Human Rights Campaign in Iran

Abdollah Momeni, the spokesperson of the student Office for Consolidating Unity who was arrested in the post election events and is currently in prison detailed severe torture, false confessions, a show trial and also the complete absence of judicial independence in his trial in a letter to the leader of the Islamic Republic Khamenei and requested that a truth seeking committee be established to see to these issues.
This student activist is currently serving his 4 years and 11 months of prison in cellblock 350 in Evin Prison in Tehran…
In this letter, Abdollah Momeni said he was severely beaten and was choked until he passed out. His interrogator also put his head in a toilet bowl and he was kept in a solitary cell for 86 days (in a 1.6 by 2.2 meter cell). He was constantly threatened that he would be executed, and sexually harassed. Momeni was also forced to practice his false confessions before his trial. He said that the judge on his case, Abolqasem Salavati, and other judiciary officials who were involved in his trial did not have judicial independence and that interrogators of the Ministry of Intelligence had too much influence in the court process which all show the political nature of his trial.

روايت تکان دهنده عبدالله مومني از شکنجه ها و اعتراف گيري در زندان
عبدالله مومني، سخنگوي سازمان دانشجويي ادوار تحکيم وحدت که در جريان حوادث بعد از انتخابات بازداشت و اکنون در زندان به سر مي برد، طي نامه اي از زندان اوين خطاب به رهبر جمهوري اسلامي، مطالبي را در خصوص شکنجه شديد، اعترافات ساختگي و محاکمه نمايشي خود، و همچنين فقدان کامل استقلال قضايي در محاکمه اش شرح داده و خواستار تشکيل يک کميته حقيقت ياب پيرامون رخدادهاي صورت گرفته شد.
اين فعال دانشجويي هم اکنون در حال گذراندن محکوميت ۴ سال و ۱۱ ماه خويش در بند ۳۵۰ زندان اوين تهران است...
در اين نامه، عبدالله مومني ازضرب و جرح شديد، اقدام به خفه کردن تا حد بيهوشي، و نگهداشتن سر وي در کاسهء توالت توسط بازجويانش، حبس در سلول انفرادي براي ۸۶ روز (در يک سلول ۱٫۶ متر در ۲٫۲ متري)، تهديد مکرر به اعدام ، تهديد به آزار واذيت جنسي، وادار شدن توسط بازجويانش براي تمرين اعترافات ساختگي قبل از جلسهء دادگاه، و فقدان کامل استقلال توسط قاضي پرونده اش، ابوالقاسم صلواتي، و ساير مقامات قوهء قضاييه که دست اندرکار محاکمهء وي بوده اند و همچنين نفوذ بي حد بازجويان و ماموران اطلاعاتي در روند محاکمهء وي که همگي بيانگر ماهيت سياسي اين محاکمه است سخن مي گويد. (کمپين بين المللي حقوق بشر در – 18/6/89)


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