Iranian regime arrests more than 60 Christians

Human Rights Activists in Iran

Unofficial sources have said that more than 60 Christians have been summoned by the Intelligence Agency or arrested in their homes by plainclothes agents thus far. The detainees were mostly arrested in Tehran and a number of other Iranian cities and were mostly temporarily released after interrogations and forced pledges.
The large Christian community in Iran has been under great pressure by security forces on the days leading to Christmas and the New Year. Ali Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran warned against the growth and spread of home churches for the first time in a speech in Qom on October 19, 2010.

بيش از شصت تن از شهروندان مسيحي در ايران بازداشت شدند
از سوي منابع غير رسمي گفته شده افرادي (مسحياني) كه تاكنون به وزارت اطلاعات احضار و يا توسط ماموران لباس شخصي در منازلشان بازداشت شده اند تاكنون بيش از ۶۰ نفر بوده اند. بازداشت شدگان عموما از تهران و برخي شهرهاي ايران گزارش شده است كه بر خي از اين افراد پس از بازجويي و تعهد موقتا آزاد شده اند.
جامعه بزرگ مسيحيان ايران در روزهاي كريسمس و سال نوي ميلادي امسال زير فشارهاي زيادي از سوي مقامات امنيتي جمهوري اسلامي قرار گرفته است . سيد علي خامنه اي رهبر جمهوري اسلامي در مورخه( ۱۹ اكتبر ۲۰۱۰) در سفر اخيرش به شهر مذهبي قم ايشان براي اولين بار در سخنراني هاي خود نسبت به رشد و گسترش كليساهاي خانگي هشدار داد . (هرانا – 14/10/89)
IRNA state-run news agency, Radio Farda

Tehran Governor Morteza Tamadon, compared evangelical Christians to the Taliban and Wahhabis and called their faith ‘a deviated and corrupt movement’ in Christianity saying that their leaders would be arrested and firmly dealt with.
According to the IRNA state-run news agency, Morteza Tamadon said on Tuesday that ‘various types of false, deviated and corrupt cults have sharpened their teeth in the field of our beliefs’ and are active in some regions.
“One of these movements is a corrupt and deviated one that promotes its ideas under the cover of evangelical activities via cultural circles in Britain”.
The Tehran Governor also stressed that evangelical activities were related to the “British military and cultural attack” against Iran and said, “The heads of this movement in Tehran have been trapped and a larger number will be arrested in the near future”.

استاندار تهران: با مسيحيان تبشيري به شدت برخورد مي‌شود
مرتضي تمدن، استاندار تهران با مقايسه مسيحيان تبشيري با وهابيت و طالبان، از آئين آنها با عنوان يک «جريان منحرف و فاسد» در مسيحيت نام برده و از بازداشت رهبرانشان و نيز برخورد شديدتر با آنها خبر داده است.
به گزارش خبرگزاري جمهوري اسلامي، ايرنا، مرتضي تمدن روز سه‌شنبه گفته است که «انواع و اقسام فرق کاذب، انحرافي و فاسد در حوزه اعتقادي ما دندان تيز کرده‌اند» و در برخي مناطق فعاليت مي‌کنند.
وي هم‌چنين اظهار داشته است: «يکي از اين جريانها، جريان فاسد و منحرفي است که افکار خود را تحت لواي فعاليتهاي تبشيري و از طريق محافل فرهنگي که در انگليس داير است ترويج مي‌دهد».
استاندار تهران هم‌چنين با مرتبط دانستن «فعاليتهاي تبشيري» در ايران با «تهاجم نظامي و فرهنگي انگلستان» به ايران از برخورد با مبشران مسيحي در استان تهران خبر داده و گفته است: «سران اين جريان در استان تهران به دام افتاده‌اند و شمار بيشتري نيز در آينده نزديک دستگير خواهند شد». (ايرنا, سايت راديو فردا- 14/10/89)

Student prisoner beaten by prison guards

Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 4, 2011)

Arash Sadeqi who has been banned from continuing his education in Alameh University in Tehran was transferred back to cellblock 350 after four days of solitary where he was beaten.
According to reports, intelligence agents severely beat and abused him and he was returned to his cellblock in a critical condition.

ضرب و شتم آرش صادقي در بند 209
رش صادقي دانشجوي محروم از تحصيل دانشگاه علامه پس از ضرب و شتم و تحمل 4 روز انفرادي به بند 350 منتقل شد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران"هرانا" بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات اين زنداني را به شدت مورد ضرب و شتم و بدرفتاري قرار دادند به طوري که با وضعيت وخيمي به بند 350 زندان اوين منتقل شده است. (هرانا – 14/10/89)
Daneshju News

Political prisoner Hassan Julani, who was arrested on November 2, 2010 by plainclothes agents near the western entrance of Tehran University, is still kept in an unknown condition. Julani is a gifted mathematics student and the best student in the Mathematics Department in Tehran University who has written 12 international articles thus far.
This student who has invitations from four of the best mathematics universities in the world, was arrested before this on December 7, 2009 and was released after four months of detention.
Notably, when he was studying to get his master’s degree, he was threatened several times by intelligence agents and was banned from participating in the exams to continue his education for his doctor’s degree.

بيخبري از وضعيت حسن جولاني، دانشجوي نخبه دانشگاه تهران
حسن جولاني نابغه رياضي و شاگرد اول دانشگاه دانشكده رياضي دانشگاه تهران كه تاكنون ١٢ مقاله بين المللي نوشته است، از روز ١١ آبان ماه امسال که توسط ماموران لباس شخصي درخيابان ١۶آذر (درب غربي دانشگاه) ربوده شده، تا کنون در وضعيت نامشخصي به سر مي برد.
به گزارش دانشجو نيوز، اين دانشجوي نخبه که از ۴ دانشگاه برتر رياضي جهان دعوت نامه دارد، پيش از اين يك بار در تاريخ ۱۶ آذر سال ۸۸ دستگير و بعداز ۴ ماه اسارت آزاد شده بود.
گفتني است که حسن جولاني که در مقطع کارشناسي ارشد تحصيل ميکرد، تاکنون بارها از طرف وزارت اطلاعات مورد تهديد وآزار قرار گرفته بطوريکه مانع امتحان او براي ادامه تحصيل در رشته دكتراي رياضي شدند. (دانشجو نيوز – 14/10/89)

Human Rights Activists in Iran

Despite the fast spread of influenza A in Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj, prison officials refuse to give prisoner serious treatment.
Three weeks after the spread of Influenza A, prison officials have only vaccinated prisoners but have distributed more than 50 ill prisoners to various sections of the Women cellblock in this prison and there is danger that prisoners will once again contract this influenza.
Prisoners do not allow ill female prisoners to come inside the cells and they are forced to sleep in the filthy hallways without having anyone to look after them.
The signs of this influenza was also seen in Mrs. Mahvash Sabet, a prisoner of conscience who is one of the heads of the Baha’i minority faith and is detained in the female cellblock in this prison.

عدم رسيدگي به بيماران زن در زندان رجايي شهر کرج
علي رغم شيوع سريع آنفولانزاي نوع آ در زندان رجايي شهر کرج مسئولين زندان اقدام جدي براي ممانعت از آن انجام نداده اند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، با گذشت بيش از سه هفته از شيوع آنفولانزا نوع (A) مسئولين زندان تنها با تزريق واکسن اقدامات پيشگيري را انجام داده اند و از سوي ديگر با پخش کردن بيش از 50 زنداني مبتلا به ويروس در بند زنان زندان رجايي شهر خطر ابتلاي مجدد زندانيان به اين ويروس کماکان باقي است.
گفتني است اين بيماران از سوي ساير همبنديان خود به اتاق ها راه داده نمي شوند و در راهروها و سالن کثيف زندان به صورت فجيع رها شده اند و هيچ کس به بيماري اين زنان رسيدگي نمي کند.
علائم اين بيماري در خانم مهوش ثابت زنداني وجداني و از رهبران اقلييت ديني بهايي که در بند زنان نگهداري مي شود ديده شده است. (هرانا – 14/10/89)
Jaras Website

It has become clear that the constant stomach pains of Political prisoner Mohsen Dokmeh Chi, who has been in a critical condition from some time ago and was accused of ‘faking his illness’ by prison officials, is actually a kind of cancer.
The lack of attention and negligence of Evin Prison officials has caused hi illness to deteriorate. Dokmeh Chi who is a Tehran Bazaar merchant has been detained for more than 15 months for giving financial assistance to the families of political prisoners.
According to reports, he was suffering from constant pain for several months but prison officials refused to give him medical attention or see to his problems and transfer him to a hospital, until his condition became very critical. Because of his late transfer to the hospital, doctors have said that his cancer has advanced and that there was no hope in treating him.
According to this report, prison officials still refuse to give him a short furlough and he was once again transferred to prison.

اهمال نابخشودني اولياء زندان اوين درباره محسن دگمه چي
محسن دکمه چي، بازاري زنداني که از مدتي پيش دچار وضعيت وخيم جسماني شده و مقامات زندان وي را به “تمارض” متهم مي کردند، اکنون مشخص شده است، دل دردهاي مداوم وي، بدليل ابتلا به نوعي سرطان بوده.
اهمال و بي توجهي مسئولين زندان اويـــن، سبب پيشرفته شدنِ اين بيماري در وي شده است.محسن دکمه چي از بازاريان تهران است، که بدليل کمک مالي به خانواده هاي زندانيان سياسي، بيش از ۱۵ ماه است در زندان اوين به سر مي برد.
به گزارش جرس، اين زنداني سياسي، چند ماهي بود که دل دردهاي مداوم داشت و مقامات زندان از پيگيري و توجه به وضعيت وي و انتقال به بيمارستان خودداري مي کردند، تا اينکه بر اثر بالا گرفتن درد هاي وي و حاد شدنِ وضعيت، با انتقال ديرهنگامِ وي به بيمارستان، پزشکان اعلام کردند وي دچار سرطان بسيار پيشرفته شده و از معالجه وي قطع اميد شده است.
اين گزارش خاطرنشان کرد مقامات زندان کماکان از اعطاي مرخصي کوتاه مدت به وي خودداري کرده و اين زنداني سياسي مجددا به بند بازگردانده شده است. (جرس – 14/10/89)
Fars state-run News Agency

The judge of the Penal Court’s Sentence Implementation Unit said that the flogging sentence for the murderer of the Sa’adat Abad (Kaj Square) case was carried out yesterday.
“The flogging sentence for the murderer of the Sa’adat Abad case was carried out yesterday”, Esmatollah Jaberi said.
Yaqub was sentenced to 74 lashes for demonstrating the use of force with a knife (waving around a knife in public).
His death sentence will be carried out tomorrow morning in Sa’adat Abad.

حكم 74 ضربه شلاق قاتل پرونده سعادت‌آباد اجرا شد و فردا نيز اعدام ميشود!
قاضي واحد اجراي احكام دادسراي جنايي گفت: حكم شلاق قاتل پرونده سعادت‌آباد روز گذشته اجرا شد.
عصمت‌الله جابري قاضي واحد اجراي احكام دادسراي جنايي تهران اظهار داشت: حكم شلاق قاتل پرونده سعادت‌آباد روز گذشته اجرا شد.
گفتني است، يعقوب با حكم دادگاه بابت قدرت‌نمايي با چاقو به تحمل 74 ضربه شلاق محكوم شده بود.
قرار است حكم قصاص نيز صبح فردا در محل وقوع حادثه (سعادت‌آباد) اجرا شود. (خبرگزاري فارس – 14/10/89)

Fars state-run News Agency

A man sentenced to retribution in the Kaj Square murder case was hanged.
Yaqub, 32, who killed another man in front of dozens of people was hanged at 6:16 am today based on his court sentence with the presence of a group of people.

يك مرد در ملاء عام اعدام شد
خبرگزاري فارس: لحظاتي قبل محكوم به قصاص در پرونده قتل ميدان كاج سعادت آباد به دار مجازات آويخته شد.
يعقوب جوان 32 ساله كه مرد جواني را در يك درگيري خونين در جلوي چشم ده‌ها نفر از شهروندان به قتل رسانده بود سحرگاه امروز ساعت 6:16 دقيقه با حضور جمعي از مردم براساس حكم دادگاه به دار مجازات آويخته شد. (خبرگزاري فارس – 15/10/89)

Report: Iran jails nuke scientist after US return


An Iranian nuclear scientist who claimed he slipped away from his CIA captors has not been seen publicly since his heroic return to Tehran last year and could be facing an investigation as a possible turncoat, according to an OPPOSITION website.
The report on the website Iran says that Shahram Amiri is now being held in a Tehran prison, where he allegedly has faced beatings so severe that he had to be hospitalized for a week.
The website's account could not be verified, but it purports to offer the first details on Amiri's fate since he surfaced in the United States six months ago amid an array of contradictory stories between Tehran and Washington.
Amiri's return to Tehran in July was portrayed by Iranian authorities as a propaganda coup.
The nuclear scientist claimed he was kidnapped by American agents in May 2009 while on a pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. Iran's state media said Amiri had snubbed a fortune in payoffs by his purported CIA captors and then escaped with inside information about America's covert operations against Tehran. Officials said a TV movie was in the works…
Iranian authorities have not offered any information on his whereabouts and his family and colleagues have made no public statements as to his fate.
The Farsi-language account posted on the website claims to pick up Amiri's trail after his highly publicized return. It cited anonymous family members as saying Amiri was first held in a safe house in Tehran and allowed weekend visits with relatives at the Talaiie cultural center, which is operated by Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard.
The website quoted family members as being told that Amiri's movements were restricted for 'his own safety’.
The report says - without citing any source - that Amiri was later moved to a former military lockup, the Heshmatieh Prison, in Tehran, where he allegedly faced harsh interrogations and beatings that left him in a military-run hospital afterward for a week…

گزارش: ايران يک دانشمند اتمي را بعد از بازگشت از آمريکا زنداني کرده است
بگزارش يک سايت اپوزيسيون، يک دانشمند اتمي ايراني که ادعا کرده است از دست عناصر سيا، که او را در اسارت داشتند گريخته است، از زمان بازگشت قهرمانانه‌اش به تهران در سال گذشته، در انظار عموم ديده نشده و مي‌تواند به‌عنوان کسي که ممکن است تغيير مسلک داده باشد، با تعقيب قضايي مواجه شود.
اين گزارش که بر روي وب سايت ايران بريفينگ نت گذاشته شده، مي‌گويد که شهرام اميري هم‌اکنون در زنداني در تهران نگاه داشته مي‌شود، جايي که گفته مي‌شود بقدري مورد ضرب‌وشتم قرار گرفته که به اجبار، مدت يک هفته در بيمارستان بستري گرديد.
گزارش اين وب سايت قابل تأييد نبود، اما ظاهراً حاکي از جزييات اوليه‌اي در مورد سرنوشت اميري است که طي 6ماه گذشته، يعني از زماني که در آمريکا ظاهر شد، خبري از او نبوده است. طي اين مدت، مجموعه‌اي از داستانهاي ضد و نققيض در مورد او، بين تهران و واشنگتن جريان داشت.
گزارش فارسي زباني که بر روي سايت ايران بريفينگ نت گذاشته شده مي‌گويد که از محاکمه اميري، بعد از بازگشت پر سروصداي او، مطلع شده است. اين گزارش به اظهارات اعضاي خانواده او که مي‌خواستند ناشناس بمانند اشاره مي‌کند که مي‌گويند، اميري در ابتدا در يک خانه امن در تهران نگاه داشته مي‌شد و مجاز بود که در آخر هر هفته با اقوام خود در مرکز فرهنگي طلائيtalaiie ، که توسط سپاه پاسداران قدرتمند ايران اداره مي‌شود، ملاقات کند.
اين سايت به‌نقل از اعضاي خانواده‌اش مي‌گويد که به آنها گفته شده ترددات اميري ”به‌خاطر سلامتي خودش ”محدود شده است… (آسوشيتدپرس- 13/10/89)
Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, the Protection Department of the Tehran and Suburbs bus company have prevented two labor unionists from going back to work after their release from prison.
Morteza Kamsari and Ali-Akbar Nazari were banned from working after their release. The Protection Department has said that they can only go back to work if the Revolutionary Court clears them of all charges.
Officials have suspended these drivers to put economical pressure on them and their families.
Morteza Kamsari was arrested on November 23 while Akbar Nazari was arrested on November 30. They were both released on a high bail after being detained for a couple of weeks under hard conditions.

