Political prisoner fired from job after release from prison

Human Rights Activists in Iran :
Ashkan Yazdchi was fired from his job after his sentence was upheld by the Tehran Court of Review.
According to reports, he was arrested during the protests on December 27, 2009 and was sentenced to 3 years of prison and a permanent ban on working for the government by Judge Salavati. A court of review then lowered his sentence to five years of suspended prison and a permanent ban on working for the government.
After this sentence was issued, he was fired from his job at a company affiliated with the Tehran Municipality.

اخراج اشکان يزدچي از بازداشت شدگان وقايع ۶ دي از محل کار

اشکان يزدچي در پي تائيد محکوميتش از سوي دادگاه تجديد نظر استان تهران بر اساس حکم صادره از محل کار خود اخراج شد.

بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، وي که از بازداشت شدگان وقايع ششم دي ماه سال ۸۸ (عاشورا) است، پيش‌تر از سوي قاضي صلواتي به سه سال حبس تعزيري و محروميت دائمي از شغل دولتي محکوم شده بود از سوي دادگاه تجديد نظر به پنج سال حبس تعليقي و محروميت دائمي از داشتن شغل دولتي محکوم شد.

در پي اجراي حکم صادره وي که در يک شرکت وابسته به شهرداري تهران مشغول به کار بود به دستور نهادهاي امنيتي از محل کار خود اخراج شد. (هرانا – 7/4/90)


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