Committee of Human Rights Activists in Iran

The death sentence for Mohammad Haj Aqayi which was issued by the Revolutionary Court on charges of ‘cooperating with the People’s Mojahedin Organization’ was confirmed by the court of review.
His lawyer has requested for an appeal saying that the Supreme Court is not qualified to see to death sentences.

تاييد حکم اعدام محمدحاج آقايي در دادگاه تجديد نظر

حکم اعدام محمدحاج آقايي که در دادگاه انقلاب به اتهام «همکاري با سازمان مجاهدين خلق» صادر شده بود، در دادگاه تجديد نظر تاييد شده است.
در همين رابطه، وکيل وي درخواست تجديد نظر داده است و در درخواست‌اش معترض بوده که ديوان عالي‌ کشور صلاحيت رسيدگي به احکامي چون اعدام را دارد. (رهانا – 12/5/89)

Committee of Human Rights Reporters

Physical torture is a human rights violation that has been carried out against political prisoners from a very long time ago and because the media is focused on Tehran’s prisons, this inhumane treatment is being carried out much more violently in other towns especially in Kurdistan. The report below is an example of this brutal treatment of a Kurd prisoner named Ahmad Bob.
Ahmad Bob, is a social activist from Marivan who was jailed for 195 days in prison and was under severe physical and mental torture.
He was arrested on September 27, 2009 after agents of the Ministry of Intelligence broke down his home door and took him away with blindfolds without an arrest warrant. He was taken to a solitary cell in the Marivan Intelligence Agency. On the first night of his detainment he was interrogated and tortured without being formally charged…
In the first hours of detention, he had to confess that he was in contact with anti-revolutionary groups and had disrupted public order by bringing together people against the Islamic Republic. Since he was a civil rights and social activist, he did not accept any of the charges and did not give into confessing to lies and for this reason was tortured physically and mentally much more severely.
He was beaten with a military belt, kicked and punched by three people while shackled and blindfolded. His hands were then opened and while two people held his hands, another person opened his mouth and pulled out three of his front bottom teeth with pliers.
This was done by first loosening the teeth with pliers and then pulling it out and was continued until Bob passed out. Broken teeth, teeth that were pulled out, bloody clothes, inability to speak, gum inflammation, a bruised skull as a result of baton strikes and bruised eyes were the conclusion of Ahmad Bob’s first day of detention…
Batons, logs, military belts, pliers and vulgar and insulting language were the tools used to torture him. He was usually interrogated and tortured from sunset until sunrise to force him to make false confessions. In the first 33 days of his detention, he was not given any kind of medical treatment.
He was forced to sit on his knees and then stand up 1000 times and when he did this 100 times, he would be forced to do it all over again because he had missed a number. They beat him so much with a military belt that he was unable to stand on his feet.
He would also be forced to stand up for a long period of time which would sometimes continue for 10 hours. He was threatened at gun point and was asked to choose which of his fingers he would prefer to be blown off first.
They would keep him in a standing position and would then drop the pliers from over his head on his toes and blood gushed out on his toenails with every strike. They insisted he confess that he spied for America in these tortures.
They also threatened him with rape saying that raping infidels was lawful. He would be forced to sit on a lit gas stove but was severely beaten for resisting.
Ahmad Bob spent 33 days of his incarceration in a solitary cell in Marivan where he was under severe torture. He was kept in a cell which was the size of a soldier’s army blanket and was allowed to use the restroom three times a day which was also the only time he had access to drinking water.
His interrogations usually started at noon or in the afternoon and continued until the next morning and he was denied food in this time. He also was not given anything to wash himself with in these 33 days and was also deprived of bathing facilities. He was sometimes forced to crawl to the bathroom because of his severe weakened state. After 33 days, he was allowed to bathe but because of his physical condition and weakness he was only able to wash his hair with the help of a soldier.
After being transferred to Sanandaj Prison, he was kept in the quarantine section for 14 days where he was treated because he was suffering from skin diseases, gum infection and hemorrhage. He was then transferred to a solitary cell in the Sanandaj Intelligence Prison where he was interrogated and once again tortured.
He was tortured for refusing to make false confessions on television. He was laid on a bed and his hands were handcuffed to the bed along with his legs and toes. Then they started to whip the bottom of his feet while reciting the Quran.
He passed out a number of times under the strikes but was revived with water and the lashing continued. He could not control his urine in this time and vomited and was forced to wash the dirty blanket on the torture bed in his cell. According to his interrogators he was whipped 320 times.
The sounds that were played for him for three consecutive days via a headphone abused and tormented him. After four months and 20 days they told him to write his will because he was to be hanged.
He was taken to a room that same day which according to his interrogator was used for execution. He was forced to stand on a chair with wheels under a noose and forced to pull the noose around his neck. He was then handcuffed and shackled. This political prisoner was interrogated in this position and pressured into making false confessions.
After an hour, he was brought out from the noose. According to Bod at that time his whole body was wet and he was unable to stand up and fell to the ground like a corpse.
In one of the interrogations, his interrogator put out his cigarette on his elbow and told him that it was a memento to remember him by.
Interrogators of the Intelligence Agency took him by the tongue with pliers and pulled him around the room which rendered him unable to speak for four days. He was forced to make animal noises while moving on the ground on his hands and feet in the interrogation room. When he refused to do this, he was severely beaten again. They drilled holes in both soles of his feet and the signs of this barbaric torture are still evident on his feet. Being hanged from his legs was another form of torture carried out on Ahmad Bob.
In the five months of his incarceration, he was only allowed to call his family once. He was told to tell his family to come to visit him in prison. This is while his family was not allowed to visit him when they came to prison and instead his pregnant wife was interrogated for five hours. After 155 days, he was taken to the Marivan Public Prison. In this time, he did not have access to a lawyer.
He cannot easily walk because of the torture and the nerves on the bottom of his feet have been severely damaged. After 165 days of incarceration along with torture, he was released from prison on a 700 million rial (about 70,000 dollar) bail. His case is currently open in the first branch of the Marivan Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Lotfi. Until now, one trial was held for him with the presence of his lawyer, Khalil Bahramian, and the next trial is to be held on August 21.
According to Ahmad Bob, he has been charged with being a member of an anti-revolutionary group and spying for America.

