Fars state-run News Agency
Morteza Nourbakhsh, the head of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Student Selection Organization said in a speech in Kurdistan University, “Students with sham religions and those who are part of the unofficial minorities in the country have no right to study at universities and if a they are studying at university, their files have to be sent to the Central Committee of the Student Selection Organization for a qualification check”.
Morteza Nourbakhsh, the head of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Student Selection Organization said in a speech in Kurdistan University, “Students with sham religions and those who are part of the unofficial minorities in the country have no right to study at universities and if a they are studying at university, their files have to be sent to the Central Committee of the Student Selection Organization for a qualification check”.
دانشجويان اديان ساختگي حق تحصيل ندارند
به گزارش خبرنگار حوزه دانشگاه خبرگزاري فارس، مرتضي نوربخش, رئيس دبيرخانه هيئت مركزي گزينش دانشجو, در سي و نهمين نشست معاونان آموزشي دانشگاههاي كشور كه در دانشگاه كردستان برگزار شد، گفت: دانشجويان اديان ساختگي و اقليتهاي غير رسمي كشور حق تحصيل در دانشگاهها را ندارند و اگر در دانشگاهي تحصيل ميكنند بايد براي تأييد صلاحيت به هيئت مركزي گزينش دانشجو فرستاده شوند. (خبرگزاري فارس – 29/3/89)
...so trying to take over God in deciding what is a sham religion and classifying certain groups as unofficial minorities? more than this why not go one step further and try and stop the rain falling upon them and the sun shining upon them? huh?
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