Zanane Azar Mehr website

According to reports, student blogger Rahim Dehqanian, who has been detained for four months was tried on charges of ‘acting against national security and insulting the leader’ in the Saqez Revolutionary Court without the presence of a lawyer.

He was sentenced to one year of prison and one year of suspended prison on charges of acting against national security by the first branch of the Revolutionary Court.

حکم حبس براي دانشجو و وبلاگ نويس از جانب دادگاه‌ شهر سقز

بنا به‌ گزارش رسيده‌،"رحيم دهقانيان" دانشجو و وبلاگ نويس ،که‌ مدت 4 ماه است در بازداشت نيروهاي امنيتي جمهوري اسلامي به سر مي برد ،بدون حضور وکيل مدافع دادگاه انقلاب شهر سقز به‌ اتهام "اقدام عليه امنيت ملي و توهين به‌ مقام رهبري" دادگاهي شد. نامبرده‌ در پرونده اتهام اقدام عليه امنيت ملي ، از سوي شعبه اول دادگاه انقلاب سقز به يک سال حبس تعزيري ويک سال تعليقي محکوم گرديد. (زنان آذر مهر6/2/90)

Human Rights Activists in Iran

Parviz Bahrami, a teacher in Region 2 of Tehran who was pursuing his rights was suspended from teaching.

According reports, this teacher who had correspondence with various sources and institutions regarding the fact that teachers had not received their bonuses for two months, was suspended from teaching in the past few days. He had not received any answers from officials regarding his request.

Notably, a number of teachers went to the Court of Justice to pursue their rights which has not had any results.

تعليق از تدريس يک معلم پرويز بهرامي در آستانه هفته معلم
پرويز بهرامي، دبير منطقه ۲ آموزش و پرورش تهران که پيگير حقوق قانوني خويش بود از تدريس در مدارس تعليق شد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، «ارگان خبري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران» در آستانه هفته معلم، پرويز بهرامي معلم آموزش و پرورش که به دليل عدم پرداخت دو ماه پاداش فرهنگيان و تفاوت تطبيق «نظام هماهنگ پرداخت کارکنان دولت» با مراجع و نهادهاي مختلفي مکاتبه داشته است که تا کنون پاسخي از سوي ايشان دريافت نکرده و طي روزهاي اخير از تدريس نيز محروم شده است.
گفتني است، مراجعه برخي از معلمان به ديوان عدالت اداري براي پيگيري حقوق خويش تاکنون بي‌نتيجه مانده است. (هرانا – 5/2/90)

Mukrian News Agency
There is no news on the whereabouts of two brothers from the town of Nosoud identified as Mokhtar and Shahrokh Khandani who were arrested by security forces.
According to reports, these two Kurd citizens were arrested about one month ago along with a number of other people and were transferred to an unknown location.
Despite their families constant pursuits of their conditions from officials they have not received any explanations about where they are kept and their charges.
Notably, Mokhtar and Shahrokh Khandani were arrested after protests against the killing of a Nosoud resident identified as Pourmand Madhat Nia.

بي خبري ازسرنوشت دو شهروند کرد بازداشتي در نوسود
از سرنوشت دو برادر نوسودي به نام هاي مختار و شاهرخ خنداني که توسط نيروهاي امنيتي دستگير شده اند اطلاعي در دست نيست.
براساس گزارش خبرنگار آژانس خبري موکريان، تاکنون از سرنوشت مختار و شاهرخ خنداني که حدود يک ماه پيش بهمراه چند شهروند ديگر دستگير و به مکان نامعلومي منتقل شده بودند خبري در دست نيست .
گفته مي شود عليرغم پيگيري هاي خانواده اين دو شهروند، مقامات مسئول هيچگونه توضيحي در رابطه با محل نگهداري اين افراد و اتهامات احتمالي آنها نداده اند.
يادآور مي گردد مختار و شاهرخ خنداني در پي اعتراضاتي که بعد از کشته شدن يک شهروند در نوسود به نام پورمند مدحت نيا روي داد به همراه تعدادي ديگر بازداشت و روانه زندان شدند. (آژانس خبري موکريان – 6/2/90)

Death row minor says he is innocent in interview

Rooz Online

Iran is the leading country in the execution of minors. Children who have committed murder in childhood stay in prison until they are 18 and are then executed. The person I interviewed is one of these people. Ali Mahin Torabi is a 25 year old man who was arrested on charges of murder while he was 16 and was sentenced to retribution (death). He spent 3 years in a correctional facility and 4 and a half years in the Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj. Despite the fact that the court ruled that the murder was unintentional and cleared him of the charges, the Supreme Court has ruled that the murder was intentional and he has to be tried for the third time.

