Political prisoner sentenced to 25 years of prison

Human Rights Activists in Iran :
Vahid Nabi Zadeh, a resident of Salmas was sentenced to 25 years of prison.
According to reports, this 28 year old man from the Gol Adam Village in Salmas was arrested in 2006 by agents of the Intelligence Agency in Salmas on charges of cooperating with a Kurd party and was temporarily released on a heavy bail. He was later cleared of the charges in court.
In 2008 while he was working as a taxi driver using his own car in the road between the Seh Rah and Hilran Village, he was accidently caught in the middle of a clash between Revolutionary Guards Forces and the Pejak organization which led to the death of a RGC official. After he left the scene, his car broke down and he was forced to leave his car by the road close to the scene of the clash and left the scene of the clash on foot. After a few days, security forces arrested his father and brother and he was forced to turn himself in because of pressure and torture of his family.
His father and brother were released after he turned himself in. He was transferred to the Salmas Prison after four months of detention in the Intelligence Agency in this town and was sentenced to death in a trial. Because he was previously cleared of the charges, his sentence was lowered to 25 years of prison. He was transferred to Zanjan Prison about one and a half years ago and is serving his prison term there…
When the news of his death sentence was announced to his family, his father suffered a brain stroke and is currently crippled and in critical condition.

هرانا؛ حكم سنگين يكي از زندانيان سياسي كرد محبوس در زندان زنجان

وحيد نبي زاده شهروند سلماسي بر اساس حکم دستگاه قضايي به 25 سال زندان محکوم شد.

به گزارش هرانا، ارگان خبري مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران وحيد نبي زاده 28 ساله فرزند زبير اهل روستاي گل ادم از توابع شهرستان سلماس در سال 1385 توسط عوامل وزارت اطلاعات شهرستان سلماس به اتهام همكاري با يكي از احزاب كردي بازداشت و بعد از 2 ماه با قيد وثيقه سنگين بصورت موقت ازاد و در دادگاه تبرئه مي شود.

وي در سال 1387 با خودروي شخصي خود بصورت اژانس مشغول به كار بوده در جاده بين روستايي سه راه روستاي هبلران بصورت اتفاقي با درگيري نيروهاي سپاه و پژاك مواجه مي شود كه اين درگيري منجر به كشته شدن يكي از نيروهاي سپاه مي شود بر اين اساس بعد از دور شدن از محل حادثه خودروي ايشان با مشكل فني روبرو شده و مجبور به رها كردن خودرو در كنار جاده نزديك به محل درگيري حادثه شده و خودش از محل واقعه متواري ميشود. بعد از چند روز پدر و برادرش توسط نيروهاي امنيتي بازداشت و بر اثر فشار و شكنجه بر خانواده وي مجبور به معرفي خود ميشود.

بعد از معرفي پدر و برادرش ازاد و نامبرده بعد از 4 ماه بازداشت در وزارت اطلاعات اين شهرستان به زندان سلماس منتقل گرديده و بعد از دادگاهي و حكم صادره به اعدام محكوم گرديد بر اساس سابقه قبلي و تبرئه شدن اين حكم به 25 سال زندان قطعي كاهش يافت. نامبرده حدود يك و نيم سال پيش به زندان زنجان تبعيد و دوران محكوميت خود را در انجا مي گذراند...

همزمان با خبر حکم اعدام به خانواده وي، پدرش دچار سكته مغزي شده و هم اكنون فلج و طي اين مدت در وضعيت وخيم جسمي قرار دارد. (هرانا – 27/2/90)


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