The mother and sister of Hesam Tarmasi who was arrested after the election protests and was detained in Evin Prison for one year were arrested after security forces raided their home on Saturday night. Hesam Tarmasi was only recently released from prison. He was arrested in a post-election protest march by security forces. After being released from prison, he came down with a kidney and liver illness and has been hospitalized ever since. He was also attacked by unidentified persons and according to his family, the knife he was stabbed with was contaminated with an unknown poison and he contracted a blood infection. His mother and sister were arrested while he was in hospital. His family was not involved in any political or social activities and the reason they were arrested is completely unknown… Termasi is very concerned about his mother and sister.
دو نفر از اعضاي خانواده حسام ترمسي بازداشت شدند مادر و خواهر حسام ترمسي از زندانيان حوادث پس از انتخابات که يک سال را در زندان اوين گذراند و مدت کوتاهي است از زندان آزادشده، شنبه شب با هجوم ماموران امنيتي در منزل شان بازداشت شدند. به گزارش کلمه، حسام ترمسي از شهروندان معترض به نتايج انتخابات است که در يکي از راهپيمايي هاي اعتراضي پس از انتخابات بازداشت شده بود. او پس از آزادي از زندان به بيماري کبد و کليه مبتلا شد و از مدتي پيش نيز در بيمارستان بستري است. وي يکبار نيز مورد سو قصد نيروهاي ناشناس قرار گرفت که به گفته خانواده اش با چاقوي آلوده به سموم ناشناخته به وي ضربه وارد و خونش دچار عفونت شد. خواهر و مادر حسام در حالي بازداشت شده اند که او هم چنان در بيمارستان به سر مي برد. خانواده حسام هيچ گونه فعاليت سياسي يا اجتماعي نداشتند و دليل بازداشت شان کاملا نامشخص است. حسام ترمسي اکنون در بيمارستان به شدت نگران حال خواهر و مادرش است. (کلمه – 21/7/89)
Jamal Amin Zadeh is a political prisoner who has been detained in the Gonbade Kavous Prison without any leaves or visits for more than 15 years. According to reports, this prisoner was arrested when he was 15 years old and sentenced to life in prison on charges of being a member of a Kurd dissident party. Amin Zadeh does not have any family members to follow up his case after his mother and father passed away. He has also been denied of a lawyer in all of his trials. Gonbade Kavous Prison lacks normal facilities and is used to detain non-political prisoners.
يک زنداني سياسي محروم از حقوق اوليه از سن نوجواني در زندان گنبد بسر مي برد جمال امين زاده، زنداني سياسي بيش از 15 سال است که در زندان گنبد کاووس بدون هيچ گونه مرخصي و ملاقاتي، محبوس است. بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، اين زنداني سياسي در سن 15 سالگي بازداشت و به اتهام عضويت در احزاب کردي معاند نظام به حبس ابد محکوم شده است. جمال امين زاده، به دليل فوت پدر و مادر، عملا هيچ کسي را خارج از زندان ندارد که وضعيتش را پيگيري کند. هم چنين وي در طي مدت محاکمه از داشتن هرگونه وکيل محروم بوده است. زندان گنبد کاووس فاقد امکاناتي در حد معلول است، و محل نگهداري زندانيان عادي مي باشد. (هرانا – 21/7/89)
The state-run Iran daily reported that four members of the ‘Mourning Mothers’ group were arrested. “Four members of the Mourning Mothers group were arrested while intending to go to Germany to see an important contact of the Monafeqin grouplet (PMOI). They were arrested after their contact with this group became apparent”, this daily said.
منبع حکومتي: دستگيري چهار تن از مادران عزادار روزنامهايران طي گزارشي از دستگيري چهار نفر از اعضاي گروه ”مادران عزادار“ خبر داد و نوشت: « 4نفر از اعضاي گروه «مادران عزادار» پس از آنکه ارتباطشان با اعضاي گروهک تروريستي منافقين مسجل شد هنگام سفر به آلمان جهت تماس با رابط مهم اين گروهک دستگير شدند.. (سايت فرارو - 21/7/89)
Jailed student activist Majid Dori needs to see a specialist for the treatment of his illness but Evin Prison officials refuse to send him to a specialist outside of prison. Dori is suffering from very severe headaches. The internal Evin Prison doctor told him one month ago that he had to be sent to a brain and nerve doctor and receive a MRI scan. According to reports, he has still not been visited by a brain and nerve doctor. He is suffering from severe dizzy spells which sometimes plague him for up to 48 hours. This student was banned from continuing his education and was arrested on June 15, 2009. He was sentenced to 6 six of prison to be served in Izeh Prison. In the past few weeks, Izeh Prison was changed to Ahwaz Prison. He is currently in cellblock 350 in Evin Prison.
بيتوجهي مسئولان زندان اوين به وضعيت مجيد دري در حاليکه مجيد دري، فعال دانشجويي به پزشک متخصص براي درمان بيماري خود نياز دارد، مسئولين زندان اوين از اعزام او به مراکز تخصصي جلوگيري ميکنند. مجيد دري دچار مشکلات شديد در ناحيه سر است و دچار سردردهاي بسيار شديد ميشود. دکتر داخلي زندان يک ماه پيش دستور داده براي ام آر آي و ويزيت توسط دکتر مغز و اعصاب وي به خارج از زندان اعزام شود. به گزارش خبرنگار رهانا، سامانه خبري خانه حقوق بشر ايران، با گذشت اين مدت و تداوم بيماري دري هنوز اجازه ويزيت دکتر مغز و اعصاب را به وي ندادهاندد. دري دچار سرگيجه شديد است که گاها تا ۴۸ ساعت وي را ازار ميدهد. مجيد دري فعال دانشجويي و دانشجوي محروم از تحصيل است که از ۲۵ خرداد ماه سال ۱۳۸۸ بازداشت و در زندان اوين به سر ميبرد. وي به شش سال زندان توام با تبعيد به زندان ايذه محکوم شده بود. طي هفتههاي گذشته محل تبعيد اين عضو شوراي دفاع از حق تحصيل به زندان اهواز تغيير يافت. وي هم اکنون در بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوين به سر ميبرد. (رهانا – 21/7/89)
Mohammad Oliayi Fard, a lawyer of political prisoners who is detained in Evin Prison’s cellblock 350 needs to be urgently sent to special medical center outside of prison. Today at dawn, this lawyer who has been sentenced to one year of prison and is currently serving his time went to the prison infirmary because of his deteriorating physical health. According to reports, the doctor in prison diagnosed a lump in his body as ‘blood cancer’ and said that he had to be checked by a specialist. In light of his critical state, this lawyer who represented political prisoner in court has to be sent to a medical center outside of prison. Dr. Mohammad Oliayi Fard was arrested on May 1, 2010 to serve his one year prison sentence on charges of propagating against the government by giving interviews (to the media) and is currently in cellblock 350 in Evin Prison.
نياز فوري محمد اولياييفرد براي اعزام به مراکز تخصصي پزشکي محمد اولياييفرد وکيل زنداني بند ۳۵۰ اوين نياز مبرم و فوري به اعزام به مراکز تخصصي پزشکي خارج از زندان اوين را دارد. بامداد امروز محمد اولياييفرد وکيل بازداشتي که به يک سال زندان محکوم شده و دوران محکوميت خود را پشت سر ميگذارد، به خاطر بد شدن وضعيت جسمي خود به بهداري زندان اوين مراجعه کرده است. به گزارش رهانا، پزشک بهداري زندان اوين وجود تعدادي غده در بدن اين وکيل زنداني را «سرطان خون» تشخيص داده و گفته است که او را بايد يک پزشک متخصص معاينه کند. با توجه به اين وضعيت حاد اين وکيل و مدافع زندانيان سياسي بايد هر چه سريعتر به مراکز تخصصي خارج از زندان اعزام شود. دکتر محمد اولياييفرد در تاريخ ۱۱ ارديبهشت ماه ۱۳۸۹ به بهانهي گذراندن محکوميت يک سالهاش به اتهام تبليغ عليه نظام از طريق مصاحبه بازداشت و روانهي زندان شده و اکنون در بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوين به سر ميبرد. (رهانا – 21/7/89)
The Isfahan Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor said, “Yesterday, five drug traffickers were hanged in the Central Isfahan Prison yard”. “These five people were professional drug traffickers who were arrested by the police and were sentenced to death after a legal procedure and after their requests for amnesty were denied and were hanged yesterday in Isfahan Prison”, Mohammad-Reza Habibi added.
قاچاقچي مواد مخدر در اصفهان به دار مجازات آويخته شدند دادستان عمومي و انقلاب استان اصفهان گفت: روز گذشته پنج قاچاقچي مواد مخدر در محوطه زندان مركزي اصفهان به دار مجازات آويخته شدند. محمدرضا حبيبي دقايقي پيش در گفتوگو با خبرنگار فارس در اصفهان با اعلام اين خبر اظهار داشت: اين پنج نفر كه از قاچاقچيان حرفهاي مواد مخدر بودند، پس از پيگيريهاي پليس دستگير شده و بعد از طي مراحل قانوني و عدم پذيرش درخواست عفو به اعدام محكوم شدند و روز گذشته در زندان مركزي اصفهان به دار آويخته شدند. (خبرگزاري فارس – 21/789)
We have learned of our sources that Marizeh , Ashraf-o-Sadaat Mortazayi a legendary singer of Iran during the 60s up to contemporary Iran has died at 86,after enduring great illness. At the moment many Iranians and those in love with "traditional Iranian music and ART" and also those Human Right activists involved in a long thrive for FREEDOM and Democracy for Iran are in deep mourning , since they have lost a GREAT companion and supporter who spent her life defending "Goodness and ritual values of Humanity".
Marizeh had a long story which might one day be portrayed in a film script , but her life has been full of struggle , devotion to Art and Humanity, and standing against one of the must unique and violent religious dictatorships in the past decade : Iranian theocracy .
She suffered a great deal for this and lost many "friends " and gained new friends .
She had at the last years of her life joined the NCRI (Opposition delegate in exile ) accompanying its president elect Maryam Rajavi in many official ceremonies which increased a smearing campaign already ongoing against her detachment of the present regime and escape into exile.
She was the first Woman to officially Sing the "Prayers call" which is not customary at all in radical Islamic point of view. This Prayer has been constantly used by an opposition to regime in Iran in public TV, broadcast to Iran and other countries in the area.
One Concert in support of the "Red Rose" symbolic of the resistance ongoing for more than 100 years .." till the white pigeons get to the freedom nest "..
One of Marizeh's many speeches during the previous activities :
Where, in this dark night,
shall I hang my tattered cloak?
Nima : father of modern Persian Poetry
I come from a land over whose blood-red earth the hawk of oppression, murder, misery and torture has spread its wings. A land whose springtime and gardens lie plundered under viscous autumn's attack. A land whose smiles and joy have given way to grief, so rrow and sadness. An ancient land, now the nesting grounds for the owl of destruction. A land forced to die a slow death. Ahmad Shamlou, Iran's renowned poet, speaks of this land of heart-rending pain and sorrow:
They smell your mouth, lest you have said the words I love you. They smell your heart. These are strange times, my dearest.
At the side of the robber's stake, Love is being whipped. Love must be kept hidden in the closet of the house.
Now the butchers stand at the passageways with their blood-drenched chopping blocks and cleavers... carving the smiles from lips and the songs from mouths. Delight must be kept hidden in the closet of the house.
The canary is being roasted over a fire of lilies and jasmine. These are strange times, my dearest.
Do you see the catastrophe?
"The canary is being roasted over a fire of lilies and jasmine." I was a canary, a song bird. The butchers ruling over Iran stopped me from singing for fifteen years. A canary lives only to sing. If you take away its song, it will die, fluttering about, a s I did for fifteen years, eating my heart out. Like the frog trapped in the sea. If it opens its mouth, the salt water will kill it. And if it doesn't, it will die of anguish.
My pain was to be a woman and a singer. The dark-minded turbaned rulers of Iran are the arch enemies of women. Women who sing must bear a double torment. Life is so bleak for women in Iran. Words fail me; I cannot convey the suffering endured by the women of my homeland. Unless you have drawn a breath under the evil shadow of clerical rule, you cannot really comprehend the plodding pain they endure.
How to understand why in just one province, so many women have committed suicide, some by setting themselves afire?
Where in the world do girls of 12 and 14 burn themselves alive?
Where does one hear about a father who kills himself after killing his five daughters?
