Human Rights Activists in Iran
On the night of Tuesday, March 1, 2011, security forces killed a trader after opening fire on him in the Sardasht border region.
According to reports, Fereidoun Ismail Zadeh, a Kurd carrier was killed in the Miravi region and a number of livestock who carried goods were also killed.
His body was reportedly buried in Mahabad where he lived.
A carrier is a local phrase used for those who carry goods from the border on their backs without any other facilities.
experts on Kurdistan affairs believe that because of the lack of economical programs, unemployment and poverty in the Kurdistan border regions, a large number of people are forced to carry goods and trade through the border to make a living.
On the night of Tuesday, March 1, 2011, security forces killed a trader after opening fire on him in the Sardasht border region.
According to reports, Fereidoun Ismail Zadeh, a Kurd carrier was killed in the Miravi region and a number of livestock who carried goods were also killed.
His body was reportedly buried in Mahabad where he lived.
A carrier is a local phrase used for those who carry goods from the border on their backs without any other facilities.
experts on Kurdistan affairs believe that because of the lack of economical programs, unemployment and poverty in the Kurdistan border regions, a large number of people are forced to carry goods and trade through the border to make a living.
کشته شدن يک کولبر در سردشت توسط نيروهاي انتظامي
شامگاه روز سهشنبه دهم اسفندماه بر اثر تيراندازي نيروهاي انتظامي در مناطق مرزي سردشت يک فرد کاسب کشته شد.
به گزارش زمانه، فريدون اسماعيلزاده شهروند کرد به علت شليک مستقيم نيروهاي انتظامي در منطقه مرزي "ميراوي" جان خود را از دست داد و در اين رويداد شماري از احشام بارکش نيز کشته شدند.
گفته ميشود جسد اين شهروند در شهر مهاباد محل سکونت وي به خاک سپرده شده است.
"کولبر" اصطلاحي محلي است و در واقع به کساني گفته ميشود که حمل و نقل کالا از مرزها را با استفاده از "کول" خود و بدون هرگونه وسيله اي انجام ميدهند.
کارشناسان مسائل کردستان بر اين باورند، در مناطق مرزي کردستان به علت نبود برنامههاي توسعه اقتصادي، بيکاري و فقر، شمار زيادي از شهروندان به منظور امرار معاش به حمل کالاها و داد و ستدهاي مرزي روي ميآورند. (هرانا – 11/12/
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