Jaras Website
A person close to political prisoner Ehsan Abdi Tabrizi said that he was sentenced to seven years of prison. He was sentenced to two years of prison for insulting the leader, three years for assembling and conspiring and another two years of prison for links to foreign elements. Abdeh who was studying in Britain was arrested upon his arrival in Iran in the International Khomeini Airport and was transferred to Evin Prison. He was detained in a state of limbo in Evin Prison and Intelligence Agency interrogators have refused to release him.
Tabrizi was studying to get his doctor’s degree at the Durham University in Britain... Ehsan Abdi is in cellblock 350 in Evin Prison with other political prisoners.
A person close to political prisoner Ehsan Abdi Tabrizi said that he was sentenced to seven years of prison. He was sentenced to two years of prison for insulting the leader, three years for assembling and conspiring and another two years of prison for links to foreign elements. Abdeh who was studying in Britain was arrested upon his arrival in Iran in the International Khomeini Airport and was transferred to Evin Prison. He was detained in a state of limbo in Evin Prison and Intelligence Agency interrogators have refused to release him.
Tabrizi was studying to get his doctor’s degree at the Durham University in Britain... Ehsan Abdi is in cellblock 350 in Evin Prison with other political prisoners.
يک دانشجوي زنداني به هفت سال حبس محکوم شد
يکي از نزديکان احسان عبده تبريزي گفت: وي به هفت سال حبس محکوم شده است. دو سال از اين هفت سال حکم، بهخاطر توهين به رهبري، سه سال بهخاطر اجتماع و تباني عليه نظام و دو سال به اتهام رابطه با عوامل خارجي قيد شده است. عبده که در انگلستان مشغول به تحصيل بود، هنگام ورود به ايران، در فرودگاه بينالمللي امام بازداشت و روانه زندان اوين شد. وي در تمام اين مدت بهصورت کاملاً بلاتکليف در زندان اوين بهسر ميبرد و هر بار بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات با آزادي او مخالفت ميکنند. احسان عبده تبريزي دانشجوي دکتراي دانشگاه دورهام انگلستان است... احسان عبده تبريزي به همراه تعداد ديگري از زندانيان سياسي در بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوين بهسر ميبرد. (جرس- 12/10/89)
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