Ali Mahin Torabi:

It was February 3, 2003 when I was in the 10th grade. In the morning in the first period, I was in class when my friend Milad who was very excited told me that he had gotten in an argument with someone and that we should confront him at recess. I was very good friends with Milad.
I followed him at recess to prevent him from getting in a fight. He got into a fight with two people in the campus. I went to separate Mazdak (who was later killed) from him. I did not know him.

He thought I had gone to help Milad so he threw a punch at me and the kids shouted that the principal was coming. They all dispersed and went back to class. Milad and I were taken to the principal's office. I was waiting in the hall when Mazdak told me that he wanted to see me in the last period. I followed him and intended to tell him that I did not mean to start a fight and that I only wanted to stop the fight. But right when I entered the class, he punched me and the kids separated us and I went back to my own class. After class ended while I was saying goodbye to my friends, Mazdak approached us and Milad gave me a knife and told me to put it in my backpack. I put it in my pocket. Before he could see Milad, Mazdak looked into my eyes and hit me on the head with his head. I threw my backpack and books on the ground and slapped him and his glassed fell off. His friends came and there was a fight and my classmates got in the fight too. We were more than 40. I suddenly saw knives in their hands and I got scared and brought out the knife Milad had given me to scare them and keep them from approaching me. The knife blade was not even open when they shoved Mazdak from behind on me and other people fell on me and punched and kicked me. When they got up, Mazdak got up too. He wanted to take his jacket off to attack me again when I saw that his shirt was bloody and I yelled, ‘who stabbed him’!!? Suddenly Mazdak saw the blood and fainted. When he fell, everyone fled the scene and I ran and stopped a car and told him to take Mazdak to the hospital but the driver said that whoever stabbed him has to take him to the hospital himself. No one was willing to take him to the hospital. I went and told the principal and he asked me who stabbed him. I saw that Mazdak was bleeding to death and I said that you can assume that I did but we have to take him to the hospital. They called the police and I was arrested.

They initially took me to the police station and then to the Criminal Intelligence Department. I was detained there for 28 days and then I was taken to the Correctional Facility where I was for three years. I was then transferred to the Rajayi Shahr Prison and was detained there for four and a half years.
I was very young and scared. They first told me in the police station that Mazdak was alright. I thought that once he got better, he would come and tell them everything and what happed and who stabbed him. I did not know that he had died. I told them everything in the police station and I told them the truth. Then they took me to the Criminal Intelligence Department. They beat me so much that I was forced to tell them that I was the murderer. There was an officer there who told me that he would let my family visit me and that I should tell them to bring 7 million tomans (about 7,000 dollars) and if they did (the police) would write that the murder was carried out by many people. But my family did not have the money.

I was beaten in the Criminal Intelligence Department for 28 days, every single day. On the cold winter nights, they would soak me with cold water, take me outside and lash me with a halter. Even when they were interrogating me about the details of the murder scene, the officer told me that if I did not say the things he told me, he would once again have me returned to the Criminal Intelligence Department and beat me again. He told me that I was a young and that they had forced people to talk who were much more experienced than me. It was as if they just wanted to close the case…
They treated me like an adult. After 28 days of being beaten, I was taken to the correctional facility and this was the only difference (I had with an adult). I did not know what to say or how to defend myself. I was constantly handcuffed and had shackles on my feet and there were gashes on my feet. They would bleed when I walked. On the fifth or sixth day, they took me to court. The judge would tell me to shut up when I wanted to talk in court and my father would constantly tell me not to say anything. He told me to just tell them that I made a mistake and to apologize. So I just looked down and did not say anything anymore. The judge asked me if I accepted the verdict and I did not answer and then he issued the death sentence which was actually 10 years of prison and then retribution...

