Iran Press News Website:
Excerpts of writings of journalist and blogger Saied Pour Heidar: A friend of mine told me in cellblock 350 (in Evin Prison) that he was subjected to a mock execution two times.
Mock executions are carried out before sunrise when (prison guards) go to the solitary cell of the prisoner and tell him that unfortunately, his death sentence has been issued. The prisoner is taken with blindfolds and shackles to the prison yard in cellblock 2A. A stool is placed under his feet, the noose is placed around his neck and he is asked to say his last words or state his will before death.
This friend of mine said that the first time, he was kept standing on the stool for 30 minutes with the noose around his neck and the interrogator would say that they were waiting for the prison warden, court supervisor and the coroner to carry out the sentence. After 30 minutes, he was told that because the warden was not able to come and the fact that his sentence had to be carried out before sunrise, his execution was postponed to a few days later.
One cannot understand the mental condition of this political prisoner in those 30 minutes when the noose was around his neck while he was standing blindfolded on the stool and the four days before the mock execution was to be carried out again.
Four days later, he was once again taken to the yard of 2A and the noose was placed around his neck while standing on the stool of death. The death sentence was read out and he uttered his last words and will. The stool was pulled out from under his legs but the rope was too long and he fell to the ground. The interrogators burst into laughter and looked down at him telling him he was lucky that the rope tore.
“You have to go back to your cell until the new date for your execution is set”, he was told.

اعدام مصنوعي در زندانهاي رژيم

بخشي از يادداشت تکان دهنده سعيد پورحيدر، روزنامه نگار و وبلاگ نويس: دوستي در بند ۳۵۰ تعريف مي کرد که دو بار اعدام مصنوعي روي او انجام شده است . روالش اينگونه است که قبل از طلوع آفتاب به سلول انفرادي زنداني مراجعه مي کنند و با ابراز تاسف از اينکه حکم اعدامش صادر شده او را با چشم بند و پابند به حياط بند دو.الف مي برند . چهار پايه زير پايش مي گذارند ، طناب به گردنش مي اندازند و از او مي خواهند آخرين حرفش را و يا اگر وصيتي دارد را بگويد .

اين دوست تعريف مي کرد که بار اول مدت سي دقيقه طناب دار به گردن با چشم بند روي چهارپايه ايستاده بود ، بازجويش مي گفت منتظريم که رييس زندان و ناظر دادگاه و پزشک پزشکي قانوني هم بيايد که حکم را اجرا کنيم . بعد از نيم ساعت به او اعلام مي کنند که چون رييس زندان نتوانست خودش را برساند و حکم بايد حتما قبل از طلوع آفتاب انجام شود اجراي حکمت به چند روز بعد موکول مي شود .

قطعا هيچ کس نمي تواند حال و روز روحي و رواني اين زنداني سياسي را در آن سي دقيقه که طناب دار به گردن با چشم بند روي چهارپايه ايستاده بود را درک کند و همچنين چهار روز بعدي تا اجراي دوباره اين نمايش را .

چهار روز بعد دوباره او را صبح از خواب بيدار مي کنند ، به محوطه بند دو.الف مي برند ، طناب به گردنش مي اندازند و مي ايستد روي چهار پايه مرگ . حکم اعدامش قرائت مي شود ، آخرين حرف و وصيتش را مي گويد ، چهارپايه از زير پايش مي کشند اما طناب دار آنقدر بلند است که به زمين مي خورد و بازجويانش هر هر کنان از ته دل قهقه مي زنند بالاي سرش و مي گويند شانس آوردي طناب پاره شد . بايد برگردي سلولت تا ببينيم چه روزي بايد اعدام شوي . (ايران پرس نيوز-25/2/90)


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