تعليق از کار دو فعال سنديکايي تازه از زندان آزاد شده توسط حراست شرکت واحد
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به ”فعالين حقوق‌بشر و دمکراسي در ايران“ حراست شرکت اتوبوس‌راني تهران و حومه از ادامه اشتغال 2 فعال سنديکايي که به تازگي از زندان آزاد شده‌اند ممانعت به‌عمل مي‌آورد.
فعالين سنديکايي مرتضي کمساري و علي اکبر نظري پس از آزادي از زندان از ادامه اشتغال آنها در شرکت اتوبوس‌راني تهران و حومه ممانعت به‌عمل مي‌آورند. حراست شرکت واحد بازگشت به کار آنها را منوط به تبرئه شدن در دادگاه انقلاب نموده است.
بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات با تعليق کردن اين دو فعال سنديکايي سعي دارند که فشار مالي و معيشتي را بر آنها و خانواده هايشان تشديد نمايند.
لازم به يادآوري است که فعال سنديکايي مرتضي کمساري در 2آذر و علي اکبر نظري در 9آذر دستگير شدند و پس از چند هفته بازداشت و قرار دادن در شرايط سخت و طاقت‌فرسا با وثيقه‌هاي سنگين مالي آزاد شدند. (سايت فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران - 13/10/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran
A short time after two students and members of the Bandar Abbas University’s Islamic Association (Assadi and Fazel Pour) were sentenced to suspension from university, other students have also become the victim of the harsh judgment of this university’s Disciplinary Committee.
Sajad Abbasi (who is a student activist critical of the university management) was sentenced to one year of suspension for insulting the clergy and the head of the Khoramshahr Friday Prayers.
Another student identified as Fazel Pour was suspended for the same reason before this.

محروميت از تحصيل چهار تن از دانشجويان بندر عباس
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، مدت زمان زيادي از ابلاغ حکم هاي تعليقي دو تن از دانشجويان عضو تشكل انجمن اسلامي (اسدي و فاضل پور) نمي گذرد كه دانشجويان ديگري از ساير تشكلها قرباني قضاوت هاي سخت گيرانه کميته انضباطي دانشگاه خرمشهر شدند.
آقاي سجاد عباسي دانشجوي مديريت_بندر ورودي86 (از فعالان و منتقدان صنفي)به علت توهين به روحانيت و امام جمعه خرمشهر به يک ترم تعليق محکوم شد.
اين دانشجو در حالي به اتهام توهين به امام جمعه خرمشهر از سوي کميته انضباطي محکوم مي شود که پيشتر ديگر دانشجوي اين دانشگاه (فاضل پور) نيز با اين حکم مواجه شده بود. (هرانا – 13/10/89)
Jaras Website
A person close to political prisoner Ehsan Abdi Tabrizi said that he was sentenced to seven years of prison. He was sentenced to two years of prison for insulting the leader, three years for assembling and conspiring and another two years of prison for links to foreign elements. Abdeh who was studying in Britain was arrested upon his arrival in Iran in the International Khomeini Airport and was transferred to Evin Prison. He was detained in a state of limbo in Evin Prison and Intelligence Agency interrogators have refused to release him.
Tabrizi was studying to get his doctor’s degree at the Durham University in Britain... Ehsan Abdi is in cellblock 350 in Evin Prison with other political prisoners.

يک دانشجوي زنداني به هفت سال حبس محکوم شد
يکي از نزديکان احسان عبده تبريزي گفت: وي به هفت سال حبس محکوم شده است. دو سال از اين هفت سال حکم، به‌خاطر توهين به رهبري، سه سال به‌خاطر اجتماع و تباني عليه نظام و دو سال به اتهام رابطه با عوامل خارجي قيد شده است. عبده که در انگلستان مشغول به تحصيل بود، هنگام ورود به ايران، در فرودگاه بين‌المللي امام بازداشت و روانه زندان اوين شد. وي در تمام اين مدت به‌صورت کاملاً بلاتکليف در زندان اوين به‌سر مي‌برد و هر بار بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات با آزادي او مخالفت مي‌کنند. احسان عبده تبريزي دانشجوي دکتراي دانشگاه دورهام انگلستان است... احسان عبده تبريزي به همراه تعداد ديگري از زندانيان سياسي در بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوين به‌سر مي‌برد. (جرس- 12/10/89)

Jaras Website
Foad Khanjani who was expelled from university (for following the Baha’i faith) was sentenced to four years of prison in the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Moqiseh.
According to reports, Khanjani was arrested on April 27, 2010 after being summoned to the Intelligence Agency. He was also summoned to the Intelligence Agency on March 2, 2010.

فواد خانجاني به چهار سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد
فؤاد خانجاني دانشجوي محروم از تحصيل از سوي شعبه ي ۲۸ دادگاه انقلاب تهران به قضاوت قاضي مقيسه به چهار سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد.
به گزارش جمعيت مبارزه با تبعيض تحصيلي فؤاد خانجاني در تاريخ ۷ ارديبهشت ۱۳۸۹ پس از احضار و معرفي خود به دفتر پيگيري وزارت اطلاعات بازداشت شده بود، اين شهروند بهايي پيشتر در ١١ اسفند ١٣٨٨ به وزارت اطلاعات فراخوانده شده بود و دو بار ديگر نيز دستورهاى مشابهي دريافت کرده بود. (جرس – 13/10/89)

Iran hanged on Monday seven people convicted of drug trafficking in the western city of Kermanshah and a man found guilty of murder, media reports said.
Fars news agency quoted Kermanshah prosecutor Mojtaba Maleki as saying that the seven drug traffickers were hanged 'simultaneously' after their request for pardon was rejected.
‘The hanging sentences were carried out simultaneously today at the central prison following the order of the revolutionary court and the head of the judiciary,’ he said.
The men, who were not identified, were convicted of producing and distributing drugs, such as heroin and crack, Fars reported.
The state television reported on its website another hanging in the restive southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan.
Bahman Rigi was executed in the central prison of the provincial capital Zahedan after he was found guilty of murder, 'moharebe' (waging war against god) and drug trafficking, the report said

ايران هشت نفر را به جرم قاچاق مواد مخدر و قتل حلق‌آويز کرد
گزارشات مطبوعاتي گفتند ايران روز دوشنبه هفت نفر را به جرم قاچاق مواد مخدر در شهر کرمانشاه و يک نفر ديگر را به جرم قتل حلق‌آويز کرد.
خبرگزاري فارس از مجتبي مالکي دادستان کرمانشاه نقل‌قول کرد که هفت نفر قاچاقچي مواد مخدر بعد از اين‌که درخواست آنها براي عفو رد شد به‌طور همزمان حلق‌آويز شدند.
مشخصات اين مردان داده نشده‌اند…
تلويزيون دولتي يک اعدام ديگر را نيز در وب سايت خود گزارش کرد و نوشت يک فرد ديگر در استان نا آرام سيستان و بلوچستان در جنوب شرقي ايران حلق‌آويز شده است.
بهمن ريگي در زندان زاهدان که زندان مرکزي استان است حلق‌آويز شد، او متهم به قتل، محارب و قاچاق مواد مخدر بوده است. (خبرگزاري فرانسه -13/10/89)


A Spanish judge has opened an investigation into alleged human rights abuses by Iraqi authorities at a camp for Iranian refugees in July 2009, the first international probe of its kind since the fall of Saddam.
Photo: Reuters

By Fiona Govan, Madrid 5:23PM GMT 04 Jan 2011

Spanish court launches probe into refugee killings in Iraq

A Spanish judge has opened an investigation into alleged human rights abuses by Iraqi authorities at a camp for Iranian refugees in July 2009, the first international probe of its kind since the fall of Saddam.

Residents clash with Iraqi forces in Camp Ashraf back in 2009. The camp near the Iranian border is home to around 3,500 dissidents from the Mojahedin-e-Khalq organisation Photo: REUTERS By Fiona Govan, Madrid 5:23PM GMT 04 Jan 2011
Spain's National Court number 4 ruled in favour of opening an investigation into a complaint filed by victims of a raid by Iraqi soldiers and police on the Ashraf camp which left 11 people dead and dozens injured.

Magistrate Fernando Andreu has ordered Iraqi Lieutenant General Abdolhossein Shemmari to appear before the court in Madrid on March 8 as the first step in the probe. Although he is not expected to attend, it would not prevent the judge from hearing the case.

Shemmari is accused of leading the attack against the camp near the Iranian border which is home to around 3,500 dissidents from the Mojahedin-e-Khalq organisation, an opposition group calling for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The complaint is being considered under the legal doctrine of "universal jurisdiction" which allows human rights crimes to be tried in an international court irrespective of where they were committed.

Spain has earned a reputation for pursuing alleged war criminals – notably issuing an arrest warrant for Chilean General Augusto Pinochet in 1998 – and carrying out advanced investigations against, amongst others, Rwandan leaders, and Argentine officials for "dirty war" killings.

Judge Fernando Andreu's statement in this regard

Madrid, January 4, 2011

Iraqi general summoned by Spanish Investigative Judge for crimes against the International Community committed in Ashraf (Iraq)

The Central Investigation Court number Four of the Spanish National Court in a
writ which became definitive today, summoned the commander of the lethal raid on
Camp Ashraf¬Iraq, home to 3,400 members of the People's Mojahedin Organisation
of Iran, in July 2009.

According to the Writ, as the first step in the investigation, Lieutenant General Abdolhossein Shemmari, which directed the attack on Ashraf under the supervision of the Committee for Closure of Camp Ashraf in the office of Prime Minister Nouri Maliki, must appear before the judge in Spain on 8 March 2011.

Confirming the legal status of residents of Ashraf as protected persons under
the IVth Geneva Convention, the Spanish Court has started this proceeding for
“crime of war” and "crime against humanity", to investigate eleven crimes of
murder, 480 crimes of serious injury, 36 crimes of illegal detention and torture
as well as the crimes of damage against residents of Ashraf who are all
protected person under the IV Geneva Convention.

The Court declared that in conformity with the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court of July 1998 "grave breaches of Geneva Convention" constitute "war crimes".

The Spanish Court concluded that " Spain bases its competence to repress crimes such as genocide, crimes against humanity, terrorism or crimes against persons protected under the Law of Armed Conflicts, whether they occur in its territory or outside such territory (cases of territoriality or extraterritoriality) in the event that criminal prosecution is appropriate under the provisions of the Organic Law of the Judiciary."

The National Court of Spain considers applicable Article 29 of the IV Geneva Convention which states "the Party to the conflict in whose hands protected persons may be, is responsible for the treatment accorded to them by its agents, irrespective of any individual responsibility which may be incurred." Accordingly, the court confirms the responsibility of the relevant Iraqi officials in the decision making hierarchy.

Stressing the need to provide "effective penal sanctions for persons committing, or ordering to be committed, any of the grave breaches of the [Geneva Convention]" the Court states that all States signatories to the Geneva Convention "shall be under the obligation to search for persons alleged to have committed, or to have ordered to be committed, such grave breaches, and shall bring such persons, regardless of their nationality, before its own courts.”

The Court rejects Iraqis response to the Spanish legal authorities stating that "answer offered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iraq, namely 'Iraq had already carried out a legal investigate on the subject and is committed to his part in finding a solution for the residents of Camp Ashraf according to international law,' …is quite insufficient and does not establish the existence of an effective investigation and prosecution… 'it does not report what authority is conducting such investigation, or the date it started, or the steps that may have been taken in this regard, or the outcome, if any.'

The Court further states that "on the contrary, the plaintiffs produce reports from various rapporteurs of the United Nations, such as those of May 9, 2010, May 26, 2010 or June 1, 2010, which indicate that there is no actual investigation and prosecution of the facts at hand. In spite of the requests for information by U.N. rapporteurs to the Iraqi authorities on the facts underlying this proceeding, the answers have not been given, or are unsatisfactory in the opinion of the rapporteurs.”

This is the firs time that an Iraqi officials is being summoned before a Court for serious violations of international law.

The Court decision on the failure of Iraqi Authorities to investigate the facts committed in July 2009 as well as the responsibility of the decision makers who ordered the raid, further confirms that, under the present circumstances and until the moment that are respected the rights of residents of Ashraf in conformity with international law, the international community and in particular the United States and the United Nations must take the measures necessary to secure the safety of Ashraf residents and to avoid a humanitarian crisis.

Dr. Juan E. Garcés

International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran

Student activist Mahdieh Golroo’s husband told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that Golroo, arrested in December 2009 and currently at Evin Prison, has been informed of new charges against her. “I do not know how someone who is in prison could disturb public order! It’s amazing! Nowhere in the world would someone, whose court ruling has been issued and is serving her sentence, be informed of new charges. What could she have done to disturb public order from inside the prison?,” said Vahid Lalipour, the Student activist’s husband.
Mahdieh Golroo, who is a member of the Right to Education Council, has been under visitation ban for the last two weeks. She is now with the rest of female political prisoners inside Evin Prison’s Methadone Ward. Yesterday she was charged with “disturbing public order” at Branch 4 of Evin Prison Court. “I do not know, I try not to think about the reasons any more,” said Vahid Lalipour when asked about the reasons for the new charges.
‘Today I contacted everyone I could to see Mahdieh, or to at least find out how long her visitation ban would continue, but no one was accountable. I went to the Prosecutor’s Office, the Evin Prison Court, and to the prison, but they all said ‘we don’t know about this, just like you.’ It is now two weeks that I don’t have any news about Mahdieh. No contact, and no visit,” Mahdieh Golroo’s husband said about her visitation ban.
‘We’ve only heard from families of Mahdieh’s prison-mates that she is alright and has ended her hunger strike. Mahdieh’s prison-mates talk to their families about her and other banned-from-visitation prisoners , and those families contact us and gives us the news. We only know that Mahdieh is alright,” Vahid Lalipour said.
Mahdieh Golroo was arrested on 2 December 2009, along with her husband, at their place of residence. Her husband, who has never had any political or civic activities and apparently was arrested to put Golroo under pressure for confessions, was released on bail after three months. Mahdieh Golroo, however, was charged with “interviews with foreign media,” “acting against national security,” and “contact with Mojahedin-e Khalgh Organization (MEK).” She was sentenced to two years and four months in prison.
It is said that the new charge against Mahdieh Golroo is related to letters attributed to her on the occasion of Student Day (7 December). The letters were published in the media, and were well-received in student circles inside and outside the country. Bahareh Hedayat and Majid Tavakoli are two other imprisoned students who have received similar charges due to writing a joint letter from prison on the occasion of Student Day.

