Iran sentences two Kurd political prisoners to 6 years of prison

Iran News Agency :
The Revolutionary Court sentenced two men from Bukan identified as Hossein Javadi and Osman Ahsani to 12 years of prison overall.
These two men have been detained in prison for over a year.
According to reports, they were each sentenced to 6 years of prison on charges of cooperating with religious groups. They are currently serving their prison time in the Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj.

دو زنداني بوکاني به ۱۲ سال حبس محکوم شدند

دادگاه انقلاب اسلامي دو شهروند بوکاني را به نام هاي حسين جوادي و عثمان احسني به ۱۲ سال حبس محکوم کرد.

اين دو شهروند بيش از يک سال است که در زندان نگهداري مي شوند.

به گزارش آژانس خبري موکريان، اين شهروندان به اتهام همکاري با گروه هاي مذهبي هر کدام به ۶ سال حبس محکوم شدند.

گفتني است اين دو شهروند هم اکنون در زندان رجايي شهر کرج دوران محکوميت خود را سپري مي نمايند. (آژانس خبري موکريان – 24/3/90)
Jaras Website – Jun. 24, 2011)
The plan to round up satellite dishes is continuing with full force in Tehran and Mazandaran.
According to reports, teams of plainclothes agents and security forces simultaneously enter the private properties of people introducing themselves as representatives of the public utilities department to round up satellite dishes.
Notably, this plan has been carried out with more violence in the towns of Babol, Sari and Behshahr and security forces have even broken down the doors of residents who prevented their entrance which is a violation of the constitution and the private property of citizens.

يورش همراه با خشونت ماموران به منازل مردم در تهران و مازندران براي جمع آوري ماهواره

از چند روز پيش طرح جمع آوري ماهواره در تهران و مازندران با شدت بيشتري ادامه يافت.

طبق اخبار رسيده به جرس، نيروهاي لباس شخصي، انتظامي و امنيتي به طور همزمان با تيم هاي چندين نفره و معرفي خود به نام مامورين ادارات آب و برق و... به حريم خصوصي شهروندان وارد شده و به جمع آوري دستگاههاي ماهواره مبادرت مي نمايند.

گفتني است اين طرح در شهرستانهاي بابل ،ساري، بهشهر با خشونت بيشتر و حتي شكستن درب منازل و ضرب و شتم ساكنيني كه مانع ورودشان شوند، انجام مي شود كه نقض صريح قانون اساسي و حريم خصوصي است. (جرس – 24/3/90)
Fars state-run News Agency :
Fars state-run News Agency -The Commander of the Revolutionary Guards Corps in the town of Noor announced that two parties held in this town were [disrupted] and that elements behind the parties were arrested.
“According to reports we received that mixed night parties were being held in a home in one of the coast townships in Noor and after investigations into the report, the necessary measures were taken to disrupt the celebrations”, Yusef Taleb Nejad said.
RGC soldiers from the Baqiollah Base along with security forces entered the home the party was being held and were met with a number of half-naked [term used by regime officials meaning ordinary summer attire] women, girls and men who were drinking alcohol and dancing.
These people who had all drank alcoholic beverages and were intoxicated… were arrested by agents and were all transferred to the Izadshahr Police Station. They will be detained there until the end of legal procedures and will then be referred to the judiciary.
The RGC commander said that 15 men and women were arrested in the party.
Regarding the second party he said that “according to reports from Hezbollah [referring to pro-government vigilantes] and on investigations by the Noor Intelligence Unit regarding a mixed party with loud music… in a village in the Chamestan region, the location of the party was identified after coordination with the judicial officials and 16 men and women were arrested.

سپاه بار ديگر به مهماني خصوصي مردم حمله کرد

فرمانده سپاه ناحيه نور از شناسايي و کشف دو محفل پارتي در اين شهرستان و دستگيري عوامل آن خبر داد.

يوسف طالب‌نژاد با اعلام خبر کشف دو محفل پارتي و دستگيري عوامل آن توسط سربازان بقية‌الله سپاه ناحيه نور بيان داشت: بر اساس اخبار و گزارش‌هاي واصله مردمي مبني بر برپايي پارتي مختلط شبانه در منزلي واقع در يکي از شهرک‌هاي ساحلي نور و پس از بررسي و اطمينان از صحت و سقم خبر، اقدامات لازم براي انحلال اين جشن و پارتي صورت گرفت.

سربازان بقيةالله سپاه ناحيه نور به همراه ضابطان قضايي انتظامي پس از کسب دستور مقام قضايي و هماهنگي لازم وارد محل برگزاري پارتي شدند که به محض ورود تعداد زيادي از دختران و زنان و مردان را با وضعيت نيمه‌عريان و در حال شرب خمر و مستي و رقص و پايکوبي مشاهده کردند.