Little girls, 8, 9 years old, are raped. Young girls in prison are raped before their execution. 113,000 arrests in one year for letting a strand of hair stray from beneath one's scarf.
What can I say? Everyone knows of this scandal. The clerical regime is infamous. It is despised the world over. You all know fully well that life for the women of Iran is a burning hell. The booklet Iran: Subjugation of Women makes it clear how well you know of their suffering.
But all that I have said is but one side of the story. In this frozen sea, a volcano is about to erupt. The people of Qazvin rose up in demonstrations against the ruling mullahs in August. For two days, the city was theirs, and not a single government off ice was spared from the wrath of the protesting populace. The demonstrations in Mashad, Shiraz, Tabriz, and other Iranian cities show that the people will take no more. The medieval regime grasps onto its power only with the force of arms, prisons, and to rture. These instances of popular resistance show that Iran's people not only have not died under this severe repression, but are intent on overthrowing this evil regime and ridding the world of its terrorism, backwardness, and medieval mentality.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Iran's women have not died under the oppression of this anti-woman regime. Right now, Iranian women, shoulder to shoulder with Iran's men, are working to uproot the mullahs' regime. I have the honor of here referring to a woman who has rightfully been cho sen by the Iranian Resistance as the President of the free Iran of tomorrow. In contrast to the mullahs, who have brought only sadness, sorrow, death and destruction, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Resistance's President-elect, strives to bring hope, joy, prospe rity and laughter back to devastated Iran. She leads the powerful Resistance of Iran, and for all Iranians, men and women, she is the focus of hope for liberty and freedom.
Inspired by this woman, who is the fountainhead of hope for a future liberated and prosperous Iran, I cry out here: Regardless of the wishes of Khomeini and his criminal heirs, we are alive. We shall resist, until the day of hope, life and democracy retur ns to Iran. We expect all those who love democracy to help us.
The last article on Marzieh the Diva of Iranian music
From Cultural Icon to Freedom Fighter
The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, October/November 1995
... Marzieh, Iran's best-known female singer has performed for Britain's Queen Elizabeth. German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, and once in Tehran and once in the United States for President Richard Nixon...
"I want to ask the whole world to impose an economic and military embargo on this regime which is highly isolated in Iran." she told the Washington Report in an interview in the U.S. national capital. "
The people of Iran are determined and have the means to bring about change. But the world has a responsibility to deprive this regime of the resources and the means of repression.
"I want to emphasize that the sanctions imposed by President Clinton are in the interests of the people of Iran, and the rest of the world must join in a comprehensive embargo. They must support the aspirations of the people of Iran for democracy and for peace. The ruling mullahs have done nothing for the past 15 years but suppress the people, plunder their wealth and export terrorism, fundamentalism and chaos to keep themselves in power. It is only the ruling clergy and their associates who are benefiting and the rest of the 66 million Iranians are living in poverty and discontent."
Such strong statements, on the record, are seldom heard from Iranians with relatives still living in Iran. In the case of Marzieh, the near-legendary "nightingale of Persia"... political opposition takes special courage. her husband, a banker, and her 18-year-old granddaughter still live in Tehran, as does her 42-year-old daughter, Hengameh Amini, a French trained architect. When Marzieh defected in August 1994, her daughter, who had never been involved in politics, was arrested and held incommunicado in prison. She was released from prison after Amnesty International and a number of world leaders generated a protest campaign, but she remains under house arrest.
At present Marzieh depends upon her reputation as the Grande dame of Iranian music to protect her family as she pursues a schedule of international concerts sponsored by the Mojahedin-e- Khalq (People's Mojahedin), the largest organized Iranian opposition group. Asked about danger to her own person from a regime that has been accused by various European and Middle Eastern governments of assassinating its political enemies, particularly Mujahedin leaders, on their soil, Marzieh responds with optimism.
"As far as the people of Iran are concerned, they are well- prepared to bring about the necessary change because of the anger they have expressed against the mullahs and through the Mojahedin," she explains. "it is a movement that consists of the elite-the most dedicated members of society and those who have sacrificed... I hope the rest of the world will get to know the quality and the dignity of the people of this resistance."
There is little in the life of this one-time icon of Iranian art and culture to explain her conversion, at age 69, to a firebrand activist willing to risk everything for a political cause. In the world press she has been compared to Greece's Melina Mercouri or Britain's Vanessa Redgrave, both of whom put their beliefs ahead of successful careers and personal safety...
... [Marzieh's] performing career actually began in 1942 when, as a strikingly beautiful 17-year-old, for 37 performances she played the role of Shirin in a famous Iranian play, "Shirin and Farhad."
"In the same year I was invited to cooperate with Tehran radio," she recalls. "Three consecutive weeks, every Friday from 12:30 to 1 p.m., I was on the air, performing live. The public reacted enthusiastically."
Her instant success lead to a nightly radio program from 10 to 11 p.m. that had perhaps the largest audience in the country....
Marzieh's enormous popularity led to competition among composers, lyricists, and poets to get her to perform their works. As a result, she still has a repertoire of more than 1,000 songs, and her unique style has influenced Persian music permanently.
All of those personal successes were played out against a background of severe society tension, however, as religious conservatives scorned music and sought to humiliate actors and singers by calling them corrupt....
... So long as Khomeini ruled, only military or revolutionary music could be played. Because he decreed that "women's voices should not be heard by men other than members of their own families," there was no role at all for women singers.
Marzieh, a charismatic and vivacious woman whose singing voice is as strong today as when she began her career more than 50 years ago, grows indignant as she describes this interpretation of her religion. "In Islam it is not prohibited for women to sing and in fact the Prophet Mohammad very much enjoyed great voices," she explains. "His granddaughter, Zeinab, was a great orator and there were many prominent women in the early years of Islam.
"There was no prohibition on others hearing the voices of women. The Prophet was the messenger of the emancipation of women. The point is that these mullahs by no means represent true Islam. They misuse and harm Islam. True Islam is represented by the Mojahedin."...
Although she traveled abroad frequently, she also spent about eight months of every year in a house on her family's land in Lalun, a village outside of Tehran. There, she said, her voice remained strong because daily "I went into the desert and sang for the birds, the trees, the river, the passing clouds and the stars."
In 1994, en route to an engagement with the BBC in London and then a trip to the United States, she stooped in Paris for a conversation with Maryam Rajavi, whose brother and sister had been executed in Iran and who had been elected by the National Council of Resistance of Iran as the president-elect of a future multi-part democratic government. It was then that Marzieh decided to remain in Paris where she was appointed adviser for cultural and artistic affairs to Mrs. Rajavi, and a member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, of which the People's Mojahedin is the major constituent party.
"The situation of women in my country was constantly deteriorating. I therefore decided in France to echo the cry of the women in Iran ...
Sixty Four people charged in the events of 2008 received their sentences in the last month. (Public Prosecutor) Golam-Hossein Mohseni Ejeie, said in a news conference, “From these (64) three were cleared of the charges and 61 people received prison terms from 6 years to 19.5 years”. “These sentences are initial and the court of review procedures have still not ended”, he added. “From those who were convicted, one person was sentenced o 19.5 years of prison, another person was sentenced to 15 years of prison and the rest were sentenced to less than 15 years of prison”. “Some of them were also sentenced to social limitations and flogging”, Iran’s Public Prosecutor added
صدور حكم براي 64 نفر از متهمان حوادث سال 88 در يك ماه گذشته به گزارش خبرنگار اجتماعي ايرنا، حجت الاسلام و المسلمين غلامحسين محسني اژهاي روز دوشنبه در ادامه دومين نشست خبري خود گفت: از اين تعداد سه نفر تبرئه و 61نفر محکوم به مجازاتهايي از شش تا 5/19سال حبس شدهاند. وي افزود: اين احکام مربوط به دادگاه بدوي است و هنوز مرحله دادگاه تجديدنظر سپري نشده است. محسني اژهاي اظهار داشت: از تعداد افرادي که محکوم به حبس شدهاند يک نفر محکوم به 5/19سال حبس، يک نفر 15سال حبس و مابقي متهمان به کمتر از 15سال حبس، محکوم شدهاند. دادستان کل کشور ادامه داد: البته تعدادي نيز علاوه بر حبس، مشمول محروميتهاي اجتماعي و شلاق شدهاند. (خبرگزاري ايرنا (رژيم)- 19/7/89)
Iran has arrested two Germans who interviewed the son of Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani, a woman sentenced to death by stoning, public prosecutor Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejeie told local media on Monday. ‘The initial investigation shows these people had entered the country as tourists' and asked Mohammadi-Ashtiani's son some questions, the prosecutor was quoted as saying by ISNA news agency, before adding that 'these two foreign nationals are now in custody’. A rights group said on Monday that it feared two German journalists had been arrested in Iran along with Mohammadi-Ashtiani's son Sajjad and her lawyer.
ايران دوآلماني را که با فرزند زني که به سنگسار محکوم شده مصاحبه کردند را بازداشت کرد روز دوشنبه غلام حسين محسني اژهاي دادستان عمومي به رسانههاي محلي گفت، ايران دو آلماني را که با فرزند سکينه محمدي آشتياني، زني که محکوم به مرگ به شيوه سنگسار ميباشد مصاحبه کردهاند را بازداشت کرده است. ” خبرگزاري ايسنا بهنقل از دادستان، قبل از آنکه بگويد، ”اين دو خارجي درحال حاضر در بازداشت هستند ”گفت، ”تحقيقات اوليه نشان ميدهد که اين افراد بهعنوان توريست وارد کشور شده و از فرزند محمدي آشتياني سؤالاتي نمودهاند ”. يک گروه حقوقبشري روز دوشنبه گفت که از اين بيم دارد که دو روزنامهنگار آلماني در ايران بهمراه سجاد فرزند محمدي آشيتاني و وکيل وي دستگير شده باشند. (خبرگزاري فرانسه - 19/7/89)
After several large gatherings were held in Tehran’s Science and Industry University following the 2009 presidential elections in Iran, the Disciplinary Committee in this university sentenced Hamid Bidar, a fifth year computer engineering student and Navid Atayi, a fifth year constructional engineer student to two semesters of suspension from university. Their sentences were upheld by the Appeals Council of the Science Ministry’s Central Committee. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 11, 2010)
Iran’s public prosecutor warns political prisoners against publishing statements from prison ‘If someone commits the same crime after receiving a sentence for the previous crime and is serving his/her sentence or has finished serving his/her sentence, he/she will be prosecuted and punished and this punishment will definitely be more severe’. Public Prosecutor Gholam-Hossein Mohseni Ejeie said regarding a letter by political prisoners sent outside of prison and a number of statements by political prisoners (published in websites).
محکوميت دو تن از فعالين دانشجويي دانشگاه علم و صنعت به ۴ ترم محروميت از تحصيل به دنبال برگزاري چندين تجمع بزرگ دانشجويي بعد از انتخابات سال ۸۸ در دانشگاه علم و صنعت، کميته انضباطي دانشگاه علم و صنعت هر يک از آقايان «حميد بيدار» دانشجوي سال پنجم رشته مهندسي کامپيوتر و «نويد عطائي» دانشجوي سال پنجم رشته مهندسي عمران به ۲ ترم محروميت از تحصيل با احتساب سنوات محکوم کرد و اين حکم توسط شوراي تجديد نظر کميته مرکزي وزارت علوم نيز تأييد شد. (هرانا – 19/7/89)
According to reports, the water that political prisoners in cellblock 350 in Evin Prison use has been cut off in the past few days and when there is water, it is muddy and undrinkable. To put more pressure and subject political prisoners to more limitations, they have almost been completely deprived of water in the past few days. The water shortage has also led to serious unsanitary problems for prisoners. It is notable that the water political prisoners use in Evin Prison is provided from polluted water wells. This has also led to serious digestive and nephrogenic problems for prisoners. Political prisoners are also deprived of warm water for bathing and are forced to shower with cold water. This is an ongoing limitation used to put pressure on political prisoners
آلودگي و قطع آب زندانيان سياسي بند 350 زندان اوين بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران"آب زندانيان سياسي بند 350 زندان اوين در طي چند روز گذشته اکثر اوقات قطع مي باشد و زمانهاي که آب وصل مي شود گل آلود و غير قابل شرب است. در راستاي تشديد فشارها و اذيت وآزارهاي و ايجاد محدويتهاي غير انساني عليه زندانيان سياسي بند 350 زندان اوين، در طي چند روز گذشته زندانيان سياسي تقريبا از داشتن آب محروم بودند .آب نوشيدني اين بند در طي روز اکثرا قطع مي باشد و زمانهايي که آب وصل مي شود به حدي گل آلود است که قابل نوشيدن نيست.قطع آب همچنين باعث ايجاد مشکلات جدي بهداشتي در بند شده است. لازم به ياد آوري است که آب مصرفي زندانيان زندان اوين از چاه هاي حفره شده که آلوده مي باشد تامين مي شود. اين مسئله باعث ايجاد ناراحتيهاي حاد کليوي و گوارشي براي زندانيان شده است. از طرفي ديگر زندانيان سياسي از داشتن آب گرم براي استحمام محروم هستند و ناچارند که با آب سرد استحمام نمايند.اين محدوديت غير انساني مدتها است که عليه زندانيان سياسي بکار برده مي شد. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 19/7/89)
The Intelligence Agency has decided that Farzaneh Jalali, who scored sixth place in the nationwide master’s degree exams in Iran, does not have the right to continue her education to get her master’s degree. Farzaneh Jalali, an anthropology major in Tehran University’s Social Sciences School was a student activist in this university and a member of the student’s Islamic Association. She was also in charge of the Sobh (Morning) student publication in this university for one year. Jalali was summoned to the Revolutionary Court and Intelligence Agency after security forces attacked the university dormitory during post election events. This student activist was banned from continuing her education even as the head of the Evaluation Organization announced last month that they did not deprive anyone of education because of their political activities.
