Behrouz Javid Tehrani: MORE torture, Campaign to save him

Resistant political prisoner under continuous torture and pressure

According to reports, political prisoner Behrouz Javid Tehrani was given the choice of being kept with professional killers or staying in a solitary cell in section 1 of Gohardasht Prison known as the Doghouse where he is violently tortured.
Tehrani refused both options presented to him by prison officials Kermani, Faraji and Akharian with the intent of physically eliminating him.
Kermani, the head of the Protection and Intelligence Department and Hassan Akharian the head of section 1 extended his time in solitary in the doghouse. This is while he was told before this that he would be kept in solitary for 20 days and his term ended on Sunday (March 28).
Before this, Kermani and Faraji the head and assistant head of the prison's Protection and Intelligence Department and Hasan Akharian, the head of section 1 had subjected Behrouz Javid Tehrani to psychological and physical pressure telling him to deny all the reports about the medieval conditions of Gohardasht Prison and announce them as false. Akharian especially stressed that he deny that section 1 was temporary freed and controlled by prisoners on February 10 and that Hassan Akharian was beaten by prisoners and ran away after his clothes were taken off by prisoners. He was told that if he did not deny these reports, he would be kept in the Doghouse until he ceased to exist.

There is a campaign underway to save Behrouz Javid Tehrani. You can find more information regarding this campaign on The website is in Farsi, for all of those who cannot read farsi the campaign is to support Behrouz Tehrani and to voice our concerns about the way he is being treated in prison.

Release Behrooz Javid Tehrani PETITION

Petition in Farsi
Please sign both !

A signature can do a lot!!What is the cost for us to sign while we enjoy our FREEDOMS out of Iran?


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