
Iran focuz
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Iran Resolution Elements
PP 1: Recalling the Statement of its President, S/PRST/2006/15, its resolutions 1696 (2006),
1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008), 1835 (2008), and 1887 (2009) and reaffirming their
PP2: Reaffirming its commitment to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,
the need for all States Party to that Treaty to comply fully with all their obligations, and recalling the ight of States Party, in conformity with Articles I and II of that Treaty, to develop research,
production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination,
PP3: Recalling the resolution of the IAEA Board of Governors (GOV/2006/14), which states that a solution to the Iranian nuclear issue would contribute to global non-proliferation efforts and to realizing the objective of a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction, including their means of delivery,
PP4: Noting with serious concern that, as confirmed by the reports of 23 May 2007(GOV/2007122), 30 August 2007 (GOV/2007/48), 15 November 2007 (GOV/2007/58) and 22 February 2008 (GOV/2008/4), 26 May 2008 (GOV/2008115), 15 September 2008
(GOV/2008/38), 19 November 2008 (GOV/2008/59), 19 February 2009 (GOV/2009/8), 5 June 2009 (GOV/2009/35), 28 August 2009 (GOV/2009/55), 16 November 2009 (GOV/2009/74) and 18 February 2010 (GOV/2010/10) of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran has not established full and sustained suspension of all enrichment related and reprocessing activities and heavy water-related projects as set out in resolution 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007) and 1803 (2008), nor resumed its cooperation with the IAEA under the Additional Protocol, nor cooperated with the IAEA in connection with the remaining issues of concern, which need to be clarified to exclude the possibility of military dimensions of Iran's nuclear programme, nor taken the other steps required by the IAEA Board of Governors, nor complied with the provisions of Security Council resolution 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007) and 1803 (2008) and which are essential to build confidence, and deploring Iran's refusal to take these steps,
PP5: Reaffirming that outstanding issues can be best resolved and confidence built in the
exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's programme by Iran responding positively to all the calls
which the Council and the IAEA Board of Governors have made on Iran,
PP6: Noting with serious concern the role of elements of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
(IRGC, also known as "Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution"), including those
specified in Annex D and E of resolution 1737 (2006), Annex I of resolution 1747 (2007) and
Annex X of this resolution, in Iran's proliferation sensitive nuclear activities and the
development of nuclear weapon delivery systems,
PP7: Noting with serious concern that Iran has constructed an enrichment facility at Qom in
breach of its obligations to suspend all enrichment related activities, and that Iran failed to notify it to the IAEA until September 2009, which is inconsistent with its obligations under the
Subsidiary Arrangements to its Safeguards Agreement,
PP8: Also noting the resolution of the IAEA Board of Governors (GOV/2009/82), which urges
Iran to suspend immediately construction at Qom, and to clarify the facility's purpose,
chronology of design and construction, and calls upon Iran to confirm, as requested by the IAEA, that it has not taken a decision to construct, or authorize construction of, any other nuclear
facility which has as yet not been declared to the IAEA,
PP9: Noting with serious concern that Iran has enriched uranium to twenty percent, and did so
without notifying the IAEA with sufficient time for it to adjust the existing safeguards procedures;
PP 10: Noting with concern that Iran has taken issue with the IAEA's right to verify design
information which had been provided by Iran pursuant to the modified Code 3.1, emphasizing
that in accordance with Article 39 of Iran's Safeguards Agreement Code 3.1 cannot be modified
nor suspended unilaterally and that the IAEA's right to verify design information provided to it is a continuing right, which is not dependent on the stage of construction of, or the presence of
nuclear material at, a facility,
PP 11: Reiterating its determination to reinforce the authority of the IAEA, strongly supporting
the role of the IAEA Board of Governors, and commending the IAEA for its efforts to resolve
outstanding issues relating to Iran's nuclear programme,
PP 12: Expressing the conviction that the suspension set out in paragraph 2 of resolution 1737
(2006) as well as full, verified Iranian compliance with the requirements set out by the IAEA
Board of Governors would contribute to a diplomatic, negotiated solution, that guarantees Iran's
nuclear programme is for exclusively peaceful purposes,
PP 13: Stressing that China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and
the United States are willing to take further concrete measures on exploring an overall strategy of resolving the Iranian nuclear issue through negotiation on the basis of their June 2006 proposals (S/2006/521) and their June 2008 proposals (INFCIRC/730), and noting the confirmation by these countries that once the confidence of the international community in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear programme is restored it will be treated in the same manner as that of any Non-Nuclear Weapon State Party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,