اين افراد که همگي شرب خمر کرده و حالت غيرعادي داشتند.. که توسط ماموران دستگير و پس از تفهيم اتهام و ثبت اسامي و تنظيم صورت‌جلسه به همراه اقلام و آلات مکشوفه به کلانتري ايزدشهر نور منتقل تا پس از تکميل پرونده براي سير مراحل قانوني به مرجع قضايي ارسال و تحويل شوند. وي دستگيري 15 مرد و زن در اين پارتي خبر داد.

فرمانده سپاه ناحيه نور درباره کشف محفل پارتي دوم نيز گفت: بر اساس گزارش‌هاي امت حزب الله و تحقيقات ميداني به‌عمل آمده توسط پرسنل واحد اطلاعات ناحيه نور درباره برگزاري محفل پارتي مختلط همراه با موسيقي جاز و سيستم صوتي و... در روستايي در منطقه چمستان با هماهنگي مقام‌هاي قضايي اين محفل نيز کشف و 16 زن و مرد دستگير شدند. (فارس – 24/3/90)

ISNA state-run News Agency :
The Damavand State Security Forces Commander announced that 21 halls and gardens that hosted mixed parties and did not follow Islamic laws were closed and sealed off.
Colonel Qodsi said that in light of the warm season and the warm weather, many people like to hold their parties and celebrations in gardens and villas.
“Damavand is known for its villas and many gardens and birthdays and weddings are held in these gardens”, he added.
He said that mixed ceremonies [when both men and women are present in one area] where Islamic laws are not followed are considered crimes according to the constitution.
“With coordination with judicial officials and the Assembly of the Affairs of Halls and Restaurants, halls and ballrooms that hold mixed parties will be shut and sealed off”.
“More than 100 people who were in charge of these parties or those who participated in these kinds of ceremonies have been arrested and have been referred to the judiciary”.

پلمپ ۲۱ باغ و ويلاي برگزارکننده مهماني و جشن‌هاي مختلط و دستگيري بيش از ۱۰۰ تن

فرمانده انتظامي دماوند از پلمپ ۲۱ سالن و باغي که اقدام به برگزاري مهماني مختلط و خارج از چارچوب شئونات اسلامي کرده بودند، خبر داد.

سرهنگ قدسي با بيان اينکه با توجه به آغاز فصل تابستان و گرمي هوا بسياري از افراد تمايل دارند که ميهماني‌هاي خود را در باغ و ويلا برگزار کنند، گفت: شهرستان دماوند به خاطر وجود ويلا و باغ‌هاي بسيار به عنوان باغ شهر استان شناخته مي‌شود و همواره شاهد برگزاري مراسم‌هايي از جمله تولد و عروسي در اين باغ‌ها هستيم.

وي با بيان اينکه برگزاري مراسم‌هاي مختلط و خارج از شئونات اسلامي بر اساس قانون جرم محسوب مي‌شود گفت: با هماهنگي‌هايي که با مقام قضايي و مجمع امور صنفي تالار و رستوران‌داران صورت گرفته است، تالارها و سالن‌هايي که جشن‌هاي مختلط برگزار مي‌کنند، پلمپ خواهند شد.

قدسي با بيان اينکه از سال گذشته تاکنون ۲۱ باغ ويلا و تالارهايي که اقدام به برگزاري مراسم و جشن‌هاي مختلط کرده‌اند با هماهنگي مقام قضايي پلمپ شده‌اند، گفت: در اين راستا بيش از ۱۰۰ نفر از مسئولان و متصديان و شرکت‌کنندگان اين گونه مراسم‌ها دستگير و براي سير مراحل قانوني تحويل مقام قضايي شدند. (ايسنا – 23/3/90)

Kalameh Website :
Political prisoners in cellblock 350 in Evin Prison announced to their families in today’s visits that journalist Hoda Saber who was on a hunger strike was severely beaten by security forces while being transferred to the prison infirmary. This is while he was in a very critical condition as a result of his hunger strike. He had told his cellmates about this violent treatment after being brought back from the infirmary in critical condition.
Notably, a testimony by 60 political prisoners will soon be published in this regard. This testimony explains the reasons behind the death of this journalist after his hunger strike and beatings by security forces.