شرح شکنجه‌هاي احمد باب، فعال اجتماعي شهر مريوان
شکنجه‌هاي جسمي يکي از موارد نقض حقوق بشر است که از ديرباز در مورد زندانيان سياسي در ايران اعمال شده و به دليل تمرکز رسانه‌اي بر زندان‌هاي تهران، اين رفتارهاي غير انساني در شهرستان‌ها، بخصوص در منطقه کردستان با شدت بيشتري؛ هر روز درحال وقوع است. گزارش زير نمونه‌اي از رفتارها و اعمال غيرانساني بر روي يک زنداني کرد به نام احمد باب است.
احمد باب، فعال اجتماعي اهل مريوان، مدت ۱۹۵ روز را در زندان بسر برده و تحت شديدترين شکنجه‌هاي بدني و روحي قرار گرفته است.
وي در غروب ۵ مهر ماه ۱۳۸۸ با ورود ماموران وزارت اطلاعات به منزلش و شکستن درب، بدون نشان دادن هيچ مدرکي بازداشت شده و با چشم‌بند از منزل به سلول انفرادي اداره اطلاعات مريوان منتقل مي‌شود. در همان شب اول وي را به اتاق بازجويي منتقل کرده و در حالي که از همان لحظه بازداشت به وي چشم بند زده بودند بدون تفهيم اتهام مورد بازجويي و شکنجه قرار مي‌گيرد...
در اولين ساعات بازداشت، وي بايد اعتراف مي کرد که با گروه هاي ضد انقلاب در ارتباط بوده و اقدام به بر هم زدن نظم عمومي از طريق جمع کردن مردم بر عليه جمهوري اسلامي مي‌کرده است. از آنجايي که وي يک فعال اجتماعي و مدني بوده، هيچ کدام از اين اتهامات را قبول نکرده و تن به اعترافات دروغين نمي‌دهد و پس از آن مورد شديدترين شکنجه‌هاي جسمي و روحي قرار مي‌گيرد.
در شرايطي که دست‌هايش با دستبند و چشم‌هايش با چشم بند بسته بوده توسط سه نفر با مشت و لگد و فانوسقه (کمربند پهن نظامي) مورد ضرب و شتم شديد قرار مي‌گيرد. پس از آن دست‌هايش را باز کرده، دو نفر آنها را نگه داشته و يک نفر نيز دهانش را باز کرده، به وسيله يک انبردست اقدام به کشيدن سه دندان جلويي فک پايين وي مي‌کند.
اين عمل به اين صورت بود که ابتدا دندان را با انبر دست شل مي‌کردند و سپس توسط همان انبردست آن را مي‌کشيدند و اين عمل را تا بي‌هوشي وي ادامه مي‌دادند. دنده‌هاي شکسته شده، دندانهاي کشيده شده، لباس‌هاي خوني، ناتواني در صحبت کردن، لثه‌هاي به شدت ورم کرده، جمجمه ورم کرده به واسطه کوبيدن باتوم به آن و چشم کبود شده حاصل اولين شب بازداشت احمد باب است...
باتوم، چوب، فانوسقه، انبردست و الفاظ رکيک و توهين آميز نيز ابزار شکنجه وي بود.معمولا از غروب آفتاب تا سپيده صبح وي را مورد بازجويي همراه با شکنجه قرار مي‌دادند تا تن به اعترافات دروغين دهد.اين در شرايطي است که تا ۳۳ روز هيچ‌گونه رسيدگي پزشکي به وي نمي‌شود.
وي را مجبور به انجام دادن «بشين پاشو» تا شماره‌ي هزار مي‌کردند و وقتي که اين کار را تا مرحله صد انجام ميداد، به دليل اين‌که يک شماره اشتباه کرده است مجددا بايد از اول اين کار را انجام مي‌داد. آنقدر با فانوسقه وي را مي‌زدند که قادر نبود بر روي پا بايستد.
ساعت‌هاي طولاني وي را مجبور مي‌کردند، سرپا بايستد که اين شرايط مي‌توانست تا ۱۰ ساعت هم طول بکشد. بوسيله يک کلت وي را تحديد به مرگ مي‌کردند، و از وي مي‌خواستند که خودش انتخاب کند در ابتدا کدام انگشتش را با شليک کلت قطع کنند.
او را سرپا نگه مي‌داشتند و انبردست را از جلوي پيشاني به سمت انگشتان پايش رها مي‌کردند، و با هر ضربه، خون از انگشتانش جاري مي‌شد. در زير شکنجه‌ها به وي اصرار مي‌کردند که بايد اعتراف کند براي آمريکا جاسوسي مي‌کرده است.
وي را تهديد به تجاوز مي‌کردند و توجيه‌شان اين بود که تجاوز به کافران از نظر آن‌ها حلال است. وي را مجبور مي‌کردند که بر روي يک چراغ گازي روشن بنشيند، که وي در برابر اين خواسته مقاومت کرده و هيچوقت بر روي اين چراغ نمي‌نشست، سپس براي اين تمرد ايشان را مورد ضرب و شتم شديد قرار مي‌دادند.
احمد باب ۳۳ روز از دوران زندان خود را در سلول انفرادي مريوان به سر برد، و تحت شديد ترين شکنجه‌ها قرار گرفت. شرايط نگه‌داري وي در زندان انفرادي مريوان به گونه‌اي بود که در سلولي که به اندازه يک پتوي سربازي بود نگه‌داري مي‌شد، و فقط روزي سه بار مي‌توانست از توالت استفاده کند، که فقط در همان توالت به آب خوردن دسترسي داشت.
بازجويي‌هاي وي معمولا از ظهر يا عصر شروع شده و تا صبح روز بعد طول مي‌کشيد، که در طول اين ساعت‌هاي طولاني هيچ‌گونه دسترسي به غذا نداشته است. احمد باب در طول ۳۳ روز مدت زندان خود به هيچ ماده‌ي شوينده‌اي دست‌رسي نداشته و از حمام نيز محروم بود. وي گاهي اوقات از شدت ضعف مجبور بوده است به صورت چهار دست و پا خود را به توالت برساند. در طول مدت ۳۳ روز در زندان اطلاعات مريوان تنها يک هفته بازجويي نشده و در تمام بازجويي‌ها تحت شکنجه قرار مي‌گرفت.
به دليل انتقال به زندان اطلاعات سنندج بعد از ۳۳ روز به وي اجازه مي‌دهند که به حمام برود اما به دليل ناتواني جسمي، تنها مي‌تواند سرش را به کمک يک سرباز بشويد.
پس از انتقال به زندان سنندج به دليل اينکه تمام پوستش قارچ زده، لثه‌هايش افونت کرده و دچار خونريزي داخلي شده بود به مدت ۱۴ روز در قرنطينه نگه‌داري شده و تحت درمان قرار مي‌گيرد و پس از ۱۴ روز به سلول انفرادي زندان اطلاعات سنندج منتقل شده و مجددا تحت بازجويي و شکنجه قرار مي‌گيرد.
همچنين وي را به علت سرپيچي از اعتراف تلويزيوني تحت شکنجه قرار مي‌دادند. او را روي تخت خوابانده و دستانش رابه وسيله دستبند به تخت بسته و انگشت‌هاي بزرگ پا را به هم و ساق پا را به تخت مي‌بستند، و با خواندن قرآن شروع به زدن شلاق بر کف پايش مي‌کردند.
وي بارها در زير ضربه‌هاي شلاق بي‌هوش شده و مجددا با ريختن آب بر روي صورتش به هوش آمده و مجددا ضربه‌هاي شلاق بر روي وي ادامه مي‌يافته است. وي بارها بر اثر شدت ضربه‌ها کنترل ادرارش را از دست مي‌داد، بارها استفراغ مي‌کرد و پتوي کثيف شده‌اي را که بر روي تخت انداخته بودند بايد به سلول برده و آن را مي‌شست. به گفته بازجويان در مجموع ۳۲۰ ضربه شلاق به وي زده شد.
صداهايي توسط يک هدفون به وي منتقل مي‌کردند که وي را شديدا عصبي و خسته مي‌کرده و تا سه روز در گوشش باقي مي‌ماند. بعد از چهار ماه و ۲۰ روز به وي اعلام مي‌کنند که وصيت‌نامه‌اش را بنويسد، زيرا که قرار است اعدام شود.
در غروب آن روز وي را به اتاقي مي‌برند که به گفته بازجويان مخصوص اعدام است. او را مجبور مي‌کنند که بر روي صندلي چرخ داري که در زير طناب‌ دار بود بايستد و طناب دار را بر روي گردنش بياندازد، سپس به او دستبند زده و پاهايش را نيز پابند مي‌زنند. در آن حالت از وي بازجويي کرده و مي‌خواهند که تن به اعتراف بدهد.
پس از يک ساعت وي را از چوبه دار پايين مي‌آورند، اين در شرايطي است که تمام بدنش خيس شده و به گفته‌ي خودش قادر به ايستادن نبود، و مانند يک انسان بي‌جان بر روي زمين مي‌افتد.
در يکي از بازجويي‌ها، بازجو سيگار روشن را بر روي آرنج وي خاموش کرده و به او مي‌گويد که اين هم يادگاري من است براي تو.
بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات زبان وي را با يک انبردست گرفته و دور اتاق مي‌چرخاندند تا حدي که به مدت ۴ روز قادر به صحبت کردن نبود.او را مجبور مي‌کردند که چهار دست و پا دور اتاق بازجويي حرکت کند و صداي حيوانات را در بياورد، و وقتي از انجام اين کار امتناع ميکرد وي را شديدا مورد ضرب و شتم قرار مي‌دادند. کف هر دو پايش را با مته سوراخ کردند که هنوز آثارش باقي مانده است. آويزان کردن از پا نيز يکي ديگر از موارد شکنجه بود که بر روي ايشان انجام مي‌شد.
احمد باب در طول مدت پنج ماهه بازداشت در انفرادي تنها يک بار توانست با خانواده خود به صورت تلفني صحبت کند، که به وي اعلام مي‌کنند از خانواده‌اش بخواهد براي ملاقات به زندان بيايند. اين در شرايطي است که پس از حضور خانواده هيچ ملاقاتي انجام نمي‌شود و همسر وي که باردار هم بود به مدت پنج ساعت مورد بازجويي قرار مي‌گيرد. وي پس از مدت ۱۵۵ روز به زندان عمومي مريوان منتقل شده، و در طول اين مدت، هيچ‌گونه دسترسي به وکيل نداشت...
وي هم اکنون در اثر شکنجه و ضربه‌هاي شلاق نمي‌تواند به آساني راه برود و عصب‌هاي کف پايش به شدت آسيب ديده است.
احمد باب پس از تحمل ۱۶۵ روز بازداشت همراه با شکنجه، با قرار وثيقه ۷۰۰ ميليون ريالي از زندان آزاد مي‌شود، و هم اکنون پرونده وي در شعبه اول دادگاه انقلاب مريوان به رياست قاضي لطفي مفتوح است. تا کنون يک جلسه از دادگاه وي با حضور وکيلش آقاي خليل بهراميان برگذار شده و جلسه بعدي دادگاه قرار است در تاريخ سي‌ام مرداد ماه برگزار شود.
به گفته احمد باب اتهاماتي که در پرونده وي مطرح شده، عضويت در گروهک‌هاي ضد انقلاب و جاسوسي براي آمريکا است. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 11/5/89)

Daneshju News

After a large number of Science and Industrial University students participated in the first anniversary of the death of slain student Kianoush Asa on June 1, the Disciplinary Committee of this university recently sentenced 18 students to at least 25 semesters of suspension overall after more than 30 students were summoned. The other students have been threatened to keep the information about their files secret. A number of students were also summoned to the Intelligence Agency and were interrogated after gatherings on June 1

دور احکام سنگين انضباطي و احضار دانشجويان دانشگاه علم و صنعت به وزارت اطلاعات به دنبال شرکت در مراسم سالگرد شهيد کيانوش آسا
به دنبال شرکت جمع کثيري از دانشجويان سبز دانشگاه علم و صنعت در مراسم اولين سالگرد شهادت مهندس کيانوش آسا در تاريخ ۱۱ خرداد ۱۳۸۹ کميته ي انضباطي اين دانشگاه پس از احضار بيش از ۳۰ نفر از اين دانشجويان اخيراً براي ۱۸ نفر از آن ها جمعاً حداقل ۲۵ ترم محروميت از تحصيل صادر کرده است و مابقي دانشجويان هم تهديد شده اند تا اطلاعات پرونده ي خود را مخفي نگه دارند. همچنين جمعي از دانشجويان سبز دانشگاه علم و صنعت در روزهاي گذشته به دفتر پيگيري وزارت اطلاعات احضار شده و به دنبال شرکت در تجمع دانشجويي ۱۱ خرداد، مورد بازجويي قرار گرفتند. (دانشجو نيوز – 11/5/89)
Human Rights Activists in Iran

Three prisoners were hanged on Saturday morning on July 31 on charges of trafficking narcotics.
According to reports, two of these people were convicted in a joint case in Dezful while the other person was hanged in the town of Behbahan.
The Khuzestan Prosecutor announced that the sentence for the two prisoners in Dezful was carried out in Dezful Prison. Their sentence was issued by the Dezful Revolutionary Court and carried out after being upheld by the Attorney General.
The person hanged in Behbahan was sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court in Mahshahr which was then confirmed by the Supreme Court.
Notably, these sentences have not been confirmed by an independent source

سه نفر در خوزستان اعدام شدند

سه شهروند صبحگاه شنبه نهم مرداد ماه، به جرم قاچاق مواد مخدر در خوزستان توسط مقامات قضايي به دار آويخته شدند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، دو تن از اين افراد که داراي پرونده اي مشترک بودند در شهرستان "دزفول" و يک تن از ايشان در شهرستان "بهبهان" اعدام شدند.
دادگستري استان خوزستان اعلام کرده حکم دو اعدامي دزفول که در محل زندان دزفول به اجرا در آمده است از سوي دادگاه انقلاب دزفول صادر و پس از تاييد از سوي دادستاني کشور، به اجرا در درآمده است.
هم چنين شهروندي که در بهبهان اعدام شده نيز از سوي دادگاه انقلاب ماهشهر مستقر در بهبهان به اعدام محکوم شد و حکم صادره درخصوص وي از سوي ديوان عالي کشور نيز تاييد شده است.
شايان ذکر است که احکام اين سه تن توسط مرجع مستقلي تاييد نشده است. (هرانا – 12/89)
Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, prisoner Hamid Moqadas was taken to a solitary cell in Varamin Prison to await execution.

On Sunday, August 1, 24-year-old Moqadas was taken from Hall 3 Cellblock 1 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj to a solitary cell in Varamin Prison to await his execution sentence which is to be carried out in public in the town of Varamin.

