Happy Birthday Zia is what they say and that we will never forget you .
Messages are from activists in Iran who courageously express support for thsoe who are standing by FREEDOM anf RIGHTS , even now .
"Every Night they drag our stars down..
But this sad night of ours has always been filled with stars
shinny as ever "
Jailed filmmaker JafarPanahi accused Iranian authorities of 'kidnapping' Iranian artists to intimidate them, according to a transcript of his trial plea published in France Tuesday.
Panahi, 50, was handed a six-year jail term by an Iranian court for 'propaganda against the system,' his lawyer said. Another director working with him, Mohammad Rasoulof, was also reportedly sentenced to six years' jail.
‘My imprisonment and that of those I work with symbolises the kidnapping by those in power carried out against all artists in the country,' he said in his plea to the court on November 7, published by French newspaper Le Monde.
‘The message these actions gives seems to me clear and sad: whoever does not think like us will be sorry for it,' he added.
Panahi's lawyer Farideh Gheirat said Monday the court banned the filmmaker, widely known outside Iran for award-winning films such as 'The Circle,' 'Crimson Gold' and 'Offside', from making films or leaving Iran for 20 years.
He was initially arrested in March along with his wife, daughter and several others at his home, and later bailed.
Authorities accused him of making an 'anti-regime' film about the unrest which rocked Iran after the disputed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in June 2009.
Panahi's arrest was protested by artists including top filmmakers Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Ang Lee and Oliver Stone.
.We have been hit by censorship before but this is the first time a filmmaker has been sentenced and imprisoned to stop him making a film,' he said in the plea, which described police raiding his home and threatening his family.
خبرگزاريها: فيلم ساز ايراني سرکوب هنرمندان توسط دولت را محکوم کرد
مطابق نسخه نوشته شده دادخواست کارگردان جعفر پناهي در دادگاه، که روز سهشنبه در فرانسه منتشر شد، او مقامات ايراني را متهم به ربودن هنرمندان ايراني براي ترساندن آنها کرده است.
وکيل پناهي، فريده غيرت گفت: ”پناهي 50ساله بهخاطر اتهام تبليغ عليه نظام از سوي يک دادگاه ايراني به 6سال زندان محکوم شد“.
بنابرگزارشات که محمد رسولوفrasoulof، يک کارگردان ديگر که با پناهي کار ميکرد هم به 6سال زندان محکوم شده است.
روزنامه لوموند (le monde) فرانسه گزارش کرد که، پناهي در دادخواست خود به دادگاه در 7نوامبر گفته است: ”حکم زندان من و کساني که با من کار ميکنند نشان ميدهد کسانيکه حاکم هستند، تمامي هنرمندان کشور را ميربايند. …
خانم فريده غيرت که وکيل پناهي ميباشد در روز دوشنبه گفت، دادگاه، اين کارگران ايراني را که بهطور گستردهاي در خارج از ايران بهخاطر فيلمهايي مانند دايره، طلاي خونين و ”آفسايد ”که همگي جايزه دريافت کردهاند، شناخته ميشود، را از ساختن فيلم و خارج شدن از ايران به مدت 20سال منع کرد. …
مقامات، او را متهم کردند که در مورد آشوبهاي بعد از انتخابات مجدد رئيسجمهور محمود احمدينژاد در ژوئن 2009 فيلم ساخته است.
بازداشت پناهي توسط هنرمنداني و کارگردانان بزرگي مانند استيوين اسپيلبرگ (steven spielberg)، مارتين اسکورسيز (martin scorsese)، آنگ لي (ang lee) و اوليور استون (oliver stone) مورد اعتراض قرار گرفته است.
پناهي در دادخواست خود گفته است: ”ما قبلاً هم با سانسور روبهرو بودهايم، اما اين اولين بار است که يک کارگردان محکوم ميشود و حکم زندان دريافت ميکند تا او را وادار به توقف فيلم سازي کنند“.(خبرگزاري فرانسه -30/9/89)
Jailed filmmaker JafarPanahi accused Iranian authorities of 'kidnapping' Iranian artists to intimidate them, according to a transcript of his trial plea published in France Tuesday.
Panahi, 50, was handed a six-year jail term by an Iranian court for 'propaganda against the system,' his lawyer said. Another director working with him, Mohammad Rasoulof, was also reportedly sentenced to six years' jail.
‘My imprisonment and that of those I work with symbolises the kidnapping by those in power carried out against all artists in the country,' he said in his plea to the court on November 7, published by French newspaper Le Monde.
‘The message these actions gives seems to me clear and sad: whoever does not think like us will be sorry for it,' he added.
Panahi's lawyer Farideh Gheirat said Monday the court banned the filmmaker, widely known outside Iran for award-winning films such as 'The Circle,' 'Crimson Gold' and 'Offside', from making films or leaving Iran for 20 years.
He was initially arrested in March along with his wife, daughter and several others at his home, and later bailed.
Authorities accused him of making an 'anti-regime' film about the unrest which rocked Iran after the disputed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in June 2009.
Panahi's arrest was protested by artists including top filmmakers Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Ang Lee and Oliver Stone.
.We have been hit by censorship before but this is the first time a filmmaker has been sentenced and imprisoned to stop him making a film,' he said in the plea, which described police raiding his home and threatening his family.
خبرگزاريها: فيلم ساز ايراني سرکوب هنرمندان توسط دولت را محکوم کرد
مطابق نسخه نوشته شده دادخواست کارگردان جعفر پناهي در دادگاه، که روز سهشنبه در فرانسه منتشر شد، او مقامات ايراني را متهم به ربودن هنرمندان ايراني براي ترساندن آنها کرده است.
وکيل پناهي، فريده غيرت گفت: ”پناهي 50ساله بهخاطر اتهام تبليغ عليه نظام از سوي يک دادگاه ايراني به 6سال زندان محکوم شد“.
بنابرگزارشات که محمد رسولوفrasoulof، يک کارگردان ديگر که با پناهي کار ميکرد هم به 6سال زندان محکوم شده است.
روزنامه لوموند (le monde) فرانسه گزارش کرد که، پناهي در دادخواست خود به دادگاه در 7نوامبر گفته است: ”حکم زندان من و کساني که با من کار ميکنند نشان ميدهد کسانيکه حاکم هستند، تمامي هنرمندان کشور را ميربايند. …
خانم فريده غيرت که وکيل پناهي ميباشد در روز دوشنبه گفت، دادگاه، اين کارگران ايراني را که بهطور گستردهاي در خارج از ايران بهخاطر فيلمهايي مانند دايره، طلاي خونين و ”آفسايد ”که همگي جايزه دريافت کردهاند، شناخته ميشود، را از ساختن فيلم و خارج شدن از ايران به مدت 20سال منع کرد. …
مقامات، او را متهم کردند که در مورد آشوبهاي بعد از انتخابات مجدد رئيسجمهور محمود احمدينژاد در ژوئن 2009 فيلم ساخته است.
بازداشت پناهي توسط هنرمنداني و کارگردانان بزرگي مانند استيوين اسپيلبرگ (steven spielberg)، مارتين اسکورسيز (martin scorsese)، آنگ لي (ang lee) و اوليور استون (oliver stone) مورد اعتراض قرار گرفته است.
پناهي در دادخواست خود گفته است: ”ما قبلاً هم با سانسور روبهرو بودهايم، اما اين اولين بار است که يک کارگردان محکوم ميشود و حکم زندان دريافت ميکند تا او را وادار به توقف فيلم سازي کنند“.(خبرگزاري فرانسه -30/9/89)
Jaras Website
The pressures and threats against dissident professors in the Law and Political Science Department of Tehran University have increased.
According to reports, these pressures which come in the shape of summonses, threats and harassment of professors reached their climax after election events last year.
According to this report, in light of the political price of expelling or forcing dissident professors into retirement, the government’s security system has in the past years implemented a new method of using its elements to harass professors to force them to resign or retire. One of these professors in Dr. Seyed Hossein Seif Zadeh, a professor of international relations at Tehran University’s Law and Political Science Department…
Notably, Dr. Seif Zadeh was summoned to the University’s Protection Department on October 23, 2010 and was interrogated for three and a half hours by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence about the discussions and subjects he had presented in class. There were also reports that he was insulted and physically harassed while being interrogated…
Dr. Seif Zadeh has a Ph.D. of political science from the University of Santa Barbara in California and Harvard University.
تداوم فشارهاي امنيتي بر دکتر سيف زاده استاد دانشگاه تهران
فشارها و تهديدها بر اساتيد منتقد دولت محمود احمدي نژاد، همزمان با ساير دانشگاههاي کشور، در دانشکده حقوق و علوم سياسي دانشگاه تهران نيز، بيش از پيش شدت گرفته است .
به گزارش منابع خبري جرس، اين فشارها که همراه با احضار، تهديد و آزار اساتيد مي باشد پس از وقايع و رخدادهاي پس از انتخابات رياست جمهوري سال گذشته به اوج خود رسيده است.
بنا بر اين گزارش با توجه به هزينه سياسي اخراج يا بازنشستگي اساتيد مخالف دولت، سيستم امنيتي در سالهاي اخير روند جديدي را در پيش گرفته است و با ايجاد آزار و اذيت توسط عوامل خود و همچنين تنگ نمودن عرصه بر اساتيد منتقد آنها را مجبور به استعفاء يا اعلام بازنشستگي مي نمايد. از جمله مي توان از دکتر سيد حسين سيف زاده، استاد روابط بين الملل دانشکده حقوق و علوم سياسي دانشگاه تهران نام برد...
شايان ذکر است که اول آبان ماه امسال دکتر سيف زاده به حراست دانشگاه تهران فراخوانده شده و به مدت سه ساعت و نيم توسط ماموران وزارت اطلاعات در خصوص مباحث مطرح شده در سر کلاس هاي درسي اش بازجويي گرديد. در همان تاريخ خبري نيز از اهانت و برخورد فيزيکي با اين استاد در حين بازجويي منتشر شد...
دکتر سيد حسين سيف زاده داراي مدرک دکتراي علوم سياسي از دانشگاه سانتاباربارا کاليفرنيا و فوق دکتراي علوم سياسي از دانشگاه هاروارد مي باشد. (جرس – 1/10/89)
The pressures and threats against dissident professors in the Law and Political Science Department of Tehran University have increased.
According to reports, these pressures which come in the shape of summonses, threats and harassment of professors reached their climax after election events last year.
According to this report, in light of the political price of expelling or forcing dissident professors into retirement, the government’s security system has in the past years implemented a new method of using its elements to harass professors to force them to resign or retire. One of these professors in Dr. Seyed Hossein Seif Zadeh, a professor of international relations at Tehran University’s Law and Political Science Department…
Notably, Dr. Seif Zadeh was summoned to the University’s Protection Department on October 23, 2010 and was interrogated for three and a half hours by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence about the discussions and subjects he had presented in class. There were also reports that he was insulted and physically harassed while being interrogated…
Dr. Seif Zadeh has a Ph.D. of political science from the University of Santa Barbara in California and Harvard University.
تداوم فشارهاي امنيتي بر دکتر سيف زاده استاد دانشگاه تهران
فشارها و تهديدها بر اساتيد منتقد دولت محمود احمدي نژاد، همزمان با ساير دانشگاههاي کشور، در دانشکده حقوق و علوم سياسي دانشگاه تهران نيز، بيش از پيش شدت گرفته است .
به گزارش منابع خبري جرس، اين فشارها که همراه با احضار، تهديد و آزار اساتيد مي باشد پس از وقايع و رخدادهاي پس از انتخابات رياست جمهوري سال گذشته به اوج خود رسيده است.
بنا بر اين گزارش با توجه به هزينه سياسي اخراج يا بازنشستگي اساتيد مخالف دولت، سيستم امنيتي در سالهاي اخير روند جديدي را در پيش گرفته است و با ايجاد آزار و اذيت توسط عوامل خود و همچنين تنگ نمودن عرصه بر اساتيد منتقد آنها را مجبور به استعفاء يا اعلام بازنشستگي مي نمايد. از جمله مي توان از دکتر سيد حسين سيف زاده، استاد روابط بين الملل دانشکده حقوق و علوم سياسي دانشگاه تهران نام برد...
شايان ذکر است که اول آبان ماه امسال دکتر سيف زاده به حراست دانشگاه تهران فراخوانده شده و به مدت سه ساعت و نيم توسط ماموران وزارت اطلاعات در خصوص مباحث مطرح شده در سر کلاس هاي درسي اش بازجويي گرديد. در همان تاريخ خبري نيز از اهانت و برخورد فيزيکي با اين استاد در حين بازجويي منتشر شد...
دکتر سيد حسين سيف زاده داراي مدرک دکتراي علوم سياسي از دانشگاه سانتاباربارا کاليفرنيا و فوق دکتراي علوم سياسي از دانشگاه هاروارد مي باشد. (جرس – 1/10/89)

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran
According to reports, political prisoner Mohsen Dokmeh Chi is in critical condition in the Taleqani Hospital.
On Saturday December 18, after the condition of this jailed Tehran Bazaar merchant became critical, he was transferred to the Taleqani Hospital from prison and was hospitalized in the surgical unit. Despite his poor condition, three prison guards are stationed in his room at all times and his hands have been handcuffed to his bed. His family is banned from visiting him under normal conditions and especially in the past four days, they have had no information about his condition and are only allowed to visit him with the permission of Tehran Prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolat Abadi.
Dokmeh Chi came down with an illness about 3 months ago in prison but did not receive serious treatment. He had constant pain day and night and was not able to rest or eat and lost 16 kilos. But agents of the Intelligence Agency and the Tehran Prosecutor prevented his hospitalization.
On Saturday, they were forced to take him to the hospital because of his critical condition. The hospital has still not been able to give a final diagnosis of his illness. He is suffering from severe pancreas and gallbladder problems.
Political prisoner Mohsen Dokmeh Chi, 52, is a well-known Tehran Bazaar merchant who was arrested on September 6, 2008 after agents of the Intelligence Agency attacked his place of work. He was transferred to cellblock 209 in Evin Prison. Dokmeh Chi was charged with giving financial assistance to the families of political prisoners and the presence of his daughter in Camp Ashraf in Iraq. Salavati, the head of the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court has sentenced him to 10 years of prison to be spent in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. He was also a political prisoner in the 80’s and was jailed for 7 years.
According to reports, political prisoner Mohsen Dokmeh Chi is in critical condition in the Taleqani Hospital.
On Saturday December 18, after the condition of this jailed Tehran Bazaar merchant became critical, he was transferred to the Taleqani Hospital from prison and was hospitalized in the surgical unit. Despite his poor condition, three prison guards are stationed in his room at all times and his hands have been handcuffed to his bed. His family is banned from visiting him under normal conditions and especially in the past four days, they have had no information about his condition and are only allowed to visit him with the permission of Tehran Prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolat Abadi.
Dokmeh Chi came down with an illness about 3 months ago in prison but did not receive serious treatment. He had constant pain day and night and was not able to rest or eat and lost 16 kilos. But agents of the Intelligence Agency and the Tehran Prosecutor prevented his hospitalization.
On Saturday, they were forced to take him to the hospital because of his critical condition. The hospital has still not been able to give a final diagnosis of his illness. He is suffering from severe pancreas and gallbladder problems.
Political prisoner Mohsen Dokmeh Chi, 52, is a well-known Tehran Bazaar merchant who was arrested on September 6, 2008 after agents of the Intelligence Agency attacked his place of work. He was transferred to cellblock 209 in Evin Prison. Dokmeh Chi was charged with giving financial assistance to the families of political prisoners and the presence of his daughter in Camp Ashraf in Iraq. Salavati, the head of the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court has sentenced him to 10 years of prison to be spent in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. He was also a political prisoner in the 80’s and was jailed for 7 years.
بستري شدن بازاري زنداني محسن دکمه چي در وضعيت وخيم جسمي
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران"بازاري زنداني محسن دکمه چي در شرايط وخيم جسمي در بيمارستان طالقاني بستري گرديد.
روز شنبه 27 آذر ماه در پي به وخامت گراييدن وضعيت جسمي بازاري زنداني محسن دکمه چي به بيمارستان طالقاني تهران منتقل گرديد او در شرايط حاد جسمي در بخش جراحي بيمارستان بستري شده است.عليرغم شرايط حاد جسمي 3 تن از مامورين بطور دائم کنار وي مي باشند و دستهاي او با دست بند به تخت بسته شده است. خانواده وي بطور معمول اجازه ملاقات با او را ندارند و بخصوص در 4 روز اخير از وضعيت و شرايط وي بي خبر هستند و ملاقات با عزيزشان منوط به اجازه عباس جعفري دولت آبادي است.
آقاي دکمه چي از 3 ماه پيش دچار اين ناراحتي حاد در زندان گرديد ولي از درمان جدي او خوداري کردند تا اينکه طي يک ماه اخير بصورت شبانه روزي از شدت درد قادر به استراحت و خوردن معمول غذا نبود وزن وي در اين مدت بيش از 16 کيلو کاهش يافت و رنگ چهره اش زرد گرديد.اما بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات و عباس جعفري دولت آبادي از انتقال وي به بيمارستان ممانعت به عمل مي آوردند.
تا اينکه روز شنبه وضعيتش به حدي حاد گرديد که ناچار به انتقال او به بيمارستان شدند.بيمارستان هنوز بطور قطع به علت اصلي بيماري وي پي نبرده اند.آقاي دکمه چي از ناراحتي حاد پانکراس و کيسه صفرا رنج مي برد.
لازم به ياد آوري است که زنداني سياسي محسن دکمه چي 52 ساله از بازاريان شناخته شده بازار تهران مي باشد که در 16 شهريور 1387 با يورش مامورين وزارت اطلاعات به محل کارش دستگير و به بند 209 زندان اوين منتقل شد علت دستگيري او کمک مالي به خانواده هاي زندانيان سياسي و حضور دختر ايشان در قرارگاه اشرف در عراق مي باشد. آقاي دکمه چي توسط صلواتي قاضي فرمايشي شعبۀ 15 دادگاه انقلاب محاکمه و به 10 سال زندان و تبعيد به زندان گوهردشت کرج محکوم شد.او از زندانيان سياسي دهۀ 60 مي باشد که به مدت 7 سال در زندان بسر برد. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي – 1/10/89)
روز شنبه 27 آذر ماه در پي به وخامت گراييدن وضعيت جسمي بازاري زنداني محسن دکمه چي به بيمارستان طالقاني تهران منتقل گرديد او در شرايط حاد جسمي در بخش جراحي بيمارستان بستري شده است.عليرغم شرايط حاد جسمي 3 تن از مامورين بطور دائم کنار وي مي باشند و دستهاي او با دست بند به تخت بسته شده است. خانواده وي بطور معمول اجازه ملاقات با او را ندارند و بخصوص در 4 روز اخير از وضعيت و شرايط وي بي خبر هستند و ملاقات با عزيزشان منوط به اجازه عباس جعفري دولت آبادي است.
آقاي دکمه چي از 3 ماه پيش دچار اين ناراحتي حاد در زندان گرديد ولي از درمان جدي او خوداري کردند تا اينکه طي يک ماه اخير بصورت شبانه روزي از شدت درد قادر به استراحت و خوردن معمول غذا نبود وزن وي در اين مدت بيش از 16 کيلو کاهش يافت و رنگ چهره اش زرد گرديد.اما بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات و عباس جعفري دولت آبادي از انتقال وي به بيمارستان ممانعت به عمل مي آوردند.
تا اينکه روز شنبه وضعيتش به حدي حاد گرديد که ناچار به انتقال او به بيمارستان شدند.بيمارستان هنوز بطور قطع به علت اصلي بيماري وي پي نبرده اند.آقاي دکمه چي از ناراحتي حاد پانکراس و کيسه صفرا رنج مي برد.
لازم به ياد آوري است که زنداني سياسي محسن دکمه چي 52 ساله از بازاريان شناخته شده بازار تهران مي باشد که در 16 شهريور 1387 با يورش مامورين وزارت اطلاعات به محل کارش دستگير و به بند 209 زندان اوين منتقل شد علت دستگيري او کمک مالي به خانواده هاي زندانيان سياسي و حضور دختر ايشان در قرارگاه اشرف در عراق مي باشد. آقاي دکمه چي توسط صلواتي قاضي فرمايشي شعبۀ 15 دادگاه انقلاب محاکمه و به 10 سال زندان و تبعيد به زندان گوهردشت کرج محکوم شد.او از زندانيان سياسي دهۀ 60 مي باشد که به مدت 7 سال در زندان بسر برد. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي – 1/10/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran
Mohamamd-Reza Sadeq, an engineer who is one of the six jailed supporters of Mr. Borujerdi (jailed dissident cleric) who was arrested on November 8, 2010 after security forces raided his home, is under intolerable torture.
