Iran arrests mother after a visit with jailed 19-year-old son

Human Rights Activists in Iran

The mother of Arman Reza Khani, a jailed 19-year-old genius, was arrested after visiting her son in prison and was taken to an unknown location.
According to reports, Mrs. Reza Khani who was barred from visiting her son for 6 months was allowed to see him in person after he was transferred to cellblock 350 in Evin Prison and was detained for unknown reasons after her visit this morning.
This is the second time that members of a family are arrested after having in person visits with their jailed family members. Before this one of the family members of political prisoner Kiarash Kamrani was arrested and detained in cellblock 350 after a visit with him.
Arman Reza Khani is a student protester who has been detained in cellblocks 2A, 7 and 350 in Evin Prison from November 2009. He was in solitary for a few months and was forced to make fabricated confessions after false promises that he would be released and his family would not be harassed.
A short trial was held for him on the basis of his confessions in the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court on April 2010. He was sentenced to 2 years of prison for insulting the leader, one year of prison for insulting the government and a fine for insulting the president.
He is currently in poor health in prison. He has severe weight loss and like many other prisoners constantly coughs, a sign of a chronic illness which prison officials take no heed of and proper treatment is not given to prisoners.

مادر نخبه 19 ساله ، آرمان رضاخاني بعد از ملاقات حضوري دستگير شد
مادر آرمان رضا خاني نوخبه 19 ساله پس از ملاقات با فرزندش بازداشت و به مکان نامعلومي منتقل شد
بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، خانم رضا خاني که به مدت شش ماه از ملاقات با فرزندش محروم بوده است پس از انتقال آرمان رضاخاني به بند 350 موفق به دريافت اجازه ملاقات حضوري از دادستان تهران شده بود صبح امروز پس از ملاقات با فرزندش به دليل نامعلومي بازداشت شد.
اين دومين بار است که اعضاي يک خانواده را پس از ملاقات حضوري دستگير مي شود، پيشتر يکي از اعضاي خانواده کيارش کامراني بازداشت و روانه بند 350 شده بود.
آرمان رضاخاني دانشجوي نخبه و از شهروندان معترضي است كه از آذر 1388 تا به حال در بند هاي 2 الف، اندرزگاه هفت و بند امنيتي 350 در اوين بسر مي برد او همچنين مدت چند ماه را در انفرادي گذرانده و در برابر وعده دروغين آزادي و عدم آزار خانواده مجبور به اعترافات دروغين شده است.
بر اساس همين اعترافات درشعبه 28 دادگاه بدوي در ارديبهشت 1389 كه به مدت كوتاهي برگزار شد؛ براي توهين به رهبري 2سال –توهين به نظام 1 سال و توهين به رئيس جمهور 100هزارتومان محكوم شده است .
ضاخاني در حال حاضر از وضعيت جسماني خوبي برخوردار نيست . او به شدت کاهش وزن داشته است و مانند بسياري از زندانيان ديگر سرفه هاي خشك و ممتد مي كند كه نشان از بيماري مزمني است كه مسئولين زندان اوين به اين علامت ها بي توجه بوده و هيچ درمان مناسبي را انجام نمي دهند . (هرانا – 7/4/89)


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