
Iran carries out another public hanging in Mahshahr
On Thursday April 28, a man convicted of smuggling narcotics in Mahshahr who was sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court in this town was hanged after his sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court.
The head of the Mahshahr Judiciary, Neimatollah Roshan Ravan said, “The suspect named A.M was sentenced to death on charges of possessing two kilos and 407 grams of crack (the term used in Iran for a kind of heroin and not for crack cocaine) by the Revolutionary Court and his sentence was carried out on Thursday April 28 in Mahshahr after it was upheld by the Supreme Court”.
“This sentence was carried out in public with the presence of a large number of people in this town”, he added. (Official Website of the Khuzestan Province Judiciary, Student Committee in Defense of Political Prisoners – May 2, 2011)
Iran hangs two for drug trafficking
Iran hanged two convicted drug traffickers in the northern city of Sari on Tuesday, the provincial judiciary department said on its website.
The website quoted provincial judiciary chief Asadollah Jafari as saying the two had been sentenced to death for 'buying and selling narcotics.' It did not give their names.
Possession of more than 30 grammes (just over an ounce) of narcotics is punishable by death in Iran, as are murder, rape, armed robbery and adultery. (AFP, Official Website of the Mazandaran Judiciary- May 3, 2011)
Death sentence
Kurdish activist Sherko Moarefi facing execution in Iran
Saeed Kamali Dehghan
Fears are growing for the fate of a political activist in Iran who is facing imminent execution after being convicted of acting against national security.
Sherko Moarefi, a 31-year-old ethnic Kurd from Baneh in north-west Iran, was arrested in October 2008 on suspicion of being a member of a Kurdish OPPOSITION political party, Komala. The leftwing separatist group has been branded a terrorist organisation by Iran.
Moarefi was sentenced to death after being convicted of 'acting against the national security' and moharebeh (waging war against God) - vague charges that Iran has used against many political activists in recent years.
According to Khalil Bahramian, one of his lawyers in Iran, Moarefi’s conviction has been upheld by the Supreme Court and he was scheduled to be hanged on Sunday morning but his execution was delayed for a possible judicial review.
‘I have genuine fear that he might be executed at any time. This delay does not mean that his sentence has been halted,’ Bahramian told the Guardian in a phone interview from Iran.
‘Sherko is innocent. Enmity with God is a charge for those who have taken up arms against the regime but Moarefi has been a peaceful activist,’ he added.
Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have called on Iran to change Moarefi’s death sentence.
Both human rights organisations have expressed alarm over the increase in capital punishment in Iran, which last year executed more people than any other country, apart from China.
Since the beginning of this year, Iran has executed at least 135 people, according to official sources, although Amnesty says dozens more unacknowledged executions have taken place.
Activists see it as a tactic to intimidate people at a time when pro-democracy movements are sweeping across the Middle East. Thirteen men have been hanged in public this year.
Speaking to the Guardian, Kaveh Ghasemi-Kermanshahi, a Kurdish Iranian activist who recently fled to Iraq after being sentenced to four years in jail, said: ‘This coming week is the death anniversary of five Kurdish prisoners, including Farzad Kamangar, a teacher, who were executed in May last year … even a year later Iran refuses to hand over their dead bodies to their families’.
IRAN has launched a campaign against its Kurdish minority’s political activists. At least 15 other imprisoned Kurdish activists are on death row.
In Tehran, Siamak Pourzand, an 80-year-old journalist who spent much of the past 10 years in jail, has killed himself. Pourzand was barred from leaving the country and was separated from other members of his family, who were forced to live outside Iran.
His daughter, Leili, told the BBC Persian network that 'separation from his family' led to his suicide.
IRAN is the leading jailer of journalists, along with China, according to the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. At least 34 journalists are in prison in Iran. (The Guardian – May 1, 2011)
Iran carries out another public hanging in Mahshahr
On Thursday April 28, a man convicted of smuggling narcotics in Mahshahr who was sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court in this town was hanged after his sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court.
The head of the Mahshahr Judiciary, Neimatollah Roshan Ravan said, “The suspect named A.M was sentenced to death on charges of possessing two kilos and 407 grams of crack (the term used in Iran for a kind of heroin and not for crack cocaine) by the Revolutionary Court and his sentence was carried out on Thursday April 28 in Mahshahr after it was upheld by the Supreme Court”.
“This sentence was carried out in public with the presence of a large number of people in this town”, he added. (Official Website of the Khuzestan Province Judiciary, Student Committee in Defense of Political Prisoners – May 2, 2011)
Iran hangs two for drug trafficking
Iran hanged two convicted drug traffickers in the northern city of Sari on Tuesday, the provincial judiciary department said on its website.