محروميت از تحصيل براي فرزانه جلالي رتبه ۶ کنکور کارشناسي ارشد فرزانه جلالي رتبه ۶ کنکور کارشناسي ارشد بنابر نظر وزارت اطلاعات حق ادامه تحصيل در مقطع کارشناسي ارشد را ندارد. فرزانه جلالي دانشجوي رشته مردم شناسي دانشکده علوم اجتماعي دانشگاه تهران در دوران تحصيل خود از فعالين دانشجويي دانشگاه تهران بوده است و سابقه عضويت در انجمن اسلامي دانشجويان را نيز دارد و به مدت يکسال به عنوان مدير مسئول روزنامه صبح دانشگاه تهران فعاليت کرده است. وي در ماجراي حمله به کوي دانشگاه و وقايع پس از انتخابات به دادگاه انقلاب و دفتر پيگيري وزارت اطلاعات فراخوانده شد. اين در حالي است که رئيس سازمان سنجش شهريور ماه اعلام کرد محروميت بدليل فعاليت سياسي نداريم. (رهانا – 19/7/89)
Iran has hanged five people in the central city of Isfahan after finding them guilty of drug trafficking, state television's website said on Monday. The report did not identify those who were hanged but said the executions were carried out in Isfahan's main prison, without specifying the date of the hangings.
گزارش: ايران 5 قاچاقچي را اعدام ميکند روز دوشنبه وب سايت تلويزيون دولتي گفت که ايران 5تن را در شهر مرکزي اصفهان بعد از آن که آنان را محکوم به قاچاق مواد مخدر نمود، اعدام کرد. اين گزارش هويت افرادي را که اعدام شدند را اعلام نکرد اما بدون آنکه تاريخ اعدامها را مشخص کند، گفت که اعدامها در زندان اصلي اضفهان انجام شده است، . (خبرگزاري فرانسه- 19/7/89)
Jailed political prisoner Hossein Khezri, 28, who is in the Central Orumieh Prison, has been sentenced to death on charges of ‘waging war with God’ and his sentence has been confirmed by officials. This political prisoner is under hard conditions in Orumieh Prison and his death sentence might be carried out at any moment. One of his relatives said in an interview: “The death sentence was issued for Hossein after he was in solitary cell for seven months and after he was transferred to the Orumieh Prison in 2008. He was tried in a 7 to 8 minute trial with the presence of the representative of the prosecutor and the representative of the Intelligence Agency in the first branch of the Revolutionary Court, which was his first and last court session. His lawyer was present with him in court but neither him nor his lawyer were allowed to defend his case. A few days before the trial, his lawyer was threatened by unidentified men who demanded to know with ‘what right he was defending an anti-revolutionary’. Hossein was arrested in 2008 by the Nabi Akram Revolutionary Guards Corps base in the Kermanshah Terminal. He was transferred to a detention center in a military base from the very beginning without being informed of why he was arrested and was brutally tortured to the point of losing conscious several times. He was kept in that detention center for 49 days. In this time he was taken with chained hands and feet down the stairs to the cellar and would be hanged from the roof while shackled. They would close his mouth and nose with a cloth and he had to move his leg if he wanted to talk. He was tortured in this way many times. He was also electrocuted and beaten with batons and lost 30 percent of his vision, developed bleeding in his kidneys because of the brutal strikes and kicks and punches and also suffered a lung infection as a result of the unsuitable prison conditions and he is still suffering from this disease but officials refuse to treat him.
حسين خضري در انتظار اجراي حکم اعدام بسر مي برد حسين خضري، متولد سال 1361، زنداني محبوس در زندان مرکزي اروميه، به اتهام محاربه به اعدام محکوم شده است و اين حکم حتي مورد تاييد مسئولان نيز قرار گرفته است. اين زنداني سياسي در حالي در سکوت خبري کامل در شرايط سخت زندان اروميه به سر مي برد که هر لحظه امکان اجراي حکم وي وجود دارد. يكي از بستگانش مي گويد: ”حکم اعدام حسين بعد از اينکه دوران بازداشتش که به مدت هفت ماه در سلول انفرادي به طول انجاميد و سپس تحويل زندان مرکزي اروميه داده شد در سال 87 صادر شد. او در يک جلسه ي هفت الي هشت دقيقه اي که اولين و آخرين جلسه ي رسيدگي به اتهاماتش با حضور نماينده دادستاني و نماينده اطلاعات بود در شعبه يک دادگاه انقلاب مورد محاکمه قرار گرفت. وكيل وي در دادگاه حضور داشت ولي نه وي و نه حتي به خودش اجازه ي دفاع داده نشد. حتي چند روز قبل تر از آن هم از طرف افراد ناشناس وکيلش تهديد شد تحت اين عنوان که به چه جراعتي از يک ضد انقلاب دفاع مي کند“... حسين در مرداد 87 توسط سپاه پاسداران نبي اکرم در ترمينال کرمانشاه بازداشت شد. از همان ابتدا او را به يک بازداشتگاه که در قلب يک پادگان نظامي قرار داشت منتقل کردند و بدون اينکه علت بازداشت را حتي به خودش بگويند به طور فجيع مورد شکنجه بدني قرار گرفت به طوري که چندين بار بي هوش شد. 49 روز در آن بازداشتگاه نگهش داشتند در طول اين مدت بارها از پله ها دست و پا بسته و چشم بسته به زير زميني که موتور خانه هم در آنجا قرار داشت منتقل مي کردند و دست و پا بسته از سقف آويزانش مي کردند. با يک دستمال دهان و بيني اش را مي بستند و هر وقت مي خواست حرف بزند بايد دست و پايش را تکان مي داد. بارها به اين صورت مورد شکنجه قرار گرفت. به وسيله ي شوک الکتريکي، باتوم و ... بر اثر اين شکنجه ها 30% از بينايي اش را از دست داد، کليه هايش در اثر ضربات مشت و لگد دچار خونريزي شد و بر اثر وضعيت نابسامان بازداشتگاه دچار عوفنت ريه شد به طوري که هنوز هم از اين بيماري رنج مي برد و مسئولان هيچ اقدامي هم براي بهبود و
According to reports, threats against Mahin Saremi via telephone calls by Salavati, the so-called judge of the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court are ongoing. Mahin Saremi was summoned and tried in the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court by Salavati. She was told that the sentence would be announced to her lawyer but after a while Salavati’s assistance called Mrs. Saremi and told her to come to court to receive her sentence. Saremi refused to go and said that the sentence has to be announced to her lawyer… Threats continued against Saremi and her guarantor was also called several times and told that he had to hand over Mrs. Saremi to court and if he does not the bail that was submitted to court for her release would be seized and he would be arrested. Due to the fact that the legal procedures, charges, trials and sentences for political prisoners are against the law and a clear violation of the minimum rights of political prisoners, interrogators of the Intelligence Agency and Salavati who carries out the whims of the Intelligence Agency avoid giving an official written verdict to the lawyers of political prisoners and political prisoner for fear that their illegal methods would be disclosed. This inhumane method has turned into a common routine. Lawyers and political prisoners are not allowed to keep a copy of the file and the verdict is not even given to the lawyer so that he/she could at least request for an appeal in the court of view. On the other hand, the court of appeal and Supreme Court say that they cannot see to the case without a written verdict… Mahin Saremi, 56, was a political prisoner in the 80’s and was jailed from 1982 to 1983. She was also once again arrested in 2005 along with her husband Ali Saremi after an attack by agents of the Intelligence Ministry for participating in a ceremony to commemorate the memory of Doctor Mohammad Mosadeq on the anniversary of his death. They were jailed in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison for close to a month. She was also arrested in 2007 for participating in the 19th ceremony of the anniversary of the massacre of political prisoner in 1988 and was imprisoned for 2 months in a solitary cell in Evin Prison’s cellblock 209
احضارهاي و تهديدات تلفني صلواتي عليه همسر علي صارمي بنابه گزارشات رسيده به"فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" تهديدات و احضارهاي تلفني صلواتي عليه خانم مهين صارمي و ضامن او تحت عنوان ابلاغ حکم غير انساني به وي ادامه دارد. خانم مهين صارمي روز 2 شهريور ماه به شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب احضار و توسط صلواتي قاضي فرمايشي اين شعبه مورد محاکمه قرار گرفت. در آنجا به او گفته شد که حکم را به وکليش ابلاغ خواهند کرد ولي بعد از مدتي معاون صلواتي با خانم صارمي تماس تلفني برقرار مي کند و به او ميگويد که بايد براي ابلاغ حکم به دادگاه مراجعه کند.خانم صارمي در جواب اين فرد گفته بود حکم من را بايد به وکيلم ابلاغ کنيد... تهديدات صلواتي و معاونش ادامه مي يابد و اين بار آنها با ضامن خانم صارمي تماس تلفني برقرار مي کنند و به او مي گويند که بايد خانم صارمي را به دادگاه تحويل دهد در غير اين صورت ضمانت گذاشته شد ضبط و خود وي دستگير خواهد شد. به دليل اينکه پروسه پرونده سازي، اتهامات ،محاکمه و صدور حکم بر خلاف قوانين موجود ونقض اشکار حقوق اوليه زندانيان سياسي است. لذا بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات و صلواتي قاضي فرمايشي ولي فقيه علي خامنه اي که مجري خواسته هاي بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات است ترس از اينکه اعمال غير قانوني و غير انساني آنها رو نشود از دادن هر گونه حکم کتبي و رسمي به وکيل و زنداني سياسي خوداري مي کنند.اين شيوه غير انساني که مدتها است به صورت روال در آوده شده است. وکيل و زنداني سياسي حق داشتن نسخه اي از پرونده را ندارند و حتي حکم صادره را در اختيار وکيل و زنداني سياسي قرار نمي دهند تا آنها بتواند حداقل نسبت به اين حکم غير انساني در دادگاه هاي تجديد نظر اعتراض کند.از طرفي ديگر دادگاه تجديد نظر و ديوان عالي کشور با اين بهانه که حکم کتبي نداريد ما نمي توانيم به آن رسيدگي کنيم از پاسخگويي به خانواده ها خوداري مي کنند... خانم مهين صارمي 56 ساله از زندانيان سياسي دهۀ 60 مي باشد او از سال 61 تا سال 62 زنداني بود. خانم صارمي همچنين در سال 1384 وقتي که به مناسبت گراميداشت سالگرد در گذشت دکتر محمد مصدق بر آرامگاه اين رهبر ملي حضور يافته بود مورد يورش مامورين وزارت اطلاعات قرار گرفت و همراه با همسرش آقاي علي صارمي دستگير و نزديگ به 1 ماه در سلولهاي انفرادي بند 209 زندان اوين زنداني بود. خانم صارمي همچنين در سال 1386 بدليل شرکت در مراسم گراميداشت نوزدهمين سالگرد قتل عام زندانيان سياسي سال 67 دستگير و به مدت 2 ماه در سلولهاي انفرادي بند 209 بسر برد. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 18/7/89)
According to reports, prisoner Reza Jalal Shariat who has been transferred to a solitary cell in cellblock 1 in Gohardasht (Rajayi Shahr) Prison known as the ‘doghouse’ is in serious danger. On Friday at about 8:30 pm, a prison guard who is also a torturer in the ‘doghouse’ attacked Reza Jalal Shariat and violently beat him… After other prisoners clashed with the guards (in his defense), the internal manager of prison, Gerami, asked that prisoners hand over Shariat to them but prisoners in cellblock 1 refused the order. Gerami then threated the prisoners that they would bring the prison guards to beat them. Shariat voluntarily gave himself up to prevent guards from beating his inmates. A few moments later Jalal Shariat was taken to a solitary cell in cellblock 1 and other prisoners could hear his sobbing and cries as a result of the brutal tortures. In addition to Gerami, Kermani and Faraji the head and assistant head of the Intelligence Department were also present for his torture. Head guard Mirza Aqayi and Zinali who are known torturers in this cellblock also participated in the torture. This prisoner is in serious danger of death. Mirza Aqayi and Zinali are in charge of torture in solitary cells in cellblock 1. These men use various torture methods such as rape, sodomy with batons, breaking the hands and legs of prisoners and other forms of torture. Shariat, 25, is in prison on charges of murder. He is respected by other prisoners because he stands up to the guards and always expresses his protest which has angered prison guards.