According to reports, he is suffering from numbness in his feet and is unable to walk because of the severe beatings by interrogators and there is a possibly that he might be suffering from spinal cord damage. It is necessary that he be checked by a specialist to confirm this issue.
Forty five days after his arrest, his family has still not been able to get any information on his condition.
This 38 year old prisoner is a former employee of the Informatics and Information Technology Department of the state-run Tobacco Company and was arrested before this on October 2006 and December 2007 by the Intelligence Agency. He was tortured when detained and as a result has heart and lung problems and the medical files for these illnesses are available. Examinations by a specialist show that because of his ailments and severe heart failure, prison conditions can be very dangerous for him.
احتمال آسيب ديدگي نخاعي مهندس محمد رضا صادقي در زندان اوين
Mohamamd-Reza Sadeq, an engineer who is one of the six jailed supporters of Mr. Borujerdi (jailed dissident cleric) who was arrested on November 8, 2010 after security forces raided his home, is under intolerable torture.
According to reports, he is suffering from numbness in his feet and is unable to walk because of the severe beatings by interrogators and there is a possibly that he might be suffering from spinal cord damage. It is necessary that he be checked by a specialist to confirm this issue.
Forty five days after his arrest, his family has still not been able to get any information on his condition.
This 38 year old prisoner is a former employee of the Informatics and Information Technology Department of the state-run Tobacco Company and was arrested before this on October 2006 and December 2007 by the Intelligence Agency. He was tortured when detained and as a result has heart and lung problems and the medical files for these illnesses are available. Examinations by a specialist show that because of his ailments and severe heart failure, prison conditions can be very dangerous for him.
احتمال آسيب ديدگي نخاعي مهندس محمد رضا صادقي در زندان اوين
مهندس محمد رضا صادقي يکي از شش هوادار آقاي بروجردي که در 17 آبان ماه 1389 پس از يورش نيروهاي امنيتي به منزلش بازداشت شده بود، تحت شکنجه هاي طاقت فرسا قرار دارد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران(هرانا)، نامبرده بر اثر ضربات شديد بازجويان و شکنجه هاي وارده، دچار بي حسي از ناحيه پا گرديده و قادر به حرکت نبوده و احتمال آسيب ديدگي نخاعي وجود داردكه براي تاييد اين موضوع نظر يك پزشك متخصص ضروريست .
به رغم گذشت 45 روز از بازداشت مهندس محمد رضا صادقي ، خانواده ايشان تاکنون موفق به کسب هيچ گونه اطلاعي در مورد وضعيت ايشان نشده اند.
گفتني است اين زنداني 38 ساله، کارمند سابق رسمي اداره انفورماتيک و فن آوري اطلاعات شرکت دولتي دخانيات بوده و قبلا دو بار در مهرماه 1385 و آذر ماه 86 توسط نيروهاي اطلاعاتي بازداشت شده بود. ايشان در طول مدت بازداشت در زندانهاي ولايت فقيه، تحت شکنجه هاي طاقت فرسا قرار داشت که در نتيجه چنين فشارهايي مبتلا به عوارض قلبي، ريوي و همچنين عوارض آرتريت روماتوئيدي ناشي از زندان گرديد که اسناد پزشکي آن موجود است. معاينات پزشکان متخصص نشان مي دهد بعلت ابتلاي نامبرده به نارسائي شديد قلبي، محيط زندان براي ايشان بسيارخطرناک مي باشد. (هرانا – 1/10/89)
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران(هرانا)، نامبرده بر اثر ضربات شديد بازجويان و شکنجه هاي وارده، دچار بي حسي از ناحيه پا گرديده و قادر به حرکت نبوده و احتمال آسيب ديدگي نخاعي وجود داردكه براي تاييد اين موضوع نظر يك پزشك متخصص ضروريست .
به رغم گذشت 45 روز از بازداشت مهندس محمد رضا صادقي ، خانواده ايشان تاکنون موفق به کسب هيچ گونه اطلاعي در مورد وضعيت ايشان نشده اند.
گفتني است اين زنداني 38 ساله، کارمند سابق رسمي اداره انفورماتيک و فن آوري اطلاعات شرکت دولتي دخانيات بوده و قبلا دو بار در مهرماه 1385 و آذر ماه 86 توسط نيروهاي اطلاعاتي بازداشت شده بود. ايشان در طول مدت بازداشت در زندانهاي ولايت فقيه، تحت شکنجه هاي طاقت فرسا قرار داشت که در نتيجه چنين فشارهايي مبتلا به عوارض قلبي، ريوي و همچنين عوارض آرتريت روماتوئيدي ناشي از زندان گرديد که اسناد پزشکي آن موجود است. معاينات پزشکان متخصص نشان مي دهد بعلت ابتلاي نامبرده به نارسائي شديد قلبي، محيط زندان براي ايشان بسيارخطرناک مي باشد. (هرانا – 1/10/89)
ISNA state-run News Agency
The flogging sentence of a person charged with drinking alcohol was carried out in public in the town of Ramshir in the province of Khuzestan.
According to reports, the flogging sentence for M.A which was issued by the Public Penal Court on charges of drinking alcohol was carried out on December 18 in the Farmandari Square in public in Ramshir.
He was arrested in an operation by security forces to clear out the unclean regions of Ramshir and was sentenced to 80 lashes.
The flogging sentence of a person charged with drinking alcohol was carried out in public in the town of Ramshir in the province of Khuzestan.
According to reports, the flogging sentence for M.A which was issued by the Public Penal Court on charges of drinking alcohol was carried out on December 18 in the Farmandari Square in public in Ramshir.
He was arrested in an operation by security forces to clear out the unclean regions of Ramshir and was sentenced to 80 lashes.
حکم شلاق يک شرابخوار در ملاء عام اجرا شد
حکم شلاق يک محکوم به شرب خمر در رامشير از توابع استان خوزستان، در ملاء عام به اجرا درآمد.
به گزارش ايسنا، حکم شلاق محکوم عليه «م. الف» که به اتهام شرب خمر از سوي دادگاه عمومي (جزايي) صادر شده بود، روز27آذر 89، در ميدان فرمانداري رامشير، در ملاء عام به اجرا درآمد.
نامبرده در عمليات پاکسازي مناطق آلوده رامشير توسط ماموران انتظامي دستگير و از سوي دادگاه عمومي اين شهرستان به تحمل هشتاد ضربه شلاق محکوم شد. (خبرگزاري ايسنا (رژيم) -1/10/89)
به گزارش ايسنا، حکم شلاق محکوم عليه «م. الف» که به اتهام شرب خمر از سوي دادگاه عمومي (جزايي) صادر شده بود، روز27آذر 89، در ميدان فرمانداري رامشير، در ملاء عام به اجرا درآمد.
نامبرده در عمليات پاکسازي مناطق آلوده رامشير توسط ماموران انتظامي دستگير و از سوي دادگاه عمومي اين شهرستان به تحمل هشتاد ضربه شلاق محکوم شد. (خبرگزاري ايسنا (رژيم) -1/10/89)

Kalmeh Website
Evin Prison agents banned the husbands of political prisoners Bahareh Hedayat and Mahdieh Golro from visiting them in prison this morning.
According to reports, agents announced that these two student prisoners have been banned from visits.
Baharaeh Hedayat, who is a member of the Central Council of the Office for
Consolidating Unity has been sentenced to 9 and a half years of prison while Mahdieh Golro has been sentenced to two years of prison.
These two prisoners had issued statements for students on the eve of Student Day in Iran.
Evin Prison agents banned the husbands of political prisoners Bahareh Hedayat and Mahdieh Golro from visiting them in prison this morning.
According to reports, agents announced that these two student prisoners have been banned from visits.
Baharaeh Hedayat, who is a member of the Central Council of the Office for

These two prisoners had issued statements for students on the eve of Student Day in Iran.
بهاره هدايت و مهديه گلرو ممنوعالملاقات شدند
صبح امروز ماموران زندان اوين از ملاقات همسران بهاره هدايت و مهديه گلرو دانشجويان زنداني با ايشان ممانعت کردند.
به گزارش ميزان خبر، دليل اين امر نيز از سوي ماموران ممنوع الملاقات بودن اين دو دانشجوي زنداني عنوان شده است.
بهاره هدايت عضو شوراي مرکزي دفتر تحکيم وحدت به نه و نيم سال زندان و مهديه گلرو نيز به دوسال زندان محکوم شده اند.
اين دو دانشجو در آستانه ۱۶ آذر پيامهايي خطاب به دانشجويان منتشر ساخته بودند. (كلمه – 30/9/89)
Committee of Human Rights Reporters
On Monday, December 20, Roya Qanbari, a Baha’i resident of Sari was arrested without an arrest warrant. In another measure, on Sunday, 11 security forces presented an arrest warrant for Fataneh Nouri, the wife of prisoner of conscience Omid Qanbari and searched the home of her father and father in law.
According to reports, Omid Qanbari’s sister, Roya Qanbari, went to the Intelligence Agency to answer a number of questions after weeks of constant pressure by security forces on her family. She announced her arrest in a call to her family. Security forces in Sari also searched the home of Fataneh Nouri and summoned her to answer some questions and to collect her jailed husband Omid’s clothes.
On Monday, December 20, Roya Qanbari, a Baha’i resident of Sari was arrested without an arrest warrant. In another measure, on Sunday, 11 security forces presented an arrest warrant for Fataneh Nouri, the wife of prisoner of conscience Omid Qanbari and searched the home of her father and father in law.
According to reports, Omid Qanbari’s sister, Roya Qanbari, went to the Intelligence Agency to answer a number of questions after weeks of constant pressure by security forces on her family. She announced her arrest in a call to her family. Security forces in Sari also searched the home of Fataneh Nouri and summoned her to answer some questions and to collect her jailed husband Omid’s clothes.
بازداشت رويا قنبري و يورش نيروهاي امنيتي براي دستگيري فتانه نوري
روز دوشنبه، 29 آذرماه، رويا قنبري، شهروند بهايي ساکن ساري بدون ارائه حکم قضايي بازداشت شد. در اقدامي ديگر، روز يک شنبه يازده مامور امنيتي با ارائه حکم دست نويس کتبي بازداشت فتانه نوري، همسر اميد قنبري، منزل پدر و پدر شوهر او را مورد تفتيش قرار دادند.
بنا بر گزارش هاي رسيده، رويا قنبري، خواهر اميد قنبري که هم اکنون در بازداشت است، در پي فشارهاي مداوم چندهفته اخير ماموران امنيتي بر روي خانواده اش، براي پاسخگويي به برخي سوالات به ستاد خبري مراجعه کرده بود، طي تماس تلفني خبر بازداشت خود را به خانواده اش اعلام کرد. همچنين ماموران اطلاعات ساري روز يک شنبه، با تفتيش منزل پدري فتانه نوري، او را به صورت شفاهي و به منظور اداي پاره اي از توضيحات، و تحويل دادن لباس هاي اميد، برادر رويا قنبري که در بازداشت است، به اداره اطلاعات احضار کرده بودند. ماموران امنيتي صبح روز دوشنبه، همسر خانم قنبري را که براي تحويل لباس هاي اميد قنبري به اداره اطلاعات مراجعه کرده بود تهديد کردند که چنانچه تا ساعتي ديگر همسر خود را تحويل اطلاعات ندهد با حکم قانوني جلب خواهند شد. (کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 30/9/89)
بنا بر گزارش هاي رسيده، رويا قنبري، خواهر اميد قنبري که هم اکنون در بازداشت است، در پي فشارهاي مداوم چندهفته اخير ماموران امنيتي بر روي خانواده اش، براي پاسخگويي به برخي سوالات به ستاد خبري مراجعه کرده بود، طي تماس تلفني خبر بازداشت خود را به خانواده اش اعلام کرد. همچنين ماموران اطلاعات ساري روز يک شنبه، با تفتيش منزل پدري فتانه نوري، او را به صورت شفاهي و به منظور اداي پاره اي از توضيحات، و تحويل دادن لباس هاي اميد، برادر رويا قنبري که در بازداشت است، به اداره اطلاعات احضار کرده بودند. ماموران امنيتي صبح روز دوشنبه، همسر خانم قنبري را که براي تحويل لباس هاي اميد قنبري به اداره اطلاعات مراجعه کرده بود تهديد کردند که چنانچه تا ساعتي ديگر همسر خود را تحويل اطلاعات ندهد با حکم قانوني جلب خواهند شد. (کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 30/9/89)

Human Rights Activists in Iran
Sama Nourani who was banned from continuing her education and is a member of the Population of Combat against Educational Discrimination was sentenced to one year of prison on charges of ‘propagating against the government’ by the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Moqiseh.
According to the Population of Combat against Educational Discrimination, this activist was arrested on March 3, 2010 in Shiraz and was transferred to Cellblock 2A in Evin Prison. She was released on April 26 on bail. Nourani studied medical engineering in the Tabriz Sahand University in 2008 but was expelled after 3 semesters.
Sama Nourani who was banned from continuing her education and is a member of the Population of Combat against Educational Discrimination was sentenced to one year of prison on charges of ‘propagating against the government’ by the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Moqiseh.
According to the Population of Combat against Educational Discrimination, this activist was arrested on March 3, 2010 in Shiraz and was transferred to Cellblock 2A in Evin Prison. She was released on April 26 on bail. Nourani studied medical engineering in the Tabriz Sahand University in 2008 but was expelled after 3 semesters.
سما نوراني به يک سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد
سما نوراني، دانشجوي محروم از تحصيل و از اعضاي جمعيت مبارزه با تبعيض تحصيلي، از سوي شعبه 28 دادگاه انقلاب به قضاوت قاضي مقيسه به اتهام "تبليغ عليه نظام" به يک سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد.
به گزارش جمعيت مبارزه با تبعيض تحصيلي، اين فعال حق تحصيل که در تاريخ 12 اسفند 1388 در شيراز بازداشت و به بند «2 الف» سپاه در زندان اوين منتقل شده بود، ششم ارديبهشت 1389 با توديع وثيقه از بند «2 الف» سپاه در زندان اوين آزاد شده بود.
سما نوراني، در مهرماه 1387 در رشته مهندسي پزشکي دانشگاه سهند تبريز پذيرفته شد اما پس از گذراندن سه ترم اخراج شد. (هرانا – 30/9/89)
به گزارش جمعيت مبارزه با تبعيض تحصيلي، اين فعال حق تحصيل که در تاريخ 12 اسفند 1388 در شيراز بازداشت و به بند «2 الف» سپاه در زندان اوين منتقل شده بود، ششم ارديبهشت 1389 با توديع وثيقه از بند «2 الف» سپاه در زندان اوين آزاد شده بود.
سما نوراني، در مهرماه 1387 در رشته مهندسي پزشکي دانشگاه سهند تبريز پذيرفته شد اما پس از گذراندن سه ترم اخراج شد. (هرانا – 30/9/89)
Human Rights Activsits in Iran
The Judicial Assistant at Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison has left seven political prisoners in the crowded halls of Cellblock 2 in this prison.
According to reports, Ali Mohammadi, the Judicial Assistant at this prison has left political prisoners Ali Saremi, Saied Masouri, Gholam-Reza Gholamhosseini, Karim Aziz Marouf, Reza Sharifi Bukani, Hassan Tafah and Khaled Hardani in inhumane conditions in the hallways of this cellblock.
After these prisoners threatened that they would go on a hunger strike, they were transferred to two 5 meter rooms usually used as solitary cells.
This cellblock has the capacity to hold 300 prisoners but officials have detained more than 600 prisoners in this cellblock which has always led to dissatisfaction from prisoners.
Prisoners in this cellblock have to wait for hours in line to use the restroom. Protests from political prisoners have had no results and prison officials take no heed of this condition.
Most political prisoners who were transferred are suffering from influenza and have not slept for the last 48 hours because of the lack of a suitable place to sleep.
سالن هاي پر جمعيت رجايي شهر خواب از چشمان زندانيان سياسي گرفت
The Judicial Assistant at Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison has left seven political prisoners in the crowded halls of Cellblock 2 in this prison.
According to reports, Ali Mohammadi, the Judicial Assistant at this prison has left political prisoners Ali Saremi, Saied Masouri, Gholam-Reza Gholamhosseini, Karim Aziz Marouf, Reza Sharifi Bukani, Hassan Tafah and Khaled Hardani in inhumane conditions in the hallways of this cellblock.
After these prisoners threatened that they would go on a hunger strike, they were transferred to two 5 meter rooms usually used as solitary cells.
This cellblock has the capacity to hold 300 prisoners but officials have detained more than 600 prisoners in this cellblock which has always led to dissatisfaction from prisoners.
Prisoners in this cellblock have to wait for hours in line to use the restroom. Protests from political prisoners have had no results and prison officials take no heed of this condition.
Most political prisoners who were transferred are suffering from influenza and have not slept for the last 48 hours because of the lack of a suitable place to sleep.
سالن هاي پر جمعيت رجايي شهر خواب از چشمان زندانيان سياسي گرفت
معاونت قضايي زندان رجايي شهر کرج در اقدام غير انساني هفت تن از زندانيان سياسي را در سالن هاي پر جمعيت بند2 رها کرده است.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، علي محمدي معاونت قضايي زندان رجايي شهر هفت زنداني سياسي به نامهاي علي صارمي ،سعيد ماسوري ،غلامرضا غلامحسيني،کريم عزيز معروف، رضا شريفي بوکاني ،حسن تفاح و خالد حراني را در شرايط غير انساني بدون داشتن اتاق و در راهروهاي اين بند رها کرده است.
در پي تهديد اين زندانيان به اعتصاب غذا روز گذشته هفت زنداني فوق به دو اتاق پنج متري منتقل شدند که در واقع هر اتاق محل نگهداري يک زنداني است.
ظرفيت اين بند 300 زنداني است که داراي 3 سالن است، اما مسئولين بيش از 600 زنداني در آن جا داده اند که اين امر همواره باعث نارضايتي زندانيان عادي شده است.
زندانيان در اين بند براي استفاده از سرويس هاي بهداشتي و تلفن عمومي روزانه ساعت ها در صف مي ايستند، اعتراض زندانيان سياسي نيز تا کنون راه به جايي نبرده است و مسئولين توجه اي به اين امر نمي کنند.
شايان ذکر است اکثر زندانيان سياسي منتقل شده به اين بند دچار بيماري انفولانزا شده اند که به دليل نبود محل مناسب براي استراحت طي 48 ساعت اخير نخوابيده اند. (هرانا – 30/9/89)
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، علي محمدي معاونت قضايي زندان رجايي شهر هفت زنداني سياسي به نامهاي علي صارمي ،سعيد ماسوري ،غلامرضا غلامحسيني،کريم عزيز معروف، رضا شريفي بوکاني ،حسن تفاح و خالد حراني را در شرايط غير انساني بدون داشتن اتاق و در راهروهاي اين بند رها کرده است.
در پي تهديد اين زندانيان به اعتصاب غذا روز گذشته هفت زنداني فوق به دو اتاق پنج متري منتقل شدند که در واقع هر اتاق محل نگهداري يک زنداني است.
ظرفيت اين بند 300 زنداني است که داراي 3 سالن است، اما مسئولين بيش از 600 زنداني در آن جا داده اند که اين امر همواره باعث نارضايتي زندانيان عادي شده است.
زندانيان در اين بند براي استفاده از سرويس هاي بهداشتي و تلفن عمومي روزانه ساعت ها در صف مي ايستند، اعتراض زندانيان سياسي نيز تا کنون راه به جايي نبرده است و مسئولين توجه اي به اين امر نمي کنند.
شايان ذکر است اکثر زندانيان سياسي منتقل شده به اين بند دچار بيماري انفولانزا شده اند که به دليل نبود محل مناسب براي استراحت طي 48 ساعت اخير نخوابيده اند. (هرانا – 30/9/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran
According to reports, on December 16 in the Gujar region in Orumieh, military forces in Iran ambushed Kurd tradesmen and opened fire on them. A tradesman identified as Sirius Yasini from the Bistak Village in Orumieh was killed as a result.
Two days before this, a 19 year old man identified as Saleh Azad from the Neojavan Village in Sardasht was killed and another tradesman was injured.
According to reports, at least 17 tradesmen were killed by security forces since early August.
کشته شدن يک کاسبکار کرد در اروميه
According to reports, on December 16 in the Gujar region in Orumieh, military forces in Iran ambushed Kurd tradesmen and opened fire on them. A tradesman identified as Sirius Yasini from the Bistak Village in Orumieh was killed as a result.
Two days before this, a 19 year old man identified as Saleh Azad from the Neojavan Village in Sardasht was killed and another tradesman was injured.
According to reports, at least 17 tradesmen were killed by security forces since early August.
کشته شدن يک کاسبکار کرد در اروميه
بنا به گزارش خبر گزاري فرات در تاريخ 16 دسامبر در منطقه گوجار از توابع اروميه، نيروهاي نظامي ايران در مسير کاسبکاران کرد کمين گذاشته و آنان را مورد تيراندازي قرار دادند که در نتيجه، کاسبکاري به نام سيروس ياسيني اهل روستاي بيستک اروميه جان خود را از دست داد.
