Committee of Human Rights Reporters
Qavamoddin Sabetian, a Baha’i man in Sari was arrested today by agents of the Intelligence Agency in his home.
Before this, on June 9, 2010, his home was searched by intelligence agents who first introduced themselves as employees of the Estates Department, and his Baha’i books, CDs, pictures and personal belonging including his computer were confiscated.
In light of the recent actions against activists fighting for the right to education of (Baha’is) in Sari, it seems that the arrest of Sabetian is because of his cooperation in the activities of those who have been banned from education
Qavamoddin Sabetian, a Baha’i man in Sari was arrested today by agents of the Intelligence Agency in his home.
Before this, on June 9, 2010, his home was searched by intelligence agents who first introduced themselves as employees of the Estates Department, and his Baha’i books, CDs, pictures and personal belonging including his computer were confiscated.
In light of the recent actions against activists fighting for the right to education of (Baha’is) in Sari, it seems that the arrest of Sabetian is because of his cooperation in the activities of those who have been banned from education
يک شهروند بهايي ساکن ساري بازداشت شد
قوام الدين ثابتيان از شهروندان بهايي شهر ساري امروز با ورود مامورين وزارت اطلاعات به منزلش در ساري بازداشت شد.
به گزارش کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر، پيش از اين نيز در ١۹خرداد ١٣٨٩، منزل آقاي قوام الدّين ثابتيان اهل ساري (استان مازندران) توسط مامورين وزارت اطلاعات که ابتدا خود را از ادارۀ دارايي معرفي کرده بودند، بازرسي و کتاب هاي بهائي، سي دي ها و عکس ها به همراه وسايل شخصي از جمله کامپيوتر وي ضبط شده بود.
با توجه به برخوردهاي اخير با فعالين حق تحصيل در ساري به نظر مي رسد که بازداشت آقاي ثابتيان در اين شهر به علت همراهي ايشان در فعاليت هاي محرومين از تحصيل بوده است. (کميته گزارشگران حقوق بشر – 27/4/89)
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