The website quoted provincial judiciary chief Asadollah Jafari as saying the two had been sentenced to death for 'buying and selling narcotics.' It did not give their names.
Possession of more than 30 grammes (just over an ounce) of narcotics is punishable by death in Iran, as are murder, rape, armed robbery and adultery. (AFP, Official Website of the Mazandaran Judiciary- May 3, 2011)
Death sentence
Kurdish activist Sherko Moarefi facing execution in Iran
Saeed Kamali Dehghan
Fears are growing for the fate of a political activist in Iran who is facing imminent execution after being convicted of acting against national security.
Sherko Moarefi, a 31-year-old ethnic Kurd from Baneh in north-west Iran, was arrested in October 2008 on suspicion of being a member of a Kurdish OPPOSITION political party, Komala. The leftwing separatist group has been branded a terrorist organisation by Iran.
Moarefi was sentenced to death after being convicted of 'acting against the national security' and moharebeh (waging war against God) - vague charges that Iran has used against many political activists in recent years.
According to Khalil Bahramian, one of his lawyers in Iran, Moarefi’s conviction has been upheld by the Supreme Court and he was scheduled to be hanged on Sunday morning but his execution was delayed for a possible judicial review.
‘I have genuine fear that he might be executed at any time. This delay does not mean that his sentence has been halted,’ Bahramian told the Guardian in a phone interview from Iran.
‘Sherko is innocent. Enmity with God is a charge for those who have taken up arms against the regime but Moarefi has been a peaceful activist,’ he added.
Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have called on Iran to change Moarefi’s death sentence.
Both human rights organisations have expressed alarm over the increase in capital punishment in Iran, which last year executed more people than any other country, apart from China.
Since the beginning of this year, Iran has executed at least 135 people, according to official sources, although Amnesty says dozens more unacknowledged executions have taken place.
Activists see it as a tactic to intimidate people at a time when pro-democracy movements are sweeping across the Middle East. Thirteen men have been hanged in public this year.
Speaking to the Guardian, Kaveh Ghasemi-Kermanshahi, a Kurdish Iranian activist who recently fled to Iraq after being sentenced to four years in jail, said: ‘This coming week is the death anniversary of five Kurdish prisoners, including Farzad Kamangar, a teacher, who were executed in May last year … even a year later Iran refuses to hand over their dead bodies to their families’.
IRAN has launched a campaign against its Kurdish minority’s political activists. At least 15 other imprisoned Kurdish activists are on death row.
In Tehran, Siamak Pourzand, an 80-year-old journalist who spent much of the past 10 years in jail, has killed himself. Pourzand was barred from leaving the country and was separated from other members of his family, who were forced to live outside Iran.
His daughter, Leili, told the BBC Persian network that 'separation from his family' led to his suicide.
IRAN is the leading jailer of journalists, along with China, according to the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. At least 34 journalists are in prison in Iran. (The Guardian – May 1, 2011)
نقض سيستماتيك بر امر حق زيستن
اعدام و محكوم به اعدام
صبح پنج شنبه؛ اعدام يکي از متهمان به قاچاق مواد مخدر در ماهشهر
صبح روز پنج شنبه هشتم ارديبهشت ماه 1389، يکي از متهمان به قاچاق مواد مخدر در ماهشهر، به حکم دادگاه انقلاب اسلامي اين شهر و پس از تائيد ديوان عالي کشور به دار آويخته شد.
نعمت الله روشن روان رئيس دادگستري ماهشهر با اعلام اين خبر گفت: «محکوم عليه به نام ع.م به اتهام حمل و نگهداري مقدار دو کيلو و 407 گرم مواد مخدر از نوع کراک، از سوي دادگاه انقلاب به اعدام محکوم شد و حکم وي پس از تاييد در ديوان عالي، صبحگاه پنجشنبه 8/2/90 در شهرستان ماهشهر به مرحله اجرا درآمد».
وي افزود: اين حکم در ملاء عام و با حضور تعداد کثيري از مردم شهرستان اجرا شد. (سايت دادگستري استان خوزستان, كميته دانشجويي دفاع از زندانيان سياسي – 12/2/90)
ايران دو قاچاقچي مواد مخدر را بدار آويخت
قوه قضاييه استان در وب سايت خود گفت، ايران دو متهم به قاچاق مواد مخدر را روز سهشنبه در شهر ساري بدار آويخت.