PP 14: Welcoming the guidance issued by the Financial Actions Task Force (FATF) to assist States in implementing their financial obligations under resolutions 1737 (2006) and 1803 (2008), and recalling in particular the need to exercise vigilance over transactions involving Iranian banks, including the Central Bank of Iran, so as to prevent such transactions contributing to proliferation sensitive nuclear activities, or to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems,
PP 15: Recognizing that access to diverse, reliable energy is critical for sustainable growth and
development, while noting the potential connection between Iran's revenues derived from its
energy sector and the funding of Iran's proliferation sensitive nuclear activities, and further
noting that chemical process equipment and materials required for the petrochemical industry
have much in common with those required for certain sensitive nuclear fuel cycle activities,
PP 16: Having regard to States' rights and obligations relating to international trade,
PP 17: Determined to give effect to its decisions by adopting appropriate measures to persuade
Iran to comply with resolutions 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), and 1803 (2008) and
with the requirements of the IAEA, and also to constrain Iran's development of sensitive
technologies in support of its nuclear and missile programmes, until such time as the Security
Council determines that the objectives of these resolutions have been met,
PP 18: Concerned by the proliferation risks presented by the Iranian nuclear programme and
mindful of its primary responsibility under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security,
PP 19: Stressing that nothing in this resolution compels States to take measures or actions
exceeding the scope of this resolution, including the use of force or the threat of force,
PP20: Acting under Article 41 of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, A) UN Authority
1. Affirms that Iran has so far failed to meet the requirements of the IAEA Board of Governors
and to comply with resolutions 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), and 1803 (2008);
2. Affirms that Iran shall without further delay take the steps required by the IAEA Board of
Governors in its resolutions GOV/2006/14 and GOV/2009/82, which are essential to build
confidence in the exclusively peaceful purpose of its nuclear programme, to resolve outstanding questions and to address the serious concerns raised by the construction of an enrichment facility at Qom in breach of its obligations to suspend all enrichment related activities, in this context, and further affirms its decision that Iran shall without delay take the steps required in paragraph 2 of resolution 1737 (2006);
3. Reaffirms that Iran shall cooperate fully with the IAEA on all outstanding issues, particularly
those which give rise to concerns about the possible military dimensions of the Iranian program, including by providing access without delay to all sites, persons and documents requested by the IAEA, and stresses the importance of ensuring that the IAEA have all necessary resources and authority for the fulfillment of its work in Iran;
4. Requests the Director General of the IAEA to communicate to the Security Council all his
reports on the application of safeguards in Iran;
B) Nuclear Issues
5. Decides that Iran shall without delay comply fully and without qualification with its IAEA
Safeguards Agreement, including through the application of modified Code 3.1 of the
Subsidiary Arrangement to its Safeguards Agreement, calls upon Iran to act strictly in
accordance with the provisions of the Additional Protocol to its IAEA Safeguards Agreemen that it signed on December 18, 2003, urges Iran to ratify the Additional Protocol, and reaffirms that, in accordance with Article 39 of Iran's Safeguards Agreement, no element of Iran's safeguards obligations can be modified or suspended unilaterally by Iran;
6. Reaffirms that, in accordance with Iran's obligations under previous resolutions to suspend all
enrichment-related activities, Iran shall not begin construction on any new uranium -enrichment, reprocessing, or heavy water-related facility and shall discontinue any ongoing construction of any uranium-enrichment, reprocessing, or heavy water-related facility;
7. Decides that Iran shall not acquire an interest in any commercial activity in another State involving uranium mining, production or use of nuclear materials and technology as listed in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 1, in particular uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities, all heavy-water activities or technology related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, and further decides that all States shall prohibit such investment in territories under their jurisdiction by Iran, its nationals, and entities incorporated in Iran or subject to its jurisdiction, or by persons or entities acting on their behalf or at their direction, or by entities owned or controlled by them;
C) Missile/Arms Proliferation
