Jailed journalist’s son says father in poor health


Mehdi Saharkhiz, the son of jailed journalist Esa Saharkhiz expressed concern over his son’s health and said, “My father’s physical health is not good. He has become very weak. A cardiac specialist has even officially stressed in a letter that my father cannot tolerate prison conditions but they still do not release him and do not grant him a leave and they do not take him to hospital”.
“My father is in good spirits and does not tell us many of his problems and issues but we are really concerned. My father passed away last week while praying and fell down. They gave him intravenous fluids and then returned him to his cell. We are very worried and wonder that if my father falls again like this and God forbid something happens to him who will be held accountable?”
Mehdi cited constant pleas by his family and father’s lawyer to get a leave for his jailed father and said, “My father’s lawyer and mother are following up this issue but it has been exactly one year and seven months that my father has been jailed and they have not even granted him a one day leave from prison”.
Esa Saharkhiz is a well known Iranian journalist who was arrested July 16, 2009. He is currently jailed in Rajayi Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj and was sentenced to 3 years of prison and a 5 year ban on all media and political activities by the Revolutionary Court.

نگراني نسبت به وضعيت عيسي سحرخيز
مهدي سحرخيز، فرزند عيسي سحرخيز در مصاحبه با "روز" نسبت به وضعيت جسماني پدرش ابراز نگراني مي کند و مي گويد: وضعيت جسمي پدرم اصلا خوب نيست؛ خيلي ضعيف شده؛ حتي دکتر متخصص قلب رسما نامه نوشته که پدرم در شرايط عدم تحمل کيفر است، يعني تحمل کيفر را ندارد اما با اين حال او را آزاد نميکنند، مرخصي هم نميدهند و او را به بيمارستان نيز منتقل نمي کنند.
وي مي افزايد: روحيه پدرم خوب است و خيلي از مسائل و مشکلات را به ما نمي گويد ولي ما واقعا نگران هستيم. پدرم هفته پيش در حال نماز خواندن در زندان غش کرده و افتاده؛ او را برده و سرم و آمپول زده اند و بعد برگردانده اند. ما واقعا نگرانيم و سئوالمان اين است که اگر بار ديگر پدرم اين چنين بيفتد و خداي نکرده اتفاق ديگري برايش بيفتد چه کسي پاسخگو خواهد بود؟
مهدي سحرخيز سپس از درخواست هاي مکرر خانواده و وکيل پدرش براي مرخصي مي گويد: وکيل پدرم پي گير است و مادرم نيز پي گيري ميکند اما اکنون دقيقا يکسال و هفت ماه است که پدرم در زندان به سر مي برد و حتي يک روز هم به او مرخصي نداده اند.
عيسي سحرخيز از روزنامه نگاران سرشناس ايراني است که از 25 تير ماه سال گذشته در بازداشت به سر مي برد. اوکه اکنون در زندان رجايي شهر به سر مي برد از سوي دادگاه انقلاب به 3 سال حبس تعزيري و پنج سال محروميت از فعاليت مطبوعاتي و سياسي محکوم شده است. (هرانا – 2/9/89)


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