اين وبسايت بهنقل از رئيس قوه قضايه استان، اسدالله جعفري نقلقول کرد که اين دو مرد بهخاطر ”خريد و فروش مواد مخدر ”محکوم به مرگ شدهاند. اين سايت اسامي اين افراد را نداد. (خبرگزاري فرانسه, سايت دادگستري استان مازندران- 13/2/1390)
حكم اعدام
فعال کرد، شيرکو معرفي در ايران با اعدام روبهرو است
شيرکو معارفي، فعال کرد ايراني در ايران با اعدام روبهرو است. وکيل ميگويد، حکم مرگ براي اين فعال که متهم به عضويت در يک گروه جدايي طلب ميباشد، ميتواند هر زمان به اجرا گذاشته شود.
شيرکو معارفي، فعال کرد ايراني 31ساله است که به اتهام ”محاربه“ با اعدام قريبالوقوع روبهرو ميباشد. نگرانيها بر سر سرنوشت يک فعال سياسي در ايران، که بهدنبال مجرم شناخته شدن بهخاطر اقدام عليه امنيت ملي با اعدام قريبالوقوع روبهرو است افزايش مييابد.
شيرکو معارفي، يک کرد 31ساله از بانه در شمال غربي ايران، در اکتبر 2008 بهخاطر ظن عضويت در حزب کومله، يک حزب سياسي اپوزيسيون کردي دستگير شد. اين گروه چپ که خواهان جدايي است، توسط ايران برچسب سازمان تروريستي خورده است.
معارفي بهدنبال مجرم شناخته شدن به ”اقدام عليه امنيت ملي“ و محاربه - - اتهامات مبهمي که ايران در سالهاي اخير عليه فعالين سياسي بسياري بهکار برده - - محکوم به مرگ شد.
بنابه گفته خليل بهراميان، يکي از وکلاي وي در ايران، اتهام معارفي توسط دادگاه عالي تأييد شده و قرار بود او صبح يکشنبه حلقآويز شود ولي اعدام وي بهخاطر يک بازنگري قضايي احتمالي به تعويق افتاد.
بهراميان در يک مصاحبه تلفني از ايران به گاردين گفت، ”من نگراني جدي دارم که او ممکن است هر لحظه اعدام شود. اين تاخير به اين معني نيست که حکم وي متوقف شده است. “
او افزود، ”شرکو بيگناه است. محاربه اتهامي است براي آنهايي که عليه رژيم سلاح برداشتهاند ولي معارفي يک فعال صلحجو بوده است. “
ديدبان حقوقبشر و عفو بينالملل، ايران را به تغيير دادن حکم مرگ معارفي فراخواندهاند.
هر دو اين سازمانهاي حقوقبشري نسبت به افزايش مجازات اعدام در ايران، که سال گذشته جداي از چين بيش از هر کشور ديگري اعدام کرد، ابراز نگراني نمودند. طبق منابع رسمي، از شروع سال جاري، ايران دستکم 135نفر را اعدام کرده، گرچه عفو بينالملل ميگويد دهها اعدام اعلام ناشده ديگر هم صورت گرفته است.
فعالين آن را تاکتيکي براي ارعاب مردم در زماني تلقي ميکنند که جنبشهاي دموکراسي خواهان سراسر خاورميانه را در بر گرفتهاند. سيزده مرد امسال در ملا عام حلقآويز شدهاند. کاوه قاسميکرمانشاهي، يک فعال کرد ايراني که اخيراً بهدنبال محکوميت به 4سال زندان به عراق فرار کرد گفت: ”هفته آينده سالگرد مرگ 5 زنداني کرد، از جمله معلم فرزاد کمانگر است، که مه سال گذشته اعدام شدند… [سه نقطه از منبع] ايران حتي يک سال بعد هم از تحويل اجساد آنها به خانوادههايشان خودداري ميکند. “
ايران کارزاري را عليه فعالين سياسي اقليت کردي راهاندازي کرده است. دستکم 15 فعال کرد زنداني ديگر اکنون در انتظار اعدام هستند.
در تهران، سيامک پورزند، خبرنگار 80سالهيي که اکثر 10سال گذشته را در زندان سپري نموده، خود کشي کرد. پورزند از ترک کشور منع گرديد و از ساير اعضاي خانواده خود، که مجبور شدند خارج ايران زندگي کنند، جدا شد.
دختر وي، ليلي، به شبکه بي.بي.سي فارسي گفت، ”جدايي از خانواده“ منجر به خودکشي وي شد.
بنابه گفته کميته حفاظت از خبرنگاران، مستقر در نيويورک، ايران همراه با چين اصليترين محبوس کننده خبرنگاران است. دستکم 34 خبرنگار در ايران زنداني هستند. (سايت گاردين- 11/2/1390)
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