A prisoner of conscience in Evin Prison is suffering from several ailments and has to receive medical tests in a hospital outside of prison.
According to reports, Ayatollah Borujerdi who has been suffering from headaches, dizzy spells, nausea, impaired vision and numbness in his hands and legs and has to transferred to a hospital outside prison to receive a MRI.
The Evin Prison medic has said that without a MRI, he cannot diagnose his illness and because Borujerdi is also suffering from unsteadiness and lack of balance and has fallen down several times, the doctor has warned that he may be suffering from a brain illness.
A prisoner of conscience in Evin Prison is suffering from several ailments and has to receive medical tests in a hospital outside of prison.
According to reports, Ayatollah Borujerdi who has been suffering from headaches, dizzy spells, nausea, impaired vision and numbness in his hands and legs and has to transferred to a hospital outside prison to receive a MRI.
The Evin Prison medic has said that without a MRI, he cannot diagnose his illness and because Borujerdi is also suffering from unsteadiness and lack of balance and has fallen down several times, the doctor has warned that he may be suffering from a brain illness.
تشديد بيماري هاي آيت الله بروجردي در زندان
يک زنداني عقيدتي محبوس در زندان اوين که دچار بيماري هاي مختلفي شده است، مي بايست در خارج از زندان تحت آزمايشات تخصصي پزشکي قرار گيرد.
بنابه اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، آيت الله بروجردي که در روز هاي اخير دچار سردرد، سرگيجه، حالت تهوع، اختلالات بينائي و بي حسي در دست و پا شده و موفق به معاينه پزشکي در بهداري زندان شده است مي بايست براي آزمايش "MRI" به بيمارستان مجهز در خارج از زندان منتقل شود.
پزشک زندان اوين بدون انجام آزمايش فوق تشخيص بيماري را غير ممکن دانسته و با توجه به عدم تعادل جسمي و زمين خوردن هاي متوالي وي خطر وجود بيماري مغزي را به وي گوش زد نموده است. (هرانا – 22/6/89)
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