I did have a lawyer. My lawyer said that I would get the death sentence and he said in court that he could not defend me and resigned. My lawyer was from the same town as Mazdak’s father and my father thought that he would be able to help us get them to forgive me. My father was looking to get them to forgive me rather than proving my innocence. I was important to get clemency but no one was after how much I had actually played a part (in the murder) and how much others had played a part and they just issued a death sentence…

Milad was arrested with but was released in the first days. When we were in the Criminal Intelligence Department, two men with beards came from the Prohibiting Vice, Promoting Virtue Department. Well Milad was a member of the Bassij and they helped in his release.

نوجوان محکوم به اعدام در مصاحبه با روز:از ۱۶ سالگي معلق بين مرگ و زندگي
ايران پيشتاز اعدام کودکان زير 18 سال در جهان است؛ کودکاني که در سنين کودکي و نوجواني مرتکب قتل شده اند و در زندان مي مانند تا به سن 18 سالگي رسيده و بر بالاي چوبه دار بروند. کسي که با او گفتگو کرده ام از همين جنس است؛ علي مهين ترابي، جوان 25 ساله اي که در سن 16 سالگي به اتهام قتل بازداشت و محکوم به قصاص شد. او سه سال در کانون تربيت و اصلاح و 4 سال و نيم در زندان رجايي شهر به سر برد. هرچند در کشاکش رسيدگي هاي قضايي، دادگاهي به غير عمدي بودن قتل، راي و حکم بر برائت او داد اما آخرين نظر ديوان عالي کشور بر عمدي بودن قتل است و او بايد براي بار سوم مورد محاکمه قرار گيرد.

علي مهين ترابي:

14 بهمن 1381 بود من کلاس دوم دبيرستان بودم. صبح زنگ اول سرکلاس بودم که دوستم ميلاد آمد خيلي سراسيمه بود گفت: "با يکي از سال سومي ها حرفم شده و زنگ تفريح حال او را مي گيرم". من با ميلاد خيلي دوست بودم.
زنگ تفريح دنبال او رفتم که نگذارم درگير شود داخل حياط با دو نفر درگير شد. رفتم جدا کنم مزدک (مقتول) طرف درگيري بود. او را اصلا نمي شناختم. تصور کرد براي طرفداري از ميلاد رفته ام يک مشت به من زد و بچه ها داد زدند که مدير دارد مي آيد. همه پراکنده شدند و سر کلاس ها رفتند. من و ميلاد انتظامات مدرسه بوديم. در سالن ايستاده بودم که مزدک آمد و گفت زنگ آخر کارت دارم و رفت. دنبال او رفتم که بگويم من قصد درگيري نداشتم و و ميخواستم وساطت کنم. اما همين که وارد کلاس آنها شدم يک مشت به من زد بچه ها جدايمان کردند و به کلاس خودم برگشتم. زنگ آخر موقع خداحافظي از بچه ها، مزدک سمت ما آمد و ميلاد تا او را ديد چاقويي به من داد و گفت توي کيفت بگذار. گذاشتم توي جيبم. مزدک قبل از اينکه ميلاد را ببيند با من چشم تو چشم شد با سر به سر من کوبيد من هم کيف و کتابم را انداختم و به او سيلي زدم عينکش افتاد و دوستان مزدک آمدند و درگيري شد هم کلاسي هاي ما هم درگير شدند بيشتر از 40 نفر بود. يکباره دست بچه ها چاقو ديدم ترسيدم و چاقويي که ميلاد داده بود را در آوردم که بترسانم سمت من نيايند. تيغه چاقو اصلا باز نشده بود مزدک از پشت هل داده شد سمت من و چند نفر همين طور افتادند روي من مشت و لگد ميزدنذ. بد که بلند شدند مزدک بلند شد. ميخواست کاپشنش را دربياورد که به من باز حمله کند ديدم پيراهنش خوني است داد زدم کدام نامردي زده؟ يکباره مزدک خون را ديد و از حال رفت. مزدک که افتاد همه فرار کردند سريع دويدم يک ماشين را نگهداشتم که مزدک را به بيمارستان ببريم اما راننده گفت هر کسي زده خودش ببرد. هيچ کسي حاضر نبود او را به بيمارستان ببرد. رفتم دفتر مدير مدرسه گفتند کي زده؟ ديدم همين طور از مزدک خون مي رود، گفتم فرض کنيد من زدم بايد ببريم بيمارستان. آنها هم زنگ زدند به پليس و پليس مرا بازداشت کرد.
ابتدا مرا به کلانتري بردند و از آنجا به آگاهي. من 28 روز اداره آگاهي بودم و بعد مرا به کانون اصلاح و تربيت بردند. سه سال آنجا بودم و بعد به زندان رجايي شهر منتقل کردند و 4 سال و نيم در اين زندان بودم
سن من خيلي کم بود خيلي ترسيده بودم ابتدا در کلانتري گفتند که حال مزدک خوب است من هم فکر ميکردم مزدک خودش مي آيد و همه چيز را مي گويد که قضيه چي بود و کي زده. نميدانستم تمام کرده. در کلانتري همه چيز را گفتم واقعيت را گفتم. بعد مرا به آگاهي که بردند آنجا اينقدر کتک زدند که گفتم من قاتل هستم. يک افسر آگاهي بود که به من گفت به تو ملاقات ميدهم خانواده ات را ببيني به آنها بگو 7 ميليون تومان بياورند ما مي نويسيم قتل دسته جمعي بوده. اما خانواده من توان مالي نداشتند. 28 روز در آگاهي هر روز کتک ميخوردم. شب هاي سرد زمستان بود روي من آب مي ريختند و مرا بيرون برده و با تسمه مي زدند. حتي براي بازجويي صحنه، افسر آگاهي به من گفت اگر غير از اين چيزهايي که مي گوييم بگويي دوباره همين جا برميگردي و کتک ميخوري. مي گفت تو جوجه اي و ما افرادي را به حرف آورده ايم که يک منطقه را مي بندند. فقط ميخواستند انگار پرونده را ببندند.

