State-run website -The Revolutionary and Public Prosecutor of Masjed Soleiman [in Khuzestan Province] announced that the flogging sentence for a thief was carried out in public.
According to ISNA [Islamic Student News Agency], Mohammad Moein said, “To increase the effect of punishments and prevent crime, the flogging sentence for A.M was carried out in the She Rahe Posht region on charges of numerous robberies. (Jame Jam Online state-run website, ISNA state-run news agency – Jun. 18, 2011)
Iran carries out degrading punishment for young detainees
State-run daily -The police paraded three troublemakers in the town of Kermanshah in line with the implementation of the social security plan.
According to reports, these convicts were arrested some time ago by the police on charges of troublemaking…
Two of the convicts identified as Omid and Hamidreza were paraded around in neighborhoods in which they had obstructed streets, created terror for citizens and vandalized public and personal property. The other suspect identified as Saeed who was a well-known troublemaker and had caused disturbances for citizens was paraded in the streets of Kermanshah. (ISNA state-run news agency – Jun. 20, 2011)
Political prisoner beaten in prison infirmary
Political prisoner Ali Ajami was beaten today in the prison infirmary by the Assistant Head of the Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj for an unknown reason.
According to reports, this student who went to the infirmary to receive treatment was severely beaten by Khadem, who is a prison official.
After he returned to Hall 12 in Cellblock 4, other prisoners who saw the signs of beatings on his body refused their food rations in protest to the beatings. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Jun. 22, 2011)
Two Kurd dissidents in danger of death in Sanandaj Intelligence Detention Center
Following clashes in the past few weeks in Kurdistan among Kurd fighters and Iranian security forces two Kurd fighters were killed while two others were injured. These two men identified as Shuresh Razayi and Fardin Faraji who were severely wounded were arrested by Revolutionary Guards Corps forces.
According to the latest reports, they were severely beaten upon their arrest despite heavy wounds and bleeding. They have so far not been taken to hospital and are under torture in the Intelligence Detention center in Sanandaj and are in very critical condition. These two men might die at any moment in this detention center.
The Ministry of Intelligence and RGC have been known in the past to kill wounded Kurd fighters under torture. (Campaign in Defense of Political and Civil Rights Prisoners – Jun. 22, 2011)
14 dervishes beaten in Iran for demonstrating
The flogging sentence for 14 Neimatollahi Dervishes in Bidokht who were arrested and charged last June for protesting outside of the Gonabad Judiciary and Prison was carried out…
These 14 Dervishes were charged with disrupting public security by assembling outside of the Judiciary and prison in the town of Gonabad and were each sentenced to 25 lashes and 91 days of suspended prison. Their sentences were upheld in a court of review. (Majzoubian Nour website – Jun. 24, 2011)
Pictures of degrading punishment of so-called troublemaker in Tehran
The Tehran State Security Forces in district 15 in the Moshirieh Township paraded a young man in public on charges of ‘troublemaking’ during the implementation of the Social Security Plan in this township to degrade him and threaten others.
These images show the shackled young man being paraded in town. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jun. 24, 2011)
اعمال ضد بشري و مجازاتهاي بيرحمانه
قطع عضو, شلاق, شكنجه, تحقير و توهين
دادستان مسجدسليمان خبر داد:اجراي حكم شلاق سارق سابقهدار
دادستان عمومي و انقلاب شهرستان مسجدسليمان از اجراي حکم شلاق يک سارق سابقه دار در ملاء عام خبر داد.
به گزارش ايسنا، محمد معيني در اين زمينه اظهار كرد: به منظور افزايش تاثير مجازاتها در بازدارندگي جرايم، حکم شلاق در خصوص محکومعليه با هويت «ع.م» به ارتکاب سرقت هاي متعدد، در منطقه سهراه پشت برج به مرحله اجرا درآمد.
بر اساس اعلام روابط عمومي دادگستري استان خوزستان، به گفته دادستان مسجدسليمان اين حکم با رعايت شرايط و تدابير امنيتي اجرا شد. (جام جم آنلاين – 28/3/90 )
اقدامي غيرانساني؛ سه جوان در خيابان چرخانده شدند
Picture from archive- Young men humiliated and paraded in public in inhumane fashion |
ضرب و شتم علي عجمي، دانشجوي در بند
به گزارش فعالين حقوق بشر و دموکراسي، اين دانشجوي طيف چپ که جهت درمان بيماري خود به بهداري زندان مراجعه کرده بود از سوي «خادم» معاون زندان مورد ضرب شتم شديد قرار گرفته است.
در پي بازگشت وي به بند ۴ سالن ۱۲، ساير زندانيان با مشاهده آثار ضرب و شتم، در اعتراض به اين موضوع از گرفتن جيره غذايي خودداري کردند. (فعالين حقوق بشر و دموکراسي در ايران– 1/4/90)
احتمال مرگ دو زخمي بازادشتي در شکنجه گاه اطلاعات سنندج
در پي درگيريهاي چند هفته گذشته در مناطق کردستان ميان پيشمرگان احزاب کرد و نيروهاي رژيم که منجر به کشته شدن دو تن از پيشمرگان و زخمي شدن دو تن ديگر از اعضاي اين تيم پشمرگان ، به نامهاي شورش رزايي و فردين فرجي که به شدت زخمي شده بودند به دست نيروهاي سپاه پاسداران افتادند.
بنا به آخرين گزارش اعضاي کمپين دفاع از زندانيان سياسي و مدني ، اين دو عضو احزاب در حالي که زخمي و دچار خون ريزي شديد شده بودند در هنگام دستگيري مورد ضرب و شتم سنگين اين نيروهاي سپاه پاسدارن قرار مي گيرند و بنا به گزارشي موثقي تاکنون اين دو نفر به هيچ بيمارستاني منتقل نشده اند و بنا به گزارشاتي هم اکنون در شکنجه گاه اطلاعات شهر سنندج در وضعيت وخيم جسمي قرار دارند. و امکان مرگ و جان باختن اين دو فعال سياسي هر لحظه وجود دارد.
از طرفي ديگر سابقه عمل کرد تاريخي وزارت اطلاعات و سپاه پاسدارن در کردستان و بر خورد با پيشمرگاني که زخمي به دست آنها افتاده اند نشان داده است که اين افراد زخمي اغلب زير شنکنجه و يا خون ريزي شديد جان خود را از داده اند. (کمپين دفاع از زندانيان سياسي و مدني – 1/4/90)
اجراي حکم شلاق 14 تن از دراويش شهرستان بيدخت
حکم شلاق 14 تن از دراويش سلسله نعمت اللهي گنابادي ساکن بيدخت که تير ماه سال گذشته در جريان اعتراض و تجمع مقابل دادگستري و زندان شهرستان گناباد دستگير و مجرم شناخته شده بودند به اجرا در آمد...
گزارش تصويري از تحقير يک بازداشتي در شهرک مشيريه
نيروي انتظامي تهران در منطقه ۱۵ – شهرک مشيريه در پي اجراي طرح امنيت اجتماعي يک جوان را به اتهام شرارت بازداشت و در سطح شهرک مذکور جهت تحقير وي و تهديد سايرين به نمايش عمومي گذاشت.
گزارش تصويري گرداندن اين جوان با دست بند و پا بند را در زير مشاهده کنيد. (هرانا- 3/4/90)
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