Iran hangs two brothers
Iran hanged in a prison on Sunday two brothers convicted of kidnapping and murder in the southwestern city of Dezfoul, the Mehr news agency reported.
The report identified the men sent to gallows as Karim and Rahim Pourmahoud, who were convicted of abducting a 16 year-old boy, the son of a jeweler. (AFP, Asre Iran state-run website – Jun. 12, 2011)
Iran hangs man in public in Fars Province
State-run website - According to the Central News Agency [Iranian state-run TV], the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor of Ney Riz [in the Fars Province] said, “This man who was 25 years old had carried out a rape in 2009…”.
“He was arrested three days after the crime and his death sentence was upheld by the 6th branch of the Supreme Court. He was hanged in public today”. (Asre Iran state-run website – Jun. 15, 2011)
Arbitrary killing
Iranian man falls to his death after being harassed by security forces over keeping banned satellite dish
A man fell to his death from his rooftop when security forces were carrying out the plan to round up satellite dishes in the town of Gorgan.
According to reports, security forces went to the rooftop of 42 year old Ali Karimi to take his satellite dish [watching satellite channels is banned in Iran] when they were faced with his resistance. Karimi lost his balance while arguing with the security forces and fell off the fourth story of the apartment building.
According to the 5 Azar Hospital in Gorgan, he died before he hit the ground as a result of fear and a heart attack. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jun. 15, 2011)
Deaths in custody
Iranian opposition figure dies of heart attack while on hunger strike

Iran Iranian opposition figure dies of heart attack while on hunger strike. Hoda Saber`s wife says she received reports that prison officials delayed transferring him to hospital for six hours
Hoda Saber, a 52-year-old journalist and opposition figure, has died of a heart attack after spending 10 days on hunger strike. A leading Iranian journalist and opposition figure has died of a heart attack after spending 10 days on hunger strike in Tehran`s notorious Evin prison.
Hoda Saber, a 52-year-old political activist from the opposition Nationalist-Religious movement, was taken to the Modarres hospital in the city after a cardiac complication, which his wife claims was brought on by his hunger strike.
The news of his death coincides with the second anniversary of Iran`s disputed presidential election, which gave Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a second term.
Speaking from Tehran, Saber`s wife, Farideh Jamshidi, told the Guardian: 'My husband died two days ago, but we were unaware of his death until today when someone in the hospital informed one of our friends’.
She said Saber stopped eating food and later stopped drinking water in protest at the death of his fellow dissident Haleh Sahabi, She died of a heart attack during scuffles with security forces at the funeral of her father, Ezatollah Sahabi, the leader of the Nationalist-Religious alliance of politicians, on 1 June.
Jamshidi accused prison officials of negligence toward her husband, saying she received reports that they delayed transferring him to hospital for six hours.
‘Doctors told us later that they could have saved his life by taking him to the hospital earlier. We were supposed to visit him in the prison tomorrow and now we have to visit his dead body in the cemetery’…
After disappearing for two weeks in July 2010, Saber`s family were informed that he had been picked up by security officials and taken to Evin.
When Haleh Sahabi died at her father`s funeral, Saber - who had served several jail terms in the past - and his fellow inmate Amir Khosro Dalirsani said in a joint statement that they would go on hunger strike in protest over her death and over the brutal crackdown against protesters by the regime.
Several human rights organisations have issued statements coinciding with the anniversary of the election and many have expressed concerns for those political prisoners arrested since 2009. (The Guardian – Jun. 12, 2011)
Political prisoners say jailed journalist beaten by security forces before death

Political prisoners in cellblock 350 in Evin Prison announced to their families in today’s visits that journalist Hoda Saber who was on a hunger strike was severely beaten by security forces while being transferred to the prison infirmary. This is while he was in a very critical condition as a result of his hunger strike. He had told his cellmates about this violent treatment after being brought back from the infirmary in critical condition.
Notably, a testimony by 60 political prisoners will soon be published in this regard. This testimony explains the reasons behind the death of this journalist after his hunger strike and beatings by security forces. (Kalameh Website – Jun. 13, 2011)
نقض سيستماتيك بر امر حق زيستن
اعدام و محكوم به اعدام
ايران دو برادري که مرتکب قتل شده بودند را اعدام کرد
خبرگزاري فارس گزارش کرد که ايران دو برادري که مرتکب گروگانگيري و قتل شده بودند را روز يکشنبه در شهر دزفول در جنوب غربي اين کشور را حلقآويز کرد.