يک فعال دانشجويي در زندان با اتهامات جديدي مواجه مي‌شود
همسر مهديه گلرو، فعال دانشجويي، به کمپين بين‌المللي حقوق‌بشر در ايران گفت که گلرو، که در دسامبر 2009 دستگير و در حال حاضر در زندان اوين مي‌باشد، مطلع گرديده که اتهامات جديدي عليه او مطرح شده است.
وحيد لاليپور، همسر اين فعال دانشجويي گفت، ”من نمي‌دانم چطور کسي که در زندان است مي‌توانسته نظم عمومي را بر هم بزند! شگفت‌آور است. در هيچ‌کجاي جهان، کسي که در حال سپري کردن حکم خود مي‌باشد، اتهامات جديدي به او وارد نمي‌شود ”.
وي در مورد ممنوعيت ملاقات با مهديه گلرو گفت، ”امروز من با هر کسي که مي‌توانستم تماس گرفتم تا مهديه را ببينم، يا لااقل دربياورم که ممنوعيت ملاقات با او تا کي ادامه خواهد داشت، اما هيچ‌کس پاسخگو نبود. من به دفتر دادستاني، به دادگاه زندان اوين، و به زندان رفتم، اما همه آنها گفتند ”ما هم مانند شما چيزي در اين مورد نمي‌دانيم ”. اکنون 2 هفته است که من هيچ خبري از مهديه ندارم. نه تماسي و نه ديداري ”.
وحيد لاليپور گفت، ”ما تنها، از خانواده‌هاي هم بنديهاي مهديه شنيده‌ايم که او حالش خوب است و به اعتصاب غذايش خاتمه داده. هم بنديهاي مهديه در مورد او و ساير زندانيان ممنوع الملاقات، با خانواده‌هايشان صحبت مي‌کنند، و اين خانواده‌ها با ما تماس مي‌گيرند و خبرها را به ما مي‌دهند. ما فقط مي‌دانيم که مهديه حالش خوب است ”.
مهديه گلرو در 2دسامبر 2009 به همراه همسرش در منزل دستگير شد. شوهر او که هرگز فعاليت سياسي يا مدني نداشته، ظاهراً براي تحت فشار گذاشتن مهديه جهت اقرار گرفتن، دستگير شد، اما بعد از 3ماه به قيد ضمانت آزاد گرديد. هر چند مهديه گلرو متهم به ”مصاحبه با رسانه‌هاي خارجي ”، ”اقدام عليه امنيت ملي ”، و ”ارتباط با سازمان مجاهدين خلق (ام يي کي) ”شد. او به دو سال و چهار ماه زندان محکوم گرديد.
گفته مي‌شود، اتهامات جديد عليه مهديه گلرو، مربوط به نامه‌هاي منتسب به وي در روز دانشجو (7دسامبر) مي‌باشد. اين نامه‌ها در رسانه‌ها منتشر، و در دواير دانشجويي در داخل و خارج کشور مورد استقبال قرار گرفت.
اتهامات مشابهي به‌دليل نوشتن يک نامه مشترک از زندان به‌مناسبت روز دانشجو، به بهاره هدايت و مجيد توکلي، دو دانشجوي زنداني ديگر، وارد شده است. (کمپين بينالمللي حقوقبشر در ايران- 8/10/89)


Iran has hanged eight people for drug trafficking and executed four others convicted of kidnapping and murder in the restive Sistan-Baluchestan province, media reported on Saturday.
The eight unidentified traffickers were hanged in the city of Qom south of Tehran in the past Iranian week which ended on Friday, Qom prosecutor Mansoor Barzegar Ganji was quoted as saying by Mehr news agency.
Four other men identified as Mahmoud Barahui, Shahram Narui, Zohoor Ahmad Asef-Doost and Jahanbakhsh Barahui, were executed on Saturday in a prison in the city of Zahedan in southeastern Iran, the official IRNA news agency reported…
The four were the first hangings reported in 2011.
Human Rights Activists in Iran

Political activist Qadrieh Qaderi who has been detained by the Intelligence Agency since summer was sentenced to 10 years of prison.
According to reports, this Kurd female political activist was arrested by the Orumieh Intelligence Agency in July 2010 and after three months of solitary, was sentenced to 10 years of prison by the first branch of the Orumieh Revolutionary Court.
Her lawyer has announced that her case has been sent to a court of review.

محکوميت يک فعال سياسي زن به ده سال حبس تعزيري
قدريه قادري، فعال سياسي که از تابستان امسال در بازداشت وزارت اطلاعات قرار داشت به ده سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران"هرانا" قدريه قادري فعال سياسي کرد که در تير ماه 89 توسط اداره اطلاعات اروميه بازداشت و پس از تحمل سه ماه انفرادي در يکم دي ماه سالجاري از سوي شعبه يک دادگاه انقلاب اروميه به 10 سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد.
وکيل اين زنداني اعلام داشت که پرونده اين فعال سياسي اهل اروميه به دادگاه تجديد نظر ارسال شده است. (هرانا – 12/10/89)

Radio Farda

The Free Iran Labor Union announced on Sunday that Behnam Ibrahim Zadeh, a labor and children’s rights activist, was sentenced to 20 years of prison by the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court on security charges.
According to his sentence, he has to serve 10 years of his sentence in Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj and the other 10 years in Evin Prison.
Ibrahim Zadeh was arrested on June 12, 2010 by security forces in Tehran.

بهنام ابراهيم زاده، فعال کارگري به ۲۰ سال زندان محکوم شد

خبرگزاري هرانا – اتحاديه آزاد کارگران ايران روز يکشنبه اعلام کرد که بهنام ابراهيم زاده، فعال کارگري و مدافع حقوق کودکان، از سوي شعبه ۱۵ دادگاه انقلاب به اتهام هاي امنيتي به بيست سال زندان محکوم شده است.
به گزارش راديو فردا، به حکم دادگاه، بهنام ابراهيم زاده بايد مدت ۱۰ سال را در زندان رجايي شهر کرج و ۱۰ سال ديگر را در زندان اوين بگذراند.
آقاي ابراهيم زاده روز ۲۲ خرداد سال جاري توسط ماموران امنيتي در تهران بازداشت شد. (راديو فردا – 12/10/89)

Human Rights Activsits in Iran

A few hours ago, intelligence agents of the Orumieh Intelligence Agency transferred death row political prisoner Hossein Khezri to an unknown location from the Central Orumieh Prison.
In mid-November, the Human Rights Activists in Iran announced that the 19th branch of the Sentence Implementation Unit of the Orumieh Court sent his case to the Orumieh Prosecutor and if the prosecutor upholds the sentence, his death sentence will soon be carried out…
Khezri wrote in a letter from prison that he was severely tortured and forced to make false confessions while detained for 49 days in a solitary cell run by the Revolutionary Guards Forces in a secret detention center not monitored by the Prison Organization.

انتقال حسين خضري به مکان نامعلوم/ احتمال اجراي حکم اعدام حسين خضري
ساعاتي پيش ماموران اداره اطلاعات اروميه با مراجعه به زندان مرکزي اروميه حسين خضري را به مکان نامعلومي منتقل کردند.
اواخر آبان ماه خبرگزاري هرانا در گزارشي اعلام کرد: شعبه 9 اجراي احکام دادگاه اروميه جهت اجراي حکم اين زنداني، پرونده وي را به دادستان استان ارسال کرده است که در صورت موافقت دادستاني اجراي حکم اعدام حسين خضري قريب الوقوع خواهد بود...
وي در بخشي از نامه خود مي گويد به مدت 49 روز در سلول هاي انفرادي سپاه و در بازداشتگاهي مخفي که زير نظر سازمان زندان هاي نيست به شدت شکنجه و وادار به اعتراف غير واقعي شده است. (هرانا – 12/10/89)

Jaras website
Jailed student activist Arash Sadeqi who ended his hunger strike on Friday December 24 and was transferred to the public cellblock in Evin Prison, was once again transferred to a solitary cell in Cellblock 209 on Friday December 31.
His friends in the public cellblock have said that he was suffering from stomach hemorrhage and that his heart and lung problems have deteriorated due to the lack of medical treatment.
According to reports, his many heart and lung problems are a result of his past detention but has deteriorated because of his hunger strike and beatings by prison officials.
It is still not clear why this student activist was thrown in solitary.

انتقال مجدد آرش صادقي، دانشجوي زنداني به بند انفرادي
آرش صادقي، فعال دانشجويي زنداني، که جمعه سوم دي ماه اعتصاب غذاي خود را شکسته و به بند عمومي منتقل شده بود، روز جمعه دهم دي ماه براي چندمين بار به انفرادي بند ٢٠٩ اوين منتقل شد .
گزارش ها حاکي از آن است که دوستان آرش در بند عمومي به اين نکته اشاره داشتند که وي دچار خونريزي معده شده است و همچنين مشکلات قلبي و ريوي وي دوباره با بي توجهي مسئولان زندان تشديد پيدا کرده است .
به گزارش جرس، مشکلات قلبي و ريوي آرش مربوط به دوره قبلي بازداشت وي است که با توجه به اعتصاب غذاي اخير وي و ضرب و شتم مسئولين زندان بيماري اش تشديد يافته است.
علت انتقال اين فعال دانشجويي به بند انفرادي هنوز مشخص نمي باشد. (جرس – 11/10/89)
Committee of Human Rights Reporters

Four political prisoners in the Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad identified as Ali Ebadi, Mehdi Jalili, Ahmad Mirzayi and Mohammad Mirzayi who were sentenced to heavy prison terms have been detained for more than one year in prison.
Ali Ebadi, Mehdi Jalili, Ahmad Mirzayi and Mohammad Mirzayi have been detained for more than one year in Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad and have been sentenced to heavy prison terms.
Hojatel Islam Ali Ebadi who was also detained in the 70’s and 80’s was arrested on April 9, 2009 and has spent 300 days in a solitary cell in the Mashhad Intelligence Agency under physical and mental pressure.
This 61 year old political prisoner was transferred to the Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad and was sentenced to 6 years of prison and forced residence in Khalkhal for 10 years in November 2010. His son, daughter and son in law were also arrested with him and were sentenced to a total of 15 years of prison. He has sustained mental and physical injuries as a result of the torture.
Mehdi Jalili, 28, was arrested on July 11, 2009. He was sentenced to 16 years of prison in November and is currently in Vakil Abad Prison. He was detained in the Mashhad Intelligence Agency for close to a year.
Ahmad Mirzayi was arrested on February 2009 and was sentenced to 16 years of prion and 10 years of forced residence in another town.
Mohammad Mirzayi was also arrested in February 2009 and was sentenced to 5 years of prison and 5 years of forced residence in another town. He is also detained in the Vakil Abad Prison.
These four men have been charged with having links to dissident organizations.

بازداشت طولاني مدت و احکام سنگين چهار فعال سياسي در مشهد
چهار زنداني در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد به نام‌هاي علي عبادي، مهدي جليلي، احمد ميرزايي و محمد ميرزايي با حکم‌هاي سنگين روبروه شده و بيش از يک سال است در زندان به سر مي‌برند.
علي عبادي، مهدي جليلي، احمد ميرزايي و محمد ميرزايي چهار زنداني هستند که بيش از يک سال است در زندان وکيل‌آباد مشهد به سر برده و با حکم‌هاي سنگيني روبرو هستند.
به گزارش خبرنگار رهانا، سامانه خبري «خانه حقوق بشر ايران» حجت‌الاسلام علي عبادي که از زنداني دهه‌هاي ۵۰ و ۶۰ نيز بوده است، در تاريخ ۲۰ فروردين ماه ۱۳۸۸ بازداشت شده و در مجموع ۳۰۰ روز را در سلول‌هاي انفرادي بازداشتگاه اطلاعات مشهد تحت فشارهاي روحي و جسمي سپري کرده است.
علي عبادي ۶۱ ساله، بعد از ۴۰۰ روز به زندان وکيل آباد مشهد منتقل شده و در آبان ماه سال جاري به ۶ سال زندان و ۱۰ سال تبعيد به شهر خلخال محکوم شده است. همزمان با بازداشت وي در فروردين ماه سال گذشته پسر، دختر و داماد عبادي نيز بازداشت و جمعا به ۱۵ سال زندان محکوم شده‌اند.وي بر اثر شکنجه‌هاي سخت در دوران بازداشت صدمات جسمي و روحي فراواني نيز ديده است.
مهدي جليلي ۲۸ ساله، ديگر زنداني است که از تاريخ ۲۰ تير ماه ۸۸ بازداشت و در زندان به سر مي‌برد. جليلي نيز از زندانيان دهه ۶۰ بوده است که در آبان ماه سال جاري به ۱۶ سال زندان محکوم شده و هم اکنون در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد زنداني است. جليلي نزديک به يک سال را در بازداشتگاه اطلاعات شهر مشهد بازداشت بوده است.
احمد ميرزايي سومين زنداني نيز در بهمن ماه ۱۳۸۷ بازداشت و به ۱۶ سال حبس و ۱۰ سال تبعيد محکوم شده است.
محمد ميرزايي نيز در بهمن ماه ۸۷ بازداشت و به ۶ سال زندان و ۵ سال تبعيد محکوم شده است. اين زنداني نيز در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد نگهداري مي‌شود.
اتهامات اين چهار نفر ارتباط با سازمان‌هاي مخالف نظام عنوان شده است. (رهانا – 11/10/89)
Iran expels another student because of her religion
Faraneh Mansouri, a medical engineering student at the Sahand University in Tabriz was expelled from university after three semesters on December 15, 2010. She was verbally expelled for unknown reasons.
According to reports, student cards were not issued for this expelled student and another expelled Baha’i student who were studying in the Sahand University and they were told that ‘the student cards for these two students have not been issued as yet’.
In the end of the second semester, the head of the university told Faraneh Mansouri that he was “unable to do anything for her”.
“I do not know if they will finally expel you or not. They might call me one day and say that a certain student has been banned from education and I will inform that student. I only give their message to you and cannot do anything else”…
Baha’i students who were expelled from the Sahand University in Tabriz are Sama Nourani, Sina Dana and Faraz Vazirzadeh. (Population of Combat against Educational Discrimination, Pars Daily News – Dec. 26, 2010)

