According to reports, on Wednesday June 1, the death sentence of a number of Gohardasht (Rajayi Shahr) Prison prisoners who were transferred to solitary cells in Evin Prison was carried out. Abdolhamid Rigi, 36, was among those executed today. However, the death sentence of his uncle, 40 year old Mohammad Rigi, was temporarily stayed and postponed to a later time.
Rigi’s family and lawyer were not informed about his execution and his family was denied the right to see him for the last time before his execution.
These two prisoners had been denied family visits for more than 8 months.
When Abdolhamid’s family reached Tehran from Zahedan this morning, they were told that their son was already hanged. Security agents intended to bury his body in Behesht Zahra Cemetery, but his family requested that they allow his body to be buried in his hometown in Zahedan and his body was finally handed over to his family.
Mohammad Rigi and Abdolhamid Rigi were arrested in 2006 in the Khalij Fars Highway in Tehran after clashing with security forces while they were both shot and injured. They were transferred to the Shahpour Criminal Intelligence Department where they were subjected to brutal torture for five months and were later transferred to Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. They were both sentenced to death by the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Salavati and were sentenced to two executions each on charges of Moharebeh [enmity with God].
اعدامهاي امروز : اعدام چندين نفر در اوين
بنابه گزارشات رسيده به "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران"صبح روز چهارشنبه 11 خردادماه حکم اعدام تعدادي از زندانياني که از زندان گوهردشت کرج به سلولهاي انفرادي زندان اوين منتقل شده بودند به اجرا گذاشته شد. از جملۀ آنها زنداني عبدالحميد ريگي 36 ساله جزء اعدام شدگان امروز بود.ولي حکم اعدام دائي وي محمد ريگي 40 ساله بطور موقت به زمان ديگري موکول گرديد.
اعدام عبدالحميد ريگي در حالي صورت گرفت که خانواده و وکيل او از اجراي حکم بي اطلاع بودند. خانواده آقاي ريگي از آخرين ديدار با عزيز خود محروم شدند . اين 2 زنداني بيش از 8 ماه است که از داشتن ملاقات با خانواده هاي خود محروم بودند.
صبح امروز خانواده ريگي زماني خود را از زاهدان به تهران رساندند که حکم اعدام اجرا شده بود. مامورين قصد دفن کردن جسد اين زنداني را در بهشت زهرا داشتند ولي خانواده آنها خواستار دفن عزيزشان در محل سکونت خود در زاهدان بودند که در نهايت جسد او را به خانواده وي تحويل دادند.
زندانيان محمد ريگي و عبدالحميد ريگي سال 1385 در بزرگراه خليج فارس تهران در پي درگيري با نيروي انتظامي در حالي که هر دو مورد اصابت گلولۀ آنها قرار گرفته بودند دستگير شدند و به آگاهي شاهپور منتقل شدند آنها به مدت 5 ماه تحت وحشيانه ترين شکنجه ها قرار داشتند.سپس به زندان گوهردشت کرج منتقل شدند.اين دو زنداني در شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب توسط صلواتي معروف به قاضي مرگ مورد محاکمه قرار گرفتند و تحت عنوان محاربه به 2 بار اعدام محکوم شدند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسي در ايران – 11/3/90)
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