اين گزارش افراد اعدام شده را کريم و رحيم پورمحمود معرفي کرده است. آنها پسر 16ساله يک جواهرفروش را دزديده بودند. (خبرگزاري فرانسه, سايت عصر ايران- 22/3/1390)
يک شهروند در ني ريز اعدام شد
به گزارش واحد مرکزي خبر، دادستان عمومي و انقلاب ني ريز گفت: اين مرد مجرم، بيست و پنجم بهمن سال 88 مرتکب تجاوز به عنف در مورد يک دختر بچه هشت ساله شده و احساسات عمومي را جريحه دار کرده بود.
محمد شباني ادامه داد: پس از سه روز از ارتکاب عمل منافي عفت، وي دستگير شد و با طي مراحل قانوني و تاييد حکم اعدام در شعبه ششم ديوان عالي کشور، حکم صادره در مورد مجرم مبني بر به دار آويخته شدن در ملاءعام امروز اجرا شد. (سايت عصر ايران – 25/3/90)
قتل خودسرانه
مرگ يک شهروند گرگاني در پي اجراي طرح جمع آوري ماهواره
در حين اجراي طرح جمع آوري ماهواره در شهر گرگان، يکي از شهروندان اين شهر از بام منزلش سقوط کرد و جان سپرد.
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، زماني که ماموران نيروي انتظامي با مراجعه به پشت بام آپارتمان محل سکونت علي کريمي، شهروند ۴۲ سالهٔ گرگاني، قصد جمع آوري ديش ماهوارهٔ وي را داشتند با اعتراض او روبرو شده و در پي مشاجرهٔ لفظي بين کريمي و ماموران نيروي انتظامي وي تعادلش را از دست داده و از طبقه چهارم ساختمان سقوط کرد.
به گزارش بيمارستان ۵ آذر گرگان، نامبرده قبل از برخورد با زمين، بر اثر ترس و سکتهٔ قلبي جان خود را از دست داده بود. (هرانا – 25/3/90)
مرگ در بازداشت
شخصيت مخالف ايراني دراعتصاب غذا بهخاطر حمله قلبي فوت ميکند
اخبار مرگ وي همزمان با دومين سالگرد انتخابات رياست جمهوري بحثبرانگيز که به محمود احمدينژاد دومين دوره (رياست جمهوري) را داد، گشت.
فريده جمشيدي، همسر صابر از تهران به گاردين گفت: ”همسرم دو روز قبل فوت کرد، ولي ما از مرگ وي تا امروز اطلاعي نداشتيم، تا اينکه يکي از دوستان ما در بيمارستان ما را از مرگ وي مطلع کرد ”…
جمشيدي مقامات زندان را متهم به سهل انگاري درباره همسرش نمود و ميگويد وي گزارشاتي دريافت کرده است که آنها انتقال وي به بيمارستان را با 6ساعت تأخير انجام دادند.
”دکترها به ما گفتند که در صورتي که وي زودتر به بيمارستان ميرسيد ميتوانستند جان وي را نجات بدهند. ما قرار بود که فردا وي را در زندان ملاقات کنيم و حالا ما بايد با پيکر بيجانش در گورستان ديدار کنيم ”…
ويليام هگ وزير خارجه بيانيهايي صادر نمود که ميگويد: دوسال بعد از اينکه مردم به درخواست رفرم به خيابانها ريختند، من ميخواهم اين مشخص باشد که توجه ما منحرف نشده است و ما به فراخواندن ايران به پاسخگويي به مسئوليت هاي حقوقبشر بينالمللي ادامه خواهيم داد“.(سايت گاردين- 22/3/1390)
هدي صابر توسط ماموران زندان مورد ضرب و شتم شديد نيروهاي امنيتي قرار گرفته است
زندانيان سياسي بند 350 زندان اوين امروز در ملاقات با خانواده هايشان اعلام كرده اند كه هدي صابر روزنامه نگاري كه در اين بند دست به اعتصاب غذا زده بود، وقتي توسط ماموران زندان به درمانگاه منتقل مي شده است مورد ضرب و شتم شديد نيروهاي امنيتي قرار گرفته است. در حالي كه وضعيت جسماني او به شدت وخيم و در اعتصاب غذا بوده است.هدي صابر همچنين پس از بازگشت از درمانگاه با حال جسماني وخيم از اين نحوه برخورد نيروهاي امنيتي با خود به هم بندانش گلايه كرده است.
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