Rooz Online

Osalu with family (his daughter in law is second from the left next to his son)The family of Mansour Osalu demanded that the arrest and beating of their young daughter in law be legally looked into. Mrs. Osalu announced this and said, “My daughter in law was two months pregnant and we were totally unaware of this issue. She had severe bleeding because of the attack and when we looked into this issue, we realized that she was two months pregnant and unfortunately, she lost the baby”.

Mansour Osalu is the head of the Union of Workers of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company and is one of the most well known labor activists in Iran who has been sentenced to 5 years of prison on security charges. Now, while Osalu has served four years of his prison term, his young daughter in law was arrested and beaten in an unknown location according to her family and after being threatened not to disclose this issue, was dumped under the Seyed Khandan Bridge

Osalu with family (his daughter in law is second from the left next to his son)همسر منصور اسانلو : براثر حمله ماموران، عروسم فرزندش را سقط کرد
خانواده منصور اسانلو، خواستار پي گيري قانوني بازداشت و ضرب و شتم عروس جوان اين خانواده شدند. خانم اسانلو، در مصاحبه با روز ضمن اعلام اين خبرهمچنين گفت: عروس من دو ماهه باردار بود و ما اين قضيه کاملا بي اطلاع بوديم.او در اثر اين حمله به شدت دچار خونريزي شده و وقتي پي گيري کرديم متوجه شديم دو ماهه باردار بوده و جنين متاسفانه سقط شد.
منصور اسانلو، رئيس هيات مديره سنديكاي کارگران شركت واحد اتوبرسراني ايران و از سرشناس ترين فعالان کارگري ايران است که با اتهاماتي امنيتي به تحمل 5 سال حبس تعزيري محکوم شده است.
اکنون و در حاليکه آقاي اسانلو، چهارمين سال زندان خود را پشت سر مي گذارد، عروس جوان او براساس اعلام خانواده اش، بازداشت و در مکاني نامعلوم مورد ضرب و شتم قرار گرفته و پس از تهديد براي عدم افشاي اين قضيه، در پل سيد خندان رها شده است. (روز آنلاين – 6/4/89)


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