Rooz Website
The fourth court session for Saied Malek Pour will be held on October 26. His wife said that Judge Moqiseh has told Saied’s lawyer that he will receive the death sentence. Saied Malek Pour was a resident of Canada and was arrested in October 2008 when he came to Iran for links to the so called ‘Mozelin 2’ case related to internet crimes.
Gerdab Website which is run by the Revolutionary Guards Corps charged Malek Pour with being a member of several ‘corrupt internet networks’ and then named him as the head of some of the largest immoral, anti-religion and anti-security websites.
Malek Pour wrote a letter a while ago detailing the torture he was subjected to and how he was forced to confess and announced that he was forced to make confessions against himself under torture. Two years after his arrest, his wife Mrs. Eftekhari says that “Saied has been charged with being corrupt on earth”.
“Two weeks ago Judge Moqiseh told his lawyer that he would be sentenced to death. This shows that the sentence has been issued from before without Saied having the opportunity to defend himself”, she added
The fourth court session for Saied Malek Pour will be held on October 26. His wife said that Judge Moqiseh has told Saied’s lawyer that he will receive the death sentence. Saied Malek Pour was a resident of Canada and was arrested in October 2008 when he came to Iran for links to the so called ‘Mozelin 2’ case related to internet crimes.
Gerdab Website which is run by the Revolutionary Guards Corps charged Malek Pour with being a member of several ‘corrupt internet networks’ and then named him as the head of some of the largest immoral, anti-religion and anti-security websites.
Malek Pour wrote a letter a while ago detailing the torture he was subjected to and how he was forced to confess and announced that he was forced to make confessions against himself under torture. Two years after his arrest, his wife Mrs. Eftekhari says that “Saied has been charged with being corrupt on earth”.
“Two weeks ago Judge Moqiseh told his lawyer that he would be sentenced to death. This shows that the sentence has been issued from before without Saied having the opportunity to defend himself”, she added
صدور حکم اعدام پيش از رفتن به دادگاه
چهارمين جلسه دادگاه سعيد ملک پور در حالي چهارم آبان ماه برگزار خواهد شد که همسرش به "روز" ميگويد: قاضي مقيسه به وکيل سعيد گفته حکم او اعدام است.سعيد ملک پور، فارغ التحصيل رشته مهندسي متالورژي دانشگاه صنعتي شريف و ساکن کشور کانادا بود که مهرماه 87 پس از ورود به ايران و در ارتباط با پرونده موسوم به "مضلين ۲" مربوط به جرايم اينترنتي بازداشت شد.
سايت گرداب، متعلق به سپاه پاسداران، ملک پور را متهم به عضويت در چندين "شبکه فساد اينترنتي" کرد و سپس از او به عنوان مدير بزرگترين سايت هاي مستهجن، ضد دين و ضد امنيت نام برده شد.
ملک پور پيشتر با انتشار نامه اي، شرح شکنجه ها و نحوه اخذ اعترافات ازخود را مفصل شرح داده واعلام کرده بود که زير شکنجه وادار به اعتراف عليه خود شده است. اکنون در حالي که بيش از دو سال از بازداشت سعيد ملک پور مي گذرد خانم افتخاري، همسر اين زنداني به "روز" ميگويد: سعيد را متهم کرده اند که مفسد في الارض است و دو هفته پيش قاضي مقيسه به وکيل سعيد گفته حکم او اعدام است؛همين نشان ميدهد که حکم از قبل صادر شده است بدون اينکه سعيد امکان دفاع از خود را بيابد. (سايت روز – 27/7/89)
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