جان يک زنداني در شکنجه گاه بند1 معروف به سگدوني در معرض خطر جدي قرار دارد بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران"جان زنداني رضا جلال شريعت در سلولهاي انفرادي شکنجه گاه بند 1 در معرض خطر جدي قرار دارد. روز جمعه حوالي ساعت 20:30 يکي از پاسداربندها که از شکنجه گران سلولهاي انفرادي بند 1 زندان گوهردشت معروف به سگدوني است به زنداني رضا جلال شريعت حمله مي کند و او را مورد ضرب و شتم وحشيانه قرار مي دهد... پس از اين درگيري، گرامي مدير داخلي زندان و پيرايش افسر جانشين خواستار تحويل دادن زنداني رضا جلال شريعت به آنها بودند ولي زندانيان بند 1 از اين کار خوداري مي کردند.گرامي و پيرايش زندانيان را تهديد به وارد کردن گارد زندان و مورد ضرب وشتم قرار دادن آنها نمودند. زنداني رضا جلال شريعت براي پيشگيري از يورش گارد به همبنديانش خود را تسليم آنها نمود. لحظاتي بعد زنداني جلال شريعت به سلولهاي انفرادي شکنجه گاه بند 1 برده شد و مدتي پس از آن صداي زجه و فريادهاي اين زنداني در اثر شکنجه هاي وحشيانه به گوش همبنديانش مي رسيد . پس از انتقال اين زنداني به شکنجه گاه سالن 2 بند 1 علاوه بر حضور گرامي و پيرايش ،کرماني و فرجي رئيس و معاون اطلاعات زندان در شکنجه گاه حاضر شدند. در شکنجه اين زنداني علاوه بر افراد فوق افسر پاسدار ميرزا آقايي و زينلي که از شکنجه گران اين بند هستند شرکت داشتند. خطر قتل اين زنداني بسيار جدي است. پاسدار مزبور از تيم شکنجه گراني است که از افراد زير تشکيل شده است افسر پاسدار ميرزا آقايي و پاسداربند زينلي مي باشند که شکنجه زندانيان در سلولهاي انفرادي بند 1 را به عهده دارند. اين افراد از شکنجه هاي مانند تجاوز جنسي،استعمال باتون،شکستن دست و پاي زنداني و شکنجه هاي متعدد ديگر را بکار مي برند. رضا جلال شريعت 25 ساله و به اتهام قتل در زندان بسر مي برد او مورد احترام زندانيان است و در مقابل ظلم و بي عدالتي هميشه اعتراض نموده است و اين مسئله باعث خشم پاسداربندها است. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 18/7/89)
Iran hanged on Sunday a woman and three men in a prison in the northwestern city of Zanjan after they were found guilty of drug trafficking, Fars news agency reported. The report did not identify those who were hanged but said the executions were carried out in Zanjan's main prison.
ايران يک زن همراه با سه مرد ديگر را به جرم قاچاق مواد مخدر حلقآويز کرد 10 اکتبر 2010- خبرگزاري فارس گزارش کرد، ايران روز يکشنبه يک زن و سه مرد را در زندان شهر زنجان به جرم قاچاق مواد مخدر حلقآويز کرد. زنجان در شمال غربي ايران قرار دارد. در اين گزارش نام افراد اعدام شده قيد نگرديده ولي گفته شده است که اعدامها در زندان اصلي زنجان انجام شده است. (خبرگزاري فرانسه, هرانا - 18/7/89)
Montly HR report of the NCRI Human Right commission, covering September 2010 as reported to UN special bodies. This report has statistics and factual covering each report: The regime in Iran has executed at least 16 people in September including a "Mohammad " who was 15 when he was arrested for murder . It seems that the regime has changed slightly to focus on political activists rather than those who have been in prisons since the last peoples protest in 2009. Please read for more detailed reports.
It is reported that as Sajad Ashtiani and Houtan Kian son and lawyer to Sakineh Ashtiani were arrested in an attack by Intelligence Ministry agents to the attorney's office as they waited to be interviewed about the case .
The two German journalist have been reported to be also arrested. All four have been taken to unknown location
In a previous interview with an Italian news agency AKI, Sajad and Saeedeh , son and daughter of Sakineh Ashtiani had appealed for help from the Italian government and told the press they are not safe and could be taken away any moment.
In a separate interview with the same news agency, AKI, Mr.Kian the family attorney had told the press that he fears for the safety of the son and daughter of Mrs. Ashtiani since he had heard from sources in Tabriz prosecutor office that they are trying to foment a political profile for the two and force two political prisoners to forced confession against the family to detain them.
جرس. تاریخ انتشار: ۱۹ مهر ۱۳۸۹, ساعت ۱۲:۴۵ بازداشت فرزندان و وکیل سکینه محمدی آشتیانی و دو خبرنگار آلمانی جـــرس: فرزندان سکینه محمدی آشتیانی، بانوی زندانی محکوم به اعدام در تبریز، در حالیکه قرار بود دو خبرنگار خارجی با آنها و وکیل مادرشان مصاحبه ای صورت دهد، بازداشت و به محل نامعلومی منتقل شدند.
تشکل «کمیته بین المللی علیه اعدام» با اعلام این خبر تصریح کرد "ساعت ٧ عصر روز یکشنبه ١٠ اکتبر به وقت ایران هنگامی که دو خبرنگار آلمانی برای مصاحبه با سجاد پسر سکینه و هوتن کیان وکیل سکینه به دفتر هوتن رفته بودند٬ عوامل وزارت اطلاعات به دفتر کار این وکیل هجوم آورده و هر چهار نفر را دستگیر کرده و با خود بردند. دستگیر شدگان عبارتند از: سجاد قادرزاده پسر سکینه محمدی آشتیانی٬ هوتن کیان وکیل سکینه٬ و دو خبرنگار آلمانی. دستگیر شدگان از آن هنگام تا کنون در محل نامعلومی نگهداری می شوند و کسی از سرنوشت آنها اطلاعی ندارد."
این گزارش می افزاید زمان یورش ماموران امنیتی به محل کار وکیل سکینه محمدی ریختند، خبرنگار آلمانی در حال صحبت با مسئول کمیته بین المللی علیه اعدام و سنگسار از طریق تلفن بود که ناگهان اعلام کرد دیگر نمی تواند ادامه بدهد و تلفن را قطع کرد و از آن هنگام تا کنون خبری از این چهار نفردر دست نیست.
سجاد و سعیده قادر زاده، فرزندان سکینه محمدی، بانوی ایرانی محکوم به سنگسار، در مصاحبه ای اخصاصی با آژانس خبری ایتالیایی«آکی» برای نجات جان مادرش از دولت ایتالیا درخواست کمک کرده و از آن کشور درخواست پناهندگی کرده بودند. آنها خاطرنشان ساختند "ما زیر فشار بسیار زیادی قرار داریم و هر لحظه بیم آن را داریم که ماموران امنیتی ما را دستگیر کنند. به این دلیل، با توجه به اهمیت ویژه ای که ملت و دولت ایتالیا به موضوع مادرمان داده اند، از آنها می خواهیم که به درخواست پناهندگی ما رسیدگی کنند، تا اگر از احتمال دستگیریمان در تبریز خبر دار شدیم، جایی را برای پناه آوردن داشته باشیم." سجاد، پسر سکینه محمدی، افزود: "هیچ کس از مقامات حکومتی به پرسش های ما درباره شرایط مادرمان پاسخ نمی دهد. ما اینجا، به همراه وکیلمان آقای جاوید هوتن کیان، تنها هستیم و امید ما تنها جامعه بین المللی است."
فرزندان سکینه محمدی همچنین برای نجات جان مادرشان از پاپ درخواست کمک کرده و از دولت واتیکان خواستند که فشارهای خود بر جمهوری اسلامی برای نجات مادرشان را زیاد کنند. و در همین راستا جاوید هوتن کیان، وکیل سکینه محمدی، در شهر تبریز در مصاحبه ای اخصاصی با آژانس خبری ایتالیایی«آکی» برای جان موکلش ابراز نگرانی کرد و گفت: "بزودی برای رسیدگی به پرونده بانو سکینه به دیوان عالی کشور خواهم رفت." وب همچنین از شرایط فرزندان موکلش، سجاد و سعیده، ابراز نگرانی کرد و گفت: "بر طبق خبر هایی که از دادستانی تبریز به گوشم رسیده ازطرحی برای پرونده سازی سیاسی بر ضد فرزندان خانم سکینه آگاه شده ام. بر اساس منابع اینجانب، دادستانی دارد تلاش میکند که دو زندانی سیاسی را وادار به اعتراف دروغین بکند. بر اساس این اعترافهای ساختگی، فرزندان سکینه به پخش اعلامیه های سیاسی بر ضد دولت مرکزی محکوم خواهند شد."
Political prisoner Maryam Akbari Monfared was abruptly exiled to Gohardasht Prison on Sunday, September 26, even as the Women’s Ward at the prison is already highly overcrowded, and due to a lack of medical and other basic resources, the prison is in dreadful conditions. Deprived of a possibility to sleep at nights, the prisoners spend nights awake in their wards.
Ms. Akbari, 36, is the mother of three young children, and is being held on fabricated charges as a “mohareb” (enemy of God).
She has been sentenced to 15 years at Gohardasht Prison. During a show trial, she contested the sentence and described the judge as incompetent. The mullahs’ judge, Salamati, said she is charged with having relatives at Camp Ashraf, who are members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), and because some of her relatives have been executed for supporting the PMOI.
Two members of Ms. Akbari’s family, Alireza, 20, and Gholamreza, 26, were executed in 1981 and 1985, respectively, while two of her other relatives, Roqieh, 30, and Abdolreza, 23, were executed during the 1988 massacre of political prisoners by the clerical regime.
Political prisoner Hamid Haeri, 60, who suffers from a variety of health problems as a result of being tortured and imprisoned, has also been exiled to Gohardasht Prison. Mr. Haeri suffers from various ailments, including a heart condition and has survived two strokes. He has been sentenced to 15 years in prison because his son and brother are residents in Camp Ashraf.
Hadi Qaemi, who was arrested during the December 27, 2009 Ashura uprising, has also been sentenced to 15 years in prison, and has been exiled to Gorgan’s Minoudasht Prison.
Other exiled political prisoners in recent days include Majid Tavakoli, who has been transferred to Gohardasht Prison, and Zia Nabavi and Majid Dorri, who were sent to the notorious Karoun Prison in Ahvaz
In a report on the impact of sanctions on the Iranian regime, which has led to an economic crisis, the Arab language al-Arabiya TV said on Sunday that monetary imbalances is one of the outcomes of international punitive measures against Tehran.
The TV said Iran’s merchants are increasingly blaming the regime for the Bazaar’s recent misfortunes.
According to al-Arabiya, an extension of such measures can lead to the collapse of the currency and gold markets in Iran. “This is a warning that foreign exchange shops have issued. They have ceased all currency trade and are now fearing currency debasement.”
“According to reports obtained by al-Arabiya, trade in currency and gold markets in Iran have come to a halt, and there is evidence that the tension is linked with international sanctions against the regime,” the TV said.
It also added that gold sellers in the southern city of Ahvaz have joined an extensive protest already covering gold bazaars in Tehran and other major cities. Merchants are challenging the regime’s claims that it is capable of resolving the crisis, al-Arabiya said.
