The 54th branch of the Review Court presided over by Judge Movahed upheld the 3 year prison sentence for Amir Hossein Kazemi.
This sentence was upheld only one week after it was referred to the Review Court and the judge did not allow Kazemi’s lawyers to be present in the court to present their defense.
The initial court for this political prisoner only lasted 10 minutes and despite the issuing of the initial and final sentence he is still kept in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison deprived of the right to contact his family.
According to informed sources, there is no evidence in his case proving his charges and his sentence was written and confirmed by security agents.
The judge seeing to his case has not accepted his request for a leave from prison.
The 54th branch of the Review Court presided over by Judge Movahed upheld the 3 year prison sentence for Amir Hossein Kazemi.
This sentence was upheld only one week after it was referred to the Review Court and the judge did not allow Kazemi’s lawyers to be present in the court to present their defense.
The initial court for this political prisoner only lasted 10 minutes and despite the issuing of the initial and final sentence he is still kept in cellblock 209 in Evin Prison deprived of the right to contact his family.
According to informed sources, there is no evidence in his case proving his charges and his sentence was written and confirmed by security agents.
The judge seeing to his case has not accepted his request for a leave from prison.
محکوميت امير حسين کاظمي به سه سال حبس قطعي
دادگاه تجديد نظر شعبه 54 به رياست قاضي موحد، حکم سه سال حبس تعزيري براي امير حسين کاظمي را تاييد کرد.
به گزارش ميزان خبر، اين حکم تنها يک هفته از ارجاع پرونده به دادگاه تجديد نظر تائيد شده و قاضي پرونده به وکلاي کاظمي اجازه حضور و ارائه دفاعيه در دادگاه تجديد نظر را نداده است.
دادگاه بدوي کاظمي نيز تنها 10 دقيقه به طول انجاميده بود و عليرغم صدور حکم بدوي و قطعي وي همچنان در بند 209 اوين بدون امکان تماس با خانواده در بازداشت بسر مي برد.
به گفته ي منابع آگاه در پرونده وي هيچ گونه مدارک مستدل و مستندي پيرامون اتهامات وجود نداشته است و حکم وي توسط مامورين امنيتي نوشته و تاييد شده است.
گفتني است اميرحسين کاظمي همچنان در بند امنيتي 209 وزارت اطلاعات دوران محکوميت خود را مي گذراند و به بند عمومي منتقل نشده است و قاضي با درخواست مرخصي وي نيز موافقت نکرده است. (هرانا – 23/5/89)
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