هدي صابر توسط ماموران زندان مورد ضرب و شتم شديد نيروهاي امنيتي قرار گرفته است

زندانيان سياسي بند 350 زندان اوين امروز در ملاقات با خانواده هايشان اعلام كرده اند كه هدي صابر روزنامه نگاري كه در اين بند دست به اعتصاب غذا زده بود، وقتي توسط ماموران زندان به درمانگاه منتقل مي شده است مورد ضرب و شتم شديد نيروهاي امنيتي قرار گرفته است. در حالي كه وضعيت جسماني او به شدت وخيم و در اعتصاب غذا بوده است.هدي صابر همچنين پس از بازگشت از درمانگاه با حال جسماني وخيم از اين نحوه برخورد نيروهاي امنيتي با خود به هم بندانش گلايه كرده است.

گفتني است، به زودي شهادت نامه 60 زنداني سياسي بند 350 در اين باره در کلمه منتشر خواهد شد. شهادت نامه اي كه دلايل مرگ مظلومانه اين روزنامه نگار پس از اعتصاب غذا و ضرب و شتم ماموران امنيتي هنگام انتقال وي به بيمارستان را توضيح مي دهد. (نداي سبز آزادي – 23/3/90)

Pro-reform activists attacked, arrested in Iran

Opposition says electric batons used; NBC producer sees about 15 arrests in Tehran
Security forces attacked and arrested pro-reform demonstrators gathering in Tehran on Sunday to mark the anniversary of the country's 2009 disputed election, NBC News and Iran's opposition website Sahamnews reported.
‘Security forces attacked the crowd with electric batons ... in the Vali-e Asr street to disperse the demonstrators," said.
Ali Arouzi, a NBC News producer in Tehran, said he witnessed about 15 arrests and saw tens of thousands of pro-reform activists marching silently around the city.
Another opposition website,, said "hundreds of demonstrators" were arrested by the security forces.
Other witnesses said thousands of security personnel were deployed to stop any revival of anti-government protests that followed President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election in 2009.
Opposition websites had called for a "silent rally" to mark the vote, which reformists say was rigged to secure the hardline president's win. Authorities say the election was the most legitimate since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution.
Sahamnews also said supporters of the opposition gathered in other parts of the city.
‘Shopkeepers were ordered to close down their shops ... hundreds of people have gathered in other areas of Tehran," the website said.
Opposition leaders Mirhossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi, who spearheaded protests against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election in 2009, had been placed under house arrest after calling for a rally on Feb. 14.
Two people were shot dead at the Feb. 14 rally, during which thousands of the opposition supporters took to the streets in defiance of a heavy security presence to back uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, that toppled their leaders.
Iran, which crushed its own anti-government protests in 2009, says uprisings in the Arab world were inspired by the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution but are worried about revival of anti-government unrest.
Iranian leaders have portrayed the Arab Spring as an "Islamic awakening", while avoiding to support the popular uprising in Syria, its most important ally in the region.

گزارش خبرگزاري NBC - تظاهرات گسترده در تهران، ده ها هزار نفر

تهيه کننده خبرگزاري NBC در تهران شخصا شاهد تظاهرات سکوت ده ها هزار تن در تهران بوده و به نقل از سحام نيوز از حمله نيرو هاي امنيتي به مردم و دستگيري حداقل پانزده نفر گزارش ميدهد. سايت كلمه گفت كه صدها نفر دستگير شدند. (سايت ام اس ان بي سي – 22/3/90)

The Guardian :
Iran Iranian opposition figure dies of heart attack while on hunger strike. Hoda Saber`s wife says she received reports that prison officials delayed transferring him to hospital for six hours
Hoda Saber, a 52-year-old journalist and opposition figure, has died of a heart attack after spending 10 days on hunger strike. A leading Iranian journalist and opposition figure has died of a heart attack after spending 10 days on hunger strike in Tehran`s notorious Evin prison.
Hoda Saber, a 52-year-old political activist from the opposition Nationalist-Religious movement, was taken to the Modarres hospital in the city after a cardiac complication, which his wife claims was brought on by his hunger strike.
The news of his death coincides with the second anniversary of Iran`s disputed presidential election, which gave Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a second term.
Speaking from Tehran, Saber`s wife, Farideh Jamshidi, told the Guardian: 'My husband died two days ago, but we were unaware of his death until today when someone in the hospital informed one of our friends’.
She said Saber stopped eating food and later stopped drinking water in protest at the death of his fellow dissident Haleh Sahabi, She died of a heart attack during scuffles with security forces at the funeral of her father, Ezatollah Sahabi, the leader of the Nationalist-Religious alliance of politicians, on 1 June.
Jamshidi accused prison officials of negligence toward her husband, saying she received reports that they delayed transferring him to hospital for six hours.
‘Doctors told us later that they could have saved his life by taking him to the hospital earlier. We were supposed to visit him in the prison tomorrow and now we have to visit his dead body in the cemetery’…
After disappearing for two weeks in July 2010, Saber`s family were informed that he had been picked up by security officials and taken to Evin.
When Haleh Sahabi died at her father`s funeral, Saber - who had served several jail terms in the past - and his fellow inmate Amir Khosro Dalirsani said in a joint statement that they would go on hunger strike in protest over her death and over the brutal crackdown against protesters by the regime.
Several human rights organisations have issued statements coinciding with the anniversary of the election and many have expressed concerns for those political prisoners arrested since 2009.