از طرفي بر اثر تيراندازي نيروهاي رژيم اسلامي ايران دو روز قبل در دشت وزنه جواني 19 ساله به نام صالح آزاد فرزند فقه حمزه اهل روستاي نيوجوان از توابع سردشت کشته و يک کاسبکار ديگر نيز زخمي شده بود.
گزارشات حاکي از آن است که از اوايل ماه آگوست تا کنون حداقل 17 کاسبکار کرد توسط نيروهاي نظامي جمهوري اسلامي ايران به قتل رسيدند. (هرانا – 30/9/89)
از طرفي بر اثر تيراندازي نيروهاي رژيم اسلامي ايران دو روز قبل در دشت وزنه جواني 19 ساله به نام صالح آزاد فرزند فقه حمزه اهل روستاي نيوجوان از توابع سردشت کشته و يک کاسبکار ديگر نيز زخمي شده بود.
گزارشات حاکي از آن است که از اوايل ماه آگوست تا کنون حداقل 17 کاسبکار کرد توسط نيروهاي نظامي جمهوري اسلامي ايران به قتل رسيدند. (هرانا – 30/9/89)

24 December 2010
Amnesty International today called on the Iranian authorities to halt the imminent execution of a Kurdish law student, scheduled for 26 December, and to commute his death sentence.
The lawyer of Habibollah Latifi, a law student at Azad University in the south western province of Ilam, has been informed by the Iranian authorities that Habibollah Latifi’s execution will take place on 26 December at Sanandaj Prison, Kordestan, in western Iran.
“We are urgently appealing to the Iranian authorities to show clemency, halt the imminent execution of Habibollah Latifi, and commute his death sentence,” said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International’s Director for the Middle East and North Africa.
“While we recognise that governments have a responsibility to bring to justice those who commit crimes, this must be done according to international standards for fair trial. Amnesty International is unconditionally opposed to the death penalty - the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment - in all cases.”
Habibollah Latifi was arrested on 23 October 2007 in Sanandaj, the Kordestan provincial capital, north-western Iran. His trial was held behind closed doors and his lawyer was not allowed to be present to defend him. Nor was his family allowed to attend the trial.
He was convicted of moharebeh (enmity against God), by the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court, in connection with his alleged membership of and activities on behalf of the Kurdish Independent Life Party (PJAK), a proscribed armed group.
On 3 July 2008 Habibollah Latifi was sentenced to death, his death sentence was upheld by the Appeal Court in Sanandaj on 18 February 2009.
It is not known whether the Iranian authorities have notified Habibollah Latifi’s family of his planned execution.
“It is clear that Habibollah Latifi did not receive a fair trail by international standards, which makes the news of his impending execution all the more abhorrent,” said Malcolm Smart
Death by stoning is the mandatory sentence for “adultery while married” in iran. Even though a moratorium on Such Executions was announced In 2002, Stonings continue.
amnesty International is working alongside the many Iranians who are campaigning to end Iran’s resort to this particularly abhorrent method of Execution.
In this document Amnesty International calls on the Iranian authorities to fully respect the moratorium, including by ensuring that all individuals sentenced to stoning will not face execution by other means. The organization also calls for the decriminalization of consensual sexual relations between adults and for lawyers defending stoning cases to be allowed to carry out their work without fear of persecution.
Read the report onm this link
amnesty International is working alongside the many Iranians who are campaigning to end Iran’s resort to this particularly abhorrent method of Execution.
In this document Amnesty International calls on the Iranian authorities to fully respect the moratorium, including by ensuring that all individuals sentenced to stoning will not face execution by other means. The organization also calls for the decriminalization of consensual sexual relations between adults and for lawyers defending stoning cases to be allowed to carry out their work without fear of persecution.
Read the report onm this link

The Times – Dec. 18, 2010
Nasrin Sotoudeh has spent 105 days in solitary confinement and is so weak from her hunger strike that she can barely finish sentences.
The leading Iranian human rights lawyer has nonetheless issued a declaration of defiance from her prison cell.
‘If you are going to hell, then go like a man,' she told The Times in a message sent from Tehran's infamous Evin prison via her husband, Reza Khandan. 'Let them give me a harsh sentence because that brings a person honour’.
Mr Khandan, who risked reprisals for speaking to a foreign journalist, said that he was proud of his wife and supported her stand, whatever the price.
‘I very much fear for her life, but I don't know what I can do to save her,' he said.
Ms Sotoudeh, 47, the mother of two young children, is becoming the latest symbol of the regime's barbarity.
She was arrested on September 4 for defending Shirin Ebadi, the exiled Nobel Peace laureate, and dozens of political prisoners arrested after last year's disputed election.
Since then she has been denied almost any contact with her lawyer and family, and was refused permission to attend her father's funeral.
She went on a dry hunger strike, taking no fluids, that the authorities thwarted by putting her on a drip, but then she began a hunger strike on December 6.
Ms Sotoudeh is awaiting what her husband expects to be a long sentence on charges of spreading propaganda and threatening national security.
She faces an additional charge of appearing with her head uncovered in a film that she made for an awards ceremony in Italy in December last year, which she had been barred from attending.
British ambassador in Tehran Simon Gass said: 'Her real crime is doing her job courageously and highlighting injustices that the regime would prefer stayed hidden’.
Ms Sotoudeh gave her husband the message for The Times during a rare telephone conversation.
‘Her voice was trembling and extremely weak. She had to summon all her energy to finish her sentences,' he said.
Nasrin Sotoudeh has spent 105 days in solitary confinement and is so weak from her hunger strike that she can barely finish sentences.
The leading Iranian human rights lawyer has nonetheless issued a declaration of defiance from her prison cell.
‘If you are going to hell, then go like a man,' she told The Times in a message sent from Tehran's infamous Evin prison via her husband, Reza Khandan. 'Let them give me a harsh sentence because that brings a person honour’.
Mr Khandan, who risked reprisals for speaking to a foreign journalist, said that he was proud of his wife and supported her stand, whatever the price.
‘I very much fear for her life, but I don't know what I can do to save her,' he said.
Ms Sotoudeh, 47, the mother of two young children, is becoming the latest symbol of the regime's barbarity.
She was arrested on September 4 for defending Shirin Ebadi, the exiled Nobel Peace laureate, and dozens of political prisoners arrested after last year's disputed election.
Since then she has been denied almost any contact with her lawyer and family, and was refused permission to attend her father's funeral.
She went on a dry hunger strike, taking no fluids, that the authorities thwarted by putting her on a drip, but then she began a hunger strike on December 6.
Ms Sotoudeh is awaiting what her husband expects to be a long sentence on charges of spreading propaganda and threatening national security.
She faces an additional charge of appearing with her head uncovered in a film that she made for an awards ceremony in Italy in December last year, which she had been barred from attending.
British ambassador in Tehran Simon Gass said: 'Her real crime is doing her job courageously and highlighting injustices that the regime would prefer stayed hidden’.
Ms Sotoudeh gave her husband the message for The Times during a rare telephone conversation.
‘Her voice was trembling and extremely weak. She had to summon all her energy to finish her sentences,' he said.
مقاومت وکیل ایرانی در عین تشدید عوارض اعتصاب غذا
نسرین ستوده 105روز را در زندان انفرادی بهسر برده و بهدلیل اعتصابغذا آنقدر ضعیف است که به سختی میتواند محکومیتش را به پایان برساند.
با این وجود، این وکیل ایرانی برجسته حقوقبشر، یک بیانیه مقاومت از سلول خود منتشر کرده است.
او در پیامی که از طریق همسر وی، رضا خندان، از زندان بدنام اوین در تهران ارسال شده بود به تایمز گفت، ”اگر قرار است به جهنم بروید، مثل یک مرد بروید (if you are going to hell، then go like a man). بگذار به من محکومیت سختی بدهند، زیرا این باعث افتخار است. “
آقای خندان، که بهخاطر صحبت با یک خبرنگار خارجی احتمال دارد مورد انتقام جویی قرار گیرد، گفت که او به همسرش افتخار میکند و از موضع وی حمایت میکند، و قیمتش هر چه میخواهد باشد.
او گفت، ”من شدیداً نگران جان او هستم، ولی نمیدانم برای نجات جانش چه کاری از دستم بر میآید. “ …
او تقریباً از هرگونه رابطه با وکیل و خانوادهاش منع شده، و اجازه نیافت در مراسم خاک سپاری پدرش حضور یابد…
خانم ستوده در یک تماس نادر تلفنی، این پیام به تایمز را، به همسر خود داد.
او گفت، ”صدای او میلرزید و شدیداً ضعیف بود. او باید برای به اتمام رساندن جملاتش تمام انرژیاش را بهکار میگرفت. “ (تایمز - 27/9/89)
با این وجود، این وکیل ایرانی برجسته حقوقبشر، یک بیانیه مقاومت از سلول خود منتشر کرده است.
او در پیامی که از طریق همسر وی، رضا خندان، از زندان بدنام اوین در تهران ارسال شده بود به تایمز گفت، ”اگر قرار است به جهنم بروید، مثل یک مرد بروید (if you are going to hell، then go like a man). بگذار به من محکومیت سختی بدهند، زیرا این باعث افتخار است. “
آقای خندان، که بهخاطر صحبت با یک خبرنگار خارجی احتمال دارد مورد انتقام جویی قرار گیرد، گفت که او به همسرش افتخار میکند و از موضع وی حمایت میکند، و قیمتش هر چه میخواهد باشد.
او گفت، ”من شدیداً نگران جان او هستم، ولی نمیدانم برای نجات جانش چه کاری از دستم بر میآید. “ …
او تقریباً از هرگونه رابطه با وکیل و خانوادهاش منع شده، و اجازه نیافت در مراسم خاک سپاری پدرش حضور یابد…
خانم ستوده در یک تماس نادر تلفنی، این پیام به تایمز را، به همسر خود داد.
او گفت، ”صدای او میلرزید و شدیداً ضعیف بود. او باید برای به اتمام رساندن جملاتش تمام انرژیاش را بهکار میگرفت. “ (تایمز - 27/9/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 19, 2010)
Hadi Heidari, Fatemeh Arab Sourkhi, Mohammad Shafiyi, and Alireza Taheri were arrested today after being summoned to the court in Evin Prison.
According to reports, prison agents confirmed this report and said that their charges include, ‘planning to hold a number of sessions’.
Hadi Heidari, Fatemeh Arab Sourkhi, Mohammad Shafiyi, and Alireza Taheri were arrested today after being summoned to the court in Evin Prison.
According to reports, prison agents confirmed this report and said that their charges include, ‘planning to hold a number of sessions’.
بازداشت هادي حيدري، فاطمه عرب سرخي، محمد شفيعي و عليرضا طاهري
هادي حيدري، فاطمه عرب سرخي، محمد شفيعي و عليرضا طاهري امروز در پي احضار به دادسراي مستقر در اوين و حضور در آنجا بازداشت شدند.
به گزارش جرس، ماموران زندان با تاييد خبر بازداشت اين افراد، از جمله اتهام آنان "برنامهريزي براي برگزاري برخي از جلسات" عنوان شده است. (هرانا – 28/9/89)
به گزارش جرس، ماموران زندان با تاييد خبر بازداشت اين افراد، از جمله اتهام آنان "برنامهريزي براي برگزاري برخي از جلسات" عنوان شده است. (هرانا – 28/9/89)
Ashkan, a boy who committed murder in a street fight when he was 14 years old, was sentenced to retribution (death).
His lawyer said that the Fars Penal Court sentenced his client, who was under 15 when he committed murder, to death and expressed hope that the Supreme Court would not uphold the sentence.
On December 3, 2009, in a street fight between 8 young bikers and 14 year old Ashkan, a young man was stabbed by Ashkan and later passed away in the hospital.
According to Reiesi, Ashkan’s lawyer, the bikers struck Ashkan with a chain before this incident. Ashkan tried to run away but the bikers prevented him and stuck him again with the chain. A legal doctor who checked him has confirmed the chain signs on his body. (ISNA state-run news agency
صدور حکم قصاص به جرم ارتکاب قتل براي نوجوان ۱۴ ساله
اشکان، نوجواني که در سن ۱۴ سالگي در يک نزاع خياباني مرتکب قتل شده، به قصاص محکوم شده است.
يک وکيل دادگستري از صدور حکم قصاص براي موکل خود که هنگام وقوع قتل کمتر از ۱۵ سال سن داشته، از سوي دادگاه کيفري استان فارس خبر داد و ابراز اميدواري کرد که اين راي در ديوان عالي کشور تاييد نشود.
به گزارش ايسنا، ۱۲ آذرماه سال گذشته، درگيري خياباني بين هشت نفر جوان موتورسوار و نوجواني ۱۴ ساله به نام اشکان، منجر به آسيب ديدگي يکي از جوانان به دليل جراحات وارده توسط چاقو از سوي اشکان و نهايتاً مرگ او در بيمارستان ميشود.
به گفته رئيسي، وکيل اشکان، موتورسواران پيش از عکسالعمل منجر به قتل از سوي اشکان، با زنجير او را ميزنند، اشکان سعي ميکند فرار کند ولي آنها مانع فرار او ميشوند و مجددا او را با زنجير ميزنند. پزشکي قانوني نيز آثار زنجير را بر بدن اشکان تاييد کرده است. (ايسنا – 28/9/89)
Ashkan, a boy who committed murder in a street fight when he was 14 years old, was sentenced to retribution (death).
His lawyer said that the Fars Penal Court sentenced his client, who was under 15 when he committed murder, to death and expressed hope that the Supreme Court would not uphold the sentence.
On December 3, 2009, in a street fight between 8 young bikers and 14 year old Ashkan, a young man was stabbed by Ashkan and later passed away in the hospital.
According to Reiesi, Ashkan’s lawyer, the bikers struck Ashkan with a chain before this incident. Ashkan tried to run away but the bikers prevented him and stuck him again with the chain. A legal doctor who checked him has confirmed the chain signs on his body. (ISNA state-run news agency
صدور حکم قصاص به جرم ارتکاب قتل براي نوجوان ۱۴ ساله
اشکان، نوجواني که در سن ۱۴ سالگي در يک نزاع خياباني مرتکب قتل شده، به قصاص محکوم شده است.
يک وکيل دادگستري از صدور حکم قصاص براي موکل خود که هنگام وقوع قتل کمتر از ۱۵ سال سن داشته، از سوي دادگاه کيفري استان فارس خبر داد و ابراز اميدواري کرد که اين راي در ديوان عالي کشور تاييد نشود.
به گزارش ايسنا، ۱۲ آذرماه سال گذشته، درگيري خياباني بين هشت نفر جوان موتورسوار و نوجواني ۱۴ ساله به نام اشکان، منجر به آسيب ديدگي يکي از جوانان به دليل جراحات وارده توسط چاقو از سوي اشکان و نهايتاً مرگ او در بيمارستان ميشود.
به گفته رئيسي، وکيل اشکان، موتورسواران پيش از عکسالعمل منجر به قتل از سوي اشکان، با زنجير او را ميزنند، اشکان سعي ميکند فرار کند ولي آنها مانع فرار او ميشوند و مجددا او را با زنجير ميزنند. پزشکي قانوني نيز آثار زنجير را بر بدن اشکان تاييد کرده است. (ايسنا – 28/9/89)
Committee of Human Rights Reporters in Iran – Dec. 19, 2010)
Ten days after the arrest of a number of the Tehran Arts University students after their participation in a Student Day Ceremony, all of the detainees were released except for Majid Sadeqi, who is still detained in Evin Prison.
According to a member of the Central Council of the Arts University Student Islamic Association, Vahid Nosrati, Houman Jafari, Savin Shiva, Majid Sadeqi, Hojat Sahrayi and Saidi were arrested on December 7 in a Student Day ceremony by security forces.
According to reports, Ahmad Hossein Khani, a member of the Islamic Association in this university who was arrested twice after last year’s elections and was released on bail, was expelled from the Arts University.
ادامه بازداشت مجيد صادقي و اخراج احمد حسين خاني، فعالان دانشجويي دانشگاه هنــر
با گذشت بيش از ده روز از بازداشت تعدادي از دانشجويان دانشگاه هنر تهران که بعد از شرکت در مراسم روز دانشجوي امسال دستگير شده بودند، به جز مجيد صادقي، همگي آنان آزاد شدند و اين فعال دانشجويي همچنان در زندان اوين به سر مي برد.
بنا بر گفته يکي از اعضاي شوراي مرکزي انجمن اسلامي دانشجويان دانشگاه هنر، وحيد نصرتي، هومن جعفري، سوين شيوا، مجيد صادقي، حجت صحرايي و سعيدي، دانشجوياني بودند که روز سه شنبه ١۶ آذر بعد از مراسم روز دانشجو توسط ماموران امنيتي بازداشت شدند.
به گزارش جرس، احمد حسين خاني، از اعضاي انجمن اسلامي آن دانشگاه نيز که بعد از انتخابات رياست جمهوري سال گذشته دو بار بازداشت و به قيد وثيقه آزاد بود، از دانشگاه هنر تهران اخراج شده است. (رهانا – 28/9/89)
Ten days after the arrest of a number of the Tehran Arts University students after their participation in a Student Day Ceremony, all of the detainees were released except for Majid Sadeqi, who is still detained in Evin Prison.
According to a member of the Central Council of the Arts University Student Islamic Association, Vahid Nosrati, Houman Jafari, Savin Shiva, Majid Sadeqi, Hojat Sahrayi and Saidi were arrested on December 7 in a Student Day ceremony by security forces.
According to reports, Ahmad Hossein Khani, a member of the Islamic Association in this university who was arrested twice after last year’s elections and was released on bail, was expelled from the Arts University.
ادامه بازداشت مجيد صادقي و اخراج احمد حسين خاني، فعالان دانشجويي دانشگاه هنــر
با گذشت بيش از ده روز از بازداشت تعدادي از دانشجويان دانشگاه هنر تهران که بعد از شرکت در مراسم روز دانشجوي امسال دستگير شده بودند، به جز مجيد صادقي، همگي آنان آزاد شدند و اين فعال دانشجويي همچنان در زندان اوين به سر مي برد.
بنا بر گفته يکي از اعضاي شوراي مرکزي انجمن اسلامي دانشجويان دانشگاه هنر، وحيد نصرتي، هومن جعفري، سوين شيوا، مجيد صادقي، حجت صحرايي و سعيدي، دانشجوياني بودند که روز سه شنبه ١۶ آذر بعد از مراسم روز دانشجو توسط ماموران امنيتي بازداشت شدند.
به گزارش جرس، احمد حسين خاني، از اعضاي انجمن اسلامي آن دانشگاه نيز که بعد از انتخابات رياست جمهوري سال گذشته دو بار بازداشت و به قيد وثيقه آزاد بود، از دانشگاه هنر تهران اخراج شده است. (رهانا – 28/9/89)
(Reuters) - An earthquake of 6.5 magnitude jolted southeastern Iran on Monday, Iranian state television reported, but a local official said there were no initial reports of casualties.
"The quake took place at 2212 local time (1842 GMT) in the Kerman province ... the quake was felt in many cities," state television reported.
The semi-official Fars news agency said the quake was also felt in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan, which borders Afghanistan and Pakistan.
"Many people left their houses in the city of Zahedan ... It was also felt in the towns of Bam, Khash and Iranshahr," Fars reported.
The U.S. Geological Survey put the quake's magnitude at 6.3 and said it was 7.7 miles (12.3 km) deep. An official in the governor's office of Kerman province told Reuters by telephone that there were no initial reports of casualties or damage.
"There was no damage in the city of Bam but we felt the quake," Ali Reza, who lives in the city, told Reuters.
The province of Kerman is highly prone to earthquakes. Some 31,000 people were killed when an earthquake razed Bam in 2003.
Kerman is not one of the oil-producing regions of Iran, the world's fourth-biggest crude exporter. Iran is criss-crossed by major faultlines and is frequently hit by earthquakes.
In 2008 a magnitude 6.1 quake struck Bandar Abbas, on the mainland near the southern Qeshm island, killing at least seven people and injuring 40.
"The quake took place at 2212 local time (1842 GMT) in the Kerman province ... the quake was felt in many cities," state television reported.
The semi-official Fars news agency said the quake was also felt in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan, which borders Afghanistan and Pakistan.
"Many people left their houses in the city of Zahedan ... It was also felt in the towns of Bam, Khash and Iranshahr," Fars reported.
The U.S. Geological Survey put the quake's magnitude at 6.3 and said it was 7.7 miles (12.3 km) deep. An official in the governor's office of Kerman province told Reuters by telephone that there were no initial reports of casualties or damage.
"There was no damage in the city of Bam but we felt the quake," Ali Reza, who lives in the city, told Reuters.