While a bank has declared the exchange rate for Iran’s currency to be 1,850 Tomans for every dollar, foreign exchange retailers are refusing to carry out their activities, with one of them telling al-Arabiya that the foreign currency market in Iran is now facing a crisis.
According to experts, currency traders and the gold coin market may face new tensions especially since the current situation in Iran has been unprecedented in the past decade, the TV report added.
The French daily Le Monde ran a report on October 7 about the Iranian regime’s continued crackdown on dissidents, with many protestors arrested during the year-long anti-regime protests sentenced to heavy prison terms.
Students and lawyers such as Nasrin Sotoudeh, who recently launched a hunger strike, are the main targets of the suppression campaign, according to the daily. Le Monde also noted a number of political prisoners sentenced to death by the clerical regime have been prosecuted for being in touch with a poltical group much suppressed during the 19802 (120 000 killed) (Mujahedin organisation of Iran ). One of the political prisoners on death row is Farah Vazehan, according to Le Monde, whose supporters are trying to launch a campaign for the release of the 48 year old mother who was arrested in December 2009 in Tehran.
According to Le Monde, Ms. Vazehan is currently being held at the notorious Evin Prison and was sentenced to death in August.
Behrouz Javid Tehrani, who was arrested during the July 1999 student uprising and has been imprisoned ever since, started his message by honoring the memory of 137 of his cellmates whose hangings he can attest to.
The message, dated October 2, 2010, says, “In memory of 137 of my cellmates and friends who in the past 10 years, due to regular or political charges, I said goodbye to before they were hanged, I want to wish for a day when there will no longer be hanging, stoning, amputation or flogging anywhere on this planet.”
Mr. Javid Tehrani added, “I hope we will one day bear witness to the realization of an ideal city spanning the entire world, where there will be no crimes and every citizen would be living in health and harmony. Long Live Freedom!”
Behrouz Javid Tehrani is currently being held at Karaj’s Gohardasht Prison
Iran expels student over faith Baha’i student Rohollah Qodrat was expelled from the Medical Rafsanjan University in a letter from the Ministry of Hygiene, Treatment and Medical Education and was banned from continuing his education because of his Baha’i faith. The Education Administrator said that he was expelled because of his faith in the Baha’i religion and stated that they are tasked with identifying all Baha’i students and immediately expelling them from university. (Pars Daily News – Oct. 3, 2010)
Baha’i man sentenced to one year of prison and banned from work Hossein Shaygan, a Baha’i resident of Karaj was sentenced to one year of prison, one year of exile and a complete ban on working. Shaygan, a longstanding and well-known merchant in the Shahin Villa Bazaar, was arrested on August 24. A court sentenced him to one year of prison in Gohardasht Prison, one year of exile to Saravan Town and a ban on continuing his work (in the Bazaar). Despite the fact that his court session was held on October 2, his sentence was only announced today. On August 24, he was asked to bring his work permit and submit it to court so he could open his shop, but when he came to court along with his lawyer, they were both arrested and taken to Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Oct. 6, 2010)
Evin Prison female inmates have no water for 4 days The sanitary and health condition of female prisoners in Evin Prison has reached a critical point because the water has been cut off for four days in the female cellblock. According to reports, the water has been cut off for four days in the female cellblock of Evin Prison and this has seriously endangered the health of prisoners. Until yesterday, prisoners were able to use a tanker to provide water for the restroom but this tanker also ran out of water yesterday and prison officials have only said that the ‘tanker has a leak’ in answer to protests from prisoners… Because of the lack of water, prisoners are suffering from various stomach, kidney, skin and infectious diseases. A number of drug addicts and homeless women who were brought to prison in the last four days were admitted to prison without the usual mandatory shower and cleansing, therefore lice has also increased among the women. Also because the dishes were not washed in the past few days, in addition to the bad smell that the unwashed dishes have caused, prisoners are not able to eat food. Since a number of women are jailed with their children and infants and toddlers have to be washed more frequently, the lack of water for the daily cleaning of babies has endangered their health and has made the bad smell of the female cellblock more unbearable. (Jaras Website – Oct. 3, 2010)
Names of 23 female death row prisoners According to reports, there are a large number of female prisoners in the Female Cellblock in Evin Prison who are awaiting their execution. Most of these death row prisoners are from poor backgrounds; prisoners who were subjected to domestic or social violence without any kind of defense which led them to take revenge in a country ruled by misogynous laws. Women who did whatever they could because of poverty and hunger to keep from going hungry. A number of death row female prisoners who can be executed at any moment are: 1- Soraya Zakaria Nejad- homemaker- has been in prison for 4 years- charged with possessing narcotics- is in cellblock 3 in Evin Prison 2- Ashraf Amrayi, 38- homemaker- has been in prison for two years- possessing narcotics- husband executed before - cellblock 3 3- Soheila Pour Hosseini, 19- homemaker- has been jailed for one year- murder- cellblock 3 4- Ashraf Kalhour, 45, homemaker- sentenced to death by stoning on charges of murder and adultery and has been detained for 9 years- cellblock 2 5- Shahla Jahed - has been in prison for 8 years – murder- cellblock 1- Judge Jafarzadeh sentenced her to death 6- Kobra Rahmanpour, 29- homemaker- detained for nine year- murder- cellblock 2- Judge Aziz Mohammadi 7- Sougand Jahani, 28- homemaker- murder- has been in prison for 2.5 years- cellblock 2- Judge Aziz Mohammadi 8- Reihaneh Jabari, 25- murder- has been in prison for 3.5 years- cellblock 1- Judge Tordast 9- Sadat Safavi, 45- homemaker- narcotics- cellblock 1 10- Sahar Pari Khani, 23 – homemaker- murder- has been in prison for 3 years- cellblock 2 11- Fatemeh Hadad, 34- homemaker- murder- has been in prison for 1.5 years- cellblock 2 12- Akram Ali Mohammadi, 29- murder- has been in prison for five years - cellblock 2 13- Fereshteh Bigvand 45- homemaker- narcotics- has been in prison for five years- cellblock 1 14- Leila Khajeh Vandi, 32- narcotics- 2.5 years in prison- cellblock 1 15- Noqreh Khazayi, 47- homemaker- murder and narcotics- has been in prison for 4 years- cellblock 2 16- Leila Tavakoli Mahalati, 28- murder- has been in prison for five years- Judge Kouh Kamareyi- cellblock 2 17- Fatemeh Moti, 40, has been in prison for 1.5 years- Judge Aziz Mohammadi 18- Mahboubeh Sheikh Lar, 18- murder- has been in prison for one year- Judge Aziz Mohammadi 19- Mina Cheraghi, 25– narcotics- has been in prison for 2 years 20- Sherafat Bigvand- narcotics- 5 years in prison 21- Azita Molla-Hashemi- six year in prison- Judge Aziz Mohammadi 22- Farahnaz Nik-Khah- murder- seven years in prison- Judge Aziz Mohammadi 23- Razieh Julideh, 35 and Marzieh Tavakoli, 20 are mother and daughter – murder 24- Zarin Taj Gharib- four years in prison- Judge Hemat Yar 25- Zahra Adi Gozari Moqadam- murder- 7 years in prison- Judge Aziz Mohammadi 26- Massoumeh Aqayi- murder- two years in prison- Judge Aziz Mohammadi 27- Saiedeh Khodayi Del- complicity in murder- 8.5 years in prison- Judge Tabatabayi 28- Soheila Pour Hosseini- murder- 10 months in prison 29- Marzieh Rahmani- complicity in murder- five years in prison- Judge Aziz Mohammadi and Judge Tordast 30- Zahra Rahimi- murder- one year in prison 31- Nasrin Najafi- murder- one year in prison 32- Azam Ahmad Vand, 27- six years in prison- Judge Aziz Mohammadi (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 5, 2010)
Women in Evin Prison face continuing water shortage and unsanitary conditions Prisoners in the Public Women’s Cellblock in Evin Prison have been facing serious sanitary problems in the last eight days because of the constant water shortage and lack of water. This cellblock has had a water shortage and water cut off in the last few months. Since last week, because the lack of water lasted for a longer time up to 24 hours, these jailed women have been faced with serious problems. According to reports, there are about 20 infants and children under two year of age who are kept along with their mothers in this cellblock and the lack of water has led to problems for these children. This is while despite this problem which has existed from months ago, prison officials have not taken any measures to solve it and today the problem has deteriorated. Yesterday, Gholamhossein Ismaili, the head of the Prison Organization, said that the sanitary condition of prisons in Iran is ‘satisfactory’. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Oct. 7, 2010)
اخراج دانشجوي بهايي دانشکده پزشکي رفسنجان روح الله قدرت، دانشجوي بهايي محصّل در دانشگاه علوم پزشکي رفسنجان، طي نامه اي از سوي وزارت بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشکي به معاونت آموزشي دانشکده پزشکي رفسنجان، به علت بهايي بودن از ادامه تحصيل محروم شد... مدير آموزش، علّت اين محروميت را صراحتاً اعتقاد ايشان به ديانت بهائي اعلام کرده است و اظهار داشته که ما از طرف حراست دانشگاه مسئوليم تا در صورت شناسايي هر دانشجوي بهائي، بلافاصله وي را از دانشگاه اخراج نماييم. (پارس ديلي نيوز – 11/7/89)
يکسال حبس،يکسال تبعيد و ممنوعيت شغلي براي يک شهروند بهايي حسين شايگان شهروند بهايي ساکن کرج با حکم دادگاه به يکسال تبعيد،يکسال حبس و ممنوعيت کامل شغلي محکوم شد. حسين شايگان از کسبهي قديم و شناخته شدهي بازار شاهين ويلا که در روز دوم شهريورماه بازداشت شده بود، به يکسال حبس در زندان گوهردشت ،يکسال تبعيد به شهرستان سراوان و همچنين ممنوعيت شغلي محکوم شد. به گزارش خبرنگار رهانا، در حاليکه جلسهي دادگاه وي در تاريخ ۱۰ مهرماه برگزار شد، حکم مذکور امروز صادر شده است. لازم به توضيح است که در تاريخ دوم شهريور ماه از شايگان خواسته شده بود که با در دست داشتن سند کسب به عنوان وثيقه جهت باز کردن مغازه در دادگاه حاضر شوند، اما هنگامي که ايشان به همراه وکيلشان در دادگاه حضور يافتند هر دو نفر را بازداشت و به زندان گوهردشت کرج منتقل کردند. (رهانا -14/7/89)
