابل درب سرويس‌هاي بهداشتي به صورت کف خواب منتظر خالي شدن اتاق در پي آزادي يک زنداني بمانند.
بند ۶ سال ۱۶ و ۱۸ يکي از بندهايي است که در آن زندانيان به دليل تراکم جمعيت دچار مشکلات تنفسي و... شده‌اند، خريد و فروش آزاد مواد مخدر يکي ديگر از معضلات اين بند است که بنا به گزارشات دريافتي روزانه دو کيلو گرم مواد مخدر کرک در اين بند مصرف مي‌شود.
ظرفيت سالن‌هاي اين بند ۱۰۰ نفر ذکر شده است اين در حالي است که دست کم ۳۵۰ نفر در هر سالن نگهداري مي‌شود.
(هرانا – 1/1/1390)

Three employees of a bookstore in Kermanshah were arrested and transferred to the Dizel Abad Prison in Kermanshah.
According to reports, security forces went to the Payizan Bookstore in Kermanshah and arrested three of its employees on charges of selling Baha’i books. They were transferred to Dizel Abad Prison a few days ago after being interrogated.

سه تن از کارکنان يک کتاب فروشي به دليل فروش كتابهاي بهايي بازداشت شدند
سه تن از کارکنان يک کتاب فروشي در کرمانشاه بازداشت و روز گذشته به زندان ديزل آباد کرمانشاه منتقل شدند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، اواخر اسفند ماه سال گذشته ماموران امنيتي در مراجعه به کتاب فروشي پاييزان در کرمانشاه سه تن از کارکنان اين کتاب فروشي را به اتهام فروش کتب اقلييت ديني بهايي بازداشت و پس از چند روز بازجويي به زندان ديزل آباد کرمانشاه منتقل نمودند. (هرانا – 1/1/1390)

Two months after the arrest of the head of the Achilan Dar Factory and five of its employees by agents of the Revolutionary Guards Forces Intelligence Department, all the Baha’i employees and workers of this factory in Tehran and Mashhad were fired on orders of the RGC Intelligence Department.
According to reports, it is still not clear how many people were fired but more than 25 Baha’is were fired on the eve of the Persian New Year.

اخراج كليه كارمندان بهايي شركت "آچيلان در"
در حاليکه بيش از دو ماه از بازداشت مدير عامل و پنج نفر از کارمندان شرکت "آچيلان در" توسط ماموران اطلاعات سپاه گذشته است، طي روزهاي گذشته کليه کارمندان و کارگران بهايي شاغل در شرکت مزبور در شهرهاي تهران و مشهد به دستور ادارهٔ اطلاعات سپاه از کار اخراج شدند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، ارگان خبري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران، تعداد دقيق اخراج شدگان هنوز مشخص نيست ولي بيش از ۲۵ شهروند بهايي در آستانهٔ عيد نوروز و فرارسيدن سال نو از کار اخراج شده‌اند. (هرانا – 28/12/89)