دقيقا همان رفتاري که با بزرگسالان مي کردند با من ميکردند. فقط بعد از 28 روز کتک خوردن در آگاهي، مرا به کانون تربيت و اصلاح فرستادند و اين تنها تفاوت بود. اصلا نه بلد بودم چه بايد بگويم و نه ميدانستم چه جوري از خودم دفاع کنم. 28 روز، دستبند و پابند داشتم پشت پايم زخم شده بود و راه که مي رفتم خون مي آمد. روز پنجم يا ششم مرا به دادگاه بردند تا مي خواستم حرفي بزنم قاضي مي گفت زر نزن. پدرم هم مدام مي گفت هيچي نگو، فقط بگو اشتباه کردم و معذرت ميخواهم. من هم سرم را انداخته بودم پايين و ديگر هيچي نمي گفتم قاضي مي گفت حکم را قبول داري؟ هيچ نگفتم و بعد حکم قصاص صادر کرد. يعني دهسال زندان از جنبه عمومي جرم و قصاص.

چرا وکيل داشتم وکيلم مي گفت که اين پرونده قصاص مي گيرد و در دادگاه گفت که من نمي توانم دفاع کنم و استعفا داد. وکيلم همشهري پدر مزدک بود و پدرم فکر ميکرد او مي تواند کمک کند رضايت بگيريم. پدرم به جاي اينکه دنبال اثبات بي گناهي من باشد دنبال رضايت گرفتن از شاکي بود. خب رضايت گرفتن از شاکي خيلي مهم است اما هيچ کس توجهي نميکرد که من چقدر نقش داشتم؟ نقش ديگران چقدر بود و.... حکم قصاص صادر کردند و...
ميلاد هم جرم من، که با من بازداشت شده بود همان همان روزهاي اول آزاد شد. توي آگاهي دو مرد ريشو آمدند از امر به معروف و نهي از منکر بودند خب ميلاد عضو بسيج بود و کمکش کردند او آزاد شد. (روز آنلاين – 5/2/90)

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, Gohardasht Prison guards attacked defenseless prisoners in cellblock 3 and beat them.
On Sunday, April 24, prison guards attacked prisoners in Hall 7, Cellblock 3 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj and beat and harassed them. One these prisoners identified as Afshin Azizi was attacked with electric shockers and batons and sustained multiple injuries. The guards also destroyed the minimum personal belongings of the prisoners and even ripped off the cellblock curtains that the prisoners had bought with their own money from the prison shop and took it away with them.
More than 20 prison guards participated in this raid which started at 9:30am and lasted for a long time.