شخصيت مخالف ايراني دراعتصاب غذا به‌خاطر حمله قلبي فوت مي‌کند

شخصيت مخالف ايراني در حالي‌که دراعتصاب غذا بود، بر اثر حمله قلبي فوت مي‌کند، همسر هدا صابر مي‌گويد که وي گزارشاتي دريافت کرده است که مقامات زندان انتقال وي به بيمارستان را با 6ساعت تأخير انجام دادند…

اخبار مرگ وي هم‌زمان با دومين سالگرد انتخابات رياست جمهوري بحث‌برانگيز که به محمود احمدي‌نژاد دومين دوره (رياست جمهوري) را داد، گشت.

فريده جمشيدي، همسر صابر از تهران به گاردين گفت: ”همسرم دو روز قبل فوت کرد، ولي ما از مرگ وي تا امروز اطلاعي نداشتيم، تا اين‌که يکي از دوستان ما در بيمارستان ما را از مرگ وي مطلع کرد ”…

جمشيدي مقامات زندان را متهم به سهل انگاري درباره همسرش نمود و مي‌گويد وي گزارشاتي دريافت کرده است که آنها انتقال وي به بيمارستان را با 6ساعت تأخير انجام دادند.

”دکترها به ما گفتند که در صورتي که وي زودتر به بيمارستان مي‌رسيد مي‌توانستند جان وي را نجات بدهند. ما قرار بود که فردا وي را در زندان ملاقات کنيم و حالا ما بايد با پيکر بي‌جانش در گورستان ديدار کنيم ”…

ويليام هگ وزير خارجه بيانيه‌ايي صادر نمود که مي‌گويد: دوسال بعد از اين‌که مردم به درخواست رفرم به خيابانها ريختند، من مي‌خواهم اين مشخص باشد که توجه ما منحرف نشده است و ما به فراخواندن ايران به پاسخگويي به مسئوليت هاي حقوق‌بشر بين‌المللي ادامه خواهيم داد“.(سايت گاردين- 22/3/1390)

AFP, Asre Iran state-run website :
Iran hanged in a prison on Sunday two brothers convicted of kidnapping and murder in the southwestern city of Dezfoul, the Mehr news agency reported.
The report identified the men sent to gallows as Karim and Rahim Pourmahoud, who were convicted of abducting a 16 year-old boy, the son of a jeweler.

ايران دو برادري که مرتکب قتل شده بودند را اعدام کرد

خبرگزاري فارس گزارش کرد که ايران دو برادري که مرتکب گروگانگيري و قتل شده بودند را روز يکشنبه در شهر دزفول در جنوب غربي اين کشور را حلق‌آويز کرد.