The province of Kerman is highly prone to earthquakes. Some 31,000 people were killed when an earthquake razed Bam in 2003.
Kerman is not one of the oil-producing regions of Iran, the world's fourth-biggest crude exporter. Iran is criss-crossed by major faultlines and is frequently hit by earthquakes.
In 2008 a magnitude 6.1 quake struck Bandar Abbas, on the mainland near the southern Qeshm island, killing at least seven people and injuring 40.
Deutsche Presse-Agentur
Tehran - Eleven members of the Sunni Muslim militant group Jundollah were hanged Monday in Iran's south-eastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan, the Khabar news network reported.
The inmates were executed at a prison in the provincial capital, Zahedan, for crimes committed in the province over recent years, Khabar said.
Sistan-Baluchistan province, which borders Pakistan and Afghanistan, has been a target of terrorist attacks in the past, mainly by Jundollah, which claims to be fighting for the rights of Iran's Sunni minority.
The group claimed responsibility for last week's suicide bombing at a mosque in Chabahar, a coastal city in the province. It killed 39 people and injured dozens.
The government also accused Jundollah of involvement in drug-trafficking, kidnapping and other bombings in Sistan-Baluchistan and charged Pakistani and Western intelligence services of supporting the group.
Tehran accused the organization of sowing discord between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.
Jundollah leader Abdolmalek Rigi was hanged in June in Evin prison in Tehran. Since then, Jundollah has carried out what it described as revenge acts and killed several military officials and civilians.
Tehran - Eleven members of the Sunni Muslim militant group Jundollah were hanged Monday in Iran's south-eastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan, the Khabar news network reported.
The inmates were executed at a prison in the provincial capital, Zahedan, for crimes committed in the province over recent years, Khabar said.
Sistan-Baluchistan province, which borders Pakistan and Afghanistan, has been a target of terrorist attacks in the past, mainly by Jundollah, which claims to be fighting for the rights of Iran's Sunni minority.
The group claimed responsibility for last week's suicide bombing at a mosque in Chabahar, a coastal city in the province. It killed 39 people and injured dozens.
The government also accused Jundollah of involvement in drug-trafficking, kidnapping and other bombings in Sistan-Baluchistan and charged Pakistani and Western intelligence services of supporting the group.
Tehran accused the organization of sowing discord between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.
Jundollah leader Abdolmalek Rigi was hanged in June in Evin prison in Tehran. Since then, Jundollah has carried out what it described as revenge acts and killed several military officials and civilians.
سايت دادگستري استان سيستان و بلوچستان – 29 آذر 1389
11 نفر از عوامل شرارت و ناامنی وابسته به گروهک تروریستی جندالشیطان به دار مجازات آویخته شدند
مردم مقاوم و شهيد پرور استان سيستان و بلوچستان بدينوسيله ؛ به اطلاع مي رساند در ادامه مبارزه بي امان با عوامل شرارت و نا امني و جهت تأمين امنيت پايدار در استان ، تعداد 11 نفر از وابستگان به گروهک تروريستي جند الشيطان و عوامل خودفروخته به بيگانه که در ماههاي اخير در حوادث تروريستي استان و درگيري با مأموران انتظامي و به شهادت رساندن مردم بيگناه نقش داشت
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اِنا من المجرمين منتقمون
بدرستيکه ما از مجرمان انتقام مي گيرم
قرآن مجيد سوره مبارکه سجده آيه 22
مردم مقاوم و شهيد پرور استان سيستان و بلوچستان
بدينوسيله ؛ به اطلاع مي رساند در ادامه مبارزه بي امان با عوامل شرارت و نا امني و جهت تأمين امنيت پايدار در استان ، تعداد 11 نفر از وابستگان به گروهک تروريستي جند الشيطان و عوامل خودفروخته به بيگانه که در ماههاي اخير در حوادث تروريستي استان و درگيري با مأموران انتظامي و به شهادت رساندن مردم بيگناه نقش داشته اند در محوطه زندان زاهدان به دار مجازات آويخته شدند . اين عناصر فاسد و محارب که با تلاش نيروهاي امنيتي و اطلاعاتي و سربازان گمنام امام زمان (عج) شناسايي و دستگير شده اند پس از تحويل به دستگاه قضايي استان طبق موازين شرعي و قانوني و انجام تشريفات دادرسي عادلانه در جلسه علني دادگاه محاکمه و همه آنها به اتهام افساد في الارض و محاربه با خدا و رسول و مقابله با نظام مقدس جمهوري اسلامي ايران به اعدام محکوم و حکم آنها پس از تائيد مراجع عالي قضايي کشور به اجرا در آمد اسامي معدومين و مهمترين عناوين اتهامي آنها عبارتند از 1- عبدالباسط شه بخش فرزند اله داد 2- عبدالناصر شه بخش فرزند اله داد 3- عبدالشکور زنگي زهي فرزند حسين باتهام محاربه و افساد في الارض و تير اندازي به سمت ماموران پليس راه در جاده زاهدان به خاش که منجر به شهادت سه تن از آنان گرديد . 4- محمد صالح اسلام زهي فرزند عطا محمد 5- ناصر شه بخش فرزند زمان 6- لال محمد شه بخش فرزند کريم 7- عطاء الله ريگي فرزند نظر محمد به اتهام محاربه و افساد في الارض از طريق اقدام مسلحانه و اجراي کمين عليه پرسنل نيروي انتظامي در منطقه لار زاهدان که منجر به شهادت 12 تن از آنان گرديد و همچنين وارد نمودن بيش از دويست کيلو مواد منفجره جهت اقدامات تروريستي به داخل کشور 8- عبدالرحمان ناروئي فرزند خالقداد مشهور به رحمن با نام مستعار محمد گل به اتهام محاربه و افساد في الارض از طريق تهيه منزل تيمي و خودرو براي تروريستها و تهيه بمب و انتقال عامل انتحاري مسجد حضرت امام علي ابن ابيطالب (ع) به داخل شهر زاهدان و اقدام به بمب گذاري در مسجد الغدير و خيابان آزادگان زاهدان 9- عبدالرئوف شه بخش فرزند شنبه به اتهام محاربه و افساد في الارض از طريق مشارکت در درگيري و اجراي کمين عليه پرسنل سپاه پاسداران در منطقه کورين در سال 86 که منتهي به شهادت 12 تن از پرسنل سپاه پاسداران گرديد 10- بالانچ ناروئي فرزند علي به اتهام محاربه از طريق شرکت در سرقت مسلحانه و آدم ربايي مسلحانه و تجريد سلاح به قصد اخافه الناس 11- احمد ناروئي فرزند عبدالکريم به اتهام محاربه از طريق ايجاد آشوب در زاهدان پس از حادثه تروريستي مسجد علي ابن ابيطالب (ع) و سرقت مسلحانه و آدم ربايي و نگهداري دو قبضه نارنجک دستي جنگي و ايجاد خوف و رعب و وحشت در مردم ، ضمناً کليه معدومين از هواداران گروهک تروريستي بوده و جهت پيشبرد اهداف گروهک فعاليت مؤثر داشته اند.
در پايان بار ديگر به همه اشرار و معاندان و کسانيکه صف خود را از ملت جدا نموده اند هشدار مي دهيم تا دير نشده به دامن ملت بازگشته و دست از حمايت بدخواهان و اجانب و مزدوران خودفروخته استکبار بردارند و در غير اينصورت دير يا زود در چنگال عدالت گرفتار شده و درآتش قهر ملت خواهند سوخت. دستگاه قضايي استان در اجراي دقيق و سريع احکام و حدود الهي بر محاربان ومفسدان لحظه اي درنگ نکرده و قاطعانه احکام اسلام را اجرا خواهد کرد اميد است باقي مانده اشرار و بازماندگان گروهک تروريستي از سرنوشت شوم اين معدومان درس عبرت گيرند %
Last Italian bank suspends Iran oil deals .
LONDON, Dec 20 (Reuters) - Intesa SanPaolo has suspended financing Iranian oil trading deals, becoming the last Italian bank to bow to pressure from the United States to cut ties with the Islamic Republic, trading sources told Reuters.
A tightening of international sanctions against Iran has complicated financing of any deals involving buying Iranian crude or selling refined oil products to the Islamic Republic, the world's fourth largest crude oil exporter.
"They have stopped from last month. They were the last Italian bank available for Iranian crude. I guess people will have to look elsewhere for financing now. Maybe China. But it is getting more and more difficult," a trading source said.
Two other trading sources confirmed the development.
Intesa SanPaolo declined to comment when contacted by Reuters.
The financing hurdle follows a host of sanctions on Iran over its nuclear work passed this year by the United Nations, European Union and the United States. Tehran denies the West's charge that it is seeking to build nuclear weapons.
Italian and Spanish firms as well as Royal Dutch Shell have remained among regular buyers of Iranian crude this year but many traders say the volumes may shrink next year under pressure from the international community.
"Business is continuing but much less than before," said a crude trader with a European oil company.
The United States has said it expects Total, Statoil, ENI and Shell to abandon involvement in projects in Iranian oil and gas fields to avoid sanctions.
Still, some companies are continuing to buy Iranian crude. Some have said doing so is exempt from United Nations sanctions, and the European Union said in October its measures against Iran were not intended to restrict oil dealings.
Italian energy major ENI has said it will continue to receive Iranian crude for at least another three years as Tehran still owes it about $1 billion from old deals.
But Saras, an Italian oil refiner, said last month that transactions with Iran have become more challenging as banks are reluctant to get involved.
Iran pumps 3.7 million barrels per day of crude oil, equal to about 4.2 percent of daily world demand.
There is little publicly available data on the buyers of Iranian crude but according to the International Energy Agency, which represents 28 industrialised countries, shipments to IEA member-countries in Europe fell in September.
Exports of Iranian Light crude to European IEA members have fallen to 180,000 bpd in September from 400,000 bpd in July, according to the IEA. Even so, September exports were slightly up year-on-year.
Supplies of Iranian Heavy crude to Europe declined to 660,000 bpd in September from 800,000 bpd in July. Shipments were also up year-on-year, rising from 440,000 bpd in September 2009. (Additional reporting by Lisa Jucca; editing by William Hardy)
Iran central bank repatriating foreign bank deposits .
(Reuters) - The Central Bank of Iran has decided to repatriate an unspecified amount of its deposits from foreign bank accounts, its governor said on Monday, citing global economic conditions as the reason.
"The CBI decided to lower the volume of its foreign deposits and transfer them inward by depositing them at domestic banks," the official IRNA news agency quoted Mahmoud Bahmani as telling a banking seminar.
"It was agreed these deposits should be used to meet the financial needs of domestic projects through hard currency rather than rials so that the domestic inflation rate would not be aggravated," he said.
Iran has come under tighter economic sanctions since June, aimed at pressuring it to curb its nuclear programme which some countries fear is aimed at making atomic weapons. Some of the measures restrict financial transactions.
In August, Bahmani said Iranian assets had been withdrawn from European banks in an attempt to foil the sanctions. Then as now he gave no further details.
The repatriation of funds might indicate concerns about Iran's ability to access its cash due to sanctions or a need for more hard currency in Iran to pay for investment projects, some of which have suffered from the withdrawal of foreign companies under sanctions pressure.
In addition to the sanctions pressure, the Iranian economy is undergoing a major shakeup as the government slashes the billions of dollars in subsidies it pays every year to hold down prices of essential items. The policy began in earnest on Sunday when the price of gasoline quadrupled.
Ahmadinejad calls move to eventually eliminate some $100 billion of subsidies "the biggest economic plan in the past 50 years". While economists say the measure is needed to curb wasteful consumption they say it risks stoking inflation as prices of food, fuel and transport soar. (Reporting by Hashem Kalantari; Writing by Robin Pomeroy; Editing by Toby Chopra)
Iran increases gas prices in overhaul of subsidies .
The Washington Post
By Kay Armin Serjoie and Thomas Erdbrink
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, December 20, 2010; A10
TEHRAN - Police patrolled the streets of Tehran and other cities as Iran on Sunday started a politically sensitive overhaul of the way state subsidies are handed out.
Gasoline prices were increased overnight by nearly 60 percent, but most Iranians were allocated a small amount of fuel at severely reduced prices for the coming month in order to soften the price shock.
New, increased prices for products such as bread, heating oil, water and other utilities were expected to be announced Sunday, officials told state media.
The overhaul is highly sensitive because it will raise the prices of nearly all daily commodities and is expected to increase inflation. More than 60 million Iranians have been given the equivalent of $80 as compensation.
Many Iranians believe that cheap fuel - which until some years ago was less costly than water in the Islamic republic - is a birthright. When Iran introduced a gasoline rationing system in 2007, dozens of gas stations were burned down in the capital, but generally people adopted quickly to the change.
No incidents were reported Sunday, but riot police were seen on standby near key squares and gas stations. "We were told this would happen, but I don't know how to pay for fuel in the future," said Hamid-Reza, a young man driving an old SUV. He declined to give his family name.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, during a live speech broadcast Saturday, announced the start of the plan, part of a key economic package aimed at creating a more equal division of wealth. He called it the "biggest surgery" to the nation's economy in half a century.
By removing subsidies, Ahmadinejad and Khamenei have brought country’s economy into the war with people .
On Saturday evening, December 18, Ahmadinejad announced that the anti-popular law of abolishing the subsidies will take effect the following day. According to this scheme, whose outcome is but deepening poverty of the people, the price of gasoline will suddenly soar from 100 to 400 Tomans ($1= 1,000 Tomans) per liter. Concurrently, gasoline ration is also cut by 10% forcing consumers to buy gasoline at the free market price of 700 Tomans per liter. This leap in prices includes drinking water, flour and bread which are the most important and sensitive fundamental needs of the people.
To curtail public rage and revulsion, Ahamdinejad obscenely tried to depict as if this plan is to the benefit of the low-income echelon in the society. While, in fact, the loathsome regime of Velayat-e faqih (absolute rule of clergy) is after plundering people's wealth and earning astronomical revenues by increasing prices several fold. According to figures by sources within the regime, this plan will earn 100 billion dollars a year for Ahmadinejad's government.
Khamenei's appointed president demagogically claimed that the small amount of money deposited in the bank accounts of family heads in return for the removal of subsidies as being the money given by Imam Mahdi (the 12th imam for Shiites). He added, "We should be careful not to spoil this money with other monies, since it loses its effect." This demagoguery is part of measures taken on by the Iranian regime to hide the destructive impact of this scheme on Iranian masses. Based on technical evaluations, this plan will increase the inflation several fold and drive millions more below the poverty line. Last year, Iranian regime's parliament predicted that with the elimination of subsidies, inflation would reach 60 percent.
President-elect of the Iranian Resistance Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, addressing Iranian people, described the decision by the regime to cut the subsidies as expanding the war of the regime of Velayat-e-faqih against the Iranian society. She added: This decision is directly related to the critical condition of the regime, especially after last year’s massive uprisings that are still troubling it.
She said: By cutting subsidies and increasing prices several times, Khamenei is using Iran’s economy for his war against the people. He is spending not only the oil revenue but also a large portion of the people’s income on a brutal fight against them and on export of terrorism and warmongering in the region.
One of the Khamenei’s goals, she stressed, is to allocate Iran’s wealth to IRGC, which is a wicked militarism with Ahmadinejad as its symbol. Khamenei also tries to reduce the consumption of fundamental commodities such as gasoline in a bid to confront the impacts of international sanctions, especially under conditions that international sanctions get more extensive and effective every day because of his regime’s incapability and incapacity for any flexibility and retreat in the nuclear bomb production program.
The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance added, there is only one solution to save the bankrupt economy of Iran and to put an end to such a great poverty and inequality, and that is to establish the people’s sovereignty. Only by democracy and enjoyment of equal opportunities by every single person, Iranian people’s assets and creative power can contribute to the country’s reconstruction and prosperity extensively.
Mrs. Rajavi called on the people of Iran, particularly the youth, to unite and hand in hand turn the catastrophe that the mullahs ruling Iran have prepared for them into a major challenge against the regime itself. She urged the students and brave girls and boys that created last year uprisings to not allow the velayat-e faqih regime to hold on to power by destroying the wealth of the deprived majority of the Iranians gained by hard work, pain and suffering.
Iran gasoline use drops 16.6 pct after price hike .
(Reuters) - Iranian gasoline useage dropped by 16.6 percent on the first day after the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad implemented a deeply unpopular four-fold price rise, the oil ministry website said on Monday.
"On Saturday, 63.9 million litres of gasoline was consumed in the country but it dropped by 10.6 million litres on Sunday to 53.3 million litres simultaneous with the enforcement of the targeted-subsidy law," the website reported the state National Iranian Refining and Distribution Co. as saying.
Up until Sunday, subsidies had allowed Iranians -- who see cheap fuel in the oil-rich country as a birthright -- to pay just 1,000 rials (about 10 U.S. cents) per litre for the first 60 litres they buy per month. Beyond that they paid 4,000 rials per litre.
The price hike pushed the 60-litre ration price up to 4,000 rials and the higher price to 7,000 rials.
As well as saving state cash, the subsidy cut is aimed at curbing excessive consumption of valuable resources in Iran, whose economy has been hit by United Nations, European Union and U.S. sanctions in a dispute over its nuclear programme.
People rioted when the government started rationing subsidised petrol in 2007, but a heavy police presence at gas stations and a general feeling of resignation meant there was no trouble reported on Sunday. (Writing by Hashem Kalantari, editing by Mark Trevelyan)
Petrol prices shoot up as Iran scraps subsidies .
(AFP) — Domestic petrol prices shot up as much as fourfold on Sunday as the Iranian government started to implement a controversial plan to remove subsidies on energy and food products.
Iran previously had two prices for petrol, with motorists allocated a quota of 60 litres (16 gallons) of petrol per month at a subsidised price of 10 US cents per litre. Beyond this quota, they had to pay 40 cents a litre.
From Sunday, motorists have to shell out 40 cents for the monthly quota of 60 litres, and 70 cents for the rest of their purchase of petrol, a hike of 75 percent, state television announced on its website.
Diesel prices also jumped to 0.15 cents from 0.0165 cents, the website said.
In a late-night interview on state television, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that the scrapping of subsidies would start to take effect from early Sunday.
"For the moment we do not have plans to free the prices, but the prices will be corrected. New prices will be announced tonight," he said.
The government plans to phase out subsidies on energy products such as petrol, diesel, gas, kerosene and electricity, and food items such as water and bread.
According to official estimates, subsidies on these products cost state coffers around 100 billion dollars a year.
Soon after Ahmadinejad's announcement, AFP reporters saw motorists queueing outside petrol stations in Tehran to fill up their tanks before the new fuel prices were announced.
Tehran governor Mortaza Tamaddon urged people "not to gather at petrol stations as there was no problem to meet the city's need for petrol," state news agency IRNA reported.
On Saturday, however, Iranian authorities gave 50 litres of petrol at a price of 10 cents as an exceptional measure, media reports said.
Ahmadinejad has been severely criticised by various groups for the subsidy removal plan which has been delayed by three months.
Part of Iran's ruling conservative camp says the plan would further stoke inflation at a time when the economy is already reeling under high price rises and unemployment.
But the government has toned down the potential impact of the plan and maintains that inflation itself has already fallen to single digits.
Parliament had also tried to delay and limit implementation of the measure by challenging the government's sole authority to decide on how to distribute among the poor the savings generated from the scrapping of subsidies.
The Islamic republic's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has backed the plan despite the concerns of some conservatives.
To offset the rising prices, Ahmadinejad's government has begun to pay part of the expected savings from subsidy removals in the form of direct aid to the people.
According to official figures, some 60.5 million Iranians have already started to receive 810,000 rials (74 dollars) paid into bank accounts every two months. This represents 2.5 billion dollars a month in the state budget.
Ahmadinejad warned that the foreign media were acting against his subsidy scrapping plan. "They don't want Iran to progress and become a model country where there are no poor," the hardliner said.
LONDON, Dec 20 (Reuters) - Intesa SanPaolo has suspended financing Iranian oil trading deals, becoming the last Italian bank to bow to pressure from the United States to cut ties with the Islamic Republic, trading sources told Reuters.
A tightening of international sanctions against Iran has complicated financing of any deals involving buying Iranian crude or selling refined oil products to the Islamic Republic, the world's fourth largest crude oil exporter.
"They have stopped from last month. They were the last Italian bank available for Iranian crude. I guess people will have to look elsewhere for financing now. Maybe China. But it is getting more and more difficult," a trading source said.
Two other trading sources confirmed the development.
Intesa SanPaolo declined to comment when contacted by Reuters.
The financing hurdle follows a host of sanctions on Iran over its nuclear work passed this year by the United Nations, European Union and the United States. Tehran denies the West's charge that it is seeking to build nuclear weapons.