8. Decides that all States shall prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer to Iran, from or through their territories or by their nationals or individuals subject to their jurisdiction, or using their flag vessels or aircraft, and whether or not originating in their territories, of any battle tanks, armored combat vehicles, large caliber artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles or missile systems as defined for the purpose of the United Nations Register on Conventional arms, or related materiel, including spare parts, or items as determined by the Security Councilor the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1737 (2006) ("the Committee"), decides further that all States shall prevent the provision to Iran by their nationals or from or through their territories of technical training, financial resources or services, advice, other services or assistance related to the supply, sale, transfer, provision, manufacture, maintenance or use of such arms and related materiel, and calls upon all States to exercise vigilance and restraint over the supply, sale, transfer, provision, manufacture, maintenance or use of all other arms and related materiel;
9. Decides that Iran shall not undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using ballistic missile technology, and that States shall take all necessary measures to prevent the transfer of technology or technical assistance to Iran related to such activities;
D) Additional Designations
10. Decides that all States shall take the necessary measures to prevent the entry into or transit
through their territories of individuals designated in Annex I to this resolution, Annex C, D and E of resolution 1737 (2006), Annex I of resolution 1747 (2007) and Annexes I and II of resolution 1803 (2008) or by the Security Councilor the Committee pursuant to paragraph 10 of resolution 1737 (2006), and underlines that nothing in this paragraph shall oblige a State to refuse its own nationals entry into its territory, and decides that the measures imposed in this paragraph shall not apply when the Committee determines on a case by case basis that such travel is justified on the grounds of humanitarian need, including religious obligations, or where the Committee concludes that an exemption would otherwise further the objectives of this resolution;
11. Decides that the measures specified in paragraphs 12, 13, 14 and 15 of resolution 1737 (2006) shall apply also to the individuals and entities listed in Annex I of this resolution of this resolution and to any individuals or entities acting on their behalf or at their direction, and to entities owned or controlled by them, including through illicit means, and to any individuals and entities determined by the Councilor the Committee to have assisted designated individuals or entities in evading sanctions of, or in violating the provisions of, resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) or this resolution;
12. Decides that the measures specified in paragraphs 12, 13, 14 and 15 of resolution 1737 (2006) shall apply also to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC, alias "Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution") individuals and entities specified in Annex II, and to any individuals or entities acting on their behalf or at their direction, and to entities owned or controlled by them, including through illicit means, and calls upon all States to exercise vigilance over those transactions involving the IRGC that could contribute to Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems;
13. Decides that for the purposes of the measures specified in paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 7 of resolution 1737 (2006), the list of items in S/2006/814 shall be superseded by the list of items in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 1a and INFRCIRC/254/Rev.7/Part 2, and any further items if the State determines that they could contribute to enrichment-related, reprocessing or heavy water-related activities or to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems, and further decides that for the purposes of the measures specified in paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 7 of resolution 1737 (2006), the list of items contained in S12006/815 shall be superseded by the list of items contained in S/2010/XXX;
E) Illegal Shipments
14. Calls upon all States to inspect, in accordance with their national authorities and legislation and consistent with international law, in particular the law of the sea and relevant international civil aviation agreements, all cargo to and from Iran, in their territory, including seaports and airports, if the State concerned has information that provides reasonable grounds to believe the cargo contains items the supply, sale, transfer, or export of which is prohibited by paragraphs 3, 4 or 7 of resolution 1737 (2006), paragraph 5 of resolution 1747 (2007), paragraph 8 of resolution 1803 (2008) or paragraphs 8 or 9 of this resolution, for the purpose of ensuring strict implementation of those provisions;
15. Notes that States, consistent with international law, in particular the law of the sea, may