Christian man severely tortured in Shahriar Intelligence Agency
After summoning a Christian convert who is active in a home church to the Shahriar Intelligence Agency, security forces severely tortured and beat him while interrogating him.
According to reports, Alireza Najafi Zadeh, 23, is married and is the father of a new born baby.
This 23 year old man is a resident of Shahriar and a member of the Karaj home church. He was arrested because of his faith and his Christian activities and was subjected to brutal mental and physical torture for three days…
“On that day, when I introduced myself to reception (of the Intelligence Agency) he asked me to wait. A few minutes later, another person came and put a bag over my head and led me to another room. I could not see anything. They took me to a place where a person interrogated me. It seemed that he had a lot of information about Christianity and Christians in Iran. He asked me to tell him the name of the home church I went to and the names of the church leaders and its members and the Christian satellite networks and enunciation organizations I worked with”, he said.
“When my answers did not satisfy him, he told me that they would keep me until I talked and gave them all the information they wanted. They then took me to another location with the bag still over my head. It felt like a very small solitary cell because I could not lie down and there was only enough room to sit. I was kept there for a while. In this time, a number of people whom I did not see threw water on me and wet me all over. I lost track of time.
A few hours later, I was taken for interrogations with the same person. This time, when my answers did not satisfy him, he started kicking me very hard in my body. Sometimes he would call someone else and ask him to beat me so that I would give him the answers he wanted. That person would severely beat me and use profane language. My hands were tied from behind to the chair and I could not defend myself”.
Alireza was interrogated several times. He was taken to a special room and was hanged from the ceiling with his handcuffs. Security forces then beat him with cables and hoses using profane language to insult Christians, Christianity and his family. When Alireza said that he would talk because of the torture, he was brought down and the interrogator once again asked questions about the home church and his communications with the Christian satellite TV channels.
“This time, when my answers did not satisfy them, they hung me from my feet and started lashing me with greater force than before with an object that I think was a water hose or electrical cable. They would lash various parts of my body 10 to 15 times every time and continued until I passed out. They would then throw water on me and would kick and punch me again and repeat their questions. The force of their strikes and beating would increase every time and their language would become more profane until I totally passed out and do not know what happened after that”.
Finally, on Friday August 31, 2010 after three days of torture and interrogation his family were able to give a pledge for his release from the Shahriar Intelligence Agency. Because of the signs of torture on his body, security forces banned him from going to a doctor or hospital for treatment as a condition for his release and told him to wait for his trial in the Revolutionary Court. (Human Rights Activists in Iran, Mohabat News – Dec. 27, 2010)

Iran arrests 10 Christians one day after Christmas
Security and intelligence forces in Iran arrested a group of Christian converts in Tehran on Christmas in an organized measure.
According to reports from Tehran, on Sunday December 26, security forces arrested a group of Christian converts separately in their homes in a pre-planned measure.
According to this report, agents entered their homes and conducted a search after arresting them. Some of their personal items including their computers were also confiscated.
According to unofficial sources, some of the detainees were with their families at the time of the arrest and 10 people have been arrested so far…
Some sources in Tehran also report that security forces have told the families of the deatined Christians that they have been charged with apostasy, promoting Christianity and having links to Christian organizations outside of Iran.
These people have been taken to unknown locations. A number of them have been able to make very short phone calls to their families to inform them of their arrest and they were apparently not able to give more explanations regarding their conditions. (Mohabat News – Dec. 28, 2010)

Iran arrests 3 Baha’is in Orumieh
Three Baha’is identified as Shiva Karimi, Homeira Parvizi and Navid Morghi were arrested on Tuesday December 28 in Orumieh.
According to reports, security forces raided the homes of five Baha’i families and after searching and confiscating their personal belongings, they arrested Karimi, Parvizi and Morghi.
In the past few weeks, pressures have mounted on Baha’i citizens in various Iranian cities. From early December, Mahin Taj Rohani and Roya Qanbari in Sari and Adib Haq Pajouh in Shiraz were arrested by security forces in their homes while Shole Taef, a Baha’i woman in Semnan, was summoned to prion to serve her one year prison term. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Dec. 31, 2010)

اخراج دانشجوي بهايي از دانشگاه سهند تبريز
فرانه منصوري، دانشجوي رشته مهندسي پزشکي دانشگاه سهند تبريز پس از 3 ترم تحصيل در تاريخ 22 آذر 1389 به علت نامشخص و به شکل شفاهي از دانشگاه سهند تبريز اخراج گرديد.
براساس اين گزارش، براي اين دانشجوي اخراجي و يکي ديگر از دانشجويان بهايي در حال تحصيل در دانشگاه سهند تبريز از ترم 2 به بعد کارت دانشجويي صادر نمي گردد، و در ادامه پيگيري هاي اين دانشجويان مسئولين دانشگاه ابراز مي دارند «کارت دانشجويي اين دو نفر فعلا صادر نشده است.»
در پايان ترم 2 رئيس دانشگاه سهند تبريز به فرانه منصوري اعلام مي دارد :« کاري از دست من بر نمي آيد، من هيچ اطلاعي ندارم که آيا نهايتا شما را اخراج مي کنند يا خير، ممکن است يک روز با من تماس بگيرند و بگويند فلان دانشجو از حق تحصيل محروم است، من هم به آن دانشجو ابلاغ ميکنم. من فقط پيام آنها را به شما مي رسانم و کار بيشتري از من بر نمي آيد.»...
از دانشجويان بهايي که در سال هاي اخير از دانشگاه سهند تبريز اخراج گرديده اند مي توان به «سما نوراني، سينا دانا، فراز وزيرزاده» اشاره کرد. (جمعيت مبارزه با تبعيض تحصيلي, پارس ديلي نيوز – 5/10/89)

شكنجه و ضرب وشتم يك نوكيش مسيحي در بازداشتگاه اطلاعات شهريار
ماموران امنيتي پس از احضار يكي از نوكيشان مسيحي فعال در كليساي خانگي به اداره اطلاعات شهرستان شهريار، ضمن بازداشت و بازجويي از ايشان، وي را به شدت مورد شكنجه و ضرب و شتم قرار دادند .
به گزارش خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران"هرانا" آقاي "عليرضا نجفي زاده " ۲۳ ساله متاهل و داراي يك فرزند نوزاد است .
وي ساكن شهرستان شهريار و عضو كليساهاي خانگي كرج مي باشد كه در مهرماه سالجاري پس از اين كه بخاطر ايمان و فعاليت هاي مسيحي خود توسط ماموران امنيتي مورد شناسائي قرار گرفت، بمدت ۳ روز تحت بدترين نوع شكنجه هاي روحي و جسمي به سر برد ...
اين شهروند مسيحي درباره وقايع پس از بازداشت خود به گزارشگر "محبت نيوز" گفت :
" در همان روز پس از اينكه خود را به شخصي كه در پشت يك ميز كامپيوتر حضور داشت معرفي كردم وي از من خواست تا منتظر بمانم . دقايقي بعد شخص ديگري آمد و يك گوني بر روي سرم كشيد و مرا به اطاقي ديگر هدايت كرد. ديگر چشمانم جائي را نمي ديد . من را به مكاني بردند كه يك نفر در آنجا از من بازجوئي ميكرد . به نظر مي رسيد كه وي اطلاعات زيادي درباره مسيحيت و مسيحيان ايران دارد . او از من خواست كه بگويم با كدام كليساهاي خانگي فعاليت ميكنم . اسامي رهبران و اعضاي آنها را بگويم و اينكه با كدام شبكه هاي ماهواره اي مسيحي و سازمان هاي بشارتي خارج كشور كار ميكنم ! .
وقتي جواب هاي من بازجويم را قانع نكرد او به من گفت كه ما تو را نگه ميداريم تا حرف بزني و همه اطلاعات مورد نياز ما را بدهي . آنگاه دوباره من را با همان چشمان بسته به محل ديگري بردند كه احساس كردم سلول انفرادي بسيار كوچكي است چون نمي توانستم در آنجا دراز بكشم و فقط جا براي نشستن بود . مدتي در آنجا بودم ؛ در طي اين مدت چند بار افرادي كه من آنها را نميديدم بر روي من آب ريختند و سر تا پايم را خيس كردند . زمان را گم كرده بودم و نميدانستم چه مدت گذشته است .
ساعاتي بعد دوباره مرا براي بازجوئي نزد همان شخص بردند . اين بار وقتي پاسخ هايم او را قانع نميكرد با پاي خودش لگدهاي محكمي به بدن من ميزد . گاهي اوقات نيز اسمي را صدا ميزد و از شخص ديگري ميخواست كه من را به باد كتك بگيرد تا جواب هاي مورد نظر او را بدهم . آن شخص نيز در حاليكه فحش هاي ركيك ميداد من را به شدت زير مشت و لگد ميگرفت .دستهاي من از پشت به صندلي بسته شده بود و توان هيچ دفاعي از خود را نداشتم .
"عليرضا" بدفعات مورد بازجويي قرار ميگيرد سپس براي اينكه ماموران به پاسخ هاي مورد نظرشان برسند آنها وي را به اطاق ويژه اي ميبرند و با دستبند وي را آويزان ميكنند و ضمن فحاشي به مسيحيان و مسيحيت و همچنين اداي كلمات ركيك درباره او و خانواده اش با شلنگ و كابل به جان او ميافتند . وقتي "عليرضا "زير فشار شكنجه ميگويد كه حرف خواهد زد او را پائين مي آورند و دوباره بازجو همان سوالات درباره كليساهاي خانگي و شبكه هاي ماهواره اي مسيحي و ارتباط او با آنها را تكرار ميكند .
"عليرضا" كه هنوز پس از گذشت بيش از ۲ ماه از آن ماجرا آثار شكنجه و ضرب و شتم بر روي بدنش به وضوح مشاهده ميشود درباره ادامه ماجرا به گزارشگر "محبت نيوز" گفت :
وقتي باز هم جواب هاي من آنها را قانع نكرد اين بار از پا من را آويزان كردند و با شدت بيش از پيش با اجسامي كه فكر ميكنم شلنگ آب يا كابل برق بود هر بار ۱۰ تا ۱۵ ضربه بسيار محكم به نقاط مختلف بدنم ميزند و اينقدر اين كار را ادامه دادند تا من از حال ميرفتم و بعد روي من آب ميريختند و با مشت و لگد دوباره ميزدند و سوالهايشان را تكرار ميكردند . هربار حملات و ضربه هاي آنها شديدتر ميشد و حرفهايشان ركيك تر تا اينكه من به كلي بيهوش شدم و ديگر چيزي نفهميدم .
سرانجام در روز جمعه ۹ شهريور۱۳۸۹ پس از ۳ روز بازجوئي و شكنجه سخت خانواده عليرضا توانستند ضامن معتبري پيدا كنند و با سپردن تعهد وي را از دفتر اطلاعات شهريار بيرون بياورند . بخاطر وجود آثار شكنجه و تنبيه بدني شديد ماموران اطلاعات با اين شرط اجازه مرخص شدن او از بازداشتگاه را دادند كه براي درمان تن مجروح خود به هيچ پزشك يا بيمارستاني مراجعه نكند و منتظر باشد تا نوبت رسيدگي به پرونده او در دادگاه انقلاب برسد. (هرانا – 6/10/89)

بازداشت شماري از هموطنان مسيحي در تهران
در روزهاي مصادف با جشن هاي كريسمس تولد عيسي مسيح و سال نو ميلادي ماموران امنيتي اطلاعات در اقدامي سازمان يافته اقدام به بازداشت جمعي از نوكيشان مسيحي ساكن تهران نمودند."
به نقل از گزارشگران آژانس خبري مسيحيان ايران " محبت نيوز " از تهران ، روز يكشنبه ۵ دي ماه ۱۳۸۹ ( ۲۶ دسامبر ۲۰۱۰) ماموران امنيتي در اقدامي هماهنگ و از پيش تعيين شده جمعي از نوكيشان مسيحي ساكن تهران را بطور جداگانه در منازل شان بازداشت نمودند.
بر پايه اين گزارش ماموران پس از ورود به منازل اين افراد ضمن بازداشت آنان اقدام به بازرسي و تفتيش كامل خانه هاي آنان نموده اند كه در اين راستا برخي از وسايل شخصي از قبيل كامپيوترهاي اين افراد را نيز ضبط و با خود برده اند.
از سوي منابع غير رسمي به "محبت نيوز" در خصوص تعداد بازداشت شدگان گزارش شده كه برخي از اين افراد بهمراه اعضاي خانواده خود بوده اند كه تاكنون تعداد بازداشت شدگان را تا ۱۰ نفر گزارش كرده اند...
همچنين برخي منابع خبري در تهران گزارش دادند كه ماموران امنيتي پس از بازداشت اين شهروندان مسيحي اتهام اين افراد را به خانواده هاي آنان ، تغيير دين (ارتداد) ، ترويج مسيحيت و ارتباط با سازمانهاي مسيحي خارج از كشور اعلام نمودند!
گزارش گرديده افراد بازداشت شده پس از دستگيري به مكانهاي نامعلومي انتقال داده شدند كه برخي از اين افراد تا كنون توانستند در تماسي بسيار كوتاه از سلامت خود خانواده هايشان را با خبر سازند و ظاهرن قادر نبودند تا توضيح بيشتري در مورد وضعيت خود به خانواده هايشان بدهند. (محبت نيوز – 7/10/89)

ادامه فشار بر شهروندان بهايي:بازداشت سه شهروند بهايي در اروميه
کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر- شيوا کريمي، حميرا پرويزي و نويد مرغي، سه تن از شهروندان بهايي ساکن اروميه روز سه شنبه هفتم دي ماه بازداشت شده اند.
بنا بر گزارش هاي دريافتي، روز سه شنبه 7 دي ماه، ماموران امنيتي با يورش به منازل 5 خانواده بهايي پس از تفتيش و توقيف برخي وسايل، شيوا کريمي، حميرا پرويزي و نويد مرغي را بازداشت کردند.
گفتني است در هفته هاي اخير، فشارهاي امنيتي بر روي شهروندان بهايي در شهرهاي مختلف کشور شدت گرفته است. در همين راستا، از ابتداي دي ماه تا کنون، مهين تاج روحاني، رويا قنبري در ساري و اديب حق پژوه در شيراز، پس از تفتيش منازلشان توسط نيروهاي امنيتي بازداشت شدند و شعله طائف، شهروند بهايي ساکن سمنان، جهت اجراي حکم يک سال حبس تعزيري فراخوانده شد. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 10/10/89)

Prison Condition

Death row political prisoner taken to unknown location
Kurd death row political prisoner Reza Sharifi Bukani was taken to an unknown location in the morning.
In light of the threats by security forces against him in the past few days regarding his death sentence, concerns regarding his transfer today have been increased.
According to reports from Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj, Bukani was transferred to an unknown location from Cellblock 4 in this prison at about 10 am under the pretext of being taken to court and there is no news on his condition and whereabouts.
He has been sentenced to death on charges of having communications with and cooperating with Kurd parties. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Dec. 27, 2010)