اين گزارش افراد اعدام شده را کريم و رحيم پورمحمود معرفي کرده است. آنها پسر 16ساله يک جواهرفروش را دزديده بودند. (خبرگزاري فرانسه, سايت عصر ايران- 22/3/1390)
Amnesty International :
An Amnesty International report released today, Determined to Live in Dignity: Iranian Trade Unionists Struggle for Rights, reveals the harsh treatment meted out to independent trade union activists who speak up for workers’ rights under Iran`s pervasive climate of repression.
“Independent trade unionists have been made to pay a heavy price by a government that has shown itself increasingly intolerant of dissent,” said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International’s director for the Middle East and North Africa. “The harassment and persecution they face smacks of a desperate government attempt to stave off social unrest that could arise from new hikes in the costs of fuel and power to which Iranians are now being exposed”.
“The government seems determined to break existing unions while continuing to ban new, independent workers’ bodies that have begun to emerge, in gross contempt for its international obligations as an ILO member, and for the labour rights of its own people,” said Shane Enright, Amnesty’s global trade union adviser.
Leading activists in the banned Tehran bus drivers’ union were arrested in the crackdown following the 2009 presidential election, and up to 1،000 union members and their families were subjected to a brutal attack by security forces during a strike in 2006.
Mansour Ossanlu, president of the banned Tehran bus drivers’ union, has been repeatedly arrested and by the time of his conditional release last week had been in prison for almost four years. Since organizing strikes in support of pay rises for bus drivers, he has been subjected to enforced disappearance, unfair trials and beatings, and frequently denied medical treatment. On the few occasions when he was allowed medical treatment, he was generally kept shackled to his bed.
“We greatly welcome Mansour Ossanlu’s release but he should never have been jailed in the first place,” said Shane Enright. “His release must be made unconditional and other trade unionists who are prisoners of conscience must be freed immediately. The Iranian authorities must end, once and for all, their persecution, harassment and imprisonment of trade unionists simply because of their efforts to uphold workers’ rights enshrined in International Labour Organisation conventions”.
Mansour Ossanlu’s union is affiliated to the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), one of the global unions campaigning with Amnesty International for Iranian workers’ rights.
“The incredible mistreatment meted out to Mansour Ossanlu and his fellow members of the Tehran bus drivers union is a sign of how much some elements in the Iranian authorities fear them as a force for genuine change and reform,” said David Cockroft, the ITF’s general secretary. “His release is a positive sign but he and his colleagues must now be allowed to freely represent the interests of their members without fear of arrest or persecution”.
Independent unions, like other independent organizations and activists, have come under increasingly fierce attack since the mass protests that followed Iran’s 2009 presidential election.
The state-owned Haft Tapeh sugar cane processing company in Iran’s south-western Khuzestan province was forced to address working conditions after a mass strike led its workers to set up an independent union in 2008. The new union’s president Reza Rakshshan has been detained twice in the last two years, and five other leaders were tried and sentenced in 2009.
“The IUF draws continued inspiration from the bravery of Iranian union activists who are risking their lives and their freedom for the rights of all,” said Peter Rossman of the International Union of Foodworkers, to which the Haft Tapeh union is affiliated.
Iran’s teachers’ association was formally banned in 2007 after strikes against low pay, but has continued its work in the face of hundreds of detentions, beatings and other ill-treatment of its members in detention, and even the execution of one member in 2010.
“The Iran Teachers’ Trade Associations’ members have told us that they will not be defeated by this extreme government intimidation, but that they need solidarity from ordinary teachers like them across the world in their struggle for rights,” said Dominique Marlet from Educational International, the global education union federation.
Amnesty International, in partnership with the global unions and the International Trade Union Confederation, is launching a campaign to support Iranian trade unions in their struggle for basic human and labour rights, ahead of the second anniversary of the 2009 Iran presidential elections.

ايران: به ممنوعيت و آزار و اذيت اتحاديه هاي مستقل کارگري خاتمه دهيد -- عفو بين‌الملل

امروز گزارشي توسط عفو بين‌الملل منتشر شد که حکم به يک زندگي با کرامت مي‌دهد: نبرد اتحاديه هاي کارگري ايراني براي حقوق خود، مبين رفتار خشني است که در قبال فعالين اتحاديه هاي مستقل کارگري مقرر گرديده، همان فعاليني که به‌طور علني و با صداي بلند، در فضاي فراگير سرکوب در ايران، از جانب کارگران سخن مي‌گويند.

مالکوم اسمارت، مدير بخش خاورميانه و آفريقاي شمالي عفو بين‌الملل گفت، ”اتحاديه هاي مستقل کارگري، توسط دولتي وادار به پرداخت يک بهاي سنگين شده‌اند که به‌طور فزاينده اي، صبر خود را در مقابل مخالفين از دست مي‌دهد ”...

شين انرايت، مشاور بخش اتحاديه کارگري عفو بين‌الملل گفت، ”به نظر مي‌رسد که دولت مصمم است تا اتحاديه هاي موجود را درهم‌شکسته و جلو اتحاديه هاي کارگري جديد و مستقلي که شروع به پديدار شدن کرده‌اند، بگيرد“...(سايت عفو بين‌الملل – 20/3/90) -
Kalameh Website :
The 26 political prisoners who filed complaints to the Evin Prison Court against the Revolutionary Guards Corps and the Ministry of Intelligence were summoned and interrogated. The Assistant head of the court has asked these prisoners to refute their statement, saying that if they did not, their prison terms would be increased.
The purpose of these interrogations was not to see into their complaints but rather to find out how they provided and then published the signed complaint. Prison officials are trying to discourage them from making complaints…
In this statement which was signed by 26 political prisoners and was published in websites, these prisoners asked officials to see to their complaints…
These political prisoners once again detailed the tortures they were subjected to in their statement and said that they were violently arrested and were insulted and degraded to the point that many of them were severely beaten upon their arrest.