خشونت عليه زنان بحران بي آبي و شيوع بيماري هاي عفوني و کليوي در بند زنان زندان اوين در پي قطعي چهار روزه آب در بند زنان زندان اوين، وضعيت سلامت و بهداشت زندانيان در شرايط بحراني قرار گرفته است. به گزارش جرس، بند زنان زندان اوين، چهار روز است با قطعي آب مواجه شده و اين امر سلامت و بهداشت زندانيان را به شدت به خطر انداخته است. تا روز گذشته اين زندانيان از منبع آب ميتوانستند به سختي آب لازم براي استفاده در دستشوييها را فراهم کنند اما از روز گذشته آب منبع نيز قطع شده و در پاسخ اعتراض زندانيان تنها گفتهاند "منبع سوراخ است.".. به دليل قطعي آب در چهار روز گذشته، انواع بيماريهاي رودهاي، معدهاي، کليوي، پوستي و عفوني گريبانگير زندانيان اين بند شده است. از آنجا که دستهاي از معتادان و کارتنخوابها در اين روزها وارد زندان شدهاند و طبق روال زندان، بايد در بدو ورود استحمام کنند که در اين روزها به دليل نبود آب و عدم استحمام، شپش در بند بيش از پيش رواج يافته است. همچنين به دليل عدم شستوشوي ظروف در روزهاي گذشته، علاوه بر بوي بدي که تلنبار ظرفها در بند ايجاد کرده است، غذا خوردن نيز عملا ممکن نيست. از آنجايي که تعدادي از زنان، همراه با بچههاي خود در زندان هستند و نياز به شستوشوي نوزادان بيشتر است، نبود آب براي شستن روزانه نوزادن، سلامتي آنان را به خطر انداخته و بوي بد بند زنان را نيز بيش از پيش غيرقابل تحمل کرده است. (جرس – 11/7/89)
اسامي تعدادي از زناني که در انتظار اجراي حکم اعدام در بند زنان زندان اوين بسر مي برند بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" در حال حاضر تعداد زيادي از زندانيان عادي زن در بند زنان زندان اوين در انتظار اجراي حکم اعدام بسر مي برند. اکثر زناني که در زندانها بسر مي برند از اقشار ضعيف و تهيدست جامعه هستند. زنان زنداني که در اثر قوانين زن ستيز بلادفاع در معرض خشونت هاي خانوادگي و يا اجتماعي قرار گرفته اند و اين خشونت هاي خانوادگي و اجتماعي باعث انتقام گيري آنها گرديده است. همچنين زناني که به خاطر فقر و تنگدستي و گرسنگي براي رهايي يافتن از اين شرايط به هر کاري براي سير کردن شکم خود تن در مي دهند... در اينجا اسامي تعدادي از زنان زنداني محکوم به اعدام در بند زنان زندان اوين که هر لحظه امکان اجراي حکم اعدام آنها مي رود جهت ارسال به سازمانهاي حقوق بشري بين المللي و اطلاع عموم انتشار مي يابد که به قرار زير مي باشد: 1- ثريا ذکريا نژاد ،خانه دار4 سال در زندان به اتهام داشتن مواد مخدر ، دربند3 زنان زندان اوين بسر مي برد 2- اشرف امرايي ،38 ساله،خانه دار ، 2 سال در زندان ، به اتهام داشتن مواد مخدر،،همسرش پيش از اين اعدام شده است ، دربند3 زنان زندان اوين بسر مي برد 3- سهيلا پور حسيني 19 ساله، خانه دار ،1 سال در زندان به اتهام قتل ،بند3 زنان زندان اوين 4- اشرف کل حر 45 ساله،خانه دار به اتهام قتل و زنا ، حکم سنکسار9 سال در زندان، بند 2 بالا زندان اوين 5- شهلا جاهد ،8 سال در زندان، به اتهام قتل،در بند 1 بالا زندان اوين قاضي صادر کننده حکم جعفر زاده 6- کبري رحمان پور 29 ساله،خانه دار به اتهام قتل 9 سال در زندان بند 2 پايين زندان اوين قاضي صادر کننده حکم؛ عزيز محمدي 7- سوگند جهاني 28 ساله،خانه دار به اتهام قتل محکوم به اعدام ،2.5 سال در زندان ،بند 2 پايين زندان اوين قاضي صادر کننده حکم ؛ عزيز محمدي 8-ريحانه جباري 25 ساله،به اتهام قتل ، 3.5 در زندان ،بند 1 پايين زندان اوين قاضي صادر کننده حکم تردست 9- سادات صفوي 45 ساله،خانه دار ، به اتهام مواد 3 سال در زندان حبس بند 1 بالا زندان اوين 10 – سحر پري خاني 23 ساله،خانه دار، به اتهام قتل ،3 سال در زندان ، بند 2 بالا زندان اوين 11- فاطمه حداد 34 ساله،خانه دار به اتهام قتل ،1.5 سال در زندان ، ،بند 2 بالا زندان اوين 12- اکرم علي محمدي 29 ساله به اتهام قتل ،5 سال در زندان، بند 2 بالا زندان اوين 13 – فرشته بيگوند 45 ساله،خانه دار به اتهام مواد مخدر، 5 سال در زندان ،بند 1 بالا زندان اوين 14 ليلا خواجه وندي 32 ساله،خانه دار، به اتهام مواد مخدر، 2.5 سال در زندان ،بند 1 پايين زندان اوين 15- نقره خزايي 47 ساله،خانه دار به اتهام قتل و مواد مخدر ،4 سال در زندان ،بند 2 پايين زندان اوين 16- ليدا توکلي محلاتي،28 ساله ،متهم به قتل 5 سال در زندان،قاضي صادر کننده حکم کوه کمره اي ، بند 2 بالا زندان اوين 17- فاطمه مطيع،40 ساله ،متهم به قتل ،15 سال در زندان ،قاضي صادر کننده حکم عزيز محمدي 18- محبوبه شيخ لر 18 ساله ، متهم به قتل ، 1 سال در زندان ، قاضي صادر کننده حکم عزيز محمدي 19- مينا چراغي 25 ساله ،به اتهام داشتن مواد مخدر، 2 سال در زندان 20- شرافت بيگوند ،به اتهام حمل و نگهداري مواد مخدر ،5 سال در زندان 21- آزيتا ملاهاشمي، 6 سال در زندان، قاضي صادر کننده حکم عزيز محمدي 22- فرحناز نيک خواه به اتهام قتل، 7 سال در زندان، قاضي صادر کننده حکم عزيز محمدي بود 23- راضيه ژوليده 35 سال و مرضيه توکلي 20 سال که مادر و دختر هستند،به اتهام قتل 24- زرين تاج غريب، 4 سال در زندان ،قاضي صادر کننده حکم همت يار 25 – زهرا عادي گذري مقدم، به اتهام قتل 7 سال در زندان،قاضي صادر کننده حکم عزيز محمدي 26- معصومه آقايي، به اتهام قتل، 3 سال در زندان ،قاضي صادر کننده حکم عزيز محمدي 27- سعيده خدايي دل ،به اتهام معاونت در قتل ،8.5 سال در زندان ،قاضي صادر کننده حکم طباطبايي 28--سهيلا پور حسيني،به اتهام قتل ،10 ماه درز ندان 29- مرضيه رحماني،به اتهام مباشرت در قتل 5 سال در زندان ،قاضي صادر کننده حکم عزيز محمدي – تردست 30- زهرا رحيمي ،به اتهام قتل 5 ماه در زندان 31- نسرين نجفي، به اتهام قتل ،1 سال در زندان 32- اعظم احمد وند 27 ساله ،6 سال در زندان ،شعبه 74 صادر کننده حکم عزيز محمد (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران در ايران 13/7/89)
ادامه مشکل بيآبي در بند عمومي زنان زندان اوين زندانيان بند عمومي زنان زندان اوين بر اثر قطع مکرر و نبود آب در طي هشت روز گذشته با مشکلات عديدهاي بهداشتي مواجه شدهاند. بند عمومي زنان زندان اوين از ماههاي گذشته مکررا دچار مشکل قطع و نبود آب شده بود. اين مشکل از هفته گذشته با افزايش ساعات قطع آب، تا حد ۲۴ ساعت مشکلات عديدهاي را براي زندانيان زن فراهم کرده است. به گزارش خبرنگار رهانا، سامانه خبري خانه حقوق بشر ايران، در اين بند از زندان اوين حدود ۲۰ نوزاد و کودک زير دو سال به همراه مادران خود در زندان هستند و نبود آب اين کودکان را دچار مشکلات عمدهاي کرده است. اين در حالي است که با وجود اين مشکل از ماههاي قبل مسئولين زندان اوين هيچ کار خاصي براي رفع آن نکرده بودند تا به امروز اين مشکل دو چندان شود. غلامحسين اسماعيلي رئيس سازمان زندانها روز گذشته وضعيت بهداشتي زندانها را «در حد قابل قبول» عنوان کرده بود. (رهانا – 15/7/89)
8 political prisoners kept in state of limbo after 50 days Fifty days after the arrest of a number of Kurd citizens in Marivan by intelligence and Revolutionary Guards Corps forces in the Ney Village, these prisoners are still kept in a state of limbo in solitary cells in the Marivan Intelligence Agency. According to reports, Bahman Fatahzadeh, Borhan Derakhshani, Bariar Kaveh, Barian Kaveh, and Borhan Khosravi were arrested on August 14 after armed intelligence and RGC forces attacked their homes in Marivan. These forces also insulted and harassed their families while searching their homes. A few days later, three other young men in that village identified as Amir Kaveh, Mosleh Badakhsh and Mokhtar Efra were arrested by intelligence and RGC forces. Another young man identified as Mahmoud Mardani was also arrested after being summoned to the Marivan Intelligence Agency. Despite their families constant pursuits, they still have not received any clear answers regarding their loved ones and it is still not clear why they were arrested and what their charges are. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 4, 2010)
No news on detained Kurd teacher after one month There is no news on the fate of a Kurd academic activist in Marivan who was arrested about one month ago by security forces in this town. According to reports in Marivan, Aziz Naseri is the principal of Marivan’s high schools and a former member of the Kurdistan Teacher Association who was taken to an unknown location after his arrest. Despite constant pursuits by his family, officials have not said why he was arrested and what his charges are. Naseri has more than 12 years of experience teaching Farsi literature in Marivan’s high schools. (Mukarian News Agency – Oct. 4, 2010)
نقض حقوق پايه اي
وضعيت و سرنوشت نامشخص 8 شهروند بازداشت شده مريوانى با گذشت بيش از 50 روز از بازداشت شدن چند شهروند کرد مريواني توسط نيروهاي اصلاعات و سپاه پاسداران در روستاي "ني" از توابع اين شهر، هنوز اين بازداشت شدگان بلاتکليف در سلولهاي انفرادي اطلاعات شهر مذکور به سر ميبرند. بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، بهمن فتاح زاده، بورهان درخشاني، بريار کاوه، بورهان خسروي، مورخ 23 مرداد ماه سال جاري با يورش نيروهاي مسلح اطلاعات و سپاه پاسداران مريوان به منازلشان، بازداشت شدند. نيروهاى امنيتي در حين بازداشت نامبردگان منازلشان را تفتيش و اعضاي خانوادهي آنهارا مورد تحقير قرار دادند. همچنين چند روز بعد، سه جوان ديگر همان روستا به اسامي امير کاوه، مصلح بدخش و مختار افرا توسط نيروهاي اطلاعات و سپاه بازداشت شدند. جوان ديگر روستاي مذکور به نام محمود مرداني پس از احضار و مراجعه به ادارهي اطلاعات مريوان، بازداشت شد. عليرغم مراجعات مکرر خانوادهي اين بازداشت شدگان، تاکنون جواب مشخصي به آنها داده نشده است و علت بازداشت و اتهامات احتمالي اين شهروندان کرد هنوز مشخص نيست. (هرانا – 12/7/89)
بي خبري ازسرنوشت يک فعال فرهنگي کرد در مريوان از سرنوشت يک فعال فرهنگي کرد در مريوان به نام عزيز ناصري که از حدود يک ماه پيش توسط نيروهاي امنيتي در اين شهر بازداشت شده اطلاعي در دست نيست براساس گزارش خبرنگار آژانس خبري موکريان در مريوان، عزيز ناصري دبير دبيرستانهاي مريوان و عضو پيشين انجمن صنفي معلمان استان کردستان، پس از بازداشت به مکان نامعلومي منتقل شده و از سرنوشت وي خبري در دست نيست. گفتني است تا لحظه تنظيم خبر عليرغم پيگيريهاي بستگان نامبرده، مقامات مسئول هيچگونه پاسخي در رابطه با اتهامات احتمالي و محل نگهداري اين فعال کرد ندادهاند. شايان ذکر است که عزيز ناصري بيش از دوازده سال سابقه تدريس ادييات فارسي در دبيرستانهاي شهرستان مريوان را دارد. (آژانس خبري موکريان - 12/7/89)
Iran abducts student activist in Tehran Habib Farahzadi, a student who was denied the right to education in Tehran University was kidnapped by plainclothes agents on October 2 while going to register at this university. According to reports, Farahzadi who was suspended for three semesters because of political activities and opposition had come to the university to register again after these three semesters. After leaving the university through the western door he was attacked and abducted by plainclothes agents in front of the Tehran University Protection Department forces. Agents who were waiting in a car violently forced him into the car and immediately left the scene. (Jaras Website – Oct. 3, 2010)
Jailed Human rights lawyer on hunger strike for 10 days in protest to prison conditions Nasrin Sutodeh, a hardworking human rights lawyer stipulated in a short phone call to her husband that she went on a hunger strike on September 25. According to reports, her husband Reza Khandan stressed that after this short phone call, all communications with his wife were cut off. This senior expert in International law who is also the mother of two young children was arrested on September 18. She had stressed in her last phone call that she would go on a hunger strike if her rights were violated in prison. Nasrin Sutodeh was the lawyer of a large number of political activists, journalists, civil rights activists and minor offenders in the last few years. (Jaras Website – Oct. 6, 2010)