يورش گارد زندان به زندانيان بي دفاع بند 3 زندان گوهردشت کرج
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران"گارد زندان گوهردشت کرج به زندانيان بي دفاع بند 3 يورش بردند و آنها را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار دادند.
روز يکشنبه 4 ارديبهشت ماه گارد زندان به زندانيان بي دفاع سالن 7 بند 3 زندان گوهردشت کرج يورش برد و آنها را مورد ضرب و شتم و اذيت و آذار قرار دادند. يکي از زندانيان که آماج ضربات باتون و شوکر برقي گارد زندان قرار گرفت زنداني افشين عزيزي بود. او از چند ناحيه دچار آسيب ديدگي گرديد.آنها همچنين حداقل وسايل زندانيان بي دفاع را تخريب نمودند و يا با خود بردند . گارد زندان پرده هاي سلولها که توسط زندانيان از فروشگاه زندان با قيمت زيادي خريداري شده بود را کندند و با خود بردند.
در اين يورش وحشيانه و غير انساني بيش از 20 نفر از گارد زندان شرکت داشتند. اين يورش از ساعت 09:30 آغاز و تا مدت طولاني ادامه داشت. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 5/2/90)

Center to Defend Families of those Slain and Detained in Iran

The prison term for student prisoner Hood Yazerlu who was detained in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj ended on April 23 but he was not released from prison.
According to reports, his father Dr. Yazerlu and a number of his relatives who were waiting outside the prison for his release went up to prison officials to ask why he was not released. They were told that Hood was transferred to Evin Prison in the morning. His family then went to Evin Prison and waited until 2am but no one gave them any information about his condition.

عدم آزادي دانشجوي زنداني سياسي هود يازرلو به رغم پايان دوران محكوميتش
دانشجوي زنداني هود يازرلو كه در زندان گوهردشت كرج محبوس بوده است ،روز شنبه سوم ارديبهشت ماه , دوران محكوميت سه ساله اش به پايان ميرسيد و ميبايستي آزاد ميشد، اما تا آخرين ساعت نيمه شب، خبري ازآزادي وي نبود.گزارشات حاكي است كه دكتر يازرلو،پدر هود و تعدادي از اقوامش كه در انتظار آزادي عزيزشان در پشت درب زندان بودند به مقامات زندان مراجعه نموده و علت عدم آزادي هود را سوال كردند.در اين ميان با تعجب به آنان گفته شد كه هود را در ابتداي صبح شنبه به اوين منتقل كرده اند. بعد از مراجعه به اوين درساعت 2 بعد از نيمه شب ،هيچكس پاسخگوي وضعيت اين دانشجوي زنداني نبود. (كانون حمايت از خانواده هاي جانباختگان و بازداشتي ها – 5/2/90)
Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, bloody clashes in the Karaj Penitentiary led to the injuries of dozens of prisoners.
On Saturday April 23, bloody clashes injured dozens of people and about 30 injured prisoners were taken to the Gohardasht Prison infirmary in Karaj. At least one of the prisoners was shot.
During the transfers of prisoners in the past few weeks between Gohardasht Prison, Qezel Hesar Prison and the Penitentiary in Karaj, prisoners who were transferred from Gohardasht Prison to the Penitentiary started widespread protests due to the lack of facilities. The protests were first in the shape of clashes between prisoners but soon turned into protests against prison officials.
Instead of seeing to their demands, prison officials brought in the prison guards to suppress prisoners and dozens of prisoners sustained injuries. Some unconfirmed reports say that the guards opened fire on prisoners and at least one prisoner who was shot, is in the Gohardasht Prison infirmary.