He has been jailed for close to 5 years in this prison and was sentenced to death on charges of killing a state security force officer.

The wave of executions in Iran goes on non-stop and recently most executions have been carried out in secret

زنداني حميد مقدس جهت اجراي حکم اعدام در ملاء عام به زندان ورامين منتقل شد
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" زنداني حميد مقدس به سلولهاي انفرادي زندان ورامين جهت اجراي حکم اعدام در ملاء عام منتقل گرديد.
روز يکشنبه 10 مرداد ماه زنداني حميد مقدس 24 ساله از سالن 3 بند 1 زندان گوهردشت کرج به سلولهاي انفرادي زندان ورامين جهت اجراي حکم اعدام در ملاء عام به شهر ورامين منتقل شد
زنداني حميد مقدس نزديگ به 5 سال در زندان گوهردشت کرج بسر مي برد. او به اتهام درگيري و قتل يک افسر نيروي انتظامي محکوم به اعدام شده بود.
موج لاينقطع اعدام ها در زندانهاي مختلف ايران بلاوقفه ادامه دارد و اخيرا اکثر اعدام ها مخفيانه صورت مي گيرد. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 11/5/89)

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

According to reports, the physical state of prisoner Khaled Hardani was critical in the morning and he was taken to the Gohardasht Prison infirmary.
On Monday August 2 at about 4 am, his condition deteriorated in his solitary cell in cellblock 1 known as the ‘doghouse’ and he was kept in the cell in his condition until 9 am. He tried to call prison guards by knocking on his cell door to inform them about his critical condition but they paid no heed to his calls and requests.
At about 9 am when his condition became very critical he was taken to the infirmary. Despite his very poor physical health, he was once again taken back to his cell in the ‘doghouse’.
This prisoner suffers from heart palpitation, kidney hemorrhage, stomach problems and the extreme pain of these illnesses.
Hardani was attacked by a prison gang which takes orders from the head of cellblock 4 on July 22. He was then summoned by Mahmoud Moghnian, the head of cellblock 4, and was insulted and beaten before being transferred to a solitary cell in cellblock 1

انتقال مجدد خالد حرداني به بهداري زندان گوهردشت کرج

بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران" صبح امروز وضعيت جسمي زنداني خالد حرداني رو به وخامت گراييد و به بهداري زندان گوهردشت کرج منتقل شد.
روز دوشنبه 11 مرداد ماه حوالي ساعت 04:00 صبح وضعيت جسمي خالد حرداني در سلولهاي انفرادي بند 1 معروف به سگ دوني به وخامت گراييد و تا ساعت 09:00 در شرايط حاد جسمي قرار داشت.او سعي داشت با در زدن پاسداربندها را نسبت به شرايط وخيم خود مطلع کند اما آنها به فريادها و درخواستهايش توجه نمي کردند.
حوالي ساعت 09:00 وقتي که وضعيت جسمي اش به نقطه حادي رسيده بود او را به بهداري زندان منتقل کردند.عليرغم شرايط حاد جسمي وي را مجددا به سلولهاي انفرادي بند 1 معروف به سگدوني بازگرداندند
زنداني خالد حرداني از ناحتيهاي حاد جسمي مانند تپش قلب،خونريزي کليه و درد هاي شديد آن و همچنين ناراحتي معده رنج مي برد.
لازم به ياد آوري است زنداني خالد حرداني در 31 تيرماه پس از يورش يکي از اعضاي باند مافيايي زندان که مجري دستورات محمود مغنيان رئيس بند 4 مي باشد قرار گرفت. در پي اين حمله محمود مغنيان رئيس بند 4 او را احضار کرد و مورد ضرب وشتم و توهين قرار داد و سپس به سلولهاي انفرادي بند 1 منتقل نمود. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 11/5/89)
Committee of Human Rights Reporters

Civil rights activist Hengameh Soluki who was arrested on Ashura (Dec. 27, 2009) was sentenced to 2.5 years of prison. She was jailed for some time in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison and was temporarily released on bail before March 2010.
She was sentenced to 2 years of prison for ‘conspiring and assembling’ and six months of prison for ‘spreading propaganda against the government’.
One of her charges presented in court was ‘sending a large amount of SMS to call for gatherings’.

حکم ٣٠ ماه حبس تعزيري براي هنگامه سلوکي
هنگامه سلوکي فعال مدني و از بازداشت داشت شدگان روز عاشورا که به دوسال و نيم حبس تعزيري محکوم شده است، مدتي را در بند ٢٠٩ زندان اوين گذرانده و پيش از سال ١٣٨٩ با تبديل قراربازداشت به وثيقه به صورت موقت آزاد شده بود.
به گزارش خبرنگار رهانا، دوسال از ٣٠ ماه حبس تعزيري سلوکي به اتهام «تباني و تجمع» ‬ و شش ماه از آن به اتهام «تبليغ عليه نظام‬» بوده است.
يکي از مستندات حکم او در دادگاه، «ارسال اس ام اس گسترده و فراخوان براي تجمعات» بوده‬ است... (رهانا – 11/5/89)
Jaras Website
Yashar Daralshafa, the former secretary of the Reformist Islamic Students Association of the Qazvin International University was sentenced to seven years of prison.
He is one of the seven members of the Daralshafayi family who were arrested for more than two months and were all transferred to Evin Prison.
This master’s degree student of computer programming at Tehran University was sentenced to five years of prison on charges of assembling and conspiring to commit crimes against the security of the country by intentionally participating in what the head of the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court, Salavati, called ‘street seditions. He was also sentenced to 6 months of prison on charges of ‘feeding propaganda to the enemies of the revolution’ and 18 months of prison for insulting high government officials by gathering and publishing derogatory articles.

تهديد تازه براي زندانيان اعتصاب کننده: به رجايي شهر تبعيد مي شويد

مقامات زندان اوين ضمن ملاقات با زندانيان سياسي اوين که از دوشنبه هفته گذشته اعتصاب غذا کرده اند از آنها خواستند که به اعتصاب غذاي شان پايان دهند و اگرنه به زندان رجايي شهر فرستاده مي شوند .
تعدادي از مسوولان زندان اوين به همراه برخي از ماموران وزارت اطلاعات ، ضمن گفت و گو با هفده زنداني که به خاطر اعتراض به رفتارهاي نامناسب ماموران زندان به سلول انفرادي منتقل شده و دست به اعتصاب غذا زده اند ،به آنها گفتند:« اگر به اعتراض ادامه دهيد و اعتصاب غذاي خود را نشکنيد به زندان رجايي شهر تبعيد خواهيد شد .»
زندانيان اعتصاب کننده در پاسخ به اين تهديد اعلام کردند که همگي آماده اعزام به زندان رجايي شهر هستند و تا رسيدن به خواسته هايشان هرگز دست از اعتصاب غذا بر نمي دارند .
تاکنون پنج نفر از اعتصاب کنندگان اوين به بيمارستان منتقل شده و چون يک هفته از اعتصاب غذاي سايران نيز مي گذرد حال عده ديگري هم به سرعت رو به وخامت است .
خانواده زندانيان سياسي اين بند به شدت نگران حال عزيزان شان هستند و اعلام کرده اند در صورت ادامه اين روند آنها نيز اعتصاب غذا خواهند کرد. (كلمه – 11/5/89)

Committee of Human Rights Reporters

Javad Lari, a 55 year old political prisoner was sentenced to death by the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court on charges of waging war with God (moharebeh) and being corrupt on earth (fesade fel-arz).
This political prisoner’s trial was held on July 14. His initial charge was ‘acting against national security’ but he was charged with being a mohareb by Judge Salavati, the head of the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court and sentenced to ‘death without the possibility of amnesty’.
Javad Lari was jailed for three years in the 80’s for links to a dissident organization and was arrested on September 16, 2009 in his office…
Notably, this death row political prisoner intended to go to Camp Ashraf in 2008 to visit his old friends but was barred from entering Ashraf by Iraqi police and went back to Iran.
Javad Lari is a well known Bazaar Tehran merchant.

جواد لاري، از بازاريان زنداني به اعدام محکوم شد

جواد لاري، زنداني سياسي ۵۵ ساله از سوي شعبه ۱۵ دادگاه انقلاب به اتهام محاربه و فساد في الارض به اعدام محکوم شد.
دادگاه اين زنداني سياسي در تاريخ ۲۳ تير ماه گذشته برگزار شده بود.
اتهام اوليه اين زنداني سياسي «اقدام عليه امنيت کشور» بوده ، که به تشخيص قاضي صلواتي رئيس شعبه ۱۵ دادگاه انقلاب، محارب شناخته شده و به «اعدام بدون امکان عفو» محکوم شده است.
جواد لاري که در دهه شصت نيز به مدت ۳ سال به اتهام ارتباط با يک سازمان مخالف جمهوري اسلامي در زندان بوده، در تاريخ ۲۵ شهريور ۱۳۸۸ با ورود ماموران وزارت اطلاعات به محل کارش بازداشت شد...
لازم به ذکر است که اين زنداني محکوم به اعدام در سال ۸۷ «پس از زيارت عتبات با نيت ديدار دوستان زمان جواني‌اش به اردوگاه اشرف مراجعه کرده که پس از ممانعت پليس عراق امکان حضور در شهر اشرف را نيافته و به ايران بازگشته است.»
جواد لاري يکي از بازاريان سرشناس تهران است که در پروسه بازداشت بازاريان در شهريور ماه سال گذشته، توسط ماموران وزارت اطلاعات دستگير شد. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 12/5/89)

Reza Mohajer, a prisoner in Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison was hanged on the morning of August 2.

According to reports, this prisoner was transferred to a solitary cell yesterday in cellblock 6 and was hanged on Monday morning.

According to reports, he had been waiting for the death sentence for 11 years and had been taken to the gallows three times before this but his hanging was cancelled at the last minute. He was sentenced to death on charges of murder.

يک زنداني پس از يازده حبس اعدام شد

رضا مهاجر زنداني محبوس در زندان رجايي شهر کرج، صبح گاه امروز يازدهم مرداد ماه اعدام شد.

بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، اين زنداني که از روز گذشته به سلول انفرادي بند 6 اين زندان منتقل شده بود، صبح دوشنبه در زندان رجايي شهر کرج اعدام شد.