احضار و بازجويي ۲۶ زنداني سياسي شکايت کننده از سپاه پاسداران و وزارت اطلاعات

همه ۲۶ زنداني سياسي شکايت کننده از سپاه پاسداران و وزارت اطلاعات به دادسراي اوين احضار شده و مورد بازجويي قرار گرفتند. معاونت دادسرا از زندانيان خواسته است که اين بيانيه را تکذيب کنند و گرنه به احکام زندان شان افزوده مي شود.

به گزارش خبرنگار کلمه، هدف از اين احضار و بازپرسي، نه پيگيري شکايت شاکيان، بلکه کشف چگونگي تهيه ي متن شکايت و انتشار آن و در صورت امکان منصرف کردن شاکيان از شکايت بوده است...

اين بيانيه با امضاي ۲۶ زنداني سياسي هم زمان با سالگرد تصويب قانون احترام به آزادي هاي مشروع حقوق شهروندي، در سايت هاي خبري منتشر شد، اين زندانيان متفق القول در اين نامه از مسوولان خواستند به شکايت شان رسيدگي شود...

زندانيان سياسي در نامه معروف به ۲۶ نفر بار ديگر با شرح شکنجه هايي که بر آنها رفته نوشته بودند، بازداشت هايشان با اعمال خشونت، توهين و تحقير همراه بوده به طوري که برخي از متهمان هنگام دستگيري به شدت مورد ضرب و شتم قرار گرفته اند. (دانشجو نيوز – 19/3/90)
Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran :
According to reports, on Tuesday June 7, on orders of the Ministry of Intelligence, political prisoner Hadi Abed Bakhoda who was on a medical leave from prison and was receiving treatment was once again returned to the Lakan Prison in Rasht despite the fact that his treatment was not yet finished.
This political prisoner is paralyzed and can only move with a wheelchair. A number of his body organs such as his bladder and kidneys no longer work. He has a urinary sack attached to his body which has to be changed on a daily basis but according to the head of the prison’s infirmary, these kinds of facilities do not exist in prison. It was for this reason that [during his last detention] his urinary sack was not changed for 40 days which led to a severe infection in his body.
This political prisoner was transferred back to prison which lacks minimum medical facilities even as the Medical Commission and Medical Examiner have announced in a written report to the Revolutionary Court that he cannot tolerate prison conditions and the prison infirmary has announced that it does not have the necessary facilities for Mr. Bakhoda and will not be held responsible [if anything were to happen].
Notably, the inhumane flogging sentence for this political prisoner was carried out in the 1st branch of the Rasht Revolutionary Court on May 23. Political prisoner Hadi Abed Bakhoda was sentenced to 51 lashes for not turning himself in on time.

قطع معالجات و انتقال زنداني سياسي قطع نخاعي به زندان لاکان رشت

بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" روز سه شنبه 17 خرداد ماه بدستور بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات و دادستان انقلاب رشت زنداني سياسي هادي عابدي باخدا که در مرخصي استعلاجي و در حال درمان بود به زندان لاکان رشت منتقل کردند و تمامي معالجات وي نيمه کاره متوقف گرديد.

زنداني سياسي هادي عابدي با خدا دچار قطع نخاع مي باشد و قادر به هيچگونه حرکتي نيست. او فقط با صندلي چرخدار و نفر همراه قادر به حرکت مي باشد.چند اندام او مانند مثانه وکليه از کار افتاده است و بايد روزانه سونداژوي تعويض گردد اما به گفتۀ رئيس بهداري زندان چنين امکاناتي در بهداري زندان وجود ندارد و به همين دليل بود که پيش از اين بيش از 40 روز سونداژ وي را نتوانستند تعويض نمايد که منجر به عفونت شديد در بدن وي گرديد .

در حالي اين زنداني سياسي را مجدد به زندان با شرايط قرون وسطايي و عدم وجود امکانات درماني و رسيدگيهاي اوليه منتقل مي کنند که کمسيون پزشکي و پزشک قانوني به دادگاه انقلاب رشت کتبا اعلام کرده اند که او قادر به تحمل حبس نيست و بهداري زندان اعلام کرده است که امکانان لازم براي نگهداري اين زنداني سياسي را در زندان ندارد و هيچ مسئوليتي را بعهده نخواهد گرفت .انتقال زنداني سياسي هادي عابدي با خدا با شرايط حاد جسمي جان او را در معرض خطر جدي قرارميدهد.