request inspections of vessels on the high seas with the consent of the flag State, and calls upon all States to cooperate in such inspections if there is information that provides reasonablegrounds to believe the vessel is carrying items the supply, sale, transfer, or export of which is prohibited by paragraphs 3, 4 or 7 of resolution 1737 (2006), paragraph 5 of resolution 1747 (2007), paragraph 8 of resolution 1803 (2008) or paragraphs 8 or 9 of this resolution, forthe purpose of ensuring strict implementation of those provisions, and requires States to report to the Committee the results of such inspections and whether or not cooperation was provided;
16. Decides to authorize all States to, and that all States shall, seize and dispose of (such as through destruction, rendering inoperable, storage or transferring to a State other than the originating or destination States for disposal) items the supply, sale, transfer, or export of which is prohibited by paragraphs 3, 4 or 7 of resolution 1737 (2006), paragraph 5 of resolution 1747 (2007), paragraph 8 of resolution 1803 (2008) or paragraphs 8 or 9 of this resolution that are identified in inspections pursuant to paragraphs 14 or 15 of this resolution, in a manner that is not inconsistent with their obligations under applicable Security Council resolutions, including resolution 1540 (2004), as well as any obligations of parties to the NPT, and decides further that all States shall cooperate in such efforts;
17. Requires any State, when it undertakes an inspection pursuant to paragraph 14 or 15 aboveto submit to the Committee within five working days a written report containing, in particular, explanation of the grounds for the inspections, as well as relevant details to the Committee on the inspection, seizure and disposal, and relevant details of the transfer, including a description of the items, their origin and intended destination;
18. Decides that all States shall prohibit the provision by their nationals or from their territory of bunkering services, such as provision of fuel or supplies, or other servicing of vessels, to Iranian-owned or contracted vessels if they have information that provides reasonable grounds to believe they are carrying items the supply, sale, transfer, or export of which is prohibited by paragraphs 3, 4 or 7, of resolution 1737 (2006), paragraph 5 of resolution 1747 (2007), paragraph 8 of resolution 1803 (2008) or paragraphs 8 or 9 of this resolution, unless provision of such services is necessary for humanitarian purposes or until such time as the cargo has been inspected, and seized and disposed of if necessary, and underlines that this paragraph is not intended to affect legal economic activities;
19. Decides that the measures specified in paragraphs 12, 13, 14 and 15 of resolution 1737 (2006) shall also apply to the entities of the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) as specified in Annex III and to any person or entity acting on their behalf or at their direction, and to entities owned or controlled by them or determined by the Councilor the Committee to have assisted them in evading the sanctions of, or in violating the provisions of, resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) or this resolution;
20. Requests all Member States to communicate to the Committee any information available on transfers or activity by Iran Air's cargo division or vessels owned or operated by the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) to other companies that may have been undertaken in order to evade the sanctions of, or in violation of the provisions of, resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) or this resolution, including renaming or re-registering of aircraft, vessels or ships, and requests the Committee to make that information widely available;
F) Financial/Commercial Measures
21. Calls upon all States, in addition to implementing their obligations pursuant to resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and this resolution, to prevent the provision of financial services, including insurance or re-insurance, or the transfer to, through, or from their territory, or to or by their nationals or entities organized under their laws (including branches abroad), or persons or financial institutions in their territory, of any financial or other assets or resources if they have information that provides reasonable grounds to believe that such services, assets or resources could contribute to Iran's proliferation sensitive nuclear activities, or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems, including by freezing any financial or other assets or resources on their territories or that hereafter come within their territories, or that are subject to their jurisdiction or that hereafter become subject to their jurisdiction, that are related to such programs or activities and applying enhanced monitoring to prevent all such transactions in accordance with their national authorities and legislation;
22. Decides that all States shall require their nationals, persons subject to their jurisdiction and firms incorporated on their territory or subject to their jurisdiction to exercise vigilance when doing business with entities incorporated in Iran or subject to Iran's jurisdiction, including those of the IRGC and Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL), and any individuals or entities acting on their behalf or at their direction, and entities owned or controlled by them, including through illicit means, if they have information that provides reasonable grounds to believe that such business could contribute to Iran's proliferation sensitive nuclear activities or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems or to violations of resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) or this resolution;