Italian and Spanish firms as well as Royal Dutch Shell have remained among regular buyers of Iranian crude this year but many traders say the volumes may shrink next year under pressure from the international community.
"Business is continuing but much less than before," said a crude trader with a European oil company.
The United States has said it expects Total, Statoil, ENI and Shell to abandon involvement in projects in Iranian oil and gas fields to avoid sanctions.
Still, some companies are continuing to buy Iranian crude. Some have said doing so is exempt from United Nations sanctions, and the European Union said in October its measures against Iran were not intended to restrict oil dealings.
Italian energy major ENI has said it will continue to receive Iranian crude for at least another three years as Tehran still owes it about $1 billion from old deals.
But Saras, an Italian oil refiner, said last month that transactions with Iran have become more challenging as banks are reluctant to get involved.
Iran pumps 3.7 million barrels per day of crude oil, equal to about 4.2 percent of daily world demand.
There is little publicly available data on the buyers of Iranian crude but according to the International Energy Agency, which represents 28 industrialised countries, shipments to IEA member-countries in Europe fell in September.
Exports of Iranian Light crude to European IEA members have fallen to 180,000 bpd in September from 400,000 bpd in July, according to the IEA. Even so, September exports were slightly up year-on-year.
Supplies of Iranian Heavy crude to Europe declined to 660,000 bpd in September from 800,000 bpd in July. Shipments were also up year-on-year, rising from 440,000 bpd in September 2009. (Additional reporting by Lisa Jucca; editing by William Hardy)
Iran central bank repatriating foreign bank deposits .
(Reuters) - The Central Bank of Iran has decided to repatriate an unspecified amount of its deposits from foreign bank accounts, its governor said on Monday, citing global economic conditions as the reason.
"The CBI decided to lower the volume of its foreign deposits and transfer them inward by depositing them at domestic banks," the official IRNA news agency quoted Mahmoud Bahmani as telling a banking seminar.
"It was agreed these deposits should be used to meet the financial needs of domestic projects through hard currency rather than rials so that the domestic inflation rate would not be aggravated," he said.
Iran has come under tighter economic sanctions since June, aimed at pressuring it to curb its nuclear programme which some countries fear is aimed at making atomic weapons. Some of the measures restrict financial transactions.
In August, Bahmani said Iranian assets had been withdrawn from European banks in an attempt to foil the sanctions. Then as now he gave no further details.
The repatriation of funds might indicate concerns about Iran's ability to access its cash due to sanctions or a need for more hard currency in Iran to pay for investment projects, some of which have suffered from the withdrawal of foreign companies under sanctions pressure.
In addition to the sanctions pressure, the Iranian economy is undergoing a major shakeup as the government slashes the billions of dollars in subsidies it pays every year to hold down prices of essential items. The policy began in earnest on Sunday when the price of gasoline quadrupled.
Ahmadinejad calls move to eventually eliminate some $100 billion of subsidies "the biggest economic plan in the past 50 years". While economists say the measure is needed to curb wasteful consumption they say it risks stoking inflation as prices of food, fuel and transport soar. (Reporting by Hashem Kalantari; Writing by Robin Pomeroy; Editing by Toby Chopra)
Iran increases gas prices in overhaul of subsidies .
The Washington Post
By Kay Armin Serjoie and Thomas Erdbrink
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, December 20, 2010; A10
TEHRAN - Police patrolled the streets of Tehran and other cities as Iran on Sunday started a politically sensitive overhaul of the way state subsidies are handed out.
Gasoline prices were increased overnight by nearly 60 percent, but most Iranians were allocated a small amount of fuel at severely reduced prices for the coming month in order to soften the price shock.
New, increased prices for products such as bread, heating oil, water and other utilities were expected to be announced Sunday, officials told state media.
The overhaul is highly sensitive because it will raise the prices of nearly all daily commodities and is expected to increase inflation. More than 60 million Iranians have been given the equivalent of $80 as compensation.
Many Iranians believe that cheap fuel - which until some years ago was less costly than water in the Islamic republic - is a birthright. When Iran introduced a gasoline rationing system in 2007, dozens of gas stations were burned down in the capital, but generally people adopted quickly to the change.
No incidents were reported Sunday, but riot police were seen on standby near key squares and gas stations. "We were told this would happen, but I don't know how to pay for fuel in the future," said Hamid-Reza, a young man driving an old SUV. He declined to give his family name.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, during a live speech broadcast Saturday, announced the start of the plan, part of a key economic package aimed at creating a more equal division of wealth. He called it the "biggest surgery" to the nation's economy in half a century.
By removing subsidies, Ahmadinejad and Khamenei have brought country’s economy into the war with people .
On Saturday evening, December 18, Ahmadinejad announced that the anti-popular law of abolishing the subsidies will take effect the following day. According to this scheme, whose outcome is but deepening poverty of the people, the price of gasoline will suddenly soar from 100 to 400 Tomans ($1= 1,000 Tomans) per liter. Concurrently, gasoline ration is also cut by 10% forcing consumers to buy gasoline at the free market price of 700 Tomans per liter. This leap in prices includes drinking water, flour and bread which are the most important and sensitive fundamental needs of the people.
To curtail public rage and revulsion, Ahamdinejad obscenely tried to depict as if this plan is to the benefit of the low-income echelon in the society. While, in fact, the loathsome regime of Velayat-e faqih (absolute rule of clergy) is after plundering people's wealth and earning astronomical revenues by increasing prices several fold. According to figures by sources within the regime, this plan will earn 100 billion dollars a year for Ahmadinejad's government.
Khamenei's appointed president demagogically claimed that the small amount of money deposited in the bank accounts of family heads in return for the removal of subsidies as being the money given by Imam Mahdi (the 12th imam for Shiites). He added, "We should be careful not to spoil this money with other monies, since it loses its effect." This demagoguery is part of measures taken on by the Iranian regime to hide the destructive impact of this scheme on Iranian masses. Based on technical evaluations, this plan will increase the inflation several fold and drive millions more below the poverty line. Last year, Iranian regime's parliament predicted that with the elimination of subsidies, inflation would reach 60 percent.
President-elect of the Iranian Resistance Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, addressing Iranian people, described the decision by the regime to cut the subsidies as expanding the war of the regime of Velayat-e-faqih against the Iranian society. She added: This decision is directly related to the critical condition of the regime, especially after last year’s massive uprisings that are still troubling it.
She said: By cutting subsidies and increasing prices several times, Khamenei is using Iran’s economy for his war against the people. He is spending not only the oil revenue but also a large portion of the people’s income on a brutal fight against them and on export of terrorism and warmongering in the region.
One of the Khamenei’s goals, she stressed, is to allocate Iran’s wealth to IRGC, which is a wicked militarism with Ahmadinejad as its symbol. Khamenei also tries to reduce the consumption of fundamental commodities such as gasoline in a bid to confront the impacts of international sanctions, especially under conditions that international sanctions get more extensive and effective every day because of his regime’s incapability and incapacity for any flexibility and retreat in the nuclear bomb production program.
The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance added, there is only one solution to save the bankrupt economy of Iran and to put an end to such a great poverty and inequality, and that is to establish the people’s sovereignty. Only by democracy and enjoyment of equal opportunities by every single person, Iranian people’s assets and creative power can contribute to the country’s reconstruction and prosperity extensively.
Mrs. Rajavi called on the people of Iran, particularly the youth, to unite and hand in hand turn the catastrophe that the mullahs ruling Iran have prepared for them into a major challenge against the regime itself. She urged the students and brave girls and boys that created last year uprisings to not allow the velayat-e faqih regime to hold on to power by destroying the wealth of the deprived majority of the Iranians gained by hard work, pain and suffering.
Iran gasoline use drops 16.6 pct after price hike .
(Reuters) - Iranian gasoline useage dropped by 16.6 percent on the first day after the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad implemented a deeply unpopular four-fold price rise, the oil ministry website said on Monday.
"On Saturday, 63.9 million litres of gasoline was consumed in the country but it dropped by 10.6 million litres on Sunday to 53.3 million litres simultaneous with the enforcement of the targeted-subsidy law," the website reported the state National Iranian Refining and Distribution Co. as saying.
Up until Sunday, subsidies had allowed Iranians -- who see cheap fuel in the oil-rich country as a birthright -- to pay just 1,000 rials (about 10 U.S. cents) per litre for the first 60 litres they buy per month. Beyond that they paid 4,000 rials per litre.
The price hike pushed the 60-litre ration price up to 4,000 rials and the higher price to 7,000 rials.
As well as saving state cash, the subsidy cut is aimed at curbing excessive consumption of valuable resources in Iran, whose economy has been hit by United Nations, European Union and U.S. sanctions in a dispute over its nuclear programme.
People rioted when the government started rationing subsidised petrol in 2007, but a heavy police presence at gas stations and a general feeling of resignation meant there was no trouble reported on Sunday. (Writing by Hashem Kalantari, editing by Mark Trevelyan)
Petrol prices shoot up as Iran scraps subsidies .
(AFP) — Domestic petrol prices shot up as much as fourfold on Sunday as the Iranian government started to implement a controversial plan to remove subsidies on energy and food products.
Iran previously had two prices for petrol, with motorists allocated a quota of 60 litres (16 gallons) of petrol per month at a subsidised price of 10 US cents per litre. Beyond this quota, they had to pay 40 cents a litre.
From Sunday, motorists have to shell out 40 cents for the monthly quota of 60 litres, and 70 cents for the rest of their purchase of petrol, a hike of 75 percent, state television announced on its website.
Diesel prices also jumped to 0.15 cents from 0.0165 cents, the website said.
In a late-night interview on state television, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that the scrapping of subsidies would start to take effect from early Sunday.
"For the moment we do not have plans to free the prices, but the prices will be corrected. New prices will be announced tonight," he said.
The government plans to phase out subsidies on energy products such as petrol, diesel, gas, kerosene and electricity, and food items such as water and bread.
According to official estimates, subsidies on these products cost state coffers around 100 billion dollars a year.
Soon after Ahmadinejad's announcement, AFP reporters saw motorists queueing outside petrol stations in Tehran to fill up their tanks before the new fuel prices were announced.
Tehran governor Mortaza Tamaddon urged people "not to gather at petrol stations as there was no problem to meet the city's need for petrol," state news agency IRNA reported.
On Saturday, however, Iranian authorities gave 50 litres of petrol at a price of 10 cents as an exceptional measure, media reports said.
Ahmadinejad has been severely criticised by various groups for the subsidy removal plan which has been delayed by three months.
Part of Iran's ruling conservative camp says the plan would further stoke inflation at a time when the economy is already reeling under high price rises and unemployment.
But the government has toned down the potential impact of the plan and maintains that inflation itself has already fallen to single digits.
Parliament had also tried to delay and limit implementation of the measure by challenging the government's sole authority to decide on how to distribute among the poor the savings generated from the scrapping of subsidies.
The Islamic republic's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has backed the plan despite the concerns of some conservatives.
To offset the rising prices, Ahmadinejad's government has begun to pay part of the expected savings from subsidy removals in the form of direct aid to the people.
According to official figures, some 60.5 million Iranians have already started to receive 810,000 rials (74 dollars) paid into bank accounts every two months. This represents 2.5 billion dollars a month in the state budget.
Ahmadinejad warned that the foreign media were acting against his subsidy scrapping plan. "They don't want Iran to progress and become a model country where there are no poor," the hardliner said.
Iran persecutes and harasses Christian family in Ahwaz
Neshan Saiedi, a Christian convert Arab in Khuzestan, was temporarily released on October 13, 2010 on a 250 million toman (about 250,000 dollar) bail after spending close to 70 days in a solitary cell.
According to reports, Saiedi was arrested by plainclothes agents from the Intelligence Agency on July 24 in his home in Golestan Koy in Ahwaz along with his wife and 6 year old daughter. His wife was released in the middle of the night after undergoing prolonged interrogations along with her daughter. But Saiedi, 37, was detained for two months in a solitary cell in the Revolutionary Guards Corps Intelligence Agency in Ahwaz known as the Chaharshir Detention Center.
He was only allowed a one minute distant visit with his wife on September 15 and a 5 minute phone call with her afterwards. In this telephone call, he said that he was treated well by the detention agents but did not explain why as his wife had witnessed from a distance, his hand was broken and in a cast. He said that agents wanted information regarding the church pastors and that they have put him under pressure in this regard.
Agents threatened Neshan Saiedi’s wife that if she talks about what she saw and heard in this visit, she and her daughter would be in trouble and she would never see her husband again. These agents also told her that she was not to get a lawyer for her husband.
Saiedi was kept in detention for a long time in a state of limbo without being charged and was interrogated on several occasions by security forces. His broken hand was apparently the result of these interrogations.
He was accused of having communications with Israel and Britain, apostasy, annunciating Zionist Christianity in Iran, diverting Muslims, baptizing Muslims who had converted to Christianity, holding illegal gatherings in his home and even secessionism for Khuzestan’s Arabs.
This Christian man denied all the accusations and said that he was in no way involved in any political and illegal activities and was only holding religious ceremonies with a number of his fellow Christians.
Agents have told this Christian convert that until his trial or until he is once again summoned, he cannot leave his home and his wife, Mrs. Entezar, has to go to the Revolutionary Guards Corps Intelligence Agency in Chaharshir Ahwaz at a specific time every day to sign in. Before this, they were banned from registering their daughter in school and were told that she has to be registered as a Muslim and if they want to sign her in as a Christian, they have to get a court confirmation. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 11, 2010)
Neshan Saiedi, a Christian convert Arab in Khuzestan, was temporarily released on October 13, 2010 on a 250 million toman (about 250,000 dollar) bail after spending close to 70 days in a solitary cell.
According to reports, Saiedi was arrested by plainclothes agents from the Intelligence Agency on July 24 in his home in Golestan Koy in Ahwaz along with his wife and 6 year old daughter. His wife was released in the middle of the night after undergoing prolonged interrogations along with her daughter. But Saiedi, 37, was detained for two months in a solitary cell in the Revolutionary Guards Corps Intelligence Agency in Ahwaz known as the Chaharshir Detention Center.
He was only allowed a one minute distant visit with his wife on September 15 and a 5 minute phone call with her afterwards. In this telephone call, he said that he was treated well by the detention agents but did not explain why as his wife had witnessed from a distance, his hand was broken and in a cast. He said that agents wanted information regarding the church pastors and that they have put him under pressure in this regard.
Agents threatened Neshan Saiedi’s wife that if she talks about what she saw and heard in this visit, she and her daughter would be in trouble and she would never see her husband again. These agents also told her that she was not to get a lawyer for her husband.
Saiedi was kept in detention for a long time in a state of limbo without being charged and was interrogated on several occasions by security forces. His broken hand was apparently the result of these interrogations.
He was accused of having communications with Israel and Britain, apostasy, annunciating Zionist Christianity in Iran, diverting Muslims, baptizing Muslims who had converted to Christianity, holding illegal gatherings in his home and even secessionism for Khuzestan’s Arabs.
This Christian man denied all the accusations and said that he was in no way involved in any political and illegal activities and was only holding religious ceremonies with a number of his fellow Christians.
Agents have told this Christian convert that until his trial or until he is once again summoned, he cannot leave his home and his wife, Mrs. Entezar, has to go to the Revolutionary Guards Corps Intelligence Agency in Chaharshir Ahwaz at a specific time every day to sign in. Before this, they were banned from registering their daughter in school and were told that she has to be registered as a Muslim and if they want to sign her in as a Christian, they have to get a court confirmation. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 11, 2010)
آخرين خبر از وضعيت " سعيد نشان " از بازداشت شدگان مسيحي در اهواز
"نشان سعيدي" از نوكيشان مسيحي عرب تبار خوزستاني روز يكشنبه ۱۱ مهرماه ( ۳ اكتبر ۲۰۱۰ ) با ارائه وثيقه ۲۵۰ ميليون توماني پس از گذشت نزديك ۷۰ روز بازداشت در زندان انفرادي ، بطور موقت آزاد شد .
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران(هرانا)، "نشان سعيدي" در تاريخ دوم مرداد ماه سال جاري در منزل مسكونيش واقع در كوي گلستان اهواز توسط مامورين لباس شخصي اطلاعات مورد هجوم قرار گرفت و همراه همسر و دختر ۶ ساله اش بازداشت شد . همسر او پس از يك بازجوئي طولاني به همراه دخترش پس از نيمه شب همان تاريخ آزاد شدند ولي اين نوكيش مسيحي ۳۷ ساله به مدت بيش از ۲ ماه به شكل انفرادي در بازداشتگاه اطلاعات سپاه اهواز معروف به بازداشتگاه چهارشير زنداني بود .
نامبرده در اين مدت فقط يك بار به مدت ۱ دقيقه در مورخ چهارشنبه ۲۴ شهريورماه سالجاري (۱۵ سپتامبر) توانست با همسرش از راه دور ملاقات كند و پس از آن ۵ دقيقه مكالمه تلفني داشته باشند . در اين مكالمه تلفني او گفته بود كه رفتار ماموران بازداشتگاه با او خوب است ولي توضيحي نداده بود كه چرا آنطور كه همسرش از دور ديده دستش شكسته و باند پيچي شده است يا در گچ ميباشد . او گفته بود كه ماموران از او اطلاعاتي در مورد شبان و خادمان كليسا خواسته اند و براي اين منظور او را تحت فشار گذاشته اند .
ماموران خانم انتضار همسر آقاي "نشان سعيدي" را تهديد كرده بودند كه از اين ملاقات و مكالمه و آنچه طي آنها ديده يا شنيده است نبايد با كسي سخن بگويد . آنها به او گفته بودند اگر در اين مورد اطلاع رساني كند با آنها به سختي برخورد ميشود و براي او و دخترش دردسر خواهد شد و ديگر هرگز شوهرش را نخواهد ديد . همچنين اين افراد به او گفته بودند كه در حال حاضر نبايد به وكيل مراجعه كند .
گزارشات رسيده به " محبت نيوز" حاكي است كه اين نوكيش مسيحي اهوازي در مدت بازداشت طولاني اش بدون اينكه تفهيم اتهام شده باشد در يك سلول بسيار كوچك انفرادي واقع در بازداشتگاه اطلاعات سپاه اهواز در چهار شير نگهداري ميشده است و به دفعات مورد بازجوئي از سوي مامورن امنيتي قرار داشت . گفته شده گويا شكستگي دست راست ايشان در زندان از نتيجه اين بازجوئيها بوده است.
در اين مدت بازجوها به وي اتهاماتي ازاين قبيل نسبت داده اند : ارتباط با كشورهاي اسرائيل و انگليس، ارتداد ، بشارت "مسيحيت صهيونيستي" در ايران ! ، منحرف كردن مسلمانان ، تعميد مسلمانان از دين برگشته ، برگزاري تجمعات خانگي غير قانوني و حتي تجزيه طلبي براي اعراب خوزستان.
اين هموطن مسيحي ضمن رد كليه اين اتهامات اظهار داشت كه به هيچ وجه اهل سياست و فعاليت هاي غير قانوني نيست و فقط با عده اي از هم ايمانانش به انجام مراسم عبادتي مبادرت نموده است .
ماموران به اين نوكيش مسيحي گفته اند كه تا زمان برگزاري دادگاه يا احضار مجددش حق خروج از خانه را ندارد و همچنين همسرش خانم انتضار نيز بايد هر روز همچنان سر يك ساعت مشخص براي امضاء دفتري به اطلاعات سپاه در چهارشير اهواز مراجعه كند . پيش از اين نيز از ثبت نام دخترشان براي ورود به مدرسه ممانعت كردند و به آنها گفته اند يا بايد در فرم ثبت نام دين شان را اسلام بنويسند يا اگر ميخواهند به عنوان مسيحي بچه خود را در مدرسه ثبت نام كنند بايد از دادگاه نامه اي مبني بر تائيد آن بياورند . (هرانا – 20/9/89)
Right to employment
Professor dismissed from Yazd University in continuing purge of dissident professors
In the continuing waves of pressures and threats against universities and the purge of professors, Dr. Morteza Falah, the former editor in chief of the Eqbal Daily who was a literature and foreign language professor in Yazd University was dismissed from this university on orders of the head of Yazd University, Seyed Ali Mohammad Mir Mohammadi.
In the beginning of the current semester, his classes were taken away from him and a dismissal order was subsequently issued for him by the university.
According o reports, no written or oral charges were made against him during his time at the university. He is a reformist professor and was dismissed with the intervention of the representative of the Velayate Faqih (Supreme Leader, Khamenei) and the head of Yazd University. (Jaras Website – Dec. 11, 2010)
15 percent of workers in Neishabour have not received wages for last 4 months
The Executive Secretary of the Labor House in the town of Neishabour said that 15 percent of workers in this town have not received their wages for about 4 months.