لازم به يادآوري است که در 2 خرداد ماه جاري با قصاوتي غير قابل تصور حکم ضدبشري و قرون وسطايي شلاق را در شعبۀ 1 دادگاه انقلاب رشت عليه او به اجرا گذاشته شد.زنداني سياسي هادي عابدي باخدا به دليل واهي عدم معرفي به موقع خود به زندان به 51 ضربه شلاق محکوم شده بود. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 19/3/90)

International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran :
In the ongoing executions in the Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad which has not been announced by judicial forces in the past few months, credible sources have said that on May 23 and 24, 16 people were executed in this prison.
These sources have said that on May 23, 12 prisoners were secretly hanged en mass in this prison. They were all convicted of drug related charges. Four other prisoners were hanged on May 24. Three sisters were among the four executed and according to reports, they were also convicted of drug related charges. The fourth prisoner was hanged on rape charges…
Various sources have told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that hundreds of prisoners were secretly hanged in only Vakil Abad Prison since 2009 and hundreds remain on death row.
Despite the fact that reports of these widespread and secret executions in Vakil Abad have been published and despite global protests, judicial and government officials in Iran have still kept their silence. In addition to the Campaign’s sources in judicial and government institutions and Vakil Abad Prison, numerous eye witnesses have also talked about these mass executions.

اعدام پنهاني ۱۶ زنداني ديگر زندان وکيل آباد مشهد در روزهاي دوم و سوم خرداد : وجود سه خواهر بين اعدام شدگان

منابع موثق به کمپين بين المللي حقوق بشر در ايران گفتند در ادامه اجراي احکام اعدام در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد (زندان مرکزي) که ازسوي مقامات قضايي طبق روال ماه هاي گذشته اعلام نشده است، طي روزهاي سوم وچهارم خرداد ماه ۱۶ نفر اعدام شده اند.

منابع ياد شده به کمپين گفتند که در روز دوم خرداد سال ۹۰ ، دوازده زنداني در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد به صورت مخفيانه و دسته جمعي اعدام شده اند. اتهام هر ۱۲ زنداني مربوط به جرايم مرتبط با حمل و نگهداري مواد مخدر بوده است. چهار زنداني ديگر در روز سوم خرداد ماه سال جاري اعدام شده اند. در بين ۴ زنداني اعدام شده روز سوم خرداد سال ۱۳۹۰ ، سه زن بوده اند. اين سه تن با يکديگر خواهر بوده و گفته مي شود جرم آنها مربوط به مواد مخدر بوده است. زنداني چهارم به اتهام تجاوز اعدام شده است...

“منابع مختلف به کمپين بين المللي حقوق بشر در ايران گفته اند که تنها در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد صدها زنداني از سال ۸۸ تا کنون به صورت پنهاني اعدام شده اند و صدها زنداني محکوم به اعدام ديگر در انتظار اجراي حکم قرار دارند.

علي رغم انتشار اخبار اعدام هاي گسترده ، پنهاني و دسته جمعي در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد و اعتراض هاي جهاني نسبت به اين اعدام ها ، تا کنون مقامات دولتي و قضايي ايران در اين باره سکوت کرده اند. به جز منابع کمپين که از داخل نهادهاي قضايي، دولتي و زندان وکيل آباد مشهد (زندان مرکزي مشهد) از اين اعدام ها خبر ميدهند تا کنون شاهدان بسياري در رابطه با اين اعدام ها سخن گفته اند. (کمپين بين المللي حقوق بشر در ايران - 19/3/90)
Fars News Agency :
According to the Fars [state-run] daily, two rapists were hanged in the morning with the presence of the people of Neishapour [in Khorasan Province]…
“Whenever there is benefit, the implementation of legal and divine laws will be carried out in public without any considerations”, the head of the Neishapour Judiciary said.
He also pointed to the crimes of those executed and said, “In the beginning of the last [Persian] year, two people by the names of Mohammad M. aka Meisam and Mokhtar A. went to a home in the Firouzeh Township under the guise of State Security Forces and put a knife to the throat of the man of the family and forced themselves in his home”.
“These people detained the man in a room and kidnapped his wife”…
“The interrogations and other legal affairs were quickly carried out and the 22nd branch of the provincial penal court sentenced them to death in public. After their lawyer filed for an appeal, the 42nd branch of the Supreme Court upheld the sentence. Their requests for amnesty were also refused by the Amnesty Commission”, he added.

ايران دو نفر را ملاء عام اعدام مي كند

به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس از نيشابور دو نفر از متجاوزان به عنف صبح امروز با حضور مردم نيشابور در اين شهرستان اعدام شدند...

رئيس دادگستري نيشابور تصريح کرد: در عين حال همان‌طور که ذکر شد هر کجا مصلحت اقتضا کند اجراي مقررات قانوني و حدود الهي بدون هيچ ملاحظه‌اي در ملأ عام و مرئي و منظر عموم اجرا مي‌شود..

