Los Angeles Times
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad told Iranians this month that 'frugal' families have nothing to fear from impending economic pressures.
But just in case, his government is cracking down on labor activists who may disagree.
Three workers from the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Co. Union are facing jail time on charges of insulting the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, according to an Iranian human rights organization. The union, formed following a massive strike in 2008 over withheld wages, has complained of continual harassment by authorities.
‘It has gotten more intense, the crackdown, in the last two years, but the last two months have been worse because [the government] is getting rid of subsidies,' said Mehdi Kouhestaninejad of the Canadian Labor Congress.
The planned subsidy cuts will target everything from fuel to basic foodstuffs and are expected to have a deep impact on the lower and middle classes in Iran.
Kouhestaninejad, who worked as a union in Iran until he moved to Canada, said authorities have been cracking down in anticipation of organized protests against the cuts.
‘They know the labor movement cannot accept [subsidy cuts] because prices will go through the roof but their wages are the same,' he said. 'They attack people before they can get organized around this’.
Behrouz Nikoufard, Alireza Saeidi and Behrouz Molazadeh are the latest to be charged as the government steps up its crackdown on organized labor.
The head of the sugar cane union, Reza Derakhshan, is rumored to be facing jail time for an article he wrote commemorating the syndicate's second anniversary…
The sugar cane workers are among the most active unions, along with the Tehran bus drivers union led by Mansour Osanloo, who has been imprisoned on anti-government charges since 2007. Osanloo was key in organizing protests for higher wages, childcare stipends and better conditions for bus drivers.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad told Iranians this month that 'frugal' families have nothing to fear from impending economic pressures.
But just in case, his government is cracking down on labor activists who may disagree.
Three workers from the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Co. Union are facing jail time on charges of insulting the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, according to an Iranian human rights organization. The union, formed following a massive strike in 2008 over withheld wages, has complained of continual harassment by authorities.
‘It has gotten more intense, the crackdown, in the last two years, but the last two months have been worse because [the government] is getting rid of subsidies,' said Mehdi Kouhestaninejad of the Canadian Labor Congress.
The planned subsidy cuts will target everything from fuel to basic foodstuffs and are expected to have a deep impact on the lower and middle classes in Iran.
Kouhestaninejad, who worked as a union in Iran until he moved to Canada, said authorities have been cracking down in anticipation of organized protests against the cuts.
‘They know the labor movement cannot accept [subsidy cuts] because prices will go through the roof but their wages are the same,' he said. 'They attack people before they can get organized around this’.
Behrouz Nikoufard, Alireza Saeidi and Behrouz Molazadeh are the latest to be charged as the government steps up its crackdown on organized labor.
The head of the sugar cane union, Reza Derakhshan, is rumored to be facing jail time for an article he wrote commemorating the syndicate's second anniversary…
The sugar cane workers are among the most active unions, along with the Tehran bus drivers union led by Mansour Osanloo, who has been imprisoned on anti-government charges since 2007. Osanloo was key in organizing protests for higher wages, childcare stipends and better conditions for bus drivers.
ايران: با وجود تشديد سرکوب کارگران، هرگزتوافقي با اين دولت تندرو صورت نخواهد گرفت
به گفته يک سازمان حقوقبشري در ايران، سه تن از کارگران سنديکاي نيشکر هفتتپه به اتهام توهين به آيتالله خامنهاي، رهبر عالي، به حبس محکوم شدهاند. اين سنديکا که بهخاطر عدم پرداخت دستمزدها، در 2008 يک اعتصاب بزرگي را راهانداخته بود، از ارعاب مداوم مقامات ايران شکايت داشتند.
مهدي کوهستانينژاد از کنگره کارگري کانادا گفت، “طي 2سال اخير سرکوب در ايران شديدتر و در دو ماه اخير بهخاطر حذف يارانهها، سرکوب وخيمتر شده است“. …
کوهستانينژاد، تا قبل از رفتن به کانادا در اتحاديه قصابان (meatpacker) در ايران کار ميکرده گفت که مقامات در پيشبيني از اعتصابها سازمانيافته بهخاطر قطع سوبسيدها، شروع به سرکوب آنها نمودهاند.
وي گفت، “آنها [مقامات دولت] ميدانند که جنبش کارگري [قطع سوبسيدها] را نخواهد پذيرفت زيرا با افزايش شديد قيمتها، دستمزدهاي آنها ثابت خواهد ماند. “ وي گفت، “قبل از اين که مردم پيرامون اين موضوع، سازمانيافته شوند، مقامات آنها را سرکوب ميکنند“.
بهروز نيکوفرد، عليرضا سعيدي و بهروز ملازاده، آخرين کساني هستند که در آخرين اقدامات سرکوبگرانه دولت عليه اتحاديه کارگري متهم شناخته شدهاند.
شايع شده است که رضا درخشان رئيس اتحاديه نيشکر، بهخاطر نوشتن مقالهيي در گراميداشت دومين سالگرد اتحاديه، با احتمال زنداني شدن روبهروست...
کارگران کارخانه نيشکر هفتتپه در ميان فعالترين اتحاديهها، همراه با اتحاديه رانندگان اتوبوس تهران به رهبري منصور اسانلو ميباشند. وي از سال 2007، متهم به ضديت با دولت در زندان محبوس است. اسانلو يک عنصر اصلي سازماندهنده اعتصابها براي دستمزد بالاتر، و پرداخت هزينه نگهداري کودکان هنگامي که والدين مشغول کار هستند، و شرايط بهتر براي رانندگان ميباشد. (لسآنجلس تايمز- 1/8/89)
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