درگيري خونين در زندان ندامتگاه کرج منجر به زخمي شدن ده ها نفر گرديد
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به ”فعالين حقوق‌بشر و دمکراسي در ايران“ در گيري خونين در زندان ندامتگاه کرج منجر به زخمي‌شدن ده‌ها نفر گرديد.
روز شنبه 3 ارديبهشت ماه درگيري خونيني در زندان ندامتگاه کرج روي داد که منجر به زخمي‌شدن ده‌ها نفر گرديد. در حدود 30نفر از زخمي‌شدگان اين درگيري به بهداري زندان گوهردشت کرج منتقل شدند. حداقل يکي از آنها مورد اصابت گلوله قرار گرفته است.
در پي نقل و انتقالهاي تعداد زيادي از زندانيان در طي هفته‌هاي گذشته از زندان گوهردشت کرج به زندان قزل‌حصار و زندان ندامتگاه و بلعکس. زندانيان منتقل شدند از زندان گوهردشت کرج به زندان ندامتگاه به‌دليل نبود مکان استراحت و ساير شرايط طاقت‌فرسا اقدام به اعتراضات گسترده نمودند که ابتدا منجر به درگيري بين زندانيان در درون زندان ندامتگاه گرديد و سپس اين اعتراضات به ساير نقاط زندان گسترش يافت و به سرعت اعتراضات بر عليه مسئولين زندان تبديل گرديد.
مسئولين زندان بجاي رسيدگي به خواستهاي به حق زندانيان اقدام به وارد کردن گارد زندان همراه با پاسداربندها براي سرکوب زندانيان نمودند که در اثر اين سرکوب خونين و مقاومت زندانيان ده‌ها نفر از زندانيان زخمي‌شدند. بعضي از گزارشات تأييد نشده حاکي از شليگ گلوله بسوي زندانيان مي‌باشد که حداقل يک نفر از آنها در حال حاضر در بهداري زندان گوهردشت کرج بستري است. (سايت فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران - 5/2/1390)

Human Rights Activists in Iran

During the allocation of West Tehran prisoners to the Prison Organization in the province of Tehran and Alborz, more than 500 prisoners with heavy sentences in the Qezel Hesar Prison were transferred to the Rajayi Shahr Prion in Karaj.
According to reports, at 11 am on Tuesday morning more than 500 Qezel Hesar prisoners who had participated in the March prison protests were transferred to Rajayi Shahr Prison.
The head of Rajayi Shahr Prison ordered that the guards and soldiers in the prison form a human tunnel to beat each of the prisoners upon their entrance to prison. The prisoners were violently beaten even as most of them were elderly or were still suffering from their injuries in the bloody suppression in Qezel Hesar Prison in March.
These prisoners are mostly all on death row and had protested in March against the planned execution of 10 prisoners in prison. Because of the suppression of Special Guards Forces, more than 150 prisoners were killed and injured in the incident.

انتقال ۵۰۰ نفر از زندانيان قزل‌حصار به زندان رجايي شهر
در پي تقسيم زندان‌هاي غرب تهران بين سازمان زندان‌هاي تهران و البرز، بيش از ۵۰۰ زنداني محبوس در زندان قزل حصار با جرايم سنگين به زندان رجايي شهر کرج منتقل شدند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، ارگان خبري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران، ساعت ۱۱ صبح روز سه شنبهٔ هفتهٔ گذشته بيش از ۵۰۰ تن از زندانيان قزل حصار که در اسفند ماه سال گذشته در اين زندان دست به اعتراض زده بودند، به زندان رجايي شهر منتقل شدند.
مسئول زندان رجايي شهر پس از ورود اين ۵۰۰ زنداني تونل انساني(تونل وحشت) از سربازان و گارد ايجاد کرده و تک تک زندانيان را در حين ورود به اين زندان به شدت ضرب و شتم کردند؛ اين در حالي بود که اکثر زندانيان مسن و يا بر اثر سرکوب خونين در زندان قزل حصار مصدوم بودند.
اين زندانيان که اکثرا داراي حکم اعدام هستند در اواخر اسفند ماه سال گذشته در پي اجراي حکم اعدام ۱۰ تن از زندانيان دست به اعتراض زده که در نتيجه مداخله زندانبانان و گارد ويژه بيش از ۱۵۰ تن از زندانيان کشته و مجروح شدند. (هرانا – 4/2/90)
Iranian Christians News Agency Mohabat News

