Committee of Human Rights Reporters
After security forces and the Bassij paramilitary forces attacked the Arts University, they arrested at least seven students.
Fataneh Raqqi (f), Faraz Sarayi, Enayat Sahrayi, Ali Sediqi, Mehrdad Mirzayi, Mohammad Tayab Taher and Faraz Fesharaki are the seven students who were arrested by security forces in this university.
A funeral procession was held for Sane Zhaleh, (a student in this university who was shot and killed by security forces in the protests) by security forces and members of the paramilitary Bassij Forces.
This is while a large number of security forces and Special Guards Forces were present in this university. The Bassij forces in the university chanted insulting and instigative slogans which was met by protests by the students. Bassij forces then attacked students with electric batons and batons and beat them.
After security forces and the Bassij paramilitary forces attacked the Arts University, they arrested at least seven students.
Fataneh Raqqi (f), Faraz Sarayi, Enayat Sahrayi, Ali Sediqi, Mehrdad Mirzayi, Mohammad Tayab Taher and Faraz Fesharaki are the seven students who were arrested by security forces in this university.
A funeral procession was held for Sane Zhaleh, (a student in this university who was shot and killed by security forces in the protests) by security forces and members of the paramilitary Bassij Forces.
This is while a large number of security forces and Special Guards Forces were present in this university. The Bassij forces in the university chanted insulting and instigative slogans which was met by protests by the students. Bassij forces then attacked students with electric batons and batons and beat them.
بازداشت دستکم هفت دانشجوي دانشگاه هنر در جريان تشييع پيکر صانع ژاله
در پي حمله امروز نيروهاي امنيتي و نيروي شبه نظامي بسيج به دانشگاه هنر يکي از اساتيد اين دانشگاه و دستکم هفت دانشجو بازداشت شدهاند.
فتانه رهقي (دانشجوي تئاتر)، فراز سرابي، عنايت صحرايي، علي صديقي، مهرداد ميرزايي، محمد طيب طاهر (دانشجوي کارشناسي ارشد کارگرداني تئاتر) و فراز فشارکي هفت دانشجوي اين دانشگاه نيز توسط نيروهاي امنيتي دستگير شدهاند.
پيکر صانع ژاله، دانشجوي جان باخته در جريان اعتراضات مردمي صبح امروز توسط ماموران دولتي و اعضاي تشکل شبه نظامي بسيج از دانشگاه هنر تا دانشگاه تهران تشييع شد...
تشييع پيکر اين دانشجو در حالي انجام پذيرفت که حضور پرشمار نيروهاي امنيتي و يگان ويژه در مسير تشييع کاملاً مشهود بود. نيز اعضاي تشکل شبه نظامي بسيج با حضور در دانشگاه هنر اقدام به سر دادن شعارهاي تحريک و توهينآميز نمودند که با اعتراض دانشجويان مواجه شد. پس از آن اعضاي بسيج با باتوم و شوک الکتريکي به دانشجويان حمله کردند و آنان را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار دادند. (كميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر- 27/11/89)
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