گفته مي شود رضا مهاجر يازده سال است که منتظر اجراي حکم اعدام مي باشد و تاکنون سه بار به پاي چوبه ي دار رفته بود اما در آخرين لحظات از اعدام آن صرف نظر شد. اين زنداني به اتهام ارتکاب قتل به اعدام محکوم شده بود. (هرانا – 11/5/89)

Iran arrests student activist-Hossein Sarshoumi


Hossein Sarshoumi, a student activist at Isfahan University was arrested a few days ago.
There is no news on his whereabouts or why he was arrested. This member of the Students for Freedom and Equality Association had been arrested three times before this.

حسين سرشومي، از دانشجويان طيف چپ بازداشت شد
حسين سرشومي از دانشجويان طيف چپ دانشگاه اصفهان طي روزهاي گذشته بازداشت شده است.
از علت و محل بازداشت اين دانشجوي آزادي خواه و برابري طلب تا اين لحظه اطلاع دقيقي در دست نمي باشد.
اين فعال دانشجويي پيش تر سه بار ديگر بازداشت شده است. (هرانا – 10/5/89)
Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran
On Saturday July 31, Parviz Malekshahi who is a Neimatollahi Dervish in the town of Alshatr in Lorestan was arrested and taken to an unknown location.
On 11am on Saturday, the Alshatr Intelligence Agency summoned Malekshahi to the intelligence agency but he told them that because these kinds of summonses were illegal, he would not show up.
After an hour, security and intelligence agents entered his home without a warrant and after searching his home and confiscating his religious books, they arrested Malekshahi and took him to an unknown location. There is no information on his current location.
Parviz Malekshahi is an experienced teacher and academic in this town and the Dervishes’ religious ceremonies were held in his home. In the past few months, Dervishes have been constantly summoned illegally and threatened by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence that they would be expelled from work.

دستگيري و بازداشت يک درويش گنابادي در لرستان
صبح روز شنبه 9 مرداد 1389 پرويز ملک شاهي از دراويش سلسله نعمت اللهي گنابادي در شهرستان الشتر از توابع استان لرستان دستگير و به نقطه نا معلومي منتقل شد.
ساعت 11 صبح روز شنبه نهم مردادماه ، اداره اطلاعات الشتر طي تماس تلفني از ملکشاهي مي خواهد تا خود را به ستاد خبري اطلاعات معرفي نمايد که نامبرده در پاسخ مأمورين امنيتي اظهار مي دارد به دليل غيرقانوني بودن اينگونه احضارها ، حاضر به حضور در اداره اطلاعات نمي باشد.
پس از يکساعت، مأمورين انتظامي و اطلاعاتي بدون مجوز قانوني وارد منزل وي شده و ضمن تفتيش و بازرسي و ضبط کتب عرفاني و اقلام فرهنگي، ملكشاهي را بازداشت و به محل نامعلومي منتقل مي سازند و در حال حاضر از محل نگهداري وي خبري در دست نيست .
پرويز ملکشاهي معلم و از فرهنگيان باسابقه الشتر بوده و مجالس شبهاي جمعه دراويش در اين شهرستان در منزل وي برگزار مي شود.
طي ماههاي اخير اين درويش گنابادي بارها مورد احضار غيرقانوني و تهديد مأمورين اطلاعات به اخراج از کار، قرار گرفته است.
(فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 10/5/89)
Human Rights Activists
Three Christians who were arrested on March 8, 2010 who were on their way to participate in a religious ceremony in Bojnourd were arrested and despite the release of 8 other jailed Christians, three are still detained.
According to reports, Ehsan Behrouz along with a person identified as Reza who is a caretaker of a home church in Mashhad and his wife are still detained by the Ministry of Intelligence in this city. Ehsan Behrouz who recently had a visit with his mother told her that he was under pressure to sign a written pledge to deny his faith. He also said that he is kept in a solitary cell in the Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad

تدوام نگهداري سه شهروند مسيحي در زندان وکيل آباد مشهد
سه تن از شهروندان مسيحي که در روز 17 اسفند ماه به قصد شرکت در يک مراسم مذهبي در شهر بجنورد عازم اين شهر بودند بازداشت شدند و علي رغم آزادي 8 تن از اين هموطنان سه تن از آنها همچنان در بازداشت بسر مي برند.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، احسان بهروز، به همراه فردي به نام رضا که گفته مي شود از خادمين يک کليساي خانگي در مشهد است به همراه همسرش کماکان در بازداشت وزارت اطلاعات اين شهر قرار دارند.
احسان بهروز که به تازگي موفق به ملاقات با مادرش شده است در ملاقات حضوري با مادرش گفته است که براي نوشتن تعهد کتبي و انکار ايمانش تحت فشار قرار دارد وي هم چنين اعلام کرد که در زندان وکيل آباد و در سلول انفرادي نگهداري مي شود. (هرانا – 9/5/89)
Committee of Human Rights Reporters

Border tradesmen in the Kani Rash Village were targeted yesterday by Revolutionary Guards Forces.
According to Kurdish sources, two local merchants were killed while eight others were severely wounded. An eyewitness said that the bodies of the two dead merchants are still left out in a mine field and security forces do not let anyone remove the bodies from the area. According to other reports, another border merchant identified as Shamsoddin Jalibaqu was shot and killed in the Salmas region on July 29

2 کشته و 8 زخمي در پي تيراندازي سپاه پاسداران به سوي کاسبکاران کرد
روز گذشته، کول‏برها و کاسبکاران مرزي روستاي “کاني‏رش” در دامنه‏هاي قنديل واقع در مناطق مرزي از سوي نيروهاي سپاه پاسداران مورد حمله قرار گرفتند.
به گزارش منابع کردي، در پي حمله به کاسبکاران بومي اين منطقه دو تن از آنها کشته و ۸ نفر ديگر نيز به شدت زخمي شدند.
يکي از شاهدين محل مي‌گويد: اجساد کشته‏شده دو نفر از کاسبکاران هنوز در ميادين مين افتاده و نيروهاي ايران اجازه خارج کردن آنها را از مطقه نمي‏دهند.
از سوي ديگر خبرها حاکي از کشته شدن يک کاسبکار ديگر در شامگاه پنجشنبه هفتم مرداد ماه در منطقه سلماس است.
در نتيجه اين حمله شهروندي به نام “شمس‏الدين جلي‏باقو” از اهالي روستاي “خوناوين” کشته شد.(رهانا – 10/5/89)
Jaras Wbsite
Even as many prisoners in Evin Prison especially female prisoners in the Methadone Cellblock are suffering from illnesses as a result of folic acid, iron and calcium deficiency because of the low quality of prison food, the heads of the Prison Organization have, in a new announcement, banned the use and prescription of supplementary drugs to female prisoners.
After the circulation of this announcement, vitamins and other necessary drugs like folic acid and calcium capsules will not be provided by the (prison) pharmacy anymore.
The families of ailing prisoners have also been banned from providing these drugs and giving them to their loved ones in prison.
The dentist that was once stationed in the prison will also leave and female prisoners of conscience and political prisoners will only be allowed to see the dentist every two months. Female political prisoners in Evin Prison are also deprived of minimum facilities like cool water and cooling facilities

استفاده و تجويز داروهاي مکمل براي زندانيان زن اوين ممنوع اعلام شد
در حالي که به علت کيفيت پايين غذاي توزيع شده در زندان اوين بسياري از زندانيان به خصوص زندانيان زن در بند متادون، با بيماري هاي ناشي از کمبود اسيد فوليک، آهن و همچنين کلسيم رو به رو شده اند مسئولان سازمان زندان ها در بخشنامه اي جديد استفاده و تجويز داروهاي مکمل را براي زندانيان زن ممنوع اعلام کرده اند.
به گزارش جرس، در پي صدور اين بخشنامه ديگر قرص هاي ويتامين و داروهاي ضروري مانند اسيد فوليک و کپسول کليسم در داروخانه اوين عرضه نمي شود.
همچنين بستگان بيماران نيز حق خريد شخصي اين داروها و رساندن آن را به زندانيان شان ندارند.
از سوي ديگر دندانپزشک مستقر در مجموعه زندان اوين نيز ديگر در زندان حضور ندارد و زندانيان زن عقيدتي سياسي اوين تنها هر دو ماه يکبار امکان مراجعه به دندانپزشک را دارند.
زندانيان سياسي بند زنان، همچنين از داشتن کمترين امکانات چون آب خنک و کولر در تمام طول تابستان محروم بوده اند. (جرس – 10/5/89)

A Kurd student was sentenced to three years of prison and a three year ban on education after more than 5 months of prison.
Hamed Omidi a student of educational technology at Alameh Tabatabayi University in Tehran who was arrested for political activities and cooperation with a Kurd Party was sentenced to three years of prison and a ban on continuing his education. He had been detained for a long time in solitary in Evin Prison. According to Kurdish websites, he was arrested on February 10, 2009 in the Tukan terminal on his way to Tehran University after protests to the execution of Kurd political activist Ehsan Fatahian on and was then taken to cellblock 209 in Evin Prison

حامد اميدي براي مدت سه سال از تحصيل محروم شد
يک دانشجوي کُرد پس از گذشت بيش از 5 ماه از تاريخ بازداشت، به 3 سال زندان و محروميت از تحصيل محکوم شد.
حامد اميدي اهل تکاب و دانشجوي رشته‌ي تکنولوژي آموزشي دانشگاه علامه طباطبايي که به اتهام فعاليت سياسي و همکاري با يکي از احزاب کردي بازداشت و مدت زيادي را در سلول هاي انفرادي زندان اوين به سر برده بود، به 3 سال زندان و محروميت از ادامه تحصيل محکوم شد.
بر اساس گزارش سايت هاي کردي، او در پي اعتراض به اعدام احسان فتاحيان از فعالان سياسي کرد، روز 21 بهمن ماه 1388 در حال بازگشت به دانشگاه تهران در ترمينال تکاب بازداشت و پس آن به بند 209 زندان اوين منتقل شد. (هرانا – 10/5/89)
On Sunday August 1, prisoner Reza Mohajer, 45, was taken from the Hall 18, cellblock 6 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj to a solitary cell for execution. He has been taken for execution three times before but his execution was stayed in the last minutes. This death row prisoner has been jailed for 11 years

انتقال يک زنداني به سلولهاي انفرادي جهت اجراي حکم اعدام
روز يکشنبه 10 مرداد ماه زنداني رضا مهاجر 45 ساله از حسينيه سالن 18 بند 6 زندان گوهردشت کرج جهت اجراي حکم اعدام به سلولهاي انفرادي اين زندان منتقل شد.
او تا به حال سه بار است که براي اجراي حکم اعدام به پاي چوبه دار برده شد ولي در آخرين لحظات از اعدام وي صرف نظر شد.زنداني رضا مهاجر 11 سال است که در زندان و در انتظار مرگ بسر مي برد. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دموكراسي در ايران – 10/5/89)
KALAME Website