Prison officials prevent prisoners from holding memorial for executed political prisoner Ali Saremi
The heads of Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj have prevented political prisoners detained in cellblock 2 from holding a memorial service for Ali Saremi (who was executed on December 28 in Evin Prison).
According to reports, despite this ban by the heads of cellblock 2, many non-political prisoners came to the cells of political prisoners to express their condolences. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 28, 2010)

Basic freedom and rights abused

False charges brought against political prisoner in court without presence of lawyer
According to reports, on Sunday, December 26 at about 9:30 am, political prisoner Reza Sharifi Bukani was transferred to the first branch of the Shahriar Revolutionary Court in Karaj and new charges were brought against him. He was tried by the head of this branch, Mir Ghafari. His trial lasted from 11 am to 2 pm. He was charged with giving consultation to and being a member of the Iran Kurdistan Democratic Party and acting against national security. He was also verbally charged with another false accusation that he ordered the bombing in the Amir Mosque. Mirghafari also threatened him with execution.
“You will pay the price for giving out statements with Mojahed prisoners’, he told him.
This trial was carried out without previous announcement and without the presence of his lawyer. (Human Right and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 26, 2010)

Political prisoner banned from seeing lawyer
The heads of Evin Prison have prevented political prisoner Hossein Ronaghi Maleki from sending his letters to the Tehran Prosecutor and from seeing his lawyer.
According to reports, this political prisoner was illegally sentenced to 15 years of prison by the 26th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court. This sentence was upheld by the 54th branch of the court of review and has only been able to see his lawyer, Mohammad-Ali Dadkhah, once on July 13, 2010. Prison officials even refuse to give his letters to the Tehran Prosecutor and his lawyer. In previous visits with the Tehran Prosecutor, his family denied the charges brought against him and said that the things published in the hardline Kayhan Daily against him were sheer lies. In this visit, the Tehran Prosecutor denied that anything was published about him in the Kayhan Daily.
Hossein Ronaqi was under severe mental and physical torture in a solitary cell in Evin Prison’s cellblock 2A for one year. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 26, 2010)

Jailed labor activist threatened for holding memorial for slain cellmate
According to reports, after political prisoners in cellblock 3 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj held a memorial ceremony for political prisoner Ali Saremi (who was executed a few days ago), Faraji, the deputy of the Intelligence Unit came to their cellblock and threatened the prisoners. Political prisoners were also banned from fresh air time.
On Thursday December 30, after the memorial service, Mansour Osalu, the head of the Union of Workers of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company was summoned to the Intelligence Unit where he was interrogated for a long time and threatened that a new case would be filed against him. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 30, 2010)

Intelligence agents harass family of executed political prisoner
Agents of the Intelligence Agency have ripped off the address plate of executed political prisoner Ali Saremi’s home and ripped off his pictures from the house door after threatening his family.
According to reports from Iran, the Iranian government asked Ali Saremi’s wife to pledge not to hold a gathering for her husband and to keep her silent, forced her to sign a 10 year prison sentence issued by Judge Salavati. In addition to this, intelligence agents ripped off the address plate from the home of the Saremi family which made it hard for family friends and relatives to find their home which they had recently moved into. These agents also ripped off pictures of this executed political prisoner from the house door. This family was threatened over the phone that they had no right to say anything to anyone about this issue or else they will lock their door and ban people from entering. (Center to Defend Families of those Slain and Detained in Iran – Dec. 30, 2010)

شرايط زندان

انتقال رضا شريفي بوکاني زنداني سياسي محکوم به اعدام به مکاني نامعلوم
رضا شريفي بوکاني زنداني سياسي کرد محکوم به اعدام، صبح امروز به مکاني نامعلوم منتقل گرديد.
با توجه به تهديدهايي که توسط مقامات امنيتي طي روزهاي اخير مبني بر اجراي حکم اعدام وي صورت گرفته نگراني ها در مورد انتقال امروز اين زنداني شدت يافته است.
به گزارش کميته دانشجويي دفاع از زندانيان سياسي، بنا به اخبار واصله از تبعيدگاه رجايي شهر کرج (گوهردشت) رضا شريفي بوکاني زنداني سياسي زندان رجايي شهر کرج، حوالي ساعت 10 صبح امروز و به بهانه اعزام به مراجع قضايي از بند 4 زندان رجايي شهر کرج به مکان نامعلومي انتقال داده شد و تا غروب امروز و لحظه تنظيم اين خبر اطلاعي از وضعيت وي در دست نمي باشد.
رضا شريفي بوکاني به اتهام ارتباط و همکاري با يکي از احزاب کرد به اعدام محکوم گرديده. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 6/10/89)

ممانعت مسئولين زندان از برگذاري مراسم براي علي صارمي
مسئولين زندان از برگذاري مراسم ياد بود براي علي صارمي که توسط زندانيان سياسي محبوس در بند 2 زندان رجايي شهر کرج ممانعت به عمل آوردند.
بنا به گزارش ارگان خبري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران "هرانا" علي رغم ممانعت مسئولين بند 2 از برگذاري مراسم بسياري از زندانيان عادي با مراجعه به اتاق زندانيان سياسي به ايشان تسليت گفتند. (هرانا – 7/10/89)

نقض حقوق پايه اي

پرونده سازي جديد و محاکمۀ زنداني سياسي رضا شريفي بوکاني

بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران، روز يکشنبه 5 دي ماه حوالي ساعت 09:30 زنداني سياسي رضا شريفي بوکاني به شعبۀ 1 دادگاه انقلاب شهريار کرج منتقل شد و پرونده جديدي عليه او گشود شد. او توسط فردي بنام مير غفاري رئيس اين شعبه مورد محاکمه قرار گرفت. دادگاه اين زنداني سياسي از ساعت 11:00 تا ساعت 14:00 ادامه داشت.
اتهاماتي که به زنداني سياسي رضا شريفي نسبت داده شده بود عبارت بودند از؛ مشاوره کردن و عضويت در حزب دمکرات کردستان ايران و اقدام عليه امنيت نظام.همچنين بصورت شفاهي اتهام دروغين ديگري تحت عنوان دستور بمب گذاري در مسجد امير . ميرغفاري او را تهديد کرد و گفت: مي زنيمت زمين (منظور اعدام اوست). ميرغفاري در ادامه تهديداتش خطاب به آقاي شريفي گفت:اين همه بيانيه مي دهي همراه با زندانيان مجاهد برايت گران تمام خواهد شد.
محاکمه زنداني سياسي رضا شريفي بوکاني بصورت ناگهاني و بدون اطلاع قبلي صورت گرفت و از داشتن وکيل مدافع محروم بود. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 5/10/89)

کارشکني در پرونده حسين رونقي ملکي، زنداني سياسي
مسئولين زندان اوين از ارسال نامه توسط زنداني سياسي، حسين رونقي ملکي به دادستان تهران و ملاقات با وکيل خود جلوگيري ميکنند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران خبرگزاري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران (هرانا)، اين زنداني سياسي که در حکمي غير قانوني توسط شعبه 26 دادگاه انقلاب تهران به 15 سال زندان محکوم و اين حکم توسط شعبه 54 دادگاه تجديد نظر تاييد شده بود تا به امروز تنها يک بار در تاريخ 22 تير ماه با وکيل خود "محمد علي دادخواه" ملاقات داشته است. مسئولين زندان حتي از دادن نامه هاي اين زنداني سياسي به دادستان تهران و وکيل خود جلوگيري ميکنند. خانواده اين زنداني در ديدار قبلي با دادستان تهران اتهامات اين زنداني سياسي را رد و مطالب درج شده در روزنامه کيهان را کذب محض خواندند. در اين ديدار دادستان تهران هرگونه چاپ مقاله يا خبر در مورد حسين رونقي ملکي را در روزنامه کيهان تکذيب کرد.
لازم به ذکر است که خانواده اين زنداني سياسي وضعيت روحي وي را مناسب ذکر کردند.
حسين رونقي ملکي به مدت 1 سال در سلول انفرادي بند 2 الف سپاه پاسداران زندان اوين تحت شکنجه هاي جسمي و روحي قرار داشته است. (هرانا – 5/10/89)

تهديد به پرونده سازي جديد عليه منصور اسالو بدليل گراميداشت همبند شهيدش
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" در پي برگزاري مراسم گراميداشت شهيد راه آزادي مردم ايران علي صارمي توسط زندانيان سياسي بند 3 زندان گوهردشت کرج فرجي جانشين اطلاعات زندان با حضور در بند شروع به تهديد کردند زندانيان سياسي نمود و هواخوري آنها را قطع کرد.
روز پنجشنبه 09 دي ماه در پي گراميداشت زندان ياد علي صارمي در بند 3 منصور اسالو رئيس هيئت مديره سنديکاي شرکت واحد به اطلاعات زندان احضار شد و پس از بازجويي طولاني او را تهديد به پرونده سازي جديد نمودند. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 9/10/89)

ماموران اطلاعات علاوه بر تهديد خانواده علي صارمي پلاك منزلشان را کندند
ماموران اطلاعات علاوه بر تهديد خانواده علي صارمي پلاك خانه علي صارمي را كنده و عكس هاي او كه به درب منزلشان زده بودند راپاره كردند
مطابق گزارشات رسيده از ايران حكومت از تردد مردم به منزل زنداني سياسي اعدام شده علي صارمي بسيار وحشت دارد. همان روز اول از همسر او تعهد گرفته بودند كه هيچ سرو صدا وتجمعي نبايد برگزار شود و براي ساكت كردن او يك حكم غيرواقعي 10 سال زندان با تبعيد از طرف قاضي صلواتي جلوي او گذاشته و اورا مجبور به امضاء كرده بودند علاوه بر اين ماموران اطلاعات پلاك خانه علي صارمي را كنده بودند و اين امر افراد فاميل و ديگر دوستان و آشنايان را به دليل جديد بودن خانه براي يافتن منزل آنها دچار مشكل كرده بود ,همچنين عكس هاي زنداني سياسي اعدام شده علي صارمي را كه جلوي درب منزل زده بودند كنده و پاره كرده بودند. علاوه بر اين با تلفن آنها را تهديد ميكنند كه حق نداريد صدايتان به بيرون درز كند . وگرنه درب خانه را مي (كانون حمايت ازخاتواده هاي جان باختگان و بازداشتي ها – 9/10/89)
Iran promises to step up brutal hand amputations for robbers
The Kermanshah Public Prosecutor said that those who disrupt the comfort and security of the people will be seriously and decisively dealt with.
“The issue of psychological insecurity is mostly a result of robberies therefore, the judicial system has decided to deal decisively and in a special manner with the negative phenomenon of robbery”, Allahyari Maleshahi said.
“In the past 20 days, a large number of sentences including the hand amputation of an experienced robber were carried out in the Kermanshah Central Prison with the presence of the families of the victims and other prisoners who were arrested on robbery charges and convicts should know that the process of amputation will continue in a decisive manner”. (ISNA state-run news agency – Dec. 27, 2010)

Prison agents attack prisoners in Gohardasht Prison’s cellblock 1
According to reports, political prisoners in cellblock 1 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj countered an attack by prison guards and after a long clash, the guards forces fled the scene.
On Thursday December 30, at about 9:30 am, more than 60 prison guards raided cellblock 1 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj and beat the defenseless prisoners. The prisoners, fought back…
Prison guards periodically raid prison cells and beat them. The guards also break and destroy the very minimum facilities that these prisoners have. These guards even seize the food that prisoners buy with their own money at high prices from the prison shop. A number of prisoners were injured in the raid.
The prison guards get its orders from Ali Haj Kazem and Ali Mohammadi, the head and assistant head of the prison and under the supervision of Faraji, the head of the prison Intelligence Unit. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 30, 2010)

Iran court orders acid attacker to ‘lose eye, ear’
An Iranian court has ruled that a man must lose an eye and an ear after he blinded and burnt an ear of another man in an acid attack, newspapers reported Wednesday.
Judge Aziz Mohammadi gave the order against the man, who was only identified as Hamid, after convicting him of throwing acid on the victim, named as Davoud, said the hardline Kayhan newspaper.
The judge also ordered Hamid to pay blood-money for the burn injuries suffered by Davoud, in a ruling issued under the Islamic republic’s eye-for-an-eye justice code…
In November, the Supreme Court upheld a sentence of blinding with acid against a man only named as Mojtaba, who blinded his lover’s husband in the holy city of Qom.
In February 2009, Majid Movahedi was sentenced to be blinded in both eyes for having hurled acid in the face of a university classmate, Ameneh Bahrami, who refused his marriage proposal.
(AFP – Dec 29, 2010)

Iran sentences political activist to more than 6 years of prison and 74 lashes
Dr. Ali Moussavi who is member of the Youth Organization of the Pan-Iranist Party was sentenced to six and a half years of prison, 74 lashes and a 3 million rial fine by the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Pir Abbas on charges of acting against national security and propagating against the government. This sentence was not officially announced to him and he was only shown the sentence. (Cyrus News Agency – Dec. 31, 2010)

Jailed father of Ashraf resident in very critical condition denied chemotherapy
According to reports, jailed Tehran Bazaar merchant Mohsen Dokmeh Chi has advanced cancer after being denied treatment for his pancreas cancer for four months and there is only a slight chance that his treatment would be effective now. His life is in serious danger as a result.
Dokmeh Chi was taken to the Modares Hospital on December 18 after his condition became critical and underwent a 5 hour surgery which doctors described as unsuccessful. He was transferred to the ICU and was given intravenous fluids while unconscious. This political prisoner is shackled to the bed in this condition and prison guards guard him on a 24 hour basis. His family has also been banned from seeing him in the hospital.
The doctors are angry over the inhumane treatment of this political prisoner in their hospital and the 24 hour surveillance by prison guards and have described it as one of the reasons his condition has deteriorated.
After the unsuccessful surgery, doctors said that the only way he might be treated is with chemotherapy but because of the late treatment and the advanced cancer they have expressed doubt over its effectiveness.
In a letter to the Tehran Prosecutor, Abbas Jafari Dolat Abadi, the doctors have requested that he receive urgent treatment and they announced that after he heals from the surgery, chemotherapy has to be immediately started. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 31, 2010)

Arbitrary arrests

Political arrests

Iran arrests 20 people in home of death row political prisoner
After security and intelligence agents raided the home of the father of death row political prisoner Habibollah Latifi, 20 people were arrested and taken to an unknown detention center.
According to reports, at 10 pm last night, 12 guests and 8 members Habibollah’s family were arrested in a widespread raid to his father’s home.
On the other hand, the phones of Sanandaj Prion have been cut off and there are no reports on the fate of Habibollah Latifi.
Notably, last night, about 30 Special Guards Forces along with intelligence agents participated in the raid. The identity of the 12 detained guests is still unknown.
Eye witnesses said that security forces used violence including beatings to arrest these people. (Habibollah Latifi was scheduled to be hanged on Sunday but after widespread protests, his death sentence was halted.) (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 27, 2010)