“About 15 percent of laborers in the town of Neishabour have not received their wages for 4 months and despite constant inquiries by the Labor Home, the relevant institutions have not answered in this regard”, Mohammad Omarlou said. (ILNA state-run News Agency – Dec. 13, 2010)
Cleric banned from practicing law on charges of representing political activists
According to reports cleric Jahangir Mahmoudi was sentenced to a fine of 3 million rials on charges of possessing satellite equipment and was unfrocked and permanently banned from practicing law on charges of not following Islamic norms.
The Special Clerical Court headed by Sheikh Hossein Bahrami said that not following Islamic norms included representing people with political issues, representing and having communications with foreign women and sporting a goatee. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 14, 2010)
Iran suspends labor unionist from work
According to reports, labor unionist Homayoun Jaberi was suspended from work and summoned to the first branch of the Karaj Revolutionary Court.
On Saturday December 11, Jaberi was suspended from work by the Protection Department of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company under the excuse of an unjustifiable absence (he was absent for 13 days when he was detained by the Intelligence Agency for the crime of accompanying his colleague’s wife). Jaberi went back to work when he was released on a 10 million toman (about 10,000 dollar) bail…
In another illegal measure, the Protection Department of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company has announced that his arrest last year on May Day will also be counted as an unjustifiable absence and a new case will be made against him for this reason.
On the other hand, he was told over the phone to go to the first branch of the Karaj Revolutionary Court to be tried without being given a written summons. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 14, 2010)
حق مشاغل
اخراج دکتر مرتضي فلاح از دانشگاه يزد
در ادامه فشار و تهديدهاي وارده بر دانشگاهها و تصفيه استادان ، دکتر مرتضي فلاح مدير مسئول سابق روزنامه اقبال که استاد گروه زبان و ادبيات دانشگاه يزد بود به حکم رئيس دانشگاه يزد، سيدعلي محمد ميرمحمدي از دانشگاه اخراج شد.
به گزارش جرس، در ابتداي ترم تحصيلي جاري ابتدا درسهاي اين استاد از وي گرفته شد و سپس حکم اخراج وي توسط رئيس دانشگاه صادر شد.
بر اساس اين گزارش، هيچگونه اتهام کتبي يا شفاهي در دوره خدمت وي در دانشگاه به او ابلاغ نشده بود. وي که از استادان اصلاحطلب دانشگاه است با دخالت حجت الاسلام متوسل نماينده ولي فقيه و ميرمحمدي رئيس دانشگاه که هر دو از افرادي غير خوشنام در ميان استادان و دانشجويان هستند، از کار برکنار شد. (جرس – 20/9/89)
۱۵درصد از کارگران نيشابور ۴ ماه گذشته حقوق دريافت نکردهاند
دبير اجرايي خانه کارگر شهرستان نيشابور گفت: ۱۵درصد از کارگران اين شهرستان حدود ۴ماه است که حقوق دريافت نکردهاند.
به گزارش خبرگزاري کار ايران، محمد عمارلو گفت: حدود ۱۵ درصد از کارگران شهرستان نيشابور نزديک به ۴ ماه است که حقوق دريافت نکردهاند و با وجود پيگيريهاي مکرر از سوي خانه کارگر هنوز هيچ نهاد ذيربطي در اين زمينه پاسخگو نبوده است. (ايلنا – 22/9/89)
خلع لباس و محروميت از وكالت جهانگير محمودي
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري حقوق بشر ايران "هرانا" جهانگير محمودي به اتهام نگهداري تجهزات ماهواره اي به پرداخت 3 ميليون ريال جزاي نقدي و به اتهام عدم رعايت شئونات روحانيت از لباس روحانيت خلع و از وکالت دائم محروم شد.
دادگاه ويژه روحانيت که به رياست شيخ حسين بهرامي برگزار شد موارد عدم رعايت شئونات روحانيت را برعهده گرفتن افراد مسئله دار سياسي، برعهده گرفتن وكالت و ارتباط با زن هاي اجنبي، ريش پرفسوري اعلام نمود. (هرانا - 23/9/89)
فعال سنديکايي همايون جابري از کار تعليق و به دادگاه انقلاب احضار شد
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" فعال سنديکايي همايون جابري از کار تعليق و براي محاکمه به شعبۀ 1 دادگاه انقلاب کرج احضار شد.
روز شنبه 20 آذر ماه فعال سنديکايي همايون جابري توسط حراست شرکت واحد اتوبوس راني تهران و حومه تحت عنوان غيبت غير موجه( 13 روزي که برخلاف خواست و اراده اش در بازداشت وزارت اطلاعات بسر برد و تنها به جرم همراهي کردن همسر همکارش آقاي غلامحسيني دستگير شده بود) از کار تعليق شد.آقاي جابري از زمان آزاد شدن از زندان که با قيد وثيقه 10 ميليون توماني بود به محل کار خود بازگشت...
حراست شرکت واحد در يک فرافکني ديگر به آقاي جابري اعلام کرده است که دستگيري سال گذشته او در روز جهاني کارگر را به عنوان غيبت غير موجه محسوب خواهد کرد و به اين خاطر عليه او اقدام به پرونده سازي جديدي خواهد نمود.
از طرفي ديگر بدون احضار کتبي و بصورت تلفني به فعال سنديکايي همايون جابري اطلاع داده شد که روز دوشنبه 29 آذر ماه در شعبۀ 1 دادگاه انقلاب کرج مورد محاکمه قرار خواهد گرفت.او بدليل همراهي کردن همسر همکارش آقاي غلامحسيني به اداره اطلاعات کرج دستگير و 13 روز در بازداشت آنها قرار داشت که با وثيقه 10 ميليون توماني آزاد گرديد. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمكراسي در ايران – 23/9/89)
Professor dismissed from Yazd University in continuing purge of dissident professors
In the continuing waves of pressures and threats against universities and the purge of professors, Dr. Morteza Falah, the former editor in chief of the Eqbal Daily who was a literature and foreign language professor in Yazd University was dismissed from this university on orders of the head of Yazd University, Seyed Ali Mohammad Mir Mohammadi.
In the beginning of the current semester, his classes were taken away from him and a dismissal order was subsequently issued for him by the university.
According o reports, no written or oral charges were made against him during his time at the university. He is a reformist professor and was dismissed with the intervention of the representative of the Velayate Faqih (Supreme Leader, Khamenei) and the head of Yazd University. (Jaras Website – Dec. 11, 2010)
15 percent of workers in Neishabour have not received wages for last 4 months
The Executive Secretary of the Labor House in the town of Neishabour said that 15 percent of workers in this town have not received their wages for about 4 months.
“About 15 percent of laborers in the town of Neishabour have not received their wages for 4 months and despite constant inquiries by the Labor Home, the relevant institutions have not answered in this regard”, Mohammad Omarlou said. (ILNA state-run News Agency – Dec. 13, 2010)
Cleric banned from practicing law on charges of representing political activists
According to reports cleric Jahangir Mahmoudi was sentenced to a fine of 3 million rials on charges of possessing satellite equipment and was unfrocked and permanently banned from practicing law on charges of not following Islamic norms.
The Special Clerical Court headed by Sheikh Hossein Bahrami said that not following Islamic norms included representing people with political issues, representing and having communications with foreign women and sporting a goatee. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 14, 2010)
Iran suspends labor unionist from work
According to reports, labor unionist Homayoun Jaberi was suspended from work and summoned to the first branch of the Karaj Revolutionary Court.
On Saturday December 11, Jaberi was suspended from work by the Protection Department of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company under the excuse of an unjustifiable absence (he was absent for 13 days when he was detained by the Intelligence Agency for the crime of accompanying his colleague’s wife). Jaberi went back to work when he was released on a 10 million toman (about 10,000 dollar) bail…
In another illegal measure, the Protection Department of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company has announced that his arrest last year on May Day will also be counted as an unjustifiable absence and a new case will be made against him for this reason.
On the other hand, he was told over the phone to go to the first branch of the Karaj Revolutionary Court to be tried without being given a written summons. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 14, 2010)
حق مشاغل
اخراج دکتر مرتضي فلاح از دانشگاه يزد
در ادامه فشار و تهديدهاي وارده بر دانشگاهها و تصفيه استادان ، دکتر مرتضي فلاح مدير مسئول سابق روزنامه اقبال که استاد گروه زبان و ادبيات دانشگاه يزد بود به حکم رئيس دانشگاه يزد، سيدعلي محمد ميرمحمدي از دانشگاه اخراج شد.
به گزارش جرس، در ابتداي ترم تحصيلي جاري ابتدا درسهاي اين استاد از وي گرفته شد و سپس حکم اخراج وي توسط رئيس دانشگاه صادر شد.
بر اساس اين گزارش، هيچگونه اتهام کتبي يا شفاهي در دوره خدمت وي در دانشگاه به او ابلاغ نشده بود. وي که از استادان اصلاحطلب دانشگاه است با دخالت حجت الاسلام متوسل نماينده ولي فقيه و ميرمحمدي رئيس دانشگاه که هر دو از افرادي غير خوشنام در ميان استادان و دانشجويان هستند، از کار برکنار شد. (جرس – 20/9/89)
۱۵درصد از کارگران نيشابور ۴ ماه گذشته حقوق دريافت نکردهاند
دبير اجرايي خانه کارگر شهرستان نيشابور گفت: ۱۵درصد از کارگران اين شهرستان حدود ۴ماه است که حقوق دريافت نکردهاند.
به گزارش خبرگزاري کار ايران، محمد عمارلو گفت: حدود ۱۵ درصد از کارگران شهرستان نيشابور نزديک به ۴ ماه است که حقوق دريافت نکردهاند و با وجود پيگيريهاي مکرر از سوي خانه کارگر هنوز هيچ نهاد ذيربطي در اين زمينه پاسخگو نبوده است. (ايلنا – 22/9/89)
خلع لباس و محروميت از وكالت جهانگير محمودي
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري حقوق بشر ايران "هرانا" جهانگير محمودي به اتهام نگهداري تجهزات ماهواره اي به پرداخت 3 ميليون ريال جزاي نقدي و به اتهام عدم رعايت شئونات روحانيت از لباس روحانيت خلع و از وکالت دائم محروم شد.
دادگاه ويژه روحانيت که به رياست شيخ حسين بهرامي برگزار شد موارد عدم رعايت شئونات روحانيت را برعهده گرفتن افراد مسئله دار سياسي، برعهده گرفتن وكالت و ارتباط با زن هاي اجنبي، ريش پرفسوري اعلام نمود. (هرانا - 23/9/89)
فعال سنديکايي همايون جابري از کار تعليق و به دادگاه انقلاب احضار شد
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" فعال سنديکايي همايون جابري از کار تعليق و براي محاکمه به شعبۀ 1 دادگاه انقلاب کرج احضار شد.
روز شنبه 20 آذر ماه فعال سنديکايي همايون جابري توسط حراست شرکت واحد اتوبوس راني تهران و حومه تحت عنوان غيبت غير موجه( 13 روزي که برخلاف خواست و اراده اش در بازداشت وزارت اطلاعات بسر برد و تنها به جرم همراهي کردن همسر همکارش آقاي غلامحسيني دستگير شده بود) از کار تعليق شد.آقاي جابري از زمان آزاد شدن از زندان که با قيد وثيقه 10 ميليون توماني بود به محل کار خود بازگشت...
حراست شرکت واحد در يک فرافکني ديگر به آقاي جابري اعلام کرده است که دستگيري سال گذشته او در روز جهاني کارگر را به عنوان غيبت غير موجه محسوب خواهد کرد و به اين خاطر عليه او اقدام به پرونده سازي جديدي خواهد نمود.
از طرفي ديگر بدون احضار کتبي و بصورت تلفني به فعال سنديکايي همايون جابري اطلاع داده شد که روز دوشنبه 29 آذر ماه در شعبۀ 1 دادگاه انقلاب کرج مورد محاکمه قرار خواهد گرفت.او بدليل همراهي کردن همسر همکارش آقاي غلامحسيني به اداره اطلاعات کرج دستگير و 13 روز در بازداشت آنها قرار داشت که با وثيقه 10 ميليون توماني آزاد گرديد. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمكراسي در ايران – 23/9/89)
New false charges brought against political prisoner as an excuse for longer jail term
On Sunday, December 12, political prisoner Arjang Davoudi was taken to the 6th branch of the Revolutionary Court and the head of his court branch, Mohammadyari, accused him of strange and false charges. This court, which started in the morning continued to about 3 pm in the Karaj Revolutionary Court.
Some of the charges made against Davoudi include, ‘acting against national security, instigating public opinion against the government by way of websites and foreign media and insulting government officials’. Mohammadyari also told Davoudi that he would sentence him to another 15 years of prison so that ‘he would stay in prison for life’.
This is while Davoudi has already been jailed for 8 years and has been under the most severe pressure, torture and abuse. One has to ask intelligence interrogators who act under the guise of judges how someone who is jailed and under control can act against the government, insult officials or instigate public opinion by way of websites and foreign media from prison? (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 12, 2010)
Political prisoner threatened by prison judicial official
Ali Mohammadi, the Judicial Assistant of the Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj who has a long history in abusing and harassing political prisoners, summoned political prisoner Saleh Kohandel to his office this morning and insulted and threatened him.
According to reports, Ali Mohammadi demanded that he deny his membership in a political organization and not to leak news from inside prison to the outside.
Ali Mohammadi has harassed and abused many political prisoners in recent years. He was a member of the Revolutionary Guards Forces in the 80’s but after participating in the suppression of political prisoners he was appointed as the Judicial Assistant and assistant head of prison.
Notably, another political prisoner, Farzad Madadzadeh was transferred to cellblock 8 in this prison and was beaten. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 13, 2010)
Political prisoner hospitalized on 6th day of dry hunger strike
According to reports, political prisoner Mohammad Nourizad who is on his sixth day of hunger strike was transferred to the hospital on the early morning of December 16 as a result of his hunger strike. His wife had said before this that her husband was not only on hunger strike in protest to the illegal and immoral measures carried out against him but also in protest to the cruelty carried out against all political prisoners and will not break his hunger strike. (Norouz Website – Dec. 16, 2010)
Don't forget Iran's political prisoners
In February 1979, one day after protesters in Iran declared victory for the Islamic Revolution, they stormed Evin prison, which had long been a symbol of the Shah's tyranny.
Emadeddin Baghi, a prisoners' rights advocate, was among the jubilant revolutionaries who inspected the cells maintained by Savak, the Shah's secret service, and vowed that the prison would become a museum where everyone could see the injustice of the fallen regime.
What Baghi did not know was that the jail, far from becoming a museum, would resume its old use and that he himself would be imprisoned in the same cells decades later.
I remember him saying once that Block 209, a special area for political prisoners - where he has been incarcerated for at least four years out of the last 10, and is still being kept today - has not changed much since he visited it during the revolution, though the cells - originally constructed by the Israelis - have become tighter and darker with narrower windows.
Since the revolution, Evin prison, in the foothills of the mountains north-west of Tehran, has accommodated thousands of political and human rights activists. Its most gruesome days came in 1988 with the massacre authorised by Ayatollah Khomeini.
Today, Evin houses hundreds of students, along with Iran's most educated activists and political figures. There are so many students inside that protesters have dubbed it a university; they shout: 'Iran has become a prison, Evin has become a university’.
Most of Evin's political prisoners have been incarcerated as a result of trials lasting just a few minutes - sometimes without the presence of their lawyers. The charges are usually vague - 'acting against national security' or 'propaganda against the regime'. Many, however, are not tried at all and are kept in solitary confinement for years on end.
Ironically, the lawyers who represented Evin's political prisoners are now also becoming victims of the unjust judicial system that sent their clients to jail.
Among them is Nasrin Sotoudeh, a 45-year-old human rights lawyer who represented several prisoners arrested in the aftermath of the disputed election in 2009. She is now on hunger strike. Several other Evin prisoners have also been on hunger strike, among them, Mohammad Nourizad, a documentary filmmaker, Isa Saharkhiz, a journalist and Hassan Shahabi, a member of the union of workers.
Two of Sotoudeh's colleagues, Sara Sabbaghian and Maryam Kian Arasi, were released this week but many still remain in Evin. Shadi Sadr, another human rights lawyer, told me that when she was taken to Evin last year, she was kept in the same cell where her client, Shiva Nazar Ahari, was kept the night before…
Most of the arrested journalists are also kept in Evin. Seven were arrested only last week. More than 100 journalists and bloggers have been imprisoned in Iran since the disputed election last June, making it the world's leading enemy of free expression. At least 65 remain in jail - a greater number than any single country has kept imprisoned since 1996.
Last week the parents of protesters killed in the post-election turmoil were arrested in Behesht-e-Zahra cemetery, Tehran, while celebrating the birthday of Amir Tajmir, who is buried there. The mother of Sohrab Araabi and the father of Ramin Ramezanifar, who also died in the unrest, were detained. Arabi's mother, Parvin Fahimi, has become politically active since the death of her son and has repeatedly spoken out in support of those in prison but, sadly, she has reportedly been taken to Evin, the prison from which she received the dead body of her young son after he had been tortured in custody.
Very little information has been come out of Evin since last year but a few prisoners have succeeded in sending out letters, giving accounts of their ordeals. Some letters were written from the prison hospital.
One shocking account came from Hamzeh Karami, a former commander of the Revolutionary Guards who supported the OPPOSITION during the election last year. Karami wrote that his head was pushed into a toilet bowl several times to make him confess that he had sexual affairs with relatives of OPPOSITION leaders.
Some of the ministers, deputy ministers and governors who had worked under the former reformist president, Mohammad Khatami, were taken to Evin last year. Four out of five main figures who took US diplomats hostage shortly after the revolution have also been kept in Evin since last year.
Recently, Leila Tavassoli, who saw a protester run over and killed by a police car during last year's demonstrations - and spoke out about the incident - was taken back to Evin to serve a two-year prison term. She will spend the first two years of her marriage in Evin. (Guardian – Dec. 17, 2010)
Prison sentence
Human rights activist sentenced to 7 years of prison
The head of the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court, Judge Pir Abbasi, sentenced Ali Kalayi, a member of the Committee for Human Rights Reporters and social political activist to 6 years of prison. With the one year of suspended prison he was sentenced to by the head of the 10th branch of the Revolutionary Court in 2007, he has been sentenced to a total of 7 years of prison.
In the new sentence which was given to his lawyer Mina Jafari yesterday, he was been sentenced to one year of prison on charges of ‘propagating against the government’ by publishing false news and reports on political prisoners and giving interviews and five years of prison on charges of ‘assembling and conspiring with the intention of committing crimes’ by membership in the Committee of Human Rights Reporters. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Dec. 13, 2010)
Student activist sentenced to seven years of prison
The seven year prison term for student and human rights activist Mehdi Khodayi was upheld by the Tehran court of review and has been implemented.
This human rights activist was sentenced to four year of prison in one case and three years of prison in another case.
Khodayi has been detained since March 3, 2010 and was sentenced to three years of prison by the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Moqiseh.
He was charged with ‘propagating against the government and acting against national security’ for which he was sentenced to three years of prison. This sentence was upheld in the court of review and was announced to his lawyer. In 2009 he was sentenced to another four years of prison by Judge Salavati on charges of ‘acting against national security by holding assemblies and propagating against the government’…
Khodayi is the former head of the Shahre Rey University’s Islamic Association. Since his arrest 10 months ago he has been kept in 2A Cellblock in Evin Prison which is run by the Revolutionary Guards Corps. Despite receiving his final sentence of seven years of prison, he has not been transferred to the public cellblock. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Dec. 15, 2010)
Iran sentences lawyer to 3 years of prison
Dr. Vahid Ahmad Fakhroddin who is a lawyer, university professor and human rights activist was sentenced to three years of suspended prison.
According to reports, this lawyer who used to work with the Human Rights Activists in Iran was arrested in March by Revolutionary Guards Corps intelligence agents. He was released on bail after months of solitary confinement.
Fakhroddin was sentenced to three years of suspended prison by the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Pir Abbasi on charges of acting against national security, and propagating against the government by being a member of the Human Rights Activists in Iran. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 15, 2010)
شرايط زندان
اتهام سازي و پرونده سازي جديد بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات عليه زنداني سياسي ارژنگ داودي
يكشنبه ، 21 آذر 1389 ، 13:22 بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" روز يکشنبه 21 آذر ماه زنداني سياسي ارژنگ داودي به شعبه 6 بازپرسي دادگاه انقلاب برده شد و توسط فردي بنام محمدياري رئيس اين شعبه اتهامات واهي و وعجيبي به او نسبت داده شد.بازپرسي که از صبح شروع شده بود تا ساعت 15:00 در دادگاه انقلاب کرج ادامه يافت.
اتهاماتي که محمدياري به زنداني سياسي ارژنگ داودي نسبت داده است عبارتند از ؛اقدام عليه امنيت نظام،تهيج افکار عمومي عليه نظام از طريق سايتها و رسانه هاي خارجي و توهين واهانت به مسئولان نظام مي باشد. محمدياري در ادامه تهديداتش به آقاي داودي گفت :15 سال ديگر بهت مي دهيم تا اينکه تا ابد اينجا بماني .