Two Kurd activist still kept in solitary after 65 days; families pressured into keeping silent Two months after the arrest of two activists in Marivan, there is still no news on their condition and their families have been put under pressure by security forces. These two Kurd activists identified as Bakhtiar Memari and Hajir Ibarahimi who were arrested about two months ago by security forces are still in solitary cells in the Sanandaj Intelligence Detention Center. These two activists have been under severe pressure for 65 days in solitary cells and have not been allowed to contact their families. A person close to these detainees said that their conditions are a cause for concern because they have been kept in solitary for such a long time. This source also said that their families were pressured not to talk to the media about their arrest and therefore no information has been put out about their condition until now. Notably, despite the constant visits of their families to the court and intelligence agency in Sanandaj to follow up their conditions, they have not been able to get any information on their loved ones and relevant officials refuse to give them information on their charges and condition. (Kurdish Perspective – Oct. 7, 2010)
Prison sentence
Political prisoner sentenced to 9 years of prison and 74 lashes The 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran headed by Judge Pir Abbasi sentenced Heshmatollah Tabarzadi, a well-known political activist, to 9 years of prison and 74 lashes. According to reports, Tabarzadi has been charged with ‘assembling and conspiring to commit a crime against the internal security of the country’ and ‘insulting the Supreme Leader’. Tabarzadi is the spokesman for the Solitary Council for Democracy and Human Rights and the Secretary General of the Iran Democratic Front and has been detained for more than nine months now. He has been transferred to Gohardasht Prison in Karaj for the four past months and is kept under hard conditions with minimum sanitary facilities. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 3, 2010)
Another blogger sentenced to 15 years of prison Hossein Ronaqi Maleki, student activist and blogger was sentenced to 15 years of prison. Zoleikha Moussavi, his mother, announced this sentence and said, “Initially his sentence was to be announced on September 26 but then they said that it would be announced on October 3. On October 3 they took him to court without informing us or his lawyer and did not let us see him”. “The secretary of the court told Hossein his sentence and did not even let him see the written sentence. They just told him that he had been sentenced to 15 years of prison”, she added. Hossein Ronaqi Maleki was arrested on December 13, 2009 and was taken to a solitary cell in cellblock 2 in Evin Prison. He was under severe mental and physical pressure in his 10 months of detention in solitary to make confessions on TV. His interrogators threatened him that if he did not give an interview, he would receive a heavy prison term. (Daneshju News – Oct. 5, 2010)
دستگيريهاي سياسي
ايران يك فعال دانشجويي را مي ربايد حبيب فرحزادي، دانشجوي محروم از تحصيل دانشگاه تهران، روز شنبه دهم مهرماه، در حاليکه براي ثبت نام مجدد به دانشگاه مراجعه کرده بود، در مقابل درب دانشگاه توسط نيروهاي لباس شخصي ربوده شد. بنا به گزارش منابع خبري جرس، فرحزادي که به دليل فعاليتهاي سياسي و اعتراضي، به مدت سه ترم از تحصيل محروم شده بود، با توجه به اتمام دوران محروميتش، براي ثبت نام در ترم جديد مراجعه کرده بود، که پس از خروج از درب غربي دانشگاه، در خيابان ١۶ آذر در مقابل چشمان نيروهاي حراست دانشگاه تهران مورد حمله و ربايش نيروهاي امنيتي لباس شخصي قرار گرفت . اين منبع خبري خاطرنشان کرد ماموران که سوار بر يک دستگاه اتومبيل پژو بودند، اين دانشجو را با خشونت سوار بر خودرو نموده و بلافاصله محل را ترک نمودند. (جرس – 11/7/89)
نسرين ستوده از سوم مهرماه در اعتصاب غذاست نسرين ستوده حقوقدان پيگير حقوق بشر، در تماس کوتاهي با همسر خود تصريح کرد که از سوم مهرماه در اعتصاب غذا بسر ميبرد. بر اساس گزارش رسيده به جرس، رضا خندان، همسر ستوده تاکيد ميکند که پس از اين تماس کوتاه، ارتباط تلفني اين وکيل برجسته قطع شده است. ستوده، کارشناس ارشد حقوق بينالملل و مادر دو کودک خردسال، 13 شهريورماه گذشته بازداشت شد. آخرين تماس تلفني وي 27 شهريورماه بود. وي تاکيد کرده بود که در صورت عدم رعايت حقوق شهروندياش در زندان، اعتصاب غذا خواهد کرد... نسرين ستوده، وکيل مدافع جمع قابل توجهي از فعالان سياسي، روزنامهنگاران، کنشگران مدني و نوجوانان متهم در سالهاي اخير بوده است. (جرس – 14/7/89)
دو فعال مريواني همچنان در سلول انفرادي به سر مي برند با گذشت بيش از دو ماه از بازداشت دو فعال مريواني، هيچ اخباري ازسرنوشت اين دو شهروند کرد حاصل نشده و خانوادهاي آنان تحت فشار نيروهاي امنيتي جمهوري اسلامي قرار دارند. به گزارش کرديش پرسپکتيو، دو فعال کرد اهل شهرستان مريوان به اسامي بختيار معماري و هژير ابراهيمي که حدود دو ماه پيش از سوي ماموران امنيتي بازداشت شدند، همچنان در سلول انفرادي بازداشتگاه اداره اطلاعات سنندج به سر مي برند. اين دو شهروند کرد که ۶۵ روز را در سلولهاي انفرادي و تحت شديدترين فشارها سپري نمودهاند تاکنون امکان برقراي هرگونه تماسي را با خانوادهاي خود نداشتهاند. يکي از نزديکان اين بازداشت شدگان در مصاحبهاي با کرديش پرسپکتيو وضعيت اين دو نفر را با توجه به مدت زمان طولاني نگهداري آنها در سلول انفرادي نگران کننده دانست. اين منبع همچنين در ادامه افزود که خانوادهاي دستگير شدگان از سوي نيروهاي امنيتي مبني بر عدم مصاحبه با رسانهها تحت فشار قرار دارند و به همين خاطر هيچ اطلاع رساني در خصوص وضعيت نامبردگان تاکنون صورت نپذيرفته است. گفتني است که مراجعههاي مکرر خانواده هاي اين دو زنداني به دادسرا و اداره اطلاعات سنندج تاکنون هيچ نتيجهاي در پي نداشته و مسئولان مربوطه از ارائه هرگونه توضيحي در باره وضعيت و اتهام هاي منتسب احتمالي به اين فعالان خودداري نمودهاند. (کرديش پرسپکتيو – 15/7/89)
حكم زندان محکوميت حشمت الله طبرزدي به ۹ سال حبس و ۷۴ ضربه شلاق شعبه ۲۶ دادگاه انقلاب اسلامي تهران به رياست قاضي پير عباسي حشمت الله طبرزدي، فعال سرشناس سياسي را را به ۹ سال حبس و ۷۴ ضربه شلاق محکوم کرد. بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، دادگاه موارد اتهامي حشمت الله طبرزدي را "اجتماع و تباني براي ارتکاب جرايم بر ضد امنيت داخلي کشور" و "اهانت به مقام معظم رهبري" اعلام کرده است. حشمت الله طبرزدي، سخنگوي شوراي همبستگي براي دمکراسي و حقوق بشر و دبير کل جبهه دموکراتيک ايران، هم اکنون بيش از نه ماه است که در بازداشت بوده، که چهار ماه اخير را به زندان رجايي شهر کرج تبعيد شده و در شرايط سخت و با امکانات بهداشتي بسيار کم نگهداري مي شود. (هرانا – 11/7/89) ۱۵ سال حبس تعزيري براي حسين رونقي ملکي وبلاگ نويس حسين رونقي ملکي، وبلاگنويس و فعال دانشجويي به ۱۵ سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شد. زليخا موسوي، مادر حسين رونقي با بيان اين خبر به رهانا گفت: «ابتدا قرار بود حکم حسين را در چهارم مهر ماه اعلام کنند، اما بعد گفتند که در ۱۱ مهر ماه حکم اعلام خواهد شد. در ۱۱ مهر ماه او را بدون اطلاع ما و وکيل به دادگاه آوردند و اجازه ديدن وي را هم به ما ندادند.» مادر اين وبلاگنويس که با نام بابک خرمدين وبلاگنويسي ميکرد، ادامه داد: «اين حکم از طرف منشي دادگاه به حسين گفته شده است و حتي اجازه ندادند که خود حسين حکم را ببيند. فقط به او گفته شده که ۱۵ سال حبس دريافت کرده است.»... حسين رونقي ملکي، وبلاگنويس از ۲۲ آذر ماه ۱۳۸۸ بازداشت و به سلولهاي انفرادي بند ۲ الف سپاه منتقل شده است. اين وبلاگنويس در طول ۱۰ ماه بازداشت در سلولهاي انفرادي به شدت تحت فشارهاي روحي و جسمي براي اعتراف و مصاحبه تلويزيوني قرار گرفته بود. بازجويان پرونده تهديد کرده بودند، در صورت عدم اعتراف و مصاحبه به حبس سنگيني محکوم خواهد شد. (دانشجو نيوز – 13/789)
Prisoners thrown in solitary for 3 months and banned from family visits after being tortured Two Kurd political prisoners in the Orumieh Central prison who have recently been transferred from the Intelligence Agency of this city to prison are being kept in solitary cells for three months so that torture signs on their bodies disappear. According to reports, Behrouz Aqa Khani from Salmas and Akbar Akbarlou from Khoy were subjected to severe torture for six months in the Orumieh Intelligence Agency and are now being held in solitary cells in the Orumieh Prison. They are also denied phone calls and visits with their families until the signs of physical tortures clear off. The physical condition of these men who have been arrested on charges of acting against national security is very concerning and prison officials refuse to give them medical treatment. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 2, 2010)
Iran flogs two men in public in Ahwaz Two people convicted of selling narcotics were flogged in public with a court order. These two were arrested during operations to clean out contaminated areas of Ahwaz which was carried out by the Revolutionary and Public courts. According to the court orders, the flogging sentence of one of the two prisoners who was sentenced to 12 years and 2 months of prison, 80 lashes and a fine was carried out in the Koye Ramezan region in Ahwaz. Also the flogging sentence for another man who was sentenced to 5 years and 50 days of prison, 46 lashes and a fine was carried out on the same day in the Khashayar region in this town. (Qods state-run daily – Oct. 3, 2010)
Political prisoner near paralysis because of lack of medical attention; banned from family visits Hamed Rouhi Nejad was transferred to a two person cell in a detention center near the Central Zanjan Prison and was banned from family visits. According to reports, this political prisoner who has been sentenced to 10 years of prison to be served in exile is suffering from multiple sclerosis and his condition has greatly deteriorated after being transferred to Zanjan Prison because of lack of medical attention and facilities. Hamed Rouhi Nejad and his family have written letters to various judicial officials about his terrible condition including the Tehran Prosecutor and the judge on his case but have so far not been successful in getting him a medical leave from prison. Rouhi Nejad is becoming paralyzed and has so far lost 50 percent of his hearing and vision and has to receive medical attention. His family says that after he was transferred to Zanjan Prison, the conditions for visiting their son has become harder and since last week because he was transferred to a detention center near Zanjan Prison, he has been banned from visits. It is still not clear why he was taken to a solitary cell but in his last visit with his family, he said that he would go on hunger strike in protest to the lack of medical attention for his condition. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 5, 2010)
Man sentenced to finger amputation for ‘picking pockets’ After a criminal record was filed for a thief in the fourth branch of the Public and Revolutionary Court in Qazvin, the Qazvin Prosecutor, Sadeqi Niaraki, issued a bill of indictment requesting that the maximum punishment (finger amputation) be carried out for this man. Notably, the above mentioned convict is 42 years old, illiterate and married and has had previous criminal experience (picking pockets) and his case was referred to the Public and Criminal Court in Qazvin with the bill of indictment for finger amputation. (Qazvin Province Information Network [state-run] – Oct. 5, 2010)
