IRAN weekly report : Violence against women

Women’s rights activist sentenced to four years of prison

Human rights activist Mahboubeh Karami was sentenced to four years of prison by the 26th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Pir Abbasi.
According to reports she was charged with ‘membership in the Human Rights Activists in Iran, propagating against the government, assembling and conspiring with the intention of committing crimes against the security of the country and publishing lies”.
Karami is a well-known women’s rights activist and the former head of the Women’s Committee of the Human Rights Activists in Iran who was arrested on March 2, 2010. She was detained in Cellblock 2A in Evin Prison for 80 days in her six month prison term and suffered mental and physical problems. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 28, 2010)

Wife of political prisoner and mother of Ashraf resident tried for visiting son in Ashraf
According to reports, Mahin Saremi, wife of (death row) political prisoner Ali Saremi was summoned and tried by the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Salavati.
On August 24, Mahin Saremi, 56, was tried by Judge Salavati. This trial started at 10:30 am and ended in less than 15 minutes.
She was charged with visiting her son in Camp Ashraf in Iraq, propagating against the government, and filming and participating in a ceremony to commemorate executed political prisoners on the 19th anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners.
She was sentenced to five years of suspended prison before this for visiting her son in Camp Ashraf and going to the gravesite of Dr. Mohammad Mosadeq (late national Iranian leader) but Salavati once again repeated the same charges to issue a sentence for her for the second time.
Mahin Saremi was a political prisoner in the 80’s and was jailed from 1982 to 1983. She was also attacked by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence in 2005 while at the gravesite of Dr. Mossadeq and was arrested along with her husband Ali Saremi. She was kept in a solitary cell in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison for close to a month. She was also detained for another 2 months in solitary in 2007 for participating in the anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 29, 2010)

Mother of slain prisoner dies after torching herself in protest
The mother of a prisoner who set herself on fire in protest to the murder of her son in prison died in Orumieh hospital.
According to reports, the mother of Bahman Massoudi, an ordinary prisoner in the Central Orumieh Prison, self immolated on August 23 after hearing that her son was killed in prison.
This Azeri mother died after being taken to the hospital despite efforts by the doctors to keep her alive.
Bahman Massoudi was murdered by a prison agent named Khanzadeh after being hit with a baton in the head while in solitary. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 30, 2010)

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani subjected to mock execution
Her son Sajad says she was told she would be hanged at dawn on Sunday and visits by her family and lawyer have been denied
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning, was told on Saturday that she was to be hanged at dawn on Sunday, but the sentence was not carried out, it emerged tonight.
Mohammadi Ashtiani wrote her will and embraced her cellmates in Tabriz prison just before the call to morning prayer, when she expected to be led to the gallows, her son Sajad told the Guardian.
"Pressure from the international community has so far stopped them from carrying out the sentence but they're killing her every day by any means possible," he said.
The mock execution came days after prison authorities denied family and legal visits to Mohammadi Ashtiani. Her children were told she was unwilling to meet them while she was told, also falsely, that no one had come to visit her.
Sajad, 22, heard the latest evidence of psychological pressure on his mother when he spoke to her by phone yesterday. "They are furious with the international outcry over my mother's case so they are taking revenge on her," he said. "The more the pressure comes from outside Iran, the more they mistreat her."
Protest rallies highlighting her plight were held in 100 cities on Saturday.
Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43-year-old mother of two, was flogged 99 times for having an "illicit relationship outside marriage" in 2006 but another court reviewed her case after her husband was murdered. She was acquitted of murder but found guilty of adultery and sentenced to death by stoning.
Since her case has captured world attention, Iranian officials have claimed she was an accomplice to the murder of her husband although her government-appointed lawyer, Houtan Kian, has accused the government of inventing charges against her.
Sajad said he believes the only reason his mother is still alive is because of the international campaign for her release. "I beg everybody in the world to continue their support for my mother. That is the only way she might be spared from the death sentence," he said.
In a visit to Iran's judiciary office in his home town today, Sajad was told that the file on his father's murder case has been lost. "They are lying about the charges against my mother. She was acquitted of murdering my father but now the government is building up their own story against her."
Last week, Kian's house was ransacked by plain-clothes officials and his documents, including one which shows Sakineh was acquitted of her husband's murder, were confiscated. Since then, they have been unable to find a copy of the sentence. "They are destroying all our evidence," Sajad said. "They were not unusual documents and evidence. They were just the official documents of my mother's sentence. They want to destroy them all because they know there are lots of discrepancies and contradictions in them."
Among them is the fact that no-one has been named as being involved in her putative extramarital relationship.
Mina Ahadi of Iran Committee against Stoning (ICAS) said: "Look how easily they are accusing and insulting Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and you would realise how bad they are treating Sakineh and women in general in Iran and how they can build up dossier against people out of nothing and sentence them to death by stoning."
France, meanwhile, protested to Iran over a hardline newspaper which described Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, wife of President Nicolas Sarkozy, as a "prostitute." Bruni-Sarkozy had condemned Mohammadi Ashtiani's sentence.
The foreign ministry in Paris said it was "unacceptable" for Keyhan to have said she was "proud of her immoral acts" and "deserved to die". Iran's foreign ministry spokesman urged the media to avoid "inappropriate and insulting words." (The Guardian – Aug. 31, 2010)