در حالي اين اتهامات به آقاي داودي نسبت داده مي شود که او نزديگ به 8 سال است در زندان در اسارت بسر مي برد و در طي اين مدت تحت شديدترين شکنجه ها فشارها و اذيت وآزارها قرار داشته است.حال بايد از بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات که تحت عنوان بازپرس و قاضي، قوۀ قضايي را به گروگان گرفته اند پرسيد، چگونه، کسي که در زندان است و تحت کنترل شديد مامورين شما مي باشد مي تواند از درون زندان عليه نظام اقدام کند ؟به مقامات اين نظام توهين کند و يا افکار عمومي و سايتها و رسانه هاي خارجي را تهيج کند؟(فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 21/9/89)
تهديد صالح کهن دل توسط معاونت قضايي زندان
علي محمدي معاونت قضايي زندان رجايي شهر که در آزار و اذيت زندانيان سياسي سابقه طولاني دارد صبح امروز با احضار صالح کهن دل به دفتر خود وي را مورد توهين و تهديد قرار داد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران (هرانا)، علي محمدي ضمن توهين و تهديد اين زنداني از وي خواست که عضويتش
علي محمدي در طي سالهاي اخير بسياري از زندانيان سياسي را مورد آزار و اذيت قرار داده است، وي که در دهه 60 يک پاسدار ساده بوده است به دليل شرکت در سرکوب زندانيان سياسي به پست معاونت قضايي زندان و معاونت زندان دست يافته است.
شايان ذکر است روز گذشته فرزاد مددزاده نيز توسط وزارت اطلاعات به بند8 منتقل و ضرب و شتم شده است. (هرانا – 22/9/89)
وخامت حال نوري زاد موجب بستري شدن او در بيمارستان شد
طبق گزارش هاي دريافتي محمد نوري زاد که در ششمين روز از اعتصاب غذاي خشک خود به سر مي برد، دچار عوارض اعتصاب غذاشده به طوري که در ساعات بامدادي عاشورا مأموران او را به زور به بيمارستان منتقل کرده اند. همسر نوري زاد پيش از اين گفته بود که همسرش تنها معترض به اقدامات فراقانوني و غيرانساني و غيراخلاقي با خود نيست بلکه معترض به ظلمي است که برهمه زندانيان سياسي مي رود و با روحيه اي که دارد اعتصابش را نخواهد شکست. (نوروز – 25/9/89)
زندانيان سياسي ايران را فراموش نکنيد
در فوريه 1979 يک روز پس از اينکه تظاهر کنندگان اعلام پيروزي جمهوري اسلامي را کردند، آنها به زندان اوين، که براي مدت طولاني سمبل استبداد شاه بود، حمله کردند…
هفته گذشته والدين تظاهر کنندگان کشته شده در ناآراميهاي پس از انتخابات، در قبرستان بهشت زهرا درحاليکه روز تولد امير تاج مير که در آن دفن شده را برگزار ميکردند، دستگير شدند. مادر سهراب اعرابي و پدر رامين رمضاني فر که آنها نيز در اين ناآرامي کشته شدهاند نيز دستگير گرديدند.
پروين فهيمي، مادر اعرابي از هنگام مرگ پسرش بهلحاظ سياسي فعال شد و طبق گزارشات در حمايت از آنهايي که در زندان هستند بيپرده سخن ميگويد، اما متاسفانه گزارش شده است که او به اوين برده شده است، همان زنداني که جسد پسر جوانش را بعد از اينکه شکنجه شده بود از آنجا تحويل گرفت…
برنامه اتمي ايران ممکن است در سال آينده بهعنوان مهمترين نگراني براي جامعه بينالمللي باقي بماند، اما آنچه روشن است اينکه موضوع مهم براي ايرانيها برنامه اتمي که احمدينژاد معمولاً براي منحرف کردن توجهات از نقض حقوقبشر در ايران از آن استفاده ميکند نيست، بلکه موضوع مهم سرنوشت زندانيان و آنهايي که حقوق انسانياشان نقض شده، ميباشد. حقوقبشر در ايران را فراموش نکنيد. (سايت گاردين- 26/9/89)
حكم زندان
علي کلايي به ۷ سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد
قاضي پيرعباسي، رييس شعبه ۲۶ دادگاه انقلاب، علي کلايي عضو کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر و فعال سياسي اجتماعي را به ۶ سال حبس تعزيري محکوم کرد. علي کلايي با احتساب يک سال حکم تعليقي که پيشتر از سوي وثوقي، رييس شعبه ۱۰ دادگاه در خصوص پرونده بازداشت سال ۸۶ براي او صادر شده بود در مجموع به هفت سال حبس محکوم شده است.
در حکم جديدي که روز گذشته به صورت کتبي به مينا جعفري، وکيل علي کلايي ابلاغ شد، او به يک سال حبس تعزيري براي اتهام «تبليغ عليه نظام» از طريق نشر اخبار کذب و گزارشات مربوط به زندانيان سياسي و انجام مصاحبه و پنج سال حبس تعزيري براي اتهام «اجتماع و تباني به قصد ارتکاب جرم» از طريق عضويت در کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر محکوم شده است. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر- 22/9/89)
تأييد و اجراي حکم هفت سال زندان مهدي خدايي فعال دانشجويي
حکم هفت سال زندان مهدي خدايي فعال دانشجويي و فعال حقوق بشر با تاييد در دادگاه تجديدنظر استان تهران به اجرا درآمده است.
مهدي خدايي فعال دانشجويي و فعال حقوق بشر که طي دو پرونده به چهار و ۳ سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شده بود با تاييد حکم خود محکوم به سپري کردن هفت سال زندان است.
به گزارش خبرنگار رهانا، سامانه «خبري خانه حقوق بشر ايران» اين فعال دانشجويي که از تاريخ ۱۲ اسفند ماه سال گذشته در بازداشت به سر ميبرد در مهر ماه سال جاري از طرف شعبه ۲۸ دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي مقيسه به سه سال زندان محکوم شده بود.
«تبليغ عليه نظام و اقدام عليه امنيت ملي» از جمله اتهامات اين فعال دانشجويي است که در دادگاه بدوي بدان خاطر به سه سال زندان محکوم شده است. اين حکم عينا در دادگاه تجديدنظر به تأييد رسيده است. اين حکم طي روزهاي گذشته به وکيل وي و خانواده خدايي ابلاغ شده است. همچنين خدايي در اسفند ماه سال ۸۸ نيز بابت پرونده قبلي خود نيز به چهار سال زندان محکوم شده بود. اين حکم از سوي شعبه ۱۵ دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي صلواتي به اتهام «اقدام عليه امنيت ملي از طريق برپايي تجمعات و تبليغ عليه نظام» صادر شده بود...
خدايي دبير اسبق انجمن اسلامي دانشگاه آزاد شهر ري، از ابتداي بازداشت خود که نزديک ۱۰ ماه از آن ميگذرد تا کنون در بند ۲ الف زندان اوين که زير نظر سپاه پاسداران اداره ميشود، به سر برده و هم اکنون نيز عليرغم گرفتن حکم سنگين هفت سال زندان به بند عمومي زندان منتقل نشده است. (رهانا – 24/9/89)
دکتر احمد فخرالدين وکيل دادگستري به سه سال حبس محکوم شد
دکتر وحيد احمد فخرالدين وکيل پايه يک دادگستري، استاد دانشگاه و فعال حقوق بشر از ديگر قربانيان سناريو دستگاه امنيتي خاصه مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران به سه سال حبس تعليقي محکوم شد.
بنا بر اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران، اين وکيل دادگستري و از همکاران سابق مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران در اسفند ماه سال گذشته و در پي يورش سازمان يافته اطلاعات سپاه پاسداران به منازل فعالان حقوق بشري بازداشت شد، وي پس از تحمل ماهها انفرادي با قرار وثيقه از زندان آزاد شد.
دکتر وحيد احمد فخرالدين از سوي شعبه 26 دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي پير عباسي به اتهام اقدام عليه امنيت ملي و تبليغ عليه نظام از طريق عضويت در مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران به سه سال حبس تعليقي محکوم شده است. (هرانا – 24/9/89)
On Sunday, December 12, political prisoner Arjang Davoudi was taken to the 6th branch of the Revolutionary Court and the head of his court branch, Mohammadyari, accused him of strange and false charges. This court, which started in the morning continued to about 3 pm in the Karaj Revolutionary Court.
Some of the charges made against Davoudi include, ‘acting against national security, instigating public opinion against the government by way of websites and foreign media and insulting government officials’. Mohammadyari also told Davoudi that he would sentence him to another 15 years of prison so that ‘he would stay in prison for life’.
This is while Davoudi has already been jailed for 8 years and has been under the most severe pressure, torture and abuse. One has to ask intelligence interrogators who act under the guise of judges how someone who is jailed and under control can act against the government, insult officials or instigate public opinion by way of websites and foreign media from prison? (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 12, 2010)
Political prisoner threatened by prison judicial official
Ali Mohammadi, the Judicial Assistant of the Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj who has a long history in abusing and harassing political prisoners, summoned political prisoner Saleh Kohandel to his office this morning and insulted and threatened him.
According to reports, Ali Mohammadi demanded that he deny his membership in a political organization and not to leak news from inside prison to the outside.
Ali Mohammadi has harassed and abused many political prisoners in recent years. He was a member of the Revolutionary Guards Forces in the 80’s but after participating in the suppression of political prisoners he was appointed as the Judicial Assistant and assistant head of prison.
Notably, another political prisoner, Farzad Madadzadeh was transferred to cellblock 8 in this prison and was beaten. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 13, 2010)
Political prisoner hospitalized on 6th day of dry hunger strike
According to reports, political prisoner Mohammad Nourizad who is on his sixth day of hunger strike was transferred to the hospital on the early morning of December 16 as a result of his hunger strike. His wife had said before this that her husband was not only on hunger strike in protest to the illegal and immoral measures carried out against him but also in protest to the cruelty carried out against all political prisoners and will not break his hunger strike. (Norouz Website – Dec. 16, 2010)
Don't forget Iran's political prisoners
In February 1979, one day after protesters in Iran declared victory for the Islamic Revolution, they stormed Evin prison, which had long been a symbol of the Shah's tyranny.
Emadeddin Baghi, a prisoners' rights advocate, was among the jubilant revolutionaries who inspected the cells maintained by Savak, the Shah's secret service, and vowed that the prison would become a museum where everyone could see the injustice of the fallen regime.
What Baghi did not know was that the jail, far from becoming a museum, would resume its old use and that he himself would be imprisoned in the same cells decades later.
I remember him saying once that Block 209, a special area for political prisoners - where he has been incarcerated for at least four years out of the last 10, and is still being kept today - has not changed much since he visited it during the revolution, though the cells - originally constructed by the Israelis - have become tighter and darker with narrower windows.
Since the revolution, Evin prison, in the foothills of the mountains north-west of Tehran, has accommodated thousands of political and human rights activists. Its most gruesome days came in 1988 with the massacre authorised by Ayatollah Khomeini.
Today, Evin houses hundreds of students, along with Iran's most educated activists and political figures. There are so many students inside that protesters have dubbed it a university; they shout: 'Iran has become a prison, Evin has become a university’.
Most of Evin's political prisoners have been incarcerated as a result of trials lasting just a few minutes - sometimes without the presence of their lawyers. The charges are usually vague - 'acting against national security' or 'propaganda against the regime'. Many, however, are not tried at all and are kept in solitary confinement for years on end.
Ironically, the lawyers who represented Evin's political prisoners are now also becoming victims of the unjust judicial system that sent their clients to jail.
Among them is Nasrin Sotoudeh, a 45-year-old human rights lawyer who represented several prisoners arrested in the aftermath of the disputed election in 2009. She is now on hunger strike. Several other Evin prisoners have also been on hunger strike, among them, Mohammad Nourizad, a documentary filmmaker, Isa Saharkhiz, a journalist and Hassan Shahabi, a member of the union of workers.
Two of Sotoudeh's colleagues, Sara Sabbaghian and Maryam Kian Arasi, were released this week but many still remain in Evin. Shadi Sadr, another human rights lawyer, told me that when she was taken to Evin last year, she was kept in the same cell where her client, Shiva Nazar Ahari, was kept the night before…
Most of the arrested journalists are also kept in Evin. Seven were arrested only last week. More than 100 journalists and bloggers have been imprisoned in Iran since the disputed election last June, making it the world's leading enemy of free expression. At least 65 remain in jail - a greater number than any single country has kept imprisoned since 1996.
Last week the parents of protesters killed in the post-election turmoil were arrested in Behesht-e-Zahra cemetery, Tehran, while celebrating the birthday of Amir Tajmir, who is buried there. The mother of Sohrab Araabi and the father of Ramin Ramezanifar, who also died in the unrest, were detained. Arabi's mother, Parvin Fahimi, has become politically active since the death of her son and has repeatedly spoken out in support of those in prison but, sadly, she has reportedly been taken to Evin, the prison from which she received the dead body of her young son after he had been tortured in custody.
Very little information has been come out of Evin since last year but a few prisoners have succeeded in sending out letters, giving accounts of their ordeals. Some letters were written from the prison hospital.
One shocking account came from Hamzeh Karami, a former commander of the Revolutionary Guards who supported the OPPOSITION during the election last year. Karami wrote that his head was pushed into a toilet bowl several times to make him confess that he had sexual affairs with relatives of OPPOSITION leaders.
Some of the ministers, deputy ministers and governors who had worked under the former reformist president, Mohammad Khatami, were taken to Evin last year. Four out of five main figures who took US diplomats hostage shortly after the revolution have also been kept in Evin since last year.
Recently, Leila Tavassoli, who saw a protester run over and killed by a police car during last year's demonstrations - and spoke out about the incident - was taken back to Evin to serve a two-year prison term. She will spend the first two years of her marriage in Evin. (Guardian – Dec. 17, 2010)
Prison sentence
Human rights activist sentenced to 7 years of prison
The head of the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court, Judge Pir Abbasi, sentenced Ali Kalayi, a member of the Committee for Human Rights Reporters and social political activist to 6 years of prison. With the one year of suspended prison he was sentenced to by the head of the 10th branch of the Revolutionary Court in 2007, he has been sentenced to a total of 7 years of prison.
In the new sentence which was given to his lawyer Mina Jafari yesterday, he was been sentenced to one year of prison on charges of ‘propagating against the government’ by publishing false news and reports on political prisoners and giving interviews and five years of prison on charges of ‘assembling and conspiring with the intention of committing crimes’ by membership in the Committee of Human Rights Reporters. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Dec. 13, 2010)
Student activist sentenced to seven years of prison
The seven year prison term for student and human rights activist Mehdi Khodayi was upheld by the Tehran court of review and has been implemented.
This human rights activist was sentenced to four year of prison in one case and three years of prison in another case.
Khodayi has been detained since March 3, 2010 and was sentenced to three years of prison by the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Moqiseh.
He was charged with ‘propagating against the government and acting against national security’ for which he was sentenced to three years of prison. This sentence was upheld in the court of review and was announced to his lawyer. In 2009 he was sentenced to another four years of prison by Judge Salavati on charges of ‘acting against national security by holding assemblies and propagating against the government’…
Khodayi is the former head of the Shahre Rey University’s Islamic Association. Since his arrest 10 months ago he has been kept in 2A Cellblock in Evin Prison which is run by the Revolutionary Guards Corps. Despite receiving his final sentence of seven years of prison, he has not been transferred to the public cellblock. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Dec. 15, 2010)
Iran sentences lawyer to 3 years of prison
Dr. Vahid Ahmad Fakhroddin who is a lawyer, university professor and human rights activist was sentenced to three years of suspended prison.
According to reports, this lawyer who used to work with the Human Rights Activists in Iran was arrested in March by Revolutionary Guards Corps intelligence agents. He was released on bail after months of solitary confinement.
Fakhroddin was sentenced to three years of suspended prison by the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Pir Abbasi on charges of acting against national security, and propagating against the government by being a member of the Human Rights Activists in Iran. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 15, 2010)
شرايط زندان
اتهام سازي و پرونده سازي جديد بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات عليه زنداني سياسي ارژنگ داودي
يكشنبه ، 21 آذر 1389 ، 13:22 بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" روز يکشنبه 21 آذر ماه زنداني سياسي ارژنگ داودي به شعبه 6 بازپرسي دادگاه انقلاب برده شد و توسط فردي بنام محمدياري رئيس اين شعبه اتهامات واهي و وعجيبي به او نسبت داده شد.بازپرسي که از صبح شروع شده بود تا ساعت 15:00 در دادگاه انقلاب کرج ادامه يافت.
اتهاماتي که محمدياري به زنداني سياسي ارژنگ داودي نسبت داده است عبارتند از ؛اقدام عليه امنيت نظام،تهيج افکار عمومي عليه نظام از طريق سايتها و رسانه هاي خارجي و توهين واهانت به مسئولان نظام مي باشد. محمدياري در ادامه تهديداتش به آقاي داودي گفت :15 سال ديگر بهت مي دهيم تا اينکه تا ابد اينجا بماني .
در حالي اين اتهامات به آقاي داودي نسبت داده مي شود که او نزديگ به 8 سال است در زندان در اسارت بسر مي برد و در طي اين مدت تحت شديدترين شکنجه ها فشارها و اذيت وآزارها قرار داشته است.حال بايد از بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات که تحت عنوان بازپرس و قاضي، قوۀ قضايي را به گروگان گرفته اند پرسيد، چگونه، کسي که در زندان است و تحت کنترل شديد مامورين شما مي باشد مي تواند از درون زندان عليه نظام اقدام کند ؟به مقامات اين نظام توهين کند و يا افکار عمومي و سايتها و رسانه هاي خارجي را تهيج کند؟(فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 21/9/89)
تهديد صالح کهن دل توسط معاونت قضايي زندان
علي محمدي معاونت قضايي زندان رجايي شهر که در آزار و اذيت زندانيان سياسي سابقه طولاني دارد صبح امروز با احضار صالح کهن دل به دفتر خود وي را مورد توهين و تهديد قرار داد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران (هرانا)، علي محمدي ضمن توهين و تهديد اين زنداني از وي خواست که عضويتش
علي محمدي در طي سالهاي اخير بسياري از زندانيان سياسي را مورد آزار و اذيت قرار داده است، وي که در دهه 60 يک پاسدار ساده بوده است به دليل شرکت در سرکوب زندانيان سياسي به پست معاونت قضايي زندان و معاونت زندان دست يافته است.
شايان ذکر است روز گذشته فرزاد مددزاده نيز توسط وزارت اطلاعات به بند8 منتقل و ضرب و شتم شده است. (هرانا – 22/9/89)
وخامت حال نوري زاد موجب بستري شدن او در بيمارستان شد
طبق گزارش هاي دريافتي محمد نوري زاد که در ششمين روز از اعتصاب غذاي خشک خود به سر مي برد، دچار عوارض اعتصاب غذاشده به طوري که در ساعات بامدادي عاشورا مأموران او را به زور به بيمارستان منتقل کرده اند. همسر نوري زاد پيش از اين گفته بود که همسرش تنها معترض به اقدامات فراقانوني و غيرانساني و غيراخلاقي با خود نيست بلکه معترض به ظلمي است که برهمه زندانيان سياسي مي رود و با روحيه اي که دارد اعتصابش را نخواهد شکست. (نوروز – 25/9/89)
زندانيان سياسي ايران را فراموش نکنيد
در فوريه 1979 يک روز پس از اينکه تظاهر کنندگان اعلام پيروزي جمهوري اسلامي را کردند، آنها به زندان اوين، که براي مدت طولاني سمبل استبداد شاه بود، حمله کردند…
هفته گذشته والدين تظاهر کنندگان کشته شده در ناآراميهاي پس از انتخابات، در قبرستان بهشت زهرا درحاليکه روز تولد امير تاج مير که در آن دفن شده را برگزار ميکردند، دستگير شدند. مادر سهراب اعرابي و پدر رامين رمضاني فر که آنها نيز در اين ناآرامي کشته شدهاند نيز دستگير گرديدند.