G) Banking
23. Calls upon States to take appropriate measures that prohibit in their territories the opening of new branches, subsidiaries, or representative offices of Iranian banks, and also that prohibit Iranian banks from establishing new joint ventures, taking an ownership interest in or establishing or maintaining correspondent relationships with banks in their jurisdiction to prevent the provision of financial services if they have information that provides reasonable grounds to believe that these activities could contribute to Iran's proliferation sensitive nuclear activities or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems;
24. Calls upon States to take appropriate measures that prohibit financial institutions within their territories or under their jurisdiction from opening representative offices or subsidiaries or
banking accounts in Iran if they have information that provides reasonable grounds to believe that such financial services could contribute to Iran's proliferation sensitive nuclear activities or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems;
H) Sanctions Enforcement
25. Deplores the violations of the prohibitions of paragraph 5 of resolution 1747 (2007) that have been reported to the Committee since the adoption of resolution 1747 (2007), and commends States that have taken action to respond to these violations and report them to the Committee;
26. Directs the Committee to respond effectively to violations of the measures decided in resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and this resolution, and recalls that the Committee may designate individuals and entities who have assisted designated persons or entities in evading sanctions of, or in violating the provisions of, these resolutions;
27. Decides that the Committee shall intensify its efforts to promote the full implementation of resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and this resolution, including through a work program covering compliance, investigations, outreach, dialogue, assistance and cooperation, to be submitted to the Council within forty-five days of the adoption of this
28. Decides that the mandate of the Committee as set out in paragraph 18 of resolution 1737, as amended by paragraph 8 of resolution 1747 (2007) and paragraph 14 of resolution 1803 (2008), shall also apply to the measures decided in this resolution, including to receive reports from States submitted pursuant to paragraphs 15 and 17 above;
29. Requests the Secretary-General to create for an initial period of one year, in consultation with the Committee, a group of up to eight experts ("Panel of Experts"), under the direction of the Committee, to carry out the following tasks: (a) assist the Committee in carrying out its mandate as specified in paragraph 18 of resolution 1737 (2006) and paragraph X of this resolution; (b) gather, examine and analyze information from States, relevant United Nations bodies and other interested parties regarding the implementation of the measures decided in resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and this resolution, in particular incidents of non-compliance, (c) make recommendations on actions the Council, or the Committee or State, may consider to improve implementation of the relevant measures; and (d) provide to the Council an interim report on its work no later than 90 days after the Panel's appointment, and a final report to the Council no later than 30 days prior to the termination of its mandate with its findings and recommendations;
30. Urges all States, relevant United Nations bodies and other interested parties, to cooperate fully with the Committee and the Panel of Experts, in particular by supplying any information at their disposal on the implementation of the measures decided in resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and this resolution, in particular incidents of noncompliance;
31. Calls upon all States to report to the Committee within 60 days of the adoption of this resolution on the steps they have taken with a view to implementing effectively paragraphs 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 23 and 24;
I) Engagement
32. Stresses the willingness of China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States to further enhance diplomatic efforts to promote dialogue and consultations, including to resume dialogue with Iran on the nuclear issue without preconditions, most recently in its meeting with Iran on Geneva on October 1, 2009, with a view to seeking a comprehensive, long-term and proper solution of this issue on the basis of the proposal made by China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States on 14 June 2008, which would allow for the development of relations and wider cooperation withIran based on mutual respect and the establishment of international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program and, inter-alia, starting formal negotiations with Iran on the basis of the June 2008 proposal, and acknowledges with appreciation that the June 2008 proposal, as attached in Annex 4 to this resolution, remains on the table;