Details of brutal torture of death row political prisoner Death row political prisoner, Seyed Sami Hosseini who is in the Orumieh Central Prison detailed the tortures he was subjected to in a letter from prison. Some sections of his letter are as follows: I was arrested on June 4, 2008 and it was written in my files that I was interrogated in the first branch of court on June 5, 2008 even while I was detained in the Salmas Intelligence Agency then and was subjected to the most severe torture for 6 to 7 days by intelligence agents. Due to the torture I lost my speech and was sent to the Khomeini Hospital in Orumieh. Therefore how could I be present in the first branch of the Salmas court in this condition? I did not go to court until August 24 and I was completely in the hands of the Intelligence Agency. I was unconscious for 18 days after being tortured in the Western Azarbaijan Intelligence Agency and was hospitalized in the private intelligence agency hospital. My friend Jamaloddin Mohammadi and I never actually saw the claimed evidence of the Intelligence Agency and Revolutionary Court even while we were sentenced to death based on this so-called evidence… Interrogation methods by heads of the Intelligence Agency in Salmas and Oruimeh: I was punched and kicked and beaten for hours… I was hanged with a rope from my wrists and given electric shocks. I had a 20 cm long gash in my shoulder because of the torture and after 2 years, the signs of the gash are still evident on my body and judges in the court of review even saw and confirmed this sign of torture. I was flogged on the soles of my feet and thighs. Because of these tortures, I was unconscious for 18 days and I was unable to eat for a week after I regained conscious and was nourished through an intravenous drip. My interrogators recorded my inability to eat as ‘hunger strike in detention’ in my file. I was banned from seeing my family and even from calling them for 3 and a half months. I was interrogated for a prolonged amount of time and sometimes up to 48 hours and was deprived from sleep so that my mental state and moral would decrease in order to force me to accept what they pleased. Political prisoner Seyed Sami Hosseini – Orumieh Prison cellblock 12 (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 5, 2010)
Prisoner becomes paralyzed in both arms in Tabriz Criminal Intelligence Department from excessive torture Hamid Jahangir Vandian who is a resident of Tabriz has become paralyzed in both arms as a result of prolonged torture in the Tabriz Criminal Intelligence Department. A person close to him said that Jahangir Vandian was transferred to the Criminal Intelligence Department after being accused of robbery and was subjected to severe torture which led to his hands being paralyzed from the shoulder down. He was hanged with handcuffs for a few days by agents of the 3rd Team to Counter Robbery in the Tabriz Criminal Intelligence Department. These agents also hammered his fingers. This Azeri citizen went to the doctor after leaving the Intelligence Department and was told that his hands had become paralyzed and would not go back to their original state. Jahangir Vandian then filed a complaint against the three agents identified by their last names as Shahi, Atayi and Aqarbayi and the case was sent to the fifth branch of the Tabriz Judiciary. Agents of the Criminal Intelligence Department then transferred him back to this department after being informed of the suit and he is currently under pressure to take back his complaint. These agents told him that the judge seeing to this case was a former agent in the Tabriz Criminal Intelligence Department and was their friend and even if these agents killed him, no one would support him. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 8, 2010)
تحمل سه ماه انفرادي براي محو آثار شکنجه دو زنداني سياسي دو زنداني سياسي کرد محبوس در زندان مرکزي اروميه که به تازگي از اداره اطلاعات اين شهر به اين زندان منتقل شدند براي محو آثار شکنجه بيش از سه ماه است که در سلولهاي انفرادي اين زندان نگهداري مي شوند. بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، بهروز آقا خاني، اهل سلماس به همراه اکبر اکبرلو، اهل خوي بيش از شش ماه در اداره اطلاعات اروميه تحت شکنجه هاي بسيار شديد جسمي قرار گرفته و پس از اتمام بازجويي ها مدت سه ماه است که در سلولهاي انفرادي زندان اروميه نگهداري مي شوند و از حق تماس تلفني و ملاقات با خانواده نيز محروم هستند تا آثار شکنجه هاي جسمي اين افراد از بين برود. گفتني است، وضعيت جسمي اين افراد که به اتهام اقدام عليه امنيت ملي بازداشت شده اند به شدت نگران کننده است و مسئولين زندان نيز از رسيدگي پزشکي به آنها سر باز مي زنند. (هرانا – 10/7/89)
شلاق در ملأ عام براي 2 متهم به قاچاق مواد مخدر دو متهم به فروش مواد مخدر در اهواز با حکم دادگاه در ملأ عام شلاق خوردند. اين 2 تن در عملياتهاي پاکسازي مناطق آلوده شهر اهواز که توسط دادسراي عمومي و انقلاب اهواز اجرا شد، دستگير شده بودند. براساس آراي صادره، حکم شلاق يکي از اين متهمان که از سوي دادگاه انقلاب اهواز به 12 سال و دو ماه حبس، 80 ضربه شلاق تعزيري در ملأ عام و پرداخت جزاي نقدي محکوم شده است، در منطقه کوي رمضان اهواز اجرا شد. همچنين حکم شلاق مرد ديگري که به 5 سال و 50 روز حبس، 46 ضربه شلاق تعزيري و پرداخت جزاي نقدي محکوم شده است نيز در همين روز و در منطقه خشايار اين شهرستان به اجرا درآمد. (قدس – 11/7/89)
حامد روحي نژاد در شرايط اسفبار ممنوع الملاقات شد حامد روحي نژاد به سلول دو نفره در بازداشتگاه نزديک زندان مرکزي زنجان منتقل شده و ممنوع الملاقات است. بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، اين زنداني سياسي که به 10 سال حبس در تبعيد محکوم شده است از بيماري ام اس رنج مي برد و وضعيت وي پس از تبعيد به زندان مرکزي زنجان به دليل عدم رسيدگي پزشکي و محدوديت امکانات پزشکي رو به وخامت گذاشته است. حامد روحي نژاد و خانواده اش بارها به مسئولين مختلف دستگاه قضايي نامه نگاري کرده و وضعيت اسفبار اين زنداني را به مسئولين از جمله دادستاني تهران و قاضي پرونده اطلاع داده اند اما تا کنون موافقتي در خصوص مرخصي استعلاجي براي اين زنداني صورت نگرفته است. حامد روحي نژاد به صورت محسوسي در حال فلج شدن است و تا کنون 50% بينايي و شنوايي خود را از دست داده است و مي بايست تحت مراقبت پزشکي قرار گيرد. خانواده اين زنداني مي گويد پس از تبعيد وي به زندان زنجان ملاقات با فرزند بيمارشان نيز سخت تر شده است و از هفته گذشته نيز به دليل انتقالش به يک بازداشتگاه در نزديکي زندان ممنوع الملاقات شده است. علت انتقال اين زنداني به سلول انفرادي هنوز مشخص نشده است اما نامبرده در آخرين ملاقات با خانواده اش اعلام کرد در اعتراض به وضعيت جسمي اش اعتصاب غذا خواهد کرد. (هرانا – 13/7/89)
اعمال مجازات قطع دست يک مرد متاهل در قزوين به دنبال تشکيل پرونده اتهامي يکي از سارقان سابقه دار در شعبه چهارم بازپرسي دادسراي عمومي و انقلاب قزوين ، دادستان قزوين, حجت الاسلام صادقي نيارکي با صدور کيفر خواستي تقاضاي اعمال مجازات سرقت مشمول حد (قطع انگشتان دست) متهم را خواستار گرديد. شايان ذکر است متهم ياد شده داراي ۴۲ سال سن ، بي سواد ، متاهل و داراي سوابق کيفري (سرقت از طريق جيب بري) بوده و پرونده اتهامي وي با صدور کيفرخواست مبني بر اعمال مجازات سرقت مشمول حد به دادگاههاي عمومي و جزائي قزوين ارسال گرديده است. (شبکه اطلاع رساني استان قزوين - 13/7/89)
شرح شکنجه هاي جسمي يک زنداني محکوم به اعدام زنداني سياسي محکوم به اعدام سيد سامي حسيني که در زندان مرکزي اروميه بسر مي برد در نامه اي به شرح شکنجه هاي خود و روند حقوقي طي شده براي محکوميت وي به اعدام پرداخته است. قسمتهايي از متن اين نامه که در اختيار خبرگزاري هرانا قرار گرفته است به شرح زير است: -بنده در مورخه15 .3 .87 دستگير شدهام و در صفحه 1 پرونده ذکر شده که مورخه16 .3 .87 در بازپرسي شعبه اول حضور داشتم، حال آنکه بنده در آن زمان در اداره اطلاعات سلماس بودم و 6 الي 7 روز زير سختترين شکنجههاي جسماني اداره اطلاعات سلماس بودم که بخاطر شدت شکنجه قادر به تکلم نشدم و مرا به بيمارستان امام خميني اروميه اعزام کردند .پس با اين وضعيت چطور من در 16 .3 .87 در بازپرسي شعبه اول دادگاه سلماس بودم؟ بنده از 16 .3 .87 تا 3 .6 .87 در شعبه بازپرسي حاضر نبودهام و کاملآ در اختيار اداره اطلاعات سلماس و اداره کل اطلاعات اروميه بودم و در اين مدت يعني در ايام شکنجه در اداره کل اطلاعات استان آذربايجان غربي به مدت 18 روز به حالت بيهوشي کامل رفته و در بيمارستان خصوصي اداره اطلاعا ت بستري بودم. -بنده سامي حسيني و رفيقم جمالالدين محمدي هيچ موقع با شهود ادعايي اداره اطلاعات و دادگاه انقلاب اسلامي خوي مواجهه حضوري نشديم، در حاليکه با استناد به شهادت شهود فرضي محکوم به اعدام شدهايم... اکنون به نحوه بازجويي مسئولان اداره اطلاعات سلماس و اروميه توجه نمائيد: برخورد فيزيکي از قبيل ساعتها با مشت و لگد بنده را ميزدند،_ آويزان کردن بوسيله طناب از ناحيه مچ دستها_ استفاده از جريان برق يعني با جرياندهي برق به بدنم کل سيستم عصبي بنده را به هم ميريختند_ پارگي کتف به حدود 20 سانتي متر در اثر شکنجه که هنوز با گذشت 2 سال آثار آن موجود است و خود قاضيهاي دادگاه تجديد نظر استان اين آثار را در جلسه دادگاه تجديد نظر استان مشاهده و تأييد کردند _ شلاق زدن از ناحيه کف پا و ران _ در زير اين شکنجههاي فيزيکي اعمال شکنجههاي روحي و استرسزا که شدت شکنجههاي فيزيکي به حدي شد که به مدت 18 روز به حالت بيهوشي کامل رفته بودم و مدت يک هفته بعد از هوشياري قادر به خوردن غذا نبودم بلکه از طريق سرم تغذيه ميکردم و حال آنکه مسئولان بازجويي اين وضعيت بنده را در پرونده به عنوان اعتصاب غدا در بازداشتگاه ذکر کردهاند_ عدم ملاقات با خانواده و حتي تماس تلفني به مدت 3 ماه و نيم_ ساعتهاي بازجويي که بعضي مواقع حدود 48 ساعت بيدار نگه ميداشتند تا کاملآ تعادل فکري و روحي و فيزيکي بنده به هم بخورد تا هر چيزي را که دوست دارند به من بقبولانند. زنداني سياسي سيد سامي حسيني زندان اروميه بند12 (هرانا – 13/7/89)
نقص عضو يک شهروند تبريزي در زير شکنجه حميد جهانگيرونديان شهروند تبريزي به علت شکنجه هاي طولاني مدت در اداره آگاهي تبريز از ناحيه دست فلج شده است. يکي از نزديکان خانواده جهانگيرونديان در گفتگويي با خبرگزاري حقوق بشر ايران "هرانا" ضمن اعلام اين خبر مي گويد اين شهروند تبريزي پس از آنکه در ماههاي گذشته به سرقت متهم و به اداره آگاهي تبريز منتقل شده بود تحت شديدترين شکنجه ها قرار گرفت و دو دست وي از ناحيه کتف به پايين فلج شده است. اين شهروند تبريزي پس از انتقال به اداره آگاهي از سوي ماموران تيم سوم شعبه مبارزه با سرقت اداره آگاهي تبريز به مدت چندين روز از دستبند به دست آويزان بوده است. ماموران همچنين با چکش ضربات محکمي بر انگشتان جهانگيرونديان وارد کرده اند. اين شهروند آذربايجاني پس از خروج از اداره آگاهي به پزشک مراجعه کرده اما پزشکان به وي گفته اند که دستهاي وي فلج شده و قابل بازگشت به حالت اوليه نيست. جهانگيرونديان پس از اطلاع از اين موضوع از سه تن از ماموران اداره آگاهي تبريز به نام هاي شاهي٬ عطايي و اقربايي شکايت کرده و پرونده جهت رسيدگي به شعبه پنج بازپرسي دادگستري تبريز ارسال شده است. ماموران اداره آگاهي تبريز پس از اطلاع از شکايت اين شهروند تبريزي در روزهاي گذشته وي را از زندان تبريز به اداره آگاهي اين شهر منتقل کرده و وي هم اکنون تحت فشار قرار دارد تا از شکايتش صرف نظر کند. ماموران به جهانگيرونديان گفته اند که قاضي پرونده پيش از اين مامور اداره آگاهي تبريز و از دوستان آنهاست و حتي اگر مامورين وي را بکشند کسي از وي حمايت نخواهد کرد. (هرانا -16/7/89)