Sunni Muslims banned from holding prayer ceremon


According to reports from Tehran and other cities in Iran, security forces have prevented Sunni Muslims from holding their Eid Fetr (a celebration at the end of the month of Ramadan which marks the end of fasting) prayers and Friday prayers. There were clashes between security forces and the Shiite heads of the Abuzar Mosque in Tehran in support of Sunni Muslims. This mosque was made ready for the Eid Fetr Prayer ceremony of Sunni Muslims with the agreement of the head of Friday Prayers at this mosque. In the end, this mosque was the only place among several other locations in which Sunni Muslims were able to hold their Eid praying ceremony.
Sunni Online website which is affiliated with the Maki Mosque in Zahedan quoted credible sources and said that ‘security police in this town went to the homes of Sunni Muslims in which the Eid Prayers were to be held and threatened them. They were forced to pledge not to hold the prayers in their home and told that they had to pray behind the leader’.
This website said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs was behind these measures

تشديد فشارهاي مذهبي بر اهل سنت ايران
بنا بر گزارشهاي رسيده از تهران و چند شهر بزرگ کشور ، نيروهاي انتظامي و امنيتي از برگزاري نمازهاي عيد و جمعه اهل سنت جلوگيري کرده اند . در مسجد ابوذر تهران که با موافقت امام جمعه اين مسجد براي برگزاري نماز عيد نمازگزاران اهل سنت مهيا شده بود درگيريهايي بين نيرهاي انتظامي و مقتديان شيعه اين مسجد به هواداري از نمازگزاران اهل سنت انجام شد و در نهايت اين مسجد در تهران تنها جايي بود که از بين مکانهاي متعدد نماز عيد اهل سنت در آن برگزار شد.
پايگاه اطلاع‌رساني سني آنلاين وابسته به مسجد مکي و حوزه علميه دارالعلوم زاهدان در اين رابطه به نقل از منابع موثق خود نوشت : « پليس امنيتي اين شهر با مراجعه به منازلي که اهل سنت در آن منازل نماز عيد را برگزار مي‏کنند، با فشار و تهديد از آنها تعهد ‏مي‏گيرد که حق برگزاري نماز عيد را نداشته و بايد نماز را پشت سر مقام رهبري ادا نمايند. »
اين سايت وزارت کشور را در پشت اين قضيه قرار مي‌داند. (هرانا – 22/6/89)


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