Note from DL :

Parallel to an International appeal to prevent sick and cancer patients in the Camp Ashraf from dyeing away because of being prevented necessary medical needs, the following news has been only one example of may, which only points to the fact that obviously the regime in Tehran does worry about the threat these residents pose to it, even though they are literally unarmed and in a siege by Iraqi Army on bequest of the Iranian Supreme Leader.
Links to the present situation of patients and those who are being killed gradually by the siege are at the bottom of this news

Petition released to ask for medical relief for the residents by the The International Committee of In Search of Justice (ISJ)

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

On Monday, November 15, at about 11 am, agents of the Ministry of Intelligence raided the store of Hamid Miboudi, 37, and arrested him in his store. These security forces introduced themselves tax department agents and told the crowds that had gathered on the scene that Miboudi was being arrested because he had not paid his taxes. These agents then took Miboudi to his home to conduct a search. They searched his home so violently that his 3 year old child developed a stutter from shock. His wife, who was also home, is 9 month pregnant and will give birth in a few more days.
When Miboudi’s wife told the agents that she was in her last days of pregnancy and demanded to know why they were arresting her husband, these agents said that ‘several pregnant women were dying in Iraq every day and you are no different from them’.
These agents then seized some of this family’s personal items such as family videos, computer, and laptop, identification documents including their passports, phone books and their satellite receiver.
On the same day at about 5 pm, agents raided the home of Allah Verdi Rouhi, 62, who is Miboudi’s father in law and arrested him. These agents then violently conducted a search. This family’s phonebook, computer, cellphone, identification documents, framed pictures of his children and his satellite receiver were seized by these agents. They then destroyed and broke his satellite dish.
Rouhi is suffering from critical physical ailments such as prostate and heart problems and was receiving treatment. He also nursed his sick wife who is confined to bed.
The families of these two men have not been informed of the charges of their loved ones. They were reportedly only arrested because Mr. Rouhi’s children are in Camp Ashraf in Iraq.
There has been no information on their whereabouts and condition since their arrest.
The Rouhi family has gone to the Karaj Prosecutor, Revolutionary Court and Intelligence Agency several times but they have not been given any specific answers regarding their loved ones. This family is extremely concerned for the condition of its loved ones.
Four intelligence agents were involved in these raids.

در آستانه 16 آذر و برداشتن يارانه ها ربودن مردم توسط مامورين وزارت اطلاعات شدت يافته است

روز دوشنبه 24 آبان ماه حوالي ساعت 11:00 مامورين وزارت اطلاعات به محل کسب آقاي حميد ميبودي 37 ساله يورش بردند آنها بخاطر نفرت عميق مردم خود را مامورين اداره ماليات معرفي کردند و به جمعيتي که تجمع کرده بودند به دروغ مي گفتند بخاطر پرداخت ننمودن ماايات وي را دستگير کرده اند. مامورين اطلاعاتي آقاي ميبودي را براي بازرسي و ضبط وسايل شخصي اش به منزلشان منتقل کردند. برخورد مامورين وزارت اطلاعات هنگام يورش به منزل وحشيانه و غير انساني بود اين يورش در حالي صورت مي گيرد که همسر آقاي ميبدي روزهاي آخر بارداريش را طي مي کند و همچنين فرزند 3 ساله آقاي ميبدي که شاهد يورش وحشيانه بود دچار لکنت زبان شده است.
وقتي که همسر آقاي ميبودي به آنها گفت: من روزهاي آخربارداريم را مي گذارانم چرا همسرم را بازداشت مي کنيد مامورين وزارت اطلاعات به او پاسخ دادند: روزانه در عراق چندين زن باردار کشته مي شوند شما هم مثل آنها.
مامورين وزارت اطلاعات پس از مدتي بازرسي وسايل شخصي خانواده از جمله؛ فيلمهاي خانوادگي،کامپيوتر،لپ تاپ مدارک شناسايي (کارت شناسايي،پاسپورت و..)،دفترچه تلفن و ريسور ماهواره را با خود بردند.
همان روز حوالي ساعت 17:00 به منزل آقاي الله وردي روحي 62 ساله پدر همسر آقاي ميبدي يورش بردند و او را دستگير کردند. مامورين وزارت اطلاعات اقدام به بازرسي وحشيانه منزل وي نمودند و اين بازرسي تا مدتي طولاني ادامه داشت.آنها پس از بازرسي اقدام به جمع آوري بعضي از وسايل شخصي آنها نمودند که از جملۀ آن؛ دفترچه تلفن،کيس کامپيوتر،تلفن همراه،مدارک شناسايي (کارت شناسايي،شناسنامه و پاسپورت)،قابهاي عکس فرزندانش و ريسور ماهواره را با خود بردند . آنها سپس اقدام به تخريب بشقاب گيرنده ماهواره نمودند.
آقاي روحي از ناراحتيهاي حاد جسمي مانند؛ پروستات وناراحتي قلبي رنج مي برد و تحت درمان قرار داشت.همچنين همسر ايشان بر بستر بيماري قرار دارد و تنها پرستار او بود.
علت دستگير آنها را به خانواده هايشان اعلام نکرده اند و گفته مي شود به صرف اينکه فرزندان آقاي روحي در قرارگاه اشرف در عراق هستند او را دستگير کرده اند.
از زمان دستگيري تاکنون هيچ خبري از وضعيت و شرايط و محل بازداشت او در دست نيست.
خانواده روحي تا به حال چنيدن بار به دادستاني کرج،دادگاه انقلاب و اداره اطلاعات مراجعه کرده اند ولي تاکنون به آنها پاسخي مشخصي داد نشده است. اين خانواده در ناراحتي فزاينده اي بسر مي برند.
دراين دو يورش 4 نفر از مامورين وزارت اطلاعات مستقيما شرکت داشتند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 3/9/89)


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