Committee of Human Rights Reporters
Reza Shahabi, a member of the Union of Workers of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company who was arrested on June 12 is still kept in an undetermined state and despite a payment of 60 million tomans (60,000 dollars) by his family as bail for his release, he had still not been released.
His wife Robabeh Rezayi stressed on the ‘undetermined state’ of his case and said that he had been charged with ‘having contacts with foreigners’ by judiciary interrogators. Shahabi’s interrogator said in a visit with his wife that he had not cooperated with his ‘interrogator’ and ‘judiciary system’ and will not be released until he does
Reza Shahabi, a member of the Union of Workers of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company who was arrested on June 12 is still kept in an undetermined state and despite a payment of 60 million tomans (60,000 dollars) by his family as bail for his release, he had still not been released.
His wife Robabeh Rezayi stressed on the ‘undetermined state’ of his case and said that he had been charged with ‘having contacts with foreigners’ by judiciary interrogators. Shahabi’s interrogator said in a visit with his wife that he had not cooperated with his ‘interrogator’ and ‘judiciary system’ and will not be released until he does
ادامه بلاتکليفي عضو هيئت مديره سنديکاي شرکت واحد
رضا شهابي، از اعضاي هيئت مديره سنديکاي کارگران شرکت واحد که ۲۲ خرداد امسال بازداشت شد، همچنان در بلاتکليفي به سر ميبرد و با وجود تامين وثيقه ۶۰ ميليون توماني از سوي خانواده، هنوز آزاد نشده است.
به گزارش مردمک،ربابه رضايي، همسر آقاي شهابي با تاکيد بر «وضعيت بلاتکليف» پرونده اين فعال کارگري، اتهام اعلام شده از سوي بازجو و دستگاه قضائي را «ارتباط با بيگانگان» اعلام کرد.بازجوي آقاي شهابي در ديدار با همسر اين فعال کارگري گفته است که او با «بازجو» و «دستگاه قضائي» همکاري نکرده است و تا زماني که به اين وضعيت ادامه دهد، آزاد نخواهد شد. (رهانا- 26/7/89)
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