Ibrahim Firouzi is a Christian prisoner who was taken to Revolutionary Court after more than three months of detention to defend himself.
He was returned back to the Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj after being beaten by a security agent.
According to reports, on April 18, he was taken to the Robat Karim police station to be present in a trial in the Revolutionary Court in this city. After defending himself in court, he was once again transferred to Rajayi Shahr Prison.
This 26 year old man was detained in the Robat Karim police station for one night where he was beaten by an officer identified as Seyed Habib Moussavi Far. The heads of the police station also deprived him of food and water while he was detained there.
Ibrahim Firouzi is a Chrisitan convert from Robat Karim and was arrested by security forces on January 11, 2011 during a raid to his home. After multiple interrogations, he was taken to the Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj.
His first court session was on January 29, 2011 in the Robat Karim Revolutionary Court where he was charged with evangelical activities, possessing a bible, having communications with foreign elements and apostasy. One of his friends said in this regard, “because of his financial state, he was unable to hire a lawyer. After the first court session, judicial officials issued a 40 million toman (about 40,000 dollar) bail order for him but his family was not able to pay the bail and he is still in prison”.

ايران؛ زنداني مسيحي مورد ضرب و شتم قرار گرفت
ابراهيم فيروزي، از زندانيان مسيحي که با گذشت بيش از سه ماه بازداشت به جهت دفاعيات خود به دادگاه انقلاب منتقل شده بود نامبرده پس از ضرب‌وشتم توسط يک مأمور امنيتي مجددن به زندان رجايي شهر انتقال يافت. به‌نقل از گزارشگران آژانس خبري مسيحيان ايران «محبت نيوز»، وي در ۲۹ فروردين ماه سالجاري به جهت محاکمه در دادگاه انقلاب شهرستان رباط کريم به کلانتري آن شهر منتقل شد که ايشان پس از ارائه آخرين دفاعيات خود در دادگاه مجددن به زندان رجايي شهر انتقال يافت. بر اساس گزارش دريافتي گفته مي‌شود اين جوان ۲۶ ساله، يک شب را در کلانتري داوودي رباط کريم دربازداشت به‌سر برد که در آنجا توسط يکي از افسران کلانتري به نام ”سيد حبيب موسوي فر“ مورد ضرب‌وشتم قرار گرفت. هم‌چنين مسئولان کلانتري در طي آن مدت که اين شهروند مسيحي در آن مکان در بازداشت بود از دادن هرگونه غذا و آب به ايشان خودداري کردند. شايان ذکر است، ”ابراهيم فيروزي“ از نوکيشان مسيحي ساکن رباط کريم مي‌باشد که در تاريخ ۲۱ دي ماه ۱۳۸۹ (۱۱ ژانويه ۲۰۱۱) توسط مأموران امنيتي رباط کريم در حالي که در خانه پدري خود بود با ورود نابهنگام چند تن از ماموران امنيتي بدون هيچ توضيحي بازداشت و پس از انجام چندين مرحله بازجويي وي به زندان رجايي شهر کرج منتقل شد. بر اساس خبر منتشره که پيش از اين توسط محبت نيوز منتشر گرديد، اولين جلسه دادگاه ايشان در تاريخ ۹ بهمن ماه ۱۳۸۹ (۲۹ ژانويه ۲۰۱۱) در دادگاه انقلاب شهرستان رباط کريم برگزار گرديد که نامبرده به اتهام بشارت دادن، نگهداري تعدادي کتاب مقدس و ارتباط با عوامل خارجي و ”ارتداد“ تفهيم اتهام شد. يکي از دوستان ايشان که از نزديک در جريان دادگاه وي بود در گفتگو با ”محبت نيوز“ اظهار داشت: ابراهيم فيروزي به‌دليل شرايط مالي قادر نبوده تا در جريان دادگاه براي خود وکيلي بگيرد. هم‌چنين گفته شده پس از برگزاري اولين جلسه تفهيم اتهام مقامات قضايي براي آزادي موقت اين نوکيش مسيحي مبلغ ۴۰ ميليون تومان وثيقه صادر کرده بودند که با توجه به عدم توانايي خانواده فيروزي در پرداخت اين مبلغ نامبرده هم‌چنان در زندان به‌سر مي‌برد. (آژانس خبري مسيحيان ايران «محبت نيوز» - 4/2/1390)
Asre Iran state-run website

In a meeting with theologian students, Ayatollah Seyed Ahmad Khatami stressed that the issue of the Hijab has turned into a problem and cultural calamity in today’s society and said, “We cannot say anymore that there is a lack of work being done in the country on cultural issues especially regarding the Hijab and it should be said that there is actually nothing being done in the society to solve these kinds of problems”.