From left to right Abdollah Momeni, Bahman Amouyi, Majid Tavakoli, Ali Malihi, Majid Dori and Zia Nabavi

Zia Nabavi, Majid Dori, Ali Malihi and Gholam-Hossein Arshi, four political prisoners who went on hunger strikes a few days ago were taken to the Evin Prison infirmary…
They were returned to solitary after receiving first aid and intravenous fluids and continued their hunger strike.
These four people who are suffering from severe physical weakness were told to break their hunger strikes but they continued their strikes along with 12 other political prisoners.
Student activist Majid Tavakoli who is also in poor condition was not willing to be transferred to the infirmary to receive treatment and intravenous fluids. According to reports, his condition and the condition of Bahman Amouyi and Abdollah Momeni are deteriorating.
The families of these prisoners of conscience and political prisoners are extremely worried about their health and have requested to visit their loved ones. Before this, Peiman Karimi Azad, who was arrested on Ashura (December 27, 2010) and is suffering from diabetes was taken to hospital. There is no news on his physical condition only that he fainted (after going on a hunger strike). But according to reports, he is still hospitalized

چهار زنداني اعتصاب کننده اوين به بهداري منتقل شدند
From left to right Abdollah Momeni, Bahman Amouyi, Majid Tavakoli, Ali Malihi, Majid Dori and Zia Nabaviضيا نبوي، مجيد دري، علي مليحي و غلامحسين عرشي از زندانيان سياسي اوين که از چند روز پيش دست به اعتصاب غذا زنده اند، به بهداري اوين منتقل شدند.
آن ها پس از دريافت خدمات اوليه پژشکي و زدن سرم دوباره به سلول انفرادي بازگردانده شدند و به اعتصاب غذاي خود ادامه دادند.
اين چهار نفر که دچار ضعف شديد جسماني شده و پزشکان به آنها توصيه کرده اند اعتصاب غذاي خود را بشکنند، هم چنان به همراه دوازده نفر ديگر به اعتصاب خود ادامه مي دهند.
همچنين مجيد توکلي، فعال دانشجويي هم وضعيت عمومي نامناسبي دارد اما حاضر نشده براي دريافت خدمات اوليه پزشکي از جمله دريافت سرم به بيمارستان زندان اوين منتقل شود. حال وي و ساير زندانيان اعتصاب کننده از جمله بهمن احمدي امويي و عبدالله مومني نيز نامساعد گزارش شده و رو به وخامت مي رود.
خانواده اين زنداني هاي عقيدتي – سياسي به شدت درباره سلامت آن ها اظهار نگراني مي کنند و خواهان ملاقات با عزيزان شان هستند .
پيش از اين نيز پيمان کريمي آزاد، از بازداشت شدگان 6 دي ماه(عاشورا) که به بيماري ديابت مبتلاست به بيمارستان منتقل شد. از وضعيت سلامتي وي که دچار بيهوشي شده بود خبري در دست نيست .اما شنيده ها حاکي است او هم چنان در بيمارستان بستري است. (كلمه – 10/5/89)


From left to right: Ali Saremi, Jafar Kazemi, Ahmad Daneshpour and Mohsen Daneshpour

After the Supreme Court denied a requested re-trial by the lawyer of death row political prisoner Jafar Kazemi, and after his case was referred to the Sentence Implementation Department, the Keyhan state-run daily said that six prisoners are awaiting execution. Their families and lawyers have said that the state of their cases is unclear. Abdolreza Qanbari, Mohsen and Ahmad Daneshpour Moqadam, Ali Aqayari and Ali Saremi are some of these death row political prisoners. Ali Aqayari’s lawyer, Mehdi Hojati, said, “The case of my client was referred to the Supreme Court with the case of Mr. Kazemi and I also requested a re-trial for my client but I have not received an answer and I still do not know if it has been refused or accepted”. “My client’s case is in the 31st branch of the Supreme Court and I went to the branch today to see about the state of my client’s case and I hope that in light of the evidence and documents that we presented they will accept our request for re-trial”. Mohsen and Ahmad Daneshpour Moqadam are a father and son who have been sentenced to death. The Tehran Prosecutor said before that this father and son and Abdolreza Qanbari had requested amnesty. Meisam Daneshpour Moqadam, another son of Mohsen Daneshpour Moqadam said, “Despite the fact that the prosecutor announced that my father and brother had requested amnesty, their case is still in an undetermined state and we do not have any news on the results of the amnesty”. “The sentence of my brother and father was confirmed by the court of review but unfortunately we have not seen the sentence and they have not given my father or brother or us a copy of the sentence so that we could send it to the Supreme Court and request a re-trial and we are still waiting to see about the result of the amnesty request”, he added. “My mother’s lawyer is Mr. Sharif”, Meisam said. The death sentences for three of his other family members including his mother were lowered to prison terms.“Despite all our efforts and the efforts of Dr. Sharif they have not allowed him to represent my father and brother. He sent his power of attorney inside the prison three times to be signed by my brother and father but unfortunately, the power of attorney never came out of prison”. “Their cases are still in an undetermined state and they do not tell us anything. After the prosecutor announced that they had requested amnesty, 80 people were granted amnesty but my father and brother were not among them… We are extremely worried especially about my father who is 70 years old and is not even able to walk and others in the case testified in court that he was innocent. But it is very surprising that neither the initial court nor the court of review did not pay any heed to this matter and issued and upheld the sentence”, he added. Abdolreza Qanbari, is a teacher who has been sentenced to death and the Tehran Prosecutor also said that he had requested amnesty. A person close to him said, “We do not have any news on the results of the amnesty request and his case is in an undetermined state and we do not have a copy of the sentence to protest to the Supreme Court”.“His lawyer was appointed for him and we do not even have any news on his lawyer”, he added. “Unfortunately, Mr. Qanbari’s appointed lawyer is not from the Justice Department Lawyer Center and is a lawyer who got his permit from the Judiciary according to article 187 of the Economical Development Program and not from the Center of Lawyers and we do not even have access to him to see about the measures that have been taken or will be taken or even if he has a copy of the sentence so that we could request a re-trial. On the other hand we do not know about the circumstances of the amnesty request and we have not received any answers and are extremely worried”, he added.

تکليف پرونده هاي شش زنداني سياسي محکوم به اعدام مشخص نيست

پس از رد درخواست اعاده دادرسي وکيل جعفر کاظمي از سوي ديوان عالي کشور و ارجاع پرونده اين زنداني سياسي به شعبه اجراي احکام، روزنامه کيهان خبر داد که 6 زنداني در انتظار اعدام هستند اما خانواده ها و وکلاي اين زندانيان سياسي گفته اند تکليف پرونده هاي ايشان مشخص نيست.عبدالرضا قنبري، محسن و احمد دانش پور مقدم، علي آقاياري و علي صارمي ازجمله افرادي هستند که به اعدام محکوم شده اند.مهدي حجتي، وکيل علي آقاياري به "روز" مي گويد:" پرونده موکل من به اتفاق پرونده آقاي کاظمي به ديوان عالي کشور ارجاع شده بود و من درخواست اعاده دادرسي براي موکلم کرده بودم اما تاکنون هيچ پاسخي نداده اند و هنوز نميدانيم درخواست ما مورد پذير قرار گرفته يا رد شده است."وي مي افزايد:" پرونده موکلم در شعبه 31 ديوان عالي کشور است و من امروز به اين شعبه مراجعه خواهم کرد تا ببينم تکليف پرونده موکلم چيست و اميدوارم با توجه به مستندات و مدارکي که ارائه کرده ايم با تقاضاي ما براي اعاده دادرسي موافقت شود."محسن دانش پور مقدم و احمد دانش پور مقدم، پدر و پسري هستند که به اعدام محکوم شده اند. دادستان تهران پيش از اين از درخواست عفو از سوي اين پدر و پسر و هم چنين عبدالرضا قنبري خبر داده بود.ميثم دانش پور مقدم فرزند ديگر محسن دانش پور مقدم مي گويد:" بعد از اينکه دادستان اعلام کرد پدر و برادرم درخواست عفو کرده اند، پرونده آنها همچنان مسکوت مانده و ما هيچ خبري از نتيجه درخواست عفو آنها نداريم."وي مي افزايد:" حکم پدر و برادرم در دادگاه تجديد نظر تاييد شده اما متاسفانه ما حکم را نديده ايم و نسخه اي از حکم را نه در اختيار پدر و برادرم و نه در اختيار ما قرار نداده اند که بتوانيم به ديوان عالي کشور ارسال و تقاضاي اعاده دادرسي کنيم و همچنان منتظريم ببينيم نتيجه درخواست عفو چي مي شود."آقاي دانش پور که حکم سه عضو ديگر خانواده اش از اعدام به حبس تبديل شده مي افزايد:" وکيل مادرم آقاي شريف است و با تمام تلاش هاي دکتر شريف و ما اجازه ندادند که ايشان وکالت پدر و برادرم را بر عهده بگيرند. ايشان سه بار وکالت نامه را به داخل زندان فرستادند و پدر و برادرم امضا کردند اما متاسفانه وکالت نامه از زندان بيرون نيامد."وي مي افزايد:" هنوز پرونده ها بلاتکليف است و به ما هم چيزي نمي گويند. بعد از اينکه دادستان اعلام کرد درخواست عفو کرده اند، 80 نفر عفو شدند که پدر وبرادرم جزو اين 80 نفر نبودند..به شدت نگران هستيم بخصوص براي پدرم که يک پيرمرد 70 ساله است و حتي قدرت راه رفتن هم ندارد و ساير هم پرونده اي هاي ايشان نيز رسما در دادگاه شهادت داده اند که او بي گناه است اما در کمال تعجب هم دادگاه بدوي به اين مساله توجهي نکرد و هم دادگاه تجديد نظر و حکم اعدام را صادر و تاييد کردند."عبدالرضا قنبري، معلمي است که به اعدام محکوم شده و دادستان تهران درباره او نيز خبر از درخواست عفو داده بود.يکي از نزديکان اقاي قنبري مي گويد:" همچنان از نتيجه درخواست عفو بي خبريم و پرونده نيز بلاتکليف مانده است و ما کپي حکم را نيز نداريم که به ديوان عالي کشور اعتراض کنيم و وکيل ايشان نيز تسخيري بود و هيچ خبري حتي از وکيلشان هم نداريم."وي مي افزايد:" متاسفانه وکيل تسخيري آقاي قنبري از وکلاي کانون وکلاي دادگستري نيست و بلکه جزو وکلايي است که براساس ماده 187 قانون برنامه توسعه اقتصادي ، از سوي قوه قضائيه پروانه وکالت گرفته و نه از کانون وکلاي دادگستري و ما حتي دسترسي هم به ايشان نداريم که بدانيم چه اقدامي کرده اند يا خواهند کرد و آيا کپي حکم را دارند که بتوانيم تقاضاي اعاده دادرسي بکنيم يا نه. از طرفي خبر نداريم درخواست عفو نيز به چه صورتي بوده و هنوز هيچ جوابي نداده اند و به شدت نگران هستيم.” (هرانا – 10/5/89


Shabnam Madad zadeh, student activist and board director of the consolidating office for Unity and Political liaison officer of the Student Union of University was arrested two years ago with her brother and has been in detention since.
According to reports by RAHANA, Shabnam and her brother have been charged with MOHAREB and instigating insecurity for the State to 5 years hard prison sentence and exile to Rajaii Shahr Prison. She spent 3 months in solitary confinement and 7 Months among ordinary prisoners charged for murder and drugs .
Fateme Ziaii has also been sentenced to 2 years prison sentence charged for affiliation with anti-government organizations .