33. Encourages the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to continue communication with Iran in support of political and diplomatic efforts to find a negotiated solution, including relevant proposals by China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States with a view to create necessary conditions for resuming talks, and encourages Iran to respond positively to such proposals;
34. Commends the Director General of the IAEA for his proposal of a draft Agreement between the IAEA and the Governments of the Republic of France, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation for Assistance in Securing Nuclear Fuel for a Research Reactor in Iran for the Supply of Nuclear Fuel to the Tehran Research Reactor, regrets that Iran has not responded constructively to this offer, and encourages the IAEA to continue exploring such measures to build confidence consistent with and in furtherance of the Council's resolutions;
35. Emphasizes the importance of all States, including Iran, taking the necessary measures to ensure that no claim shall lie at the instance of the Government of Iran, or of any person or entity in Iran, or of individuals or entities designated pursuant to resolution 1737 (2006) and related resolutions, or any person claiming through or for the benefit of any such person or entity, in connection with any contract or other transaction where its performance was prevented by reason of the measures imposed by the present resolution, resolution 1737 (2006), resolution 1747 (2007) or resolution 1803 (2008);
36. Requests within 90 days a report from the Director General of the IAEA on whether Iran has established full and sustained suspension of all activities mentioned in resolution 1737 (2006), as well as on the process of Iranian compliance with all the steps required by the IAEA Board of Governors and with other provisions of resolution 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008), and of this resolution, to the IAEA Board of Governors and in parallel to the Security Council for its consideration;
37. Affirms that it shall review Iran's actions in light of the report referred to in paragraph 36 above, to be submitted within 90 days, and: (a) that it shall suspend the implementation of measures if and for so long as Iran suspends all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities, including research and development, as verified by the IAEA, to allow for negotiations in good faith in order to reach an early and mutually acceptable outcome; (b) that it shall terminate the measures specified in paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 12 of resolution 1737 (2006), as well as inparagraphs 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of resolution 1747 (2007), paragraphs 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 of resolution 1803 (2008), and in paragraphs 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 23 and 24 above, assoon as it determines, following receipt referred to in the paragraph above, that Iran has fully complied with its obligations under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council and met the requirements of the IAEA Board of Governors, as confirmed by the IAEA Board of Governors;
(c) that it shall, in the event that the report shows that Iran has not complied with resolutions1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and this resolution, adopt further appropriate measures under Article 41 of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations to persuade Iran to comply with these resolutions and the requirements of the IAEA, and underlines that further decisions will be required should such additional measures be necessary;
38. Decides to remain seized of the matter.
Individuals and Entities
IRGC Individuals and Entities
IRISL Entities
The Frasi has been simplified
اشاره دارد به نمونه هاي اخير ناديده گرفتن آژانس بين المللي انرژي اتمي و شوراي امنيت, منجمله از طريق احداث تاسيسات غني سازي اورانيوم در نزديکي قم و غني سازي اورانيوم تا سطح 20 درصد. همچنين اشاره دارد به نگراني هاي جدي در رابطه با فعاليت هاي تکثيري (تسليحات اتمي) توسط سپاه پاسداران انقلاب.
يادآوري مي کند ضرورت هوشياري کشورها نسبت به بانک هاي ايراني, از جمله بانک مرکزي ايران, بمنظور ممانعت از معاملاتي که به آن سري فعاليت هاي ايران ياري مي رسانند که از نظر فعاليت تکثيري اتمي داراي حساسيت مي باشند.
همچنين اشاره دارد به رابطه بالفعل بين درآمد حاصله از بخش انرژي ايران با تامين مالي فعاليت هاي احتمالي تکثيري اتمي.
اشاره دارد به اينکه برخي نمونه هاي تکنولوژيک در بخش انرژي منعکس کننده تکنولوژي مي باشند که در برخي فعاليت هاي حساس مربوط به چرخه سوخت (اتمي) مورد استفاده قرار مي گيرند.
متن اصلي قطعنامه
تکرار مي کند اين خواسته هميشگي را که ايران غني سازي اورانيوم و ساير فعاليت هاي ممنوعه اتمي را بايد متوقف سازد.
تکرار مي کند ضرورت اينکه ايران بطور کامل بايد با سازمان بين المللي انرژي اتمي همکاري نمايد.
-- ايران را موظف مي سازد که از قرارداد حفاظت هاي خود با سازمان بين المللي انرژي اتمي پيروي کند. اين قرارداد اجازه بازرسي هاي سرزده از فعاليت مشکوک اتمي را مجاز مي سازد.
ايران را موظف مي سازد که تاسيسات جديد غني سازي احداث نکند.
ايران را از سرمايه گذاري در فعاليت هاي حساس, از جمله استخراج اورانيوم از معدن, غني سازي يا فعاليت هاي مربوط به موشکهاي بالستيک منع مي کند. کشورها موظفند چنين سرمايه گذاري هايي را منع نمايند.
يک سري محدوديت هاي جديد در رابطه با تسليحات متعارف را اضافه مي کند. فروش هشت گونه از تسلحيات سنگين به ايران توسط کشورها ممنوع است: تانک هاي جنگي, خودروهاي زرهي جنگي, سيستم هاي توپخانه با گنجايش بالا, هواپيماهاي جنگنده, هليکوپترهاي جنگنده, ناو جنگي, موشک و يا سيستم هاي موشکي. آنها همچنين از ارائه کمک و آموزش در ارتباط با اين دسته از تسليحات منع مي شوند.