محبوبه کرمي، فعال حقوق زنان به چهار سال حبس محکوم شد
محبوبه کرمي، فعال حقوق بشر از سوي شعبه 26 دادگاه انقلاب تهران به رياست قاضي پيرعباسي، به تحمل چهار سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شده است.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، اتهامات خانم کرمي "عضويت در مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران"، "فعاليت تبليغي عليه نظام"، "اجتماع و تباني با قصد ارتکاب جرايم عليه امنيت کشور" و "نشر اکاذيب" عنوان شده است.
محبوبه کرمي فعال سرشناس زنان، مسئول سابق کميته ي زنان مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران بوده است که در يورش سازمان يافته به فعالان حقوق بشر در 11 اسفند ماه بازداشت شد، وي در طي دوران بازداشت شش ماهه که 80 روز از آن را در بند 2 - الف زندان اوين بسر برده از بيماري روحي و جسمي به شدت رنج برده است. (هرانا – 6/6/89)

محاکمه يکي از زنان زنداني سياسي دهۀ 60 توسط صلواتي قاضي فرمايشي
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران"خانم مهين صارمي همسر زنداني سياسي علي صارمي به شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب فراخوانده شد و توسط صلواتي قاضي فرمايشي ولي فقيه مورد محاکمه قرار گرفت.
روز سه شنبه 2 شهريور ماه خانم مهين صارمي 56 ساله براي محاکمه به شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب احضار شد و توسط صلواتي قاضي فرمايشي مورد محاکمه قرار گرفت.محاکمه خانم صارمي از حوالي ساعت 10:30 آغاز و پس از کمتر از 15 دقيقه به پايان رسيد.
صلواتي او را به اتهام ديدار با فرزندش در قرارگاه اشرف در عراق ، تبليغ عليه نظام ، فيلم برداري( شرکت در مراسم نوزدهمين سالگرد قتل عام زندانيان سياسي سال 67 ) مورد محاکمه قرار داد.دادگاه خانم صارمي تا به حال چندين بار به تعويق افتاده بود.
مهين صارمي پيش از اين به دليل ديدار با فرزندش در اشرف و حضور بر آرامگاه رهبر فقيد ملي دکتر محمد مصدق به 5 سال حبس تعليقي محکوم شده بود ولي صلواتي باز هم اتهامات قبلي را تکرار نمود و قصد دارد که بر مبناي آنها براي دومين بار حکم غير قانوني و غير انساني عليه خانم صارمي صادر کند .
مهين صارمي 56 ساله از زندانيان سياسي دهۀ 60 مي باشد او از سال 61 تا سال 62 زنداني بود. خانم صارمي همچنين در سال 1384 وقتي که به مناسبت گراميداشت سالگرد در گذشت دکتر محمد مصدق بر آرامگاه اين رهبر ملي حضور يافته بود مورد يورش مامورين وزارت اطلاعات قرار گرفت و همراه با همسرش آقاي علي صارمي دستگير و نزديگ به 1 ماه در سلولهاي انفرادي بند 209 زندان اوين زنداني بود.خانم صارمي همچنين در سال 1386 بدليل شرکت در مراسم گراميداشت نوزدهمين سالگرد قتل عام زندانيان سياسي سال 67 دستگير و به مدت 2 ماه در سلولهاي انفرادي بند 209 بسر برد. (فعالين حقوق بشر ودمكراسي در ايران – 7/6/89)

فوت مادر يک زنداني مقتول بر اثر خودسوزي
مادر يک زنداني که به دليل قتل پسرش در زندان، دست به خودسوزي زده بود، در بيمارستان اروميه فوت کرد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، مادر "بهمن مسعودي" يکي از زندانيان محبوس در زندان مرکزي اروميه که صبح روز اول شهريور ماه و پس از شنيدن خبر کشته شدن پسرش در زندان، با ريختن نفت بر روي بدنش اقدام به خودسوزي کرد.
اين مادر آذري زبان پس از انتقال به بيمارستان و علي رغم تلاش پزشکان به دليل شدت جراحات وارده بر اثر سوختگي جان باخت.
شايان ذکر است که بهمن مسعودي، يکي از زندانيان عادي محبوس در زندان مرکزي اروميه بود که مورخ سي و يکم مردادماه به علت اصابت باتوم به سر در سلول انفرادي توسط يکي از ماموران زندان به نام "خانزاده" به قتل رسيده بود. (هرانا – 8/6/89)

سكينه محمدى آشتيانى در معرض اعدام ساختگى قرار گرفت
-سجاد فرزند سكينه محمدى آشتيانى به گاردين گفت، امشب معلوم شد كه به سكينه محمدى آشتيانى زن ايرانى كه به مرگ محكوم شده است روز شنبه گفته شده است كه قرار است روز يكشنبه اعدام شود اما حكم اجرا نشد.
محمدى آشتيانى زمانى كه قرار بود به پاى طناب دار برده شود، وصيت خود رانوشت، هم سلولى هايش راقبل از اعدام در زندان تبريز قبل از نماز صبح در آغوش گرفت.
وى گفت، ”تاكنون اين فشار جامعه بينالمللى بوده كه مانع انجام حكم اعدام شده است اما آنها او را روزانه باهر وسيله اي ممكن مىكشند ”.
اعدام ساختگى بعد از اين كه مقامات از بازديد خانواده و وكيل وى ممانعت كردند صورت گرفت. به فرزندان وى گفته شده بود كه او مايل نيست آنها را ملاقات كند و درحالى كه به وى نيز به دروغ گفته بودند كه هيچكس براى ديدار وى نيامده است...(گاردين - 9/6/89)


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