پروين فهيمي، مادر اعرابي از هنگام مرگ پسرش بهلحاظ سياسي فعال شد و طبق گزارشات در حمايت از آنهايي که در زندان هستند بيپرده سخن ميگويد، اما متاسفانه گزارش شده است که او به اوين برده شده است، همان زنداني که جسد پسر جوانش را بعد از اينکه شکنجه شده بود از آنجا تحويل گرفت…
برنامه اتمي ايران ممکن است در سال آينده بهعنوان مهمترين نگراني براي جامعه بينالمللي باقي بماند، اما آنچه روشن است اينکه موضوع مهم براي ايرانيها برنامه اتمي که احمدينژاد معمولاً براي منحرف کردن توجهات از نقض حقوقبشر در ايران از آن استفاده ميکند نيست، بلکه موضوع مهم سرنوشت زندانيان و آنهايي که حقوق انسانياشان نقض شده، ميباشد. حقوقبشر در ايران را فراموش نکنيد. (سايت گاردين- 26/9/89)
حكم زندان
علي کلايي به ۷ سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد
قاضي پيرعباسي، رييس شعبه ۲۶ دادگاه انقلاب، علي کلايي عضو کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر و فعال سياسي اجتماعي را به ۶ سال حبس تعزيري محکوم کرد. علي کلايي با احتساب يک سال حکم تعليقي که پيشتر از سوي وثوقي، رييس شعبه ۱۰ دادگاه در خصوص پرونده بازداشت سال ۸۶ براي او صادر شده بود در مجموع به هفت سال حبس محکوم شده است.
در حکم جديدي که روز گذشته به صورت کتبي به مينا جعفري، وکيل علي کلايي ابلاغ شد، او به يک سال حبس تعزيري براي اتهام «تبليغ عليه نظام» از طريق نشر اخبار کذب و گزارشات مربوط به زندانيان سياسي و انجام مصاحبه و پنج سال حبس تعزيري براي اتهام «اجتماع و تباني به قصد ارتکاب جرم» از طريق عضويت در کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر محکوم شده است. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر- 22/9/89)
تأييد و اجراي حکم هفت سال زندان مهدي خدايي فعال دانشجويي
حکم هفت سال زندان مهدي خدايي فعال دانشجويي و فعال حقوق بشر با تاييد در دادگاه تجديدنظر استان تهران به اجرا درآمده است.
مهدي خدايي فعال دانشجويي و فعال حقوق بشر که طي دو پرونده به چهار و ۳ سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شده بود با تاييد حکم خود محکوم به سپري کردن هفت سال زندان است.
به گزارش خبرنگار رهانا، سامانه «خبري خانه حقوق بشر ايران» اين فعال دانشجويي که از تاريخ ۱۲ اسفند ماه سال گذشته در بازداشت به سر ميبرد در مهر ماه سال جاري از طرف شعبه ۲۸ دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي مقيسه به سه سال زندان محکوم شده بود.
«تبليغ عليه نظام و اقدام عليه امنيت ملي» از جمله اتهامات اين فعال دانشجويي است که در دادگاه بدوي بدان خاطر به سه سال زندان محکوم شده است. اين حکم عينا در دادگاه تجديدنظر به تأييد رسيده است. اين حکم طي روزهاي گذشته به وکيل وي و خانواده خدايي ابلاغ شده است. همچنين خدايي در اسفند ماه سال ۸۸ نيز بابت پرونده قبلي خود نيز به چهار سال زندان محکوم شده بود. اين حکم از سوي شعبه ۱۵ دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي صلواتي به اتهام «اقدام عليه امنيت ملي از طريق برپايي تجمعات و تبليغ عليه نظام» صادر شده بود...
خدايي دبير اسبق انجمن اسلامي دانشگاه آزاد شهر ري، از ابتداي بازداشت خود که نزديک ۱۰ ماه از آن ميگذرد تا کنون در بند ۲ الف زندان اوين که زير نظر سپاه پاسداران اداره ميشود، به سر برده و هم اکنون نيز عليرغم گرفتن حکم سنگين هفت سال زندان به بند عمومي زندان منتقل نشده است. (رهانا – 24/9/89)
دکتر احمد فخرالدين وکيل دادگستري به سه سال حبس محکوم شد
دکتر وحيد احمد فخرالدين وکيل پايه يک دادگستري، استاد دانشگاه و فعال حقوق بشر از ديگر قربانيان سناريو دستگاه امنيتي خاصه مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران به سه سال حبس تعليقي محکوم شد.
بنا بر اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران، اين وکيل دادگستري و از همکاران سابق مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران در اسفند ماه سال گذشته و در پي يورش سازمان يافته اطلاعات سپاه پاسداران به منازل فعالان حقوق بشري بازداشت شد، وي پس از تحمل ماهها انفرادي با قرار وثيقه از زندان آزاد شد.
دکتر وحيد احمد فخرالدين از سوي شعبه 26 دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي پير عباسي به اتهام اقدام عليه امنيت ملي و تبليغ عليه نظام از طريق عضويت در مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران به سه سال حبس تعليقي محکوم شده است. (هرانا – 24/9/89)
Political arrests
Iran arrests another state-run daily journalist
Reihaneh Tabatabayi, a political journalist for the Sharq (state-run) daily was arrested after the arrest of a number of other Sharq journalists.
According to reports, she was arrested in her father’s home this morning. (Kalameh Website – Dec. 12, 2010)
No news on detained father of slain protester
Seven days after the arrest of the father of slain protester Ramin Ramezani, his family and relatives still do not have any information about his whereabouts.
According to reports, Ramin Ramezani’s father was
arrested seven days ago in the gravesite of his 22 year old son in the Tehran Behesht Zahra Cemetery…
Ramin Ramezani was shot and killed on June 15, 2009 in a peaceful march in Tehran.
In the one and a half years after his son’s death, his father who has not been without sorrow even for a day has now been arrested and jailed. This is the first time that the father of a slain protester is arrested and jailed. (Kalameh Website – Dec. 14, 2010)
Security forces arrest political activists in Shiite mourning ceremony
Security forces raided the home of political activist Hashem Sabaghian arresting him and Hojatel Islam Soleimani.
Plainclothes agents on motorcycles and intelligence agents arrested Sabaghian, a member of the Iran Freedom Movement and Soleimani, a member of the Association of Teachers and Researchers of the Qom Seminary School.
These forces attacked Sabaghian’s home today on Tasoa (Shiite religious mourning ceremony) and disrupted the ceremony dispersing the mourners…
Notably, Dr. Soleimani was arrested last summer in the Behesht Zahra Cemetery in Tehran. (Jaras Website – Dec. 15, 2010)
Wife of political prisoner hospitalized after arrest
Fatemeh Maleki, the wife of political prisoner Mohammad Nourizad who was arrested yesterday afternoon with her family and the family of another political prisoner outside Evin Prison was taken to the Modares Hospital emergency room.
According to those who were detained with her she was unconscious on the floor of the Vozara Detention Center and was in poor mental and physical health in the whole period of her detention.
Notably, Fatemeh Maleki has a history of heart and blood pressure problems and her doctor has expressed serious concerns over her condition. (Daneshju News – Dec. 17, 2010)
Iran arrests another state-run daily journalist
Reihaneh Tabatabayi, a political journalist for the Sharq (state-run) daily was arrested after the arrest of a number of other Sharq journalists.
According to reports, she was arrested in her father’s home this morning. (Kalameh Website – Dec. 12, 2010)
No news on detained father of slain protester
Seven days after the arrest of the father of slain protester Ramin Ramezani, his family and relatives still do not have any information about his whereabouts.
According to reports, Ramin Ramezani’s father was

Ramin Ramezani was shot and killed on June 15, 2009 in a peaceful march in Tehran.
In the one and a half years after his son’s death, his father who has not been without sorrow even for a day has now been arrested and jailed. This is the first time that the father of a slain protester is arrested and jailed. (Kalameh Website – Dec. 14, 2010)
Security forces arrest political activists in Shiite mourning ceremony
Security forces raided the home of political activist Hashem Sabaghian arresting him and Hojatel Islam Soleimani.
Plainclothes agents on motorcycles and intelligence agents arrested Sabaghian, a member of the Iran Freedom Movement and Soleimani, a member of the Association of Teachers and Researchers of the Qom Seminary School.
These forces attacked Sabaghian’s home today on Tasoa (Shiite religious mourning ceremony) and disrupted the ceremony dispersing the mourners…
Notably, Dr. Soleimani was arrested last summer in the Behesht Zahra Cemetery in Tehran. (Jaras Website – Dec. 15, 2010)
Wife of political prisoner hospitalized after arrest
Fatemeh Maleki, the wife of political prisoner Mohammad Nourizad who was arrested yesterday afternoon with her family and the family of another political prisoner outside Evin Prison was taken to the Modares Hospital emergency room.
According to those who were detained with her she was unconscious on the floor of the Vozara Detention Center and was in poor mental and physical health in the whole period of her detention.
Notably, Fatemeh Maleki has a history of heart and blood pressure problems and her doctor has expressed serious concerns over her condition. (Daneshju News – Dec. 17, 2010)
دستگيريهاي سياسي
بازداشت ريحانه طباطبايي، خبرنگار سياسي روزنامه شرق
ريحانه طباطبايي، خبرنگار سرويس سياسي روزنامه شرق، هم به فهرست روزنامهنگاران بازداشتي اين روزنامه پيوست.
به گزارش کلمه، منابع خبري از بازداشت ريحانه طباطبايي در منزل پدرياش در صبح امروز خبر دادند.
(هرانا- 21/9/89)
بازداشت پدر رامين رمضاني از شهداي جنبش سبز
هفت روز از بازداشت پدر رامين رمضاني از شهداي جنبش سبز ميگذرد اما همچنان خانواده و بستگان وي از محل نگهداري او بيخبرند.
به گزارش منابع خبري کلمه، پدر رامين رمضاني هفت روز پيش بر سر مزار فرزند۲۲ سالهاش، رامين، در بهشت زهراي تهران توسط نيروهاي امنيتي بازداشت شد...
رامين رمضاني، بيستو پنجم خرداد ماه سال گذشته در روز راهپيمايي مسالمتآميز مردم به ضرب گلوله به شهادت رسيد.
اکنون پدر رامين که در تمام اين يک سال و نيم پس از شهادت پسرش يک روز هم لحظهاي را بدون غم و اندوه پشت سر نگذاشته دستگير و زنداني شده است. اين اولين بار است که پدر يکي از کشته شدگان حوادث پس از انتخابات دستگير و زنداني ميشود. (كلمه- 23/9/89)
بازداشت هاشم صباغيان و حجتالاسلام سليماني
ظهر امروز ماموران امنيتي با حمله به منزل هاشم صباغيان، او و حجتالاسلام سليماني را بازداشت کردند.
لباس شخصيهاي موتورسوار به همراه ماموران اطلاعات، مهندس صباغيان، عضو نهضت آزادي ايران و حجت الاسلام سليماني از اعضاي مجمع مدرسين حوزه علميه قم را بازداشت کردند.
به گزارش جرس، ظهر امروز ۲۴ آذر ماه مصادف با روز تاسوعا، ماموران امنيتي با يورش به منزل مهندس صباغيان و با برهم زدن مراسم تاسوعا عزاداران شرکت کننده را متفرق کردند...
شايان ذکر است دکتر سليماني، از اعضاي مجمع محققين و مدرسين حوزه علميه قم، تابستان سال گذشته در بهشت زهراي تهران بازداشت شد. (جرس – 24/9/89)
انتقال همسر نوري زاد به سي سي يو
فاطمه ملکي، همسر محمد نوريزاد که ظهر ديروز به همراه خانواده ي خود و فخرالسادات محتشمي پور جلوي درب اوين بازداشت شده بود، راهي بخش سي سي يو بيمارستان مدرس شد.
بنا به اخبار رسيده به کلمه وي که به گفته ي همراهان و خانواده تمام مدت بازداشت بيهوش بوده و روي زمين در بازداشتگاه وزرا نگهداري شده است در وضعيت نامساعد روحي و جسمي به سر ميبرد.
لازم به ذکر است فاطمه ملکي داراي سابقه ي بيماري قلبي و نوسان فشار خون است و دکتر وي ابراز نگراني شديد از وضعيت او کرده است. (دانشجو نيوز – 26/9/89)
Political prisoner tortured in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj

According to reports, on Sunday December 12, Farzad Madadzadeh was transferred to the Intelligence Agency’s Sepah Cellblock in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj and was physically tortured by intelligence agents for a prolonged amount of time.
This political prisoner was transferred to the Sepah Cellblock at about 3 pm. He was taken with blindfolds and shackles to this cellblock and was interrogated and pressured for several hours on why news on his condition and that of his jailed sister was published in international media.
Intelligence agents constantly punched and kicked him in the face and other parts of his body leaving him with injuries and bruises. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 12, 2010)
Iran chops off hand of two men in Shiraz
The amputation sentence for two professional robbers was carried out in the Central Shiraz Prison. This sentence was upheld by judicial institutions and the hand of these robbers was amputated according to religious law. (Kayhan state-run daily – Dec. 13, 2010)
Iran uses LSD and electric shocks to torture prisoners
The Intelligence Agency and Revolutionary Guards Corps use anesthetics and narcotics to torture and force prisoners to confess.
In the detention centers of these two military-intelligence institutions, a combination of LSDs (lysergic acid diethylamide), anesthetics and electric shocks are used to break prisoners and force them into giving confessions. These drugs are made and produced by the Baqiollah RGC Research Center and are then given to security institutions for use. These drugs are also used to brainwash prisoners. (Cyrus News Agency – Dec. 14, 2010)
Political prisoner goes on hunger strike after being tortured for writing Student Day statement from prison
Arash Sadeqi went on a hunger strike in protest to being beaten after being subjected to
pressure by interrogators for writing a letter in prison which was published (in the media).
According to his family, after his statement for Student Day was published, he was severely beaten by interrogators in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison and suffered a serious fracture in this ribcage. Interrogators refused to take him to the infirmary.
Therefore Arash Sadeqi went on a hunger strike on December 10. Notably, this prisoner had also suffered a broken shoulder in his past detentions. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 13, 2010)
Security forces shoot and injure Kurd man and arrest 5 others in Mahabad and Bukan
In the past few days, a Kurd citizen was wounded and a number of other Kurd citizens were arrested in the towns of Mahabad and Bukan during a raid by security forces.
Vali Afshari and Soltan Afshari were arrested in Mahabad while Ali Afshari was arrested in Bukan by armed security forces and were transferred to an unknown location.
Security forces opened fire while making these arrests which led to the injury of a one of the detainees. He was taken to the hospital.
Another Kurd citizen identified as Dr. Kamal was also arrested in Bukan. There is no news on the whereabouts of these men. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Dec. 14, 2010)
This political prisoner was transferred to the Sepah Cellblock at about 3 pm. He was taken with blindfolds and shackles to this cellblock and was interrogated and pressured for several hours on why news on his condition and that of his jailed sister was published in international media.
Intelligence agents constantly punched and kicked him in the face and other parts of his body leaving him with injuries and bruises. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 12, 2010)
Iran chops off hand of two men in Shiraz
The amputation sentence for two professional robbers was carried out in the Central Shiraz Prison. This sentence was upheld by judicial institutions and the hand of these robbers was amputated according to religious law. (Kayhan state-run daily – Dec. 13, 2010)
Iran uses LSD and electric shocks to torture prisoners
The Intelligence Agency and Revolutionary Guards Corps use anesthetics and narcotics to torture and force prisoners to confess.
In the detention centers of these two military-intelligence institutions, a combination of LSDs (lysergic acid diethylamide), anesthetics and electric shocks are used to break prisoners and force them into giving confessions. These drugs are made and produced by the Baqiollah RGC Research Center and are then given to security institutions for use. These drugs are also used to brainwash prisoners. (Cyrus News Agency – Dec. 14, 2010)
Political prisoner goes on hunger strike after being tortured for writing Student Day statement from prison
Arash Sadeqi went on a hunger strike in protest to being beaten after being subjected to

According to his family, after his statement for Student Day was published, he was severely beaten by interrogators in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison and suffered a serious fracture in this ribcage. Interrogators refused to take him to the infirmary.
Therefore Arash Sadeqi went on a hunger strike on December 10. Notably, this prisoner had also suffered a broken shoulder in his past detentions. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 13, 2010)
Security forces shoot and injure Kurd man and arrest 5 others in Mahabad and Bukan
In the past few days, a Kurd citizen was wounded and a number of other Kurd citizens were arrested in the towns of Mahabad and Bukan during a raid by security forces.
Vali Afshari and Soltan Afshari were arrested in Mahabad while Ali Afshari was arrested in Bukan by armed security forces and were transferred to an unknown location.
Security forces opened fire while making these arrests which led to the injury of a one of the detainees. He was taken to the hospital.
Another Kurd citizen identified as Dr. Kamal was also arrested in Bukan. There is no news on the whereabouts of these men. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Dec. 14, 2010)
شکنجۀ جسمي زنداني سياسي فرزاد مددزاده در بند سپاه شکنجه گاه وزارت اطلاعات
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" روز يکشنبه 21 آذر ماه فرزاد مددزاده به بند سپاه شکنجه گاه وزارت اطلاعات در زندانگوهردشت کرج منتقل شد و براي مدت طولاني مورد بازجويي و شکنجۀ جسمي بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات قرار گرفت.
زنداني سياسي فرزاد مددزاده حوالي ساعت 15:00 به بند سپاه شکنجه گاه وزارت اطلاعات منتقل گرديد. آقاي مددزاده با چشم بند و دست بند و پابند به اين بند برده شد و براي چند ساعت مورد بازجويي قرار گرفت بازجويان اورا تحت فشار قرار دادند که چرا وضعيت و شرايط خود و خواهرش دانشجوي زنداني شبنم مددزاده در رسانه هاي بين المللي انتشار مي يابد .
بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات حين بازجويي اقدام به شکنجه جسمي او نمودند و دائم با مشت و لگد به سر و صورت و ساير اعضاي حساس بدنش مي کوبيدند که در اثر اين ضربات و حشيانه و غير انساني نقاط مختلف بدنش دچار صدماتي گرديد و کبود شده است . (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 21/9/89)
اجراي حکم وحشيانه قطع دست دو جوان ديگر در شيراز
گزارش خبرنگار ما از شيراز حاكي است حكم قطع دست دو سارق حرفه اي در زندان مركزي شيراز اجرا شد. اين حكم كه در مراجع قضايي صالحه مورد تاييد قرار گرفته بود در محوطه زندان مركزي شيراز به اجرا درآمد و دست اين سارقان مطابق دستورات ديني قطع شد. (کيهان – 22/9/89)
استفاده نهادهاي امنيني جمهوري اسلامي از داروهاي تلفيقي براي شکنجه زندانيان
وزارت اطلاعات و سپاه پاسداران از داروهاي بيهوشي و مخدر براي شکنجه و اعتراف گيري از زندانيان استفاده مي کنند.در مراکز بازداشتي اين دو نهاد نظامي- اطلاعاتي براي شکستن زندانيان و اعتراف گيري از آنها تلفيقي از داروهاي بي هوشي و ال اس دي همراه شوک الکتريکي مورد استفاده قرار مي گيرد. اين داروها توسط مرکز پژوهشي بقيه الله سپاه ساخت و توليد مي شود و سپس در اختيار مراکز امنيتي قرار مي گيرد. از اين داروهاي تلفيقي براي شستشوي مغزي زندانيان نيز استفاده ميشود. (آژانس خبري كوروش – 23/9/89)
اعتصاب غذاي آرش صادقي در پي ضرب و شتم وي در بند 209
آرش صادقي که پس از انتشار نامه اش تحت فشار بازجويان قرار گرفته است در اعتراض به ضرب و شتم دست به اعتصاب غذا زد
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، به گفته خانواده اي زنداني وي پس از انتشار بيانيه اش به مناسبت 16 آذر مورد ضرب و شتم شديد بازجويان در بند 209 اوين قرار گرفته و از ناحيه دنده دچار شکستگي شديد شده است و بازجويان از انتقال وي به بهداري خودداري کرده اند.
ارش صادقي به همين دليل از روز 19 آذر ماه دست به اعتصاب غذا زده است.
شايان ذکر است، اين زنداني در دوره هاي قبلي بازداشت نيز دچار شکستگي از ناحيه ي کتف دستش شده بود. (هرانا – 22/9/89)
يک شهروند کرد زخمي و پنج تن ديگر بازداشت شدند
طي روزهاي گذشته در پي حمله نيروهاي امنيتي يک شهروند کرد زخمي و چندين تن کرد در شهرهاي مهاباد و بوکان بازداشت شدهاند.
ولي افشاري و سولتان افشاري از مهاباد و علي افشاري از بوکان طي روزهاي گذشته توسط نيروهاي امنيتي همراه با تيراندازي و ارعاب بازداشت شده و به مکان نامعلومي منتقل شدهاند.
تارنماي روانيوز گزارش داده است که نيروهاي امنيتي در حين بازداشت اين شهروندان، تيراندازي کرده و بر اثر آن يکي از آنها زخمي و روانه بيمارستان شده است.
از سوي ديگر يک شهروند ديگر کرد به اسم دکتر کمال در بوکان بازداشت شده است. از وضعيت محل نگهداري اين شهروند و ساير بازدشت شدگان اطلاعي در دست نيست. (رهانا – 23/9/89)
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