رئيس دادگستري نيشابور هم‌چنين درباره جرم اعدام‌شدگان، گفت: در ابتداي سال گذشته دو نفر به نام‌هاي محمد. م معروف به ميثم و مختار. ع تحت پوشش مـأموران انتظامي شهر به درب منزلي در شهرک فيروزه مراجعه کرده و با گذاشتن چاقو زير گلوي مرد خانواده با تهديد وارده منزل مي‌شوند.

رفسنجاني افزود: اين افراد، اين مرد را در اتاقي محبوس کرده و اقدام به ربايش همسر اين مرد کرده ّ ...

اين مقام قضايي خاطرنشان کرد: کار بازجويي و امور قضايي با سرعت انجام شده و شعبه 42 کيفري مستقر در استان رأي اعدام در ملأ عام را صادر کرد.

رئيس دادگستري نيشابور گفت: به‌دنبال اعتراض وکيل پرونده، ديوان عالي کشور رأي شعبه 42 را تأييد کرد که محکومان تقاضاي عفو کردند که تقاضاي ايشان در کميسيون عفو و بخشودگي نيز رد شد. (خبرگزاري فارس (رژيم)- 19/3/1390)

Pars Daily News :
A source close to the family of Hossein Derakhshan said that his 19.5 year prison sentence was announced to him in prison.
This blogger returned to Iran in the fall of 2008, was on the brink of execution, but was later sentenced to 19 years of prison.
Those who were being tried in the court for political prisoners after the 2009 disputed elections believe that the indictment read out by the prosecutor in Hossein Derakhshan’s trial was based on the content of his weblog…
Now it has to be seen what the Canadian government will do about the 19 year prison term. Before this sentence was announced to Derakhshan, the Canadian and French governments gave out statements in protest to the treatment of this Iranian-Canadian national by the Iranian Judiciary.

حکم حسين درخشان تاييد شد؛ ۱۹ سال و نيم زندان براي پدرخوانده وبلاگستان فارسي

يک منبع نزديک به خانواده درخشان به خودنويس گفت که حکم ۱۹ سال و نيم حسين درخشان به او در سلول زندان ابلاغ شده است.

حسين درخشان که در پاييز سال ۱۳۸۷ به ايران بازگشت، تا مرز اعدام رفت اما با حکم ۱۹ سال و نيم بازگشت. حکمي که شايد براي انسان خلاقي مثل درخشان از هر چيزي سخت‌تر باشد.

کساني که در تابستان ۸۸ در دادگاه فعالان سياسي بعد از انتخابات محاکمه مي‌شدند معتقد بودند که متن کيفرخواست دادستان بر پايه مطالب وبلاگ حسين درخشان بوده است...

اينک با تاييد حکم ۱۹ سال و نيم درخشان، بايد ديد که دولت کانادا چه اقدامي مي‌کند. در ماه‌هاي پيش از اعلام حکم، دولت‌هاي فرانسه و کانادا بيانيه‌اي در اعتراض به رفتار قوه قضاييه ايران با اين شهروند ايراني-کانادايي منتشر کردند. (پارس ديلي نيوز – 18/3/90)

ISNA state-run News Agency :
ISNA state-run daily: The Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor announced the execution of a man in this province. According to reports, Yadolah Movahed said that Majid H. entered a number of homes in Kerman in March 2011 disguised as a representative of the gas company and harassed a number of women in the homes.
“He was sentenced to death on charges of adultery by the Penal Court and this sentence was carried out on Wednesday morning in the Central Kerman Prison after it was upheld by one of the branches of the Supreme Court”, he added.
“This 20 year old convict was from a town in Kerman and lived in an orphanage for 5 years after his father passed away and his mother remarried”.

يک نفر در کرمان اعدام شد

دادستان عممي و انقلاب کرمان از اعدام فردي خبر داد. به گزارش خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، يدالله موحد با بيان اين‌که «مجيد. ح» در اواخر سال 89 با عنوان مأمور شرکت گاز و به بهانه قرائت کنتور وارد تعدادي از منازل شهروندان کرماني شده و به تعدادي از زنان متعرض شده بود، تصريح کرد: نامبرده به جرم زناي به عنف و با حکم دادگاه کيفري استان به اعدام محکوم شد که حکم صادره بعد از تأييد در يکي از شعب ديوان عالي کشور، صبح چهارشنبه در زندان مرکزي کرمان به‌مرحله اجرا درآمد.

وي افزود: اين مجرم بيست‌ساله اهل يکي از شهرستان‌هاي استان کرمان بوده و بعد از فوت پدر و ازدواج مجدد مادر، مدت پنج سال در شيرخوارگاه زندگي کرده بود. (خبرگزاري ايسنا (رژيم) 18/3/1390)