Detained activists transferred to Sanandaj Prison’s quarantine section
In the past few days, most of the detained family members of death row political prisoner Habibollah Latifi and a large number of civil rights activists who opposed the probability of the implementation of Latifi’s sentence were arrested. Most of members of the Latifi family have been released but they still cannot be contacted.
On the other hand, most of the detained civil rights activists were taken from the Intelligence Agency to the quarantine section of the Central Sanandaj and there are no reports on their condition. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Dec. 30, 2010)

اعمال ضد بشري و مجازاتهاي بيرحمانه
قطع عضو, شلاق, شكنجه, تحقير و توهين

دادگستري رژيم از افزايش مجازات وحشيانه قطع عضو خبر داد
رييس کل دادگستري استان کرمانشاه در جلسه شوراي قضايي استان از برخورد جدي و قاطع با اخلالگران آسايش و امنيت مردم خبر داد.
الهيار ملکشاهي گفت: بحث ناامني رواني که بيشتر از سرقت ناشي شده...، لذا در دستگاه قضايي تصميم گرفته شد که با پديده منفي سرقت به صورت ويژه و قاطع برخورد شود.
رييس کل دادگستري استان کرمانشاه، گفت: در اين راستا در طول 20 روز گذشته احکام بسياري هم چون قطع يد يکي از سارقين سابقه دار با حضور خانواده مالباختگان و ديگر زندانيان جرايم سرقت در محل زندان مرکزي کرمانشاه اجرا شد و مجرمين بدانند که اين روند قطع يد با قاطعيت ادامه خواهد يافت. (ايسنا – 6/10/89)

مقابلۀ زندانيان بند1 زندان گوهردشت کرج با يورشها وحشيانه گارد زندان و فراري دادن آنها
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" زندانيان سياسي بند 1 زندان گوهردشت کرج با يورش وحشيانه گارد زندان به مقابله برخواستند و بعد از مدتي درگيري گارد زندان را مجبور به فرار کردند.
روز پنجشنبه 9 دي ماه حوالي ساعت 09:30 بيش از 60 نفر از نيروهاي گارد زندان به بند 1 زندان گوهردشت يورش بردند و با باتون زندانيان بي دفاع را مورد ضرب وشتم قرار دادند. زندانيان جان به لب شده بصورت جمعي به مقابله با آنها برخواستند...
گارد زندان بصورت متناوب به سلولهاي زندانيان بي دفاع و اسير يورش مي برد آنها را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار مي دهد و حداقل امکانات آنها را تخريب و يا ضبط مي کند. گارديها حتي از غذاي زندانيان که از فروشگاه زندان با چندين برابر قيمت معمول خريداري مي کنند نمي گذرند و آن را هم با خود مي برند. در اين درگيري تعدادي از زندانيان مصدوم شدند.
گارد زندان بدستور علي حاج کاظم وعلي محمدي رئيس و معاون زندان و تحت نظارت فرجي رئيس اطلاعات زندان به بند 1 يورش بردند. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 9/10/89)

دادگاه ايران دستور مي‌دهد، مهاجمي که اسيدپاشي کرده است چشم و گوشش را از دست بدهد
روزنامه‌هاي ايران روز چهارشنبه گزارش دادند، يک دادگاه ايران حکم کرده است تا مردي که در حمله‌يي با پاشيدن اسيد، چشم نفر ديگري را نابينا کرده و گوشش را سوزانده است بايستي يک چشم و يک گوشش را از دست بدهد.
روزنامه تندروي کيهان گفت، قاضي عزيز محمدي بر عليه مردي که به اسم حميد معرفي شده بعد از مجرم شناختن وي در اسيدپاشي بر روي قرباني که به نام داوود معرفي شده اين حکم را صادر کرده است.
در حکمي که تحت قانون قضايي چشم در مقابل چشم جمهوري اسلامي صادر شده، اين قاضي هم‌چنين به حميد دستور داده است تا خونبهاي جراحاتي که داوود متحمل شده را به وي بپردازد.
روزنامه شرق گفته است، حميد به دادگاه گفته است او داوود را بجاي يک همکلاسي که در دبيرستان در برابرش قلدري مي‌کرده اشتباهي گرفته است.
اين گزارشات نمي‌گويند که آيا مقامات اين مجازات را با استفاده از اسيد اجرا مي‌کنند يا خير.
در چند سال گذشته چندين حمله با اسيد در ايران گزارش شده است.
در ماه نوامبر دادگاه عالي حکم نابينا کردن با اسيد را در رابطه با مردي که فقط او را مجتبي معرفي کرده بود تأييد کرد. .. (خبرگزاري فرانسه – 8/10/89)

يك فعال سياسي به شش سال و نيم زندان و74 ضربه شلاق محکوم کرديد
سرور دکتر علي موسوي از اندامان سازمان جوانان حزب پان ايرانيست در شعبه ي 26 دادگاه انقلاب به رياست قاضي پير عباس به اتهام اقدام عليه امنيت ملي و تبليغ عليه نظام به شش سال و نيم حبس تعزيري و 74 ضربه شلاق و سه ميليون ريال جريمه نقدي محکوم گرديد. اين راي خارج از عرف حقوقي و قضايي، به ايشان ابلاغ نگرديد و تنها به صورت حضوري به رويت ايشان رسيد. (آژانس خبري كوروش – 10/10/89)

بازاري زنداني محسن دکمه چي در معرض خطر جدي مرگ قرار دارد
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" بازاري زنداني محسن دکمه چي پس از 4 ماه عدم درمان، سرطان پانکراس وي پيشرفت نموده و احتمال درمان او را بسيار ضعيف کرده است . اين مسئله باعث شده است که جان او را در معرض خطر جدي قرار دهد.
بازاري زنداني محسن دکمه چي پس از و خامت حالش 27 آذر ماه به بيمارستان منتقل شد4. دي ماه در بيمارستان مدرس تحت عمل جراحي سنگين 5 ساعته قرار گرفت،اما پزشکان معالج وي اين عمل جراحي را نا موفق خواندند.آقاي دکمه چي پس از عمل جراحي به آي .سي . يو منتقل شد در حالي که در بيهوشي بسر مي برد و به دست او سرم وصل بود با پا بند پاهاي او را به تخت بسته بودند همچنين سه پاسدار بصورت شبانه روزي مراقب او مي باشند. خانواده آقاي دکمه چي حق ملاقات با وي را در بيمارستان ندارند.
پزشکان و کادر درماني آقاي دکمه چي از شيوۀ برخورد غير انساني با بيمارشان مانند زدن پابند و حضور دائمي سه پاسدار بربالاي سر وي خشمگين هستند و اين برخوردها را يکي از عوامل تشديد شرايط جسمي وي مي دانند.
پزشکان معالچ پس از عدم موفقيت عمل جراحي و تشخيص سرطان پانکراس، شيوه درمان وي را شيمي درماني اعلام کرده اند به دليل عدم در مان به موقع در مراحل اوليه بيماري و پيشرفت آن هنوز از موفقيت آميز بودن اين شيوه درمان اطمينان کامل ندارند .
پزشکان متخصص معالج وي طي نامه اي به عباس جعفري دولتي آبادي خواستار رسيدگي فوري به وضعيت خطرناک جسمي اين بيمار شدند آنها اعلام کرده اند که بايد پس از طي دوران نقاهت بسرعت شيمي درماني او را آغاز کنند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 10/10/89)

دستگيريهاي خودسرانه
دستگيريهاي سياسي

بيست تن در منزل پدر حبيب الله لطيفي بازداشت شدند
در پي يورش ماموران امنيتي و اطلاعاتي به منزل پدري حبيب الله لطيفي زنداني محکوم به اعدام بيست تن بازداشت و روانه بازداشتگاه نامعلومي شدند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، در ساعت 22 شب گذشته دوازده تن از مهمانان به همراه هشت عضو خانواده حبيب الله لطيفي در يک يورش گسترده به منزل پدري اين زنداني سياسي بازداشت شدند.
از سوي ديگر کليه تماس هاي زندانيان محبوس در زندان سنندج قطع شده و هيچگونه اطلاعي از سرنوشت حبيب الله لطيفي به دست نيامده است.
لازم به ذکر است، شب گذشته دست کم 30 تن از نيروهاي گارد ضد شورش به همراه نيروهاي اطلاعاتي به منزل پدري وي يورش برده و در نتيجه آن بيست نفر بازداشت شدند که هويت 12 بازداشتي که ميهمان خانواده حبيبي بوده اند نامشخص است.
شاهدان عيني به گزارشگر هرانا گفتند نيروهاي امنيتي در بازداشت اين افراد دست به اقدامات خشونت آميزي از جمله ضرب و شتم ميهمان زده اند. (هرانا – 6/10/89)
انتقال بازداشت شدگان به قرنطينه زندان عمومي سنندج
طي روزهاي گذشته، اکثريت اعضاي خانواده‌ي حبيب‌الله لطيفي و تعداد زيادي از فعالان مدني که نسبت به احتمال اجراي اين حکم معترض بودند، بازداشت شده اند. پي‌گيري‌هاي کمپين حاکي از آن است که، بيشتر اعضاي خانواده‌ي آقاي لطيفي آزاد شده‌اند، اما هم‌چنان امکان برقراري تماس با آن‌ها وجود ندارد.
از سوي ديگر اکثر فعالان مدني که طي روزهاي گذشته بازداشت شده اند از اداره اطلاعات به قرنطينه زندان مرکزي سنندج منتقل شده اند و قرار اوليه تعدادي از بازداشت شدگان تغيير يافته و از قرار صادره جديد و از سرنوشت آنها اطلاعي در دست نيست. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 9/10/89)

Iran hangs four prisoners in Ahwaz
Four prisoners who were arrested on charges of carrying and possessing narcotics and immoral conduct were executed yesterday in the Karoun Prison in Ahwaz.
According to this report, A.A, H.M and J.J were sentenced to death by the Khuzestan Penal Court which was upheld by the Supreme Court.
In another case, the sentence for another person identified as Gh.F was carried out on charges of immoral conduct. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 26, 2010)

Iran hangs father of Ashraf resident and another political prisoner
Ali Saremi, a member of the Monafeqin grouplet (used by the regime to refer to the PMOI) and Ali Akbar Siadat, an espionage element of the Zionist regime were hanged at dawn today on charges of enmity with God in Evin Prison.
According to the Tehran Prosecutor’s website, Ali Saremi was charged with being a member of the Monafeqin Grouplet, enmity with God and propagating against the holy system of the Islamic Republic…
Ali Saremi was arrested in 2007 because of his constant activities, participating in a ceremony and anti-revolutionary movements in support of the Monafeqin, and sending news to this grouplet. CD’s, films, pictures of the Monafeqin and hand written notes of this grouplet were found in his home and were confiscated.
His trial was held with the presence of the representative of the prosecutor and his lawyer and the 15th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court sentenced him to death in line with article 47 of the Islamic Penal Code and articles 186, 190, and 191. His sentence was finalized in a court of appeal.
The other hanged man, was identified as Ali-Akbar Siadat who had started his communications with the Intelligence Agency of the Zionist regime on 2004…
He was arrested in 2008 when trying to leave the country with his wife… (IRNA state-run news agency – Dec. 28, 2010)

People shouldn’t die for their beliefs” says wife of death row prisoner
Mahin Saremi, wife of death row prisoner Mohammad Ali Saremi, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that she is asking for help from international human rights organizations to save her husband’s life, as he has committed no crime other than being a Mojahedin-e Khalgh (MEK) sympathizer. She emphasized that though her husband has been told about his death sentence several times, the ruling has not been served in writing yet.
Mohammad Ali Saremi is a political prisoner sentenced to death following post-election protests in 2009 due to his relationship with the MEK. Though his sentence has been announced by government sources, it has not been officially presented to his lawyer. Among all those sentenced to death for having relations with the MEK, Saremi is the only prisoner who accepted his charge. Mahin Saremi spoke with the Campaign about her husband’s relationship with the MEK, “How can a person be executed for his beliefs? Yes, my husband had sympathy for the MEK, but can a person be hung because he likes a political group? His activities were limited to going to grave sites of people who shared his way of thinking and reading prayers for them.
“Once we also went to see our son at Camp Ashraf [in Iraq] in 2005. A short time after our return we were arrested and my husband spent a year in prison. A few months later he was arrested on charges of participating in ceremonies commemorating the 19th anniversary of the mass executions of political prisoners in 1988. But I don’t know why he suddenly received the death sentence last year after the elections,” said Saremi.
“Three days after Ashura [27 December 2009], an officer went to my husband’s prison ward and told him that he has been sentenced to death, but my husband refused to receive the ruling, asking them to serve it to his lawyer. But his lawyer has not yet been served. Several times during public appearances, authorities have announced my husband’s death sentence, and have even announced that the appeals court upheld the sentence, but when we went to request a reconsideration of the sentencing, they asked us for a photocopy of the original ruling before they would take action on our request. We didn’t have the ruling, so we wrote letters, requesting a reduction in sentence, but whenever we go to follow up on it, they say our response has not yet arrived,” said Mahin Saremi.
“I expect [human rights organizations] to help us. My husband must be released because he has not done anything. Seeing my son cannot be a crime, but he served a whole year in prison for it. People shouldn’t die for their beliefs. I would like to ask the organizations to try so that my husband does not get convicted at all. He really does not deserve to be in prison or be executed,” said Saremi about what she expects of human rights organizations.
“I see him every 15 days. Thank God he is not in bad shape, but he is in prison after all and his conditions can’t be good,” said Saremi about her husband’s physical and psychological condition.
Mahin Saremi, herself, is also awaiting her sentence, since she was arrested with her husband twice before. “I was also interrogated for having gone to Ashraf. I was also arrested at the grave site with my husband and was released on bail,” she said. (International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran – Dec. 27, 2010)

The authorities did not inform us of my father’s execution,” says Ali Saremi’s daughter
Zeinab Saremi, daughter of Ali Saremi, who was executed in Tehran’s Evin Prison on Tuesday morning on the charge of moharebeh, enmity with God, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that Iranian authorities had not informed the family of her father’s impending execution, and that the family had been alerted about the possibility of the execution through Saremi’s cellmates at Rajaee Shahr Prison, whereupon the family had rushed to Evin Prison. According to Saremi’s daughter, who was still outside Evin Prison Complex at the time of interview, even his attorney was not aware of his time of execution.
She also told the Campaign that security forces arrested her mother and sister and several of their friends who had accompanied the family to the prison complex
Zeinab Saremi was also told to either get in the police vans or to leave the vicinity of the prison. She told the Campaign that she was waiting to take custody of her father’s body.
“Last night (at dusk), my father’s cellmates at Karaj’s Gohardasht [Rajaee Shahr] Prison called our home and said that Ali Saremi had been ‘abducted’ in a very suspicious way, and that his cellmates were aware of his disappearance. They told us to ‘be really afraid’ for him,” Zeinab Saremi told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran.
“We were not informed by the authorities about this execution at all. They hadn’t even informed his lawyer. We were pursuing his case as usual, going to the Supreme Court and any other organization that we thought could help us save my father’s life, writing letters. Even when we had gathered outside the Evin Prison with our family, relatives, and friends to find out about my father’s fate, they told us: ‘Nothing is happening here. Everybody is asleep. Go away,’” she added.
“Two ambulances came at Azan [dawn prayer] time. On one of them was written “Inspection,” and the other had no writings on it. It didn’t even take half an hour. After a little while, we heard the uttering of ‘Ya Hossein’ three times.
There was such echo to this sound that we got the shivers. After the police left one by one, we realized that everything is over. My mother paced in front of the prison all night,” Saremi added.
Zeinab Saremi spoke with the Campaign about charges waged against her father.
“The charge of moharebeh, enmity with God, was completely unfounded for him. His only interest in Mojahedin-e Khalgh (MEK) and Camp Ashraf was my brother who is inside Camp Ashraf.
He even told his interrogators that he was not a member of the MEK and had only gone to Camp Ashraf to visit his son,” she said.
“I would like to ask all human rights organizations not to prevent so many families from become mournful. I hope human rights organizations won’t let this happen to others,” concluded Zeinab Saremi. (International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran – Dec. 28, 2010)