“None of the officials are thinking about finding a solution for this problem and it seems that improper veiling cannot be stopped in the country with cultural work and I think that pure blood has to be spilled for this problem to be uprooted…”, Khatami, who is a member of the Expediency Council added.
He also stressed in the end of his meeting that one can no longer solve this issue with the gentle approach and so-called cultural activities.

احمد خاتمي: براي حل مسئله حجاب بايد خون ريخته شود

به گزارش جهان آيت‌الله سيد احمد خاتمي در جلسه‌اي با حضور طلاب با تاکيد بر اين‌که مسأله حجاب در جامعه امروز ما تبديل به يک مشکل و فاجعه فرهنگي شده است افزودند: ديگر نمي‌توانيم بگوييم در حوزه مسائل فرهنگي و علي الخصوص حجاب در کشور کم کاري صورت مي‌گيرد و بايد گفت اصلاً کاري در جامعه براي حل مشکلات اين چنيني صورت نمي‌گيرد.
عضو هيأت رئيسه مجلس خبرگان رهبري از اصطلاح بي‌کاري براي شرايط فرهنگي جامعه امروز استفاده کرده و گفتند: هيچ يک از مسئولان به فکر حل کردن و پيدا کردن راه‌حل براي اين مشکل نبوده و به نظر مي‌رسد ديگر با کار فرهنگي نمي‌توان جلوي بدحجابي در جامعه را گرفت و فکر مي‌کنم براي حل اين مسأله بايد خونهاي پاکي ريخته شود تا اين معضل از جامعه ما ريشه کن شود...

وي در پايان تاکيد کرد با رويکرد آرام و آهسته و به اصطلاح کار فرهنگي ديگر نمي‌توان اين موضوع را حل کرد. (سايت عصر ايران (رژيم)- 4/2/1390)

To our readers : Apologies

We do apologies for not updating the site and news round.
We have been pre-occupied with the immense work we had in trying to save the injured in the Massacre of April 8, at the refugee camp Ashraf.
At the beginning we mobilized to provide medical help with collaboration of Medicine Sans frontier and ACAT as well as 3 Doctors who accepted to provide volunteer help for those seriously injured.We also contacted the office of the ICRC in Erbil but unfortunately did not have a positive response. The ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) was very blunt in rejecting help for the camp residents , which was a great surprise.
The first few steps was not as complicated as the latest; out team was apt to provide as much aid as required but we faced immense barrage when trying to get to the scene. The main reason our work was hampered was the reluctance of the Iraqi Government to allow us permission to visit the Camp or anywhere near it. Visa was spared from our team. We managed to get a team of 3 Doctors to Baghuba , which seems to be not far from the Camp. From Baghuba to the Camp, as out guid told us , was only half an hour. From the time we set out towards the Camp, our convoy of 3 cars was stopped every fifteen to twenty minutes by Iraqi forces, questioned and at last miles before we could get to the junction where we parted from the main road towards the camp, we were stopped completely.
We were told “it is an unsafe location for any visit”. Obviously the Iraqi military was intent to prevent any visit to the Camp by outsiders. It was and seemed to be under heavy siege and barred entrance. The Camp is now a “Big Prison”.
We stayed at the crossroads for a couple of hours to try to contact the US forces who were supposed to be nearby. All communications were out , said the Iraqi officer who was controlling all our moves.
We are therefore very concerned of the near future of the inhabitants of this camp and feel it necessary to concentrate more on the events and developments ongoing on this place.
Whatever may be the reason, it is crystal clear that the Iraqi forces situated at the Camp and the surrounding vicinity , are not peaceful at all and are not the for “protection” means. The armored personal carriers and cannon guns and machineguns seem more like the army was getting ready for “combat”. All our photographic equipment was taken away from us.