از کشورها دعوت مي شود که به هنگام ارائه هرگونه تسليحات به ايران هوشياري و احتياط به خرج دهند.
ايران را از دست زدن به هرگونه فعاليت در پهنه موشک هاي بالستيک قادر به حمل تسليحات اتمي منع مي سازد. ساير کشورها از ارائه هرگونه تکنولوژي يا کمک در زمينه موشک هاي بالستيک منع مي شوند.
ساير مواد پيش نويس قطعنامه
تعدادي از شرکت ها و اشخاص را که با سپاه پاسداران رابطه دارند مشمول انسداد اموال و احتمالا منع مسافرت مي کند. کشورهاي ديگر را فرا مي خواند تا نسبت به معاملاتي که سپاه در آنها مداخله دارد و مي توانند به فعاليت هاي تکثيري ياري رسانند هوشياري به خرج دهند.
يک چارچوب جامع و جديد براي بازرسي هاي داطلبانه محموله هم در بنادر و هم در دريا تدوين مي کند, چنانچه اطلاعات منطقي به اين شک راه ببرد که کشتي حامل محموله ممنوعه همانند تسليحات و يا کالاهاي حساس اتمي يا موشکي باشد.
کشورها را موظف مي کند که هرگونه کالاهاي ممنوعه کشف شده را مصادره و واگذار کنند, و همچنين آنها را از ارائه خدمات حياتي کمکي مانند سوختگيري کشتي هاي مظنون به حمل چنين محموله هاي ممنوعه اي منع مي سازد.
جهت محدود ساختن توانايي ايران براي فرار از تحريم, از کشورها خواسته مي شود که اطلاعات مربوط به گامهايي که خطوط کشتي راني جمهوري اسلامي ايران و بخش حمل هوايي ايران جهت ممانعت از تحريمات انجام مي دهند را ارائه دهند, منجمله تغيير نام کشتي ها (شيوه کاري که در گذشته مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است).
اقدامات مالي, تجاري و بانکي
اين اقدامات زماني اطلاق مي شوند که يک دولت اطلاعاتي در دست دارد که مبناي منطقي را براي اين باور ارائه بدهد که چنين تجارتي ممکن است به (فعاليت هاي) تکثيري اتمي ايران يا فرار آن از تحريمات خدمت کند.
از دولت ها دعوت مي شود که هرگونه معامله مالي, منجمله آن تعداد که مربوط به بيمه يا بيمه مجدد در حوزه تکثير مي شود را مسدود کنند.
دولت ها موظفند شهروندان خود را ملزم سازند که هنگام معامله تجاري با موجوديت هاي ايراني منجمله سپاه پاسداران و کشتي راني ايران چنانچه اين معاملات به امر تکثير خدمت رسانند هوشياري به خرج دهند.
از دولت ها درخواست مي شود که اجازه ندهند در قلمرو خود براي بانک هاي ايراني پروانه صادر شود چنانچه رابطه اي با فعاليت تکثيري و نيز رابطه بانکي مطابق وجود داشته باشد.
از دولت ها درخواست مي شود که به بانک هاي خود اجازه گشايش شعبه در ايران ندهند چنانچه رابطه اي با امر تکثير وجود داشته باشد.
موادي که قرار است اجرايي نمودن تحريمات (منجمله تحريمات قبلي) را تقويت کنند
يک هيئت متخصصين سازمان ملل تشکيل مي دهد تا به مورد اجرا گذاردن تحريمات را نظارت نموده و راهکارهايي براي تقويت امور اجرايي پيشنهاد نمايد.
تعهد به ديالوگ را تکرار مي کند.
اشاره دارد به يک بسته مشوق که از ژوئن 2008 همچنان بر روي ميز است.
همانند قطعنامه هاي سابق, مي گويد در صورتيکه ايران بطور کامل با آژانس بين المللي اتمي همکاري کند اين اقدامات متوقف يا لغو خواهند شد.
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