Iran refuses to hand over body of executed political prisoner to family
After the sudden execution of political prisoner Ali Saremi, his family’s attempts to get custody of his body has had consequences such as detention and threats and officials have so far prevented the handover of his body to his family for burial.
According to reports, after his family became aware of his execution, they gathered outside Evin Prison to get his body.
A number of his family and friends were arrested outside of Evin Prison and his wife was forced to sign a pledge that if she talked about this issue, her sentence (10 years of prison) would also be carried out.
According to reports, these limitations on mourning services for him are to prevent any kind of probable protests.
Prison officials had announced before that the family can get Ali Saremi’s body from Kahrizak but one of his family members was arrested while putting up his picture and officials announced that any kind of ceremony for him was banned. (Student Committee in Defense of Political Prisoners – Dec. 29, 2010)

Executed political prisoner denied due process forced to ‘confess’ under torture
Ali Akbar Siadat who was one of the political prisoners in cellblock 350 in Gohardasht Prison and was executed on Tuesday December 28, was convicted on espionage charges for Israel and for ‘corruption on earth’ according to the Tehran Prosecutor’s office.
According to the state-run Jomhouri Islami Daily, he was sentenced to death by the 10th branch of the Revolutionary Court. This is while according to the existing information, he was an employee of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Air Force and legal experts say that according to the law he had to be tried in the Armed Forces Judicial Organization which is the source for looking into the crimes of army personnel. According to reports, in the initial months of his detention, Siadat did not known where he was being detained and did not have any communications with his family. He was forced to accept the charges and confess on TV because of the physical and mental pressure he was subjected to. This political prisoner did not even think that his confessions would lead to the death sentence. His death sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court even as he was deprived of a lawyer in the legal process and even the name of an appointed lawyer has not been published in state-run media. (VOA – Dec. 29, 2010)

Arbitrary killing

Iran kills Baluch resident and arrests another person
In the siege on a border village in Iran’s Baluchestan, security forces killed a Baluch citizen and arrested another person.
On the morning of December 26, security forces once again laid siege on Kahnouk Village in in the Kohoun region in Baluchestan and conducted a search of the village and insulted villagers. Security forces opened fire on a number of the villagers after they protested and a villager identified as Shahibak was killed with three bullets while his younger brother identified as Moulavi was arrested by security forces and taken to an unknown location.
The killing of Baluch citizens under the excuse of controlling security or countering narcotics smuggling has turned into a common event in the past few months. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 30, 2010)

Death sentence

Iran Uses the Holidays to Announce the Imminent Execution of a Student
Today, most of us working with human rights organizations or the media outside Iran are off from work, shopping for Christmas, or spending time with our families. In Iran, government offices are closed on Thursday afternoons and Fridays. Yet, for the Iranian government, Christmas and the weekend's closure presented the ideal opportunity to announce the imminent execution a young Kurdish engineering student and environmentalist to his family.
Habibollah Latify was sentenced to death for "waging war on God" in 2009 and is scheduled to be hanged on Sunday. He was arrested in the fall of 2007 in Sanandaj, the Kordestan provincial capital, north-western Iran for alleged membership in a proscribed armed group. According to Amnesty International, Habibollah's "trial was held behind closed doors and his lawyer was not allowed to be present to defend him. Nor was his family allowed to attend the trial". His family reported that he was held incommunicado for four months and beaten so badly that he was hospitalized for internal bleeding and unable to stand for weeks. Habibollah eventually confessed but retracted his confession during his trial. The court reportedly refused to hear witnesses who could have confirmed that Habibollah was not in the town where the crimes he is accused of were committed.
The streets around us here in Washington are filled with light and joy as families prepare for celebrating Christmas. And yet, in an isolated prison in a remote town in the Iranian Kordestan, a family is pleading to save the life of their 29-year old son, a straight A student and an athlete who loves nature and his country's mountains. They are hoping that our attention would save the life of a young man who instead of serving his country and building the future is scheduled to die in a few hours, after three terrible years of imprisonment.
Since yesterday, human rights groups and the Farsi-speaking media have done their best to draw attention to Habibollah's imminent execution. His sister has given numerous interviews since his lawyer, like other Iranian lawyers, has been warned not to talk about his clients' case to the media. But time is short and, in the absence of international attention, many of us have little hope in the possibility of saving Habibollah's life.
Today many of us who believe in the importance of due process of law feel helpless and overwhelmed by a cascade of unanswered questions. How can we do our work effectively? How can lawyers do their work of defending their clients if the law allows detainees to be interrogated, and tortured, without their presence and if the judges accept coerced confessions as evidence? How can the accused present a proper defense if the law allows the judge to decide whether or not an attorney would be present at their trial, whether or not they can call witnesses to testify? How can attorneys advocate on behalf of their clients and protest about irregularities in the judicial process if doing so leads to their arrest?
Most authoritarian states execute dissidents to deter dissent. A young unknown Kurdish student in an isolated region is a perfect target. Publicizing an unverifiable accusation of involvement in an armed group is meant to prevent a public opinion outrage and create confusion. Many dissidents like Habibollah latifi have been executed based on trumped-up charges, including a school teacher, Farzad Kamangar, who was executed earlier this year. The judicial process leading to these executions rarely allows the public to know the truth about the case or the charges leveled against the defendants.
The Islamic Republic authorities do not often feel compelled to discuss about the evidence in specific cases, explain why trials are held behind closed door, or why they feel threatened by attorneys if their accusations are based on evidence. But they are uncomfortable enough with a judicial process that fails to meet the minimum standards of fair trial to announce their decision to execute Habibollah Latify on a Thursday afternoon two days before Christmas when local authorities are inaccessible and, they hope, there will be no international reaction. (The Huffington Post – Dec. 25, 2010)

Father of Kurd death row political prisoner says son is innocent
Simultaneous with the execution of two political prisoners in Evin Prison, the state-run Iran Daily announced the death sentence in public of two Kurd prisoners. Zaniar and Loqman Moradi are two suspects who were sentenced to death on charges of complicity in the assassination of the son of Marivan’s head of Friday Prayers and two other people last year. Zaniar Moradi’s father Eqbal Moradi, who is also one of the suspects in this case, announced in an interview that he was informed of his son’s death sentence through the media. Moradi also said that his son’s lawyer did not know about the death sentence either…
“My family said that his lawyer has said that my son never accepted his charges and based on this my son’s lawyer will appeal this initial sentence next Saturday”, Eqbal Moradi said…
“It has been years that I live in Iraq’s Kurdistan as a political activist and therefore it is natural that in the Islamic Republic’s opinion, in such cases, people like me would be constantly subjected to such baseless charges.
After my son’s confessions were broadcasted from television, the heads of security institutions called me several times asking me to cooperate with them for them to release my son. Now one has to ask that if I have been introduced as a suspect in this case, how is it that a suspect is given an offer to cooperate on security issues with them? They want to negotiate over my son who has nothing to do with my activities”…
Eqbal also denied that his son had links to the Komala Organization. “My son did not have any links at any time and under no circumstances with Komala or any other political group. He was under 16 years old when he was arrested. No political organization would accept a person in that age for its activities”.
“I request from all human rights organizations and the public conscience not to prevent the execution of my son on these baseless charges in any possible way. His mother and I have been forced to leave Iran because of our activities and cannot do anything for him. Our hope lies with the efforts of the human society and humanitarians in preventing this execution”, he concluded. (Rooz Online website – Dec. 29, 2010)

Political prisoner in danger of execution
The parents of jailed laborer Assad Ibrahim Zadeh (Behnam) asked all freedom lovers and labor organizations in the world in a letter to support their jailed son.
The parents of this political prisoner thanked freedom lovers and labor activists because of their support and asked for more support in saving their son. They also said that their son’s life is in danger and that the Iranian regime’s judiciary has charged him to enmity with God for cooperating with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran. Assad Ibrahim Zadeh was arrested on June 12, 2010 and has been detained in Evin Prison for the last seven months. (Pars Daily News – Dec. 30, 2010)


چهار نفر در اهواز اعدام شدند
چهار زنداني که به اتهام حمل و نگهداري مواد مخدر و عمل منافي عفت بازداشت شده بودند، روز گذشته در زندان کارون اهواز اعدام شدند.
براساس اين گزارش «الف. ع»، «ح. م»، «ج. ج» از سوي دادگاه کيفري استان به اعدام محکوم شدند و راي صادره در خصوص آنان، از سوي ديوانعالي کشور تأييد شد.
هم‌چنين حکم اعدام «غ. ف» به جرم ارتکاب به‌عمل منافي عفت در محل زندان کارون اهواز به اجرا درآمد.
در طي روز گذشته مجموعا هفت نفر در زندانهاي ساري، اهواز و ساوه اعدام شدند. (سايت هرانا - 5/10/89)

ايران پدر يك اشرفي و يك زنداني سياسي ديگر را اعدام كرد
'علي صارمي' عضوگروهك تروريستي منافقين و و 'علي اكبر سيادت'عامل سرويس جاسوسي رژيم صهيونيستي ، سحرگاه امروز(سه شنبه)‌ در زندان اوين به اتهام محاربه به دار مجازات آويخته شدند.
به گزارش ايرنا و به نقل از پايگاه اطلاع رساني دادستاني تهران ،‌ اتهامات علي صارمي عضو گروهك منافقين محاربه و فعاليت تبليغي عليه نظام مقدس جمهوري اسلامي ايران بود...
سرانجام علي صارمي در شهريور ماه 1386 به دليل فعاليت هاي مكرر و حضور در مراسم و تشكل هاي ضد انقلابي در طرفداري از منافقين و ارسال اخبار براي اين گروهك، دستگير شده و در بازرسي از منزل وي ، مقاديري سي دي ، فيلم، عكس هاي منافقين و اوراق دست نويس تشكيلاتي گروهك ياد شده كشف و ضبط مي گردد.
جلسه ي رسيدگي به اتهامات علي صارمي با حضور نماينده ي دادستان و وكيل مدافع وي برگزار مي شود و شعبه ي 15 دادگاه انقلاب اسلامي تهران پس از اخذ آخرين دفاع ، نامبرده را با رعايت ماده 47 قانون مجازات اسلامي و مادتين 186 ، 190 و 191 همين قانون به اعدام محكوم مي نمايد كه پس از اعتراض، حكم صادره در مرجع استيناف ، ‌ قطعي مي گردد.
اين گزارش افزود:محكوم عليه اعدامي ديگر 'علي اكبر سيادت' نام داشت كه از سال 1383 با سرويس اطلاعاتي رژيم صهيونيستي ارتباط برقرار كرده بود...
محكوم عليه در مهر ماه سال 1387 ، زماني كه قصد داشت به همراه همسرش از كشور فرار كند دستگير مي شود.. (ايرنا – 7/10/89)

همسر علي صارمي که در صف زندانيان اعدامي قرار دارد مي‌گويد: ”مردم نبايد به‌خاطر اعتقاداتشان بميرند“.
مهين صارمي، همسر محمدعلي صارمي که در رديف زندانيان اعدامي قرار دارد به کمپين بين‌المللي براي حقوق‌بشر در ايران گفت که او براي نجات جان همسرش از سازمانهاي حقوق‌بشري بين‌المللي درخواست کمک مي‌کند و اينکه علي صارمي هيچ جرمي بجز اين‌که سمپات مجاهدين خلق است، ندارد…
در بين کساني که به‌خاطر رابطه داشتن با ام. ئي. کا محکوم به مرگ هستند، صارمي تنها زنداني است که اتهامش را پذيرفته است. مهين صارمي در مورد رابطه همسرش با ام. ئي. کا با اين کمپين صحبت مي‌کند: ”چطور يک شخص مي‌تواند به‌خاطر اعتقاداتش اعدام شود، همسر من سمپات ام. ئي. کا بود، ولي آيا يک شخص مي‌تواند به‌خاطر آن‌چه دوست داشتن يک گروه سياسي است، حلق‌آويز شود؟ فعاليتهاي او محدود به رفتن بر سر قبر کساني بود که طرز تفکر يکساني با هم داشتند و خواندن دعا براي آنها بود.
مهين صارمي افزود: ”سال 2005 يکيار نبز ما براي ديدن پسرمان به کمپ اشرف در عراق رفتيم. کمي بعد از برگشتن، من و همسرم دستگير شده و همسرم يکسال زنداني شد. چند ماه بعد، او به اتهام شرکت در مراسم نوزدهمين سالگرد قتل‌عام زندانيان سياسي در سال 1988 دستگير شد. ولي من نمي‌دانم چرا سال گذشته بعد از انتخابات، او ناگهان حکم اعدام گرفت“.
مهين صارمي مي‌گويد: ”سه روز بعد از عاشورا، يک افسر به بخش زندان همسرم رفت و به او گفت که به اعدام محکوم شده است، اما همسرم از دريافت اين حکم خودداري کرد، و از آنها خواست که با وکيل تماس بگيرد… .
خود مهين صارمي نيز از هنگامي‌که همراه همسرش دوبار در گذشته دستگير شد، منتظر دريافت حکم مي‌باشد. او گفت: ”من نيز به‌خاطر رفتن به اشرف مورد بازجويي قرار گرفتم. من نيز در اين سايت قبرستان همراه همسرم دستگير شدم و با وثيقه آزاد گشتم“. (سايت کمپين بينالمللي براي حقوقبشر- 6/10/89)