She has also been transferred to Rajaii Shahr prison

Web site:
Background (Preamble):
Political prisoner Jafar Kazemi has been sentenced to death and this sentence confirmed by the Appeal Court 15th May 2010. He was subject to inhumane physical and psychological torture by security interrogator in ward 209 of Evin prison, to give scripted televised confession.The 47-year old father of two children has been sentenced to death on charges of “Moharebeh” (enmity against God), organizing and propagating against the regime, and having family ties to previous political prisoners.Jafar Kazemi was arrested on September 18, 2009 when his taxi was stopped by intelligence agents on Hafte Hoz Square. Kazemi and the taxi driver were forcefully dragged out of the vehicle and physically harassed by the agents.Kazemi was subsequently taken to solitary confinement in ward 209 of Evin prison for 74 days, where he was subject to severe physical and psychological torture, leading to substantial wait loss, visible injury marks all over his face and body, and continual bleeding from nose and mouth. During the process, he was refused any medical treatment.Kazemi was also threatened that if he does not conduct the televised confession, his wife and children would be tortured in front of is eyes. Refusing to give in to the interrogators’ demands, he was transferred to the ward 350 of Evin prison after 74 days.The torture of Kazemi intensified following the Ashura protests on December 27, 2009, as he was further pressured to give in to a scripted televised interview to falsely confess for being arrested on Ashura. During the torture, Kazemi lost two teeth and his hands were severely injured.Refusing to conduct the interview, Kazemi’s case was referred to section 28 of the Revolutionary Court where he was sentenced to death by Judge Mohammad Moghisei. It is important to note that Jafar Kazemi was previously arrested in 1988 for his political involvement, and was imprisoned for nine years. Judge Moghisei is infamous for his harsh judgement towards previous political prisoners, as he has openly stated on numerous occasions that former political prisoners should have been executed when initially arrested.The barbaric human rights violations carried out by the Iranian regime cannot be allowed to continue.Please do not stand by. Please sign this petition.
We, the undersigned, ask that Jafar Kazemi be immediately released without charge. The charges are without foundation and the process by which they were extracted both illegal and immoral. In addition we ask the addressees of this petition to take action in condemning and intervening to stop all such illegal and barbaric executions of innocent victims of the Iranian regime.


After 17 political prisoners were transferred from Ward 350 to the solitary confinement unit of Ward 209, the prison authorities have banned the detainees from prison visits with their families.
The 17 prisoners of conscience who have been transferred to solitary confinement since last Monday are on their 8th day of hunger strike.
Previously, Ward 350 prisoners were banned from contacting their families after the phones were disconnected. Ali Malihi, a student activist and an Advar-e-Tahkim(Office for Consolidating Unity)member, Bahman Ahmadi-Amouei, a journalist, Hossein Nourinejad, a journalist and a Mosharekat(Participation Front) Party member, Abdollah Momeni, a student activist and a spokesperson for Advar-e-Tahkim, Ali Parviz, a student activist, Hamidreza Mohammadi, a political activist, Jafar Eghdami, a civil rights activist, Babak Bordbar, a photojournalist, Zia Nabavi, a former student who has been deprived of education, Ebrahim (Nader) Babaie, a civil rights activist and an Iran-Iraq war veteran, Koohiyar Goodarzi, a human rights activist, Majid Dorri, a student activist, Majid Tavakoli, a student activist, Keyvan Samimi, a journalist, Gholam Hossein Arshi, and finally Mohammad Hossein Sohrabi are among the prisoners who are on hunger strike and have been transferred to solitary confinement. Peyman Karimi Azad, an Ashura detainee who is suffering from diabetes was transferred to a hospital after 2 days of hunger strike and there is no news as to his condition.

Post-election prisoner Jafar Kazemi risks execution any day now. His lawyer Nasim Ghanavi states that the death sentence was confirmed by the Appeals Court and thus the execution can take place at any moment. Kazemi is charged with Moharebeh (waging war against God).
To help him write to media :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nadia.pizzuti@ansa.itSee More

The following is the latest interview on the status of Jafar Kazemi’s case. Lawyer Nasim Ghanavi speaks to VOA correspondent Farideh Rahbar:

Farideh Rahbar:

Jafar Kazemi is one of the prisoners who was arrested and detained in the 1980s for affiliation with the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI). He was released in 1990. On September 18, 2009 when he was arrested again, he was charged with Moharebeh (waging war against God) for association with the PMOI.

Nasim Ghanavi:

- Despite many efforts by me and Jafar Kazemi’s family, the death sentence was reconfirmed by the Appeals Court.

- There is no legal path to follow to save the life of Jafar Kazemi, since the charge is Moharebeh.

- Someone who is considered Mohareb is involved in armed activities that causes other people to live in terror. Kazemi was a supporter of the PMOI in the 1980s, and he was not involved in any political activities after that time. This to me is not grounds to charge someone with Moharebeh.

- In my opinion as a lawyer, this is not evidence to accuse Kazemi of Moharebeh. It was mentioned in the defense statement that the PMOI was disarmed, which means that the organization cannot be considered armed.

- Kazemi cannot be considered a member of the PMOI based solely on the accusations of the prosecutor. It cannot be proved that he is part of the PMOI, because he is not. Even if we state that he is a member of the PMOI, this still does not support the Moharebeh charge. It is possible that he could be found guilty of other crimes, but accusing him of Moharebeh and issuing the death sentence is a violation of human rights.

Lips sewed!! Iranian refugees in front of UN - Greece

اعتصاب غذای پناهجویان ایرانی‌ مقابل ملل متحد در یونان

Iranian Refugees infront of UN in Greece.
One of the Iranian asylum seekers in Greece sewed his lips
When Iranian Asylum seekers enter Greece, instead of getting support they have to go to prison for 3 month or more. They flee Iranian prisons and end up in prison somewhere else in the world and in this case GREECE! This is how they want to support the Iranian people???

وقتی که پناهندگان ایرانی وارد یونان می شوند، به جای آنکه به آنها یاری داره شود، پلیس یونان آنها را به مدت 3 ماه یا بیشتر به زندان می اندازد. از زندانهای رژیم فرار کرده و به زندانهای دوست رژیم (دولت یونان) می افتند. از آنها اثر انگشت گرفته می شود و به آنها ترک خاک... می دهند... و اگر بتوانند به کشور دیگری بروند، آنها را باز به یونان دیپورت می کنند. وضعیت کنونی یونان بسیار بد است و حقوق پناهندگان را به هر نحوی که می توانند ضایع می کنند. این هم وطنان ما در جلو سازمان ملل در آتن اعتصاب کرده اند و یکی از آنها لبهای خود را دوخته است. آنها خواستار جواب از دولت یونان هستند. یا به ما پناهندگی بدهید و یا بگذارید تا از این کشور برویم. در ضمن وقتی که من رفتم تا عکس و فیلم بگیرم با نیروی خشن پلیس روبرو شدم که به من اجازه نداد از ساختمان سازمان ملل عکس یا فیلم بگیرم
اشکان یوسفی

Tribute to the Iranian Heros who sacrificed their lifes for the cause of FREEDOM,

To Hero Farzad Kamangar and his comrades

This song is also dedicated to Ali Saremi and his fellow warriors who are sitting at death rows in Iran

Artist: Rozbeh


don't tell me mountain summits are too far
don't tell me roads lead to nowhere
don't tell me your wings are closed
that hearts are broken
open the curtains of night... See More
flutter your bloodied wings
and fly to the Sun
turn your wounds to song
take them with you
sing them to the sky

At your height
you are alone
there is no cage for your heart
because it is the way of the eagle:
his only companion is Sunlight
if you do not fly
you are subject to powers of night
and if your crime is flight
fly into their arrows, let come what may
what is more beautiful than
death at the highest height
victorious and proud?

Don't tell me mountain summits are too far
don't tell me roads lead to nowhere
don't tell me your wings are closed
that hearts are broken

wounded eagle!
fly now
go to the summit
and sing us the melody of light.

Regime’s prosecuting attorney, said “Ja’far Kazemi will certainly be executed.”

جعفری دولت آبادی دادستان تهران گفت:جعفر کاظمی حتما اعدام خواهد شد

Please sign petition and spread it to your friends!! !!

