Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran
The condition of jailed Bazaar merchant Mohsen Dokmeh Chi, who is suffering from advanced pancreas cancer and has been denied treatment on orders of the Ministry of Intelligence, deteriorated on Monday morning in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. Prison guards refused to transfer him to the infirmary which was met with protests by political prisoners in hall 12 Cellblock 4 and he was finally taken to an unknown condition after a few hours at 2 pm.
This political prisoner has been suffering from severe pain for more than 5 months but intelligence agents and Tehran Prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolat Abadi have prevented his treatment. A few weeks ago, his condition deteriorated to the extent that he was near death and prison officials were forced to transfer him to the hospital. Mr. Dokmeh Chi received surgery but because he was not taken for surgery on time and because his pancreas cancer had advanced, the operation was unsuccessful. Doctors had decided to give him chemotherapy but his treatment was suddenly stopped on orders of intelligence interrogations and the Tehran Prosecutor and he was returned to Evin Prison. He was then transferred to cellblock 4 in Gohardasht Prison where political prisoners are kept in an isolated condition. His condition has severely deteriorated since this transfer and he in on verge of death.
This Bazaar merchant was arrested for giving financial aid to the families of political prisoners and because his daughter is in Camp Ashraf in Iraq and was sentenced to 10 years of prison to be spent in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj.
The condition of jailed Bazaar merchant Mohsen Dokmeh Chi, who is suffering from advanced pancreas cancer and has been denied treatment on orders of the Ministry of Intelligence, deteriorated on Monday morning in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. Prison guards refused to transfer him to the infirmary which was met with protests by political prisoners in hall 12 Cellblock 4 and he was finally taken to an unknown condition after a few hours at 2 pm.
This political prisoner has been suffering from severe pain for more than 5 months but intelligence agents and Tehran Prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolat Abadi have prevented his treatment. A few weeks ago, his condition deteriorated to the extent that he was near death and prison officials were forced to transfer him to the hospital. Mr. Dokmeh Chi received surgery but because he was not taken for surgery on time and because his pancreas cancer had advanced, the operation was unsuccessful. Doctors had decided to give him chemotherapy but his treatment was suddenly stopped on orders of intelligence interrogations and the Tehran Prosecutor and he was returned to Evin Prison. He was then transferred to cellblock 4 in Gohardasht Prison where political prisoners are kept in an isolated condition. His condition has severely deteriorated since this transfer and he in on verge of death.
This Bazaar merchant was arrested for giving financial aid to the families of political prisoners and because his daughter is in Camp Ashraf in Iraq and was sentenced to 10 years of prison to be spent in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj.
به وخامت گراييدن وضعيت جسمي بازاري زنداني و انتقال او به نقطۀ نامعلومي
روز دوشنبه 11 بهمن ماه بازاري زنداني محسن دکمه چي که از سرطان پيشرفته لوز المعده رنج مي برد و در شرايط بسيار وخيم جسمي در بند رها شده است و بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات مانع درمان وي مي شدند. صبح روز گذشته وضعيت جسمي اش بشدت به وخامت گراييد اما پاسداربندها از انتقال او به بهداري زندان خوداري مي کردند که با اعتراضات گسترده زندانيان سياسي سالن 12 بند 4 مواجه شدند و پس از چند ساعت تاخير حوالي ساعت 14:00 او را به نقطۀ نامعلومي منتقل کردند.
بازاري زنداني محسن دکمه چي از 5 ماه پيش از دردهاي شديد در دستگاه گورشي خود رنج مي برد اما بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات و دادستان تهران عباس جعفري دولت آبادي مانع درمان وي مي شدند. تا اينکه چند هفته پيش وضعيت جسمي او به حدي به وخامت گراييد که در آستانۀ مرگ قرار گرفت و ناچار به انتقال او به بيمارستان شدند.آقاي دکمه چي تحت عمل جراحي قرار گرفت ولي بدليل عدم انتقال به موقع و مبتلا شدن به سرطان لوزالمعده پيشرفته عمل جراحي ناموفق بود . پزشکان تصميم به شيمي درماني وي گرفتند که ناگهان معالجات وي به دستور بازجويان وزارت اطلاعات و عباس جعفري دولت آبادي متوقف و او را به زندان اوين بازگرداندند و سپس از آنجا به بند کاملا ايزولۀ زندانيان سياسي بند 4 منتقل کردند. از زمان انتقال به زندان گوهردشت کرج وضعيت جسمي اش شديدا به وخامت گراييد و او در آستانۀ مرگ قرار گرفت.
بازاري زندان بدليل کمک به خانواده هاي زندانيان سياسي و حضور فرزندش در قرارگاه اشرف دستگير و به 10 سال زندان و تبعيد به زندان قرون وسطايي گوهردشت کرج محکوم شده است. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 13/11/89)
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