دختر علي صارمي‌گفت مقامات، اعدام پدرم را به ما اطلاع ندادند
زينب صارمي دختر علي صارمي که روز سه‌شنبه در زندان اوين تهران اعدام شد به کمپين بين‌المللي براي حقوق‌بشر در ايران گفت مقامات ايران به او و خانواده‌اش اطلاع نداده بودند که اعدام او نزديک است و خانواده، تنها از طريق هم‌بنديهاي صارمي در زندان رجايي شهر اين خبر را شنيده بودند...
بنا‌به گفته دختر صارمي که هنوز در زمان مصاحبه، در مقابل زندان اوين حضور داشت، حتي وکيل او از زمان اعدامش مطلع نبود. دختر صارمي به اين کمپين هم‌چنين گفت نيروهاي امنيتي، مادر و خواهرش و چندين نفر از دوستانش که اين خانواده را تا مجموعه زندان اوين، همراهي کردند دستگير شدند...
دختر صارمي‌گفت اتهام او محاربه بود يعني دشمن خدا که کاملاًً بي‌اساس بود. تنها علاقه او به مجاهدين خلق (ام. ئي. کا) و کمپ اشرف، برادرم بود که در داخل اين کمپ است.
او حتي به بازجويانش گفته بود که او عضو ام. ئي. کا نيست و تنها به کمپ اشرف براي ديدار با پسرش رفته بود. زينب صارمي نتيجه گرفت که از همه سازمانهاي حقوق‌بشري مي‌خواهم نگذارد بسياري از خانواده‌ها عزادار شوند. وي گفت اميدوارم سازمانهاي حقوق‌بشري نگذارند چنين چيزي براي ديگران پيش بيايد. (سايت کمپين بينالمللي براي حقوقبشر- 7/10/89)

سرپيچي از تحويل دادن پيکر علي صارمي
پس از اعدام ناگهاني علي صارمي، تلاش هاي خانواده وي جهت تحويل گرفتن جسد، تبعاتي از قبيل بازداشت و تهديد را در پي داشته و تا کنون مسئولان ذيربط از تحويل دادن جسد آقاي صارمي ممانعت به عمل آورده آورده اند.
بر اساس اخبار رسده از ايران،پس از آگاهي خانواده صارمي از اعدام وي در مقابل زندان اوين حاضر شده و تلاش هايي براي تحويل جسد انجام دادند.
حضور خانواده و بستگان آقاي صارمي د رمقابل زندان اوين موجب بازداشت عده اي آنان گرديد و همزمان از همسر علي صارمي تعهداتي اخذ شد که در صورت هرگونه اطلاع رسانه احکامي را هم در مورد وي به اجرا در خواهند آورد.
گزارش ها حاکي از آن است که ايجاد چنين محدوديت هايي به منظور جلو گيري از انجام مراسم تحريم و با توجه به حساسيت موضوع ، پيشگيري از هرگونه اعتراض احتمالي صورت گرفته است.
در همين راستا مي توان اشاره کرد که مسئولان زندان اعلام کرده بودند که صبح روز پنج شنبه خانواده مي توانند جسد علي صارمي را از کهريزک تحويل بگيرند. بر اساس همين امر يکي از بستگان آقاي صارمي در هنگام نصب اعلاميه ترحيم توسط نيروهاي امنيتي بازداشت شده و برگزاري هرنوع مراسمي را ممنوع اعلام کرده اند. (كميته دانشجويي دفاع از زندانيان سياسي – 8/10/89)

اعدام يک نظامي در ايران به حکم دادگاه انقلاب
علي اکبر سيادت يکي از زندانيان سياسي بند ۳۵۰ زندان رجايي شهر که صبح روز سه شنبه هفتم دي ماه ۱۳۸۹ به دار آويخته شد، بنا به اطلاعيه دادستاني تهران در ارتباط با جاسوسي براي اسرائيل و «فساد در ارض» مجرم شناخته شده بود.
بنا به گزارش منابع رسمي جمهوري اسلامي آقاي سيادت در شعبه دهم دادگاه انقلاب به اعدام محکوم شده در صورتي که بنا به اطلاعات موجود وي يکي از پرسنل نيروي هوايي جمهوري اسلامي ايران بوده است. به همين دليل کارشناسان حقوقي مي گويند که نامبرده طبق قانون بايد در سازمان قضايي نيروهاي مسلح که مرجع قانوني رسيدگي به جرائم نظاميان است ، محاکمه مي شد. بنا به گزارش هاي موجود علي اکبر سيادت، در ماه هاي نخست بازداشت خود از محل نگهداري خود اطلاعي نداشته و در حالي که ارتباطي با خانواده نداشته،براي رهايي از فشارهاي جسمي و رواني ناگزير به پذيرش اعتراف هاي تلويزيوني شده است. اين زنداني سياسي، حتي گمان نمي کرده اعتراف هايش مي تواند منجر به صدور حکم اعدام شود. حکم اعدام علي اکبر سيادت زماني به تاييد ديوانعالي کشور رسيد که وي در هيچکدام از مراحل دادگاه دسترسي به وکيل مدافع نداشته و حتي نامي نيز از وکلاي تسخيري وي در ميان خبرهاي منابع رسمي جمهوري اسلامي ايران منتشر نشده است. (صداي آمريكا – 8/10/89)

قتل خودسرانه

قتل يک شهروند بلوچ و بازداشت يک تن ديگر
در محاصره يک روستاي مرزي در بلوچستان ايران نيروهاي امنيتي يک شهروند بلوچ را کشته و يکي ديگر را بازداشت کردند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، صبح روز يک شنبه پنجم دي ماه باري ديگر نيروهاي امنيتي منطقه با محاصره روستاي کهنوک گنيجان دپ در منطقه کوهون اقدام به تفتيش و توهين به روستائيان مي کنند که در اعتراض برخي از ايشان نيروهاي امنيتي به سوي آنان تير اندازي مي کنند در نتيجه اين حمله يکي از روستائيان به نام شهبيک با اصابت سه گلوله جانباخت و برادر کوچکتر وي به نام مولوي خالد توسط اين نيروها بازداشت و به مکان نامعلومي منتقل شد.
کشتار شهروندان بلوچ به بهانه کنترل امنيت منطقه يا مبارز با کالاي قاچاق در منطقه بلوچستان ايران در طي ماه هاي اخير به امري عادي مبدل شده است. (هرانا – 9/10/89)

حكم اعدام

سوء‌استفاده ايران از تعطيلات (کريسمس و سال نو) و اعلام اعدام قريب‌الوقوع يک دانشجو
اين روزها اکثر ماها که با سازمانهاي حقوق‌بشري يا مطبوعات خارج از ايران کار مي‌کنيم در مرخصي بوده و در حال خريدهاي کريسمس يا گذراندن وقت خود با فاميل و دوستان هستيم.
در ايران دفاتر دولتي پنجشنبه بعد ازظهر و روز جمعه تعطيل هستند. ولي ايام کريسمس و تعطيلي آخر هفته يک فرصت ايده‌آلي را براي دولت ايران ايجاد کرده است تا اعدام قريب‌الوقوع يک جوان کرد را که دانشجوي مهندسي و يک فعال محيط زيست هست را اعلام نمايد.
حبيب‌الله لطيفي که در سال 2009 به اتهام محارب به اعدام محکوم شده است قرار است روز يکشنبه اعدام گردد… .
بر اساس گزارش سازمان عفو بين‌الملل محاکمه حبيب‌الله ”پشت دربهاي بسته انجام گرديد و به وکيل او اجازه حضور و دفاع از او را ندادند. به خانواده او نيز اجازه داده نشد تا در جلسه دادگاه او شرکت داشته باشند“.
خانواده او گزارش کرده‌اند که او به مدت چهار ماه در حبس انفرادي نگه‌داري مي‌شده و در اثر ضرب‌وشتم شديد مبتلا به خونريزي داخلي شده بود و براي هفته‌ها قادر به ايستادن نبوده است.
درحالي‌که خيابانهاي اطراف ما در شهر واشنگتن مملو از چراغاني و شادي هست و خانواده‌ها براي برگزاري جشن کريسمس آماده مي‌شوند، در يک زندان دور افتاده در يکي از شهرهاي کردستان ايران، خانواده‌يي در حال تلاش براي نجات جان فرزند 29ساله خود که دانشجويي با معدل تحصيلي a و ورزشکاري که عاشق طبيعت و کوههاي کشورش هست، مي‌باشند.
خانواده او اميدوارند که توجه ما به اين موضوع جان فرزند آنها که قرار است در چند ساعت آينده بعد از سپري کردن سه سال جانفرسا در زندان اعدام شود، را نجات دهد.
گروههاي حقوق‌بشري و مطبوعات فارسي زبان طي چند روز گذشته تلاش کرده‌اند تا به بهترين صورت توجهات را به اعدام قريب‌الوقوع حبيب الله جلب نمايند… .
مقامات دولت به وکيل او مانند ديگر وکلا هشدار داده‌اند تا در مورد پرونده موکل خود با مطبوعات صحبت نکند.
زمان محدود است و در صورت نبود توجهات بين‌المللي اميد کمي به امکان نجات جان حبيب الله وجود دارد… .
ما چگونه مي‌توانيم کار موثري انجام دهيم؟ وکلا چگونه مي‌توانند کار خود در دفاع از موکلينشان را انجام دهند درحالي‌که به آنها اجازه حضور در دادگاه داده نمي‌شود و قانون در ايران اين اجازه را مي‌دهد تا زندانيان همزمان مورد شکنجه و بازجويي قرار گيرند و قاضي شواهد و اعترافات تحت شکنجه را قبول مي‌کند… .
وکلاي ايراني چگونه مي‌توانند از موکلين خود دفاع نموده و به بي‌قانوني‌ها در سيستم قضاييه اعتراض نمايند درحالي‌که اين دفاع منجر به دستگيري آنها مي‌شود.
کشورهاي ديکتاتوري مخالفان خود را اعدام مي‌کنند تا مخالفان را مرعوب ساخته و بترسانند. يک دانشجوي جوان و ناشناخته کرد در يک محل دور افتاده بهترين هدف مي‌تواند براي اين کار باشد… .
تعداد زيادي از مخالفان مانند حبيب الله لطيفي براساس اتهامات دروغ اعدام شده‌اند، فرزاد کمانگر يک معلم دبستان که اوايل امسال اعدام گرديد جزو اين دسته از اعدام شدگان هستند.
پروسه قضايي که منجر به اعدام اين افراد مي‌شود، بندرت به مردم اجازه آگاهي از حقيقت اين پرونده‌ها و اتهامات‌زده شده را مي‌دهد…
مقامات جمهوري اسلامي اغلب احساس مي‌کنند اجباري به توضيح در مورد شواهد اين پرونده‌ها ندارند و نيازي به توضيح نمي‌بينند که اگر شواهد آنها بر اساس واقعيات هست، چرا محاکمه در پشت دربهاي بسته صورت گرفته و چرا اين مقامات از حضور وکلا احساس ترس دارند…
پروسه قضايي در ايران داراي حداقلهاي استاندارد بين‌المللي نبوده و مقامات اميدوارند تا اعلام خبر تصميم به اعدام حبيب الله در بعد ازظهر پنجشنبه و دو روز قبل از کريسمس و در حالي که به‌دليل تعطيلي ادارات در ايران، مقامات ايراني قابل دسترسي نيستند باعث شود تا واکنش بين‌المللي نسبت به اين مسأله صورت نگيرد. (هافينگتون پست- 4/10/89)

پدر زنداني محکوم به اعدام مي گويد كه اتهامات عليه پسرش دروغ است
همزمان با اعدام دو زنداني سياسي در زندان اوين، روزنامه دولتي ايران خبر از صدور حکم اعدام در ملاءعام براي دو زنداني کرد داد. زانيار و لقمان مرادي دو متهمي هستند که به اتهام دست داشتن در ترور فرزند امام جمعه مريوان و دو نفر ديگر در سال گذشته به اعدام محکوم شده اند. اقبال مرادي پدر زانيار مرادي، يکي از اين محکومين به اعدام که خود نيز يکي از متهمان پرونده است، در مصاحبه با روز اعلام مي کند که خبر صدور حکم براي فرزندش را از طريق رسانه ها شنيده است. آقاي مرادي همچنين از بي اطلاعي وکيل پرونده از صدور حکم براي موکلانش خبر مي دهد...
او مي افزايد: "آنطور که خانواده ما به نقل از وکيل پرونده گفته اند پسر من هيچ يک از اتهامات را نپذيرفته و بر همين اساس نيز روز شنبه هفته آينده وکيل مدافع پسرم به اين حکم دادگاه بدوي اعتراض خواهد کرد."...
"من سالهاست که به عنوان يک فعال سياسي در منطقه کردستان عراق زندگي مي کنم، به همين جهت طبيعي است که از نظر جمهوري اسلامي، در مواردي از اين دست افرادي در شرايط من همواره در معرض اتهامهاي بي اساس قرار بگيرند."
اقبال مرادي مي گويد: "بعد از پخش اعترافات تلويزيوني پسرم، مسئولان نهادهاي امنيتي بارها با اينجانب تماس گرفته و خواسته اند که با آنها همکاري کنم تا در برابر پسرم آزاد شود. حال اين سئوال پيش مي آيد، اگر بنده به عنوان يکي از متهمان پرونده معرفي شده ام، چگونه است که آنها به يک متهم پيشنهاد همکاري امنيتي مي دهند؟ آنها مي خواهند بر سر پسرم که هيچگونه ارتباطي با فعاليت هاي من ندارد معامله کنند."...
در مورد اتهام عضويت در کومله مي پرسيم. او داشتن هر گونه ارتباط پسرش با اين حزب راتکذيب مي کند: "پسرم در هيچ مقطعي و تحت هيچ شرايطي کمترين ارتباطي با کومله و هيچ جريان سياسي ديگري نداشته است. او به هنگام دستگيري کمتر از شانزده سال سن داشته. هيچ يک از جريان هاي سياسي فردي با اين سن و سال رابراي فعاليت نمي پذيرد."
اقبال مرادي در پايان مي گويد: "از تمام نهادهاي مدافع حقوق بشر و وجدان عمومي مي خواهم که به هر نحوي شده نگذارند پسرم به اتهام هاي واهي اعدام شود. من و مادرش به علت فعاليتهاي سياسي از ايران خارج شده ايم و هيچ کاري از دستمان بر نمي آيد. تمام اميد ما به تلاشهايي است که جامعه بشري و انساندوستان در رابطه با جلوگيري از اين حکم انجام مي دهند." (روز آنلاين – 8/10/89)

جان کارگر زنداني اسد ابراهيم زاده در خطر است
والدين کارگر زنداني "اسد ابراهيم زاده" (بهنام) در نامه اي خطاب به همه انسان هاى آزاديخواه و سازمان هاى کارگرى در سراسر جهان، خواستار حمايت آنها از فرزند زنداني خود شدند.
در بخشي از اين نامه والدين اين کارگر زنداني ضمن تشکر از افراد آزاديخواه و سازمان هاي کارگري به خاطر حمايت آنها از فرزند زنداني خود و همه کارگران زنداني، خواستار تلاش بيشتر آنها براي نجات جان اسد ابراهيم زاده شده اند. در اين نامه همچنين با اشاره به اين که جان کارگر زنداني اسد ابراهيم زاده در خطر است، اشاره شده که دستگاه قضايي رژيم وي را به جرم همکاري با سازمان مجاهدين به محاربه متهم کرده است. اسد ابراهيم زاده که در تاريخ ٢٢ خردادماه سال جاري دستگير شد مدت ٧ ماه است که در زندان اوين بسر مي برد. (پارس ديلي نيوز – 9/10/89)