جعفری دولت آبادی دادستان تهران گفت:جعفر کاظمی حتما اعدام خواهد شد
بنابه گزارشات رسیده به "فعالین حقوق بشر و دمکراسی در ایران" جعفری دولت آبادی دادستان تهران به خانواده آقای کاظمی گفته است که او( زندانی سیاسی جعفر کاظمی از شاهدان قتل عام زندانیان سیاسی سال 67) حتما اعدام خواهد شد.
روز شنبه 9 مرداد ماه خانواده آقای کاظمی با قرار قبلی به دادستانی تهران مراجعه کردند و خواستار ملاقات با عباس جعفری دولت آبادی شدند.یکی از معاونین او فردی بنام علیزاده از قول عباس جعفری دولت آبادی خطاب به این خانواده گفت :که دادستان تهران نمی خواهد با شما صحبت کند. علیزاده ادامه داد که دادستان گفته است آقای جعفر کاظمی حتما اعدام خواهد شد.
پرونده زندانی سیاسی محکوم به اعدام جعفر کاظمی به شعبه 31 دیوان عالی کشور فرستاده شد وتوسط فردی بنام سلیمی که گفته می شود بخاطر تایید احکام اعدام های ضد بشری و جنایتکارانه ترفیع درجه یافته است و اخیرا در خبرگان رهبری منصوب شده است. او از اعاده دادرسی پرونده خوداری کرد و حکم تایید شده دادگاه تجدید نظر به قوت خود باقی ماند و برای اجرا به اجرای احکام دادگاه انقلاب فرستاده شد.
خانواده آقای کاظمی همچنین با وزیر دادگستری فردی بنام بختیاری ملاقات داشتند. این فرد گفته است که او قادر به انجام هیچ کاری نیست و فقط باید از ولی فقیه علی خامنه ای تقاضای عفو کنند.گفته وزیر دادگستری دلیل قاطعی است که صدور احکام اعدام علیه زندانیان سیاسی توسط ولی فقیه علی خامنه ای تصمیم گیری می شود و قاضی های منصوب شده اقدام به صدور چنین احکام ضد بشری می کنند.
لازم به یادآوری است که زندانی سیاسی محکوم به اعدام جعفر کاظمی 47 ساله متاهل و دارای 2 فرزند می باشد. او لیتوگراف است و لیتوگرافی کتابها و جزوارت درسی دانشگاه امیر کبیررا به عهده داشت. آقای کاظمی از شاهدان قتل عام زندانیان سیاسی سال 67 می باشد .او روز 27 شهریور ماه با یورش مامورین وزارت اطلاعات دستگیر و به بند 209 زندان اوین منتقل شد و بیش از 74 روز در سلولهای انفرادی بند 209 تحت بازجوئی و شکنجه های روحی و جسمی طاقت فرسا قرار داشت.سربازجوی وزارت اطلاعات با نام مستعار علوی از شکنجه گران درنده خو این بند وی را تحت شکنجه قرار داد تا او را وادار به مصاحبه تلویزیونی کند.شکنجه گر علوی خطاب به زندانی سیاسی جعفر کاظمی گفته بود: «که ما برای حفظ نظام احتیاج به چندقربانی داریم که یکی از قرعه ها به نام تو افتاده است». سپس اورا به بند 350 زندان اوین منتقل کردند.آقای کاظمی از زندانیان سیاسی دهۀ 1360 می باشد و از سال 1360 تا اواخر سال 1369 در زندان بسر برد و تحت شکنجه های وحشیانه جسمی و روحی قرار داشت.
فعالین حقوق بشر و دمکراسی در ایران،صدور احکام اعدام زندانیان سیاسی که توسط ولی فقیه علی خامنه ای تصمیم گیری می شود را به عنوان یک جنایت علیه بشریت محکوم می کند و از دبیر کل ،کمیسر عالی حقوق بشر و گزارشگران ویژه اعدام سازمان ملل متحد خواستار ارجاع پرونده جنایت علیه بشریت این رژیم به شورای امنیت سازمان ملل متحد برای گرفتن تصمیمات لازم اجرا می باشد.
فعالین حقوق بشر و دمکراسی در ایران
09 مرداد 1389 برابر با 31 ژولای 2010
گزارش فوق را به سازمانهای زیر ارسال گردید:
کمیساریای عالی حقوق بشر
کمسیون حقوق بشر اتحادیه اروپا
سازمان عفو بین الملل
گزارشگران ویژه اعدام سازمان ملل متحد

The Right side News
Photo of document :Flyer distributed in Iran by the Mullahs calling upon girls and women to join the brothel

from the Weekly Blitz!
According to Shia version of Sharia law, marrying a girl [either adult or infant] is legitimate in Iran. Any male can marry a girl or woman in that country, which is under the cruel grips of Mullacracy for decades, simply by performing a religious ritual, which takes less than a minute. In most cases, such 'Marriage for Minutes' or 'Mut'ah Marriage' take place to meet mere sexual desires of the men.
First of all, let us have a glimpse on the existing marriage law in Islamic Republic of Iran. In Iran, marriage law has become extremely complicated, confusing and mostly against the rights of women. Let me begin with a quote from a fatwa by the late and unlamented Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, where the readers will possibly understand the state of mind of the Islamist clergies on this particular issue:
"A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed.
A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister."
Other forms of sexual abuse inflicted on children by Muslim clergies include fondling of genitals, coercing a child to fondle the abuser's genitals, masturbation with the child either as participant or observer, oral sex, anal or vaginal penetration by penis, finger or any other object.
Another technique used by Muslim clergies is called "thighing". The child's legs are pressed together and the abuser inserts his penis between the thighs of the little boy or girl. This was approved of by Ayatollah Khomeini who in his Little Green Book asserted "It is not illegal for an adult male to 'thigh' or enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs, and to kiss her."
Full text of ruling by Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini on marriage:
"A woman may legally belong to a man in one of two ways; by continuing marriage or temporary marriage. In the former, the duration of the marriage need not be specified; in the latter, it must be stipulated, for example, that it is for a period of an hour, a day, a month, a year, or more."
"A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual act such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister."
"A father or a paternal grandfather has the right to marry off a child who is insane or has not reached puberty by acting as its representative. The child may not annul such a marriage after reaching puberty or regaining his sanity, unless the marriage is to his manifest disadvantage."
"Any girl who is of age, that is, capable of understanding what is in her own best interest, if she wishes to get married and is a virgin, must procure the authorization of her father or paternal grandfather. The permission of her mother or brother is not required."
"A marriage is annulled if a man finds that his wife is afflicted with one of the seven following disabilities: madness, leprosy, eczema, blindness, paralysis with after-effects, malformation of the urinary and genital tracts or of the genital-tract and rectum through conjoining thereof, or vaginal malformation making Coitus impossible."
"If a wife finds out after marriage that her husband is suffering from mental illness, that he is a castrate, impotent, or has had his testicles excised, she may apply for annulment of her marriage."
"If a wife has her marriage annulled because her husband is unable to have sexual relations with her either vaginally or anally, he must pay her as damages one-half of her Mehryeh [her price] specified in the marriage contract. If the husband or wife annuls the marriage for any of the above-mentioned reasons, the man owes nothing to the woman if they have had sexual relations together; if they have not, he must pay her the full amount of the dowry."
"A Moslem woman may not marry a non-Moslem man; nor may a Moslem man marry a non-Moslem woman in continuing marriage, but he may take a Jewish or Christian woman in temporary marriage."
"A woman who has contracted a continuing marriage does not have the right to go out of the house without her husband's permission; she must remain at his disposal for the fulfillment of any one of his desires, and may not refuse herself to him except for a religiously valid reason. If she is totally submissive to him, the husband must provide her with her food, clothing, and lodging, whether or not he has the means to do so."
"A woman who refuses herself to her husband is guilty, and may not demand from him food, clothing, lodging, or any later sexual relations; however, she retains the right to be paid damages if she is repudiated."
"If a man who has married a girl who has not reached puberty possesses her sexually before her ninth birthday, inflicting traumatisms upon her, he has no right to repeat such an act with her."
"A man who has contracted a continuing marriage may not leave his wife for so long a time as to allow her to question the validity of the marriage; however, he is not obligated to spend one night out of every four with her."
"A husband must have sexual relations with his wife at least once in every four months."
"A woman who has been temporarily married in exchange for a previously established dowry has no right to demand that her daily expenses be paid by her husband, even when she becomes pregnant."
"A temporary marriage, even though only one of convenience, is nevertheless legal."
"A man must not abstain from having sexual relations with his temporary wife for more than four months.
"If a father [or paternal grandfather] marries off his daughter [or granddaughter] in her absence without knowing for a certainty that she is alive, the marriage becomes null and void as soon as it is established that she was dead at the time of the marriage."
"To look upon the face and hair of a girl who has not reached puberty, if it is done without intention of enjoyment thereof, and if one is not afraid of succumbing to temptation, may be tolerated. It is however recommended that one not look upon her belly or thighs, which must remain covered."
"To look upon the faces and hands of Jewish or Christian women, if this is not done with intention of enjoyment thereof, and if one does not fear temptation, is tolerated."
"A woman must hide her body and her hair from the eyes of men. It is highly recommended that she also hide them from those of pre-pubic boys, if she suspects that they may look upon her with lust."
"If a man is called upon, for medical reasons, to look upon a woman other than his wife and to touch her body, he is permitted to do so, but if he can give such care by only looking at the body he must not touch it, and if he can give it by only touching, he must not look at it."
"A woman who becomes pregnant as a result of adultery must not have an abortion. If a man commits adultery with an unmarried woman, and subsequently marries her, the child born of that marriage will be a bastard unless the parents can be sure it was conceived after they were married."
"A child born of an adulterous father is legitimate."
"The best person to breast-feed a newborn baby it its own mother. It is preferable that she not ask to be paid for such service, but that her husband pays her for it of his own free will. If the sum the mother asks for is greater than that charged by a wet nurse, the husband is free to take the child from its mother and turn it over to the wet nurse."
"A man who repudiates his wife must be of sound mind and past the age of puberty. He must do so of his own free will and without any constraint; therefore, if the formula for divorce is spoken in jest the marriage is not annulled."
"A woman temporarily married, say, for a month or a year, has her marriage automatically annulled at the end of that time, or at any other time when the husband releases her from the balance of her engagement. It is not necessary for this that there be any witnesses, or that the woman has had her period."
"A woman who has not yet reached the age of nine or a menopausal woman may remarry immediately after divorce, without waiting the hundred days that are otherwise required."
"A woman who has had her ninth birthday, or who has not yet entered menopause, must wait for three menstrual periods after her divorce before being allowed to remarry. If a woman who has not reached her ninth birthday or who has not entered menopause gets temporarily married, she must, at the end of the contract or when the husband has released her from part of it, wait two menstrual periods or forty-five days before marrying again."
"If the father or paternal grandfather of a boy has him marry a woman for a temporary marriage, he may prematurely cancel it in the boy's interest, even if the marriage was contracted before the boy reached the age of puberty. If, for example, a fourteen-year-old boy has been married off to a woman for a period of two years, they may return her freedom to the woman before this time has run its course; but a continuing marriage cannot be broken in this way."
"If a man repudiates his wife without informing her of it, and continues to meet her expenses for a period of, say, a year, and at the end of that time informs her that he got a divorce a year earlier and shows her proof of it, he may require that she return to him anything he has bought or given her during that time, provided that she has not used it up or consumed it, in which case he cannot demand its return."
"If a child dies within the mother's womb and it is a danger to her life to leave it there, it must be extracted in the easiest way possible; it can. if need be, cut into pieces; this should be done by the woman's husband or a midwife."
"A woman who wishes to pursue her studies toward the end of being able to earn her living through respectable work, and who has a male teacher, may do so if she keeps her face covered and has no contact with men; but if-that is inevitable, and religious and moral tenets are thus undermined, she must give up her studies. Girls and boys who attend coeducational classes in grammar schools, high schools, universities, or other teaching establishments, and who, in order to legalize such a situation, wish to contract a temporary marriage may do so without the permission of their fathers. The same applies if the boy and girl are in love but hesitate to ask for such permission."
Continued oppression by Mullah Regime in Iran is pushing the entire nation into severe poverty, unemployment as well as numerous social problems. Taking the advantage of such situation, many of the wealthy males in Iran are continuing to buy girl children under 'Marriage for Minutes' contract. Moreover, people in administration, inside Revolutionary Guards as well as judiciaries are also hunting female flesh either with the trap of such temporary marriage or simply by blackmailing socially oppressed women. In Iran, obtaining a divorce certificate by most of the women is only possible, if she would offer sexual company to the judges in Sharia courts.
Members of intelligence agencies as well as Revolutionary Guards would use blackmailing tactics by putting adultery allegation on any woman, they target for meeting sexual desire. In most cases, such women being falsely labelled with adultery accusations are forced to give sexual company to these intelligence or Revolutionary Guard men to avert death by stoning.
Such situation inside Iran is forcing many of the sexually abused women and girls into prostitution. Especially situation of the girl children are real vulnerable.
Though Iranian official sources figure the number of prostitutes in Tehran only at 84,000, it is believed that the real number is exceeding two hundred thousand. While Mullahs continue to claim that prostitution is very much confined within authorized 'Comfort Houses' in the Islamic Republic, it is well known to many that, in today's Iran, women and girls are offered to potential overseas customers at various so-called five star hotels as well as restaurants with 'Islamic Cabins'. Each of such cabins measuring approximately 50 square feet is surrounded by 10 feet wooden walls and a door. Inside is a so-called dinning table, which is basically used for sexual purpose. A man can spend one hour inside this Islamic Cabin with a female by spending roughly US$ 40. At the front portion of such so-called restaurants, number of females will be seen sitting wearing Islamic veils, which will be ready to give company to the potential customer. Once the woman is selected, the restaurant manager, a clergy will perform rituals of the Marriage for Minutes, before the 'couple' would enter the cabin.
Women are offered to guests in a number of hotels in Iran by the room-service staffs. There are prayer rooms in each of the hotels, where rituals of Marriage for Minutes take place. Most of the large hotels in Iran are operated by Revolutionary Guards. And most importantly, every day once or twice, rooms will be searched by members of Revolutionary Guards, while there are hidden cameras inside each of the rooms. But, when a customer will take a 'wife' from the hotel management under Marriage for Minute contract, the hidden cameras will be covered as well searches will be paused. In other words, prostitution is rather promoted by the Mullah Regime in Iran.
While Islamist apologists may argue that sex slavery exists around the world, exploiting innocent girls, women, boys and men, the fact will remain that in these Muslim nations this human-rights abuse has become institutionalized, with government-run brothels in Iran, for instance, offering what is called Mut'ah [Marriage for Minutes allowed by Shia version of Islam] or a temporary contract that allows men to "marry" for sexual purposes women other than the four concurrent wives. Many of these brothels are near "holy sites," so that male pilgrims can "relieve their urges" while on a "religious" pilgrimage.
There are roughly 300 brothels only in Tehran. Head of Iran's Interpol bureau believes that sex trade is one of the most profitable activities in Iran today, which continues very much within the knowledge of ruling clergies, government officials, and members of Revolutionary Guard.
There is sex trade in Iran even in an open manner, where owners of brothel would circulate flyers drawing attention of the 'virgins' in offering 'noble service'.

