The eye retribution sentence for a man who had splashed acid on the face of another man and blinded him was confirmed but it was stressed that the sentence should be implemented without the use of acid.
This is the first sentence for an acid case that was changed to blinding of the eye because the criminal might be injured when acid is inserted into his eyes…
In addition to this, the convict had also been sentenced to the burning of one fourth of his ear with acid but the Supreme Court announced that this part of the sentence should also be carried out without acid and that that part of his ear should be cut off instead.
صدور يک حکم غيرانساني ديگر کور کردن چشم
حكم قصاص چشم مردي كه با پاشيدن اسيد روي صورت مردي ديگر او را كور كرده است تاييد، اما تاكيد شد اين حكم بايد بدون استفاده از اسيد اجرا شود.
به گزارش خبرنگار ما، اين اولين حكم اسيدپاشي است كه به دليل وارد آمدن آسيب به مجرم حين اجراي حكم از پاشيدن اسيد به داخل چشم به كور كردن فرد تغيير كرده است...
علاوه بر اين متهم به قصاص يكچهارم لاله گوش با اسيد محكوم شده بود كه ديوانعالي اعلام كرد اين بخش از حكم نيز بايد بدون اسيد اجرا و در واقع آن بخش از گوش بريده شود. (روزنامه شرق – 4/4/90)
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