And here is the extract from one of such flyers, which I discovered, while researching the issue:

"Bismellah Her Rahmanir Rahim

Temporary Marriage

In order to elevate the spiritual atmosphere, create proper psychological
conditions and tranquility of mind, the Province of the Quds'eh-Razavi of
Khorassan has created centers for temporary marriage [just next door to the
shrine] for those brothers who are on pilgrimage to the shrine of our eighth
Imam, Imam Reza, and who are far away from their spouses.
To that end, we
call on all our sisters who are virgins, who are between the ages of 12 and 35
to cooperate with us. Each of our sisters who signs up will be bound by a two
year contract with the province of the Quds'eh-Razavi of Khorassan and will be
required to spend at least 25 days of each month temporarily married to those
brothers who are on pilgrimage. The period of the contract will be considered as
a part of the employment experience of the applicant. The period of each
temporary marriage can be anywhere between 5 hours to 10 days. The prices are as
5 hour temporary marriage - 50,000 Tomans [$50 US]
One day
temporary marriage - 75,000 Tomans [$75 US]
Two day temporary marriage -
100,000 Tomans [$100 US]
Three day temporary marriage - 150,000 Tomans [$150
Between 4 and 10 day temporary marriage - 300,000 Tomans [$300 US]
sisters who are virgins will receive a bonus of 100,000 Tomans [$100 US] for the
removal of their hymen.

After the expiration of the two year contract, should our sisters still
be under 35 years of age and should they be so inclined, they can be added to
the waiting list of those who are seeking long-term temporary marriage.
The employed sisters are obligated to donate 5% of their earnings to the
Shrine of Imam Reza. We ask that all the sisters who are interested in applying,
to furnish two full-length photographs [fully hijabed and properly veiled],
their academic diplomas, proof of their virginity and a certificate of good
physical and psychological health which they can obtain through the health and
human services of the township of their residence. Please forward all compiled
material and send to the below address by the 31st of the month of Ordibehesht,
1389 [May 21st, 2010].

Attention: For sisters who are below 14 years of age, a written consent
from their fathers or male guardian is required

Address: Mash'had, Shrine of Imam Reza, Shaheed Navab-Safavi, Kossar
passage, Bureau of Temporary Marriages or call Haji Mahmood Momtaz:
98-511-222-5790.For further information, please refer to the Quds'eh Razavi

The Sunday Telegraph
The Prince of Wales is being asked to intervene to prevent Iran building a brand new embassy and Islamic cultural centre next to a historic church in one of Britain's most expensive neighbourhoods.

By Robert Mendick
The new building, whose modern design has appalled wealthy residents and heritage experts alike, is located several hundred yards from Iran's existing embassy, made famous by the siege which took place there 30 years ago.
The Islamic Republic's proposed new embassy is expected to cost tens of millions of pounds to build and is a bold, futuristic building set among Victorian mansion blocks and Georgian terraces in west London.
Designed by an Austrian-based architect, the plans were lodged as far back as January with the local council, but residents have claimed that they only learned of the development in July – and a fortnight after public consultation closed.
They are now calling on Prince Charles to use his influence to try to stop the Iranian embassy being built before it is too late.
The prince was successful last year in securing the scrapping of a modernist development on the site of Chelsea Barracks, only two miles away, which had been proposed by members of Qatar's ruling family.
It is not known if plans for a new embassy on such a scale would have been shown to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's authoritarian president, for his approval.
The proposed building, designed by Daneshgar Architects in Vienna, is five storeys high and will be sited on a corner currently occupied by an open air car park.
The plot of land, which is owned by the Iranian government, is close to the Natural History Museum in South Kensington.
Clad in marble and stone, the embassy – comprising what could best be described as an overarching rhomboid with a bright yellow square structure beneath – is less than 20ft from St Augustine's Church, a grade II*-listed church designed by William Butterfield, the renowned Victorian architect.
Citing security issues, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea has broken with normal policy and refused to post any details of the plan on its website.
Members of the public must instead visit the town hall where they will only be shown the plans – which run to almost 200 pages and which cannot be copied – provided they bring a passport or other photo ID.
Sir Simon Jenkins, the writer and architectural expert, said: "I know the site well. It is totally inappropriate to locate such a strident modern building in such a sensitive conservation area, directly next to a magnificent listed church."
He said it was wrong that the plans had not been made more easily available to the public and pointed to the full and public consultation undertaken by the US government over its proposals for a new embassy in south London.
Sir Simon added: "If the security-obsessed Americans can plan a new embassy openly and publicly, there is no excuse for Kensington council to collude with the Iranians."
Ian Dungavell, director of the Victorian Society, said: "This looks like an attention-seeking piece of architecture. From the single image I've seen, I am worried about how it will affect the setting of St Augustine's Church.
"The Victorian Society is also concerned whenever local residents feel that they have not been properly consulted about planning applications which affect them, especially when the sites are within conservation areas."
Residents are only now starting to campaign to stop the embassy. Maria von Moltke, 74, who lives about 100 yards away, is writing to Prince Charles, pleading with him to help.
Mrs Moltke, who claims she only became aware of the plans after the official consultation closed, said: "The building is just catastrophic. If you compare it to the wonderful terraces around it, which are beautiful and intact, this is all the more hideous.
"I will be writing to Prince Charles to ask for his help in intervening. We haven't been given any notice about this and no time to even form a protest group."
One local estate agent estimated a new Iranian embassy could knock almost 20 per cent off the prices of neighbouring houses. Town houses in the area are typically worth £3.5 million and above.
It is not clear what the Iranian government will do with its current embassy in Prince's Gate, which was the scene in 1980 of a dramatic siege and subsequent storming of the building by the SAS.
The drama, played out live in front of television cameras, brought the SAS to wider public attention. In all, five of the six gunmen were killed along with one hostage.
In a telephone call, a spokesman for the Iranian embassy said he was not aware of the plans to move the embassy but said a colleague might have some knowledge.
The telephone call was then cut off and The Sunday Telegraph was unable to reach the spokesman again.
Armin Daneshgar, the architect, was unavailable for comment.
Council planning officers have yet to decide whether to recommend the plan for approval. The proposals will later be voted on by the planning committee. A decision is expected in the autumn.
A council spokesman defended the decision not to post any details on the internet, suggesting that the same procedure was followed over the planning application for a new Israeli embassy.
The spokesman added that police had requested no images or details be posted.
Since being approached by The Sunday Telegraph, the council has posted online a series of computer-generated images of the building – which were already freely available on the architect's website.
The council has denied the public was not properly consulted.
The spokesman said 115 households immediately surrounding the new embassy site had received letters informing them of the application and inviting them to the town hall to see it.
Clarence House said that the Prince would wait for the residents' letter to arrive before responding.